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    英 语
    (考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分 试卷共10页)
    出题人:钟祥一中高三英语组 审题人:

    1.What is the woman doing?
    A.Waiting for someone. B.Waiting to use an ATM. C.Waiting in line for a movie.
    2.Who is the man probably talking with?
    A.His doctor. B.A nurse. C.A patient.
    3.Where are the woman’s keys?
    A.In her pants pocket. B.On a chair. C.In her jacket pocket.
    4.How is Mrs. Raskins related to the speakers?
    A.The woman’s friend. B. The man’s mother. C.Their neighbor.
    5.How is the woman probably feeling?
    A.Stressed. B.Disappointed. C.Sorry.
    6.What kind of event is the woman having?
    A.A wedding celebration. B.A graduation party. C.A birthday party.
    7.How will the woman tell people about the event?
    A.By mail. B.By email. C.By phone.
    8.What does the woman suggest?
    A.Calling their neighbor.
    B.Buying some carpet cleaner.
    C.Using a towel and cold water.
    9.Where are the speakers talking ?
    A.At a coffee shop. B.In their house. C.In a furniture store.
    10.Why is the man so upset about his grade?
    A.It took him months to finish the project.
    B.The woman doesn’t understand his problem.
    C.Ames got a better grade with less work.
    11.What does the woman think of the man’s grade?
    A.It is not a bad grade. B.It is unfair to the man. C.It is a very low grade.
    12.What does the woman suggest the man do at first?
    A.Work harder.
    B.Speak to the teacher.
    C.Forget about the whole thing.
    13.What usually happens to the woman’s resolutions?
    A.She forgets what they are.
    B.She can’t stick with them.
    C.She finds them effective.
    14.When did the woman make her New Year’s resolution about TV?
    A.One month ago. B.Four months ago. C.Over a year ago.
    15.What does the woman do in the morning?
    A.She prepares food. B.She goes swimming. C.She reads books.
    16.How does the man feel about the woman’s resolution?
    A.Amused. B.Impressed. C.Indifferent.
    17.How many of the Beatles’ songs sold more than one million copies?
    A.Six. B.Five. C.Only one.
    18.Why did the Beatles stop playing live music?
    A.The guitarist left the band.
    B.Their music wasn’t popular any more.
    C.They couldn’t hear their own music in concert.
    19.Which song did the Beatles record together for the last time?
    A.She Loves You. B.Live Permanently. C.She’s So Heavy.
    20.In what year did the Beatles officially break up?
    A.1974. B.1970. C.1969.

    第二部分: 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    Author Talks &Lectures in the Toronto Public Library
    Ice Ghosts: The Epic Hunt for the Lost Franklin Expedition
    Thu Apr 27, 2019
    1:00 p.m.—2:00 p.m.
    Location: City Hall
    Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Paul Watson on the epic hunt for the lost Franklin Expedition and the rare mix of marine science and Inuit knowledge that led to the shipwreck’s (海难的) recent discovery.
    No registration required.
    Toronto 1910: Tales of Our Past: Clergy and Convicts
    Tue May 02, 2019
    12:00 p.m.—1:00 p.m.
    Location: Barbara Frum
    Learn about your city’s history and participate in reading and slide show featuring excerpts(节选) from a new historical fiction novel series.
    To register, please call 416-395-5440.
    Beneath the African Sun with Author Maria Lynch
    Wed May 03, 2019
    7:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m.
    Location: Bloor/Gladstone
    Join us for a book talk and Q &A with Maria Lynch, the author of Beneath the African Sun. Beneath the African Sun is a migrant’s story about moving from Portuguese India to British East Africa during the early 20th century. More than a history, it is a story about family, home, social justice and what it means to truly belong somewhere.
    Drop in. No registration required.
    The Science of Shakespeare
    Wed May 10, 2019
    7:00 p.m. —8:00 p.m.
    Location: Beaches
    William Shakespeare lived in the first stage of the scientific revolution. New ideas about the human body, the earth, and the universe were transforming western thought—and—yet “Shakespeare” and “science” are rarely talked about in the same breath. Dan Falk will explore Shakespeare’s interest in the scientific discoveries of his time—asking what he knew, when he knew it, and how that knowledge is reflected in his works.
