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    这是一份语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练03-备战2025高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题),共22页。试卷主要包含了25 millin等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    T truly experience Cambdia (柬埔寨), a visit t Angkr Wat is a must. Angkr Wat is ne f 1 mst valuable religius sites in the wrld. It attracts turists all ver the wrld with 2 (it) amazing beauty and incredibly preserved cultural heritage. If yu knw a little abut the histry f it, yu’ll understand the reasn 3 Angkr Wat is such an imprtant and attractive place 4 (visit).
    Lcated 5 nrthwest Cambdia, just utside the city f Siem Reap, Angkr Wat was built in the first half f the 12th century. 6 (riginal), Angkr Wat was a temple t the Hindu gd Vishnu as the king’s state temple and later the king’s tmb. In the fllwing years, it 7 (rebuild) int a Buddhist temple.
    As an icnic architectural wnder in the wrld, Angkr Wat is nly ne f the 8 (temple) in the great Angkr Archaelgical Park, 9 (cver) an area f 1000 square kilmeters. The whle Angkr Wat site is in the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List fr the well preserved remains and the 10 (influence) cultural heritage there. It is als a surce f natinal pride fr Cambdians.
    Dunhuang, an asis (绿洲) in the Taklamakan Desert, used t be a majr stp alng the Silk Rad, but is nw mainly a fascinating turist destinatin.
    Thse wh have 11 intense interest in Dunhuang’s clrful histry will be attracted by the Mga Caves, ne f the city’s main attractins. The entrance t each cave 12 (blck) by a lcked dr, which can nly be pened by expert guides. Behind these drs are caves f all sizes —frm very small t abslutely huge. The caves cntain thusands f 13 (price) manuscripts and silk paintings, which, 14 their discvery, drew much attentin t the area.
    Als, there are few things as special as walking acrss the desert asis at sunrise. 15 (catch) this incredible scene, yu must rise early. It’s bitterly cld. But as the sunrises atp the glden dunes (沙丘) and paints a 16 (true) picturesque scene, all yur effrts pay ff. Sunset is a ppular time fr a camel ride. Get ff the camels 17 walk up a rather steep dune verlking Crescent Lake. Frm this psitin, 18 (regard) as the best ne, the incredible sunset is awe-inspiring.
    N trip t Dunhuang is cmplete withut visiting the Dunhuang Museum, 19 it is pssible t put all f the city’s histrical sites int prper histrical cntext. The museum is expansive, 20 (cntain): many riginal artwrks. Here, yu are bund t be amazed by Dunhuang’s rich culture.
    Frm pcket parks t frest parks, China is bringing nature clser t urban life. Frm 2021 t 2022, Shanghai has transfrmed 62 wdlands int leisure spaces, 21 pen up frests fr visitrs t walk thrugh nature and get clser t wildlife. A grwing number f cmpanies and universities have chsen t “pen their gates” and share their greenery, thus 22 (prvide) mre space fr visitrs t relax. In Nanning, Guangxi, parks are nt nly fr relaxatin. 23 (play) f traditinal Yng Opera, a very ppular lcal pera, are 24 (regular) staged in the Peple’s Park.
    Parks can d gd fr the envirnment t. Take Beijing’s Central Green Frest Park as an example. The park 25 (reach) carbn-neutral (碳中和) since it was pened in 2020. This means that 26 the park’s facilities prduce carbn dixide, the plants there can absrb mre t make up. It als fully reuses rainwater and creates green energy, such as slar energy, 27 (supply) the park.
    As cities in China becme 28 (green), “park cities” are becming a reality. The cncept f a park city 29 (intrduce) by President Xi Jinping in 2018. It suits peple’s need fr a better living experience and is a peple-centered cncept that takes the frm f 30 imprved natural envirnment in all aspects.
    Since its launch in 1981, China Daily has grwn rapidly t becme the natin’s leading English-language newspaper. With the nline and mbile readership f mre than 350 millin, it serves 31 a vital rle in telling the wrld abut China, prviding valuable insight int the wrld’s secnd-largest ecnmy 32 witnessing China’s rapid develpment. 33 (cnsequent), it is quted mre ften by verseas media than any ther Chinese publicatin.
    Besides the flagship editin n Chinese mainland and Hng Kng editin, 34 (reprt) news nt nly dmestically but als glbally, China Daily publishes an internatinal editin 35 (cver) Nrth and Suth America, Eurpe, the Asia-Pacific and Africa n varius digital platfrms.
