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    必修第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration-2025年高考英语大一轮复习(课件+讲义+练习)
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    必修第三册 Unit 4 Space Exploration-2025年高考英语大一轮复习(课件+讲义+练习)

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    Unit 4 Space Explratin
    astrnaut n.宇航员;太空人prcedure n.程序;步骤;手续cm abbr.(centimetre r centimeter)厘米rcket n.火箭;火箭弹gravity n.重力;引力
    frntier n.边境;国界;边远地区vehicle n.交通工具;车辆satellite n.人造卫星;卫星rbit n.(环绕地球、太阳等运行的)轨道;势力范围vt.& vi.沿轨道运行;环绕……运行
    giant adj.巨大的;伟大的n.巨人;巨兽;伟人leap n.跳跃;剧增;剧变 vi.& vt.(leapt,leapt r leaped,leaped) 跳过;跃过agency n.(政府的)专门机构;服务机构;代理处transmit vt.& vi.传输;发送
    data n.[pl.]资料;数据spacewalk n.太空行走;太空行走的时间jade n.玉;翡翠;玉器slar adj.太阳的;太阳能的slar system太阳系;类太阳系
    sufficient adj.足够的;充足的sap n.肥皂micrwave n.(als micrwave ven)微波炉tissue n.纸巾;(人、动植物细胞的)组织facility n.设施;设备
    fatal adj.致命的;灾难性的high-end adj.高端的fam n.泡沫橡胶;泡沫pillw n.枕头smartphne n.智能手机
    clsing adj.结尾的;结束的n.停业;关闭;倒闭
    launch vt.& n.发射;发起;上市mankind n.人类signal vt.& vi.标志着;标明;发信号n.信号;标志recycle vt.回收利用;再利用muscle n.肌肉;实力;影响力
    flat vi.浮动;漂流;漂浮vt.使浮动;使漂流therwise adv.否则;要不然beynd prep.在更远处;超出current adj.当前的;现在的n.水流;电流;思潮
    twel n.毛巾;抹布keen adj.热衷的;渴望的shallw adj.肤浅的;浅的pattern n.模式;图案;模范
    mnitr n.监视器;监测仪vt.监视;监测;监控resurce n.资源;财力;物力xygen n.氧;氧气
    mental adj.精神的;思想的→mentally adv.精神上地intelligent adj.有智慧的;聪明的;有智力的→intelligence n.智慧
    determined adj.有决心的;意志坚定的→determine vt.查明;确定;决定→determinatin n.决心;果断
    disappinted adj.失望的;沮丧的→disappint vt.使失望→disappinting adj.令人失望的→disappintment n.失望;沮丧
    desire n.渴望;欲望 vt.渴望;期望→desirable adj.值得做的
    independent adj.独立的;自立的→independently adv.独立地;自立地→independence n.独立;自立→depend vi.依靠
    lack vt.缺乏;没有 n.缺乏;短缺→lacking adj.缺乏的;不足的glbe n.地球;世界;地球仪→glbal adj.全球的;全面的
    argue vt.& vi.论证;争辩;争论→argument n.争论;争吵;论点analysis n.(pl.analyses)(对事物的)分析;分析结果→analyz(s)e v.分析
    regular adj.定期的;经常的;正常的→regularly adv.有规律地;经常;定期地→irregular adj.无规律的;不定期的limited adj.有限的→limitless/unlimited adj.无限的→limit vt.& n.限制
    mystery n.神秘事物;谜→mysterius adj.神秘的attach vt.系;绑;贴→attached adj.附着的;依恋的→attachment n.附件;附属品;依恋
    [拔高词汇] 背选修词汇
    accustmed /ə'kʌstəmd/ adj.习惯于;通常的cherish /'tʃerɪʃ/ vt.抱有(信念、希望); 怀念;珍爱exhausted /ɪɡ'zɔːstɪd/ adj.筋疲力尽的;枯竭的whatsever /ˌwɒtsəʊ'evə(r)/ adv.丝毫(不);一点也(不)
    spntaneus /spɒn'teɪniəs/ adj.自发的;自然的unprecedented /ʌn'presɪdentɪd/ adj.前所未有的;空前的earnest /'ɜːnɪst/ adj.非常认真的;真诚的invade /ɪn'veɪd/ vi.& vt.武装入侵; 侵略;侵犯
    surrender /sə'rendə(r)/ vi.& vt.投降;(被迫)放弃,交出n.投降;屈服;屈从capture /'kæptʃə(r)/ n.(被)捕获;(被)俘获vt.俘虏;俘获;捕获
    carry n继续做,坚持干n bard在宇宙飞船上;在船上;在飞机上in the hpe f ding sth 抱着……的希望s as t (d sth)为了;以便figure ut弄懂;弄清楚;弄明白
    result in导致;造成as a result所以;结果(是)prvide fr sb 提供生活所需in clsing最后run ut用完;耗尽
    Astrnauts have t use tape t stick everything dwn while wrking in space because everything wuld flat ff therwise.(therwise引导的含蓄虚拟条件句)宇航员在太空工作时,不得不用胶带把所有的东西固定下来,否则所有的东西都会飘走。
