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    辽宁省大连市中山区2020-2021学年八年级(上)期末英语试卷 解析版
    辽宁省大连市中山区2020-2021学年八年级(上)期末英语试卷   解析版01
    辽宁省大连市中山区2020-2021学年八年级(上)期末英语试卷   解析版02
    辽宁省大连市中山区2020-2021学年八年级(上)期末英语试卷   解析版03
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    辽宁省大连市中山区2020-2021学年八年级(上)期末英语试卷 解析版

    这是一份辽宁省大连市中山区2020-2021学年八年级(上)期末英语试卷 解析版,共30页。

    II.单项填空(本题共 9 小题,每小题 1 分,共 9 分)从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    1.Tony, take umbrella with you because it is raining outside.(  )
    A.a B.an C.the D./
    2.Alice followed a rabbit a watch and fell into a wonderland.(  )
    A.with B.except C.by D.inside
    3.My family went to Lhasa last year and we enjoyed stay there.(  )
    A.ourselves B.us C.we D.our
    4.Families are getting so China's population won't grow fast.(  )
    A.small B.smaller
    C.smallest D.the smallest
    5.Amy an online lesson when I called her yesterday.(  )
    A.is having B.was having C.has D.had
    6.Not only kids but also their parents Journey to the West.(  )
    A.are famous for B.are interested in
    C.are worried about D.are afraid of
    7.You cross the road when the traffic lights are red.(  )
    A.can B.must C.mustn't D.needn't
    8.The boy broke his leg so we'd better send him to the hospital .(  )
    A.suddenly B.especially
    C.probably D.immediately
    9.﹣ ? You're planning to visit your grandparents in Chengdu?
    ﹣ Well, I know it's impossible to leave Dalian now, but I'm worried about them so much.(  )
    A.Are you all right? B.What a surprise?
    C.Are you joking? D.How can you do it?
    III. 完形填空(本题共 8 小题,每小题 2 分,共 16 分)阅读下面短文,理解其大意。然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    10.(16分)What can you do if one of your classmates suddenly having a nose bleeding?If you know some basic first aid skills, you can ask him or her t lean forward and pinch ( 前 倾 捏 住 ) the nose. First aid is an important life skill that everyone (1)   learn. Sept.13 is World First Aid Day. It's time for us to learn more about this useful skill.
    Just as its name says, first aid is the first step(2)   a person gets expert (专家) medical help. It includes staying safe, helping someone feel better and staying(3)   . It also includes getting help﹣either by telling an adult(成年人)or calling 120.
    Recently in China, about 1.2 million accidents have taken place each year, according to Xinhua News Agency. Experts say that the first 10 minutes after an accident are important for(4)   a life.
    CPR(心肺复苏)is one of the most useful skills to save lives during these 10 minutes. It can help people with cardiac arrest (心脏骤停). According to the American Heart Association, about 92,000 people in the US are saved by people who perform CPR every year.
    Besides this, there are some other first aid skills that are helpful for daily accidents and(5)   . Broken bones may happen as you play outside. You can support the injury with your hands or clothes to stop movement. Then, find an adult or call 120 for (6)   help.
    What if someone sprains(扭伤)his or her ankle(脚踝)? The right way to(7)   first aid is to put something cold on the ankle. Either an ice bag or a cold drink bottle will be a good(8)   . Then go to find an adult for help.

    (1)A. may
    B. should
    C. can
    D. must
    (2)A. after
    B. until
    C. when
    D. before
    B. safe
    C. surprised
    D. calm
    B. protecting
    C. keeping
    D. passing
    B. experiences
    C. illness
    D. practice
    B. further
    C. quicker
    D. more
    B. get
    C. study
    D. help
    (8)A. advice
    B. chance
    C. choice
    D. medicine