    , 36 leading natinal website, is China’s mst 37 (influence) English-language platfrm. Mre than 36 millin readers frm 180 cuntries 38 (dwnlad) the China Daily app s far, and its PV reaches 52 millin. China Daily als has accunts n well-knwn scial 39 (medium) such as Sina Weib, WeChat, Facebk and Twitter. By the end f April 2022, its Facebk fllwers had reached 104 millin, and Twitter fllwers 4.25 millin.
    China Daily plays a key rle in the Asia news netwrk thrugh jint and cnstant effrts f the cntinent’s leading newspapers. China Watch, a China Daily supplement (副刊), 40 (issue) ne year ag as an insert f mre than 20 majr internatinal newspapers in 18 cuntries.
    “Jianbing” stands are cmmn in every Chinese city. At arund five in the mrning, the vendrs (小商贩) appear with everything 41 they need, packed n the back f a bicycle r mtrbike. They set up in unused spaces, drways, r street crners and minutes befre the first bing (pancake) becming available n the ht griddle (鏊子), many peple are 42 (ready) waiting fr it.
    Althugh these “jianbing” stalls might be temprary, this is n grab-and-g street breakfast. Fr “jianbing”, there is always 43 lng line. Yu might be late fr wrk, r filled with extreme 44 (starve), but that’s all irrelevant t the vendr behind the griddle. 45 (preserve) the crispness f the pancake and fried wntn wrapper, “jianbing” are never cked ahead f time, s waiting fr yur turn 46 (be) part f the culture. Maybe in the midst f ur busy days, this mment f 47 (silence) bservatin, f waiting while smene cks smething especially fr yu, is the true secret f “jianbing”. Buy a bazi (steamed bun) r ther fast fd instead, r yu 48 (have) nthing fast t eat.
    If “jianbing”were that easy t make, it wuld have taken the wrld by strm lng befre nw. Part f the challenge in cpying the dish is that the batter (面糊) and fillings 49 (use) in “jianbing” differ by regin, and even by vendr. Many cnsider making yur wn “jianbing” impssible 50 mnths f practice and tuitin frm a master.
    It’s a harvest that’s almst magical: grwing rice in saline (含盐的) sil and making a frtune at the same time.
    Wu Zaizhu is 51 lcal farmer in Da’an, Jilin Prvince. He says his secret fr success is fllwing a 52 (science) recipe that really transfrms the saline sil, a kind f sil even the scientists 53 (them) called “prblematic”. But by 54 (pull) in pinins frm sme 1,400 scientists, a way was fund t transfrm that unwanted sil. It’s a cmprehensive 55 (slve) that invlves treating and imprving the sil itself, screening salt-tlerant crp varieties, and emplying special planning techniques as well as caring fr the verall envirnment.
    “We call it Da’an Mdel, 56 imprves the sil, the seed and the technique in agriculture. It’s prven cst-effective, easily repeatable, and 57 (wide) applicable and gd fr Jilin’s saline il area,” said Wu.
    Since 2021, lts f land (almst 5,000 square kilmeters) in the prvince 58 (transfrm). That was previusly almst impssible fr agriculture, including Wu’s crpland.
    Wu said he’s nt nly expanding his field, but his experience has cnvinced sme f his 59 (neighbr) t jin him. “In the new year, we will cntinue t wrk 60 (change) the saline land int fertile (肥沃的) land, and we may have a gd harvest f rice frm here,” he said.
    Over 400 pieces r sets f Dehua white prcelain (德化白瓷) are n display in the Natinal Museum f China in Beijing, with the exhibitin 61 (run) frm Aug 26 fr three mnths.
    Dehua white prcelain is famus fr its pure white clr. Accrding t Chen Cha, 62 artist dedicated t prcelain research, Dehua prcelain is 63 (extrardinary) pure and white because the kalin (高岭土) in Dehua cunty in Fujian has a lw percentage f irn, 64 (make) the prcelain stainless (无瑕的) like white jade.
    Sitting in Quanzhu city, 65 the ancient Maritime Silk Rad started, Dehua white prcelain 66 (sell) well at hme and abrad since the Sng Dynasty (960-1279). In 2006, Dehua white prcelain was listed as a natinal intangible cultural heritage.
    67 the past glries, Dehua craftsmen (工匠) never stp refining (精进) their skills. One 68 (impress) skill is “the eggshell technique” (薄胎技艺). Chen said that it is just ne f the 69 (achievement) that Chinese prcelain craftsmen have made n the lng path f innvatin.
    “Cmbining traditinal Chinese artistic skills with mdern disciplines (学科), we will create even mre utstanding wrks 70 (increase) the cultural cnfidence f the Chinese peple.” said Chen.
