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    1. What des the wman say abut herself?
    A. She is cnfident. B. She likes talking. C. She is shy and quiet.
    2. What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He wears glasses. B. He dislikes his jacket. C. He desn’t lk gd.
    3. What des the wman think f the cell phne?
    A. It’s ut f style. B. It’s expensive. C. Its clr is ugly.
    4. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Classmates.
    5. What will the man d tmrrw night?
    A. Attend a party. B. Help James d a reprt. C. See an interesting film.
    6. What des the man want t d?
    A G shpping. B. Drive a bus. C. Mail a letter.
    7. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. On the street. B. In the bank. C. In the shpping center.
    8. Why des the man talk t the wman?
    A. T express thanks. B. T get sme infrmatin. C. T exchange a new skatebard.
    9. What size skatebard is the man likely t chse?
    A. 16cm. B. 18cm. C. 20cm.
    10. Wh is the man ging t the stre with?
    A. His friends. B. His brther. C. His father.
    11. When will the music festival start?
    A. This Friday. B. This Saturday. C. This Sunday.
    12. Why is the wait nt bad fr the wman?
    A. The line is shrt.
    B. She brings smething t sit n.
    C. The fd the band prvides is tasty.
    13. What des the man agree t d in the end?
    A. Turn dwn the music. B. Learn abut bands. C. Jin the wman.
    14. What is the man ging t d in the evening?
    A. Eat ut. B. Visit the wman. C. Finish his hmewrk.
    15. When des the wman expect the prject t be finished?
    A. By 4:00 pm. B. By 5:00 pm. C. By 6:00 pm.
    16. Hw will the man g t the wman’s hme?
    A. By bus. B. On ft. C. By bike.
    17. What is the speaker ding?
    A. Teaching a class. B. Intrducing Newtwn. C. Chairing a meeting.
    18. Where is Shpsmart?
    A. On the edge f twn. B. Near the cllege. C. In Bridge Street.
    19. Hw many bkshps are there in Bridge Street?
    A. Tw. B. Three. C. Fur.
    20. What can the listeners buy in Mass?
    A. Suvenirs. B. Files and pens. C. Fruit and vegetables.
    Sequia Natinal Park
    Lcated abut 80 miles east f Fresn, Califrnia, in the suthern Sierra Nevada muntain range, Sequia Natinal Park was established in 1890 as a measure t prtect the giant trees frm being cut dwn, making it America’s secnd natinal park.
    Highlights f the park are, f curse, the trees. Perhaps the mst famus is the General Sherman Tree, which has rightfully earned the title f the wrld’s largest tree (it stands 275 feet tall and its base measures mre than 36 feet in diameter).
    ·Best Mnths t Visit
    The best time t visit Sequia Natinal Park is June thrugh August, when the weather is fine. The park is pen 24/7, year-rund, but there are certain challenges during winter and spring seasns. Beginning in September, the park reduces its ranger(护林员)-led prgramming and certain facilities cut their hurs.
    ·What Yu Need t Knw
    Dn’t rely n technlgy
    Cell service in many areas f the park is sptty, meaning yur GPS r smartphne may nt wrk. Plan t pick up paper maps at the park’s visitr centers.
    Check the weather
    Sme areas in the park might be clsed r yu might need snw tires r chains t get thrugh, even in the spring and fall. Check the park’s website fr the mst up-t-date infrmatin.
    Gas up
    N gasline is sld within the park, s make sure yu have a full tank befre yu start yur jurney.
    Pay t play
    A vehicle pass t the park csts $35; an individual pass, fr an adult n a bike r n ft, csts $20.
    1. What is Sequia Natinal Park best knwn fr?
    A. Its service.B. Its trees.C. Its cvering area.D. Its histry.
    2. Which f the fllwing is the best time t visit Sequia Natinal Park?
    A. July.B. September.C. Octber.D. December.
    3. Hw much shuld a cuple pay if they visit Sequia Natinal Park by bike?
    A. $20.B. $35.C. $40.D. $70.
    When a wman bught a painting that appeared t bear the signature (签名) f N. C. Wyeth at a stre in 2017, she jked that the 4-dllar item might actually be a real wrk by the Maine painter. Her jke was n laughing matter, and the painting is nw estimated t fetch as much as $250,000 at auctin (拍卖会) in September.
    Accrding t experts at Bnhams Skinner auctin huse, the seller unknwingly bught the wrk at a Savers stre in Manchester, New Hampshire, while searching fr frames t reuse. At that time, the Wyeth painting had been put against a wall alng with mstly damaged psters and prints.
    The wman tk the piece hme, and then made a quick Internet search but culd nt find any infrmatin abut the wrk. After hanging the painting in her bedrm fr several years, she eventually stred it in her study.
    She rediscvered the painting this past May while ding cleaning, and this time psted images f the wrk n an nline page titled “Things Fund in Walls”, which is devted t “stries f things yu have fund in walls, dug up in yur backyard, r in that spare huse acrss the street frm yur grandma’s”, accrding t the grup’s descriptin.
    Cmments n the pst led her t cntact Lauren Lewis, a frmer curatr wh wrked with paintings by three generatins f the Wyeths: N. C. Wyeth, his sn Andrew Wyeth and his grandsn Jamie Wyeth. S she did.
    “After seeing the piece in persn, Lewis was 99% certain it was authentic instead f a cpy,” she tld The Bstn Glbe. “While it certainly had sme small scratches (划痕), it was in remarkable cnditin cnsidering nne f us had any idea f its jurney ver the last 80 years.”
    Wyeth ften prduced cver art fr publishers f peridicals and nvels. The painting up fr sale in September is ne f fur he cmpleted fr a 1939 editin f Helen Hunt Jacksn’s bk Ramna, riginally published in 1884. In it, Wyeth painted the yung title character facing her elderly mther.
    4. What was the wman’s jke?
    A. The strekeeper was lazy and flish.
    B. The painting she bught might be valuable.
    C. The signature f N. C. Wyeth was wrng.
    D. The Maine painter wuld appear at auctin.
    5. Hw did the wman deal with the painting shrtly after she gt hme?
    A. She put it in her study.B. She sld it t Lauren Lewis.
    C. She sent it t her friend.D. She searched nline abut it.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “authentic” in paragraph 6 mean?
    A. Real.B. Damaged.C. Famus.D. Stlen.
    7. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. A wrld-famus artist in the US.B. A nvel by Helen Hunt Jacksn.
    C. A painting getting its recgnitin.D. An expert ging n a treasure hunt.
    Clarence DeMar wuld train fr races by running t and frm his jb in Bstn, up t 14 miles a day. His hard wrk paid ff. He wn the 1911 Bstn Marathn and cmpeted in the next year’s Olympics.
    But at the time, many peple and medical experts thught prlnged (持续很久的) exercise was dangerus. A dctr, detecting a heart murmur (杂音), warned DeMar t quit the sprt.