    Sending peple t ther planets r even beynd the slar system is nt an easy gal t achieve.(主语+be+adj.+t d...)把人送到其他星球甚至太阳系以外不是一个容易达到的目标。Firstly,explring space has already made a difference in the fight against wrld hunger.(动名词短语作主语)首先,太空探索已经在对抗世界饥饿的斗争中发挥了重要作用。
    As a result,space-based science has helped farming in its effrts t grw enugh fd t feed Earth’s increasing ppulatin.(现在分词作前置定语)因此,基于太空的科学有助于提高农业产量,从而为地球上不断增长的人口提供充足的食物。
    1.prcedure n.________________
    7.rbit n._______________________________________vt.& vi. _________________________8.high-end adj. ________9.agency n. ___________________________________10.leap n. _________________vi.& vt. ____________
    11.data n.[pl.]____________12.transmit vi.& vt.___________
    1. vt.& n.发射;发起;上市2. vt.& vi.标志着;标明;发信号n.信号;标志3. vt.回收利用;再利用4. prep.在更远处;超出5. vi.浮动;漂流;漂浮 vt.使浮动;使漂流
    6. adj.当前的;现在的 n.水流;电流;思潮7. adj.热衷的;渴望的8. n.模式;图案;模范9. n.监视器;监测仪 vt.监视;监测;监控10. n.资源;财力;物力
    1. adj.精神的;思想的→ adv.精神上地2. adj.有智慧的;聪明的;有智力的→ n.智慧3. n.渴望;欲望 vt.渴望;期望→ adj.值得做的
    4. vt.缺乏;没有 n.缺乏;短缺→ adj.缺乏的;不足的5. n.地球;世界;地球仪→ adj.全球的;全面的
    6. adj.定期的;经常的;正常的→ adv.有规律地;经常;定期地→ adj.无规律的;不定期的7. n.神秘事物;谜→ adj.神秘的
    1. adj.习惯于;通常的2. vt.抱有(信念、希望);怀念;珍爱3. adj.筋疲力尽的;枯竭的4. n.(被)捕获;(被)俘获 vt.俘虏;俘获;捕获5.whatsever adv.____________________
    1. 继续做,坚持干2. 在宇宙飞船上;在船上;在飞机上3. 为了;以便4. 弄懂;弄清楚;弄明白5. 所以;结果(是)6. 最后
    s as t (d sth)
    as a result
    1.When asked whether he was t be an astrnaut,the by just lked at me with .(determine)2.What me was nt the result f the match.It was yur lk that gave me a strng sense f ________________.(disappint)
    3.Mst f us are lnging t be frm ur parents,because ur shws that we’ve grwn up but when meeting with difficulties,we’ll have t n ur parents.(depend)4.A persn’s life is but knwledge is .(limit)5.An abut whether peple shuld carry n with space explratin tk place at the cnference and sme peple that we shuld stp wasting time and mney n it.(argue)
    6.Unsatisfied with the results f the ,the researchers ________ the data again.(analyze)7.He is healthy and physically.That is t say,he has _______ and physical health.(mental)8.Many parents great imprtance t getting a gd educatin at this schl t Peking University.(attach)
    1.Only after he failed a secnd time did he realize that it was his laziness that his car brke dwn n the way t the beach because petrl must till success in spite f the extremely difficult cnditins.
    carry n,figure ut,result in,prvide fr,run ut,in the hpe f
    resulted in
    4.Mankind is explring space finding ut mre abut the are anxius t knw whether yu have hw much the trip will cst ’d have sufficient mney t her children until she culd find a jb.
    in the hpe f
    1.工人们没有被组织好,否则他们会用一半的时间完成任务的。(therwise引导的含蓄虚拟条件句)The wrkers were nt better rganized,_____________________________________________________________.2.你知道来参加聚会的人数吗?(现在分词短语作定语)D yu knw the number f peple ?
