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    (新)人教版英语必修第三册学案:Unit 4 SPACE EXPLORATION 单元综合测评(含答案)
    (新)人教版英语必修第三册学案:Unit 4 SPACE EXPLORATION 单元综合测评(含答案)01
    (新)人教版英语必修第三册学案:Unit 4 SPACE EXPLORATION 单元综合测评(含答案)02
    (新)人教版英语必修第三册学案:Unit 4 SPACE EXPLORATION 单元综合测评(含答案)03
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration优秀导学案

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration优秀导学案,共21页。学案主要包含了was等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

    第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分 7.5分)


    1.Where did the man g last year?

    A.Chengdu. B.Beijing. C.Xi’an.

    2.Which bk has the wman bught?

    A.A math bk. B.A histry bk.

    C.An English bk.

    3.Where will the man g first?

    A.The classrm. B.The library.

    C.The pst ffice.

    4.What’s the time nw?



    5. What are the speakers talking abut?

    A.An rganizatin’s help.

    B.Ways t prtect animals.

    C.Things made frm animals.




    6. Hw is the man prbably feeling?

    A.Disappinted. B.Encuraged.


    7. What will the man prbably d tnight?

    A.Have a meeting. B.G t a party.

    C.Fly t the US.


    8. What day is it tday?

    A.Wednesday. B.Thursday.


    9. What kind f summer camp will the wman jin?

    A.A singing club. B.A reading club.

    C.A running club.


    10. What happened t the man’s wife?

    A.She lst her partner.

    B.She lst a $100 bill.

    C.Her purse was stlen.

    11.Where is the wman prbably?

    A.At an airprt. B.At a bus stp.

    C.At a department stre.

    12. What is the man prbably ding?

    A.Reminding the wman f smething.

    B.Giving the wman directins.

    C.Interviewing the wman.


    13. Where des the man wrk nw?

    A.In a railway cmpany.

    B.At a bank.

    C.At a university.

    14. Which language did the wman study in cllege?



    15. Wh is in the secnd grade?



    16. Hw many children des the wman have?




    17. What is the weather like in the nrth tday?

    A.Rainy. B.Sunny.


    18. At what time will it start t get clder tday?

    A.Arund 6 pm. B.Arund 7 pm.

    C.Arund 8 pm.

    19. When will the temperature be arund 18℃?


    B.Tmrrw mrning.

    C.At midday tmrrw.

    20. What prgram will cme after the weather reprt?




    Text 1

    W:What abut ging t Chengdu t see the pandas?

    M:I went t Chengdu last year.I was thinking f ging t Beijing and then Xi’an.

    Text 2

    M:Have yu bught the bks?

    W:I’ve gt my English bk,but nt math r histry yet.

    Text 3

    W:Culd yu return these bks t the library fr me? I have gt t g t the pst ffice t send sme mail.

    M:I’m heading fr the classrm building right nw,but I can help yu return yur bks after class.

    Text 4

    W:We’re meeting Grace at 6:30 at her huse.It’s 6:20 nw.

    M:Oh,dn’t wrry—we still have time.She just called t ask us t be there smetime after 7:00.

    Text 5

    W:D yu think we can actually help animals by giving sme mney t this rganizatin?

    M:Yes,I think s.This rganizatin is knwn fr prtecting endangered species.

    W:What else d yu think we can d t help animals?

    M:Well,never buy anything made frm endangered species.

    Text 6

    W:S yu are leaving fr the US tnight?

    M:Dn’t ask;I’m nt ging.


    M:I have t stay here fr a meeting with my bss.

    W:Oh,that’s great—then yu can cme t Helen’s party tnight.

    Text 7

    W:Tm,I heard yu’re ging t a summer camp in a frest smewhere.

    M:Yes.We’re leaving this Friday,the day after tmrrw.

    W:What are yu ging t d there?

    M:It’s mainly fr learning abut animals.There are ging t be sme animal experts at the camp wh’ll tell us abut animals,and we’re ging t read sme interesting bks abut animals.S what’s yur plan fr the summer?

