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    The Rle f Crwdfunding in Business Grwth
    Crwdfunding is a fundraising methd that makes use f the pwer f the Internet and scial netwrks. It invlves raising small amunts f mney frm a large number f individuals r investrs, typically thrugh nline platfrms. These platfrms cnnect entrepreneurs (创业者) with ptential backers wh cntribute funds t supprt a specific prject, business, r idea.
    Types f Crwdfunding
    Reward-Based Crwdfunding—Backers get a reward, such as a prduct sample r easy access, in exchange fr their cntributin. This mdel is ppular fr startups and creative prjects.
    Equity (股权) Crwdfunding—Investrs receive shares r equity in the business in exchange fr their funding. This mdel is ideal fr small businesses lking t raise substantial capital and is subject t specific regulatins.
    Debt Crwdfunding—Entrepreneurs brrw mney frm backers and agree t repay it with interest ver time. This mdel is similar t a lan and is suitable fr businesses with a clear repayment plan.
    Tips fr a Successful Crwdfunding Campaign
    Set clear gals: Define yur funding gal, the purpse f the funds, and hw yu’ll use the mney.
    Persuasive stry: Make an appealing and genuine stry abut yur business. Explain why it matters and hw backers’ cntributins will make a difference.
    Engage yur netwrk: Mbilize yur existing netwrk f friends, family, and prfessinal cntacts t supprt yur campaign. Their initial cntributins can build mmentum (动力).
    Transparency: Be transparent and hnest abut yur prject’s prgress and any challenges yu encunter. Backers appreciate hnesty.
    Fulfill prmises: Once yur campaign is successful, fulfill yur prmises t backers timely and cmmunicate regularly.
    1.Accrding t the passage, which f the fllwing is accurate abut crwdfunding?
    A. Reward-Based Crwdfunding is the mst ppular type f crwdfunding.
    B. Backers can get the same kinds f rewards in the three types f crwdfunding.
    C. Crwdfunding is a fundraising technique that relies n ffline platfrms.
    D. Debt Crwdfunding is fit fr businesses with a specific repayment schedule.
    2.The 4th tip “Transparency” prbably means “________”.
    A. mdestyB. perseveranceC. franknessD. ptimism
    3.The wners f Explding Kittens, a card game crpratin established six years ag, plan t raise a large sum f capital t start a prmtin campaign. They are highly recmmended t ________.
    A.chse Reward-Based Crwdfunding instead f Equity Crwdfunding
    B. draft an attractive stry abut the campaign based n real infrmatin
    C. realize their prmises t backers n time even if the campaign is a failure
    D. cmpare the initial supprt prvided by different existing cntacts
    I used t think I was a gd persn. I was caring t my friends, my partner, my family; I gave t charity and I vlunteered. But when I started training t becme a therapist (治疗师), I began t understand that hwever much we might like t think f urselves as gd peple, we dn’t actually knw urselves very well. I learned abut hw we might, withut cnsciusly realizing it, deny the feelings and mtivatins we cnsider t be bad, pushing them dwn int ur uncnscius and prjecting them ut n t thers, s they becme the bad peple. I learned that deep in the human mind, alngside lve and kindness, run currents f anger, need, greed, envy, destructiveness, superirity—whether we want t acknwledge them r nt.
    It was 22-year-ld Bru wh taught me what it really means t be a gd grwn up. We first spke tw years ag. He was unemplyed, living with his parents, watching his friends’ lives prgress. A gd grwn-up, he tld me, is “smene wh has his ducks in a rw”—and that wasn’t him.
    I als didn’t feel like the cmpetent, cnfident grwn-up I thught I shuld be—and neither did mst f the adults I knew. I researched statistics abut peple hitting the traditinal landmarks f adulthd later and later, if at all—frm buying a hme t getting married r starting a family. I recgnized what made me feel like a bad grwn-up: that I’ll sit with a brken fridge rather than call an engineer t repair it.
    Then I saw Bru again. He tld me hw, ver tw years, he’d fund a jb he lves, rented a flat with a friend. He’s nw cycling rund the wrld, having adventures that will keep him strng fr the rest f his life. S what changed? “Yu start t have thse cnversatins with yurself, and yu becme mre f an hnest persn. I dn’t feel like I’m hiding frm anything anymre, because I’m nt hiding frm myself.”
    I think grwing up must invlve finding yur wn way t have thse cnversatins. Bru des it n his bike, I d it in psychanalysis, thers I spke t d it while cking r playing music. That, fr Bru, and fr me, is what it means t “have his ducks in a rw”.
