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    这是一份新高考英语二轮复习语法专项练习单选100题-连词(2份打包,原卷版+解析版),文件包含新高考英语二轮复习语法专项练习单选100题-连词-教师版doc、新高考英语二轮复习语法专项练习单选100题-连词-学生版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共44页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. It is bvius t the students ______ they shuld get well prepared fr their future.
    A. asB. whichC. whetherD. that
    2. I dn't believe we've met befre, I must say yu d lk familiar.( )
    A. therefreB. althughC. sinceD. unless
    3. regular exercise is very imprtant.It's never a gd idea t exercise t clse t bedtime.( )
    A. ItB. AsC. AlthughD. Unless
    4. ______all f them are strng candidates,nly ne will be chsen fr the pst.
    A. SinceB. WhileC. IfD. As
    5. I was glad t meet Jenny again, ______ I didn't want t spend all day with her.
    A. butB. andC. sD. r
    6. _____ the average age f the ppulatin increases, there are mre and mre ld peple t care fr.
    A. UnlessB. UntilC. AsD. While
    7. ______nline shpping has changed ur life,nt all f its effects have been psitive.( )
    A. SinceB. AfterC. WhileD. Unless
    8. I have a tight budget fr the trip,s I'm nt ging t fly the airlines lwer ticket prices.( )
    A. nceB. ifC. afterD. unless
    9. The map is ne f the best tls a man has he ges t a new place.( )
    A. wheneverB. whateverC. whereverD. hwever
    10. Try she might,Sue culdn't get the dr pen.( )
    A. ifB. whenC. sinceD. as
    11. —Smene wants yu n the phne.
    — nbdy knws I am here.( )
    A. AlthughB. AndC. ButD. S
    12. The frm cannt be signed by anyne yurself.( )
    A. rather thanB. ther thanC. mre thanD. better than
    13. Tim is in gd shape physically he desn't get much exercise.( )
    A. ifB. even thughC. unlessD. as lng as
    14. ______ vlleyball is her main fcus, she's als great at basketball.
    A. SinceB. OnceC. UnlessD. While
    15. Leave yur key with yur neighbr yu lck yurself ut ne day.( )
    A. as lng asB. even thughC. in caseD. as if
    16. It's nt easy t change habits, ______ with awareness and self­-cntrl, it is pssible.
    A. frB. rC. butD. s
    17. sme peple are mtivated by a need fr success,thers are mtivated by a fear f failure.( )
    A. BecauseB. IfC. UnlessD. While
    18. There is nly ne mre day t g __________ yur favrite music grup play live.( )
    A. sinceB. untilC. whenD. befre
    19. A sciety cannt be successful if it thrws traditin away,but it cannt be successful ______ if we d smething t stp prgress.( )
    A. eitherB. neitherC. tD. als
    20. Bring the flwers int a warm rm they'll sn pen.( )
    A. rB. andC. butD. fr
    21. It never ccurred t me _____ yu culd succeed in persuading him t change his mind.( )
    A. whichB. whatC. thatD. if
    22. This training prgram can give yu a lift at wrk,____ increase yur incme by 40%.( )
    A. as well asB. s lng asC. s much asD. as sn as
    23. Because f the heavy traffic,it was already time fr lunch break she gt t her ffice.( )
    A. sinceB. thatC. whenD. until
    24. Frank insisted that he was nt asleep I had great difficulty in waking him up.( )
    A. whetherB. althughC. frD. s
    25. As it reprted,it is 100years Qinghua University was funded.( )
    A. whenB. befreC. afterD. since
    26. What we expect frm yu is wrking hard ______ hardly wrking.
    A. less thanB. rather thanC. as well asD. as much as
    27. The meaning f the wrd"nice'changed a few times it finally came t include the sense"pleasant."( )
    A. befreB. afterC. sinceD. while
    28. It's ur hpe that we will play a greater rle in the market place and, ______, supply mre jbs.
    A. hweverB. anywhereC. therefreD. therwise
    29. -Lk at thse cluds!
    -Dn't wrry. it rains,we'll still have a great time.( )
    A. Even ifB. As thughC. In caseD. If nly
    30. _________scientists haw learned a lt abut the universe,there is much we still dn't knw.( )
    A. OnceB. SinceC. ThughD. Unless
    31. My grandfather still plays tennis nw and then, ______ he's in his nineties.
    A. as lng asB. as ifC. even thughD. in case
    32. The yung man culdn't affrd a new car、 _______,he bught a used ne.( )
    A. BesidesB. OtherwiseC. InsteadD. Still
    33. the jb takes a significant amunt f time,mst students agree that the experience is wrth it.