    DeMar prved them all wrng—bth during his lifetime and after—in ways that helped change peple’s minds abut the benefits f exercise.
    He became ne f the mst nticeable distance runners f his day, cmpeting in tw mre Olympics and winning the Bstn Marathn a recrd seven times between 1911 and 1930. He kept winning races well int his 40s. The press called him “Mr. DeMarathn”.
    After he died f cancer at age 70, tw Bstn-area experts tk a lk at his heart. What they fund were different frm all thse terrifying warnings. Nt nly was DeMar’s heart in gd shape, but his arteries(动脉) were als tw t three times the size f a typical persn’s — reducing the risk f a fatal blckage. As fr that heart murmur the dctr warned DeMar abut? Experts say, “We nw knw that highly trained athletes ften have a heart murmur, and it’s nrmal.”
    The study, published in the New England Jurnal f Medicine in 1961, made the frnt page f The Bstn Glbe. “It was ne f thse first studies that taught us that the human bdy can really handle, very healthfully, lts and lts f exercise,” said Dr. Aarn Baggish, a prfessr at the University f Lausanne in Switzerland and the frmer medical directr f the Bstn Marathn.
    The ppularity f running explded in the decades after DeMar’s death, as further research backed that up. It’s nw well-established that regular exercise makes us healthier and prlngs ur lives.
    The current natinal guidelines recmmend at least tw and a half t five hurs f mderate exercise like walking each week, r an hur and fifteen minutes t tw and a half hurs f vigrus activity like running—and research suggests mre is generally better.
    8. Why did the dctr advise DeMar t give up prlnged exercise?
    A. He was in pr health.B. He had a heart murmur.
    C. He must fcus n his jb.D. He was unable t finish it.
    9. What was DeMar’s attitude t the dctr’s warning?
    A. Favrable.B. Wrried.C. Mistrustful.D. Unclear.
    10. What did the tw Bstn experts find abut DeMar?
    A. His heart was in bad shape.B. He died frm t much exercise.
    C. He suffered frm artery blckage.D. He benefited frm lts f exercise.
    11. What des the last paragraph mainly talk abut?
    A. Advice n exercise.B. Several frms f exercise.
    C. The advantages f walking.D. The purpse f the research.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) tls designed t perate at human levels have greatly expanded in ppularity ver the past year. These include OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Ggle’s Bard and Micrsft’s AI-pwered search engine Bing. Such tls, als knwn as chatbts r generative AI, are cmputer-pwered systems. They are designed t interact smthly with humans and perfrm high-level writing and creative wrk.
    In recent mnths, these tls have demnstrated an ability t prduce high-quality wrk. This has led sme technlgy experts t warn that generative AI systems culd end up replacing wrkers in many industries.
    This year, researchers at Harvard Business Schl and ther rganizatins carried ut an experiment. It aimed t test hw well AI tls culd help wrkers perfrm their usual duties r tasks. It invlved mre than 700 business advisrs, called cnsultants, frm Massachusetts-based Bstn Cnsulting Grup.
    Harvard Business Schl recently published the results frm the experiment in a wrking paper. The main findings suggest that AI tls like ChatGPT can greatly imprve wrker perfrmance. Fr example, researchers fund that, n average, wrkers wh used OpenAI’s latest ChatGPT 4 tl cmpleted 12 percent mre tasks than nn-ChatGPT users. Tasks carried ut with help frm the AI technlgy were cmpleted 25 percent faster. And the team fund the quality f wrk perfrmed by cnsultants using ChatGPT 4 increased by abut 40 percent.
    Hwever, the paper als nted areas where the perfrmance f cnsultants using ChatGPT 4 drpped. The researchers said this was especially true with tasks the AI tl was nt gd at cmpleting. “Of tasks the AI was gd at, the experiment shwed it significantly imprved human perfrmance,” the paper said. “But fr tasks ChatGPT 4 was nt right fr, humans relied t much n the AI and were mre likely t make mistakes.”
    The team suggests ne f the biggest barriers t cmpanies effectively using AI is nt knwing which tasks can be cmpleted best with the technlgy. Finding this ut will require businesses t carry ut thughtful research and training effrts in rder t find the right mix f AI and human-level wrk.
    12. What is a purpse f designing AI tls accrding t the text?
    A. T perfrm lw-level writing.B. T replace technlgy experts.
    C. T finish high-quality wrk.D. T imprve interpersnal cmmunicatin.
    13. Why des the authr mentin ChatGPT 4 in paragraph 4?
    A. T explain the disadvantages f AI tls.
    B. T shw hw well AI tls culd help wrkers.
    C. T frecast changes in the future wrking envirnment.
    D. T cmpare the wrk perfrmance between humans and AI tls.
    14. What can be learned frm the last paragraph?
    A. Cmpanies need t balance the wrk f AI and humans.
    BIt is useless t train s many wrkers t learn t use AI.
    C. It is easy t find the right mix f AI and human-level wrk.
    D. Research n using AI effectively has been made by businesses.
    15. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. ChatGPT Can See, Hear and Speak Nw
    B. Ways t Imprve Yur Perfrmance at Wrk
    C. The Fast Develpment f Artificial Intelligence
    D. AI Tls Help but als Harm Wrker Perfrmance
    Bdy language can reflect ur cnfidence level. ____16____ and anther way when we’re nervus. At a glance (看一眼), mst peple can tell if we’re cnfident r nt. S we shuld learn sme tips t shw cnfidence thrugh bdy language s that we always appear cnfident and ready.
    The first tip t shw cnfidence with bdy language is t keep yur hands ut f yur pckets. We ften put ur hands in ur pckets when we’re unsure f urselves. And that’s hw ther peple will view us.
    Keep yur eyes frward
    ____18____, it ften feels natural t lwer yur head slightly and watch yur step. Hwever, this gesture cmmunicates t thers that yu dn’t want t interact. And if yu’re nt careful, yu might get int the habit f ding it all the time. S keep yur head up and yur eyes frward, even when yu’re walking dwn the street by yurself.
    Try this as an experiment: Smile at smene as yu pass by them n the street r walk arund the ffice. ____19____. Nw wuldn’t yu like t have that effect n peple all the time?
    Firm handshakes
    There are few things wrse than reaching ut yur hand during an intrductin and getting a handshake which is nt firm enugh. Dn’t be that guy. Instead, hld the ther persn’s hand firmly and cnfidently. Of curse, a handshake is nt a cntest. ____20____.
    A. Take wide steps
    B. Avid yur pckets
    C. It’s very likely that they’ll smile back
    D. When yu’re walking anywhere by yurself
    E. Dn’t try t hld the ther persn’s hand t lng
    F. If yu want t shw cnfidence with bdy language
    G. We stand and walk a certain way when we’re cnfident
    In 2013, Alie Ward’s life was falling apart. Her dad was diagnsed (诊断) with a rare frm f cancer, and she was feeling increasingly ____21____ in her jb.