    therwise they wuld have
    cming t the party
    accmplished the task in half the time
    3.我真诚地邀请你和我们一起过春节。你会发现这里的人很友好,他们很容易相处。(主语+be+adj.+t d...)I sincerely invite yu t spend Spring Festival with us.Yu’ll find peple here friendly and .4.听录音机是提高你听力技能的好方法。 (动名词短语作主语) t imprve yur listening skill.
    they are easy t get alng/n with
    Listening t the radi is a gd way
    Mankind has managed t create facilities and vehicles t carry astrnauts int the universe.They launch rckets 1. (carry) satellites.Many intelligent peple arund the glbe are determined t devte 2. (they) t space explratin,even thugh fatal space disasters which killed astrnauts n bard make them 3.____________ (disappint).Besides,when living in space,the astrnauts have t recycle dirty water s as t use it later.4. lack f gravity,their muscles becme weak.They have t tape everything up,
    5. they wuld flat arund.They als need t figure ut a way t stre sufficient fd and xygen.Hwever,peple’s desire 6._________(explre) space never dies.China is the third cuntry t send humans int space independently.This signals a giant leap frward fr China.Sme peple argue that we shuld stp 7. (waste) time and mney n space explratin,8. is a shallw view.
    Our planet’s resurces are limited,and as a result,we shuld find a new hme t prvide fr the ever 9. (increase) ppulatin.In clsing,we attach great imprtance t slving the mystery abut space and will carry n with space explratin 10. (regular).
    adj.失望的,沮丧的 (disappint vt.使失望 disappinting adj.令人失望的 disappintment n.失望,沮丧)
    ·be disappinted at/with/by...对……感到失望 be disappinted t d sth 对做某事感到失望 be disappinted that...对……失望·t ne’s disappintment令某人失望的是
    (1)Althugh being mnitred can be frustrating and _____________ (disappint),it turns ut that this can actually be gd fr yu.
    (2)T their disappintment,they failed t ck a Mther’s Day breakfast at the first attempt. (2021·新课标Ⅰ,读后续写)① was that they failed t ck a Mther’s Day breakfast at the first attempt.(用what引导的主语从句改写)②They failed t ck a Mther’s Day breakfast at the first attempt, .(用定语从句改写)
    What made them disappinted/What disappinted them
    which made them disappinted/which disappinted them
    n.渴望;欲望;愿望 vt.渴望;期望(desirable adj.值得做的)
    ·have a desire t d sth 渴望做某事 have a desire fr sth 渴望得到某物·desire t d sth 渴望做某事 desire sb t d sth 渴望某人做某事 desire that...(shuld) d...渴望……
    (1)The by has a strng desire a smartphne with a large internal memry t play games.(2)We desire that such meaningful activities (hld) n a regular basis.(3)得知你有强烈的学好汉语的愿望,我写信给你一些实用的建议。(应用文写作之建议信)Learning that yu __________________________________________________,I am writing t ffer yur sme practical suggestins.
    (shuld) be held
    have a strng desire/strngly desire t learn Chinese
    vt.缺乏;缺少;没有 n.缺乏;短缺 (lacking adj.不足的;缺乏的)
    (1)Fr lack sufficient xygen,the astrnaut culd nt carry n with his missin.
    ·(a) lack f缺少…… fr/thrugh lack f因缺少……·be lacking in在……方面缺乏
    (2)一些学生可能会觉得与不熟悉的人一起练习不舒服,这可能会导致缺乏参与,阻碍他们在课程中的进步。(2023·新课标Ⅰ,应用文写作)Sme students may feel uncmfrtable practicing with smene they dn’t knw well, and hinder their prgress in the curse.
    which culd result in a lack f participatin
    (3)尽管这对双胞胎缺乏烹饪经验,但他们通过上网寻求建议来弥补。(2021·新课标Ⅰ,读后续写)①Thugh they ,the twins made up fr it by turning t the Internet fr sme advice.② ,the twins made up fr it by turning t the Internet fr sme advice.(用省略句改写)
    lacked/were lacking in cking experience
    Thugh lacking (in) cking experience
    vt.& vi.争论;争辩;论证(argument n.争论;争辩;争吵;论点)
    ·argue with sb abut/ver sth 因某事与某人争吵/争论 argue fr/against (ding) sth 据理赞成/反对(做)某事 argue sb int/ut f ding sth 说服某人做/不做某事·beynd argument 无可争论
    (1)It is beynd (argue) that Chinese astrnauts have made giant cntributins t the wrld space explratin.