    W:I’ll g t a summer camp,t.It’s a singing camp!

    M:Oh,that’s exciting—yu’ve always dreamed f becming a singer!

    Text 8

    W:Excuse me,sir.This bus ges t Sunday Square?

    M:Yes,it des.

    W:Oh.dear me.It’s yu,Martin! I’m Jane.

    M:Oh,Jane!I didn’t expect t see yu here.Where are yu ging?

    W:Sunday Department Stre.We’re leaving fr a trip t Eurpe tmrrw.

    M:Gd fr yu! Have a gd time!

    W:We will.Thank yu.

    M:Just be careful,Jane.My wife had her purse stlen at the airprt nce.

    W:Really? Hw?

    M:A wman drpped a 100-dllar bill in frnt f my wife.She picked it up and handed it t her.The wman thanked my wife,while her partner snatched my wife’s purse and ran ff.

    W:That’s terrible.Did yu lse a lt?

    M:Well,we lst sme f ur mney,but we mainly lst half the fun f traveling.

    W:I’m srry t hear that.Oh,lk—here cmes the bus!

    Text 9

    M:Why,Jane Brwn! I haven’t seen yu fr ages.Hw have yu been?

    W:Tim,Tim Smith! It has been a lng time,hasn’t it? Hw time flies! Well,hw are yu?Still wrking fr the railway cmpany?

    M:N,I changed jbs abut three mnths ag.I’m with the China Bank nw.Hw abut yu?

    W:I’m still teaching at a university,but I mved frm the French department t the German department.

    M:Dn’t tell me yu speak German,t.

    W:Sure.I grew up in Germany,yu knw.French was what I studied in cllege,but my German is much better.

    M:All I’ve managed t learn is a little Chinese.

    W:Well,hw is yur family? Are the children all in schl nw?

    M:N,Billy is still at hme.Tm is in the third grade and Linda’s in the secnd.

    W:Our tw children haven’t started schl yet,but Sue will g in the fall.

    Text 10

    Hell,everyne,I hpe yu’re all having a lvely day.This is the mid-mrning weather reprt,s we’ll cver the weather thrughut tday and tmrrw.Tday will be mstly dry in the suth,but in the nrth there will be sme light rain.Arund 7 pm,a cld wind will blw in frm the west.There will nt be any snw,but it will be clder than it has been in the last few days.The temperature will drp frm a warm 17℃ t a cler 8℃.It is suitable fr running ut.Overnight the temperature will stay between 0℃ and 10℃.Arund 8 am tmrrw,the temperature shuld start rising,and at midday tmrrw,we shuld be back t a nice warm 18℃.That’s all fr the weather frecast.Nw let’s g t Carrie fr the lunchtime news.

    答案 1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A

    9.A 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B

    17.A 18.B 19.C 20.A

    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)




    An exciting landing prcess f Chang’e-4 lunar prbe (月球探测器) was seen thrugh the mnitr at Beijing Aerspace Cntrl Center in Beijing,Jan.3,2019.It tuched dwn n the far side f the mn at 10:26 a.m.Beijing Time,becming the first spacecraft sft-landing n the mn’s unknwn side never visible frm Earth.

    China’s Chang’e-4 prbe has started the explratin n the far side f the mn thanks t the relay satellite that prvides a cmmunicatin link with grund cntrl.The relay satellite,named Queqia,meaning Magpie Bridge,after a Chinese legend (传说),was launched n May 21,2018,and became the first cmmunicatin satellite perating in the hal rbit,nearly 500,000 km frm the earth.It can als prvide cmmunicatin fr prbes frm ther cuntries.The relay satellite will als be used fr scientific and technlgical experiments.The maximum distance between the satellite and the Chang’e-4 prbe n the far side f the mn is 79,000 km.The satellite prcesses data frm the prbe and sends it t Earth.

