【核心素养】北师大版英语七年级下册 Unit 2 Food and Health Workshop 同步课件
这是一份【核心素养】北师大版英语七年级下册 Unit 2 Food and Health Workshop 同步课件,共18页。
仓颉之初作书盖依类象形故谓之文其形声相益即谓之字文者物象之本字者言孳乳而浸多也著于竹帛谓之仓颉之初作书盖依类象形故谓之文其形声相益即谓之字文者物象之本字者言孳乳而北师大版2024七年级下Unit 2 Food and HealthWorkshop行业PPT模板http:///hangye/教学目的By the end of this unit, you will be able to:1. share your eating habits and favourite dish;2. summarise the values of different food for health and analyse if you eat healthily;3. give advice on what to eat to keep healthy;4. reflect on how you can have a balanced and healthy diet.新课引入The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. Let food be your medicine.——HippocratesGet Ready for WritingYou are going to write a short text about your favourite dish. Answer the following questions.1 What is your favourite dish?2 What is/are in the dish?3 Why do you like it?Focus on ContentRead the text and answer the questions.1 What is Tommy's favourite dish?2 Who makes it?3 What are in the dish?4 Does it take long to make the dish?5 Is the dish healthy?Focus on StructureRead the text again and put the contents in order. Then, work out your own outline.□Name of the dish □How it tastes □Who makes it □How healthy it is □The things Tommy's dad uses to make it □How easy it is to cook □The title □How Tommy's dad serves itFocus on LanguageRead the text again. Underline all the descriptions of food. Write 2-3 sentences describing your own favourite dish. To describe a dish or an experience, you can:• give the name of the dishMy favourite dish is fish with vegetables.• give other information about itHe cooks the dish with a little oil and adds... He usually serves it with rice.We sometimes have potatoes with it.• use expressions of senses. (smell, taste, look and feel) The dish smells amazings It tastes nice.Compose Your WritingUse your outline and the Writing Help to write your first draft. Can l Take Your Order?What's your favourite dish? What would you like to go with it? What do you have to drink with it?Listen and LearnListen and read the dialoque. What food does Diann order? Underline the key information.Then, role-play the dialogue. Waiter: Can I take your order?Diann: Yes, can I have noodles with vegetables and eggs?Waiter: Anything else?Diann:A fruit salad, please. Waiter: Small or large? Diann: Small.Listen and LearnListen and read the dialoque. What food does Diann order? Underline the key information.Then, role-play the dialogue. Waiter: Would you like something to drink with that? A cola?Diann: Not cola, thank you. It isn't healthy. I'd like some orange juice.Waiter: Of course. So that's noodles with vegetables and eggs, a small fruit salad and a glass of orange juice? Diann: That's correct.Listen and LearnRead the dialogue again. What do a waiter/waitress and a customerusually say in a restaurant when ordering food? Listen and complete the Talk Builder. Then, repeat.Speakinglmagine you are inviting a foreign exchange student for dinner at a Chinese restaurant. You're introducing the menu and asking about his/her favourite food. Act out the dialogue, as in the example.Pronunciation:/p/, /b/, /t, /d/, /k/, /g/Listen and repeat./p/ pie /par/ help /help/ /b/ beef /bi:f/ web /web/ /t/ tea /ti:/ sweet /swi:t/ /d/ dinner /'dma/ noodle /'nu:dl/ /k/ coffee /kofi/ milk /mlk/ /g/ game /gem/ big /bg/ Pronunciation:/p/, /b/, /t, /d/, /k/, /g/Read and circle the word with the phonetic sound that doesn't match.1 green gym grapes 2 porridge partner photo 3 cheese cake cola 4 stopped stayed bread 5 beans butter climb 6 worked salad talkedPronunciation:/p/, /b/, /t, /d/, /k/, /g/Identify the underlined phonetic sounds in Activity 1.I like sizzling sausages. I like cold ice cream. I like bubbling beans. I like chocolate cakes. I like mashed potatoes But most of all I like With gravy and greens. The jellies my mum makes. ---John FosterPronunciation:/p/, /b/, /t, /d/, /k/, /g/Look at the phonetic symbols below. How do you spell the words? Tell a partner.1 /hot dog/ 2 /gri:n 'saelad/ 3 /red bi:nz/ 4 /pækt lntf/ 5 /ars kri:m/仓颉之初作书盖依类象形故谓之文其形声相益即谓之字文者物象之本字者言孳乳而浸多也著于竹帛谓之仓颉之初作书盖依类象形故谓之文其形声相益即谓之字文者物象之本字者言孳乳而北师大版2024七年级下Unit 2 Food and HealthThank You !