    T distract herself frm her trubles, she liked t find and take pictures f insects. Smetimes, if she fund ne she ____22____ liked, she’d pst it nline. Thse ____23____ attracted the attentin f a wman named Lila Higgins, wh wrked as an entmlgist (昆虫学家) at the lcal natural histry museum. After ____24____ Ward’s pictures, Higgins reached ut t see if she wuld want a ____25____ f the museum’s insectary.
    When Ward arrived at the museum, Higgins ____26____ her and led her thrugh the different exhibits.
    Fr the first time in ages, Ward felt herself ____27____. Higgins nticed her enthusiasm and ____28____ Ward t vlunteer at the museum fr a few hurs every week.
    “But at the time I really felt like I didn’t have a lt t ____29____ many peple. That’s because I felt ____30____ thse days and cried cnstantly,” Ward remembered.
    Despite her ____31____, Ward decided t sign up. Every Wednesday she’d arrive at the ____32____. And with each vlunteer shift, she felt a little bit ____33____.
    “It gave me this sense f purpse. It helped me recnnect with my ____34____ f science and nature that I’d always had,” Ward said.
    Sn, Ward quit her riginal jb and started ____35____ in science media. She nw is the creatr and hst f a pdcast called Olgies. Ward had Higgins n the shw as her first guest.
    A. curiusB. incredibleC. unhappyD. ashamed
    A. graduallyB. particularlyC. hardlyD. mstly
    A. pstsB. trublesC. vlunteersD. wrds
    A. printingB. drawingC. seeingD. passing
    A. placeB. treasureC. directrD. tur
    A. defeatedB. greetedC. warnedD. resisted
    A. give upB. break dwnC. check inD. light up
    A. causedB. remindedC. advisedD. begged
    A. teachB. payC. awardD. ffer
    A. painfulB. independentC. prudD. excited
    A. effrtsB. dubtsC. injuriesD. smiles
    A. partyB. hspitalC. fficeD. museum
    AbetterB. embarrassedC. anxiusD. healthier
    A. listB. stryC. lveD. hpe
    A. playingB. wrkingC. thinkingD. waiting
    As the saying ges, laughter is the best medicine. Laughing is like a super drug fr yur health that can lift yur md, lessen pain, and prtect yu frm the ____36____ (harm) effects f stress.
    Jurnalist, authr and prfessr Nrman Cusins was ____37____ well-knwn supprter f laughter as a frm f medicine and an utstanding figure ____38____ the field f health and wellness. Diagnsed with ankylsing spndylitis (强直性脊柱炎) in the late 1960s, Cusins ____39____ (age) abut 50, had little hpe f recvery; just ne in 500 chances. Hwever, Cusins ____40____ (ntice) that his pain decreased when he invlved in laughter, accrding t the Newprt Academy. S, he began t schedule funny mvies fr ____41____ (he) n a regular basis. ____42____ (remarkable), he lived anther 25 years pst-diagnsis and cnducted in-depth research n the medical benefits f laughter, with the supprt f Califrnia University Hspital.
    Since then, research has cntinuusly cnfirmed the effectiveness f laughter in relieving pain ____43____ imprving verall well-being. It’s been fund that a hearty laugh can lessen physical tensin, ____44____ (leave) muscles relaxed fr up t 45 minutes. Imprtantly, these physical imprvements have a significant psitive impact n mental health, as the mind and bdy _____45_____ (cnnect).
    46. 假定你是李华,你的外国笔友Bb了解到你的家乡今年农业丰收,想过来参观。请给他写封电子邮件,推荐一个农业示范区(agriculture demnstratin zne),内容包括:
    Dear Bb,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was a beautiful May mrning. As usual, I started my day by sitting utside breathing the fresh air as I read my bk and drank my cffee. Afterwards, there were tw things I was determined t d. First, make sure my husband gt ur small Christmas trees dwn frm the attic(阁楼) and, secnd, take several bags f clthes, blankets and cmfrters t the dnatin center. I had been faithful in ding that every year, but fr whatever reasn, I had delayed this year and the bags were nw piling up and verflwing.
    After reading fr a while, I went int the bedrm t ask my husband t bring the trees dwn. He was asleep s I figured I’d surprise him and get them dwn by myself.
    I went t the garage t access the attic strage and mved ur tall metal ladder int place. I had t mve the bags f clthing and blankets ut f the way, determined nce again t get thse t the dnatin center.
    I climbed the ladder, and tw steps frm the tp I was able t reach up and push pen the attic dr. Then, with my feet n the very last step and part f my upper bdy in the attic, I saw my trees. I awkwardly raised my leg t climb nt the attic flr. Lking dwn, and then lking up again, I decided that this was actually t much fr me. I shuld wait fr my husband t get them.
    As I stepped dwn, my ft missed the shaky ladder’s step. With ne ft swinging and the ther n the tp step, I grabbed(抓住) the attic flrbard and called my husband. Unfrtunately, he culdn’t hear me. As I went t take anther step dwn, the ladder suddenly came ut frm under me, ludly crashing nt the cncrete(混凝土的) garage flr, leaving me hanging frm the attic with sweaty hands. In that secnd, which seemed like a century, I prayed and then called my husband.
    With my bdy swinging in midair and my hands slwly sliding clser t the edge, I fell.
    Arriving at the emergency center, I anxiusly waited t see the dctr.
    听力答案:1~5 CABCA 6~10 CABAC 11~15 BBCAA 16~20 CBACB
    1. What des the wman say abut herself?
    A. She is cnfident. B. She likes talking. C. She is shy and quiet.
    2. What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He wears glasses. B. He dislikes his jacket. C. He desn’t lk gd.
    3. What des the wman think f the cell phne?
    A. It’s ut f style. B. It’s expensive. C. Its clr is ugly.
    4 What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Classmates.
    5. What will the man d tmrrw night?
    A. Attend a party. B. Help James d a reprt. C. See an interesting film.
    6. What des the man want t d?
    A. G shpping. B. Drive a bus. C. Mail a letter.
    7. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. On the street. B. In the bank. C. In the shpping center.