    IV. 阅读理解(一)(本题共 13 小题,每小题 2 分,共 26 分)A.阅读下列短文,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    Green Hill High School
    Fatima Road, Liverpool March 6
    Attention, music lovers
    The school is hosting the 6th Inter﹣school Musical Show for Classes 9~ 11 on April 10, at Harrington Centre, Bank Road at 9:00 am.
    All the talented students with gifted voices may appear for the audition(试唱) to be held in
    the presence of Mrs Bela Shende, the well﹣known singer on March 27 at 9 am in the schools Central Hall.
    For further information, please contact(联系)Mr Black, the secretary of the Music Club.
    North Hill Field Day
    Friday, March 10 Rain Date: March 14
    Grades 7 ~ 9 9: 30 am~ 11: 30 am
    Grades10 ~12 1:40 pm~ 3:40 pm
    Dear parents,
    On Friday, March 10 we will be holding our North Hill Field Day. It will be a day of laughs and lots of fun. Be sure to tell your children to bring cameras and take pictures.
    The purpose of the day is for our school to get together for an enjoyable two﹣hour activity. Since we believe that all of our students are winners, the need for athletic(运动的) ability and the competitive urge (竞争性)to win will be kept to a minimum(最少). The real reward will be the happiness and good feelings of participation(参与).
    (1)The musical show will be held on   .
    A.March 6
    B. March 10
    C. March 27
    D April 10
    (2)If you want to take the audition, you have to go to   _.
    A.the Music Club
    B. Harrington Centre
    C .Central Hall
    D North Hill
    (3)Students who take part in the field trip need to take their   with them.
    B. schoolbags
    C. sunglasses
    D. cameras
    (4)The field day is held to make students    
    A.get lots of pleasure
    B know more about others
    C .create close relationships
    D. develop a competitive urge to win
    12.(10分)Yoga(瑜伽)is a kind of sport. It is very popular around the world now. Everyone, young and old can do yoga. It's good for both men and women.
    Why do people like yoga? There's a short answer and a long answer to that question. The short answer is that yoga makes you feel better and makes you healthier in body, mind and spirit. There's more about the answer if you are interested. Yoga began in India about 5,000 years ago. At that time, people wanted to be free,healthy and live a long life, so this kind of exercise was born. The early yoga was part of a religion (宗教). It was usually taught one to one﹣one teacher with one student. Yoga is an Indian word that means "to join together". There are three parts of yoga altogether: exercise, breathing and meditation. In the past, people paid more attention to the spirit(精神). The idea behind the exercise was to join the mind, body and spirit as one. Yoga can give you peace, help you feel relaxed, and have fewer worries and illnesses.

    (1)Yoga is   .
    A.part of a religion
    B. an interesting game
    C. a popular idea
    D. an old Indian sport
    (2)Which of the following is TRUE?   
    A.Yoga is more suitable for women.
    B.People of all ages can practice yoga.
    C.Yoga can bring the world peace.
    D.Yoga has become the most popular sport around the world.
    (3)According to the passage, yoga learners   .
    A.will feel better if they have lessons one to one
    B.usually have a religious belief (宗教信仰)
    C.live longer and healthier than others
    D.need to learn breathing while doing yoga
    (4)The underlined word "meditation" in the last paragraph means   .
    B. 拉伸
    C. 耐力
    D. 柔韧性
    (5)From the last paragraph, we learn that the three advantages of yoga are   .
    A.mind, body, and spirit
    B.exercise, breathing and thinking
    C.keeping fit, having relief and learning to think carefully
    D.offering peace, feeling relaxed, and being healthy

    B.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从所给的六个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 使短文意思完整、连贯。(有两项为多余选项)
    13.(8分)How do you usually go to school: walk, cycle, take a bus or drive?
    Most people know that students who go to school by bus or car are more likely (可能 的) to put on weight than those who walk or cycle.(1)   
    Two Danish universities carried out a study of 19,527 students between the ages of 5and 19. The researchers asked the students how they went to school.(2)   It was found that the students who were driven to school, or took a bus, did worse in the test because they had poorer concentration (集中注意力) than those who took a more active way.
    "As a third﹣grade pupil, if you exercise and cycle to school, your ability to concentrate increases to the equivalent (同等) of someone half a year further in their studies," said Niels Egelund, a member of the study.
    (3)   British people are much lazier these days. They are walking 80 miles less every year than ten years ago, a new study found."This creates a huge illness problem and lowers their quality of life, but most people don't seem to know that it's a problem," said Harry Rutter from the National Observatory, the UK. "Being short of physical activity is the fourth main cause of early deaths around the world.(4)   "
    A.Depending too much on cars is also a problem for adults.
    B.And then they took a test.
    C.That's why more and more people choose to walk or cycle.
    D.It causes about the same level of ill health that smoking does.
    E.But did you know exercising less could also make you fall behind in your schoolwork?
    F.Some people don't pay much attention to exercising in their daily life.
    V. 情景交际(本题共 4 小题,每小题 2 分,共 8 分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(有两项为多 余选项)
    14.(8分)Tom: Hello! May I speak to Sally?
    Sally: This is Sally. (1)   
    Tom: This is Betty speaking. I just came back from a holiday.
    Sally: (2)   
    Tom: I went to Tibet with some friends.
    Sally: How was the weather there?
    Tom: (3)   However, it was a little cold in the early morning and evening.
    Sally: How long did you stay in Tibet?
    Tom: For a week.
    Tom: We rode horses, ate delicious food and so on.
    Sally: Sounds great!
    A.Where did you go?
    B.Who's that, please?
    C.How did you go there?
    D.What did you do there?
    E.It was sunny and warm.
    F.What's the population of Tibet?
    VI. 词语运用A.用括号中所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空限填一词。(本题共 6 小题,每小题 1 分,共 6 分)
    15.It was a cold and   night when Jessica first met Amanda. (wind)
    16.There are a lot of   between the two pictures.(difference)
    17.To most schoolboys, nothing is   than winning a football match. (exciting)
    18.Last week, Mary finished reading her   book this year. (twenty)
    19.Wolong Panda Reserve allows people   closer to pandas. (get)
    20.Henry   to pick up the snake when it bit him again. (try)
    B.用方框内所给词的适当形式完成下面短文。每词限用一次。(本题共 10 小题,每 小题 2 分,共 20 分)
    Born to Be Free
    The Home of Whales
    Orca whales (虎鲸) live in the sea. This is their home. In the sea, they can swim where they want to. There is no fence (栅栏)(1)   them in one place. The orcas are free.
    In the sea, orcas don't attack(攻击) people. When orcas are taken away from their home, it can be different. An orca is sometimes called a killer whale.
    Orcas Away from Their Home
    People(2)    orcas and put them in pools. They trained them to do tricks. Sometimes the tricks went wrong. They attacked their (3)   . Some trainers have died.
    Now, some people say orcas should not be taken away from their home in the sea.
    Wild Animals
    Orcas are wild animals. In the sea they live with other orcas. They can live a long time.(4)   , they don't live as long out of their home.
    The first orca that was caught only lived for a day. It just swam around and around in the pool. It was afraid and got much(5)   little by little. It kept banging (撞击) into sides.