    The satellite can stay in its rbit fr a lng time due t its relatively lw fuel cnsumptin,as the earth’s and mn’s gravity balances its rbital mving.While in rbit,it can“see” bth the earth and the far side f the mn.

    The cncept f using a relay satellite in the hal rbit was first put frward by U.S.space experts in the 1960s,but was realized by Chinese space engineers.Researchers hpe t use the cameras n the satellite t recrd asterids (小行星) hitting the far side f the mn.T cntrl the cst f the Chang’e-4 prbe,the relay satellite was designed t be relatively small,weighing abut 400 kg.

    Researchers had just 30 mnths t develp the satellite,putting them under high pressure.T prmte public interest in space explratin,the China Natinal Space Administratin invited peple t write dwn their wishes fr lunar and space explratin,and the relay satellite carries the names f tens f thusands f participants and their messages.

    【语篇解读】 这是一篇应用文。文章报道了北京时间2019年1月3日10时26分,我国嫦娥四号探测器成功登陆月球背面,并通过“鹊桥”中继卫星传回了世界第一张近距离拍摄的月球背影像图。

    21.What d we learn frm the secnd paragraph?

    A.The relay satellite was launched n Jan.3,2019.

    B.Chang’e-4 prbe was the first cmmunicatin satellite.

    C.The relay satellite nly explres the far side f the mn.

    D.The relay satellite can handle data frm Chang’e-4 prbe.

    答案 D [细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句“The satellite prcesses data frm the prbe and sends it t Earth.”可知,中继卫星可以处理来自嫦娥四号探测器的数据,然后发送到地球。故选D。]

    22.Why was the size f the relay satellite relatively small?

    A.T reduce the cst as much as pssible.

    B.T make it circle Mn fr a lnger time.

    C.T avid being crashed by ther satellites.

    D.T fllw American space experts’ advice.

    答案 A [细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的最后一句“T cntrl the cst f the Chang’e-4 prbe,the relay satellite was designed t be relatively small,weighing abut 400 kg.”可知,中继卫星的尺寸相对较小是为了节约成本,故选A。]

    23.What made researchers suffer frm great stress?

    A.Few peple interested in the explratin n the mn.

    B.The relay satellite carrying t much equipment.

    C.Their lacking enugh time t develp the relay satellite.

    D.Peple’s never being ptimistic abut the relay satellite.

    答案 C [细节理解题。根据最后一段的第一句“Researchers had just 30 mnths t develp the satellite,putting them under high pressure.”可知,研究者们压力很大是因为他们只有30个月的时间开发这个卫星,即缺乏时间,故选C。]

    24.What is the main idea f the text?

    A.China is a new space pwer after the USA.

    B.Chang’e-4 prbe lands n Mn’s far side.

    C.Chinese space engineers make much prgress.

    D.Space explratin is a dangerus challenge.

    答案 B [主旨大意题。文章主要报道了嫦娥四号探测器成功登陆月球,文章介绍了卫星在月球登陆的情况,因此,本文的主要内容是嫦娥四号探测器在月球背面着陆。故选B。]


    In America,we ften regard Sally Ride as the first female astrnaut (宇航员).But the first wman in space is actually a Sviet astrnaut wh beat ut 400 applicants t pilt the Vstk 6 spacecraft in 1963—twenty years befre Ride tk her histric spaceflight.

    There was nthing in Valentina Tereshkva’s early life that shwed she wuld becme a space pineer.Tereshkva finished schl at age 16 and went t wrk t help supprt her family.She seemed t fllw her mther’s ftsteps as a textile factry wrker,except ne interest:skydiving.By the time she was 22,she was jumping ut f a plane pretty regularly.And then came the space race.

    By 1962,the cmpetitin t get int space had been starting between the Sviet Unin and the United States fr abut seven years.The tw cuntries,in an effrt t d better than the ther in explring space,had each launched men int space.