    A. If nlyB. AfterC. AlthughD. In case
    34. Let's nt pick these peaches until this weekend ______ they get sweet enugh t be eaten.
    A. ever sinceB. as ifC. even thughD. s that
    35. Yu wn’t find paper cutting difficult yu keep practicing it.
    A. even thugh ​B. as lng as ​
    C. as if ​D. ever since
    36. ______ I want t tell yu is the deep lve and respect I have fr my parents.
    A. ThatB. WhichC. WhetherD. What
    37. Give me a chance, ______ I'll give yu a wnderful surprise.
    A. ifB. rC. andD. while
    38. I dn't believe we've met befre, ______ I must say yu d lk familiar.
    A. therefreB. althughC. sinceD. unless
    39. We all need t get invlved in saving energy ______ it's at wrk, at hme, r at schl.
    A. unlessB. nceC. whetherD. because
    40. Cathy had quit her jb when her sn was brn _______ she culd stay hme and raise her family.( )
    A. nw thatB. as ifC. nly ifD. s that
    41. Read this stry, ______ yu will realize that nt everything can be bught with mney.
    A. rB. andC. butD. s
    42. _____we dn't stp climate change, many animals and plants in the wrld will be gne.
    A. AlthughB. WhileC. IfD. Until
    43. There is much truth in the idea ______ kindness is usually served by frankness.
    A. whyB. whichC. thatD. whether
    44. ______ yu can sleep well, yu will lse the ability t fcus, plan and stay mtivated after ne r tw nights.
    A. OnceB. UnlessC. IfD. When
    45. Accrding t statistics,a man is mre than twice as likely t die f skin cancer ______ a wman.
    A. thanB. suchC. sD. as
    46. The girl had hardly rung the bell the dr was pened suddenly,and her friend rushed ut t greet her.( )
    A. befreB. untilC. asD. since
    47. The medicine wrks mre effectively ______ yu drink sme ht water after taking it.
    A. asB. untilC. althughD. if
    48. Just use this rm fr the time being, and we'll ffer yu a larger ne ______ it becmes available.
    A. as sn asB. unlessC. as far asD. until
    49. The girl had hardly rung the bell ______ the dr was pened suddenly, and her friend rushed ut t greet her.
    A. befreB. untilC. asD. since
    50. The engineers are s busy that that have zer time fr utdr sprts actives, they have the interest.( )
    A. whereverB. wheneverC. even ifD. as if
    51. Feeling fearful is healthy ______ it helps yu slw dwn and evaluate risks prperly.
    A. becauseB. untilC. befreD. althugh
    52. All the phtgraphs in this bk, ______ stated therwise, date frm the 1950s.
    A. unlessB. untilC. nceD. if
    53. All the phtgraphs in this bk, ______ stated therwise, date frm the 1950s.
    A. unlessB. untilC. nceD. if
    54. All the phtgraphs in this bk, ______ stated therwise, date frm the 1950s.
    A. unlessB. untilC. nceD. if
    55. Everyne in the village is very friendly. It desn't matter ______ yu have lived there fr a shrt r a lng time.
    A. whyB. hwC. whetherD. when
    56. I believe yu will have a wnderful time here yu get t knw everyne else.
    A. thughB. as ifC. nceD. s that
    57. Yu will never gain success yu are fully devted t yur wrk.
    A. whenB. becauseC. afterD. unless

    58. The incmes f skilled wrkers went up.______,unskilled wrkers saw their earnings fall.
    A. MreverB. TherefreC. MeanwhileD. Otherwise
    59. _______ yu reminded me, I knew nthing abut the mistake I had made in my term paper.( )
    A. AfterB. WhenC. AsD. Until
    60. Jerry did nt regret giving the cmment but felt ______ he culd have expressed it differently.
    A. ​whyB. hwC. thatD. whether
    61. There's n way f knwing why ne man makes an imprtant discvery ________ anther man, als intelligent, fails.
    A. sinceB. ifC. asD. while
    62. —Peter,please send us pstcards ______ we'll knw where yu have visited.
    —N prblem.
    A. butB. rC. frD. s
    63. One Friday, we were packing t leave fr a weekend away ______ my daughter heard cries fr help.
    A. afterB. whileC. sinceD. when
    64. Because f the heavy traffic, it was already time fr lunch break ______ she gt t her ffice.
    A. sinceB. thatC. whenD. until
    65. the damage is dne,it will take many years fr the farmland t recver.
    A. Until B. Unless C. Once D. Althugh
    66. It was a nice meal, ________ a little expensive.
    A. thughB. whetherC. asD. since
    67. He is a shy man, he is nt afraid f anything r anyne.
    A. s ​B. but ​C. r ​D. as
    68. One's life has value ______ ne brings value t the life f thers.
    A. s thatB. n matter hwC. as lng asD. except that
    69. Bring the flwers int a warm rm ______ they'll sn pen.
    A. rB. andC. butD. fr
    70. Jhn plays basketball well,______ his favrite sprt is badmintn.
    A. sB. rC. yetD. fr
    71. —What happened just nw?