    A Different World
    Some people think that orcas change when they are not in their home. A trainer(1)   always know what an orca might do.
    In the sea, an orca can swim a long way in a day. It can't swim far in a pool. In a pool, some orcas live (2)   .It is a very different world to where they came from.
    Setting an Orca Free(释放)
    Many people think that orcas should be set free. An orca, however, can't just be put back in the sea. First, we need to make a pen (圈) in the sea. The orca has to stay in this for a while. When the orca is set free , it may not be able (3)   a family pod (群).
    Keiko ﹣ A Film Star
    Keiko was an orca. He was a film star. He was put back in the sea after twenty﹣three years. Keiko (4)   found a family pod. So, he was taken care of by people again. When he was twenty﹣seven years old, he got very sick and died. Keiko couldn't live by(5)   in the sea. He had forgotten how to be free.
    VII. 阅读理解(二)(本题共 6 小题,每小题 2 分,共 12 分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,回答下列问题。
    23.(12分)I went to England last year. I enjoyed my stay, and I noticed something interesting with the English way of life.
    For example, you must say Mr or Mrs when you meet someone for the first time. When you get to know each other better or when they ask you to, you can just use their first names.
    One day, we visited some friends and had afternoon tea together. Afternoon tea is not just a drink but a light meal at around 4 pm. We ate sandwiches and a large fruit cake. In England, you usually drink tea with milk. So I tried to drink tea with milk too.
    Fish and chips is traditional food in England. You can buy it and eat it in special fish and chip shops on the high street, or you can take it away and eat it with your fingers! It is delicious!
    At the bus stop, you must not push your way onto the bus. You need to stand in a line and wait your turn. Sometimes people are slow to get on a bus.
    Once I noticed a gentleman touch a young man on the shoulder, smile politely and say, "Excuse me! Are you waiting for this bus?" He was really polite.

    (1)What do you call your friends while talking to them in England , Mr or Mrs , or their first names?
    (2)Why is the afternoon tea in England not just a drink?
    (3)How can you eat fish and chips?
    (4)What do people do when they wait for the bus?
    (5)What is the passage mainly talking about?
    (6)What's the purpose of writing this passage?

    VIII.写A. 句子翻译。将下列句子译成英语。(本题共 4 小题,每小题 2 分,共 8 分)
    When there is an earthquake,   
    26.(2分)中国人口近 14 亿,约占世界人口的五分之一。
    The population of China is about 1.4 billion.   
    27.(2分)当交通灯变绿的时候,我们的车突然抛锚(break down)了。
    B. 书面表达(共 20 分)
    28.(20分)疫情重现让越来越多的人更加重视健康。坚持运动被认为是促进健康的有效方式 之一。对此,你怎么看?请你结合自己的经历,用英语写一篇短文向校英语园地投稿,
    并谈谈自己的感受。 内容提示:
    1.Share your sport story.
    2.How do you feel about it?
    (2)80 词左右。