    During the space race,the Sviet Unin and the U.S.cnstantly tried t be better.After putting a man in space,the bvius next step was t send a wman int space.The Sviet Unin’s lead spacecraft designer,Sergey Krlyv,is said t have been helpful in the decisin.There are rumrs (传言) that the Sviet Unin knew that the U.S.was planning t send a wman t space and wanted t beat the Americans.

    Inspired by Gagarin’s flight,Tereshkva wrte t the Sviet authrities (当局) hping fr any future training prgram fr female astrnauts.The authrities answered and in early 1962 she became ne f just five wmen accepted fr astrnaut training.On June 16,1963,Tereshkva tk ff,eventually circling the Earth 48 times ver the curse f almst three days and securing her place in histry as the first wman t leave the Earth’s atmsphere.

    【语篇解读】 这是一篇记叙文。介绍了世界上第一位女航天员——苏联的Valentina Tereshkva。

    25.When did Sally Ride g int space?

    A.In 1963.B.In 1973.

    C.In 1983.D.In 1993.

    答案 C [细节理解题。根据第一段中的“a Sviet her histric spaceflight”可知,Valentina Tereshkva在1963年进入太空,20年后,美国女宇航员Sally Ride成功进入太空。故选C。]

    26.Why did Tereshkva chse t be a textile factry wrker?

    A.Because she thught highly f her mther.

    B.Because she had t give a hand t her family.

    C.Because she wanted t save mney fr the space race.

    D.Because she was allwed t d skydiving.

    答案 B [细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Tereshkva finished schl at age 16 and went t wrk t help supprt her family”可知,她做纺织女工是为了帮助养家。故选B。]

    27.What did Tereshkva d n knwing a wman t be sent t space?

    A.She suggested sme training prgram fr wmen.

    B.She refused the Sviet authrities’ invitatin.

    C.She intrduced herself t the training prgram.

    D.She annunced she wuld be the first wman in space.

    答案 C [细节理解题。根据最后一段的第一句可知,Tereshkva受Gagarin的鼓舞,给苏联当局写信希望参加未来女宇航员的训练。故选C。]


    Sme peple asked me hw I culd suggest the expenses f billins f dllars fr a vyage t Mars,at a time when many children n this Earth are starving t death.I knw that they d nt expect an answer such as“Oh,I did nt knw that there are children dying frm hunger,but frm nw n I will stp any kind f space research until mankind has slved that prblem!”In fact,I have knwn f this lng befre.

    But I firmly believe that by wrking fr the space prgram we can make sme cntributins t the relief and eventual slutin f such serius prblems as pverty and hunger n the earth.Tw basic factrs causing the pverty and hunger prblems are the prductin f fd and the distributin(分布) f fd.In fact,large areas f land culd be used far better if efficient methds f farming,fertilizer use,weather frecasting,field selectin,planting,crp surveys,harvest planning and s n were applied.The best tl fr the imprvement f all these methds undubtedly is the artificial Earth satellite.Circling the glbe at a high altitude,it can screen wide areas f land within a shrt time;it can bserve and measure a large variety f factrs indicating the status and cnditin f crps,sil,drughts,rainfall,snw cver,etc.

    Besides,in the mdern sciety,there is a cntinuing great need fr new basic knwledge in science if we wish t imprve the cnditin f human life n the earth.We need mre knwledge in physics and chemistry,in bilgy and physilgy,and particularly in medicine t cpe with all these prblems which threaten man’s life:hunger,disease,verppulatin,pllutin f water and the envirnment.In a way,the space age nt nly hlds ut a mirrr in which we can see urselves,it als prvides us with the technlgies.

    【语篇解读】 尽管探索太空会花费大量的金钱,但作者认为探索太空有利于解决目前地球上存在的很多问题,如饥饿、疾病、污染。

    28.Accrding t the authr,what plays an imprtant part in dealing with pverty and hunger?

    A.Fd supply.B.Methds f farming.

    C.Gvernment supprt.D.Mdern technlgy.

