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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




    例:How much is the shirt?

    A. £19.15.    B. £9.18.    C. £9.15.


    1. What’s the weather like now?

    A. Cloudy.    B. Sunny.    C. Rainy.

    2. What is the woman? s plan for tonight?

    A. To visit a friend.    B. To see a movie.    C. To go swimming.

    3. How will the woman go to the town center?

    A. By bus.    B. By train.    C. By taxi.

    4. When will Jim return?

    A. On July 10.    B. On July 11.    C. On July 12.

    5. How will the woman’s mother pay for the CD?

    A. By cheque.    B. In cash.    C. By credit card.




    6. What does the woman decide to do tomorrow at last?

    A. Go to work late.    B. See a dentist.    C. Attend a meeting.

    7. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

    A. Boss and employee.    B. Doctor and patient.    C. Husband and wife.


    8. When do people in Mexico city remember an earthquake?

    A. On September 19.    B. On September 10.    C. On September 9.

    9. What did Mexico city experience on September 8th last year?

    A. A 7.1 earthquake.    B. An 8.1 earthquake.    C. An 8.2 earthquake.


    10. Why did the woman buy the dress?

    A. For a party.    B. For a lecture.    C. For an interview.

    11. How much was taken off the price of the dress?

    A. 10%.    B. 20%.    C. 30%.

    12. Where is probably Mike now?

    A. At home.    B. In hospital.    C. At school.


    13. What day is it today?

    A. Friday.    B. Thursday.    C. Wednesday.

    14. Who forgot the words during the play?

    A. Peter.    B. Harry.    C. Mark.

    15. What was Fred’s problem?

    A. He fell over a chair.

    B. He caused lights to be off.

    C. He gave up the play midway.

    16. How does the woman feel about the situation on the man first night?

    A. It’s normal.    B. It’s funny.    C. It’s surprising.


    17. Which event is a charity campaign?

    A. The World in Miniature.    B. Mind Games.    C. Double Trouble.

    18. When should Sebastian Walker give his performance according to the advertisement?

    A On Tuesday.    B. On Wednesday.    C. On Thursday.

    19. How long will the exhibition of interactive learning technology last?

    A. One day.    B. Two days.    C. Three days.

    20. Why does the speaker feel sorry for fans of the band?

    A. It is not free of charge.

    B. It is not open to the public.

    C. Tickets are not available now.

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)




    Vancouver Tours

    Vancouver Stanley Park Tour

    If you want to see the major sights in Vancouver and come home with amazing photographs, this 3-hour photography tour is the way to go. Walk through Vancouver’s top sightseeing locations; get guidance on photography basics and find the best spots to photograph the city. From Stanley Park’s totem poles and old-growth trees to the most popular beaches and dining spots, you leave with beautiful mementos of the city.

    Historical Chinatown Walking Tour

    Explore the colorful past of Canada’s oldest Chinatown, in Victoria, British Columbia. This guided walking tour will lead you through the streets and storied allies of the historic neighborhood, as your guide tells you the interesting, sometimes sad tales of the people who helped build the city and shape Canada as well as modem China.

    Small Group Sea to Sky Tour

    The Sea to Sky Highway is one of the world’s most beautiful and celebrated roadways. You don’t have to take your eyes off the scenery on this small group tour because someone else is doing the driving. Tour stops include a short hike to impressive Shannon Falls, the gorgeous Sea to Sky gondola, and award-winning Britannia Mine Museum.

    Eagle Viewing River Float Tour

    Dress warmly under a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate for a winter float on the river. The area is the winter habitat of bald eagles, and this trip gives you the opportunity to learn about the birds as you float through their area. After the boat ride, return to dry land just in time for a free, hearty meal before heading back to Vancouver.

    1. In which tour will you get instruction in photo-taking?

    A. Small Group Sea to Sky Tour.

    B. Vancouver Stanley Park Tour.

    C. Eagle Viewing River Float Tour.

    D. Historical Chinatown Walking Tour.

    2. What will you do on the Chinatown Walking Tour?

    A. Build modern China. B. Tell interesting stories.

    C. Learn about its history. D. Enjoy boat sightseeing.

    3. Which of the following does the Eagle Viewing River Float Tour provide?

    A. A free eagle hunt. B. A free and hearty meal.

    C. A hike in the woods. D. A cup of black coffee.

    【答案】1. B    2. C    3. B


    “Don’t answer it,” I said to Sam. Our door in the inner city is constantly knocked on; our previous door in the suburbs rarely so. Sam has a full-time job and cannot spend his days answering requests to fix leaking baths or carry cash to the bank.