    II.单项填空(本题共 9 小题,每小题 1 分,共 9 分)从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    1.Tony, take umbrella with you because it is raining outside.(  )
    A.a B.an C.the D./
    2.Alice followed a rabbit a watch and fell into a wonderland.(  )
    A.with B.except C.by D.inside
    3.My family went to Lhasa last year and we enjoyed stay there.(  )
    A.ourselves B.us C.we D.our
    【解答】根据题干,可知考查enjoy oneself玩的开心,固定短语。
    4.Families are getting so China's population won't grow fast.(  )
    A.small B.smaller
    C.smallest D.the smallest
    【解答】根据China's population won't grow fast,可知是指和原来相比家庭在逐渐变小,所以中国人口不会快速增长。用比较级形式。
    5.Amy an online lesson when I called her yesterday.(  )
    A.is having B.was having C.has D.had
    【解答】根据句意,昨天我给艾米打电话的时候,她…上网课。因为从句动词是called,一般过去时,所以主语用和过去相关的时态。应该是昨天打电话时,她正在上网课,所以为过去进行时was watching.
    6.Not only kids but also their parents Journey to the West.(  )
    A.are famous for B.are interested in
    C.are worried about D.are afraid of
    7.You cross the road when the traffic lights are red.(  )
    A.can B.must C.mustn't D.needn't
    【解答】can能.must必须.mustn't不允许.needn't不必.根据when the traffic lights are red"红绿灯时"可知,应该是"不允许"过马路.用mustn't.
    8.The boy broke his leg so we'd better send him to the hospital .(  )
    A.suddenly B.especially
    C.probably D.immediately
    【解答】A. suddenly突然 B. especially尤其 C. probably可能 D. immediately 立刻。根据The boy broke his leg,可知摔断腿应该立刻去医院。
    9.﹣ ? You're planning to visit your grandparents in Chengdu?
    ﹣ Well, I know it's impossible to leave Dalian now, but I'm worried about them so much.(  )
    A.Are you all right? B.What a surprise?
    C.Are you joking? D.How can you do it?
    【解答】A. Are you all right 你还好吗? B. What a surprise 太令人惊讶了. C. Are you joking 你是在开玩笑吧? D. How can you do it? 你怎么能那样呢? 根据You're planning to visit your grandparents in Chengdu?你打算去成都看你的祖父母吗? 可知选项A符合题意。其他选项都和语境不符。
    III. 完形填空(本题共 8 小题,每小题 2 分,共 16 分)阅读下面短文,理解其大意。然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    10.(16分)What can you do if one of your classmates suddenly having a nose bleeding?If you know some basic first aid skills, you can ask him or her t lean forward and pinch ( 前 倾 捏 住 ) the nose. First aid is an important life skill that everyone (1) B learn. Sept.13 is World First Aid Day. It's time for us to learn more about this useful skill.
    Just as its name says, first aid is the first step(2) D a person gets expert (专家) medical help. It includes staying safe, helping someone feel better and staying(3) D . It also includes getting help﹣either by telling an adult(成年人)or calling 120.
    Recently in China, about 1.2 million accidents have taken place each year, according to Xinhua News Agency. Experts say that the first 10 minutes after an accident are important for(4) A a life.
    CPR(心肺复苏)is one of the most useful skills to save lives during these 10 minutes. It can help people with cardiac arrest (心脏骤停). According to the American Heart Association, about 92,000 people in the US are saved by people who perform CPR every year.
    Besides this, there are some other first aid skills that are helpful for daily accidents and(5) C . Broken bones may happen as you play outside. You can support the injury with your hands or clothes to stop movement. Then, find an adult or call 120 for (6) D help.
    What if someone sprains(扭伤)his or her ankle(脚踝)? The right way to(7) A first aid is to put something cold on the ankle. Either an ice bag or a cold drink bottle will be a good(8) C . Then go to find an adult for help.

    (1)A. may
    B. should
    C. can
    D. must
    (2)A. after
    B. until
    C. when
    D. before
    B. safe
    C. surprised
    D. calm
    B. protecting
    C. keeping
    D. passing
    B. experiences
    C. illness
    D. practice
    B. further
    C. quicker
    D. more
    B. get
    C. study
    D. help
    (8)A. advice
    B. chance
    C. choice
    D. medicine

