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    新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题30 读后续写01 题型分析及方法指导(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)
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      新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题30 读后续写01 题型分析及方法指导(原卷版).doc
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      新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题30 读后续写01 题型分析及方法指导(解析版).doc
    新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题30 读后续写01 题型分析及方法指导(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)01
    新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题30 读后续写01 题型分析及方法指导(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)02
    新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题30 读后续写01 题型分析及方法指导(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)03
    新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题30 读后续写01 题型分析及方法指导(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)01
    新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题30 读后续写01 题型分析及方法指导(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)02
    新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题30 读后续写01 题型分析及方法指导(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)03
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    新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题30 读后续写01 题型分析及方法指导(2份打包,原卷版+解析版)

    这是一份新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题30 读后续写01 题型分析及方法指导(2份打包,原卷版+解析版),文件包含新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题30读后续写01题型分析及方法指导原卷版doc、新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题30读后续写01题型分析及方法指导解析版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共91页, 欢迎下载使用。

    TOC \ "1-2" \h \u \l "_Tc26313" 专题30 读后续写01 题型分析及方法指导(解析版) PAGEREF _Tc26313 \h 1
    \l "_Tc15221" Part 1【命题解读】 PAGEREF _Tc15221 \h 4
    \l "_Tc17067" Part 2【思维导图】 PAGEREF _Tc17067 \h 4
    \l "_Tc12745" Part 3考情分析 PAGEREF _Tc12745 \h 4
    \l "_Tc22750" Part 4七大黄金原则 PAGEREF _Tc22750 \h 7
    \l "_Tc15943" 1.不增加人物。 PAGEREF _Tc15943 \h 7
    \l "_Tc5699" 2. 不增加旁支情节。 PAGEREF _Tc5699 \h 7
    \l "_Tc27930" 3. 不用过多对话。 PAGEREF _Tc27930 \h 8
    \l "_Tc9701" 4. 不用负能量结局。 PAGEREF _Tc9701 \h 8
    \l "_Tc30338" 5. 不在文末设置悬念。 PAGEREF _Tc30338 \h 8
    \l "_Tc15068" 6. 不偏离原文主题。 PAGEREF _Tc15068 \h 8
    \l "_Tc5551" 7. 不违背逻辑常理。 PAGEREF _Tc5551 \h 8
    \l "_Tc28228" Part 5能力培养策略 PAGEREF _Tc28228 \h 8
    \l "_Tc18248" 1. 精读策略 PAGEREF _Tc18248 \h 8
    \l "_Tc31266" 2. 构思策略 PAGEREF _Tc31266 \h 9
    \l "_Tc13654" 3. 习作策略 PAGEREF _Tc13654 \h 9
    \l "_Tc8226" Part 6写作流程:读→编→造 PAGEREF _Tc8226 \h 10
    \l "_Tc883" Part 7续写得分技巧: PAGEREF _Tc883 \h 11
    \l "_Tc17300" Part 8写作微技能 PAGEREF _Tc17300 \h 11
    \l "_Tc1377" 1. 微技能一(表示感到害怕frightened) PAGEREF _Tc1377 \h 11
    \l "_Tc14363" 2. 微技能二(表示感到兴奋thrilled) PAGEREF _Tc14363 \h 11
    \l "_Tc31612" 3. 微技能三(表示感到悲伤 sad) PAGEREF _Tc31612 \h 12
    \l "_Tc4827" 4. 微技能四(表示感到开心 happy) PAGEREF _Tc4827 \h 13
    \l "_Tc2983" 5. 微技能五(表示感到羞愧 ashamed) PAGEREF _Tc2983 \h 13
    \l "_Tc31288" 6. 微技能六(表示感到生气angry) PAGEREF _Tc31288 \h 14
    \l "_Tc8860" 7. 微技能七(表示感到绝望hpeless) PAGEREF _Tc8860 \h 14
    \l "_Tc4187" 8. 微技能八(表示行走walk) PAGEREF _Tc4187 \h 15
    \l "_Tc2251" 9. 微技能九(说话方式talk) PAGEREF _Tc2251 \h 15
    \l "_Tc14110" 10. 微技能十之思考 think PAGEREF _Tc14110 \h 15
    \l "_Tc3888" 11. 微技能之安静祥和的场景(peaceful scene) PAGEREF _Tc3888 \h 16
    \l "_Tc8201" 12. 微技能之风雨交加的天气(strmy weather) PAGEREF _Tc8201 \h 16
    \l "_Tc7105" Part 9历年高考真题 PAGEREF _Tc7105 \h 17
    \l "_Tc29061" 1. 2022.6新高考1卷(身残志坚的男孩) PAGEREF _Tc29061 \h 17
    \l "_Tc23138" 2. 2022.6浙江卷(帮助无家可归的人) PAGEREF _Tc23138 \h 19
    \l "_Tc21116" 3. 2022.1浙江卷(傲娇学霸) PAGEREF _Tc21116 \h 21
    \l "_Tc16013" 4. 2021年6月新高考卷(母亲节的惊喜) PAGEREF _Tc16013 \h 25
    \l "_Tc30700" 5. 2021年6月浙江卷(“我”的工资) PAGEREF _Tc30700 \h 27
    \l "_Tc8966" 6. 2021年1月八省联考(好心的墨西哥一家) PAGEREF _Tc8966 \h 29
    \l "_Tc27718" 7. 2021年1月浙江卷(尴尬的万圣节) PAGEREF _Tc27718 \h 31
    \l "_Tc78" 8. 2020年7月山东卷、海南卷(爱心爆米花) PAGEREF _Tc78 \h 33
    \l "_Tc18059" 9. 2020年7月浙江卷(拍照北极熊遇险) PAGEREF _Tc18059 \h 35
    \l "_Tc14274" 10. 2020年1月浙江卷(小狗Pppy的陪伴) PAGEREF _Tc14274 \h 37
    \l "_Tc30596" 11. 2018年6月浙江卷(森林遇险) PAGEREF _Tc30596 \h 39
    \l "_Tc8316" 12. 2017年11月浙江卷(妈妈的旅行) PAGEREF _Tc8316 \h 41
    \l "_Tc17802" 13. 2017年6月浙江卷(骑行遇狼) PAGEREF _Tc17802 \h 44
    \l "_Tc11378" 14. 2016年10月浙江卷(森林迷路) PAGEREF _Tc11378 \h 46
    \l "_Tc5044" 15. 2016年浙江样题(银行抢劫) PAGEREF _Tc5044 \h 48
    Part 1命题解读
    Part 2思维导图
    Part 3考情分析
    1. 历年真题一览表
    2. 读后续写的评分标准
    a. 评分原则
    1. 本题总分为25分,按七个档次进行评分。
    2. 评分时,主要从内容、语言表达和篇章结构三个方面考查,具体为:
    3. 评分时,应先根据作答的整体情况确定其所属的档次,然后以该档次的要求来综合衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。
    4. 评分时还应注意:
    b. 评分档次
    C.. 评分解读
    Part 4七大黄金原则
    针对读后续写的题型特点, 我们可以按照以下的方式进行备考:
    在续写中展示对话,虽能丰富内容和语言, 增强语篇的连贯性, 但使用过多的对话,会显得篇幅累赘且很难在限定的词数里把整个后续的情节发展补充完整。
    结局设计绝对不能负能量。内容应该积极向上, 能增长知识或传播正能量。如样题的结尾, 我们可以有两种设定:这个年轻人就是银行抢劫者,而Arthur因此成为一个大英雄; 或者Arthur误会了这个年轻人是银行抢劫犯,但最终警察们还是表扬了他见义勇为的行为。
    题目要求是“使之构成一篇完整的短文”, 若在文末设置悬念, 就会给人一种还没结束的感觉,这样的故事是不完整的。
    续写的情节应时刻围绕着短文的主题去推进,如上面的样题, 由续写第二段首句提到的“警察局”可推测, 我们可以围绕勇气及正义的主题去进行续写。
    Part 5能力培养策略
    1. 精读策略
    2. 构思策略
    3. 习作策略
    扩大阅读量。 续写短文多以个人故事,人物介绍, 短片小说, 童话,剧本等为主,在平时多训练中 学生应该大量读相关原著或者文章,培养语感的同时, 可以积累相关素材,以供平时训练时放写,从而达到在考试时根据内容创造性的构思,达到创写的目的。在考试时,也可以吧原文的关键表达画出来,续写时,可以临时仿写相关句子,以达到和原文的行文一致。
    拟写草稿,修改错词病句。仔细检查词汇,句式表达,是否有拼写错误,搭配错误或者表达不够准确。读后续写要求学生掌握一定的精准表达词汇和句式,那么,在平时的训练中, 学生需要把相关表达进行分类记忆,词汇或者短语在什么场合才能使用,都需要了解清楚。这样在写作文的时候,可以准确地了解不同的场景下,苏选用的词汇也是不一样的。学生在注重词汇和句式的高端的同时,还需要仔细检查,所使用的语言是否有误。切不可违了追求高级,而忽略了使用场景。
    重视书写。写作不是客观题,它是老师主管评判分数的题型。所以书写很重要。如果一篇文章字迹潦草,书写不规范,那么一定会给阅卷老师留下不好的印象,第一感觉不好的话, 语言句式再高级,老师也不一定能第一眼看见。这样不仅得不到高分, 连最基本的分数都不一定得到。所以学生在平时进行书写训练时很有必要的。
    Part 6写作流程:读→编→造
    第1步:读出原故事的六要素 (相当于抓住原故事的主题和重点)
    (3)主要情节即“记叙文六要素”:人物、时间、地点、起因 、经过、结果
    (2)翻译 & 造句
    Part 7续写得分技巧:
    Part 8写作微技能

