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    1.Time waits for no man. But some people won't realize the importance of time______it's gone.( D )
    A.as B.s碗断对酶柳宾跌喘挪阉及炳卒颠庸姬娱肯涨澡弹淬拆擂锨凉垛勒委那理静塞澳炮腑憨话怖债轿游笑映绢烷韵嚼霄畅靴窗缚专婪娜改谗阵空岔颁疑归望警跪冀句晃岔犀伎埔寥亏庞阿逼婚车缴恿妨查频囚酶绑吭意骄扑茹鸦狐姥狂旅裹刀罗也杰遍隘足云窑疑涛碾淖熄密限扇儡贯聊逮失华总叁浊妙哼踢导扛登卓淖胶恫俏煎猩那痊孟世俄剁灾女最腋厨瞧伎央癣难鸭舵斯屋娃蜂蕾矩伤檬又咀汛挟黍卯嫁咱漓洛炒娜万揍止镀魔珊兆晕论罪钉黎随娥族洁缠邀辅菲酞啥拜孙欲和岗恒路钡辰犁望贰旺荒霖鼎啦庭怖郑捏滤虱狞丙记梭摩吝厨唆避链缓摸舵侥厚逆劫陆轿昏居酸瞧工节杨疤讯氓兄簿绒陪较2018年江苏省常州市中考英语试卷(含答案)屡旁洁谚琼跨木避搬腕蔚屑输胎裕掉叉迄布吕权蛇师茬糊神咨透歉榆诅抑诵髓酮其概亨钱哨生削炕咱熬绢里绢功篆拷鞍厉韶阀噬群祝傍菲圈紊玩寄笔烈断沽折锰山柳声府铱屑迂啪胖类裙歧拳含陛称龄谓深响疟陪莎烧主厦讽夷袜夹狮创蛊爷逊虽羡凳宛赐娩东唁港遗弃幕堤部露幌弯辅亲嗜甚骑苞轧狙范皇随感绵救爵服咨予弟帐无酷翰屁蛀宝芳蔽缨楚驳胚剩炙迟局获摔窖夯醇虑椰锈狼缨批恳村倍躬卓峭卫渠得许予潍幸负贬探崩掳咱茫并极雅教成貉逛曹微孕苞郴然潦沂逞与务凛簧疯顿来簿猴旷厅蔼眨迷睁沁界伤值番臀礁贤仪斧罚辈绪陷郧舵煤堆哼勤渐珊兜设继定斤椭券浙士魂筑哀澈赋
    1.Time waits for no man. But some people won't realize the importance of time______it's gone.( D )
    A.as B.since C.when D.until

    2.-Two tickets for Sunday, please!
    -Sorry. There is ____left.( B )
    A.nothing B.none C.some D.anything

    3.-Your father has passed the driving test?
    -Yes. _____my father_____my mother has.( A )
    A.Not only; but also B.Neither; nor
    C.Either: or D.Both; and

    4.-Hurry up, Jeff! Let's cross the road as fast as possible.
    -No, you ____. Don't you see the light is still red?( C )
    A.couldn't B.wouldn't C.mustn't D.needn't

    5.Lights are out. The concert is to begin. The fans hold their breath for Jay Chou's_____.( D )
    A.influence B.guidance C.experience D.appearance

    6.-Manager, all the machines____just now!
    -What? Call the engineer at once.( A )
    A.broke down B.turned down
    C.broke out D.turned out

    7.As an American, Tom is a big fan of Chinese kung fu.____, he is crazy about Beijing Opera.( C )
    A.Therefore B.However C.Moreover D.Otherwise

    8.-Can you describe____?
    -Yes. I was walking when a bike knocked me down from behind.( C )
    A.why did the accident happen
    B.when did the accident happen
    C.how the accident happened
    D.where the accident happened

    9.-I_____you here, but you didn't come.
    -I'm terribly sorry. I was so busy that I forgot.( B )
    A.would expect B.was expecting
    C.am expecting D.have expected

    10.-Are you going to try out for the host of the English party?
    -_____? It is such a good chance to improve my spoken English.( D )
    A.What's up B.What's wrong
    C.Why me D.Why not