    【解答】(1)B.动词辨析.A可参,B应该,C能,D必须,根据 First aid is an important life skill that everyone (1)learn.和答案,应该是急救是一项重要的生活技能,每个人都应该学会,故答案是B.
    (2)D.介词辨析.A在…之后,B直到,C当…时,D在…之前,根据后面a person gets expert (专家) medical help急救应该是专家来之前的求助,故答案是D.
    (3)D.形容词辨析.A安静的,B安全的,C惊讶的,D冷静的,根据helping someone feel better and staying应该是也让受伤的人保持冷静,故答案是D.
    (6)D.形容词辨析.A更近的,B更远的,C更快的,D更多的,根据Then, find an adult or call 120 打110,应该是寻求更多的帮助,故答案是D.
    (7)A.动词辨析.A提供,B得到,C学习,D帮助,根据上句What if someone sprains(扭伤)his or her ankle(脚踝)?脚踝脚踝,应该是正确的方法是提供急救,故答案是A.
    (8)C.名词辨析.A建议,B机会,C选择,D药,根据Either an ice bag or a cold drink bottle will be a good冰袋或冷饮瓶都是不错的﹣﹣,应该是选择,故答案是C.
    IV. 阅读理解(一)(本题共 13 小题,每小题 2 分,共 26 分)A.阅读下列短文,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    Green Hill High School
    Fatima Road, Liverpool March 6
    Attention, music lovers
    The school is hosting the 6th Inter﹣school Musical Show for Classes 9~ 11 on April 10, at Harrington Centre, Bank Road at 9:00 am.
    All the talented students with gifted voices may appear for the audition(试唱) to be held in
    the presence of Mrs Bela Shende, the well﹣known singer on March 27 at 9 am in the schools Central Hall.
    For further information, please contact(联系)Mr Black, the secretary of the Music Club.
    North Hill Field Day
    Friday, March 10 Rain Date: March 14
    Grades 7 ~ 9 9: 30 am~ 11: 30 am
    Grades10 ~12 1:40 pm~ 3:40 pm
    Dear parents,
    On Friday, March 10 we will be holding our North Hill Field Day. It will be a day of laughs and lots of fun. Be sure to tell your children to bring cameras and take pictures.
    The purpose of the day is for our school to get together for an enjoyable two﹣hour activity. Since we believe that all of our students are winners, the need for athletic(运动的) ability and the competitive urge (竞争性)to win will be kept to a minimum(最少). The real reward will be the happiness and good feelings of participation(参与).
    (1)The musical show will be held on D .
    A.March 6
    B. March 10
    C. March 27
    D April 10
    (2)If you want to take the audition, you have to go to C _.
    A.the Music Club
    B. Harrington Centre
    C .Central Hall
    D North Hill
    (3)Students who take part in the field trip need to take their D with them.
    B. schoolbags
    C. sunglasses
    D. cameras
    (4)The field day is held to make students  A 
    A.get lots of pleasure
    B know more about others
    C .create close relationships
    D. develop a competitive urge to win
    (1)D.根据"The school is hosting the 6th Inter﹣school Musical Show for Classes 9~ 11 on April 10, at Harrington Centre, Bank Road at 9:00 am."可知音乐会将于4月10日举行。故选D。
    (2)C.根据"All the talented students with gifted voices may appear for the audition(试唱) to be held in the presence of Mrs Bela Shende, the well﹣known singer on March 27 at 9 am in the schools Central Hall."可知如果你想参加试镜,你必须去中央大厅。故选C。
    (3)D.根据"It will be a day of laughs and lots of fun. Be sure to tell your children to bring cameras and take pictures."可知参加实地考察旅行的学生需要随身携带相机。故选D。
    (4)A.根据"Since we believe that all of our students are winners, the need for athletic(运动的) ability and the competitive urge (竞争性)to win will be kept to a minimum(最少). The real reward will be the happiness and good feelings of participation(参与)."可知运动会的举办是为了让学生们得到很多乐趣。故选A。
    12.(10分)Yoga(瑜伽)is a kind of sport. It is very popular around the world now. Everyone, young and old can do yoga. It's good for both men and women.
    Why do people like yoga? There's a short answer and a long answer to that question. The short answer is that yoga makes you feel better and makes you healthier in body, mind and spirit. There's more about the answer if you are interested. Yoga began in India about 5,000 years ago. At that time, people wanted to be free,healthy and live a long life, so this kind of exercise was born. The early yoga was part of a religion (宗教). It was usually taught one to one﹣one teacher with one student. Yoga is an Indian word that means "to join together". There are three parts of yoga altogether: exercise, breathing and meditation. In the past, people paid more attention to the spirit(精神). The idea behind the exercise was to join the mind, body and spirit as one. Yoga can give you peace, help you feel relaxed, and have fewer worries and illnesses.

    (1)Yoga is D .
    A.part of a religion
    B. an interesting game
    C. a popular idea
    D. an old Indian sport
    (2)Which of the following is TRUE? B 
    A.Yoga is more suitable for women.
    B.People of all ages can practice yoga.
    C.Yoga can bring the world peace.
    D.Yoga has become the most popular sport around the world.
    (3)According to the passage, yoga learners D .
    A.will feel better if they have lessons one to one
    B.usually have a religious belief (宗教信仰)
    C.live longer and healthier than others
    D.need to learn breathing while doing yoga
    (4)The underlined word "meditation" in the last paragraph means A .
    B. 拉伸
    C. 耐力
    D. 柔韧性
    (5)From the last paragraph, we learn that the three advantages of yoga are D .
    A.mind, body, and spirit
    B.exercise, breathing and thinking
    C.keeping fit, having relief and learning to think carefully
    D.offering peace, feeling relaxed, and being healthy