    答案 A [细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可知,导致贫穷和饥饿的两大因素是食品生产和食品分布。因此,食品供应在解决贫穷和饥饿问题上发挥着重要作用。]

    29.The secnd paragraph is mainly develped by ________.

    A.making cmparisnB.giving explanatin

    C.giving examplesD.ffering advice

    答案 C [写作手法题。根据第二段可知,该段主要是以举例子的方式展开的;先举例说明了地球上存在的问题,接着举例说明了高效利用土地的方法,最后举例说明了地球卫星的作用。]

    30.Frm the last paragraph,we can infer that ________.

    A.mre basic knwledge is required t be learned

    B.technlgies can help t imprve ur living quality

    C.we can live a mre peaceful and happier life

    D.there are different views n the space age

    答案 B [推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,通过太空探索,我们能获得多方面的知识,而这些知识能帮助我们解决威胁人类生存的问题;也就是说,太空探索不仅能让我们看清自己的处境,也能为我们提供技术。由此可推知,科学技术能帮助提升我们的生活品质。]

    31.The passage is mainly discussing abut ________.

    A.whether the children’s dying frm hunger is the majr prblem

    B.whether there is an effective way t avid the glbal starvatin

    C.whether the authr’s suggestin has been taken int serius cnsideratin

    D.whether it is wrth spending much mney n the space research

    答案 D [主旨大意题。作者在第一段指出,很多人质疑他为什么在地球上很多孩子几乎饿死的情况下提倡耗资巨大的太空探索,在接下来的两段中作者详细介绍了太空探索的好处。因此,本文主要讨论了耗资巨大的太空探索是否值得。]


    A Japanese telecm cmpany has designed a rbt that it says has emtins (情绪).But rather than run in fear f it,we’ve welcmed it int ur hmes: Pepper,the “emtinal rbts” sld ut within a minute f ging n sale.

    Created by Aldebaran Rbtics and Japanese mbile giant SftBak,Pepper went n sale t the general public in Japan n June 20.It is “the first humanid (类人的) rbt designed t live with humans,” Aldebaran says n its website.Pepper csts abut $1,600.And like all gd mbile prducts,there’s a $120 per mnth data fee,as well as an $80 per mnth damage insurance fee.Accrding t a news reprt,Pepper can pick up n human emtins and create his wn using a “multi-layer neural (神经的) netwrk.” Pepper’s tuch sensrs and cameras are said t influence its md,which is displayed n the tablet-sized screen n its chest.

    Pepper will sigh when unhappy,and can g arund yur huse recrding yur family’s daily activities.Aldebaran says Pepper can feel “jy,surprise,anger,dubt and sadness,” but it desn’t say hw strngly it can feel these emtins.What happens when Pepper is having a bad day? Will it,like many humans,becme uncperative? Will it ask fr sme time alne? What happens if it knws that its purpse in life is just t take part in small talk? Thankfully,Pepper is nly abut fur feet tall,with rller balls instead f legs,s if it is angry with and even turns n its wners,yu’ll be safe if yu can make it upstairs.

    Aldebaran says in reality,they’re prbably quite a few years away frm artificial intelligence that culd create real emtins.Aldebaran wasn’t immediately able t tell when Pepper will be available ut f Japan,but additinal sales are scheduled fr July after the first 1,000 units sell ut.SftBank currently uses the rbts in its stres as greeters,and it plans t ffer Pepper t ther stres in the future.Hpefully “bredm” is nt an emtin Pepper can feel.

    【语篇解读】 本文讲述了日本的一家公司发布了世界上第一台“情感机器人”,介绍了情感机器人的使用费用、功能,以及未来的前景等。

    32.Accrding t the authr,Pepper ________.

    A.is very ppular amng custmers

    B.can nt nly run but als shw fear

    C.is ging t be sld all ver the wrld

    D.can deal with many kinds f husewrk

    答案 A [推理判断题。根据文章第一段中“Pepper,the ‘emtinal rbt,’ sld ut within a minute f ging n sale.”可知,这个情感机器人上市不到一分钟就卖光了,故Pepper是非常受消费者欢迎的。故选A。]

    33.Hw much d yu need t pay fr Pepper’s data and damage insurance fee each year?

