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    这是一份语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练12-备战2025高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题),文件包含语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练12原卷版docx、语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练12解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共25页, 欢迎下载使用。

    The researchers say the birds might have mved up the muntain because f temperature changes. Or, they say, changes t fd surces may have frced 6 (they) t g higher. Last mnth, the findings 7 (publish) in the Prceedings f the Natinal Academy f Sciences.
    Past research has dcumented birds and ther animals mving up in the summit in reactin 8 warming temperatures. Mark Urban is directr f the Center f Bilgical Risk at the University f Cnnecticut. He said this recent study was 9 first t prve that rising temperatures and mving 10 (avid) them can lead t extinctin.
    Chinese tennis star Zheng Qinwen made it t the Olympic wmen’s singles semifinals n Wednesday in Paris, marking a significant achievement after a 16-year wait fr China. The 21-year-ld established her breathtaking career milestne 1 beating Cratia’s Dnna Vekic and 2 (give) China its secnd Olympic tennis gld after the wmen’s dubles title wn by Li Ting and Sun Tiantian.
    Zheng said she is hnred t jin all the histry-makers, but will stay 3 (fcus) n chasing mre breakthrughs. “I always dreamed f jining the likes f Ya Ming, Liu Xiang and Li Na, and t be as successful and 4 (influence) as they were as athletes,” Zheng tld China Daily n Sunday. 5 (inspire) by her aggressive attacking style n curt and sme similarity with the prnunciatin f her given name, Zheng’s fans called her “Queen Wen” at previus turnaments. “Tday’s match was 6 (incredible) tugh. I was aware f 7 this victry means fr China.” Zheng said.
    In the decisive set, despite signs f 8 (tired) frm bth players, their fighting spirit remained unyielding (不屈的). “I’ve brken thrugh my wn limits. When I secured this victry, my emtins were nt 9 (cntrl).” Fllwing in the ftsteps f Li, she is set t becme anther successful female player frm China, with her cnvincing athletic recrds and persnality 10 (draw) an increasing number f dmestic and internatinal brands as her spnsrs.
    A tea culture saln may be the best way t experience China's tea ceremnies and culture in verseas 1 (lcate).
    "Tea fr Harmny” cultural saln in Bath, England n Friday was aimed 2 bth celebrating Internatinal Tea Day, which fell n May 21 and prmising participants an pprtunity 3 (experience) teas and culture frm Central China's Hubei prvince. The representative grup frm the Hubei Tea Assciatin brught three types f tea t be enjyed at the saln: Enshi Yulu, Yihng Black Tea, and Qingzhuan Tea.
    The histry f the teas n ffer 4 (date) back mre than 1,000 years, and the crafting techniques f Enshi Yulu and Qingzhuan Tea have becme natinal intangible cultural heritages. Each tea was presented with its 5 (appeal) tea ceremny, where a tea master intrduced its area f rigin and its distinct characteristics, 6 demnstrated the particular way the tea shuld be prepared and appreciated. “Unique”, “delicate” and “wnderful” 7 (be) wrds British participants used t describe their feelings during the tea tastings.
    “Tea is such an imprtant part f British culture that we have an entire meal 8 (create) that we have entirely dedicated t ur afternn tea. It's very imprtant fr us British t be in Bath in this afternn, 9 is the best and mst elegant afternn tea destinatin,” said Dianne Francmbe, CEO f the Bristl and West f England China Bureau.
    “Fine tea is mre expressive than fine wine, and that experience, the flavrs and delicacy f tea, is smething 10 (true) superb. I lk frward t cntinued friendship with friends frm China whenever yu visit this regin.”
    L A, based AD100 designer Jamie Bush embraces natural materials and bld designs that inspire and delight. Originally trained 1 an architect, Bush is drawn t timeless pieces with clean lines, such as minimalist furniture and bedding. When it cmes t designing the perfect bedrm, here’s 2 Bush wuld apprach it.
    “Yu can use timeless pieces as a handsme 3 (fund) fr many aesthetic (美学的) languages,” Bush says. Fr example, Bush imagines thughtful designs in a Scandinavian-style bedrm 4 he’d center the space with a slid wd bed frame and headbard in a natural clr. The headbard creates a 5 (remarkable) simple setup, and it takes abut five minutes t assemble with n tls. “This furniture 6 (make) withut veneers (饰面),” he says. “I like that yu can see the wd grains, the knts, and the natural imperfectins in the prduct.”
    T maintain a cnsistent hrizn line, Bush wuld arrange tw 4x3 strage units in 7 U-shape arund three walls ppsite the bed. 8 (allw) fr infinite artful displays, the strage units’ pen drawers can be added r remved t create endless custmizatins that will never lk 9 (date). “These pieces aren’t ging t recall a certain day and age,” he says. “In 10, 15, 20 years frm nw, these pieces 10 (be) timelessly in fashin.”