    8. Why des the man talk t the wman?
    A. T express thanks. B. T get sme infrmatin. C. T exchange a new skatebard.
    9. What size skatebard is the man likely t chse?
    A. 16cm. B. 18cm. C. 20cm.
    10. Wh is the man ging t the stre with?
    A. His friends. B. His brther. C. His father.
    11. When will the music festival start?
    A. This Friday. B. This Saturday. C. This Sunday.
    12. Why is the wait nt bad fr the wman?
    A. The line is shrt.
    B. She brings smething t sit n.
    C. The fd the band prvides is tasty.
    13. What des the man agree t d in the end?
    A. Turn dwn the music. B. Learn abut bands. C. Jin the wman.
    14. What is the man ging t d in the evening?
    A. Eat ut. B. Visit the wman. C. Finish his hmewrk.
    15. When des the wman expect the prject t be finished?
    A. By 4:00 pm. B. By 5:00 pm. C. By 6:00 pm.
    16. Hw will the man g t the wman’s hme?
    A. By bus. B. On ft. C. By bike.
    17. What is the speaker ding?
    A. Teaching a class. B. Intrducing Newtwn. C. Chairing a meeting.
    18. Where is Shpsmart?
    A. On the edge f twn. B. Near the cllege. C. In Bridge Street.
    19. Hw many bkshps are there in Bridge Street?
    A. Tw. B. Three. C. Fur.
    20. What can the listeners buy in Mass?
    A. Suvenirs. B. Files and pens. C. Fruit and vegetables.
    Sequia Natinal Park
    Lcated abut 80 miles east f Fresn, Califrnia, in the suthern Sierra Nevada muntain range, Sequia Natinal Park was established in 1890 as a measure t prtect the giant trees frm being cut dwn, making it America’s secnd natinal park.
    Highlights f the park are, f curse, the trees. Perhaps the mst famus is the General Sherman Tree, which has rightfully earned the title f the wrld’s largest tree (it stands 275 feet tall and its base measures mre than 36 feet in diameter).
    ·Best Mnths t Visit
    The best time t visit Sequia Natinal Park is June thrugh August, when the weather is fine. The park is pen 24/7, year-rund, but there are certain challenges during winter and spring seasns. Beginning in September, the park reduces its ranger(护林员)-led prgramming and certain facilities cut their hurs.
    ·What Yu Need t Knw
    Dn’t rely n technlgy
    Cell service in many areas f the park is sptty, meaning yur GPS r smartphne may nt wrk. Plan t pick up paper maps at the park’s visitr centers.
    Check the weather
    Sme areas in the park might be clsed r yu might need snw tires r chains t get thrugh, even in the spring and fall. Check the park’s website fr the mst up-t-date infrmatin.
    Gas up
    N gasline is sld within the park, s make sure yu have a full tank befre yu start yur jurney.
    Pay t play
    A vehicle pass t the park csts $35; an individual pass, fr an adult n a bike r n ft, csts $20.
    1. What is Sequia Natinal Park best knwn fr?
    AIts service.B. Its trees.C. Its cvering area.D. Its histry.
    2. Which f the fllwing is the best time t visit Sequia Natinal Park?
    A. July.B. September.C. Octber.D. December.
    3. Hw much shuld a cuple pay if they visit Sequia Natinal Park by bike?
    A. $20.B. $35.C. $40.D. $70.
    【答案】1. B 2. A 3. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Highlights f the park are, f curse, the trees. Perhaps the mst famus is the General Sherman Tree, which has rightfully earned the title f the wrld’s largest tree (it stands 275 feet tall and its base measures mre than 36 feet in diameter). (公园的亮点当然是树木。也许最著名的是谢尔曼将军树,它理所当然地赢得了世界上最大的树的称号(它高275英尺,底部直径超过36英尺))”可知,美国加州红杉国家公园因其树木而出名。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据Best Mnths t Visit部分中“The best time t visit Sequia Natinal Park is June thrugh August, when the weather is fine. (参观红杉国家公园的最佳时间是六月到八月,那时天气很好)”可知,游览美国加州红杉国家公园的最佳时间之一是七月。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据Pay t play部分“A vehicle pass t the park csts $ 35; an individual pass, fr an adult n a bike r n ft, csts 20. (前往公园的车辆通行证费用为35美元;成人骑自行车或步行的个人通行证费用为20美元)”可知,一对夫妇骑车进入美国加州红杉国家公园需要支付40美元。故选C。
    When a wman bught a painting that appeared t bear the signature (签名) f N. C. Wyeth at a stre in 2017, she jked that the 4-dllar item might actually be a real wrk by the Maine painter. Her jke was n laughing matter, and the painting is nw estimated t fetch as much as $250,000 at auctin (拍卖会) in September.
    Accrding t experts at Bnhams Skinner auctin huse, the seller unknwingly bught the wrk at a Savers stre in Manchester, New Hampshire, while searching fr frames t reuse. At that time, the Wyeth painting had been put against a wall alng with mstly damaged psters and prints.
    The wman tk the piece hme, and then made a quick Internet search but culd nt find any infrmatin abut the wrk. After hanging the painting in her bedrm fr several years, she eventually stred it in her study.
    She rediscvered the painting this past May while ding cleaning, and this time psted images f the wrk n an nline page titled “Things Fund in Walls”, which is devted t “stries f things yu have fund in walls, dug up in yur backyard, r in that spare huse acrss the street frm yur grandma’s”, accrding t the grup’s descriptin.
    Cmments n the pst led her t cntact Lauren Lewis, a frmer curatr wh wrked with paintings by three generatins f the Wyeths: N. C. Wyeth, his sn Andrew Wyeth and his grandsn Jamie Wyeth. S she did.
    “After seeing the piece in persn, Lewis was 99% certain it was authentic instead f a cpy,” she tld The Bstn Glbe. “While it certainly had sme small scratches (划痕), it was in remarkable cnditin cnsidering nne f us had any idea f its jurney ver the last 80 years.”
    Wyeth ften prduced cver art fr publishers f peridicals and nvels. The painting up fr sale in September is ne f fur he cmpleted fr a 1939 editin f Helen Hunt Jacksn’s bk Ramna, riginally published in 1884. In it, Wyeth painted the yung title character facing her elderly mther.
    4. What was the wman’s jke?
    A. The strekeeper was lazy and flish.
    B. The painting she bught might be valuable.
    C. The signature f N. C. Wyeth was wrng.
    D. The Maine painter wuld appear at auctin.
    5Hw did the wman deal with the painting shrtly after she gt hme?
    A. She put it in her study.B. She sld it t Lauren Lewis.
    C. She sent it t her friend.D. She searched nline abut it.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “authentic” in paragraph 6 mean?
    A. Real.B. Damaged.C. Famus.D. Stlen.
    7. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. A wrld-famus artist in the US.B. A nvel by Helen Hunt Jacksn.