    A.80 dllars.B.120 dllars.

    C.1,440 dllars.D.2,400 dllars.

    答案 D [细节理解题。根据第二段中“there’s a $120 per mnth data fee,as well as an $80 per mnth damage insurance fee.”可知,每年用于Pepper的data and damage insurance fee为(120+80)×12=2 400。故答案为D。]

    34.Pepper’s height and rller balls are mentined t ________.

    A.intrduce its appearance

    B.tell Pepper wn’t get angry

    C.shw that safety isn’t a big prblem

    D.explain rbts have strng emtins

    答案 C [细节理解题。根据文章第三段中“Pepper is nly abut fur feet can make it upstairs.”可知,介绍Pepper的height and rller balls是为了表明安全不是大问题。故答案为C。]

    35.What can we infer frm the last paragraph?

    A.Pepper cannt prduce real emtins.

    B.Pepper can feel jy,surprise and bredm.

    C.Pepper will be sld in ther cuntries next year.

    D.Pepper is being used as waiters in sme restaurants.

    答案 A [推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“Aldebaran says in generate real emtins.”可推断,Pepper现在不能产生真正的情感。故A正确。]



    Is there anything mre imprtant than health? I dn’t think s.“__36__ Health is the greatest wealth,” wise peple say.

    If yu have a headache,tthache,backache,r bad pain in the stmach,if yu cmplain f a bad cugh,r if yu suffer frm high r lw bld pressure,I think yu g t the dctr.

    The dctr will examine yur thrat,test yur bld pressure,take yur temperature,sund yur heart and lungs,check yur teeth r have yur chest X-rayed.__37__ The nly thing yu have t d is fllw his advice.

    __38__ An ld gentleman came t see the dctr.The man was very ill.He tld the dctr abut his weakness,memry lss and serius prblems with his heart and lungs.The dctr examined him and said there was n medicine fr his disease.He tld his patient t g t a quiet place fr a mnth and have a gd rest.__39__ In ther wrds,the dctr advised him t fllw the rule:“Eat at pleasure,drink at pleasure and enjy life as it is.” The dctr als said that if the man wanted t be well again,he shuldn’t smke mre than ne cigarette a day.

    A mnth later the gentleman came int the dctr’s ffice.__40__ He thanked the dctr and said that he had never felt a healthier man.

    “But yu knw,dctr,” he said,“it’s nt easy t begin smking at my age.”

    A.He als advised him t eat a lt f meat,drink tw glasses f red wine every day and take lng walks.

    B.Yu can’t be gd at yur studies r wrk well when yu are ill.

    C.After that he will advise sme treatment r sme medicine.

    D.All these will cst a lt f mney.

    E.He lked cheerful and happy.

    F.He was mre wrried abut his illness.

    G.Speaking abut dctr’s advice,I can’t help telling yu a funny stry.

    【语篇解读】 作者从“健康是最大的财富”这句话谈起。没有一个好的身体,学习和工作就没有保证。如果你感到不舒服时,就应当去看医生,医生会仔细给你做检查,然后就建议你吃点药。作者在文章最后还讲了一个医生给病人建议时发生的一个幽默故事。

    36.B [根据Health is the greatest wealth,可知如果没有健康的身体就不能好好地工作和学习,故选B。]

    37.C [根据The dctr will yur chest X-rayed.医生在给你检查完后就会给你开药方,故选C。]

    38.G [根据下文可知作者要讲一个滑稽的故事,故选G。]

    39.A [根据下文Eat at pleasure,drink at pleasure and enjy life as it is.可知应选A。]

    40.E [根据He thanked the dctr and said that he had never felt a healthier man.可知,这个人看起来比以前更加快乐幸福,故选E。]

    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)



    My name is Miranda Gibsn.I have been at the tp f a tree fr five mnths nw.Sme peple might wnder __41__ n earth I wuld chse t d that.