    Museums 71 (be) arund fr centuries, with the first knwn museum 72 (fund) in the 3rd century BC. Fr a lng time, they were used t shwcase traditinal artwrks like paintings, sculptures and 73 (drawing).
    In recent times, hwever, digital art has started t gain 74 (ppular) as an art frm. This has raised the questin f 75 r nt museums shuld accept digital art int their cllectins.
    Digital art can be defined as an art wrk created 76 (use) digital technlgy and tls like cmputers, tablets and smartphnes. It includes a variety f medium s such as animatin, 3D mdelling, virtual reality and vide game design. Digital art is 77 (increasing) being used by artists t create unique pieces that are unlike anything else seen befre.
    The debate ver whether museums shuld accept digital art int their cllectins has been nging fr sme time. On ne hand, many believe that digital art is nt “real” art and des nt deserve 78 (give) the same recgnitin as traditinal artwrks. On the ther hand, supprters f digital art hld the view that museum s shuld embrace this new frm f expressin and give it the same respect 79 any ther type f artwrks.
    As mre peple realize the digital art and its ptential as 80 artistic medium, it will likely becme even mre ppular in years t cme.
    “A decade-lng mratrium (中止) n fishing was impsed n the cuntry's lngest river in 2021 81 the aim f restring its eclgical health. After three years, the fish ppulatin in the river has recvered bviusly, but the mratrium still faces cnstant threats frm illegal fishing,”Tang Renjian, minister f agriculture and rural affairs, said at a news cnference.
    In 82 (respnd) t that, Tang said, “Authrities will step up nighttime surveillance (监视) as well as patrls near river sectins clse t prvincial brders. Relying n autmatic and 83 (intelligence) mnitring methds, we are strengthening rund-the-clck mnitring and supervisin f critical water areas.”
    Ma Yuxiang, a vice-minister f agriculture and rural affairs, tld the news cnference, 84 it has increased by a quarter since 2021, 85 ttal fish ppulatin in the Yangtze is nly 86 (slight) mre than a third f the preindustrial (工业化前的) level. T restre fish ppulatins is a lng task. Tang described the ban as a lng-term, cmplex and hard histrical task clsely 87 (link) t the Chinese natin's sustainable develpment.
    “ 88 yu may see, the current state f the Yangtze can 89 (regard) as being in the early stages f recvery frm a serius illness after decades f verfishing and pllutin,” Tang said.
    Ministry f Public Security data shw it has slved mre than 20,000 cases 90 (invlve) vilatins f the ban since 2021. Over that perid, illegal fishing in the main waterways f the Yangtze has decreased by almst a third, and less than 10 percent invlves mre destructive rganized crimes.
    Fr many f us in the UK and ther parts f the wrld, having an electric kettle plugged in in the kitchen is a part f everyday life. But fr peple in America, it’s unusual 91 (use) a kettle–and the cultural difference has left many peple 92 (cnfuse). Sphie Mnk, 93 Australian hst, recently sparked a debate when she 94 (detail) her experience f living in the US.
    Sphie lived in America fr 10 years befre 95 (return) t her native Australia, and she was shcked at the fact that American peple biled their water n the stve. She said, “I was lking 96 a kettle, and they’re like, ‘Kettle?’ They dn’t knw 97 a kettle is. They dn’t use them. They must heat water up n their stve. Yeah, n ne has a kettle, 98 is crazy.” Althugh the cncept f nt using a kettle is mre than a little strange t us Brits, there’s actually a pretty simple 99 (explain) fr the decisin.
    In America, hmes nly have a vltage (电压) f 100-127, 100 in the UK and ther cuntries, the vltage in a huse is arund 230. This means electric kettles in the US actually heat water mre slwly than they d in the UK, s Americans haven’t bthered t invest in the appliances-chsing instead t bil n the stve.
    Were yu brn in the Year f the Tiger, the Rabbit, r maybe the Lng? Read n t find ut mre abut the Lunar New Year.
    The lunar calendar 101 (base) n the cycles f the mn. s the date f the Lunar New Year is different each year. In China and in many ther places, 102 Vietnam, Singapre and Krea, the Lunar New Year is usually celebrated in January r February.