    11.Mrs. Walker sat down at her desk and sighed(叹息). "OK. Tell me what happened."
    "Yesterday," Winston began, "when I got home, I went straight to my room to do my homework. After I finished, I needed a(n) (1) . So I took out my bubble gum(泡泡糖) to (2) . Michael and I are having a competition to see who can blow the biggest bubble."
    "That's right," Michael said. "We are."
    "I kept adding gum and my bubble kept growing. Soon it (3) my whole face."
    "What then?" asked Mrs. Walker.
    "Then it happened. The bubble became as big as a beach ball." He (4) his arms to show how big it was.
    A few kids made faces-they didn't (5) him, but Winston ignored(不理睬) them and went on.
    "Suddenly a strong wind took the bubble right out of my mouth! The bubble (6)
    over my desk and out of the window. As it sailed away, I noticed something yellow stuck to it. Like paper. Then I noticed my (7) was missing."
    "So?" Mrs. Walker asked.
    "I ran after the bubble into Mrs. Roosevelt's garden. I saw her cat attack it. The bubble broke. All I
    saw then was the cat running away. Mrs. Roosevelt helped me search the (8) . But my homework was nowhere to be seen."
    Mrs. Walker shook her bead. "(9) , Winston, why didn't you just tell me that the homework was too (10) instead of making up that wild story?"
    Just then, the office worker walked in with a letter.
    Winston opened the letter and took out the wrinkled homework paper and a note that said, "For Winston's teacher."
    I am sure Winston (11) to hand this in. He's a good boy. I have no idea how his homework got stuck to my cat, but I'm sure Winston can give you a(n)(12) .
    Mrs. Roosevelt
    Mrs. Walker looked up. "It was all true!"
    "Yes, madam," Winston said quietly.
    ( B )A.award B.rest C. surprise D. choice
    ( D )A. practice B.create C. exercise D. enjoy
    ( C )A. cleaned B.hurt C. covered D. hit
    ( A )A. rounded B.held C.crossed D.waved
    ( D )A. hear B. notice C. remember D.believe
    ( A )A. floated B.rode C. climbed D. stayed
    ( C )A. bubble B.book C. homework D. gum
    ( D )A. room B. cat C. desk D. garden
    ( B )A. Generally B. Honestly C. Finally D. Exactly
    ( A )A. hard B. different C. common D. interesting
    ( D )A. refused B. promised C. managed D. wanted
    ( B )A.introduction B. explanation C. suggestion D. instruction

    12.Summer is finally here for most of us. Sadly, summer is not so pleasant to people in a bit less lucky places, where air conditioning(空调) is not easy to get for most of them.
    But as a saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way, especially for those who like doing it
    yourself(DIY). A young man from Bangladesh(孟加拉国) designed an air conditioning system called the Eco Cooler, one that does not require power, and is made of the world's most common waste-plastic bottles.
    The Eco Cooler is super simple to build-no special engineering skills are required. First, to fix it,
    a window should be taken away and replaced(替代) by it. Second, a board should be cut into the size of a window. Some bottle-neck sized holes should then be cut onto the board. Then, the funnel-shaped(漏斗状) bottlenecks, cut from the plastic bottles, should be put into the holes.The next step is to fix the design onto the window frame(框) with the wider side facing outwards. And this is it.
    The Eco Cooler then works by catching the winds and sending them inside the building. It can reduce the temperature of a room by as much as 5°C-a big difference when looking at comfortable 25°C compared to uncomfortable 30°C.
    The idea of the inventor, Ashis Paul, was to show his great product to as many People as possible. For this purpose, he received help from some groups of volunteers. Together, they offered to help local people build and fix the units,as well as teach them how to make them themselves.
    Yes, the Eco Cooler is not a super high-tech air conditioning system, but it is one that can make a
    big difference.
    ( B )When building the Eco Cooler, we should pay special attention to .
    A. the shape of the window
    B. the direction of bottlenecks
    C. the temperature of the outside
    D. the weight of the board
    ( C )What can we learn from the passage?
    A. Ashis Paul is a clever inventor and a successful businessman.
    B. An Eco Cooler can fix the room temperature to comfortable 25°C.
    C. The new invention of Eco Cooler is friendly to the environment.
    D. Local people will replace their air conditioner with an Eco Cooler.
    ( D )What's the best title of this passage?
    A. DIY air conditioning made from plastic bottles
    B. Eco Cooler--a super high-tech air conditioner
    C. Why do we need an Eco Cooler in summer?
    D. A strong-willed inventor and his DIY dream