    No registration necessary.
    21. Where can you hear a lecture by a Pulitzer-Prize winner?
    A. Beaches. B. City Hall. C. Barbara Frum. D. Bloor/Gladstone.
    22. For which event do you need to register?
    A. The Science of Shakespeare.
    B. Beneath the African Sun with Author Maria Lynch.
    C. Toronto 1910: Tales of Our Past: Clergy and Convicts.
    D. Ice Ghosts: The Epic Hunt for the Lost Franklin Expedition.
    23. What can be inferred from the last lecture?
    A. Shakespeare was interested in the universe.
    B. Science is touched upon in Shakespeare’s works.
    C. The scientific revolution changed Shakespeare’s thought.
    D. Shakespeare had a deep understanding of the scientific revolution.
    It was the week before Christmas, and the line at the post office snaked twice around the lobby(大厅). It seemed that no one was moving. The office looked like an exhibit in the Postal Wax Museum. I came to the self-service machine where the line was much shorter.
    I don’t like self-service. I tell people it’s because I don’t approve of taking jobs away from people, but the real problem is that I’m not good at it. The machine always asks me something I don’t know the answer to. I hate this. I am a retired letter carrier, and we moved mail in the old-fashioned way hand to hand, human to human. We were fast, friendly, and frequently accurate.
    The woman in the front of the line was clicking away at the screen. And the clicks were surprisingly loud. Any signs of hesitation on her part were telegraphed to the whole lobby. I felt sorry for her: The machine could smell fear. The next person took a long time, too. I breathed deeply. By the time it was my turn, I had the heart rate of a yogi(瑜伽修行者).
    Under the weight of concern from the people in line behind me, I felt a growing obligation to minimize the seconds between clicks. Finally it was time to slide in a credit card. The machine didn’t take it. “Try putting it in the other way” the gentleman behind me suggested. No good.
    “I’ve got a different card,” I said, and fished around for that one, beginning to sweat. The machine wanted a PIN, but not the one I suggested.
    “Start over.” I clicked, intending to try the first card again.
    Oh no. I had to start all over again.
    “I’ m sorry,” I said, looking back, sheepish. “I guess I don't know what I’m doing. You all go ahead.”
    “Don’t give up,” said the nice man behind me. “Try it again. We’re all friends here, right?”
    Smiles were blooming all down the line. I tried again, clicked with deliberation and sincerity, and introduced my credit card as though I were presenting it to the queen. Finally, I made it!
    I couldn’t have been happier. Everyone burst into applause. Comfort and joy!

    24. What do we know about the post office?
    A. It was pretty large. B. Something went wrong there.
    C. It was very busy at Christmas. D. Efficient services were provided.
    25. While waiting for his turn, the author was .
    A. a little excited B. totally relaxed
    C. bored and impatient D. nervous and anxious
    26. What does the underlined word “sheepish” in Paragraph 8 mean?
    A. Grateful B. Surprised C. Embarrassed D. Determined
    27. What did the man behind the author do?
    A. He rushed the author. B. He laughed at the author.
    C. He mailed for the author. D. He encouraged the author.
    Survey after survey indicates that one of our biggest worries in retirement is running out of money. More than a third of retired investors and half who aren’t retired said they worry they will run out of money and be forced to depend on Social Security as their main income source, according to a Wells Fargo-Gallup survey.
    You might think that it would make people save more. But few of us even know how much we need to save for a comfortable retirement. However, one way people can feel better about retirement is to start out with as little debt as possible. And that leads us to a question many financial planners are asked by pre-retirees: Should you pay off that mortgage(房贷) before you retire? Unlike many areas of retirement planning, there is no easy answer to this question. The simplest answer is: It depends.
    “It’s very dependent on the actual individual,” says Jimmy Lee, chief executive of the Wealth Consulting Group in Las Vegas. “The people who have more reliable sources of income may be more suited to carrying a mortgage,” he says. “Interest rates are a big factor. In today’s low-interest environment, it would make sense to carry a mortgage if your mortgage rate is under 4 percent and you can get an investment rate of 6 percent.”