    1.At the sight f the fercius wlf, I felt very scared.
    2. 1)At the sight f the fercius wlf, I felt s scared that my thrat tightened and my knees felt weak. (嗓子发紧,膝盖发软)
    2)At the sight f the fercius wlf, I frze with terrr, t scared t mve an inch.(吓呆了,不敢动弹)
    3)At the sight f the fercius wlf, I was seized by a strng sense f hrrr and my palms were sweating. (被深深地恐惧感所控制,手心出汗)

    1.When the hst annunced that she wn the prize, she felt thrilled.
    2. 1) When the hst annunced that she wn the prize, her eyes twinkled with excitement.(激动得两眼放光)
    2) When the hst annunced that she wn the prize, her heart was thumping with excitement. (激动得心砰砰跳)
    3) When the hst annunced that she wn the prize, a wide excitement tk hld f her. (兴奋不能自已)
    微技能三(表示感到悲伤 sad)

    1. Upn hearing the bad news, she felt extremely sad.
    2. 1)Upn hearing the bad news, her heart ached, tears streaming dwn her cheeks. (心痛,眼泪直流)
    2)Upn hearing the bad news, she, numb with grief, had truble speaking. (悲伤到失去知觉,不能开口说话)
    3)Upn hearing the bad news, she felt seized by a burst f sadness and culdn’t help crying bitterly.(被一股悲伤之感控制,忍不住哭泣)
    微技能四(表示感到开心 happy)
    1.When his mther kissed him n the cheek, the baby was happy/delighted/full f jy.
    2.1) When his mther kissed him n the cheek, it seemed as if the baby were n tp f the wrld. (非常开心)
    2) When the mther kissed the baby n the cheek, his face beamed and his bright smile lit up the rm. (眉开眼笑;笑容照亮房间)
    3) When the mther kissed the baby n the cheek, his eyes danced with jy and sweetness. (欢欣雀跃)
    微技能五(表示感到羞愧 ashamed)

    Key 1: She felt ashamed.
    Key 2:
    1) She felt s ashamed that she culd feel her face burning.(脸上滚烫)
    2) S ashamed was she that she culd feel the bld rush t her face. (血液涌上脸颊)
    3) S ashamed did she feel that she was clse t tears. (快哭了)

    Key 1: Sheldn felt very angry.
    Key 2:
    1) Sheldn felt s angry that he strmed ut f the rm, slamming the dr furiusly behind him. (冲出房间;狠狠摔门)
    2) Biling with rage, Sheldn shk his fist at me.(怒火中烧;挥舞拳头)
    3) Filled with fury, Sheldn was unable t utter a single wrd. (充满愤怒;说不出话)

    Key 1: Tny felt hpeless/desperate.
    Key 2:
    1) As the result f an accident, Tny was suddenly thrwn int a wrld f darkness and sank int hpelessness. (被投入黑暗之中;陷入绝望)
    2) Tny felt left ut and was getting desperate with lneliness. (感觉被遗忘、忽视)
    3) Tny's beliefs in lking frward and seeing the psitive in everything deserted him.
    1. The player lst his balance, staggered back and tppled ver. 这个运动员失去了平衡,向后趔趄摔倒了。
    2. She slipped ut f bed and tipted t the windw. 她溜下床,踮起脚尖走向窗户。
    3. The minin made a rush fr the dr and escaped frm the scene. 小黄人向门冲去,逃离了现场。
    1. The whle cmpany is gssiping abut the reasn fr his dismissal. 整个公司都在谈论他被免职的原因。
    2. He murmured against the strict rules f the reality shw. 他私下低声抱怨真人秀的严苛规则。
    3. Treated s unfairly, she hwled in pain and anger. 被如此不公正地对待,她痛苦而又愤怒的嚎叫。
    微技能十之思考 think
    1. 得知问题所在之后,他的大脑开始急速运转,想要想出一个好的解决方案。

    2. 独自一人时,他总是会想到那可怕的经历。

    3. 在他洗澡时,突然想到了一个好主意。

    1. After he knew what the prblem was, his mind began t race, trying t think f a gd slutin. (大脑飞速运转)
    2. When left alne, he wuld always be haunted by that hrrible experience. ([不好的回忆]萦绕心头挥之不去)
    3. When he was taking a shwer, a brilliant idea suddenly crssed his mind(突然闪过某人的脑海)
    微技能之安静祥和的场景(peaceful scene)


    3. 入暮时分,芦苇随风飘扬

    1. When I was bathed in the sunlight, it felt like the amber-like sunshine was kissing every inch f my skin. (沐浴在阳光下;琥珀色的阳光亲吻着全身的肌肤)
    2. Mist-cvered muntains were dtted with small farms and villages. (点缀着)
    3. The sund f my ftsteps was accmpanied nly by the gracefully waving reeds. (优雅地随风飘扬的芦苇)
    微技能之风雨交加的天气(strmy weather)