    4.What des the first paragraph imply abut understanding urselves?
    A. Recgnizing ur psitive traits is enugh fr grwth.
    B. Our understanding f ur mtives and feelings is accurate.
    C. True self-awareness means accepting bth gd and bad sides.
    D. Ignring ur negative traits des nt affect ur self-perceptin.
    5.What critical lessn did the authr learn frm Bru abut being a gd grwn-up?
    A. It invlves having a clear career path and financial stability.
    B. It requires cnstant self-imprvement and educatin.
    C. It means being emplyed and living independently.
    D. It is like a jurney f self-discvery and hnesty.
    6.What des the authr identify as a reasn fr feeling like an inadequate adult?
    A. Escaping basic respnsibilities.
    B. Delaying reaching traditinal life milestnes.
    C. Cmparing persnal achievements t thers.
    D. Investigating changing patterns f adult life.
    7.Which f the fllwing might be the best title f the passage?
    A. Why Hide HarmsB. Hw t Be Better Adults
    C. Why Grwing up Matters D. Hw t Have Effective Cnversatins
    Frm Marie Tussaud’s Chamber f Hrrrs t Disneyland’s Haunted Mansin (鬼屋) t hrrr-themed escape rms, haunted huse attractins have terrified and delighted audiences arund the wrld fr mre than 200 years.
    These attractins turn ut t be gd places t study fear. They help scientists understand the bdy’s respnse t fright and hw we perceive sme situatins as enjyably thrilling and thers as truly terrible. One surprising finding: having friends clse at hand in a haunted huse might make yu mre jumpy, nt less s.
    Psychlgist and study c-authr Sarah Tashjian, wh is nw at the University f Melburne, and her team cnducted their research with 156 adults, wh each wre a wireless wrist sensr during their visit. The sensr measured skin respnses linked t the bdy’s reactins t stress and ther situatins. When the sensr picked up, fr example, greater skin cnductance — that is, the degree t which the skin can transmit an electric current — that was a sign that the bdy was mre arused and ready fr fight r flight. In additin t this measure, peple reprted their expected fear (n a scale f 1 t 10) befre entering the haunted huse and their experienced fear (n the same scale) after cmpleting the haunt.
    The scientists fund that peple wh reprted greater fear als shwed heightened skin respnses. Being with friends, Tashjian and her clleagues further fund, increased physilgical arusal during the experience, which was linked t strnger feelings f fright. In fact, the fear respnse was actually weaker when peple went thrugh the huse in the presence f strangers.
    Other investigatrs have used haunted huses t understand hw fear and enjyment can cexist. In a 2020 study led by Marc Malmdrf Andersen, a member f the Recreatinal Fear Lab at Aarhus University in Denmark, scientists jined frces with Dystpia Haunted Huse. The Danish attractin includes such terrifying experiences as being chased by “Mr. Piggy”, a large, chain-saw-wielding man wearing a bldy butcher’s aprn and pig mask. Peple between the ages f 12 and 57 were vide recrded at peak mments during the attractin, wre heart-rate mnitrs thrughut and reprted n their experience. Peple’s fright was tied t large-scale heart-rate fluctuatins(波动); their enjyment was linked t small-scale nes. The results suggest that fear and enjyment can happen tgether when physilgical arusal is balanced “just right”.
    8.Studying haunted huse attractins helps scientists t learn abut ________.
    A. the psychlgical effects f fear n individuals
    B. the histry f hrrr-themed entertainment
    C. the bdy’s respnse t material rewards
    D. the impact f technlgy n peple’s fright
    9.Hw did Sarah Tashjian and her team cnduct their research n haunted huse experiences?
    A. By surveying participants.B. By analyzing histrical recrds.
    C. By emplying wireless wrist sensrs.D. By using virtual reality simulatins.
    10.What did Tashjian and her clleagues discver in their study?
    A. Being with friends bsted level f physilgical arusal.
    B. The fear reactin was strnger in the cmpany f strangers.
    C. Psychlgical effect was unrelated t intensified feelings f fright.
    D. Thse reprting lightened fear shwed increased skin respnses.
    11.It can be cncluded frm the 2020 study led by Marc Malmdrf Andersen that ________.