    Mitch Katz, financial adviser and partner at Capital Associates in Bethesda, says having that mortgage paid off helps some people sleep at night. “It’s kind of an emotional thing more than a financial thing,” Katz says. “At the end of the day, financially it makes more sense to not pay off the mortgage. But that’s easy to say in theory and harder in practice.”
    “We can control only what we can control,” he says. “You can go to the gym and eat healthy, and walk outside and get hit by a bus. We can’t control that. But, paying off a mortgage, it gives you the ability to pay off other things. Emotionally, it’s very powerful.”
    28. How will those depending on Social Security probably feel?
    A. Proud B. Awkward C. Hopeful D. Ignorant
    29. What benefit might worry in retirement bring?
    A. It may result in more savings. B. It leads to a wiser investment.
    C. It will reduce the mortgage greatly. D. It ensures a comfortable retirement.
    30. What’s Jimmy Lee’s advice for those carrying a mortgage?
    A. Ask financial planners for suggestions.
    B. Pay off the mortgage before retirement.
    C. Seek new investment opportunities after retirement.
    D. Balance the mortgage against the investment return.
    31. What does Mitch Katz’s answer focus on?
    A. Interest rates B. Mental burden C. Social changes D. Financial theory
    Take a walk through Washington and you’ll find plenty of marble memorials(纪念碑). But is that what the future of the memorial-rich city holds? If the winners of a new design competition have their way, probably not.
    The Memorials for the Future design competition invited submissions (意见书) from teams throughout the world. Though, the memorials selected won’t actually be built in the city, they were intended to start a discussion about how to think of memorials in a very different future.
    Climate Chronograph, the winning project by Team Azimuth Land Craft, greatly departs from memorials as we know them. The project memorializes the harmful effects of climate change by suggesting a memorial at Hains Point, a spot between the Potomac River and Washington Channel. Just 100 years ago, the man-made island was part of the river. It came into existence after the National Park Service decided to turn the confluence(合流点) of the waters into a tidal basin to protect the nearby National Mall from floods. 
    Those floods are expected to come more and more often as the climate changes. Climate Chronograph will memorialize those changes by planting cherry trees as a kind of tidal gauge(潮位计) that can be used by future visitors to determine just how much water levels have risen.
    The other winning projects include a project that frees mechanical parrots that fly over the Jefferson Memorial and collect and retell stories about monuments,a podcast (播客) platform that puts immigrant stories on public transportation, and an interactive memorial that brings national parks to the D. C. Metro. The competition also produced a report that points to ways America can better memorialize the things that matter—strategies that could help cities save money and space.
    That’s good news, especially given that D.C.’s iconic Mall has been closed to new construction. The memorials of the future won’t just turn collective memories toward the stories of new phenomena and groups like climate change and immigrants. Rather, it seems that they’ll make use of space in new creative ways—no marble needed.
    32. What is the purpose of the design competition?
    A. To select the best design team.
    B. To find new uses for old memorials.
    C. To design new memorials for Washington.
    D. To explore new ways of experiencing memorials.
    33. What can be used to replace the underlined word “departs” in Paragraph 3?
    A. Differs B. Benefits C. Suffers D. Learns
    34. What do we know about Climate Chronograph?
    A. It will be located in a park.
    B. It will be built after the competition.
    C. It clearly shows the effects of climate change.
    D. It uses high-tech equipment to measure climate change.
    35. What would be the best title for the text?
    A. A memorial to a sad future.
    B. Marble memorials are out of date.
    C. Climate Chronograph, memorial for our future.
    D. What will the memorials of the future look like?
    Ways to teach kids money management skills
    No matter your financial situation, you can help your kids make smart money choices. Here are 3 ways my husband and I have started teaching money smarts to our children:
    1. Review the family budget together
    36 They also know that our income goes to pay for things like groceries, clothes, and toys. Recently, we’ve introduced some of the more unseen budget categories like retirement, car repairs, and Christmas savings.