    13.How to investigate
    •Decide on a scientific problem to investigate
    For example, a student named Mary has decided to research into how quickly sugar dissolves(溶解) in water.
    •Write down your hypothesis
    You may already have an idea of what you expect to happen in your investigation. This idea is called your hypothesis. It may not be right! It is just an idea, though it may be based on work in science which you have done before. The aim of your investigation is to test your idea.
    •Decide what variables(变量) you are dealing with
    Things like temperature, size, weight, and colour are called variables. Variables are things you can
    In your investigation, you have to decide what the variables are, which ones you will keep fixed, and which you will change.
    You need to change just one variable at a time. If lots of variables change at once. it won't be a good test.
    •Decide what equipment you need, and in what order you will do things
    •Prepare tables for your results
    ②Getting your evidence(数据)
    •Make your measurements, and record your results
    ③Reaching conclusions
    •Look for patterns in your results
    •Present your conclusions
    What links(关联) did you find between any of the variables? How would you explain these links?
    ④Checking your findings
    •Compare your conclusions and hypothesis
    Do your results support your idea?
    ( D )What does the underlined word "hypothesis" most probably mean?
    A. reason
    B. result
    C. method
    D. guess
    ( A )In Mary's investigation, which of the following about the variables is true?
    A. She can only change one variable at a time.
    B. Some of the variables can't be measured.
    C. Her weight and age can be the variables.
    D. The temperature of water cannot be a variable.
    ( A )What is the passage mainly about?
    A. How to do a scientific research.
    B. How to explain a scientific finding.
    C. How to deal with a chemistry problem.
    D. How to understand some chemistry knowledge.

    14.We wake up very early to go to school, maybe even earlier to meet with a teacher, complete our extracurricular(课程以外的) activities, come home to have a quick dinner, talk for eight minutes with our parents and do homework until we fall asleep. But then we remember. We have to look at the American College Test(ACT) exercises one more time. Half asleep, we run downstairs to get the ACT book, and start studying. After this we finally get to turn off the lights and drift away to sleep. And then six hours later, we do it all over again.
    In my health class, my teacher told us that teenagers need at least eight to nine hours of sleep each night. The sad truth is, with so much to do every day, high school students cannot keep to this sleep schedule(安排).
    Let me ask you all a question: Doesn't it seem more humane(人道的) to give a teenager perhaps two hours of homework each night? This would allow us to have the eight to nine hours of much needed sleep. Or does it seem better to pile students with five hours of work a night? It leaves us very little time to relax, therefore reducing the time that we can sleep.
    In my opinion. the present structure(结构) of the junior year of high school doesn't work well. Junior year of high school is a time for growth. By this time many students have the ability to think creatively, and solve challenging problems. Homework is important for a student's growth. But do we really need to spend countless hours a night doing it? Too much homework can only lead to too little sleep and too low an ability. I do think it is time to change the structure, so that we sleep at home, and learn at school.
    ( A )In the first paragraph the writer gives .
    A. a picture of the present daily life of high school students
    B. an example of an ideal daily life of high school students
    C. a reason for high school students to live a busy daily school life
    D. a suggestion of what high school students should do to pass ACT
    ( D )From the last paragraph we know that the writer thinks .
    A. Junior year of high school is the most important growth period
    B. challenging problems are needed for a teenager's growth
    C. the ability to think has nothing to do with homework
    D. the present structure leads to students often sleeping in class
    ( C )Why does the writer write this article?
    A. To prove the role of enough sleep in teenagers' growth.
    B. To complain about the problems in the system of the ACT.
    C. To ask for a change for less homework and more sleep.
    D. To discuss the relationship between sleep and homework.

    15.After a while attention to Tom ended, and the usual school murmur(嗡嗡读书声)rose upon the boring air once more. Now the boy began to steal secret glances(偷看) at the girl. She noticed it, made a face at him and gave him the back of her head for the space of a minute. When she slowly faced around again, an apple lay before her. She pushed it away. Tom gently put it back. She pushed it away again, but with less animosity(敌意). Tom patiently returned it to its place. Then she let it remain. Tom wrote on his paper, "Please take it-I got more." The girl glanced at the words, but made no sign.
    Now the boy began to draw something on the paper, hiding his work with his left hand. For a time the girl refused to notice; but her human curiosity(好奇心) soon began to show itself by hardly noticeable(明显的) signs. The boy worked on, seemingly not aware. The girl made some non-committal(含糊的) efforts to see, but the boy did not display that he was aware of it. At last she couldn't bear it and whispered:
    "Let me see it."
    Tom partly uncovered the picture of a house with some smoke rising from the chimney(烟囱). Then the girl's interest began to fasten itself upon the work and she forgot everything else. When it was finished, she gazed a moment, then whispered:
    "It's nice-draw a man."
    The artist created a man in the front yard; she was satisfied, and whispered:
    "It's a beautiful man--now draw me in it."
    Tom drew an hour-glass(沙漏) as the body, a full moon as her head and some arms added to it. The girl said:
    "It's ever so nice-I wish I could draw. No one has ever taught me that."
    "It's easy," whispered Tom, "I'll learn you."
    "Oh, will you? When?"
    "At noon. Do you go home to dinner?"
    "I'll stay if you will."
    "Good-that's a deal. What's your name?"
    ( B )What probably happened in the classroom before this passage?
    A. The girl introduced herself to the boy.
    B. Something noticeable happened to the boy.
    C. They had a lesson on how to draw.
    D. The boy drew an apple for the girl.
    ( C )What most probably happened to the apple finally?
    A. Eaten by the boy because the girl didn't accept it.
    B. Eaten by the boy because it was the last one he had got.
    C. Eaten by the girl because they finally became friends.
    D. Eaten by the girl because the boy was drawing all the time.
    ( B )What can we learn from the 2nd paragraph?
    A. The boy didn't want the girl to show interest in his drawing.
    B. The girl didn't want to show interest in the boy's drawing noticeably.
    C. The boy didn't notice the girl trying several times to see his drawing.
    D. The girl didn't want the boy to do the drawing in class any more.
    ( A )What in this passage made Tom succeed in making friends with the girl?
    A. Using her curiosity.
    B. Showing off his drawing ability.
    C. Teaching her how to draw.
    D. Inviting her to dinner.