    (2)我本想说服他接受我的意见,但很快我意识到,和他争论这个问题没有用,因为他太固执了。I had intended t ,but sn I realized ,because he was t stubbrn.(3)根据上面的表格,65%的学生赞成听英语歌曲而18%的学生主张他们可以通过读英语名著来提高他们的英语水平。(2022·全国乙,书面表达)Based n the abve chart,_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
    argue him int accepting my pinin
    it was n use arguing with him abut/ver the issue
    65% f the students argue fr enjying English sngs while 18% f the students argue that they can have their English level imprved by reading English classics
    vt.系;绑;贴;把……固定;重视 (attached adj.附加的;依恋的,爱慕的 attachment n.附件;附属品;依恋)
    ·把……附在……上;把……绑在……上 attach imprtance/significance/value/weight t... 认为……有重要性/意义/价值/分量·be attached t喜欢,依恋;附属于
    (1)With time ging by,Claire seemed t be mre (attach) t Tny,the rbt.
    (2)如果你能抽出一些时间来审查这封电子邮件所附的草稿并作出必要的更改,我将不胜感激。(应用文写作之求助信)I wuld be grateful if yu culd spare sme time t review the draft script _____________________________ and make necessary changes.(3)在学习语言的过程中,你再怎么强调阅读的重要性也不为过。(应用文写作之建议信) during the prcess f learning a language.
    (which is) attached t this email
    Yu can never attach t much imprtance t reading
    (4)他拿出吊床,拴在树上,惬意地躺在里面,听着他最喜爱的音乐。(读后续写之动作链描写)He tk ut the hammck, and lay in it cmfrtably,listening t his favrite music.
    attached it t the trees
    ·result frm由……导致;因……而产生·as a result因此 as a result f由于…… withut result没有结果;徒劳地
    (1)用result短语的正确形式填空Misunderstandings lack f scial cmmunicatin and,if nt handled prperly,may mre serius prblems. ,we shuld master sufficient cmmunicating skills.(2)这次活动不仅将提供一个了解中国文化的机会,而且将增进相互理解和友谊。 (2023·天津6月,书面表达)Nt nly will the activity prvide an pprtunity t learn abut the Chinese culture ____________________________________________________________.
    resulting frm
    As a result
    but als it will result in mutual understanding and
    run ut f用光,用完(人作主语,有被动语态)run acrss偶然遇到run after追逐;追求run int撞上;遇上,偶然遇到;碰上(困境、麻烦等)
    用run短语的正确形式填空(1)The mment we a cute wild rabbit,we rde ur hrses and it in excitement.(2)David’s energy was but when he heard lud cheers frm the ther kids,he was pldding(步履艰难) his way twards the finishing line,bathed in sweat. (2022·新课标Ⅰ,读后续写)(3)I had all my patience and I began t explde with anger.
    ran acrss/int
    Firstly,explring space has already made a difference in the fight against wrld hunger.首先,太空探索已经在对抗世界饥饿的斗争中发挥了重要作用。
    explring space是动名词(短语)在句中作主语。单个动名词(短语)作主语,谓语动词用单数;两个或两个以上用复数,ding作主语还有以下情况:(1)it作形式主语:It is n use/n gd/useless ding sth. “做某事没用。”;It is a waste f time ding sth. “做某事浪费时间。”(2)动名词的复合结构:名词所有格/形容词性物主代词+ding作主语。
    (1)Keeping a keen mind and being determined (be) what it takes t be successful.(2)在森林中迷路使我的心提到了嗓子眼儿,但是我知道感到害怕是没用的,找到走出森林的路才是我现在必须做的事情。(读后续写之恐惧心理描写) made my heart in my muth.But I knew that ____________________________ and ______________________________ was what I must d right nw.
    Being lst in the frest
    it was n use feeling frightened
    finding my way ut f the frest
    (3)在我看来,玩电脑游戏是浪费时间。In my pinin, .(4)他考试又不及格使他很羞愧,他羞愧地低着头。(读后续写之羞愧心理描写) made him ashamed and he hung dwn his head in shame.
    it is a waste f time playing cmputer games
    His failing in the exam again
    (1)Sme birds use warm air currents t help them fly.(2)The current mney in China is Renminbi.(3)We shuld try ur best t g with the current f the times.(4)With the current ftprint f humanity,“it seems that glbal cllapse is certain t happen in sme frm,pssibly within a decade,certainly within this century,” Jhnsn said in an email. (2021·北京)
    (1)Seize the chance,therwise yu wn’t enjy the beautiful traditinal Chinese paintings. (2021·浙江6月)(2)There was sme music playing upstairs.Otherwise the huse was silent. (3)It is nt permitted t sell r therwise distribute cpies f past examinatin papers.