    Seeing what a budget is and how it works gives our kids ownership of the process and an understanding of why we do what we do each month. 37
    2. Let kids handle money
    38 Our kids earn money on specific chores that are above and beyond the basic requirements of helping our family function. With the money they make for extra work, they practice counting, giving, saving, and, of course, spending!
    3. Practice delayed gratification(满足)
    My husband and I practice delayed gratification often and talk through our plans with the kids so they see that as a family we are saving rather than borrowing for immediate gratification.
    39 And together we are all working a little extra to fund a trip to Disneyland.
    No one likes to wait. 40 But, delaying gratification is a valuable skill that our children can learn. It helps them discover many things are worth the wait.
    A. That’s just not human nature!
    B. Our kids know that Mum and Dad work to earn money.
    C. Don’t worry if your current financial situation isn’t perfect.
    D. Choose wise words when discussing money around your kids.
    E. Right now they know that Daddy is saving for a new-to-him truck.
    F. There is no better way to learn about money than to actually be responsible for it.
    G. When we say, “There isn’t any more eating-out money left,” they understand why.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    My dog died. Yes, she was very old, deaf, and partially blind. She had long lost her 41 energy. Watching her 42 into her bed was as painful for me as it was for her. In the past few months, she had begun to bark at strangers and neighbors. But she used to be 43 even if a child pulled her tail. 44 her decline doesn’t lessen the loss, however.
    My husband had found her 45 on his farm and brought her home. She was a black and dirty bag of bones who got 46 when we approached. I like to think the years she spent with us were filled with 47 . Every so often, though, my husband would remind me her days were 48 , and we agreed that if she showed any 49 of pain, we would put her down. No need for her to 50 ,no need for us to hold on tight. I prepared myself for her 51 .
    Yet, when it came eventually, I wasn’t 52 . I was angry about the 53 of it all. It appears as if we couldn’t negotiate with death, with fate but to 54 ourselves, assuming that we have more time. We can’t really live every day as if it were our last.
    We do love our pets. They become a necessary part of the family. Now I still 55 look for her in my home office, where she slept. I still 56 her to come and sit at my feet or to slide to the front door whenever one 57 . And I miss my 58 of the walks, the feeding and the bathing. I miss her 59 and the sense of being around the house, but more than anything I miss the 60 that she loved me so unconditionally.
    A. natural
    B. youthful
    C. special
    D. lasting
    A. settle
    B. dive
    C. jump
    D. throw
    A. angry
    B. brave
    C. friendly
    D. anxious
    A. Feeling
    B. Enjoying
    C. Checking
    D. Knowing
    A. rejected
    B. exposed
    C. abandoned
    D. protected
    A. fearless
    B. disappointed
    C. proud
    D. nervous
    A. sorrow
    B. love
    C. regret
    D. pain
    A. finished
    B. approached
    C. counted
    D. ended
    A. marks
    B. gestures
    C. aspects
    D. signs
    A. fight
    B. suffer
    C. contact
    D. survive
    A. departure
    B. arrival
    C. journey
    D. adventure
    A. aware
    B. doubtful
    C. eager
    D. ready
    A. unfairness
    B. failure
    C. battle
    D. challenge
    A. inform
    B. convince
    C. remind
    D. fool
    A. carefully
    B. unconsciously
    C. instantly
    D. actively
    A. expect
    B. agree
    C. invite
    D. allow
    A. shows off
    B. turns around
    C. stops by
    D. picks up
    A. routine
    B. freedom
    C. hobby
    D. course
    A. difference
    B. absence
    C. presence
    D. influence
    A. reason
    B. knowledge
    C. wish
    D. desire
    Traditionally, robots have been hard, made of metal and other rigid material. But a team of scientists at Harvard University in the US has managed to build an 61 (entire) soft robot —the “Octobot”.
    62 (describe) in science journal Nature, the “Octobot” could pave the way for 63
    (effective) autonomous robots that could be used in search, rescue and exploration than the traditional ones. “The Octobot is a minimal system which may serve 64 a foundation for a new generation of completely soft, autonomous robots,” the study’s authors wrote.
