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        听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选 项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

    例:How much is the shirt?

    A.£ 19.15. B.£ 9.18. C£ 9.15.


    1.Who does the woman think may have a more successful career?




    2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

    A.On a train.

    B.At a hotel.

    C.In a restaurant.

    3.What do we know about Anderson?

    A.He is very lazy.

    B.He has changed a lot.

    C.He has learned a lot from his father.

    4.What does the woman think of the joke?




    5.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

    A.Librarian and library user.

    B.Salesperson and customer.

    C.Teacher and student.




    6. Why is the man going to Sydney?

    A.To visit old friends.

    B.To relax himself;

    C.To attend a seminar.

    7. How will the woman get to Toronto?

    A. By train.

    B. By air.

    C. By car.


    8. What kind of room does the man want to have?

    A. A suite.

    B. A single room.

    C. A double room.

    9. How much is the man going to pay?

    A.£ 180.

    B. £ 360.

    C.£ 400.




    10. What does the man think influences people's personalities?

    A. Their parents' characters.

    B. The social media.

    C. The environment

    11. What does the woman say about the teenagers?

    A. They suffer from stress.

    B. They like to copy other teenagers.

    C. They are more independent than their parents.

    12. What has the man been doing?

    A. Doing research into the new media.

    B. Writing a book related to parenting.

    C. Addressing changes in personality.


    13. What does the woman do?

    A. A chemist.

    B. A nurse.

    C. A doctor.

    14. How long can the man stay away from work?

    A. One or two days.

    B. Over three days.

    C. About a week.

    15. What is wrong with the man?

    A. He may have flu.

    B. He has sleeping problems.

    C. He can’t concentrate on his work

    16. What will the man do next?

    A. Get some rest.

    B. Use the latest equipment.

    C. Practise concentration.


    17. Which of the following cities has four rush hours?

    A. Seattle.

    B. Athens.

    C. New York.

    18. What may the gesture of raising two fingers mean in Seoul?

    A. Taking two people at a time.

    B. Asking the driver for help politely.

    C. Paying the driver twice the normal rate.

    19. Why does Rome avoid building new highways?

    A. To reduce the budget of construction.

    B. To encourage people to use cars less.

    C. To preserve historic sites in the city.

    20. What is the speaker mainly talking about?

    A. Rush hour traffic around the world.

    B. Effects of rush hour on people’s life.

    C. Causes of traffic problems worldwide.





        Check off the Four Corners

        ArizonaUtahColorado and New Mexico are not simply the only four American states that meet at a single point, but they also host the US's greatest concentration of national parks.

        This is the place to come for that classic scene of the lonely desert road extending to the horizon. On your waytake in such sights as the Monument Valley and the mysterious remains of centuries-old civilizations in Colorado’s Mesa Verde.

        Find beauty in the desert

        With many miles of excellent roadsa self-drive trip in Namibia makes total sense. Plan a route north from capital Windhoek to wildlife-rich Etosha National Parkbefore crossing Damaraland to reach the Skeleton Coast. TTie most iixpressive desert views are in the Namib-Naulduft National Park to the south. At Sossusvleithe landscape takes on the quality of a surrealist painting.

        Cross half a continent

        The 1,761-mile-long Stuart Highway runs north to south through Australia’s Red Centre. It is not a road where every turn shows new wonders the reward of this trip comes in the gradual change in your surroundings, from red soils’ in Australia’s outback to the tropical (热带的) leaves of the Indian Ocean coast.

        Take the high road

        Among all the crashing of continental plates that raised up the Canadian Rockies, a 144-mile route was left more or less clear at their center. The Icefields Parkway now passes through this amazing scenery with the access it brings to icy lakes, waterfalls and icefields, the section between Banff and Jasper has a good claim to being the most scenic in the world.

    21. Where can you experience ancient civilizations?

    A.In Australia's Red Centre. 

    B.In the Canadian Rockies.

    C.In Colorado’s Mesa Verde. 

    D.In the Namib-Naukluft National Park.

    22.What can you do on a self-drive trip in Namibia?

    A.Explore the Monument Valley. 

    B.Enjoy the striking desert views.

    C.Save some endangered wildlife. 