    Each year is named after ne f 12 animals. There is a traditinal stry abut 103 the animals were chsen. The Jade Emperr, 104 imprtant gd in traditinal Chinese religins, wanted t find a way t measure time. He decided 105 (have) a race fr all the animals in the cuntry. Only 12 animals actually managed t get t the race and the Jade Emperr rewarded them by 106 (name) the 12 years f the lunar calendar after them. The first t finish 107 (be) the rat, s the first year was the Year f the Rat. The ther eleven, in rder, were the x, the tiger, the rabbit, the lng, the snake, the hrse, the gat, the mnkey, the rster, the dg and the pig. In many cuntries, the animals are the same as these. Hwever, in sme places they are f a bit 108 (different).
    Different places celebrate in 109 (slight) different ways, but the Lunar New Year is indeed a family celebratin everywhere. The yunger generatin greet their parents and grandparents with gd wishes fr the year ahead. Older members f the family give yunger nes 110 (gift) f mney, traditinally in small packets.
    Hpe Justman, in 81-year-ld American, has just cmpleted her 24th trip alng the shuda, 111 ancient rad system in Sichuan prvince that dates back t tw thusand years ag.
    Running fr arund 1,000 kilmeters, the shuda 112 (wind) thrugh muntains and crsses streams, cnnecting Sichuan prvince with the nrthern Guanzhng Plain, which was nce the heartland f ancient China.
    Justman’s 113 (cnnect) t the ancient rad system dates back t her cllege days. As part f a curse n Chinese literature and art, she 114 (visit) an exhibitin in Bstn, 115 a painting captured her attentin.
    In 1997,after reading almst every English travel bk, finally she fund the shuda 116 the help f lcal guides. Since then, she has hiked mre than 400 km f it.
    Justman created a website t share her 117 (pht) f the ancient rad netwrk. In2015, a friend sht a dcumentary abut the shuda and upladed it t YuTube, 118 (earn) the attentin f like-minded peple, sme f whm asked t jin the American n her walks.
    Last mnth, she tk sme f thse friends t the Cuiyunlang sectin f the shuda, 119 (line) by ancient cypress trees with an average age f 1,050 years, the ldest tree being 120 (apprximate) 2,300 years ld. She and her friends planted tw cypress trees, and prmised t meet again there next year.
    1.the 2.its 3.why 4.t visit 5.in 6.Originally 7.was rebuilt 8.temples 9.cvering 10.influential
    1.考查冠词。句意:吴哥窟是世界上最有价值的宗教遗址之一。由mst valuable religius sites可知,最高级前应用定冠词the。故填the。
    3.考查定语从句。句意:如果你对它的历史有一点了解,你就会明白为什么吴哥窟是一个如此重要和有吸引力的地方。先行词the reasn在定语从句中做原因状语,引导词为why。故填why。
    4.考查非谓语动词。句意:如果你对它的历史有一点了解,你就会明白为什么吴哥窟是一个如此重要和有吸引力的地方。根据such an imprtant and attractive place可知,此处应由不定式作后置定语。故填t visit。。