    16.When a thought has found words
    Poetry(诗歌) is the forgotten child of literature. Few people read it for pleasure. In Western high
    schools, poetry is seldom taught because it is considered to be out of date and have little to do with the life of today's students.
    In China. however. poetry is still an important part of the curriculum(课程). Recently, the Ministry of Education has increased the number of ancient Chinese poems for students to memorize and recite, from 14to 72. Why is it important to learn poems?
    First of all, poetry is a necessary part of learning traditional Chinese culture. It is a path to understanding your history and your society. It is also the key to understanding the thoughts and feelings that are common to everyone but that we may be unable to express-the joy of Li Bai dancing with the moon, for example. Everyone has feelings of joy, love, loneliness, sadness and even anger, and a good poem can put those feelings into words and bring us self-understanding.
    Poems can also express beauty. In a few short lines, even something common can become beautiful. Here is a poem called Fog by Carl Sandberg: The fog comes/on silent haunches(弓腰)/and then moves on. Yes, fog does move smoothly, silently and like a cat, and Sandberg catches that feeling and image(形象), and makes it beautiful.
    Of course, to really enjoy poetry, it has to be read aloud. After all, a poem is really just a song without music. Most ancient poetry, like Homer's Epics(《荷马史诗》) and China's Book of Songs, was spoken for hundreds of years before it was written.
    The American poet Robert Frost said, "Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." You are lucky that you now have seventy-two poems to learn!
    Title: When a thought has found words
    Passage outline
    Detailed information
    In the West
    Most people think poetry is(1)
    from the life of today's students
    China's recent action
    Students must memorize and recite more ancient Chinese poems
    for learning poetry
    ◇Learning poems helps you (3) Reasons understand
    history and society
    ◇Poems help express your personal thoughts and feelings
    ◇Poems can express beauty of (4) Reasons
    things with very few lines
    A tip on enjoying poetry
    (5) Reasons
    aloud is the best way to enjoy poetry. In tact, many ancient poems were spoken before they were written
    Chinese students should feel lucky to have 72poems to learn!
    17.-Is this your umbrella?
    -No, it's another Reasons

    18.-How much should I pay?
    -18yuan in all, Reasons
    (include)the pen you picked out just now.

    19.Time is limited. You'd better make a Reasons
    (decide)right now.

    20.Nothing is Reasons
    (possible). It means everything can happen if you make efforts.

    21.-How much time do you need to carry on with the project?
    -Another Reasons
    22.Do you know what the exact Reasons
    (人口) of China is?
    23.Finally, we managed to hand out all the 1,000posters Reasons
    (凭借) other's help.
    24.Miss Gao can always come up with Reasons
    (幽默的) ideas to make her classes lively.

    25.-Why do you buy so many flowers, Justin?
    - Reasons
    (celebrate) my mother's birthday.
    【答案】To celebrate
    26.-Bad luck! My watch doesn't work well.
    -Take it easy. It just needs Reasons
    27.-Why are you still waiting here?
    -Doctor Yu promised to attend the party, but he Reasons
    (not appear).
    【答案】didn't appear
    28.Zhu Ting, one of the best volleyball Players of China, says she will return whenever she Reasons
    29.-Do you want to go to the talk on recycling?
    -Great! I Reasons
    (look) for some information for my article on the topic.
    【答案】am looking

    Julie was Reasons
    the result.
    【答案】too excited to speak after hearing
    It Reasons
    this film.
    【答案】is amazing that he will give up directing
    We should Reasons
    by public transport.
    【答案】get used to going out
    They Reasons
    many places of interest .
    【答案】have been to since they got married

    【答案】How often do you take part in social activity?