    D.Go through the largest national park, text?

    23. What can you infer about the trips mentioned in the

    A. They provide the amazing road adventures.

    B. They offer new wonders across the world.

    C. They are for those who love various national parks.

    D. They are intended to raise environmental awareness.


        Life on the street is a constant struggle for homeless people. In times of extreme weather conditions, that struggle becomes even more difficult. Recently, homeless people across Chicago faced freezing to death if they couldn't find shelter for the night.

        Thankfully, one local woman refused to let that happen. On January 302018, 34-year-old Candice Payne, a local managing broker, was lucky enough to have shelter from the dangerous conditions.

        “It was - 20, and I knew they were going to be sleeping on ice and I had to do something,” said Payne. Payne started brainstorming different ways she could possibly help. Finally she decided to see if there were any rooms available at local inns and hotels that she could get to help those stuck on the street.

        For Payne, her mission was  personal. According to Payne, her husband, Carlos Callahan had lived on the streets at one point in his life. Based on his experiences, Payne knew that the homeless people still out on the street desperately needed help and that if she didn't step up to help, no one likely would.

        However, when Payne explained what she was trying to domany of the local hotels refused to allow her to pay for the rooms as they didn't want homeless people to stay in their rooms. “No one wanted them, but one hotel, the Amber Inn, was nice enough to allow me to buy the rooms,” said Payne.

        Payne's selfless act made news across the country. However, she insisted she had never done it for attention. “I am a regular person, ” said Payne, who spent thousands of dollars of her own money to help complete strangers.“It all sounded like a rich person did this, but I’m just a little black girl from the South Side.

    24. What does the underlined word “ that” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

    A. Locals living on the street‘

    B. The homeless freezing to death.

    C. The extreme weather.

    D. The shelter for the homeless.

    25. How did Candice Payne help the homeless people?

    A.By drawing public attention. 

    B.By giving them money directly.

    C.By taking them to her own house. 

    D.By buying hotel rooms for them.

    26. What may contribute to Payne’s nice act?

    A. Her husband's past experiences. 

    B. The requests from the homeless.

    C.Her desire to become famous. 

    D.The coldness of local hotels.

    27. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

    A. A Black Fighter Changes the World 

    B. A Woman’s Curiosity Brings a Reward

    C.A Regular Woman Makes a Difference

    D.A Couple's Brave Act Moves the Country


        Much of the public debate around early childhood education comes down to which matters more academics or play. That's a false dilemma. Play is really the way that young children learn and guided play is the key. It's a way that they experience the world, and it helps them learn more deeply.

       We should be concerned that theskill and drillapproach to teaching academics is most  frequently used in classrooms serving at-risk preschoolers, in an attempt to close the gap on school readiness. Unfortunately, these teaching methods can turn young kids off to school and introduces the possibility of shame and anxiety. 46 Skill and drill” doesn't teach kids the curiosity and critical (批判的)thinking skills that they need to develop in early childhood.

        However, pure free play—an approach advocated more frequently by wealthier groups—also misses the mark. “I hear a lot about just ‘free play classrooms’. ” But Suzanne Bouffard, an education researcher, said if it only involves setting out materials and not thinking about learning goals, there’s a real missed opportunity. For example, she said, researchers have found that children used more complex language about building activities when they had a goal in mind.

         What effective preschools aim for is “guided play”in which adults create a purposeful play environment that encourages students to exploreFor example, in setting up blocks, a teacher might put up pictures of buildings to inspire kids. They may ask students, “What are you doing?” and gently push kids’ thinking by offering new information.

        Of course, the ability to find this balance rests with teachers. Good teachers make it look really easyThat's why it's really important that we invest(投入)in teachers and give them the training to guide play without overly controlling it and to encourage kids to develop an understanding of letters and numbers without “skill and drill”.

    28. Which of the following matters most in early childhood education?

    A.Having guided play. B.Learning after play.

    C.Seeing the world.    D.Studying academic courses.

    29. What do we know about the “skill and drill” approach?

    A. It works best for preschoolers.

    B. It helps develop kids’ curiosity.

    C. It limits kids’ development.

    D. It bridges the gap on school readiness.

    30.Which of following best explains “misses the mark” underlined in Paragraph 3?