    I have walked thrugh this frest many times.On 12 December 2011,__42__ rlled int the frest and the destructin (摧毁) began.I culdn’t __43__ the thught that these frests wuld be __44__ frever.S,n 14 December 2011,I packed up my life,__45__ f my jb plans,and climbed 60 meters t the tp f this tree.I have been here ever since.

    Life in the tree tps can be __46__ at times.I have times when I feel frustrated(沮丧) and wish I culd __47__,t anywhere,just have a __48__ f scenery fr a minute! There are times t,when I feel terribly __49__.I miss my friends and family.__50__ these times,I find myself lving the __51__.

    Living n the tree has been respiring.I am willing t __52__ up here fr as lng as it takes,__53__ I hnestly hpe it wn’t be t __54__ befre I can put my feet n the grund belw and stand in a frest that will never be __55__.

    【语篇解读】 Miranda Gibsn为了保护澳洲塔期马尼亚森林而选择住在一棵树上五个月。



    答案 A [从上下文可知,此处意为人们可能想知道我为什么(why)要住在一棵树上。]



    答案 C [从后文“the destructin(摧毁) began”可知,此处指把机器(machinery)滚进森林。]



    答案 A [bear“忍受”,这里表示她不敢想象森林永久消失(lst)的景象。]



    答案 D [见上题解析,lst“失去,消失”。]

    45.A.grew utB.fell shrt

    C.ran utD.let g

    答案 D [grw ut长出;发芽;fall shrt缺乏,不足;run ut用尽;let g放弃。此处表示她把之前的工作计划都放弃了。]



    答案 C [从后文可知在树上的生活具有挑战性。refreshing使人精力充沛的;risky冒险的;challenging挑战性的;rewcarding值得做的;报酬高的。]

    47.A.get upB.get away

    C.give inD.give up

    答案 B [get up起床;get away(在困难时)离开;give in让步,上交;give up放弃。本句意思是“有时我感到沮丧时希望自己可以离开树上,目的是换一换(change)风景”。]



    答案 A [见上题解析。]



    答案 D [cnfused迷惑的,困惑的;nervus紧张的;srry对不起的;lnely(感到)孤独的。本句意思是“有时我很孤独,很想念朋友和家人”。]



    答案 C [beynd超出的;withut没有;despite即使,尽管;unlike不像。本句意思是“尽管有(我感到沮丧和孤独)这些瞬间,然而我依然喜欢这种经历(experience)的”。]



    答案 B [见上题解析。height高度;experience经历;backgrund背景;psitin位置。]



    答案 C [本句意思是“我”愿意尽长时间地“待(stay)在树上”。]



    答案 A [但是(but)“我”希望也不要太长。]



    答案 B [It wn’t be t lng befre...“要不了多久就会……”。]



    答案 B [lg“伐木,采伐树木”。本句的意思是“我真诚地希望要不了多久我就能站在这片永不被砍伐的森林上”。]



    Earthquakes are smething that peple fear.There 56.________(be) sme places that have few r n earthquakes.Mst places in the wrld,57.________,have them regularly.Cuntries that have a lt f earthquakes are usually quite 58.________ (muntain).

    The mst talked abut earthquake in the United States was in San Francisc in 1906.Over 700 peple died in 59.________.The strngest ne in Nrth America was in 1964.It happened in Alaska.

    Strng earthquakes are nt always 60.________ nes that kill the mst peple.In 1755,ne f the strngest earthquakes ever recrded 61.________ (feel) in Prtugal.Arund 2,000 peple died.

    In 1923,a very strng earthquake hit Tky,the Ykhama area f Japan.A hundred and frty thusand peple died,mst f 62.________ died in fires which fllwed the earthquake.

    One f the wrst earthquakes ever was in China in 1976.It killed a large number f peple.The wrst earthquake ever 63.________ (recrd) was als in China,64.________ which 400,000 peple were killed r injured.This earthquake happened in 1556.