    Sam opened the door and it was Mervin.

    “There’s a bird on the second floor,” he said. “It’s in trouble.”

    Sam followed Mervin upstairs. Mervin pointed and turned to let Sam look. It was a pigeon, the most common of all birds, the bird most likely to foul (弄脏) your newly washed car. And

    it wasn’t flying away. It was stamping in circles. As Sam bent to look, Mervin coughed, “Number two.”

    Sam asked him to repeat that. “Number two,” Mervin said. "The pigeon has been sitting in his own number two, and now it’s stuck to his foot.”

    It had rained for five days, and the bird was young. It could have been sheltering in a wet nest of its own waste, which had then dried on its foot, preventing it from flying away. The pigeon moved in a few more circles. Sam bent to take another look. Mervin said, “All right, then.” and walked away.

    “Why does everyone think you must solve the problems around here?” I said to Sam when he returned with his story. “It’s a bird. Just leave it on the stairs, and let nature take its course.” Sam didn’t agree. Then he went to the garage and emptied the cardboard box containing our imported camping mats. He returned with the gray pigeon in the box. He showed the bird to our children and they decided to keep it.

    They put its foot in the warm water bath and got rid of its waste. Immediately the pigeon erupted in a bomb of feathers and began flying.

    4. How did the author feel about the knocks?

    A. She felt bored. B. She was frightened.

    C. She got excited. D. She was surprised.

    5. Why was the pigeon moving in circles?

    A. It was learning to fly.

    B. It was badly injured.

    C. It got caught in the rain.

    D. It was trapped by its waste.

    6. What did Sam use the cardboard box to do?

    A. Shelter from rain.

    B. Give it to Mervin.

    C. Wash camping mats.

    D. Make a nest for the bird.

    7. What can we learn about Sam from the text?

    A. He was brave. B. He was clever.

    C. He was warm-hearted. D. He was easy-going.

    【答案】4. A    5. D    6. D    7. C


    The Taj Mahal, in Agra, India, is one of the most brilliant structures on Earth. It is nearly 400 years old. Emperor Shah Jahan had it built in memory of his wife. It took about 20 years to build the monument. Some 20,000 workers and 1,000 elephants helped get the job done. Today, the Taj Mahal is not just a symbol of cultural history. It’s also India’s most famous tourist attraction. About 8 million people visit it each year.

    But pollution is turning the white marble monument shades of green, yellow, and brown. The Taj Mahal stands on the polluted Yamuna River. Insects are attracted to the dirty water. They leave greenish droppings on the building. Air pollution is also a big threat. Factories and cars release pollution into the air. It sticks to the Taj Mahal’s suidEace. In the 1990s, India’s Supreme Court ordered hundreds of factories near the monument to close. Also, car and bus traffic was restricted. From time to time, workers clean the Taj Mahal. But doing so is difficult, expensive, and time-consuming; And it doesn’t prevent the discoloration.

    On July 11, India’s Supreme Court gave the city of Agra a warning: “Either you destroy the Taj Mahal or you restore it”. Authorities in the city submitted a draft of an action plan on July 24. It suggests banning plastics and construction from the area. It also calls for the closing of more factories.

    “In order to preserve the Taj Mahal, people must come together to work toward a solution. There needs to be positive pressure on people to act. We need to act immediately,” Sachchida Tripathi says. He worked on a 2014 study of pollution at the Taj Mahal. “We are trying,” he adds, “but we need to try more.”

    8. Why did Emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal?

    A. To attract tourists. B. To honour his wife.

    C. To represent India. D. To mark his greatness.

    9. What can we infer about the Taj Mahal from the second paragraph?

    A. It is getting dirty. B. It is under repair.

    C. It attracts insects. D. It is losing tourists.

    10. What should people do to save the Taj Mahal according to Sachchida Tripathi?

    A. Close factories. B. Become united.

    C. Make a new plan. D. Prevent the discoloration.

    11. What can be a suitable title for the text?

    A. Immediate Action Must Be Taken B. The Taj Mahal Must Be Rebuilt

    C. Factories and Cars Led to Pollution D. Pollution Destroyed the Taj Mahal

    【答案】8. B    9. A    10. B    11. A


    During the period from 1660 through 1800, Great Britain became the world’s leader. Language itself became submitted to rules during this period. This need to fix the English language is best illustrated (描述) in the making of The Dictionary of the English Language by Samuel Johnson. Guides to the English language had been in existence before Johnson began his project in 1746. These, however, were often little more than lists of hard words. When definitions of common words were supplied, they were often unhelpful. For example, a “horse” was defined in an early dictionary as “a beast well known”.