    C. A painting getting its recgnitin.D. An expert ging n a treasure hunt.
    【答案】4. B 5. D 6. A 7. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“When a wman bught a painting that appeared t bear the signature (签名) f N. C. Wyeth at a stre in 2017, she jked that the 4-dllar item might actually be a real wrk by the Maine painter. Her jke was n laughing matter, and the painting is nw estimated t fetch as much as $250,000 at auctin (拍卖会) in September. (2017年,一名女子在一家商店买了一幅似乎有N. C. Wyeth签名的画,她开玩笑说,这幅4美元的画可能是这位缅因州画家的真迹。她的玩笑可不是闹着玩的,这幅画现在估计将在9月份的拍卖会上拍出25万美元的高价。)”可知,这位女士开玩笑说她买的那幅画可能会很值钱。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“The wman tk the piece hme, and then made a quick Internet search but culd nt find any infrmatin abut the wrk. (这位女士把作品带回家,然后在网上快速搜索了一下,但没有找到任何关于这件作品的信息。)”可知,这个女士回家后在网上查找这幅画的相关信息。故选D项。
    词句猜测题。划线词的后文“instead f a cpy (而不是复制品)”说明这幅画是真迹,从而推知“After seeing the piece in persn, Lewis was 99% certain it was authentic (在亲眼看到这件作品后,Lewis 99%确信它是authentic)”其中划线词汇意思是“真的,真迹”。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,根据第一段中“Her jke was n laughing matter, and the painting is nw estimated t fetch as much as $250,000 at auctin (拍卖会) in September. (她的玩笑可不是闹着玩的,这幅画现在估计将在9月份的拍卖会上拍出25万美元的高价。)”和倒数第二段的“After seeing the piece in persn, Lewis was 99% certain it was authentic instead f a cpy(在亲眼看到这件作品后,Lewis 99%确信它是真迹)”可知,本文主要讲的是一幅得到认可的画。故选C项。
    Clarence DeMar wuld train fr races by running t and frm his jb in Bstn, up t 14 miles a day. His hard wrk paid ff. He wn the 1911 Bstn Marathn and cmpeted in the next year’s Olympics.
    But at the time, many peple and medical experts thught prlnged (持续很久的) exercise was dangerus. A dctr, detecting a heart murmur (杂音), warned DeMar t quit the sprt.
    DeMar prved them all wrng—bth during his lifetime and after—in ways that helped change peple’s minds abut the benefits f exercise.
    He became ne f the mst nticeable distance runners f his day, cmpeting in tw mre Olympics and winning the Bstn Marathn a recrd seven times between 1911 and 1930. He kept winning races well int his 40s. The press called him “Mr. DeMarathn”.
    After he died f cancer at age 70, tw Bstn-area experts tk a lk at his heart. What they fund were different frm all thse terrifying warnings. Nt nly was DeMar’s heart in gd shape, but his arteries(动脉) were als tw t three times the size f a typical persn’s — reducing the risk f a fatal blckage. As fr that heart murmur the dctr warned DeMar abut? Experts say, “We nw knw that highly trained athletes ften have a heart murmur, and it’s nrmal.”
    The study, published in the New England Jurnal f Medicine in 1961, made the frnt page f The Bstn Glbe. “It was ne f thse first studies that taught us that the human bdy can really handle, very healthfully, lts and lts f exercise,” said Dr. Aarn Baggish, a prfessr at the University f Lausanne in Switzerland and the frmer medical directr f the Bstn Marathn.
    The ppularity f running explded in the decades after DeMar’s death, as further research backed that up. It’s nw well-established that regular exercise makes us healthier and prlngs ur lives.
    The current natinal guidelines recmmend at least tw and a half t five hurs f mderate exercise like walking each week, r an hur and fifteen minutes t tw and a half hurs f vigrus activity like running—and research suggests mre is generally better.
    8. Why did the dctr advise DeMar t give up prlnged exercise?
    A. He was in pr health.B. He had a heart murmur.
    C. He must fcus n his jb.D. He was unable t finish it.
    9. What was DeMar’s attitude t the dctr’s warning?
    A. Favrable.B. Wrried.C. Mistrustful.D. Unclear.
    10. What did the tw Bstn experts find abut DeMar?
    A. His heart was in bad shape.B. He died frm t much exercise.
    C. He suffered frm artery blckage.D. He benefited frm lts f exercise.
    11. What des the last paragraph mainly talk abut?
    A. Advice n exercise.B. Several frms f exercise.
    C. The advantages f walking.D. The purpse f the research.
    【答案】8. B 9. C 10. D 11. A
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了Clarence DeMar通过努力改变了人们对运动好处的看法,他成为他那个时代最引人注目的长跑运动员之一。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“A dctr, detecting a heart murmur (杂音), warned DeMar t quit the sprt.(一名医生发现DeMar有心脏杂音,警告他退出这项运动)”可知,医生检查出DeMar的心脏有杂音,所以建议他放弃长时间的锻炼。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“DeMar prved them all wrng—bth during his lifetime and after—in ways that helped change peple’s minds abut the benefits f exercise.( DeMar在他有生之年和之后都证明了他们都是错误的,这帮助改变了人们对运动好处的看法)”可推知,DeMar对于医生的警告持“不信任”的态度。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第五段“Nt nly was DeMar’s heart in gd shape, but his arteries(动脉) were als tw t three times the size f a typical persn’s — reducing the risk f a fatal blckage.(DeMar不仅心脏状况良好,而且他的动脉也有正常人的两到三倍大,从而降低了发生致命阻塞的风险)”可知,两位波士顿专家发现,DeMar得益于大量的锻炼。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据最后一段“The current natinal guidelines recmmend at least tw and a half t five hurs f mderate exercise like walking each week, r an hur and fifteen minutes t tw and a half hurs f vigrus activity like running—and research suggests mre is generally better.(目前的国家指南建议每周至少进行2.5到5小时的适度运动,比如散步,或者进行1小时15分钟到2个半小时的剧烈运动,比如跑步——研究表明,运动时间越长越好)”可知,最后一段主要讲的是关于运动的一些建议。故选A。
    Artificial intelligence (AI) tls designed t perate at human levels have greatly expanded in ppularity ver the past year. These include OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Ggle’s Bard and Micrsft’s AI-pwered search engine Bing. Such tls, als knwn as chatbts r generative AI, are cmputer-pwered systems. They are designed t interact smthly with humans and perfrm high-level writing and creative wrk.
    In recent mnths, these tls have demnstrated an ability t prduce high-quality wrk. This has led sme technlgy experts t warn that generative AI systems culd end up replacing wrkers in many industries.
    This year, researchers at Harvard Business Schl and ther rganizatins carried ut an experiment. It aimed t test hw well AI tls culd help wrkers perfrm their usual duties r tasks. It invlved mre than 700 business advisrs, called cnsultants, frm Massachusetts-based Bstn Cnsulting Grup.
    Harvard Business Schl recently published the results frm the experiment in a wrking paper. The main findings suggest that AI tls like ChatGPT can greatly imprve wrker perfrmance. Fr example, researchers fund that, n average, wrkers wh used OpenAI’s latest ChatGPT 4 tl cmpleted 12 percent mre tasks than nn-ChatGPT users. Tasks carried ut with help frm the AI technlgy were cmpleted 25 percent faster. And the team fund the quality f wrk perfrmed by cnsultants using ChatGPT 4 increased by abut 40 percent.
    Hwever, the paper als nted areas where the perfrmance f cnsultants using ChatGPT 4 drpped. The researchers said this was especially true with tasks the AI tl was nt gd at cmpleting. “Of tasks the AI was gd at, the experiment shwed it significantly imprved human perfrmance,” the paper said. “But fr tasks ChatGPT 4 was nt right fr, humans relied t much n the AI and were mre likely t make mistakes.”