    Researchers 65 (work) on building soft robots for decades. They’ve taken 66 (inspire) from nature, looking to animals from jellyfish to cockroaches, which are often made up of more flexible matter.
    However, creating a completely soft robot 67 (remain) a challenge. Even if engineers build a silicone(硅酮) body, 68 is still a grand challenge to construct flexible versions of essential parts, such as a source of power.
    “ 69 soft robotics is still in its early stage, it holds a great promise for several applications, such as search-rescue operations and explorations,” Barbara Mazzolai of Technology’ Center for Micro-BioRobotics, wrote in a comment. “Soft robots might also open up new approaches to 70
    (improve) wellness and quality of life.”

    第四部分 写作(共两节;满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    The first person I met in my high school was my deskmate, with that I fell in love at first sight.
    She was warm-hearted and always wore a honest smile on her face. I was homesick in the first few days, unable to adjust the new school. It was with her help which I got familiar with the school. However, what impressed me most was her diligence and determine. When faced with a challenge in study, she would try out her best to solve it. Whenever I was in trouble, she would encourage myself and help me out. But for her encouragement, I wouldn’t have progressed so fast and steady.
    Have so nice a girl as my friend is great luck for me. May our friendship lasts forever.

    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    全国文明城市 the National Civilized City
    Volunteers wanted at Zhongtianjie,Jingmen City

    Student Union

    一、听力:1-5 ABACA 6-10 CBCBC 11-15 ABBCA 16-20 BACCA
    二、阅读理解:21-23 BCB 24-27 CDCD 28-31 BADB 32-35 DACD
    36-40 BGFEA
    三、完形填空:41-45 BACDC 46-50DBCDB
    51-55ADADB 56-60 ACACB
    61. entirely 62.Described 63.more effective
    64. as 65. have been working/have worked 66. inspiration
    67. remains 68. it 69. Although/Though/While 70. improving
    1. that → whom 2. a → an 3.adjust 后加to
    4. which→ that 5. determine →determination 6. try out →out删掉
    7. myself → me 8. steady → steadily 9. Have →Having
    10. lasts → last
    Volunteers wanted at Zhongtianjie , Jingmen City
    The campaign of establishing the National Civilized City is underway. In order to add fuel to it, all the volunteers in our school are supposed to take part in a volunteer service activity, which is to be held from 5 p.m to 6:30 p.m on the afternoon of January 11.
    During the time, we will persuade pedestrians to obey traffic rules, like crossing the street with the green lights on. In the meantime, some of the volunteers can appeal to citizens to be civilized ones by giving them the handbooks about civilization. And the other volunteers can do our bit to help the environmental sanitation workers and gardeners pick up the garbage or water the plants, making our city cleaner and greener.
    Make sure of your arriving at the crossing of Zhongtian Street before 5 p.m of that day and please don’t forget to wear the uniform for the voluntary work.

    Student Union
    Text 1
    M:Excuse me, ma'am. Are you in line for the ATM?
    W:Oh! No,I'm sorry. I'm waiting for my husband to buy movie tickets next door.(1) Please,go ahead.
    Text 2
    M:Hi,there. I have an appointment with Dr. Grandish at 10:40.
    W:Okay. We are running a little behind today, so it might take a few minutes. Was that for a regular check-up?
    M:No, I just need hime to renew a prescription.(2)
    Text 3
    W:I can't find my car keys. I just put them on my chair a minute ago.
    M:I hear them in your pocket. They're in your pants, not your jacket.(3)
    Text 4
    M:Mrs. Raskins is mad about our dog digging up her garden.
    W:The old lady form across the street?(4) She's always complaining about something.
    M:I'll get my mother to talk to her, they're the same age.
    Text 5
    W:John! Sarah! Please come help me...
    M:Sorry,Mom. I was outside in the backyard. I don't know where Sarah is. What can I do?