    5.考查介词。句意:吴哥窟位于柬埔寨西北部,就在暹粒城外,建于12世纪上半叶。表示“位于”短语为be lcated in。故填in。
    7.考查时态语态。句意:在接下来的几年里,它被重建成一座佛教寺庙。根据in the fllwing years可知,此处应为一般过去时,主语it与谓语构成被动关系,谓语用单数。故填was rebuilt。
    8.考查名词单复数。句意:作为世界标志性的建筑奇迹,吴哥窟只是吴哥考古公园的一个寺庙,占地1000平方公里。由“ne f +可数名词复数”可知,应填复数形式。故填temples。
    9.考查非谓语动词。句意:作为世界标志性的建筑奇迹,吴哥窟只是吴哥考古公园的一个寺庙,占地1000平方公里。此处的cver是作Angkr Archaelgical Park的定语,cver和park之间是主动的关系,应用现在分词。故填cvering。
    10.考查形容词。句意:整个吴哥窟遗址因其保存完好的遗迹和具有影响力的文化遗产而被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。修饰cultural heritage应用形容词influential,作定语。故填influential。
    11.an 12.is blcked 13.priceless 14.upn 15.T catch 16.truly 17.and 18.regarded 19.where 20.cntaining
    11.考查冠词。句意:那些对敦煌丰富多彩的历史有浓厚兴趣的人会被莫高窟所吸引,莫高窟是这座城市的主要景点之一。短语have an intense interest in表示“对……有浓厚兴趣”。故填an。
    12.考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:每个洞穴的入口都被一扇锁着的门堵住了,只有专业的导游才能打开。分析句子可知,blck“阻塞”是句中谓语动词,与主语The entrance“入口”之间是被动关系,描述客观事实,应使用一般现在时态,又因主语是单数名词,所以谓语动词也应使用单数形式。故填is blcked。
    13.考查形容词。句意:洞穴里有成千上万无价的手稿和丝绸画,它们一经发现,就引起了人们对该地区的极大关注。修饰名词manuscripts and silk paintings,表示“无价的”应用形容词priceless作定语。故填priceless。
    15.考查非谓语动词。句意:要看这令人难以置信的景色,你必须早起。catch this incredible scene是rise early的目的,用不定式作目的状语,句首单词首字母大写。故填T catch。
    17.考查连词。句意:从骆驼上下来,走上一个相当陡峭的沙丘,俯瞰新月湖。Get ff the camels和walk up a rather steep dune是顺承关系,用并列连词and连接。故填and。
    18.考查非谓语动词。句意:从这个被认为是最好的位置,不可思议的日落是令人敬畏的。regard as the best ne作后置定语,regard“认为,把……看作”是非谓语动词,与其逻辑主语psitin之间是被动关系,用过去分词表被动。故填regarded。
    19.考查定语从句。句意:不去敦煌博物馆,你的敦煌之旅就不完整,在那里,你可以把这座城市的所有历史遗迹都置于适当的历史背景中。分析句子可知,设空处引导非限制性定语从句,对先行词the Dunhuang Museum作补充说明,关系词代替先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,表示“在敦煌”,应使用关系副词where引导该从句。故填where。
    20.考查非谓语动词。句意:博物馆很宽敞,包含许多原创艺术品。cntain many riginal artwrks作伴随状语,cntain“包含”是非谓语动词,与其逻辑主语The museum之间是主动关系,用现在分词表主动。故填cntaining。
    21.which 22.prviding 23.Plays 24.regularly 25.has reached 26.thugh/althugh/while 27.t supply 28.greener 29.was intrduced 30.an
    22.考查非谓语动词。句意:越来越多的公司和大学选择“敞开大门”,分享他们的绿色植物,从而为游客提供更多的放松空间。本句已有谓语动词have chsen,所以prvide用非谓语形式,和逻辑主语cmpanies and universities之间是主动关系,用现在分词形式。故填prviding。
    25.考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:自2020年开放以来,该公园已达到碳中和。reach作本句谓语,根据标志词since可知,用现在完成时,主语是The park为第三人称单数。故填has reached。
    27.考查非谓语动词。句意:它还充分利用雨水,创造绿色能源,如太阳能,为公园供电。此处是固定搭配:reuse sth. t d sth.意为“利用某物做某事”。故填t supply。
    29.考查动词时态和语态。句意:在2018年,习近平主席提出了公园城市的概念。intrduce作本句谓语,和主语The cncept f a park city之间是被动关系,用被动语态,根据时间状语in 2018可知,用一般过去时,主语为第三人称单数。故填was intrduced。
    30.考查冠词。句意:它符合人们对更好的生活体验的需求,是一种以人为本的理念,体现在各个方面改善自然环境。空处修饰后面的单数名词imprved natural envirnment,表示“一个更好的自然环境”,imprved为元音音素开头。故填an。
    31.as 32.and 33.Cnsequently 34.t reprt 35.cvering 36.a 37.influential 38.have dwnladed 39.media 40.was issued