    In the village f Qufu City, the birthplace f the ancient Chinese philspher Cnfucius, traditinal Chinese culture curses 1 (prvide) fr free every weekend at the Cnfucian lecture hall, attracting mre than 30 students.
    Ten years ag, the first 2 (space) Cnfucian lecture hall was built in Beidngye Village, Sishui Cunty, 3 Cnfucius is believed t have been brn.
    A grup f schlars 4 (specialize) in Cnfucianism frm hme and abrad gathered in the village and discussed hw 5 (put) new pwer int traditinal Chinese culture, especially in rural areas.
    Then, lecturers delivered lectures n Cnfucian classics and tld stries cncerning the philsphy f harmny, integrity, 6 filial piety (孝心) in Cnfucian lecture halls, cmbining the traditinal Chinese culture and mdern scial nrms.
    S far, Shandng Prvince 7 (establish) mre than 22, 000 Cnfucian lecture halls in rural cmmunities ver the past decade.
    In recent years, the rural cultural service system in Shandng has reached 8 (mature) and it has develped standards fr 9 (facility), curse cntents, lecturer qualificatins, and activities t build it int a platfrm 10 cultural cmmunicatin.
    Baduanjin, a frm f fitness Qigng, 1 (riginate) in Nrthern Sng Dynasty with a histry f mre than 800 years. Initially, it develped as a way 2 (enhance) the physical health f sldiers. Over time, it evlved int a cmprehensive system f exercises practiced by bth martial artists and cmmn peple.
    There are 3 ttal f eight mvements, each designed t target different parts f the bdy and prmte verall well-being. These mvements are nt merely physical exercises, but als include mental fcus and 4 (cntrl) breathing. The first mvement benefits the shulders, arms and upper back, enhancing 5 (flexible) and circulatin in these areas. And the final mvement invlves buncing 6 (gentle) n the tes while shaking the bdy, 7 releases tensin thrughut the bdy. One f the greatest advantages f Baduanjin lies in its accessibility. Peple f all ages and fitness levels can practice it 8 any special equipment r prir experience.
    In recent years, Baduanjin has enjyed great ppularity amng yunger generatins in China. As the wrld evlves rapidly, many yung peple are seeking appraches t 9 (find) inner balance and rder. By embracing Baduanjin, yunger generatins are keeping the ancient practice alive and finding harmny between their mdern lives and the inheritance f traditinal Chinese culture. This is 10 yung peple and traditinal culture meet.
    Yu Hngru, a member f the Chinese Academy f Sciences (CAS), was brn in June 1928 in east China’s Jiangxi Prvince. On April 8, 2024, he 1 (hnr) with the award f Persn Tuching China fr 2023.
    He is ne f the frerunners in the research and 2 (apply) f shck tubes (激波管) and shck tube wind tunnels in China. He has devted mre than 60 years 3 wind tunnel research, and led the design f multiple wind tunnel mdels thrughut his life, 4 (make) significant cntributins t the develpment f China’s aerspace industry.
    In early 1956, the Central Cmmittee f the Cmmunist Party f China called fr “advancing int science”. Yu Hngru applied fr the pstgraduate prgram at the Institute f Mechanics, Chinese Academy f Sciences, and 5 (becme) a student f Gu Ynghuai, a famus scientist. In early 1958, the Shck Tube Grup was established at the Institute f Mechanics, and Gu Ynghuai appinted Yu Hngru as the grup leader. At that time, China had a weak ecnmy and was shrt f electricity supply. 6 a situatin made it impssible 7 (fllw) the path f freign cuntries t develp wind tunnels. Therefre, Yu Hngru chse the mre 8 (ecnmy) methd f using hydrgen - xygen cmbustin as the driving frce, 9 was extremely dangerus. After many trials and analyses, Yu Hngru finally led the team in finding a new path fr wind tunnel research in China. In 1958, the cre cmpnent f the shck tube wind tunnel, the first - generatin shck tube in China, was 10 (success) develped.
    The recent pening f a new exhibitin building at the Sanxingdui Museum, in Guanghan, in Sichuan prvince, made the place 1 instant turist ht spt. The brnze heads, glden masks, hly trees and varius statues reveal the 2 (mystery) faces f a culture dating back mre than 3,000 years.
    Fr thse wh cannt make it t Guanghan, where the extensive site f Sanxingdui is lcated, an immersive exhibitin 3 (equip) with digital technlgy, titled Hell Sanxingdui, 4 (ffer) an alternative means t be awed by the magnificence f this Brnze Age culture. It is running at the Lngfu Art Museum in Beijing until Dec. 29.
    It prvides a time-travel experience fr bth an educatinal and artistic appeal. The jurney begins 5 a brief timeline f texts, phts and vides, shwing hw Sanxingdui was first discvered in the 1920s, 6 bjects were fund by farmers digging an irrigatin ditch (灌溉沟渠); and it highlights the imprtant mments in the past century’s cntinued archaelgical effrts, t reveal the myths surrunding Sanxingdui and the secrets yet 7 (uncver).
    On shw 8 (be) life-size reprductins f dzens f astnishing artifacts, supervised by Sanxingdui Museum, such as 2.6-meter brnze statues, 3.8-meter-wide brnze masks and “the hly tree” standing nearly 4 meters.