    Earthquakes wrry peple a lt.The reasn is 65.________ we ften d nt knw when they are cming.Peple can nt prepare fr it.

    【语篇解读】 文章向我们介绍了人们对地震的恐惧以及地球上发生的有记载的有影响的地震。

    56.are [考查倒装结构。这是一个there be句型。句意:有些地方几乎没有或不发生地震。主语是sme places,故谓语动词应用are。]

    57.hwever [考查副词。很显然,该句所说的“世界上很多地方经常发生地震”和上一句“有些地方几乎没有或不发生地震”是转折关系,故用hwever。]

    58.muntainus [考查词性转换。在系动词后作表语用形容词形式muntainus,意为“多山的”。]

    59.it [考查代词。指的是1906年发生在San Francisc的那次地震,故用it。]

    60.the [考查定冠词。nes后有定语从句修饰,特指那些杀伤力强的地震,故用定冠词the表特指。]

    61.was felt [考查时态和语态。地震是被感觉到的,并且这次地震发生在过去,故用一般过去时的被动语态。]

    62.whm [考查非限制性定语从句的关系词。作f的宾语,代替上文的先行词peple,故用whm。]

    63.recrded [考查非谓语动词。recrd和earthquake是动宾关系,故用过去分词表被动。]

    64.in [考查介词。后面的which代替的是先行词“The wrst earthquake”,故用介词in。]

    65.that [考查名词性从句的引导词。引导一个表陈述的表语从句,故用that。]

    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)



    Develping space technlgy,wrthwhile r nt?



    With the develpment f space technlgy,human beings are explring further int the space.

    Thse space experiments and explratins cst huge sums f mney,which,quite a number f peple think,shuld have been used t prtect human natural envirnment and slve the prblems we all are facing.

    This might be true,but I think in the lng run human will have t turn t ther planets when all the resurces are used up.Fr example,human culd make use f the mines n the mn and cnduct special experiments in the space.Mrever,sme f the new technlgies emplyed in space culd be used in ur daily life and thus created a better life fr us.

    All in all,space technlgy develpment is sure t benefit all human beings.



    The largest land animal remaining n the earth,the African elephant is f much imprtance t African ecsystem.Unlike ther animals,the African elephant is t a great extent the builder f its envirnment.As a giant plant-eater,it significantly shapes the frest-and-savanna (大草原) surrundings in which it lives,therefre deciding the cnditins f existence fr millins f ther animals that live in its habitat.

    It is the elephant’s great desire fr fd that makes it bth a disturber f the envirnment and an imprtant builder f its habitat.In its cntinuus search fr the 300 punds f plants it must have every day,it kills small trees and underbushes,as well as pulls branches ff big trees.This results in numerus pen spaces in nt nly deep trpical frests but als the wdlands that cver part f the African savannas.In these pen spaces are numerus plants in varius stages f grwth,which attract a variety f ther plant-eaters.

    Take the rain frests fr example.In their natural state,the spreading branches verhead shut ut sunlight and prevent the grwth f plants n the frest flr.By pulling dwn trees and eating plants,elephants create pen spaces,allwing new plants t grw n the frest flr.In such situatins,the frest becme suitable fr large-hfed plant-eaters t mve arund and fr small-sized plant-eaters t btain their fd as well.

    Scientists are wrried nw that the African elephant has becme an endangered species.If the elephant dies ut,scientists say,many ther animals will als disappear frm vast areas f frest and savanna,greatly changing and wrsening the whle ecsystem.


    The African elephant is essential fr African ecsystem.(要点1)By cnsuming quantities f plants in its habitat,the elephant prduces enugh rm fr abundant new plants,then feeding varius animals.(要点2)Thanks t elephants,rain frests are less dense,which is mre prper fr mutual survival f creatures.(要点3)Once the African elephants g extinct,the entire ecsystem will be threatened.(要点4)


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