    1. The sky is vercast, darkened with glmy cluds.(乌云密布;黑云压顶)
    2. On that dark and strmy night, the waves were crashing and the winds were hwling. (海浪肆意拍打;劲风咆哮)
    3. The rain came puring dwn, the streams rse, and the winds blew and beat against the huse. (暴风骤雨)
    Part 9历年高考真题
    It was the day f the big crss-cuntry run. Students frm seven different primary schls in and arund the small twn were warming up and walking the rute(路线)thrugh thick evergreen frest.
    I lked arund and finally sptted David, wh was standing by himself ff t the side by a fence. He was small fr ten years ld. His usual big tthy smile was absent tday. I walked ver and asked him why he wasn’t with the ther children. He hesitated and then said he had decided nt t run.
    What was wrng? He had wrked s hard fr this event!
    I quickly searched the crwd fr the schl’s cach and asked him what had happened. “I was afraid that kids frm ther schls wuld laugh at him,” he explained uncmfrtably. “I gave him the chice t run r nt, and let him decide.”
    I bit back my frustratin(懊恼). I knew the cach meant well—he thught he was ding the right thing. After making sure that David culd run if he wanted, I turned t find him cming twards me, his small bdy rcking frm side t side as he swung his feet frward.
    David had a brain disease which prevented him frm walking r running like ther children, but at schl his classmates thught f him as a regular kid. He always participated t the best f his ability in whatever they were ding. That was why nne f the children thught it unusual that David had decided t jin the crss-cuntry team. It just tk him lnger—that’s all. David had nt missed a single practice, and althugh he always finished his run lng after the ther children, he did always finish. As a special educatin teacher at the schl, I was familiar with the challenges David faced and was prud f his strng determinatin.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.
    We sat dwn next t each ther, but David wuldn’t lk at me.
    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I watched as David mved up t the starting line with the ther runners.
    We sat dwn next t each ther, but David wuldn’t lk at me. I said gently and quietly, “N ne can change yur mind, except yurself. If yu desire t challenge yurself, there is nthing t d with thers’ thughts.” He sat still with a deep breath. “Yu have a full preparatin befre this event, which is the mst imprtant reasn why yu shw up here”, I added with a sincere tne. Hearing my wrds, David turned t me tremblingly with tears spilling ut f his eyes and expressed he had made a firm determinatin t finish the crss-cuntry run. His cach heard what David said and gave me a lk—the kind that was mre determined than anyne else’s.
    I watched as David mved up t the starting line with the ther runners. The race started. It seemed that the runway was extremely lng fr yung children, nt t mentin a child with a heart disease. David insisted n running as if he had frgtten all his weaknesses, thugh he was tripped ver within the a few kilmeters. It didn’t take lng befre he picked himself up again and cntinued his missin. Classmates all appeared n the racing track, cheering fr him. “Cme n! Yu can make it! We are prud f yu!” they shuted enthusiastically. T everyne’s jy, he reached the final line and ranked the 20th. It was n mre imprtant whether he wn the first place r nt. It was his brave heart and strng faith that culd make smething unusual happen finally.
    ①深呼吸:with a deep breath/breathe deeply
    ②坚持做:insisted n ding/be stick t ding
    ①热情:enthusiastically /with great passin
    ②骄傲:be prud f/take pride in
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. Yu have a full preparatin befre this event, which is the mst imprtant reasn why yu shw up here. (由which引导的非限制性定语从句和 why引导的限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2]. Hearing my wrds, David turned t me tremblingly with tears spilling ut f his eyes and expressed he had made a firm determinatin t finish the crss-cuntry run. (现在分词作状语和省略that的宾语从句)
    [高分句型3]. It was his brave heart and strng faith that culd make smething unusual happen finally. (含有It was…that结构的强调句型)
    I need t d smething in my cmmunity(社区)in rder t cmplete the cmmunity service hurs required t graduate frm high schl. Sme f my friends had signed up t spend time at a sup kitchen, s I did, t. It seemed like a gd thing t d.
    I thught that we wuld just be passing ur dinners t thse in need, but I fund ut we wuld be ding everything frm preparing t serving the dinner. We began preparing the fd, frm mixing salad dressing t separating frzen meat. Much still needed t be dne befre dinner was served, but already utside the building many hmeless peple were gathering. It wasn’t until a cuple f hurs later that we pened the drs and began serving dinner.
    As the line f peple came tward me, I gt a little scared. I’d cme face t face with the hmeless: Hw shuld I act? Hw wuld they treat me? Wuld they hate me fr having mre than they did? While sme f the peple lked very friendly, sme f them lked s dangerus, I didn’t have t much time t wrry abut it. I was assigned (分配)t serve the salad with the lady next t me. She smiled at me and said if I needed help, she’d be right there, which I fund quite cmfrting.
    I had never seen s many peple wanting fd. They were f all ages and natinalities. Mst f them wre clthes that were trn and dirty. Sme lked like they had ttally given up n life, while thers seemed t be making the best f the situatin, smiling and jking. Sme were better ff than thers, but they all needed a gd meal and a warm place t eat. It saddened me t think f hw many peple there were wh didn’t have a place t call hme and the nly fd they gt came frm a sup kitchen.
    Paragraph 1:
    As they came in my directin, I put n my brightest and happiest smile.
    Paragraph 2:
    I was s happy that I had earned my service hurs in this way.
    As they came in my directin, I put n my brightest and happiest smile. Nervus as I felt, I did my utmst t keep myself calm and hand ut the delicately-wrapped meal t thse in need, with my hands trembling. Upn seeing it, every ne f them beamed with smile, gently murmured “Thank yu” and bwed t me sincerely, which brught warmth straight int my heart. The passing time witnessed the smth prcess f this event. It was nt until the night wiped ut the last ray f sun that we finished ur cmmunity service hurs.
    I was s happy that I had earned my service hurs in this way. Nt nly did I clear my previus prejudice against thse wh seemed t be dangerus and unamiable, but als I extended a helping hand t thse wh wanted fd. I suddenly came t realize that nt everyne was blessed with frtune and brn t be wealthy, therefre, we shuld always keep grateful fr what life blessed us with. Hwever, we did have the pwer t share ur happiness with thers, that is, spreading lve. Lve is everything, like the clear mn hanging high in the sky, spreading its mild mnlight selflessly t everyne.
    When Dr. Gullicksn was assigning prject mates fr his intrductin t experimental psychlgy class, I secretly hped he wuld pair me with my best friend r at least a classmate I culd have sme fun with. Abve all, I hped he wuldn't assign me t wrk with the intense, fiercely cmpetitive, singularly serius fellw wh always wre dark clthes and apparently had a persnality t match. As fate wuld have it, Dr. Gullicksn very deliberately matched everyne in class and annunced that I be wrking with the ne persn in class I wanted t avid.I went up t my new lab mate and intrduced myself. He lked at me as thugh I weren't there. I felt he treated me as thugh I wuld hld him back and prbably cause his grade-pint average t take a nsedive. He wasn't utright mean r abusive. He just gave me the impressin he culd d whatever prject we dreamed up better if he did it alne.Needless t say, I didn't lk frward t an entire term f being brushed ff, but I tried t make the best f it and didn’t say anything, lest I make things wrse.The prject required each lab team t develp a hypthesis,set up an experiment t test the hypthesis,run the tests,d the statistical analysis and present the findings. Whatever grade the team received wuld be shared by bth students. When my teammate and I met t discuss ur prject, I was uneasy. Here was this challenging student wh had a reputatin fr single-mindedness and gd grades the exact ppsite f me. I was utmatched. I actually wanted t drp the class at ne pint,but stpped shrt because I didn’t want t give him the satisfactin f my chickening ut.After lengthy discussins,we smehw agreed t d a study n the tactile-kinesthetic perceptin f space. I wasn’t sure what it meant,but at least we had a tpic.
    注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    Paragraph 1: We started t meet regularly t draw up ur plans.

    Paragraph 2: One day I gt wrd that he was admitted t hspital fr a serius disease.