    A. fear and enjyment are always experienced separately
    B. large-scale heart-rate fluctuatins were linked t enjyment
    C. the age f the participants was nt related t the study’s findings
    D. fear and enjyment can cexist under certain cnditins
    Hundreds f peple die at sea every year due t ship and airplane accidents. Emergency teams have little time t rescue thse in the water because the prbability f finding a persn alive falls dramatically after six hurs. Beynd tides and challenging weather cnditins, unsteady castal currents ften make search and rescue peratins extremely difficult.
    New insight int castal flws gained by an internatinal research team led by Gerge Haller, Prfessr f Nnlinear Dynamics at ETH Zurich, prmises t enhance the search and rescue techniques currently in use. Using tls frm dynamical systems’ thery and cean data, the team has develped an algrithm (算法) t predict where bjects and peple flating in water will g. “Our wrk has a clear ptential t save lives,” says Mattia Serra, the first authr f a study recently published in Nature Cmmunicatins.
    In tday’s rescue peratins at sea, cmplicated mdels f cean dynamics and weather frecasting are used t predict the path f flating bjects. Fr fast-changing castal waters, hwever, such predictins are ften inaccurate due t uncertain bundaries and missing data. As a result, a search may be launched in the wrng lcatin, causing a lss f precius time.
    Haller’s research team btained mathematical results predicting that bjects flating n the cean’s surface shuld gather alng a few special curves (曲线) which they call TRansient Attracting Prfiles (TRAPs). These curves can’t be seen with ur eyes but can be tracked frm instant cean surface current data using recent mathematical methds develped by the ETH team. This enables quick and precise planning f search paths that are less sensitive t uncertainties in the time and place f the accident.
    In cperatin with a team frm MIT, the ETH team tested their new, TRAP-based search algrithm in tw separate cean experiments near Martha’s Vineyard, which is n the nrtheastern cast f the United States. Wrking frm the same real-time data available t the Cast Guard, the team successfully identified TRAPs in the regin in real-time. They fund that buys and manikins (浮标和人体模型) thrwn in the water indeed quickly gathered alng these emerging curves. “Of several cmpeting appraches tested in this prject, this was the nly algrithm that cnsistently fund the right lcatin”, says Haller.
    “Our results are rapidly btained, easy t interpret, and cheap t perfrm,” pints ut Serra. Haller stresses: “Our hpe is that this methd will becme a standard part f the tl kit f cast guards everywhere.”
    12.In a search and rescue peratin, ________.
    A. the use f dynamical systems leads t the wrng lcatin
    B. the survival rate drps t almst zer after six hurs
    C. weather cnditins are a determining factr
    D. changing currents present a challenge
    13.The main significance f the new algrithm is ________.
    A. accurately predicting weather cnditins during rescue peratins
    B. dependence n satellite technlgy t lcate distressed individuals at sea
    C. cst-effective, efficient tracking f bjects and individuals in castal waters
    D. predicting the exact time and lcatin f cean accidents
    14.Paragraph 5 mainly talks abut ________.
    A. the cllectin f dataB. the testing f the algrithm
    C. the identificatin f the TRAPsD. the cperatin f tw research teams
    15.Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the passage?
    A. Hw Mathematics Can Save Lives at Sea
    B. Hw Castal Waters Affect Saving Lives
    C. Why Algrithms Are Ppular in Rescue Operatins
    D. Why Success Rates f Rescue Operatins Have Risen
    16.We humans are cmparisn creatures. ①________ This quality may have evlved as a means f helping us fit int the scial hierarchy (等级) f the cultures we inhabited. Regardless f the reasns, scial cmparisn plays a significant rle in hw we view and evaluate urselves, and hw we interact with ur wrld.
    It used t be that ur primary reference f cmparisn was ur lcal cmmunities, primarily neighbrs and c-wrkers. Because we tend t gather arund thse similar t urselves in terms f educatinal level, wrk incme, and shared interests, the range f differences when we cmpared urselves t thers was fairly small. Unfrtunately, with the emergence f the Internet, we can nw cmpare urselves t literally anyne in the wrld. ②________ What had in previus generatins been a small gap in ur cmparisns has nw becme s large and unattainable.
    ③________ When s many peple that are easily discverable n the Internet seem t be s successful. famus, influential and beautiful, given ur preference t cmpare, it is difficult nt t have it influence hw we view urselves. Sadly, these cmparisns usually result in ur feeling inadequate and “less than”.