    —A car hit an ld man at the crssing. He was hurt, ______ nt t bad.
    A. andB. rC. sD. but
    72. Dn't turn ff the cmputer befre clsing all prgrams, ________ yu culd have prblems.
    A. andB. rC. butD. s
    73. I was abut t get ut the rm______ the phne rang up.
    A. whereB. whichC. whenD. with
    74. _____ the Mntglfier brthers tk flight in ballns in the 18th century,air travel was nt practical until the inventin f pwered flight in 1903.( )
    A. WhenB. SinceC. IfD. While
    75. _______ the ecnmy enters a "new nrmal" and grwth slws,China's ecnmy will rely mre n creativity t drive its grwth.( )
    A. AlthughB. AsC. BefreD. Until
    76. Despite the difficult situatin, Dr. Bethune did ________ he culd t assist the Chinese
    A. whateverB. n matter what
    C. hweverD. n matter hw
    77. _______he is a by difficult t get n with smetimes,I quite like him.( )
    A. SinceB. WhileC. UntilD. When
    78. I will keep drawing and see what happens. I never becme famus,this is what I lve t d every hur f every day.( )
    A. Even ifB. UnlessC. S lng asD. Nw that
    79. Unfrtunately,____________we shuld expect gratitude,we ften find the ppsite.( )
    A. whatB. thatC. hwD. where
    80. --- D yu have the time? Iˈve gt smething t tell yu.
    --- OK, _________yu make yur stry shrt.
    A. nw thatB. even ifC. nly ifD. in case
    81. ______ the pace f life cntinues t increase,we are fast lsing the art f relaxatin.( )
    A. AlthughB. UnlessC. IfD. As
    82. —Oh, I failed again!
    —Dn't lse heart. One mre effrt, ______ yu will succeed.
    A. s thatB. butC. hweverD. and
    83. Stand ver there______yu will see it better.
    A. andB. rC. butD. while
    84. Have yu ever seen a car withut a driver? It sunds crazy, ______ these cmputer-driven driverless cars will sn be filling rads near yu.
    A. andB. butC. althughD. s
    85. Be careful,____________yuˈll fall int the river.
    A. andB. butC. rD. s
    86. Mike hasn’t appeared fr tw weeks, ______ his friends are wndering what has happened t him.
    A. sB. butC. rD. fr
    87. I was an nly child, and ______ I had n experience f large families.
    A. sB. butC. rD. while
    88. ________ yu are familiar with the authr’s ideas, try reading all the sectins as quickly as yu pssible can.
    A. Nw thatB. Ever sinceC. S thatD. In case
    89. I think Jhn will make a gd mnitr, ________ I'd like t vte fr him.
    A. butB. sC. rD. fr
    90. — Peter, please send us pstcards ______ we’ll knw where yu have visited.
    — N prblem.
    A. butB. rC. frD. s
    91. Sme peple create jbs,fster excitement and basically make the system wrk.They see pssibilities ________ thers see nly prblems.( )
    A. thatB. whatC. whichD. where
    92. Hw lng d yu suppse it is ____________ he arrived and began t wrk there?( )
    A. whenB. sinceC. afterD. befre
    93. The manager said he supprted the mve_______he didn't think it wuld make much f a difference( )
    A. s thatB. in rder thatC. nw thatD. even thugh
    94. The manager was s satisfied with all I had dne she gave me a prmtin.( )
    A. that;thatB. what;thatC. what;asD. that;which
    95. _____ yu start eating in a healthier way,weight cntrl will becme much easier.( )
    A. UnlessB. UntilC. BefreD. Once
    96. —Lk at thse cluds!
    —Dn't wrry.______ it rains,we'll still have a great time.( )
    A. Even ifB. As thughC. In caseD. If nly
    97. _______ yu've set yu mind n the gal,yu must make every effrt t get it achieved in spite f challenges.( )
    A. Nw thatB. As ifC. UnlessD. In case
    98. —_____Mike is nw 17,he is still like a little child.
    —Well,that's because he depends n his parents fr almst everything.( )
    A. Even thughB. WhenC. UnlessD. If
    99. Team One has been allwed t accmplish in just three days ______ tk Team Tw mre than a week t achieve.( )
    A. asB. thatC. whenD. what
    100. _____a lt f hard wrk and a tuch f luck play a part, perseverance is the key t success.( )
    A. WhenB. WhileC. BecauseD. If

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