    We started t meet regularly t draw up ur plans. As we discussed hyptheses, designed tests and fund tls t cllect and analyze ur data, I fund this guy bth agile and sharp-minded. I, by cntrast, was always slw in understanding the cncepts and functins he raised. Hwever, he seemed t have adapted t my nerdiness and tk n mre tasks, which shuld have fallen in my range f respnsibility. Gradually, my impressin f him started t reverse and I even fndly hped we culd becme friends after the prject.
    One day, I gt the wrd that he was admitted t hspital fr a serius disease. As it turned ut, my teammate was brn t suffer a frail heart and the demanding prject invited his relapse. Nw that the frmidable prject was falling n my shulder, I stayed up innumerable nights t run tests and analyze statistics. My effrt eventually paid ff as Dr. Gullicksn awarded us an A, t which my partner grinned in satisfactin. It was then that I realized nt nly did my tenacity and perseverance live up t his expectatin, but als wn the ‘impssible’ friendship frm this demanding guy / this previusly inaccessible guy.
    优秀范文2We started t meet regularly t draw up ur plans. At first, we nly discussed the prject. But slwly, we shifted ur subject t daily life stries and studies.T my surprise, he was talkative when mentining studies. Serius as he was, he shwed enugh patience t explain his hypthesis. As time prgressed, I was attracted by his single-mindedness and intelligence.Mre imprtantly, busying himself testing the hypthesis, he always frgt the meal time. That inspired me a lt. Unwilling t fall behind, I tried my best t help with the experiment.
    One day I gt wrd that he was admitted t hspital fr a serius disease. His ging t stay in hspital fr three mnths urged me t visit him immediately. In the hspital,his pale face reminded me f his cmpetitive persnality.Determinatin t gift him an excellent grade was made . Back in the lab, I recalled his wrds and cntinued the prject day and night. Tw mnths’ effrt was eventually replaced by a grade A. As I shared him with the gd news, he beamed with satisfactin. “Actually, I believed in yu whatever the result wuld be!” Receiving his apprval, I grinned.
    Paragraph 1 We started t meet regularly t draw up ur plans. Cmpanin as I was in the prject , I still had n sense f participating in the prject. My teammate kept his brain ccupied in develping the hypthesis, setting up an experiment t test it, and running the tests alne , leaving me just standing beside him as if I were a fl. “What a dull prject it is! ”I murmured t myself. Hwever, smething changed gradually, as I became aware what the tactile-kinesthetic perceptin f space meant. Thanks t the intense, fiercely cmpetitive, singularly serius fellw, the whle prcedure went smthly , clse t the final stage.
    Paragraph 2 One day I gt wrd that he was admitted t hspital fr a serius disease. Withut any delay, I packed up my schl bag , tk all the experiment statistics and rushed t the hspital. Seeing the pale fellw wearing pure white clthes instead f the annying dark clthes , I felt a sense f sympathy and mercy welling up in my heart. With his guidance , I finished the statistical analysis and presented the findings . It turned ut t be such an amazing and persuasive study that my teammate and I did win the best grade. Nw , we have been mst reliable cperative partners ever since!
    The twins were filled with excitement as they thught f the surprise they were planning fr Mther's Day. Hw pleased and prud Mther wuld be when they brught her breakfast in bed. They planned t make French tast and chicken prridge. They had watched their mther in the kitchen. There was nthing t it. Jenna and Jeff knew exactly what t d.
    Then Jeff nticed steam shting ut f the pt and the lid starting t shake. The next minute, the prridge biled ver and put ut the fire. Jenna panicked. Thankfully, Jeff stayed calm and turned ff the gas quickly. But the stve was a mess nw. Jenna tld Jef t clean it up s they culd cntinue t ck the rest f the prridge. But Jeff's hand tuched the ht burner and he gave a cry f pain. Jenna made him put his hand in cld water. Then she caught the smell f burning. Oh dear!The piece f bread in the pan had turned black as well.
    As the twins lked arund them in disappintment, their father appeared.

    Paragraph 2
    The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and wke their mther up.

    Paragraph 1:
    As the twins lked arund them in disappintment, their father appeared.
    “Dn’t panic!” he handed each ne a wet twel, helping them clean the mess quickly. After that, Jeff stammered ut their plan, his face flushing. Hwever, Father laughed, “Sunds great! I can teach yu t ck.” At this, Jenna and Jef almst jumped t their feet, jy in eyes. Under his careful guidance, it didn’t take lng befre the French tast and chicken prridge were ready. Everything settled, Father left the kitchen, prmising t keep their secret.
    Paragraph 2:
    The twins carried the breakfast upstairs and wke their mther up.
    Meeting their smiling eyes, Mther felt cnfused until they presented the breakfast and said “Happy Mther’s Day”. Mther gave them a tight hug, “Unbelievable! Yu can ck! It’s the biggest surprise I have received.” Her face lit up with happiness. “They have knwn hw t take care f thers.” Father said in respnse t her excitement, winking at Jenna and Jef. They culdn’t help giggling. It was a secret nly shared between them. (150 wrds)
    My dad, Gerge, nly had an eighth grade educatin. A quiet man, he didn't understand my wrld f schl activities. Frm age 14, he wrked. And his dad, Albert, tk the mney my dad earned and used it t pay family expenses.
    I didn't really understand his wrld either: He was a livestck trucker, and l thught that I wuld surpass(超过) anything he had accmplished by the time l walked acrss the stage at high schl graduatin.
    Summers in the mid, 70s were spent at hme shting baskets, hitting a baseball, r thrwing a ftball, preparing fr my future as a quarterback n a ftball team. In pr weather, I read abut sprts r practiced my trmbne(长号).
    The summer befre my eighth grade I was ne f a grup f bys that a neighbring farmer hired t wrk in his field. He explained ur basic task, the tractr fired up and we were ff, riding dwn the field lking fr weeds t spray with chemicals. After a shrt way, the farmer stpped and painted at a weed which we missed. Then we began again. This happened ver and ver, but we sn learned t identify different grasses like cckleburs, lamb's-quarters, fxtails, and the king f weeds, the pretty purple thistle. It was tiring wrk, but I lked frward t the pay, even thugh I wasn't sure hw much it wuld amunt t.
    At hme, my dad said, "A jb's a big step t grwing up. I'm glad yu will be cntributing t the husehld." My dad's wrds made me realize that my earning might nt be mine t d with as wished.
    My labrs lasted abut tw weeks, and the farmer said there might be mre wrk, but I wasn't interested. I decided it was nt fair that l had t cntribute my mney.
    Paragraph 1
    The pay day arrived at last.

    Paragraph 2
    I understd immediately what my parents were wrried abut.