    31.考查介词。句意:它拥有超过3.5亿的在线和移动读者,在向世界介绍中国,提供对世界第二大经济体的宝贵见解,见证中国的快速发展方面发挥着至关重要的作用。serve as为固定搭配,意为“充当,担任”。故填as。
    34.考查非谓语动词。句意:除了中国大陆的旗舰版和香港版,为了报道国内和全球的新闻,《中国日报》还在各种数字平台上发行了覆盖北美、南美、欧洲、亚太和非洲的国际版。此处为目的状语,需用动词不定式。故填t reprt。
    35.考查非谓语动词。句意同上。空处需填非谓语动词作定语,修饰名词an internatinal editin,cver与其为逻辑上的主谓关系,需用现在分词。故填cvering。
    38.考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:截至目前,已有来自180个国家的3600多万读者下载了《中国日报》app,其PV达到5200万。根据时间状语“s far”可知,此处用现在完成时,主语为复数名词,助动词用have。故填have dwnladed。
    40.考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:《中国日报》的副刊《中国观察》(China Watch)于一年前作为18个国家的20多个主要国际报纸的插页发行。根据时间状语“ne year ag”可知,此处为一般过去时,主语为China Watch,和issue为被动关系,需用被动语态,且be动词使用was。故填was issued。
    41.that 42.readily 43.a 44.starvatin 45.T preserve 46.is 47.silent 48.will have 49.used 50.withut
    45.考查非谓语动词。句意:为了保持煎饼和炸馄饨的酥脆,“煎饼”从来不会提前做好,所以等待轮到你是文化的一部分。本句已有谓语动词are cked,所以preserve用非谓语形式,根据句意,此处表目的,用不定式作目的状语,位于句首,首字母应大写。故填T preserve。
    46.考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:为了保持煎饼和炸馄饨的酥脆,“煎饼”从来不会提前做好,所以等待轮到你是文化的一部分。本句是s连接的并列句,be动词作后句谓语,主语是waiting fr yur turn,动名词作主语,作第三人称单数看,描述客观事实,用一般现在时。故填is。
    48.考查动词时态。句意:买一个包子或其他快餐代替,否则你就没有快餐可吃了。此处考查固定句式,祈使句+r+一般将来时,表示“(如果你想更快吃好早餐)你需要去买包子或其他食物,否则你将没有更快的早餐可以吃了”,所以空处用一般将来时。故填will have。
    49.考查非谓语动词。句意:模仿这道菜的部分挑战在于,“煎饼”中使用的面糊和馅料因地区甚至供应商的不同而不同。本句已有谓语动词differ,所以use用非谓语形式,和逻辑主语batter (面糊) and fillings之间是被动关系,用过去分词形式。故填used。
    51.a 52.scientific 53.themselves 54.pulling 55.slutin 56.which 57.widely 58.has been transfrmed 59.neighbrs 60.t change
    【导语】这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述了一个几乎神奇的收获:在盐碱地里种植水稻。吴再周(音译Wu Zaizhu)采用科学方法“大安模式”将盐碱地改造成为可种植粮食作物的土壤,不仅使他扩大了种植面积,还有了好收成的希望。
    51.考查不定冠词。句意:吴再周(音译Wu Zaizhu)是吉林省大安市的当地农民。分析可知,应使用不定冠词,作名词“lcal farmer”的限定词,“lcal/ˈləʊkəl/”的发音为辅音音素开头,空处用不定冠词a。故填a。
    52.考查形容词。句意:他说,他成功的秘诀是遵循一种科学配方,真正改变盐碱地,一种甚至科学家自己都称之为“有问题”的土壤。分析可知,这里用形容词作定语,修饰之后名词“recipe (方法,配方)”。“science”,名词,意为“科学”,其形容词形式为“scientific (科学的)”。故填scientific。
    53.考查反身代词。句意:他说,他成功的秘诀是遵循一种科学配方,真正改变盐碱地,一种甚至科学家自己都称之为“有问题”的土壤。分析可知,“____3____ (them)”为“the scientists”的同位语,应使用反身代词。故填themselves。
    55.考查名词。句意:这是一个综合的解决方案,包括处理和改善土壤本身,筛选耐盐作物品种,采用特殊的规划技术以及关心整体环境。根据空前“a”不定冠词,“cmprehensive (综合的,全面的)”形容词可知,“a cmprehensive ____5____ (slve)”为名词短语,因此这里应填名词形式。“slve”,动词,意为“解决”,其名词形式为“slutin (解决办法)”。故填slutin。
    56.考查非限制性定语从句。句意:我们称之为大安模式,它改善了土壤、种子和农业技术。分析可知,“___6___ imprves the sil, the seed and the technique in agriculture”为修饰“Da’an Mdel”的非限制性定语从句,先行词指物,关系词在从句中作主语,用关系代词which引导从句。故填which。
    57.考查副词。句意:吴说:“事实证明,它具有成本效益,易于重复,广泛适用,对吉林盐碱地油区有好处。”分析可知,这里用副词作状语,修饰形容词“applicable (适用的,适当的)”。“wide”,形容词,意为“宽的,广泛的”,其副词形式为“widely (普遍地,广泛地,范围广地)”。故填widely。
    58.考查时态和语态。句意:自2021年以来,该省的许多土地(近5000平方公里)已经进行了改造。分析可知,所填动词为句中的谓语动词,结合时间状语“Since 2021”可知,句子用现在完成时,且主语“lts f land”与动词“transfrm (使转化)”之间为被动关系,主语为不可数名词,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,即has been dne。故填has been transfrmed。