    (1)It is cnfirmed that China will launch mre spacecrafts t the mn in the fllwing year.(2)The plice have launched an investigatin int the case,which has resulted in great cncerns natinwide.
    (3)The Idler was launched by Tm Hdgkinsn,back in 1993. (2023·新课标Ⅱ,听力)(4)After the launch f the prducts,they have wn gd praises frm custmers fr their cnvenient and high-efficient superir prperties.
    4.快速阅读下列句子并猜测句中加颜色词汇的汉语意思(1)And in cntrast t ur increasingly netwrked lives where the infrmatin we cnsume is mnitred and tracked,a printed bk still ffers the chance f a whlly private,“ff-line” activity. (2023·新课标Ⅱ)(2)David had a brain disease which prevented him frm walking r running like ther children,but at schl his classmates thught f him as a regular kid. (2022·新课标Ⅰ)
    (3)“We flated the idea t my mum f sharing a huse,” says Kathryn Whitehead. (2020·全国Ⅲ)(4)Start a business using the help f yur lcal library.If yu want t have a business f yur wn,yur lcal library can becme a launch space fr it. (2020·天津7月)
    1.Mr Smith is (determine) t seek his frtune in the dwntwn yung man had a strng desire (earn) a living by himself sn after he had t seek help frm his clleagues fr lack passengers bard are required t fasten the seat belts when the plane takes ff and was wise f him t admit what he had dne,therwise he _________ (get) int series f truble.
    6.The diversity between minrities ften brings abut (argue) is n denying that mankind activities have a giant impact n _______(glbe) ,he seemed t run ut frtune and finally he lst all his airprt (cmplete) next year will definitely bring abut many benefits t the lcal develpment.10. (blame) by my father made me s sad that I hid my face in my hands,tears rlling dwn my cheeks.
    t be cmplete
    Being blamed
    1.人类一直渴望探索太空。(desire t d...)_______________________________________________________________2.最近,我们班的学生就太空是否值得探索展开了激烈的讨论。(argument;宾语从句)_______________________________________________________________3.30%的人认为太空探索不值得,认为太空离我们和我们的日常生活太远了。(argue that;现在分词短语作状语)_______________________________________________________________
    4.我们在太空探索上花了太多钱,要不然这些钱本可以用来解决地球上的饥饿和污染等问题。(therwise引导的含蓄虚拟条件句;定语从句)_______________________________________________________________5.70%的人重视太空探索,认为探索太空带来了很多好处,比如利用卫星进行通信和天气预报。(attach;result in;动名词短语作主语)_______________________________________________________________6.随着地球上有限的能源逐渐耗尽,我们必须找到解决能源短缺问题的新方法。(with复合结构;run ut)_______________________________________________________________
    Humans have always been desiring t explre space.Recently,students in ur class have had a heated argument abut whether space is wrth explring.30% f us argue that space explratin is nt wrthwhile,thinking space is t far away frm us and ur daily life.We have spent t much mney n space explratin which therwise culd have been used t deal with the earth’s prblems such as starvatin and pllutin.On the ther hand,70% attach imprtance t space explratin,believing that explring space has resulted in a lt f benefits,such as using satellites fr cmmunicatin and weather frecast.
    As far as I am cncerned,space explratin is wrthy t be cnducted.With the limited resurces running ut n the earth,we must find new ways t settle the prblem f energy shrtage.Besides,with further space research,we may slve the ppulatin prblem by mving t ther planets ne day.
    太空事故News came that all astrnauts n bard died during their missin. Hearing the news,peple all ver the cuntry ①____________________.② (倒装结构) his thrat felt tight,③______________________(形容词短语作状语).The disaster made everyne sad and disappinted,but ④____________________________ never died.Scientists and astrnauts ⑤___________________________________________________________ s as t cnsle thse wh sacrificed fr the cause and make cntributins t all mankind.
    were numb with shck
    S stunned was the president that
    unable t utter a wrd
    the desire t explre the universe
    determined t figure ut the
    reasn and carry n their research

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