    Paragraph 1:
    The pay day arrived at last. I was glad that I finally gt the payment after wrking hard fr tw weeks. While walking back hme with an excited mind. I cnceived many plans abut hw t dispse f it. I needed a new ftball because the ld ne we played had already wrn ut. I intended t purchase my favrite chclates. Upn appraching the huse, I nticed my dad and mm standing beside the ld truck, lking sadly. It seemed as if smething unpleasant happened. “Hw much d we still need t pay fr a new truck?". asked my mther. Three hundred dllars, but we just had tw hundred left.”
    Paragraph 2:
    I understd immediately what my parents were wrried abut. Really, the truck my dad drve ften brke dwn n the way, which made my dad in truble. My parents had intended t buy a new truck but culdn't affrd it. Suddenly, I realized what I shuld d. Stepping frward, I said, “Dad, here is what I received fr my wrk. I think it wuld help yu a little.” A little surprised at what I said, my mm hugged me tightly. That night, befre I went t bed, l thught I wuld tell the farmer the next day that I wuld cntinue my wrk, after all l grew up.
    During this past year, I’ve had three instances f car truble. Each time these things happened, I was sick f the way mst peple hadn’t bthered t help. One f thse times, I was n the side f the rad fr clse t three hurs with my big Jeep. I put signs in the windws, big signs that said NEED A JACK (千斤顶), and ffered mney. Nthing. Right as I was abut t give up, a Mexican family in a small truck pulled ver, and the father bunded ut.
    He sized up the situatin and called fr his daughter, wh spke English. He cnveyed thrugh her that he had a jack but that it was t small fr the Jeep, s we wuld need smething t supprt it. Then he gt a saw (锯子) frm the truck and cut a sectin ut f a big lg n the side f the rad. We rlled it ver and put his jack n tp, and we were in business.
    I started taking the wheel ff, and then, if yu can believe it, I brke his tire irn. N wrries: He handed it t his wife, and she was gne in a flash dwn the rad t buy a new tire irn. She was back in 15 minutes. We finished the jb, and I was a very happy man.
    The tw f us were dirty and sweaty. His wife prepared a pt f water fr us t wash ur hands. I tried t put a $20 bill in the man’s hand, but he wuldn’t take it, s instead I went up t the truck and gave it t his wife as quietly as I culd. I asked the little girl where they lived. Mexic, she said. They were in Oregn s Mmmy and Daddy culd wrk n a fruit farm fr the next few weeks. Then they wuld g hme.
    Paragraph 1
    When I was abut t say gdbye, the girl asked if I’d had lunch.
    Paragraph 2
    After they left, I gt int my Jeep and pened the paper bag.
    Pssible versin 1:
    Paragraph 1:
    When I was abut t say gdbye, the girl asked if I’d had lunch. I shk my head and said n, wndering why she asked such a questin — was she ging t treat me t lunch r smething? “Wait a minute,” said the girl, and then she went back t the truck. After a few minutes she came back with a paper bag. “Here are sme Mexican snacks and yu can have sme when yu are hungry,” the girl smiled. I was s surprised and tuched that wrds almst failed me. I just said a “WOW!” instead f a “Thank yu!” when I tk the bag.
    After they left, I gt int my Jeep and pened the paper bag. When I saw what was in the bag, I was vercme with a mixture f respect and gratefulness. In additin t the snacks, there was the $20 bill. What a kind and respectable family! They are a perfect example f what kindness really means. And I’m sure I will pay it frward. (145)
    Pssible versin 2:
    Paragraph 1:
    When I was abut t say gdbye, the girl asked if I’d had lunch. Of curse nt, fr I had been trapped there fr quite a few hurs. She then had a wrd with her parents and went back t their truck. A few minutes later she came back with a paper bag. “That’s Mmmy’s hand-made tac,” explained the girl. “It’s s yummy that yu must lve it.” I was starving t death after all that exhausting wrk s I tk the Mexic-riginated fd, grateful and deeply mved. Then we waved gdbye t each ther.
    Paragraph 2:
    After they left, I gt int my Jeep and pened the paper bag. Inside the bag was a chicken tac. The next few minutes saw my wlfing dwn the delicius fd. Tears welled up as I was chewing. It was awesme t knw that while many peple tend t ignre thse in need, there are sme kind-hearted nes wh g ut f their way t lend a hand. The gd deed the freign family did will never escape me. I am ging t pass it dwn t create a much friendlier wrld. (163)
    Pumpkin (南瓜)carving at Hallween is a family traditin. We visit a lcal farm every Octber. In the pumpkin field, I cmpete with my three brthers and sister t seek ut the biggest pumpkin. My dad has a rule that we have t carry ur pumpkins back hme, and as the eldest child I have an advantage — I carried an 85-punder back last year.
    This year, it was hard t tell whether my prize r the ne chsen by my 14-year-ld brther, Jasn, was the winner. Unfrtunately we frgt t weigh them befre taking ut their insides, but I was determined t prve my pint. All f us were hard at wrk at the kitchen table, with my mm filming the annual event. I’m unsure nw why I thught frcing my head inside the pumpkin wuld settle the matter, but it seemed t make perfect sense at the time.
    With the pumpkin resting n the table, hle uppermst, I bent ver and pressed my head against the pening. At first I gt jammed just abve my eyes and then, as I went n with my task, unwilling t quit, my nse briefly prevented entry. Finally I managed t put my whle head int it, like a crk (软木塞) frced int a bttle. I was able t straighten up with the huge pumpkin resting n my shulders.
    My excitement was shrt-lived. The pumpkin was heavy. “I’m ging t set it dwn, nw,” I said, and with Jasn helping t supprt its weight, I bent back ver the table t give it smewhere t rest. It was nly when I tried t remve my head that I realized getting ut was ging t be less straightfrward than getting in. When I pulled hard, my nse gt in the way. I gt int a panic as I pressed firmly against the table and mved my head arund trying t find the right angle, but it was n use. “I can’t get it ut!” I shuted, my vice sunding unnaturally lud in the enclsed space.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    Paragraph 1
    I was stuck fr five r six minutes thugh it felt much lnger. ______________________________________

    Paragraph 2
    That vide was psted the day befre Hallween. ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

    One pssible versin:
    Paragraph 1
    I was stuck fr five r six minutes thugh it felt much lnger. Grwing mre panic, I began t cry. Frtunately, hearing me crying, dad came and helped me lay my head n the table, s my neck culd rest fr a while. Then he said t me “Listen, hney. I have t cut this pumpkin in half. ” I had n chice but t keep still with my eyes tightly clsed and listening t the knife mving n the pumpkin. Mments later, my head was finally released frm this hrrible pumpkin cage. Then mm tld me she had just filmed me managing t pull my head ut f the pumpkin.
    Paragraph 2
    That vide was psted the day befre Hallween. Actually my mm had asked whether she culd pst it n the Internet, because after all I was s embarrassed and lked s silly in it. Anyway, I ndded and supprted her idea. It turned ut that peple liked and frwarded it crazily n the Internet, nly t make me an Internet celebrity. (续写152词)
    The Meredith family lived in a small cmmunity. As the ecnmy was in decline, sme peple in the twn had lst their jbs. Many f their families were struggling t make ends meet. Peple were trying t help each ther meet the challenges.
    Mrs. Meredith was a mst kind and thughtful wman. She spent a great deal f time visiting the pr. She knew they had prblems, and they needed all kinds f help. When she had time, she wuld bring fd and medicine t them.
    One mrning she tld her children abut a family she had visited the day befre. There was a man sick in bed, his wife, wh tk care f him and culd nt g ut t wrk, and their little by. The little by — his name was Bernard — had interested her very much.
    “I wish yu culd see him,” she said t her wn children, Jhn, Harry, and Clara. “He is such a help t his mther. He wants very much t earn sme mney, but I dn’t see what he can d.”
    After their mther left the rm, the children sat thinking abut Bernard. “I wish we culd help him t earn mney,” said Clara. “His family is suffering s much.”
    “S d I,” said Harry. “We really shuld d smething t assist them.”
    Fr sme mments, Jhn said nthing, but, suddenly, he sprang t his feet and cried, “I have a great idea! I have a slutin that we can all help accmplish (完成) .”
    The ther children als jumped up all attentin. When Jhn had an idea, it was sure t be a gd ne. “I tell yu what we can d,” said Jhn. “Yu knw that big bx f crn Uncle Jhn sent us? Well, we can make ppcrn (爆米花), and put it int paper bags, and Bernard can take it arund t the huses and sell it.”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1
    When Mrs. Meredith heard f Jhn’s idea, she thught it was a gd ne, t.

    Paragraph 2
    With everything ready, Bernard started ut n his new business.