    These harmful cmparisns als damage ur emtinal lives. When we feel lacking, we experience a variety f unpleasant and unhealthy emtins. We feel jealusy and envy fr what thers have and what we lack. ④________
    It’s ne thing t realize that yu cmpare yurself t thers. It’s anther thing t recgnize that scial cmparisn is ften crrsive (逐步侵蚀的) t yu in s many ways psychlgically and emtinally. It’s an entirely ther thing t stp yurself frm cmparing yurself t thers. ⑤________
    A. We are cnstantly measuring urselves against ther peple.
    B. Yet it is pssible, and it is wrth the effrt fr yur mental health.
    C. Thus, we are nw expsed t grups that are quite different frm us.
    D. We believe that there is smething wrng with us cmpared t thers.
    E. We can even feel bitterness and anger at thers fr the unfairness f it all.
    F. Cmparing urselves t thers has the ptential t increase ur life experience.
    G. This new level f cmparisn has huge implicatins fr ur psychlgical lives.
    Many f the wrld’s islands were previusly unexplred places, but ver time, peple have cme t these places with far-reaching effects, including defrestatin, ver-hunting and the intrductin f invasive species. 1 , mst f the bird species disappeared.
    While the death f many birds since the 1500s has been 2 , ur knwledge f the fate f species befre this relies n fssils, and these recrds are limited because birds’ lightweight bnes are 3 ver time. This cnceals(隐瞒) the true 4 f glbal extinctins.
    Researchers nw believe 1,430 bird species — almst 12 per cent — have died ut ver mdern human histry since arund 130,000 years ag, with the vast majrity f them becming extinct directly r indirectly 5 human activity.
    The study, led by the UK Centre fr Eclgy & Hydrlgy (UKCEH) and published in Nature Cmmunicatins, used statistical mdelling t 6 the undiscvered bird extinctins.
    Lead authr Dr Rb Cke, an eclgical mdeler at UKCEH, says: “Our study demnstrates there has been a far higher 7 impact n diversity than previusly recgnized. Humans quickly destryed bird ppulatins thrugh habitat lss, ver-explitatin, and the intrductin f rats, pigs, and dgs, which attacked the birds’ nests, and 8 with birds fr fd. We shw that many species became extinct befre written recrds and left n 9 , lst frm histry.”
    Dr Sren Faurby f the University f Gthenburg, a c-authr f the study, adds: “These histric extinctins have had a majr impact n the current bidiversity crisis. The wrld may nt nly have lst many fascinating birds but als their varied 10 rles, which are likely t have included key functins such as pllinatin (授粉). This will have had knck-n effects n ecsystems, s, 11 bird extinctins, we will have lst a lt f plants and animals that 12 these species fr survival.”
    Observatins and fssils shw 640 bird species have been driven extinct — 90 per cent f these n islands 13 by peple. These 14 frm the icnic Dd f Mauritius t the Great Auk f the Nrth Atlantic t the lesser-knwn Saint Helena Giant Hpe. But the researchers estimate there have been further 790 unknwn extinctins, meaning a ttal f 1,430 lst species — leaving just under 11,000 tday. Therefre, frm the perspective f prtecting species 15 the prtectin f birds is an urgent issue fr mankind.
    17.A. In ther wrdsB. On averageC. As a cnsequenceD. In shrt
    18.A. cnfirmedB. recrdedC. abandnedD. discussed
    19.A. distractedB. dispsedC. dismissedD. decmpsed
    20.A. extentB. cntextC. utcmeD. influence
    21.A. due tB. ther thanC. instead fD. in spite f
    22.A. declareB. illustrateC. estimateD. emphasize
    23.A. climate B. humanC. envirnmental D. natural
    24.A. cnnectedB. cpedC. livedD. cmpeted
    25.A. traceB. ruteC. changeD. chas
    26.A. interactive B. eclgicalC. prductiveD. scial
    27.A. in terms fB. because fC. except frD. in additin t
    28.A. cunt n B. cperate with C. fight against D. keep ff
    29.A. inhabitedB. remvedC. develpedD. killed
    30.A. resultB. rangeC. sufferD. date
    31.A. riginB. prjectC. grwthD. diversity
    32.假如你是李华,你所在的国际学校庆祝6月5日“世界环境日”(Wrld Envirnmental Day)系列活动落下帷幕,校英文报在全校征集活动反馈。请你写一封邮件给编辑,内容包括:
    Dear Sir r Madam,
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    33.ln the twn f Greenfield, a grup f three adventurus spirits—Jack, Simn, and Lucas—had discvered an ancient map in Jack’s grandfather’s huse. The map, yellwed with age, described a mysterius island that had the legendary Silver Falcn, a statue that was said t award its finder enrmus wisdm and frtune.