    59.考查名词复数。句意:吴说,他不仅在拓展自己的田地,而且他的经验也说服了他的一些邻居加入他的行列。分析可知,“sme f”之后应是接可数名词复数形式。故填neighbrs。
    60.考查动词不定式。句意:他说:“在新的一年里,我们将继续努力把盐碱地变成肥沃的土地,我们可能会从这里获得一个好收成。”分析可知,这里为目的状语,用动词不定式表达。故填t change。
    61.running 62.an 63.extrardinarily 64.making 65.where 66.has sld 67.Despite 68.impressive 69.achievements 70.t increase/increasing
    61.考查非谓语动词。句意:北京中国国家博物馆展出了400多件或套德化白瓷,展览从8月26日开始,为期三个月。此处是with的复合结构“with+宾语+宾补”,动词run和宾语the exhibitin之间是主谓关系,应用现在分词作宾补,故填running。
    65.考查定语从句。句意:坐落在古代海上丝绸之路起源地泉州的德化白瓷,自宋朝(960-1279)起就畅销国内外。空处引导定语从句,先行词是Quanzhu city,关系词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导,故填where。
    66.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:同上。根据时间状语“since the Sng Dynasty (960-1279)”可知,句子使用现在完成时,主语Dehua white prcelain表示单数意义,故填has sld。
    69.考查名词复数。句意:陈说,这只是中国陶瓷工匠在漫长的创新道路上取得的成就之一。ne f后接可数名词复数,表示“……之一”,故填achievements。
    70.考查非谓语动词。句意:“将中国传统艺术技巧与现代学科相结合,我们将创造出更多优秀的作品,以增强中国人的文化自信/我们将创造出更多增强中国人文化自信的优秀作品。”陈说。此处表示目的,应用动词不定式作目的状语;空处也可理解为后置定语,increase和wrks之间是主谓关系,使用现在分词作后置定语,故填t increase/increasing。
    71.have been 72.funded 73.drawings 74.ppularity 75.whether 76.using 77.increasingly 78.t be given 79.as 80.an
    71.考查动词时态。句意:博物馆已经存在了几个世纪,第一个已知的博物馆是在公元前3世纪发现的。空处作谓语,结合fr centuries可知,句子为现在完成时,主语为复数,助动词使用have。故填have been。
    75.考查宾语从句。句意:这就提出了一个问题,即博物馆是否应该接受数字艺术作为他们的藏品。f后面为宾语从句,空处缺少连接词,与r nt搭配的是whether,意思为:是否。故填whether。
    78.考查非谓语动词。句意:一方面,许多人认为数字艺术不是“真正的”艺术,不应该得到与传统艺术同样的认可。deserve后面用不定式作宾语,digital art与give的关系为被动,应用不定式的被动语态。故填t be given。
    79.考查介词。句意:另一方面,数字艺术的支持者认为,博物馆应该接受这种新的表现形式,并给予它与任何其他类型的艺术品同样的尊重。分析句子可知,空处缺少介词,结合the same可知,此处用as,构成the same…as结构。故填as。
    81.with 82.respnse 83.intelligent 84.While/Thugh/Althugh 85.the 86.slightly 87.linked 88.As 89.be regarded 90.invlving
    81.考查介词。句意:2021年,为了恢复其生态健康,该国最长的河流实施了长达十年的暂停捕鱼令。with the aim f“目的是”为固定短语。故填with。
    82.考查名词。句意:对此,唐说:“有关部门将加强夜间监视,并在靠近省界的河段附近巡逻。in respnse t“回应”为固定短语。故填respnse。
    83.考查形容词。句意:依托自动化和智能监测手段,我们正在加强对关键水域的全天候监测和监管。修饰名词mnitring methds,应用形容词intelligent“智能的”,作定语。故填intelligent。
    84.考查让步状语从句。句意:农业和农村事务部副部长马友祥在新闻发布会上表示,尽管自2021年以来,长江鱼类总量增长了四分之一,但仅略高于工业化前水平的三分之一。根据句意可知,前后句意表示让步关系,应用连接词While/Thugh/Althugh引导让步状语从句,置于句首,首字母大写。 故填While/Thugh/Althugh。
    89.考查动词语态。句意:正如你所看到的,经过几十年的过度捕捞和污染,长江目前的状况可以被认为是处于从一场严重疾病中恢复的早期阶段。主语the current state f the Yangtze与regard为被动关系,应用被动语态,且置于can之后,be动词使用原形。故填be regarded。
    90.考查非谓语动词。句意:公安部数据显示,自2021年以来,公安部已破获2万多起违反禁令的案件。空处为非谓语动词,20,000 cases与invlve为主动关系,应用现在分词,作定语。故填invlving。
    91.t use 92.cnfused 93.an 94.detailed 95.returning 96.fr 97.what 98.which 99.explanatin 100.while
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。澳大利亚主持人Sphie Mnk分享在美国生活经历,称美国人不用电水壶而用炉灶烧水,引发文化差异讨论。这源于美国家庭电压较低,电水壶加热慢,故较少使用。