    【解答】(1)D.推理判断题。根据第二段Yoga began in India about 5,000 years ago.可知瑜伽开始于大约5000年前的印度,因此推断它是一项古老的运动。故选D。
    (2)B.细节判断题。根据第一段Everyone, young and old can do yoga. 可知每个人,无论老幼都可以做瑜伽。故选B。
    (3)D.细节理解题。根据第二段There are three parts of yoga altogether: exercise, breathing and meditation. 可知瑜伽中有一个部分是呼吸,因此可知瑜伽学习者做瑜伽时需要学着呼吸,故选D。
    (4)A.词义猜测题。根据第二段In the past, people paid more attention to the spirit(精神). 可知过去人们更关注精神,因此判断瑜伽中有一个部分是有关精神的,因此猜测划线单词的含义为静思。故选A。
    (5)D.细节理解题。根据第二段Yoga can give you peace, help you feel relaxed, and have fewer worries and illnesses.可知瑜伽可以给人平静,帮助人放松并且减少生病,故选D。
    B.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从所给的六个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 使短文意思完整、连贯。(有两项为多余选项)
    13.(8分)How do you usually go to school: walk, cycle, take a bus or drive?
    Most people know that students who go to school by bus or car are more likely (可能 的) to put on weight than those who walk or cycle.(1) E 
    Two Danish universities carried out a study of 19,527 students between the ages of 5and 19. The researchers asked the students how they went to school.(2) B It was found that the students who were driven to school, or took a bus, did worse in the test because they had poorer concentration (集中注意力) than those who took a more active way.
    "As a third﹣grade pupil, if you exercise and cycle to school, your ability to concentrate increases to the equivalent (同等) of someone half a year further in their studies," said Niels Egelund, a member of the study.
    (3) A British people are much lazier these days. They are walking 80 miles less every year than ten years ago, a new study found."This creates a huge illness problem and lowers their quality of life, but most people don't seem to know that it's a problem," said Harry Rutter from the National Observatory, the UK. "Being short of physical activity is the fourth main cause of early deaths around the world.(4) D "
    A.Depending too much on cars is also a problem for adults.
    B.And then they took a test.
    C.That's why more and more people choose to walk or cycle.
    D.It causes about the same level of ill health that smoking does.
    E.But did you know exercising less could also make you fall behind in your schoolwork?
    F.Some people don't pay much attention to exercising in their daily life.
    (1)E.根据前句"Most people know that students who go to school by bus or car are more likely (可能 的) to put on weight than those who walk or cycle."可知说的是运动,结合选项,应说但是,你知道吗?少运动也会使你在学业上落后。故选E。
    (2)B.根据前句"The researchers asked the students how they went to school."可知说的是测试,结合选项,应说然后他们做了一个测试。故选B。
    (3)A.根据后句"They are walking 80 miles less every year than ten years ago, a new study found."This creates a huge illness problem and lowers their quality of life,"可知说的是依赖汽车,结合选项,应说对成年人来说,过度依赖汽车也是一个问题。故选A。
    (4)D.根据"Being short of physical activity is the fourth main cause of early deaths around the world."可知说的是健康问题,结合选项,应说它引起的健康问题与吸烟差不多。故选D。
    V. 情景交际(本题共 4 小题,每小题 2 分,共 8 分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(有两项为多 余选项)
    14.(8分)Tom: Hello! May I speak to Sally?
    Sally: This is Sally. (1) B 
    Tom: This is Betty speaking. I just came back from a holiday.
    Sally: (2) A 
    Tom: I went to Tibet with some friends.
    Sally: How was the weather there?
    Tom: (3) E However, it was a little cold in the early morning and evening.
    Sally: How long did you stay in Tibet?
    Tom: For a week.
    Sally:(4) D 
    Tom: We rode horses, ate delicious food and so on.
    Sally: Sounds great!
    A.Where did you go?
    B.Who's that, please?
    C.How did you go there?
    D.What did you do there?
    E.It was sunny and warm.
    F.What's the population of Tibet?
    (1)B.根据下一句This is Betty speaking. 我是贝蒂。可知说请问是谁?故答案是:B.
    (2)A.根据下一句I went to Tibet with some friends我和一些朋友去了西藏。可知说你去哪儿了? 故答案是:A.
    (3)E.根据上一句 How was the weather there?那里的天气怎么样?可知说阳光明媚,天气温暖。 故答案是:E.
    (4)D.根据下一句We rode horses, ate delicious food and so on.我们骑马,吃美食等等。可知说你在那里做了什么?故答案是:D.
    VI. 词语运用A.用括号中所给词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空限填一词。(本题共 6 小题,每小题 1 分,共 6 分)
    15.It was a cold and windy night when Jessica first met Amanda. (wind)
    16.There are a lot of differences between the two pictures.(difference)
    【解答】difference不同之处,名词。a lot of"很多"修饰difference的复数differences。
    17.To most schoolboys, nothing is more exciting than winning a football match. (exciting)
    【解答】由than"比"可知,两者比较,且系表结构,修饰事物,用ing形容词exciting的比较级more exciting"更令人兴奋的"。
    故答案为:more exciting。
    18.Last week, Mary finished reading her twentieth book this year. (twenty)
    19.Wolong Panda Reserve allows people to get closer to pandas. (get)
    【解答】allow sb to do sth"允许某人做某事"固定搭配。to后跟动词原形get。get closer to"更接近"。
    故答案为:to get。
    20.Henry was trying to pick up the snake when it bit him again. (try)
    故答案为:was trying。
    B.用方框内所给词的适当形式完成下面短文。每词限用一次。(本题共 10 小题,每 小题 2 分,共 20 分)
    Born to Be Free
    The Home of Whales
    Orca whales (虎鲸) live in the sea. This is their home. In the sea, they can swim where they want to. There is no fence (栅栏)(1) to keep them in one place. The orcas are free.
    In the sea, orcas don't attack(攻击) people. When orcas are taken away from their home, it can be different. An orca is sometimes called a killer whale.
    Orcas Away from Their Home
    People(2) caught  orcas and put them in pools. They trained them to do tricks. Sometimes the tricks went wrong. They attacked their (3) trainers . Some trainers have died.
    Now, some people say orcas should not be taken away from their home in the sea.
    Wild Animals
    Orcas are wild animals. In the sea they live with other orcas. They can live a long time.(4) However , they don't live as long out of their home.
    The first orca that was caught only lived for a day. It just swam around and around in the pool. It was afraid and got much(5) angrier little by little. It kept banging (撞击) into sides.