    As typical eighth graders with the excitement f discvery and dreams f greatness, they decided they wuld be the nes t discver this hidden treasure. They agreed t start this search during the up-and-cming spring break, keeping their plans a secret frm the adults wh wuld undubtedly discurage such a dangerus adventure.
    The days that fllwed were filled with preparatin. They read bks n survival, learned abut the stars fr navigatin, and tested their curage in smaller wds. The bys were united by their unshakable reslve and the prmise f an adventure that culd change their lives frever.
    As spring break began, they set ut just as the sun painted the sky with clrs f range and gld. They felt a mixture f excitement and slight nervusness. They carried backpacks filled with supplies and the ancient map that they hped wuld lead them t glry.
    The beginning f their jurney was full f laughter and sngs arund the campfire, but as days passed, the trip’s reality set in. The path grew mre dangerus, and the maps guided them thrugh thick wds and muddy wetlands. They learned t wrk tgether as their friendship was tested by cnstant challenges. Slwly, the island drew nearer.
    A cnflict arse when they reached the ft f Munt Veritas, the final barrier befre reaching the island. Lucas twisted his ankle, and the slightest mvement sent sharp pains shting thrugh his leg. With time running ut, Jack and Simn had t make a chice: shuld they push n and risk Lucas’ well-being r turn back after cming s far?
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    At crssrads, Jack and Simn exchanged knwing glances.
    Paragraph 2:
    When reaching the Silver Falcn, the three bys fund n frtune there at all.
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第三段:心理学家和该研究的合著者、现就职于墨尔本大学的Sarah Tashiian和她的团队对156名成年人进行了研究,每个人在访问期间都佩戴了无线手腕传感器。该传感器测量与身体对压力和其他情况的反应相关的皮肤反应。可知Sarah Tashiian和她的团队通过使用无线手腕传感器对鬼屋体验进行研究。故答案为C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段Beynd tides and challenging weather cnditins, unsteady castal currents ften make search and rescue peratins extremely difficult.(除了潮汐和具有挑战性的天气条件之外,不稳定的沿海洋流往往使搜救行动变得极其困难。)可知,在搜寻和营救中,变化的水流呈现出挑战。故选D。
    解析:段落大意题。根据文章第五段In cperatin with a team frm MIT, the ETH team tested their new, TRAP-based search algrithm in tw separate cean experiments near Martha's Vineyard, which is n the nrtheastern cast f the United States.(在与麻省理工学院团队的合作下,ETH团队在美国东北海岸玛莎葡萄园岛附近的两个独立海洋实验中测试了他们新的基于陷阱的搜索算法。)可知,第五段主要讲述算法的测试,故选B。
    解析:标题归纳题。根据文章第一段:每年有数百人死于海难和飞机事故。和第二段:利用来自动力系统理论和海洋数据的工具,该团队开发了一种算法来预测物体和漂浮在水中的人的去向。以及第二段:最近发表在《自然通讯》上的一项研究的第一作者。可知文章主要讲述如何通过使用数学方法在海上挽救生命。因此A. Hw Mathematics Can Save Lives at Sea(如何通过使用数学方法在海上挽救生命)是本文的最佳标题。故选A。
    解析:①根据上文“We humans are cmparisn creatures.(我们人类是比较动物)”以及后文“This quality may have evlved as a means f helping us fit int the scial hierarchy (等级) f the cultures we inhabited.(这种品质可能是作为一种帮助我们融入我们所居住的文化的社会等级制度的手段而进化的)”可知,上文提到了人类是比较动物,且后文提到比较这种品质,可知本句主要对比较动物进行展开说明,说明人类爱和别人比较。故A选项“我们总是拿自己和别人比较”符合语境,故选A。
    ②根据上文“Unfrtunately, with the emergence f the Internet, we can nw cmpare urselves t literally anyne in the wrld.(不幸的是,随着互联网的出现,我们现在可以将自己与世界上的任何人进行比较)”以及后文“What had in previus generatins been a small gap in ur cmparisns has nw becme s large and unattainable.(在我们的比较中,前几代人的小差距现在变得如此之大,难以企及)”可知,上文提到了互联网让我们可以和世界上的任何人进行比较,且后文提到了前几代人的小差距现在变得如此之大,说明互联网导致比较的群体发生了变化,C选项“因此,我们现在接触到的群体与我们完全不同”符合语境,故选C。