    Images f these bjects fund at Sanxingdui and their 9 (pattern) have been digitalized, animated and prjected n screens, leading the audience int the ancient kingdm f Shu, a 10 (civilize) that thrived fr centuries in the suthwest during the Zhu Dynasty, and disappeared suddenly, leaving many myths and legends.
    Brn and raised in Califrnia, Kurt Wenner attended Rhde Island Schl f Design and Art Center Cllege f Design in Califrnia. While at Art Center Cllege f Design, he 1 (emply) t wrk fr NASA as an illustratr. There, he was amng the few highly skilled artists whse wrk was dne 2 (entire) by hand. Eventually, Kurt left the agency and mved t Eurpe t study sme f the wrld’s greatest wrks f art. 3 (disappint) t find n class n the principles f classicism, the yung artist came up with his wn self-learning prgram 4 invlved spending cuntless hurs drawing frm the art cllectins f the Vatican Museums.
    Every mrning, Kurt wuld draw sme f the wrld’s mst famus wrks f art. It was during this perid 5 he discvered the wrld f pavement illusins (错觉). One day, n his way t the Vatican Museums, Wenner passed by artists 6 (create) images with chalk n the pavement. After being invited t try his hand at it, he spent nly a few mnths develping a new art frm knwn 7 the 3D pavement art.
    Inspired by a wide range f subjects, Kurt Wenner creates well-designed pavement artwrks that, 8 (admire) frm just the right angle, have 9 impressive depth that makes them lk sculpted int the pavement. The artist is generally regarded as the 10 (invent) f the 3D pavement art and his wrks have attracted audiences in ver 30 cuntries arund the wrld.
    A cncert was c-staged by the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Suzhu Symphny Orchestra last week in Suzhu in east China’s Jiangsu Prvince.
    In 1973, the Philadelphia Orchestra made its histric China tur, 1 marked a thaw (破冰) in the China-U.S. cultural exchange befre the nrmalizatin f 2 tw cuntries’ diplmatic relatins.
    “We 3 (perfrm) Jasmine Flwer since ur first visit in 1973,” said Ryan Fleur, executive directr f The Philadelphia Orchestra. “We try t demnstrate hw we care abut the 4 (friend) with the Chinese peple.”
    The assciatin between the Philadelphia Orchestra and Suzhu began in January this year, when a cncert rganized by the Suzhu Culture and Arts Centre, the Philadelphia Orchestra and ther institutins 5 (hld) in New Yrk City and Philadelphia 6 (celebrate) the Lunar New Year. Themed “Eches f Ancient Tang Pems,” the cncert brught the Tang Dynasty (618-907) back 7 life with ancient pems 8 (interpret) by internatinal musicians.
    The resnance (共鸣) f this theme was further deepened during this 9 (late) trip when members f the rchestra visited a temple in Suzhu where sme Tang pems were written, an experience that 10 (deep) tuched their hearts.
    The terms “high-cntext culture” and “lw-cntext culture” 1 ( intrduce) by Edward Hall in the 1970s as part f his research n intercultural cmmunicatin and understanding.
    “High-cntext culture” cuntries rely n indirect cmmunicatin and silent 2 (signal) such as facial expressins and bdy language. Cmmunicatin is built n relatinships, shared experiences and emtins t make decisins, and aviding 3 (pen) expressing disagreements.
    “Lw-cntext culture” cuntries like Australia and Germany rely n direct cmmunicatin and 4 (write) rules t cnvey meaning. They rely less n shared assumptins f the grup and the cntext f the situatin, 5 results in the need fr being mre precise.
    Understanding “high-cntext and lw-cntext cultures” is a huge advantage fr glbal businesses, as it has an impact 6 cmmunicatin, negtiatin, and mre. Even websites can differ, with “high-cntext culture” websites ften 7 (feature) mre animatin (动画), and “lw-cntext culture” websites highlighting textual infrmatin.
    Besides cultural cntext, 8 (persn) experiences and preferences als shape cmmunicatin, s it’s imprtant 9 (nte) that every persn, cuntry, cmpanies, and grups have 10 mix f bth— s understanding, listening, and bserving will always utweigh theries. But they are great tls t better perceive the wrld arund us.

    语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练11-备战2025高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题): 这是一份语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练11-备战2025高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题),共23页。

    语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练10-备战2025高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题): 这是一份语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练10-备战2025高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题),共18页。

    语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练06-备战2025高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题): 这是一份语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练06-备战2025高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题),共18页。

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