    W:Bring the grocery bags into the house. My hands are full, and I just spilled coffee everywhere. I don't have much time to make dinner before your father gets home.(5)
    Text 6
    W: Hey. I've been trying to call you all week. I’m glad you picked up. I'm throwing a birthday party next month. (6) I want to send you an invitation.
    M: Cool. I'll give you my address. It's 775 Main Street...
    W: Oh, thanks, I'm planning to send the invitations through email. (7) It's just easier, and then I don't have to buy stamps.
    M: Oh, that makes sense.
    W: I know it's nice to get a pretty invitation in the mail, but I just don't have time to do that.
    You'll have to wait until I get married. Then you'll get a paper invitation from me.
    Text 7 (第9题为推断题)
    M: Oh, no! I spilled our coffee and tea on the carpet. There's going to be a huge stain!
    W: How did that happen? You were just setting the cups down on the table.
    M: The dog jumped on me right as I was sitting down, and I dropped the cups. I'm so sorry, dear. Maybe I should see if one of our neighbors has some carpet cleaner.
    W: Well, we can try to clean it all up with a towel and then put cold water on it. (8) That might help a little. It's not a big deal, though. That is an old carpet, anyway. We can buy a new one downtown if we need to.
    M: Well, okay. I'm sorry again. The dog jumped out from nowhere! I'll help clean it.
    Text 8
    M: I can't believe it! I only got a "B" on my project. (10) (11)
    W: Why are you complaining? That's not a bad grade. (11)
    M: I worked on it for weeks. I spent hours in the library checking on things. I really thought I'd done a good job. I even gave up last week's concert.
    W: Well, getting a "B" is good. I just don't see why you're so upset. (11)
    M: But Ames didn't spend half as much time on his project and he still got an "A". (10)
    W: Ames always gets good grades on his projects. If you are truly dissatisfied, why don't you speak to the teacher to find out why you only got a "B"? (12)
    M: I'm really not in the mood to speak to that teacher.
    W: Maybe your grade can be changed. If that can't be done, you can find out what was weak about it and try to improve on those points in your next project.
    M: I suppose that's the best thing to do.
    Text 9
    W: How was your weekend?
    M: Well, it was rainy, so I stayed indoors and watched television. How about you?
    W: I had a nice weekend, but no TV for me. I used to watch television every day until I gave it up as a New Year's resolution.
    M: What's that?
    W: It's a goal or promise that you make to yourself... Usually, I don't keep my resolutions, (13) but this time I did. I haven't watched any television at all.
    M: It's already April! Does that mean you haven't watched TV for four months? (14)
    W: Actually. this was my New Year's resolution last year.(14) so I haven't watched TV for almost a year and four months.
    M: Wow. What has been the effect on your life?
    W: Well, I don't stay up watching shows, so I'm able to go to bed by ten. That means I wake up earlier.
    M: Do you exercise in the morning? (15)
    W: No. But I make all my food for the day. (15) Then I don't have to cook when I get home, so I have time to go to the gym after work.
    M: Do you lift weights?
    W: No. I swim.
    M: Well, has giving up TV helped you in any other important ways?
    W: Yeah. Now that I don't entertain myself with television, I read in the evening. Since last winter, I've read over 30 books. (16)
    M:That's impressive. (16)
    Text 10
    Many music fans consider the Beatles to be the greatest group in the history of rock’n’roll. After several personnel changes, the Beatles formed in Liverpool, England, in 1960. Their early works consisted of pop songs with simple tunes and stories. Their song She Loves You became the best-selling single song of the 1960s in the United Kingdom, and five later songs also sold more than a million copies each. (17) As they became more popular, their fans became crazier and crazier, and the crowds became far louder than the band itself. The group's later albums were much more complex, and it became quite difficult for them to hear their own music in concert. For this reason, they decided to quit performing live permanently in 1966. (18) The Beatles recorded together for the last time in 1969 on the song She's So Heavy. (19) Soon after, the guitarist and singer John Lennon announced in private that he was leaving the band. In 1970, bass player Paul McCartney presented legal papers to end the band, but it wasn't until four years later that it was official. (20)






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