    ③根据后文内容“When s many peple that are easily discverable n the Internet seem t be s successful. famus, influential and beautiful, given ur preference t cmpare, it is difficult nt t have it influence hw we view urselves. Sadly, these cmparisns usually result in ur feeling inadequate and “less than”.(当这么多在互联网上很容易被发现的人看起来很成功的时候。名气、影响力和美貌,考虑到我们喜欢攀比,很难不影响我们对自己的看法。可悲的是,这些比较通常会导致我们感觉不足和“不如”)”可知,后文提到了互联网的比较影响了我们对自己的看法,导致我们感觉不足和“不如”,说明这种比较对我们的心理产生了影响。故G选项“这种新的比较水平对我们的心理生活有着巨大的影响”符合语境,故选G。
    ④根据上文“These harmful cmparisns als damage ur emtinal lives. When we feel lacking, we experience a variety f unpleasant and unhealthy emtins. We feel jealusy and envy fr what thers have and what we lack.(这些有害的比较也会损害我们的情感生活。当我们感到匮乏时,我们会经历各种不愉快和不健康的情绪。我们对别人所拥有的和我们所缺乏的感到嫉妒和羡慕)”可知,本段的主旨是有害的比较会损害情感生活,本句为本段最后一句,故承接上文,主要说明对别人的比较产生的一些负面情绪。故E选项“我们甚至会对别人的不公平感到痛苦和愤怒”符合语境,故选E。
    ⑤根据上文“It’s ne thing t realize that yu cmpare yurself t thers. It’s anther thing t recgnize that scial cmparisn is ften crrsive (逐步侵蚀的) t yu in s many ways psychlgically and emtinally. It’s an entirely ther thing t stp yurself frm cmparing yurself t thers.(意识到你和别人比较是一回事。认识到社会比较通常在心理和情感上对你有多方面的腐蚀性是另一回事。阻止自己和别人比较完全是另一回事)”可知,上文提到了阻止自己和别人进行比较是另一回事,本句为本段最后一句,故说明阻止自己和别人比较所带来的影响,故B选项“但这是可能的,而且为了你的心理健康,这是值得的”符合语境,故选B。
    Dear Sir r Madam,
    I hpe this email finds yu well. I’d like t prvide sme feedback n the series f activities rganized t celebrate the Wrld Envirnmental Day.
    Firstly, I must highly praise the team fr their utstanding effrts in putting tgether such a diverse and engaging prgram. Frm infrmative wrkshps t interactive exhibits, nt nly did the activities raise awareness abut the imprtance f envirnmental preservatin but als develped a sense f appreciatin fr ur natural wrld amng students. Persnally, I fund learning abut the varius initiatives aimed at preserving the earth glbally has inspired me t reflect n my wn behavirs t prtect the envirnment.
    Overall, I d believe the event was a great success, and I lk frward t participating in similar activities in the future.
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    解析:【高分句型1】:Frm infrmative wrkshps t interactive exhibits, nt nly did the activities raise awareness abut the imprtance f envirnmental preservatin but als develped a sense f appreciatin fr ur natural wrld amng students.
    分析:本句使用了nt nly位于句首的部分倒装。
    【高分句型2】:I d believe that the event was a great success, and l lk frward t participating in similar activities in the future
    At crssrads, Jack and Simn exchanged knwing glances. They culdn’t give up halfway nr leave their cmpanin behind. They decided t mve n. S, they used emergency handling skills they had learned previusly t help Lucas relieve his pain. Then they had Lucas sit n their crssed hands and carried him. When they were tired, they tk turns t carry him n their backs, step by step twards the destinatin. Alng the way, they encuraged and helped each ther, and finally vercame all the difficulties and arrived at the destinatin.
    When reaching the Silver Falcn, the three bys fund n frtune there at all. Lucas was disappinted. They had taken pains all the way t the destinatin, nly t find that the statue did nt give them the legendary wisdm and frtune as a reward. Hwever, Jack and Simn felt this adventure was rewarding. Their friendship had been tested, which was mre imprtant than any wisdm and frtune. Althugh they did nt receive the expected reward, they did experience persnal grwth, and achieve a deeper sense f fulfillment and pride.
    ①到达:reach/arrive at
    ①勇敢:bravery /curage
    【高分句型1】As they reached the tp f the last hill, the island revealed itself in all its glry.(运用了as引导时间状语从句)
    【高分句型2】A sft vice filed the clearing, cngratulating them n their bravery and unity.(运用了现在分词作状语)

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