    The team suggests ne f the biggest barriers t cmpanies effectively using AI is nt knwing which tasks can be cmpleted best with the technlgy. Finding this ut will require businesses t carry ut thughtful research and training effrts in rder t find the right mix f AI and human-level wrk.
    12. What is a purpse f designing AI tls accrding t the text?
    A. T perfrm lw-level writing.B. T replace technlgy experts.
    C. T finish high-quality wrk.D. T imprve interpersnal cmmunicatin.
    13. Why des the authr mentin ChatGPT 4 in paragraph 4?
    A. T explain the disadvantages f AI tls.
    B. T shw hw well AI tls culd help wrkers.
    C. T frecast changes in the future wrking envirnment.
    D. T cmpare the wrk perfrmance between humans and AI tls.
    14. What can be learned frm the last paragraph?
    A. Cmpanies need t balance the wrk f AI and humans.
    B. It is useless t train s many wrkers t learn t use AI.
    C. It is easy t find the right mix f AI and human-level wrk.
    D. Research n using AI effectively has been made by businesses.
    15. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. ChatGPT Can See, Hear and Speak Nw
    B. Ways t Imprve Yur Perfrmance at Wrk
    C. The Fast Develpment f Artificial Intelligence
    D. AI Tls Help but als Harm Wrker Perfrmance
    【答案】12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段“They are designed t interact smthly with humans and perfrm high-level writing and creative wrk.(它们被设计成能与人类流畅地互动,并能执行高水平的写作和创造性工作。)””及第二段“In recent mnths, these tls have demnstrated an ability t prduce high-quality wrk.(最近几个月,这些工具已经证明了产生高质量工作的能力。)””可知,设计人工智能工具的目的之一是完成高质量的工作。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“The main findings suggest that AI tls like ChatGPT can greatly imprve wrker perfrmance.(主要研究结果表明,像ChatGPT这样的人工智能工具可以极大地提高员工的绩效。)””可知,作者在第四段提及 ChatGPT 4是为了展示人工智能工具对员工的帮助。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“The team suggests ne f the biggest barriers t cmpanies effectively using AI is nt knwing which tasks can be cmpleted best with the technlgy. Finding this ut will require businesses t carry ut thughtful research and training effrts in rder t find the right mix f AI and human-level wrk.(该团队表示,企业有效使用人工智能的最大障碍之一是不知道哪些任务可以用这项技术完成得最好。要找到这一点,企业需要进行深思熟虑的研究和培训工作,以便找到人工智能和人类工作的正确组合。)”可知,公司需要平衡人工智能和人类的工作。故选A。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“They are designed t interact smthly with humans and perfrm high-level writing and creative wrk. (它们被设计成能与人类流畅地互动,并能执行高水平的写作和创造性工作。)”和第五段“But fr tasks ChatGPT 4 was nt right fr, humans relied t much n the AI and were mre likely t make mistakes.(但对于ChatGPT 4不适合的任务,人类过于依赖人工智能,更容易出错。)”可知,文章主要介绍了人工智能工具有助于但同时也会损害员工的工作表现。所以“AI Tls Help but als Harm Wrker Perfrmance(人工智能工具有助于但也会损害员工的绩效)”作为文章标题最为合适。选D。
    Bdy language can reflect ur cnfidence level. ____16____ and anther way when we’re nervus. At a glance (看一眼), mst peple can tell if we’re cnfident r nt. S we shuld learn sme tips t shw cnfidence thrugh bdy language s that we always appear cnfident and ready.
    The first tip t shw cnfidence with bdy language is t keep yur hands ut f yur pckets. We ften put ur hands in ur pckets when we’re unsure f urselves. And that’s hw ther peple will view us.
    Keep yur eyes frward
    ____18____, it ften feels natural t lwer yur head slightly and watch yur step. Hwever, this gesture cmmunicates t thers that yu dn’t want t interact. And if yu’re nt careful, yu might get int the habit f ding it all the time. S keep yur head up and yur eyes frward, even when yu’re walking dwn the street by yurself.
    Try this as an experiment: Smile at smene as yu pass by them n the street r walk arund the ffice. ____19____. Nw wuldn’t yu like t have that effect n peple all the time?
    Firm handshakes
    There are few things wrse than reaching ut yur hand during an intrductin and getting a handshake which is nt firm enugh. Dn’t be that guy. Instead, hld the ther persn’s hand firmly and cnfidently. Of curse, a handshake is nt a cntest. ____20____.
    A. Take wide steps
    B. Avid yur pckets
    C. It’s very likely that they’ll smile back
    D. When yu’re walking anywhere by yurself
    E. Dn’t try t hld the ther persn’s hand t lng
    F. If yu want t shw cnfidence with bdy language
    G. We stand and walk a certain way when we’re cnfident
    【答案】16. G 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. E
    根据空前“Bdy language can reflect ur cnfidence level.(肢体语言可以反映我们的自信程度)”及空后“and anther way when we’re nervus.(而当我们紧张时,我们表现的又是另一种情形)”可知,后文提到了紧张会有不一样的肢体语言,可知本句是在说明自信的时候的肢体语言。故G项“当我们自信的时候,我们会以某种方式站立和行走”符合语境。故选G。
    根据下文“The first tip t shw cnfidence with bdy language is t keep yur hands ut f yur pckets.(用肢体语言表现自信的第一个技巧是不要把手放在口袋里)”可知,本段给出的建议是不要把手放在口袋里,B选项中pckets对应后文pckets。故B项“避开你的口袋”适合作本段的小标题。故选B。
    根据本段的小标题“Keep yur eyes frward(眼睛向前看)”及空后“it ften feels natural t lwer yur head slightly and watch yur step(稍微低下头,注意脚下,这通常是很自然的)”可知,本句是在假设行走的时候,该注意脚下。故D项“当你独自行走的时候”符合语境。故选D。
    根据空前“Try this as an experiment: Smile at smene as yu pass by them n the street r walk arund the ffice.(试着做个实验:当你在街上或在办公室里走过某人时,对他们微笑)”及空后“Nw wuldn’t yu like t have that effect n peple all the time?(难道你不想一直对别人产生这种影响吗?)”可知,上文提到了对他人微笑,可知本句应当说明他们对此的反应。故C项“他们很有可能会报以微笑”符合语境。故选C。
    根据空前“Of curse, a handshake is nt a cntest.(当然,握手不是比赛)”可知,本句承接上文,说明握手的注意事项:不要试图握别人的手太久。故E项“不要试图握别人的手太久”符合语境。故选E。
    In 2013, Alie Ward’s life was falling apart. Her dad was diagnsed (诊断) with a rare frm f cancer, and she was feeling increasingly ____21____ in her jb.
    T distract herself frm her trubles, she liked t find and take pictures f insects. Smetimes, if she fund ne she ____22____ liked, she’d pst it nline. Thse ____23____ attracted the attentin f a wman named Lila Higgins, wh wrked as an entmlgist (昆虫学家) at the lcal natural histry museum. After ____24____ Ward’s pictures, Higgins reached ut t see if she wuld want a ____25____ f the museum’s insectary.