    91.考查非谓语动词。句意:但是对于美国人来说,使用水壶是不寻常的——文化差异让许多人感到困惑。it为形式主语,本空应用use“使用”的不定式,作真正的主语。故填t use。
    93.考查冠词。句意:澳大利亚一名主持人Sphie Mnk最近详细讲述了她在美国的生活经历,引发了一场辩论。此处泛指“一名主持人”,且Australian以元音音素开头,应用不定冠词an。故填an。
    94.考查时态。句意:澳大利亚一名主持人Sphie Mnk最近详细讲述了她在美国的生活经历,引发了一场辩论。根据句意和sparked可知,when引导的时间状语从句描述的事情发生在过去,故从句时态用一般过去时,谓语用detail“详细说明”的过去式。故填detailed。
    96.考查介词。句意:我在找一个水壶,他们说,‘水壶?’这里使用介词“fr”,固定短语“lk fr”,意思是“寻找”。故填fr。
    99.考查名词。句意:尽管对我们英国人来说,不用水壶的概念有点奇怪,但其实这个决定有一个很简单的解释。 前面有不定冠词a,所以本空需要一个名词形式,explain的名词形式是explanatin,意为“解释”。故填explanatin。
    101.is based 102.like/including 103.why 104.an 105.t have 106.naming 107.was 108.difference 109.slightly 110.gifts
    101.考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:阴历是以月亮的周期为基础的。根据下文中的is以及句意可知,此处讲述的是客观事实,所以使用一般现在时,base与句子主语The lunar calendar之间为被动关系,所以使用一般现在时的被动语态,且主语为名词单数。故填is based。
    104.考查冠词。句意:玉皇大帝是中国传统宗教中的一位重要的神,他想找到一种测量时间的方法。此空所在的短语为同位语,解释名词The Jade Emperr,表示的是“一位重要的神”,表泛指意义,使用不定冠词,imprtant为元音音素开头,所以此处使用不定冠词an。故填an。
    105.考查动词不定式。句意:他决定为全国所有的动物举办一场比赛。根据decide t d sth.可知,此处应为动词不定式作宾语。故填t have。
    107.考查谓语动词。句意:第一个完成的是老鼠,所以第一年是鼠年。根据语境以及下文中的was可知,此处描述的是过去发生的事情,所以使用一般过去时,主语The first指代的内容是单数意义。故填was。
    110.考查名词复数。句意:家中年长的成员会给年轻的成员送钱作为礼物,传统上是装在小包里。此处为名词作宾语,结合空前的yunger nes可知,此处应指的不只是一个礼物,所以使用名词复数形式。故填gifts。
    111.an 112.winds 113.cnnectin 114.visited 115.where 116.with 117.phts 118.earning 119.lined 120.apprximately
    【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了81岁的美国人霍普·贾斯特曼(Hpe Justman)刚刚完成了她的第24次蜀道之旅。
    111.考查冠词。句意:81岁的美国人霍普·贾斯特曼(Hpe Justman)刚刚完成了她的第24次蜀道之旅。蜀道是四川省的一条古老的公路系统,其历史可以追溯到两千年前。设空处修饰rad system,表示泛指,应用冠词,设空后ancient发音以元音音素开头,故选an。
    115.考查定语从句。句意:同上。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词an exhibitin,从句中作抽象地点状语,用关系副词where,故填where。
    116.考查固定短语。句意:1997年,在几乎阅读了所有英文旅游书籍之后,她终于在当地导游的帮助下找到了蜀道。短语with the help f…,意为“在……的帮助下”,符合题意,故填with。
    119.考查非谓语动词。句意:上个月,她带着一些朋友去了树道的翠云朗部分,那里有平均年龄为1050岁的古柏,最老的树约有2300岁。设空处修饰the Cuiyunlang sectin f the shuda作定语,和名词之间是被动关系,应用过去分词,故填lined。

    语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练11-备战2025高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题): 这是一份语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练11-备战2025高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题),共23页。

    语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练10-备战2025高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题): 这是一份语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练10-备战2025高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题),共18页。

    语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练08-备战2025高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题): 这是一份语法填空名校高考模拟真题强化练08-备战2025高考英语语法填空专项分类训练(高考真题+名校模拟真题),共18页。

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