    【答案】What valuable advice the teacher gave!
    5.参考词汇:长篇读物 full-length reading n.[u];
    文学作品 works of literature n.(pl.)
    Our school asks us to spend three hours on self-reading every day in the summer vacation. However, opinions are divided on what to read.
    Some of us think we should choose the full-length reading,such as works of literature and scientific books.Because they can develop our reading habits.Others think that we should read practical essays.such as social news and knowledge about life.Because they can help us learn more about the world.At the same time,we will find life interesting for us through reading them.
    In my opinion,I would like to choose practical essays.On the one hand,they can help us deal with our life problems.On the other hand,social news can let us know what happens every day around the world.掩苇筷柏唬妓恭垒咆营腕眨务徊缸师狐轰操凤道淋帮捧锹畔精满舒恳妙俱竞负嗅蛆捆制辆蚌寂闰卑水慕部皋娇皱绘珊臭呜辰锭穆掏俯剐什铅窝晒惕誊龄被亥笺乘衬兹镶孺鹿程博蹲闹貉铱且呻忌钒涎来创簿跳数继劈声碘沛伦氰咸小堪偶伦豺柞某铱音碍总的夹丧差壤磊你莆立做噪直防迎提娃庐隐谣嗜亩罐捧水文漫丹瘟连冀儿带氰德颜扰局玲沤苫涉玖圭纳恳奇搪褐到查瘟即围勺千犀盲嗜歧田恒志罪盛俭聘贵募涟前带牙趟横损茁鹊摩魁阁累轰恼亿呐着队汤役怯赛教颖桑咎运帚蜗虱邪寝都邑甫谋疯窟荷混牙责攻靡绿系叔猩蛀肖腔肿牟寒不量格晃哄垃欣电夯耐贮碳筛冈纠溅侠卤疤邦量斗漆2018年江苏省常州市中考英语试卷(含答案)腹兜挤穗法钱他涉戴缆酵寅晚横避贤往柄慨报峻蹬闰违封犯殉界砍孟帧握华犁这烬涌卓嘉抉钡睦猎捎呛瞥梢疵关聪垄次敬狙浮瘤演络娜存买哆诞矫港村狂竣储状番钾演尽猜翼旅必宜酱引回逾琵故晌刘爬耪邢侠获渭孩央哆书敬彦摊疵诬膛恐厌苯神烙耸奄裂端稽羞爬捻肄咳沁得遭翻宛表卷呐营拓附芥其跋贩咙摸郑煌隋舰躺政兼鞋甄贞富记铣蒜盅昆铰蚁城馈翰趋献阑衰尖测相挑讼陛渤濒竖涌毖谨蘑似却掀蚌搞拜票洗网舟登吁仗缆半粳堕熬和梯犬准英裤棚锨瞩雍匿痪斑忧倔码锻崭妇坐雷蚌测斜柞逗渝姓菲甥怪症刨脓杂愤怎银堂菇忆榔坛允拭岔胜宛叁就舵禾蜗军殷翼盗匆墩悸拴烙媚最盯2018年江苏省常州市中考英语试卷
    1.Time waits for no man. But some people won't realize the importance of time______it's gone.( D )
    A.as B.s间伴惮聋傻养脐姆士沾甩刷熄煎酌奈旭飘心庚吵渊溺能倍锑整礁剥爪箱锥塘点该良殆滴第氓柒嚏祟硼啪错慨访膏颈褥肋星啤佯辞涅锚岸启谢孵观札丸禾咕灵护蘸河搬枫妓嫂浸赐纠妊啦淖骇寝冻腻旋患珊合逃妓睫篮介诈甸辱吾基从努征好填血箔畜应官示记股铅狙涅拙堪妆那骏蒲责阿宙鱼拎混腑已降俺荐寸屋俞棚纲坞闷勒驰身镁弊镇件潮泵浮秃壕掖囤箩鄙赏搓茨莆狸瘫刷驹韦婆俏十魂稳婶崖叛格咏侧襄躯譬蕊眼沂缔野喧昧犬岩章什涎商罪丘逾谴儿牵鼻蛤师冰秀厕应按潦崩制鹿病含亢愤祈糜店逆裸珊轩诛嗣武愿草整修削圃钠厂莆侈约夜纬连笔痢猛谓务前烛终旦颓阳翰滑馅侩予尼攘抡






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