    Johnson changed all that, but the task was not an easy one. Renting a house at 17 Gough Square, Johnson began working in the worst of conditions. Supported only by his publisher, Johnson worked on the Dictionary with five assistants. Compared to the French Academy’s dictionary, which took forty workers fifty-five years to complete (1639-1694), Johnson’s dictionary was completed by very few people very quickly.

    Balanced on a chair with only three legs, Johnson sat against a wall in a room filled with books. Johnson would read widely from these books, mark passages illustrating the use of a particular word, and give the books to his assistants so that they could copy the passages on slips of paper. These slips were then stuck to eighty large notebooks under the key words that Johnson had selected. Fixing the word by this method, Johnson could record a word,s usage and its definition.

    How many passages were used? According to Johnson’s modern biographer Walter Jackson Bate, the original total number could have been over 240,000. How many words were defined by the lexicographer? Over 40,000 words appeared in two large books in April of 1755. Did Johnson fully understand the huge task he was undertaking when he began? As he told his contemporary biographer James Boswell, “I knew very well what I was undertaking and very well how to do it — and have done it very well.”

    12. What is the problem of early English dictionaries?

    A. They only offer simple pictures.

    B. They list just a few foreign words.

    C. They simply give some translations.

    D. They add no more than some big words.

    13. What does the underlined word “lexicographer” in paragraph 4 refer to?

    A. A publisher. B. A biographer.

    C. A maker of dictionaries. D. An assistant.

    14. What can we infer about Samuel Johnson from the text?

    A. He standardized English.

    B. He cared about authority a lot

    C. He gained much financial support.

    D. He complained of working conditions.

    15. What is the purpose of this passage?

    A. To discuss the problems of dictionaries.

    B. To encourage people to work on a project.

    C. To persuade people to buy the new dictionary.

    D. To introduce how Johnson complete his dictionary.

    【答案】12. D    13. C    14. A    15. D



    Most people will agree that it is good to read, but not all reading is equal. Here are some tips for productive reading.

    1. Take notes.

    Even if you never refer to your notes again, the process of taking notes helps you sort out something important and will help you remember it. You can choose between computers or paper for your notes. ___16___. On the other hand, many people feel they recall information better when they write it by hand.

    2. ___17___.

    If you are like me, once you commit to reading a book, it is very hard to give up until you’ve finished it. Given the number of books that are available and our limited life, it just doesn’t make sense to read a book that you aren’t getting anything from.

    3. Variety is good.

    While you don’t want to give up on a book that you are benefiting from, it is important to give yourself variety. You can pick up a book at random or intentionally looking for something different from what you normally read. ___18___.

    4. Review what you’ve read.

    If you want to remember what you read, take the time to review. ___19___. When you finish a book, spend 15 minutes examining your notes in 2 to 4 days. Then 2 to 4 weeks after that and then 2 to 4 months after that. This will strengthen the knowledge in your mind.

    5. Discuss what you read with others.

    ___20___. If you can talk with people in person, that is ideal, but don t overlook the power of the Internet in connecting people with similar interests but different geography.

    A. Don’t be afraid to give up

    B. Make full use of reading time

    C. It’s hard to get more out of your normal reading

    D. This can be very valuable in giving you a different opinion

    E. And you,d better go over things at ever increasing time intervals

    F. Using computers will make it easy to find your notes later by search

    G. The best way to get more from your reading is to discuss it with others

    【答案】16. F    17. A   

    18. D    19. E   

    20. G

    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分55分)



    For my grandpa, Tatay’s 90th birthday, our family threw him a big party.

    We ___21___ the backyard with colorful flags so it would look like the neighborhood parties with which Tatay ___22___ in his home country of the Philippines. We ___23___ a big lechon, a roasted pig. And the guests were ___24___ to wear traditional Filipino clothes.

    ___25___ I was excited to wear an orange patadyong — a Philippine skirt and wrap — my white husband Darren, from Nashville, Tenn., felt ___26___ in his barong, a shirt woven from pineapple leaf fibers. My aunt had told all the guests to dress in ___27___ clothes.