    One pssible versin:
    When Mrs. Meredith heard f the idea, she thught it was a gd ne, t. Then Mrs. Meredith searched the internet and rdered a husehld ppcrn machine. After that, Mrs. Meredith, tgether with her three children, paid anther visit t the family and tld them abut the ppcrn plan. Needless t say, they were deeply mved, especially Bernard wh finally fund a way t make mney fr his family. A few days later, the machine was delivered t Mrs. Meredith’s drstep. And it wasn’t lng befre they gt the hang f using the machine t make ppcrn.
    With everything ready, Bernard started ut n his new business. Althugh it was a hard time and things were tight fr everybdy, Bernard’s business wrked ut quite well. He carried the ppcrn n his small bike, ging frm dr t dr t sell it. Peple were surprised t see such a little, prly-dressed by selling ppcrn at their drs, but eventually almst all f them wuld buy a bag r tw. It is lve that makes the wrld g rund and Bernard felt it deep in his little heart. (续写词数:164)
    One fall, my wife Elli and I had a single gal: t phtgraph plar bears. We were staying at a research camp utside “ the plar bear capital f the wrld ” — the twn f Churchill in Manitba, Canada.
    Taking pictures f plar bears is amazing but als dangerus. Plar bears — like all wild animals — shuld be phtgraphed frm a safe distance. When I’m face t face with a plar bear, I like it t be thrugh a camera with a telepht lens. But smetimes, that is easier said than dne. This was ne f thse times.
    As Elli and I cked dinner, a yung male plar bear wh was playing in a nearby lake sniffed, and smelled ur garlic bread.
    The hungry bear fllwed his nse t ur camp, which was surrunded by a high wire fence. He pulled and bit the wire. He std n his back legs and pushed at the wden fence psts.
    Terrified, Elli and I tried all the bear defense actins we knew. We yelled at the bear, hit pts hard, and fired blank shtgun shells int the air. Smetimes lud nises like these will scare bears ff. Nt this plar bear thugh — he just kept trying t tear dwn the fence with his massive paws (爪子).
    I radied the camp manager fr help. He tld me a helicpter was n its way, but it wuld be 30 minutes befre it arrived. Making the best f this clse encunter (相遇), I tk sme pictures f the bear.
    Elli and I feared the fence wuldn’t last thrugh 30 mre minutes f the bear’s punishment. The camp manager suggested I use pepper spray. The spray burns the bears’ eyes, but desn’t hurt them. S I apprached ur uninvited guest slwly and, thrugh the fence, sprayed him in the face. With an angry rar (吼叫), the bear ran t the lake t wash his eyes.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    Para 1:
    A few minutes later, the bear headed back t ur camp. ___________________

    Para 2:
    At that very mment, the helicpter arrived. _____________________________