    【解答】(1)to keep.考查动词。根据句意,没有栅栏来__他们在一个地方,虎鲸是自由的。结合空缺处和方框内的单词,可知需要填入一个动词,表示"保持",用keep.结合表示目的,需要用不定式,用to keep.故答案为to keep。
    A Different World
    Some people think that orcas change when they are not in their home. A trainer(1) can always know what an orca might do.
    In the sea, an orca can swim a long way in a day. It can't swim far in a pool. In a pool, some orcas live (2) alone .It is a very different world to where they came from.
    Setting an Orca Free(释放)
    Many people think that orcas should be set free. An orca, however, can't just be put back in the sea. First, we need to make a pen (圈) in the sea. The orca has to stay in this for a while. When the orca is set free , it may not be able (3) to find a family pod (群).
    Keiko ﹣ A Film Star
    Keiko was an orca. He was a film star. He was put back in the sea after twenty﹣three years. Keiko (4) never found a family pod. So, he was taken care of by people again. When he was twenty﹣seven years old, he got very sick and died. Keiko couldn't live by(5) himself in the sea. He had forgotten how to be free.
    【分析】文章主要介绍了虎鲸的生活习性以及人们认为不能把它放回海洋里的原因,并介绍了电影明星 Keiko。
    (3)to find.考查动词。根据句意,当虎鲸被释放,它可能__不到一个家庭群。结合空缺处和方框内的单词,可知需要填入一个动词,表示"找到",用find,结合固定搭配be able to do sth表示"能够做某事",所以用动词不定式,用to find.故答案为to find。
    (4)never.考查副词。根据句意,在23年后他被放回海洋,Keiko 找__一个家庭群。结合空缺处和方框内的单词,可知需要填入一个副词,表示"从不",用never.故答案为never。
    (5)himself.考查反身代词。根据句意,Keiko 不会__在海洋生活,他已经忘记了如何是自由的。结合空缺处和方框内的单词,可知需要用固定搭配by oneself表示"独自",主语是Keiko,所以用himself.填入一个,故答案为himself。
    VII. 阅读理解(二)(本题共 6 小题,每小题 2 分,共 12 分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,回答下列问题。
    23.(12分)I went to England last year. I enjoyed my stay, and I noticed something interesting with the English way of life.
    For example, you must say Mr or Mrs when you meet someone for the first time. When you get to know each other better or when they ask you to, you can just use their first names.
    One day, we visited some friends and had afternoon tea together. Afternoon tea is not just a drink but a light meal at around 4 pm. We ate sandwiches and a large fruit cake. In England, you usually drink tea with milk. So I tried to drink tea with milk too.
    Fish and chips is traditional food in England. You can buy it and eat it in special fish and chip shops on the high street, or you can take it away and eat it with your fingers! It is delicious!
    At the bus stop, you must not push your way onto the bus. You need to stand in a line and wait your turn. Sometimes people are slow to get on a bus.
    Once I noticed a gentleman touch a young man on the shoulder, smile politely and say, "Excuse me! Are you waiting for this bus?" He was really polite.