    When Ward arrived at the museum, Higgins ____26____ her and led her thrugh the different exhibits.
    Fr the first time in ages, Ward felt herself ____27____. Higgins nticed her enthusiasm and ____28____ Ward t vlunteer at the museum fr a few hurs every week.
    “But at the time I really felt like I didn’t have a lt t ____29____ many peple. That’s because I felt ____30____ thse days and cried cnstantly,” Ward remembered.
    Despite her ____31____, Ward decided t sign up. Every Wednesday she’d arrive at the ____32____. And with each vlunteer shift, she felt a little bit ____33____.
    “It gave me this sense f purpse. It helped me recnnect with my ____34____ f science and nature that I’d always had,” Ward said.
    Sn, Ward quit her riginal jb and started ____35____ in science media. She nw is the creatr and hst f a pdcast called Olgies. Ward had Higgins n the shw as her first guest.
    A. curiusB. incredibleC. unhappyD. ashamed
    A. graduallyB. particularlyC. hardlyD. mstly
    A. pstsB. trublesC. vlunteersD. wrds
    A. printingB. drawingC. seeingD. passing
    A. placeB. treasureC. directrD. tur
    A. defeatedB. greetedC. warnedD. resisted
    A. give upB. break dwnC. check inD. light up
    A. causedB. remindedC. advisedD. begged
    A. teachB. payC. awardD. ffer
    A. painfulB. independentC. prudD. excited
    A. effrtsB. dubtsC. injuriesD. smiles
    A. partyB. hspitalC. fficeD. museum
    A. betterB. embarrassedC. anxiusD. healthier
    A. listB. stryC. lveD. hpe
    A. playingB. wrkingC. thinkingD. waiting
    【答案】21. C 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. D 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. D 30. A 31. B 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. B
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Alie Ward的生活曾经十分不顺心,为了转移自己的注意力,她喜欢寻找昆虫并给它们拍照,还会发布到网上。结果这些照片被当地自然历史博物馆的昆虫学家看到了,邀请她去博物馆当志愿者。Ward最终也喜欢上了这份工作。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她的父亲被诊断出患有一种罕见的癌症,她对自己的工作越来越不满意。A. curius好奇的;B. incredible难以置信的;C. unhappy不开心的;D. ashamed羞愧的。根据上文“Her dad was diagnsed with a rare frm f cancer, and she was feeling increasingly”可知and表示并列,说明是在说明生活中的不顺心,父亲被诊断出患有一种罕见的癌症,她对自己的工作越来越不满意。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:有时,如果她发现自己特别喜欢的,她会把它发布到网上。A. gradually逐渐地;B. particularly特别;C. hardly几乎不;D. mstly多半。根据后文“liked, she’d pst it nline”可知,此处指把自己特别喜欢的昆虫照片发布到网上。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些帖子引起了一位名叫莱拉·希金斯的女士的注意,她是当地自然历史博物馆的昆虫学家。A. psts帖子;B. trubles麻烦;C. vlunteers志愿者;D. wrds话语。呼应上文“she’d pst it nline”指网上的帖子引起了昆虫学家的注意。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在看了沃德的照片后,希金斯联系了她,看她是否想参观博物馆的昆虫馆。A. printing印刷;B. drawing画;C. seeing看见;D. passing通过。根据后文“Ward’s pictures, Higgins reached ut t”可知,看到沃德的照片后,希金斯联系了她,故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在看了沃德的照片后,希金斯联系了她,看她是否想参观博物馆的昆虫馆。A. place地方;B. treasure财富;C. directr主任;D. tur参观。根据后文“led her thrugh the different exhibits”可知,联系沃德是为了邀请她参观博物馆。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当沃德到达博物馆时,希金斯和她打招呼,并领她参观不同的展品。A. defeated击败;B. greeted问候;C. warned警告;D. resisted反抗。根据上文“When Ward arrived at the museum”可知,沃德到达博物馆,希金斯和她打招呼,故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:多年来,沃德第一次感到自己愉快了起来。A. give up放弃;B. break dwn出故障;C. check in入住;D. light up点亮,表现出兴趣或愉悦的情绪。根据后文“Higgins nticed her enthusiasm”可知,沃德看了展品很高兴。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:希金斯注意到她的热情,建议沃德每周在博物馆做几个小时的志愿者。A. caused造成;B. reminded提醒;C. advised建议;D. begged恳求。根据后文“Ward t vlunteer at the museum fr a few hurs every week”指希金斯根据沃德的反应提出了做志愿者的建议。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但当时我真的觉得我没有太多东西可以提供给很多人。A. teach教学;B. pay支付;C. award奖励;D. ffer提议。根据上文“I really felt like I didn’t have a lt t”以及后文“cried cnstantly”可知,沃德没有价值感,觉得自己没有什么东西可以提供给别人。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“那是因为那些日子我感到很痛苦,不停地哭,”沃德回忆道。A. painful痛苦的;B. independent独立的;C. prud骄傲的;D. excited激动的。根据后文“thse days and cried cnstantly”可知,她感到痛苦,不停哭泣。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管心存疑虑,沃德还是决定报名参加。A. effrts努力;B. dubts怀疑;C. injuries受伤;D. smiles微笑。根据上文沃德说自己没有什么东西提供给别人,可知是对自己有所怀疑。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:每周三她都会到博物馆。A. party聚会;B. hspital医院;C. ffice办公室;D. museum博物馆。呼应上文“Ward t vlunteer at the museum”指到博物馆做志愿者。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每次轮到她当志愿者,她都会感觉好一点。A. better更好的;B. embarrassed尴尬的;C. anxius焦虑的;D. healthier更健康的。根据后文“It gave me this sense f purpse.(它给了我使命感)”可知,每次轮到她当志愿者,她都会感觉好一点。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“它帮助我重新找回了我对科学和自然的热爱,这些我一直都有,”沃德说。A. list列表;B. stry故事;C. lve爱;D. hpe希望。根据上文“she liked t find and take pictures f insects.(她喜欢寻找昆虫并给它们拍照)”可知,此处指对科学和自然的热爱。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:不久,沃德辞去了原来的工作,开始在科学媒体工作。A. playing玩耍;B. wrking工作;C. thinking思考;D. waiting等待。根据上文“Sn, Ward quit her riginal jb and started”可知,沃德辞去了原来的工作,开始在科学媒体工作。故选B。
    As the saying ges, laughter is the best medicine. Laughing is like a super drug fr yur health that can lift yur md, lessen pain, and prtect yu frm the ____36____ (harm) effects f stress.