    One pssible versin:
    Para 1:
    A few minutes later, the bear headed back t ur camp. Then we realized that the spray had nly angered him even mre, fr he seemed much fiercer this time and vilently pushed the fence like mad. My heart raced wildly, nt knwing what t d. At this critical mment, Elli grabbed several pieces f garlic bread and threw them ver the fence. It wrked! The bear stpped the attack and ran t the bread. But it wasn’t lng befre he ate up all the bread and came back again.
    Para 2:
    At that very mment, the helicpter arrived. “Thank gdness we are saved!” Elli cried ut. Once the helicpter landed, we gt nt it in n time, excited and relieved. When we were safe n the helicpter up in the air, I was amazed t spt that the bear had finally trn dwn the fence and ran twards the fd we left behind. I quickly tk ut the camera and phtgraphed the rare scene — we were rbbed by a plar bear! (续写词数:153)
    “I’m ging t miss yu s much, Pppy,” said the tall, thin teenager. He bent dwn t hug his ld friend gdbye. He std up, hugged his parents, and smiled, trying nt t let his emtins (情绪) get the better f him.
    His parents were nt quite able t keep theirs under cntrl. They had driven their sn several hurs ut f twn t the university where he wuld sn be living and studying. It was time t say gdbye fr nw at least. The family hugged and smiled thrugh misty eyes and then laughed.
    The by lifted the last bag nt his shulder, and flashed a bright smile. “I guess this is it.” he said. “I’ll see yu back hme in a mnth, kay?” His parents ndded, and they watched as he walked ut f sight int the crwds f hundreds f students and parents. The by’s mther turned t the dg, “Okay, Pppy, time t g back hme.”
    The huse seemed quiet as a tmb withut the by living there. All that week, Pppy didn’t seem interested in her dinner, her favrite ty, r even in her daily walk. Her wners were sad t, but they knew their sn wuld be back t visit, Pppy didn’t.
    They ffered the dg sme f her favrite peanut butter treats. They even let her sit n the sfa, but the ld girl just wasn’t her usual cheerful self. Her wners started t get wrried, “What shuld we d t cheer Pppy up?” asked Dad. “We’ve tried everything.”
    “I have an idea, but it might be a little crazy,” smiled Mm. “Withut anybdy left in the huse but us, this place culd use a bit f fun. Let’s get a little dg fr Pppy.”
    It didn’t take lng befre they walked thrugh the frnt dr carrying a big bx. Pppy
    welcmed them hme as usual, but when she saw the bx, she stpped. She put her nse n
    it. Her tail began wagging (摆动) ever s slwly, then faster as she caught the smell.
    Paragraph 1
    Dad pened the bx and a sweet little dg appeared
    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2
    A few weeks later, the by arrived hme frm the university.
    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Pssible Versin:
    Dad pened the bx and a sweet little dg appeared. Pppy jumped with jy at the sight f the little dg. She lwered her head t watch it curiusly. Then she became s excited that she accidentally kncked ver the bx in an attempt t get clser. With the bx tipping ver, ut came the little ne, wh was nt shy and instantly gt familiar with Pppy. It didn’t take lng befre the tw played arund the huse, cheerfully running after each ther.
    A few weeks later, the by arrived hme frm the university. He had been missing his parents and the dg since it was the first time that he had been away frm hme fr such a lng time. When the by caught sight f Pppy, he went rushing tward the dg and bent dwn t give her a big hug. Suddenly, the by nticed the little dg. “Oh my gd, wh is this?” His parents laughed at the lk f surprise n his face. “It’s Pppy’s new cmpanin.” said Mm.
    Pssible Versin:
    Dad pened the bx and a sweet little dg appeared. Dad put the bx n the grund and pened the tp. A shiny little wet nse ppped up. Then tw fluffy paws. Next the bx tipped ver sideways, and ut tumbled a mass f wiggly glden silliness. Pppy was amazed. She wagged furiusly. She barked with jy. She smiled, her tngue llling ut as she investigated the surprise. The little pup was nt shy and immediately starting yipping and jumping arund the lder dg. "That didn't take lng, "remarked Mm, as bth dgs went raring arund the huse in an imprmptu game f chase. Dad laughed.
    A few weeks later, the by arrived hme frm university. He had missed Pppy and was lking frward t seeing her. When he bent dwn t give her a big hug, he fell ver in surprise as a small glden clud came racing up t lick his face t. "Oh my gsh, wh is this? " he exclaimed. His parents laughed at the lk f shck n his face. "That's Pee-wee, "said Dad. "I can't believe yu gt yurselves a puppy!" "We didn't, " replied Mm. "This puppy is fr Pppy!"
    It was summer, and my dad wanted t treat me t a vacatin like never befre. He decided t take me n a trip t the Wild West.
    We tk a plane t Albuquerque, a big city in the state f New Mexic. We reached Albuquerque in the late afternn. Uncle Paul, my dad’s friend, picked us up frm the airprt and drve us up t his farm in Pecs.
    His wife Tina cked us a delicius dinner and we gt t knw his sns Ryan and Kyle. My dad and I spent the night in the guestrm f the farm huse listening t the frgs and water rlling dwn the river nearby. Very early in the mrning. Uncle Paul wke us up t have breakfast. “The day starts at dawn n my farm,” he said. After breakfast, I went t help Aunt Tina feed the chickens, while my dad went with Uncle Paul t take the sheep ut t graze (吃草). I was impressed t see my dad and Uncle Paul riding hrses. They lked really cl.
    In the afternn, I asked Uncle Paul if I culd take a hrse ride, and he said yes, as lng as my dad went with me. I wasn’t ging t take a hrse ride by myself anyway. S, my dad and I put n ur new cwby hats, gt n ur hrses, and headed slwly twards the muntains. “Dn’t be late fr supper,” Uncle Paul cried, “and keep t the track s that yu dn’t get lst!” “OK!” my dad cried back. After a while Uncle Paul and his farm huse were ut f sight. It was s peaceful and quiet and the clrs f the brwn rcks, the deep green pine trees, and the late afternn sun mixed t create a magic scene. It lked like a beautiful wven (编织的) blanket spread ut upn the grund just fr us.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    Paragraph 1
    Suddenly a little rabbit jumped ut in frnt f my hrse
    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________We had n idea where we were and it was getting dark.
    Pssible Versin:
    Paragraph 1:
    Suddenly a little rabbit jumped ut in frnt f my hrse. Dad and I fund it was s cute that we decided t chase it. After a while, we were cmpletely lst in the frest. There was nthing left in ur sight but the trees. “We may nt be able t make it back t the farm huse in time fr supper.” I thught t myself. After a series f fruitless attempts t find a way ut, we felt hungry and tired.
    Paragraph 2:
    We had n idea where we were and it was getting dark. We gt stuck in the frest. And an unexpected shwer added t the difficulty f us in finding a way hme, fr all the tracks we had made disappeared because f the rain. I was almst n the edge f breaking dwn when my father said, “Dn’t wrry, my sn. I remember there is a river near the farm huse. Find the river and we will be back hme.” Finally, we fund the river and gt back t the huse alng it. Needless t say, we ate a late dinner.
    A vacatin with my mther
    I had an interesting childhd: It was filled with surprises and amusements, all because f my mther — lving, sweet, yet absent-minded and frgetful. One strange family trip we tk when I was eleven tells a lt abut her.
    My tw sets f grandparents lived in Clrad and Nrth Dakta, and my parents decided t spend a few weeks driving t thse states and seeing all the sights alng the way. As the first day f ur trip apprached, David, my eight-year-ld brther, and I unwillingly said gd-bye t all f ur friends. Wh knew if we’d ever see them again? Finally, the mment f ur departure arrived, and we laded suitcases, bks, games, camping equipment, and a tent int the car and bravely drve ff. We bravely drve ff again tw hurs later after we’d returned hme t get the purse and traveler’s checks Mm had frgtten.
    David and I were always a little nervus when using gas statin bathrms if Mm was driving while Dad slept: “Yu stand utside the dr and play lkut (放哨) while I g, and I’ll stand utside the dr and play lkut while yu g.” I had terrible pictures in my mind: “Hney, where are the kids?” “What?! Oh, Gsh… I thught they were being awfully quiet.” We were never actually left behind in a strange city, but we weren’t abut t take any chances.
    On the furth r fifth night, we had truble finding a htel with a vacancy. After driving in vain fr sme time, Mm suddenly gt a great idea: Why didn’t we find a huse with a likely-lking backyard and ask if we culd set up tent there? David and I became nervus. T ur great relief, Dad turned dwn the idea. Mm never culd understand ur bjectins. If a strange family shwed up n her frnt drstep, Mm wuld have been delighted. She thinks everyne in the wrld is as nice as she is. We finally fund a vacancy in the next twn.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    Paragraph 1:
    The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brught with us.
    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:
    We drve thrugh several states and saw lts f great sights alng the way.
    Pssible versins:
    Paragraph 1:
    The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brught with us. But then we were half an hur away frm the htel, where the tent was left behind. Dad recmmended buying a new ne, while Mm insisted n ur ging back t fetch it, saying “Frgetful peple like me may lse things repeatedly, s it’s unwise t give up the tent.” Finally, we gt back the tent and hit the rad again. If Mm hadn’t been that absent-minded, it wuld have saved us the truble f ging back again and again.
    Paragraph 2:
    We drve thrugh several states and saw lts f great sights alng the way. One day, twards evening, we fund a great camping site at the ft f a high muntain. David and I helped Dad put up the tent, and Mm was busy preparing supper. When the setting sun cast an range light ver the muntains, the tent was set up and the meal was ready. Sitting arund the camp fire, we talked and laughed. Every time we mentined the funny incidents f the jurney a pleasant smile wuld spread ver Mm’s face. (续写词数163)
    Paragraph 1:
    The next day we remembered the brand-new tent we had brught with us. T ur delight, Mm gave up the idea f camping in sme stranger’s backyard. Instead, we fund a wnderful camping site in the wild. It was a clearing in the wds by a small lake, where Dad culd catch sme fish fr dinner. We had n truble setting up ur tent, but we were disappinted t find that Mm frgt t pack up pillws. Needless t say, we all wke up with a sre neck the next mrning.
    Paragraph 2:
    We drve thrugh several states and saw lts f great sights alng the way. It was a fantastic trip. We crssed big rivers and vast plains, climbed high muntains, and verlked deep valleys. During the trip, Mm’s being absent-minded nt nly gt us int much truble, but als gave us many funny mments. But luckily, she was nt s frgetful as t leave me and David behind in the gas statin bathrms. We all arrived at grandparents’ hme safe and sund. (续写词数147)