    (1)What do you call your friends while talking to them in England , Mr or Mrs , or their first names?
     Their first names. 
    (2)Why is the afternoon tea in England not just a drink?
     Because it is a light meal at around 4 pm. 
    (3)How can you eat fish and chips?
     You can eat it in special fish and chip shops or take it away and eat it with your fingers. 
    (4)What do people do when they wait for the bus?
     They stand in a line and wait their turn. 
    (5)What is the passage mainly talking about?
     It's about something interesting with the English way of life. 
    (6)What's the purpose of writing this passage?
     To show the English way of life. 

    【解答】(1)Their first names.细节理解题。根据When you get to know each other better or when they ask you to, you can just use their first names.可知当你们彼此熟悉时,你可以叫他的名。故答案为:Their first names.
    (2)Because it is a light meal at around 4 pm.细节理解题。根据Afternoon tea is not just a drink but a light meal at around 4 pm.可知下午茶是一顿便餐。故答案为:Because it is a light meal at around 4 pm.
    (3)You can eat it in special fish and chip shops or take it away and eat it with your fingers.细节理解题。根据You can buy it and eat it in special fish and chip shops on the high street, or you can take it away and eat it with your fingers! It is delicious!你可以在在鱼排店里吃,也可以带回家用手指拿着吃。故答案为:You can eat it in special fish and chip shops or take it away and eat it with your fingers.
    (4)They stand in a line and wait their turn.细节理解题。根据You need to stand in a line and wait your turn.可知等公交时要排队。故答案为:They stand in a line and wait their turn.
    (5)It's about something interesting with the English way of life.主旨大意题。根据I noticed something interesting with the English way of life.可知这篇文章主要讲述了英国的一些有趣的生活方式。故答案为:It's about something interesting with the English way of life.
    (6)To show the English way of life.推理判断题。根据I noticed something interesting with the English way of life.可知这篇文章的目的是为了展示英国的生活方式。故答案为:To show the English way of life.
    VIII.写A. 句子翻译。将下列句子译成英语。(本题共 4 小题,每小题 2 分,共 8 分)
     When is the best time to travel to Yunnan? 
    【分析】When is the best time to travel to Yunnan?
    【解答】什么时候when,最佳时间the best time,去云南旅游travel to Yunnan。根据句意和语法可知,主语the best time是第三人称单数,系动词is;不定式to travel to Yunnan作定语。
    故答案为:When is the best time to travel to Yunnan?
    When there is an earthquake, keep away from windows and large furniture. 
    【分析】When there is an earthquake,keep away from windows and large furniture.
    【解答】远离keep away from,窗户windows,和and,大型家具large furniture。根据句意和语法可知,要用祈使句,用动词原形。
    故答案为:keep away from windows and large furniture.
    26.(2分)中国人口近 14 亿,约占世界人口的五分之一。
    The population of China is about 1.4 billion. accounting for about one﹣fifth of the world's population. 
    【分析】The population of China is about 1.4 billion, accounting for about one﹣fifth of the world's population.
    【解答】account for占,动词短语;大约about,世界人口的五分之一one﹣fifth of the world's population。根据句意和语法,要用现在分词短语作伴随状语。
    故答案为:accounting for about one﹣fifth of the world's population。
    27.(2分)当交通灯变绿的时候,我们的车突然抛锚(break down)了。
     When the traffic lights turned green, our car suddenly broke down. 
    【分析】When the traffic lights turned green, our car suddenly broke down.
    【解答】当…的时候when,交通灯the traffic lights,变绿turn green, 我们的our,车car,突然suddenly,抛锚break down。根据句意和语法可知,主句和时间状语从句都用一般过去时。
    故答案为:When the traffic lights turned green, our car suddenly broke down.
    B. 书面表达(共 20 分)
    28.(20分)疫情重现让越来越多的人更加重视健康。坚持运动被认为是促进健康的有效方式 之一。对此,你怎么看?请你结合自己的经历,用英语写一篇短文向校英语园地投稿,
    并谈谈自己的感受。 内容提示:
    1.Share your sport story.
    2.How do you feel about it?
    (2)80 词左右。
    This sport can make me stay healthy and strong, because I exercise almost every part of my body every time I go swimming.这项运动可以使我保持健康和强壮,因为我几乎锻炼了我身体的每一个部分每次我去游泳。
    Not only did it make me healthier, but also it made me more persistent.它不仅让我更健康,也让我更有毅力
    not only…but also…不仅……而且……,not only置于句首时,句子要倒装。
    【解答】I think doing sports is regarded as one of the effective ways to keep healthy.(我的观点)Though there are different kinds of sports, swimming is my favorite sports. Swimming is a really good sport. It makes me feel relaxed. This sport can make me stay healthy and strong, because I exercise almost every part of my body every time I go swimming.【高分句型一】(分享自己喜欢的运动)I insist on swimming for an hour every morning. Not only did it make me healthier, but also it made me more persistent.【高分句型二】(感受)


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