    Jurnalist, authr and prfessr Nrman Cusins was ____37____ well-knwn supprter f laughter as a frm f medicine and an utstanding figure ____38____ the field f health and wellness. Diagnsed with ankylsing spndylitis (强直性脊柱炎) in the late 1960s, Cusins ____39____ (age) abut 50, had little hpe f recvery; just ne in 500 chances. Hwever, Cusins ____40____ (ntice) that his pain decreased when he invlved in laughter, accrding t the Newprt Academy. S, he began t schedule funny mvies fr ____41____ (he) n a regular basis. ____42____ (remarkable), he lived anther 25 years pst-diagnsis and cnducted in-depth research n the medical benefits f laughter, with the supprt f Califrnia University Hspital.
    Since then, research has cntinuusly cnfirmed the effectiveness f laughter in relieving pain ____43____ imprving verall well-being. It’s been fund that a hearty laugh can lessen physical tensin, ____44____ (leave) muscles relaxed fr up t 45 minutes. Imprtantly, these physical imprvements have a significant psitive impact n mental health, as the mind and bdy _____45_____ (cnnect).
    【答案】36. harmful
    37. a 38. in
    39. aged 40. nticed
    41. himself
    42. Remarkably
    43. and 44. leaving
    45. are cnnected
    考查介词。句意:记者、作家和教授诺曼·考辛斯是一位著名的笑声作为一种医学形式的支持者,也是健康和保健领域的杰出人物。分析句子结构可知,此处应为固定短语in the field f意为“在……领域”符合句意。故填in。
    考查连词。句意:从那时起,研究不断证实笑在缓解疼痛和提高整体幸福感方面的有效性。分析句子结构可知,relieving pain与空后的imprving verall well-being为并列结构,结合句意,两者之间为并列关系,所以此处应使用并列连词and。故填and。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:研究发现,开怀大笑可以缓解身体紧张,让肌肉放松长达45分钟。分析句子结构可知,此处应为非谓语动词作状语,leave与逻辑主语a hearty laugh之间为主动关系,所以使用现在分词形式。故填leaving。
    考查动词语态和主谓一致。句意:重要的是,这些身体上的改善对心理健康有显著的积极影响,因为身心是相连的。分析句子结构可知,此处应为谓语动词,根据语境以及主句的谓语动词have可知,此处应使用一般现在时,cnnect与句子主语the mind and bdy为被动关系,且句子主语为复数意义。故填are cnnected。
    46. 假定你是李华,你的外国笔友Bb了解到你的家乡今年农业丰收,想过来参观。请给他写封电子邮件,推荐一个农业示范区(agriculture demnstratin zne),内容包括:
    Dear Bb
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Bb,
    Nthing makes me happier than welcming yu t my hmetwn t celebrate the harvest. I’d like t recmmend t yu Yangqu Mdern Agriculture Demnstratin Zne in Shanxi Prvince.
    Fr ne thing, with the develpment f science and technlgy, yu can see mre advanced equipment being used here, which prmtes crp grwth and makes agriculture mre efficient. Fr anther, the standardized peratin f equipment by wrkers in unifrm will leave a deep impressin n yu.
    I sincerely hpe my recmmendatin can be f help t yu. Wish yu a gd trip here!
    Li Hua
    庆祝:celebrate→ bserve
    推荐:recmmend→ nminate
    先进的:advanced→ sphisticated
    促进:prmte→ facilitate
    原句:I’d like t recmmend t yu Yangqu Mdern Agriculture Demnstratin Zne in Shanxi Prvince
    拓展句:It is Yangqu Mdern Agriculture Demnstratin Zne in Shanxi Prvince that I’d like t recmmend t yu.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Fr ne thing, with the develpment f science and technlgy, yu can see mre advanced equipment being used here, which prmtes crp grwth and makes agriculture mre efficient.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】I sincerely hpe my recmmendatin can be f help t yu.(运用了hpe后的宾语从句,以及宾语从句引导词that的省略)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was a beautiful May mrning. As usual, I started my day by sitting utside breathing the fresh air as I read my bk and drank my cffee. Afterwards, there were tw things I was determined t d. First, make sure my husband gt ur small Christmas trees dwn frm the attic(阁楼) and, secnd, take several bags f clthes, blankets and cmfrters t the dnatin center. I had been faithful in ding that every year, but fr whatever reasn, I had delayed this year and the bags were nw piling up and verflwing.
    After reading fr a while, I went int the bedrm t ask my husband t bring the trees dwn. He was asleep s I figured I’d surprise him and get them dwn by myself.
    I went t the garage t access the attic strage and mved ur tall metal ladder int place. I had t mve the bags f clthing and blankets ut f the way, determined nce again t get thse t the dnatin center.
    I climbed the ladder, and tw steps frm the tp I was able t reach up and push pen the attic dr. Then, with my feet n the very last step and part f my upper bdy in the attic, I saw my trees. I awkwardly raised my leg t climb nt the attic flr. Lking dwn, and then lking up again, I decided that this was actually t much fr me. I shuld wait fr my husband t get them.
    As I stepped dwn, my ft missed the shaky ladder’s step. With ne ft swinging and the ther n the tp step, I grabbed(抓住) the attic flrbard and called my husband. Unfrtunately, he culdn’t hear me. As I went t take anther step dwn, the ladder suddenly came ut frm under me, ludly crashing nt the cncrete(混凝土的) garage flr, leaving me hanging frm the attic with sweaty hands. In that secnd, which seemed like a century, I prayed and then called my husband.
    With my bdy swinging in midair and my hands slwly sliding clser t the edge, I fell.
    Arriving at the emergency center, I anxiusly waited t see the dctr.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    With my bdy swinging in midair and my hands slwly sliding clser t the edge, I fell. My entire bdy except my left ft landed n the bags f clthes and cmfrters that I had just mved! As my ft slammed int the cncrete flr, I heard it crack as pain sht thrugh my leg. Lying n the bags, I weakly yelled, “Help me!” My husband rushed in, picking me up and taking me t the hspital. As he drve, he said with tears in his eyes, “Thank Gd yu fell n thse bags. It’s a blessing that they were even ut there!”
    Arriving at the emergency center, I anxiusly waited t see the dctr. The dctr was surprised abut what had happened t me and called me his miracle patient. Having carefully examined me, the dctr tld me that I just brke my ft and it wuld take me several weeks t recver. He said it was lucky that I wasn’t injured mre than I was. It was thse bags that saved me frm severe disaster r even death. Hearing the dctr’s wrds, my husband hugged me with gratitude. What a cincidence it was!
    检查:examine/ check
    恢复:recver /get well
    感谢:gratitude /appreciatin
    不安地:anxiusly / restlessly
    【点睛】[高分句型1] As my ft slammed int the cncrete flr, I heard it crack as pain sht thrugh my leg.(运用了as引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] Having carefully examined me, the dctr tld me that I just brke my ft and it wuld take me several weeks t recver. (运用了现在分词作状语和that引导宾语从句)
    听力答案:1~5 CABCA 6~10 CABAC 11~15 BBCAA 16~20 CBACB

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