    A. Meets learning goals.    B. Loses points in exams.

    C. Troubles the classroom.  D. Fails to achieve the goal.

    31.Why does a teacher put up pictures of buildings?

    A.To encourage the kids to copy. 

    B.To offer extra information.

    C.To share the teaching purpose  with the kids.

    D.To inspire the kids to explore.


        In a major medical breakthrough, Tel Aviv University researchers have “printed” the world's first 3D vascularized (有血管的)engineered heart using a patient’s own cells and biological materials. Their findings were published on April IS in a study in Advanced Science.

        “This is the first time anyone anywhere has successfully engineered and printed an entire heart,” says Prof. Tal Dvir of Department of Materials Science and Engineering, who led the research for the study. “This heart is made from human cells and patient-specific biological materials. In our process, these materials serve as the bioinks, something made of sugars and proteins that can be used for 3D printing of complex tissue models” Prof, Dvir says. “People managed to 3D print the structure of a heart in the past, but not with cells or with blood vessels (血管).Our results demonstrate the potential of our approach for engineering personalized tissue and organ replacement in the future.”

         According to Prof. Dvirthe use of “ native ” patient-specific materials is important to successfully engineering tissues and organs.

         The researchers are now planning on culturing the printed hearts in the lab and “ teaching them to behave” like hearts, Prof. Dvir says. They then plan to transplant the 3D-printed heart in animal models.

        “We need to develop the printed heart further” he concludes. “The cells need to form a pumping ability they can currently contract (收缩),but we need them to work together. Our hope is that we will succeed and prove our method’s efficacy (功效)and usefulness. “Maybe, in ten years, there will be organ printers in the finest hospitals around the worldand these procedures will be conducted routinely. ”

    32. What does Prof. Dvir think of an early 3D-printed heart?

    A.It was highly practical. B.It was too expensive.

    C.It was personalized.     D.It was too simple.

    33. What do we know about the latest 3D-printed heart?

    A.It can be cultured in the lab. 

    B.It can match a patient perfectly.

    C.It has been transplanted in animals. 

    D.It has been widely used in hospitals,

    34. What is Prof, Dvir's attitude to the development of the printed heart?

    A. Ambiguous.     B. Positive.

    C.Disapproving. D. Cautious.

    35. What is the author's purpose in writing the text?

    A. To explain the basic principle of 3D technology.

    B. To introduce a breakthrough of medical research.

    C. To doubt the medical value of a new invention.

    D. To prove the effectiveness of the new technology.



         An acquaintance has something in common with you and merely enjoys your company for a short time. A fair-weather friend flatters (讨好)you when the sun is shining and the birds are singing. 36 They would never do the following things.

        Walk away when times get tough. True friendship is all about how a person helps another person when they are down and can give very little in return. Thus, take note of who remains in your life when times get tough. Seriouslywhen you come out the other side of a difficult period in your life, look around you. 37

        Hold hatred (憎恨)over your head. Some people will refuse to accept that you are no longer who you used to be—that you made mistakes in the pastlearned from them, and moved beyond them. 38 Insteadthey help you repair your present and future.

        Pretend like they have all the answers. You may think about the people who have had the greatest positive effect on your life—the ones who truly made a difference. 39 True friends are the ones who sit silently with you when you need a moment to think. They'd always lend you a shoulder when you need to cry.

       40 You deserve to be with friends who make you smile—friends who don't take you for granted and won't leave you hanging. When you notice that a friend is always taking advantage of you instead of offering help when you needyou might need to distance yourself from them for a while. A true friend should want to givebut they shouldn't be forced to always give more than they get.

    A. Let you down.

    B. Take from you without giving back.

    C. The people still standing beside you are your true friends*

    D. True friends never hold the unchangeable past against you.

    E. True friends love and appreciate each other just the way they are.

    F. A true friendon the other handhas your very best interests at heart.

    G. However, you’ll soon realize that they aren’t the ones that tried to solve all your problems.




        Last July, I booked a two-week adventure volunteering at a Thai elephant sanctuary (庇护所).