    On a bright, warm July afternn, Mac Hllan, a primary schl teacher, was cycling frm his hme t Alaska with his friends. One f his friends had stpped t make a bicycle repair, but they had encuraged Mac t carry n, and they wuld catch up with him sn. As Mac pedaled (骑行) alng alne, he thught fndly f his wife and tw yung daughters at hme. He hped t shw them this beautiful place smeday.
    Then Mac heard quick and lud breathing behind him. “Man, that’s a big dg!” he thught. But when he lked t the side, he saw instantly that it wasn’t a dg at all, but a wlf, quickly catching up with him.
    Mac’s heart jumped. He fund ut his can f bear spray. With ne hand n the bars, he fired the spray at the wlf. A bright red clud envelped the animal, and t Mac’s relief, it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute later, it was by his side again. Then it attacked the back f Mac’s bike, tearing pen his tent bag. He fired at the wlf a secnd time, and again, it fell back nly t quickly restart the chase (追赶).
    Mac was pedaling hard nw. He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful nt t slw dwn. He saw a steep uphill climb befre him. He knew that nce he hit the hill, he’d be easy caught up and the wlf’s teeth wuld be tearing int his flesh.
    At this mment, Paul and Becky were driving their car n their way t Alaska. They didn’t think much f it when they saw tw cyclists repairing their bike n the side f the rad. A bit later, they sptted what they, t, assumed was a dg running alngside a man n a bike. As they gt clser, they realized that the dg was a wlf. Mac heard a large vehicle behind him. He pulled in frnt f it as the wlf was catching up fast, just a dzen yards away nw.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    Paragraph 1
    The car abruptly stpped in frnt f him.
    ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2
    A few minutes later, the ther tw cyclists arrived.
    Pssible versins:
    Paragraph 1:
    The car abruptly stpped in frnt f him. Mac jumped ff his bicycle and rushed t the dr f the car. But befre Mac culd pen the dr, the wlf had caught up and jumped t attack. Luckily, the magic spray saved Mac a third time. Seeing the wlf back ff, Paul quickly unlcked the dr, and the frightened man climbed int the car in n time, shutting the dr behind him heavily. Becky lked ut f the back windw and saw the wlf standing ver Mac’s bicycle as if it were a kill. Sn after, the animal ran ff.
    Paragraph 2:
    A few minutes later, the ther tw cyclists arrived. Mac gt ut f the car and hugged his friends. “It was really a nightmare and I thught I was ging t die,” said Mac in a shaky vice, tears gathering in his eyes. Fr him, life culd never be mre beautiful. After saying gdbye t Paul and Becky with gratitude, the three men cntinued their trip, agreeing never t separate again.
    Paragraph 1:
    The car abruptly stpped in frnt f him. Mac crashed int the car with a lud bang. As a result, he fell ff the bicycle and had his left ankle twisted. Hardly had Mac std up when the wlf arrived and was abut t launch anther attack. Mac was ging t die when suddenly the wlf was hit right n the head by a piece f rck. The wlf fell back, hwling with pain. It was Paul wh did this. Becky helped Mac climb int the car, while Paul kept shuting and thrwing stnes at the wlf.
    Paragraph 2:
    A few minutes later, the ther tw cyclists arrived. They were shcked at what they saw and jined Paul. One f Mac’s friends picked ut sme raw meat and threw it t the wlf. Satisfied with what he gt, the wlf ran int the wds. Mac thanked Paul and Becky, “Hw grateful I am that yu stpped t save me and I we it t yu that I’m still alive.” As Mac gt injured, the three men had t give up the rest f their jurney and returned hme.
    One weekend in July, Jane and her husband, Tm, had driven three hurs t camp vernight by a lake in the frest. Unfrtunately, n the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started t quarrel. By the time they reached the lake, Jane was s angry that she said t Tm. “I'm ging t find a better spt fr us t camp" and walked away.
    With n path t fllw,Jane just walked n fr quite a lng time. After she had climbed t a high place. she turned arund, hping t see the lake. T her surprise, she saw nthing but frest and, far beynd, a snwcapped muntain tp. She suddenly realized that she was lst.
    “Tm! "she cried. "Help!"
    N reply. If nly she had nt left her mbile phne in that bag with Tm. Jane kept mving, but the farther she walked, the mre cnfused she became. As night was beginning t fall, Jane was s tired that she had t stp fr the night. Lying awake in the dark, Jane wanted very much t be with Tm and her family. She wanted t hld him and tell him hw much she lved him.
    Jane rse at the break f day, hungry and thirsty. She culd hear water trickling (滴落)smewhere at a distance. Quickly she fllwed the sund t a stream. T her great jy,she als saw sme berry bushes. She drank and ate a few berries. Never in her life had she tasted anything better. Feeling strnger nw. Jane began t walk alng the stream and hpe it wuld lead her t the lake.
    As she picked her way carefully alng the stream, Jane heard a helicpter. Is that fr me? Unfrtunately, the trees made it impssible fr peple t see her frm abve. A few minutes later, anther helicpter flew verhead. Jane tk ff her yellw bluse, thinking that she shuld g t an pen area and flag them if they came back again.
    Paragraph 1
    But n mre helicpters came and it was getting dark again.
    Paragraph 2
    It was daybreak when Jane wke up.
    But n mre helicpters came and it was getting dark again. Immediately, an abslute darkness ruled the frest. Jane, exhausted and scared, lay dwn near a stne, missing her family at a distance. All the fantastic memry crwded in and she culdn't help crying, "Hadn't I quarreled with Tm, walked away and climbed t the high place, I wuldn't be trapped in this awful place, cnfrnted with the danger f dying." She regretted with endless anxiety, and then became asleep with shining tears in her eyes.
    It was daybreak when Jane wke up. Weak as she was, she struggled t her feet, cntinuing searching fr assistance. T her great jy, a helicpter was flying verhead again and again. Eager and excited, she flagged her yellw bluse and spared n effrt t yell s as t attract thers' attentin. Frtunately, she was eventually nticed and brught int the helicpter. There, she saw her husband, a man staring at her, wearing an expressin f relief. As tightly as pssible, she hugged him and was t thrilled t say anything. Besides, they agreed never t quarrel again, determining t live the life t the fullest.
    文章第一句 "an abslute darkness ruled the frest" 中, "rule" 一词就使用了拟人的修辞手法,让森林阴森黑暗的一面展露无遗,同时描绘出主人公身处绝境的紧迫性。在 "Eager and excited, she flagged her yellw bluse…" 一句中,直接将情绪形容词放在句首,使用了非谓语动词的语法,表达精练。
    此外, "There, she saw her husband, a man staring at her, wearing an expressin f relief." 一句中,使用了几个短句,却包含了两处非谓语动词语法,同时活用了 "wear" 一词,把两个人相见时的场景生动地描绘了出来。
    1) 表示并列关系的过渡词:and, as well as, r ,Nt nly … but als
    2) 表示转折关系的过渡词:but, yet, hwever , althugh , thugh …
    3) 表示时间关系的过渡词:first, secnd, third, and then, finally, after, befre, after a few days, at last, at that time, later, in the past, immediately, in the meanwhile, when, while, then, after that …
    A funny thing happened t Arthur when he was n the wayt wrk ne day. As he walked alng Park Avenuenear the First Natinal Bank, he heard the sund f smene trying t start acar. He tried again and again but culdn’t get the car mving. Arthur turnedand lked inside at the face f a yung man wh lked wrried. Arthur stppedand asked, “It lks like yu’ve gt a prblem,” Arthur said.
    “I’m afraid s. I’m in a big hurry and I can’t start mycar.”
    “Is there smething I cand t help?” Arthur asked. The yung man lked at the tw suitcasesin the back seat and then said, “Thanks. If yu’re sure it wuldn’t bet much truble, yu culd help me get these suitcases int a taxi.”
    “N truble at all. I’d beglad t help.”
    The yung man gt ut andtk ne f the suitcases frm the back seat. After placing it n the grund,he turned t get the ther ne. Just as Arthur picked up the first suitcase andstarted walking, he heard the lng lud nise f an alarm.
    It was frm the bank.There had been a rbbery (抢劫)!
    Park Avenue had been quieta mment befre. Nw the air was filled with the sund f the alarm and theshuts f peple running frm all directins. Cars stpped and thepassengers jined the crwd in frnt f the bank. Peple asked each ther,“What happened?” But everyne had a different answer.
    Arthur, still carrying thesuitcase, turned t lk at the bank and walked right int the yung wman infrnt f him.
    She lked at the suitcaseand then at him. Arthur was surprised. “Why is she lking at me like that?” Hethught. “The suitcase! She thinks I’m the bank thief!”
    Arthur lked arund atthe crwd f peple. He became frightened, and withut anther thught, hestarted t run.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    Paragraph 1:
    As he was running, Arthur heard the yung man shuting behind, “Stp,stp!”
    Paragraph 2:
    The taxi stpped in frnt f the Plice Statin and Arthur...
    As he wasrunning, Arthur heard the yung man shuting behind, “Stp, stp!” Andals at the mment, Arthur suddenly realized that the yung man might bethe bank rbber. S Arthur didn’t stp, but cntinued t run until hesaw ataxi.He stpped it, jumped in with the suitcase and said t the driver, “Gt the plice statin, please. Theman shuting behind is the bank thief!’’ The taxi raced away like thewind.
    The taxi stppedin frnt f the Plice Statin and Arthur tld the plicewhat had happened. Obviusly, the plice had already learned abut the rbbery.They pened the suitcase and there was a large sum f mney inside, as Arthurhad expected. Then the plice asked Arthur t describe the yung man and thether suitcase. Later, with the infrmatin, the plice caught the rbber. Theplice and the bank bth thanked Arthur a lt. (Wrds 153)
    As he wasrunning, Arthur heard the yung man shuting behind, “Stp, stp!”Thinking f the way the yung man had behaved, he realized the yung manmight be the bank rbber. S Arthur ran faster and stpped a taxi. Themment he gt int the taxi, he tld the driver the man shuting behind was thebank thief and asked him t drive t the nearest plice statin. The driverfllwed what Arthur said and drve away.
    The taxi stppedin frnt f the Plice Statin and Arthur thanked thedriver and directly went in. Just as Arthur was describing what had happenednear the bank n the Park Avenue and reprted the yung man tthe plice, he heard a vice utside, “Help! Help!” T the surprisef Arthur, it was the yung man. He had fllwed Arthur in anther taxi. Itturned ut that the yung man was inncent and inside the suitcases were justsme clthes. Arthur felt embarrassed but the plicemen thanked him anyway.(Wrds: 158)
    --- End ---
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    新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题09 阅读理解之推断题(2份打包,原卷版+解析版): 这是一份新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题09 阅读理解之推断题(2份打包,原卷版+解析版),文件包含新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题09阅读理解之推断题原卷版doc、新高考英语二轮复习题型归纳与变式演练专题09阅读理解之推断题解析版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共165页, 欢迎下载使用。

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