    “I feel like this is cultural appropriation,” he said,pulling the collar and looking around ___28___. “I honestly feel uncomfortable.”

    I could understand Darren’s ___29___ But wearing a barong to Tatay’s birthday party this, I felt, was not appropriation but ___30___. It filled me with great ___31___ to see my white husband in the clothing of my family’s tradition. I knew my family was ___32___, too. My uncle lent his clean shirt to Darren. My cousins wanted to ___33___ photos with him.

    I ___34___ him by saying he was expressing ___35___ and a sense of unity with my Filipino family. And we were wearing these clothes as an act of ___36___ to Tatay. He is losing his ___37___ —but barong and patadyong and lechon, these are some of the things that ___38___ in his mind.

    In that barong, Darren’s standing next to Tatay ___39___ that he was making an ___40___ to understand and connect with my family. And that, to me, was a beautiful thing.

    After all, appreciating different cultures helps understand the world.

    21. A. shared B. decorated C. provided D. covered

    22. A. put up B. came up C. brought up D. grew up

    23. A. ordered B. raised C. kept D. caught

    24. A. allowed B. asked C. admitted D. found

    25. A. Since B. Once C. While D. When

    26. A. suitable B. comfortable C. stressful D. nervous

    27. A. traditional B. regular C. plain D. expensive

    28. A. patiently B. bravely C. tiredly D. worriedly

    29. A. argument B. condition C. anxiety D. curiosity

    30. A. difference B. appreciation C. influence D. expectation

    31. A. faith B. disappointment C. pride D. complaint

    32. A. excited B. interested C. embarrassed D. annoyed

    33. A. develop B. send C. take D. exchange

    34. A. comforted B. changed C. ignored D. attracted

    35. A. fear B. regret C. happiness D. support

    36. A. courage B. trust C. kindness D. devotion

    37. A. wealth B. memory C. home D. heart

    38. A. remain B. grow C. return D. disappear

    39. A. promised B. noticed C. sounded D. showed

    40. A. offer B. effort C. example D. excuse

    【答案】21. B    22. D    23. A    24. B    25. C    26. D    27. A    28. D    29. C    30. B    31. C    32. A    33. C    34. A    35. D    36. C    37. B    38. A    39. D    40. B



    Sudan is the only male northern white rhino (犀牛) left in the world. That ___41___ (mean) Sudan, 42, is the last hope for avoiding extinction. ___42___ (protect) him, officials have placed him under 24-hour armed guard at the OI Pejeta Conservancy in central Kenya. Sudan lives there ___43___ two female northern white rhinos, Fatu and Najin.

    Northern white rhinos, ___44___ can weigh up to 5,000 pounds, were once plentiful across northern and central Africa. ___45___ (hunter) have killed thousands of rhinos because of ___46___ high demand for the animals,horns (角). Rhino horns, believed to have medical effects, are used in ___47___ (tradition) Asian medicines. More than 1,000 rhinos ___48___ (kill) in 2014 in South Africa alone and fifty-four rhinos in Kenya, which has a much ___49___ (small) population.

    Sudan, Fatu, and Najin have had their horns _____50_____ (remove) so that they will not be hunted. People hope Sudan and one of the females will be able to have a baby. Sudan is very old, but scientists will not give up hope.

    【答案】41. means   

    42. To protect   

    43. with    44. which   

    45. Hunters   

    46. a    47. traditional   

    48. were killed   

    49. smaller   

    50. removed

    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    On December 10, I was at a grocery store buy canning jars for a project I was working on. The assistant ask me what I was going to use the jars for, and I told her about my plan to making bath salts for friends as holiday gifts.

    She was interesting and asked me to let her to know how it turned out. I decided to do better. A few day before Christmas, I brought him a gift jar full of the bath salts I had made. She was very surprised and happy that she gave me hug. The small act of kindness can real make a difference.


    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


    要点:1. 有英语优势;

    2. 协助外教的工作经历。

    注意:1. 词数100左右;



    【答案】Dear Sir / Madam,

    I’d like to apply for the position which was advertised in the school newspaper. I found this post quite appealing to me.

    I’m Li Hua in Grade Two. Luckily, I have a good knowledge of English and I can speak English fluently. Last year, I won first place in the spoken English contest held by our school. In addition, I have previous experience. I have been a volunteer and always assist my foreign teachers with their work.

    In short, I believe my experience and fluent oral English will be of great help for me in doing the work. I’ m available for interview at any time. I would appreciate it if I could get your offer.


    Li Hua







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