         In preparation for my tripI 41 weight training. I even visited an elephant keeper in a zoo and he told me the tourist elephants were the ones to 42 —they could be unpredictable and

    sometimes dangerous after years of 43 they suffer at the hands of the tourism industry. Hardly surprising, I thought.

    I flew to Bangkok and then headed to the 44 .The first day was exciting. I was 45 to my designated elephant by the mahout (驯象人),Boonsri and my tasks were 46.I tried to gain the elephant' s 47 ,              feeding her bananas and riding on her back. The mahout 48

    me, showing me how to use my feet to 49 her and teaching me the words to make her stop or 50 . Everything went quite well. 51, I noticed the sharp bullhooks were still used by mahouts.

        Day two followed the same 52 .But as we walked to the river at dusk, Boonsri wouldn't move. So the mahout hit her with the bullhook. And Boonsri began to shake her head 53              .On the third stroke (一击)she hit me on the shoulder, knocking me over. Before I could 54 the danger, her enormous foot was crushing my 55              . It felt like a truck was driving over me and I couldn't breathe at all.

        I could only hear the 56 of the mahout. He helped to pull her foot off me and 57 my life. As Boonsri lifted her leg, I 58 free and was dragged to safety. I burst into tears with 59 .What a lucky escape!

        In the following daysI stayed in hospitalthinking about a questionWhy can these mild  animals be so 60 ? If we humans treat them more gently and kindly, maybe different.

    41.A.carried on B.took up C.abandoned D.delayed

    42. A.watch B.shoot C.protect D.buy

    43. A.defeat B.loss C.failure D.abuse

    44. A.zoo B.hotel C.sanctuary D.hospital

    45. A.used B.introduced C.attached D.dragged

    46. A.designed B.reported C.explained D.accomplished

    47. A.sympathy B.forgiveness C.respect D.trust

    48, A.accompanied B.greeted C.comforted D.blamed

    49. A.touch B.control C.kick D.entertain

    50. A.move on B.sing along C.turn up D.give in

    51. A.Finally B.Naturally C.Unfortunately D.Normally

    52. A.challenge B.pattern C.interest D.idea

    53. A.happily B.slowly C.gently D.violently

    54. A.recall B.ignore C.realize D.forget

    55. A.chest B.head C.leg D.hand

    56. A.whisper B.applause C.laughs D.yells

    57. A.changed B.ruined C.saved D.improved

    58. A.slipped B.rolled C.dived D.climbed

    59. A.relief B.regret C.pride D.pity

    60. A.sensitive B.disgusting C.fragile D.aggressive



    A Relay Event Brings Diverse Cultures Together

         When Herman Kambugu received the good news he was expecting, he did something unusual. He ran for 32km in 61 (celebrate).Kambugu , who works for the Standard Chartered Bank (StanChart) in Uganda, was among the over 86,000 employees around the world who had attempted 62 (take) part in a relay across Belt and Road countries as a way to see how the Belt and Road Initiative (一带一路)is developing. Kambugu and seven more of his co­workers in StanChart * s offices around the world visited 44 destinations along the Belt and Road routes, 63 helped them understand the initiative better.

        Kambugu 64(witness) how the Belt and Road Initiative is changing life for 65 better in East Africa so far, “The Mombasa-Nairobi Railway has not only shortened transportation time, but also created over 20,000 jobs for local people in Kenyahe said. Serena Leung from the Hong Kong office said 66 she had seen during her journey impressed 67 (she). In some places, people greeted them in Mandarin. They spoke it 68 (fluently) than some  people from Hong Kongshe said jokingly.

       “By running together, we run further” added Therese Neoa customer manager from the Singapore office. As she saw it, the countries 69 (participate) in the Belt and Road Initiative were like the 70 (runner). When they join forces, they have a better shared future.



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         My best friends Wang BingLiu Hong and I did voluntary work in our neighborhood in last summer. Every morning we would walk around, collected plastic bags, waste paper and cans. This usually took us about one and a half hour to do that. After that, we went to do some housework for the senior people who lived their own. In the afternoon we helped some children do their homework, so their parents were too busy to take care of themselves. Although we were a little tiring every dayyet we were proud of what we have done. We all felt really happily that we could do something meaningful.


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