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    这是一份2024沈阳省五校协作体高二下学期7月期末联考试题英语含解析,共36页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 7,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    试卷说明:试卷共四部分:第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C. £9.15.
    答案是 C。
    1. What did the girl d last night?
    A. She bserved the stars.
    B. She gave a presentatin.
    C. She went t an art shw.
    2. What did the wman find difficult?
    A. The essay sectin.
    B. The blank filling questins.
    C. The multiple-chice sectin.
    3. Where are the speakers?
    A. On a bus. B. In a cmpany. C. In a lift.
    4. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A hike. B. A vacatin plan. C. A skiing experience.
    5. What des the man mean?
    A. He has nwhere t put the tree.
    B. He will mve away in a few days.
    C. He is glad t accept the wman’s ffer.
    第二节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 22.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What is unique abut Hamlet?
    A. The female lead. B. The stage design. C. The mdern adaptatin.
    7. Hw des the wman sund in the end?
    A. Disappinted. B. Hesitant. C. Angry.
    8. What might the wman be?
    A. A salespersn. B. A dctr. C. A nurse.
    9. What did the dctr ask the man t d?
    A. Eat less nuts and grains.
    B. Cnsume high-fat meat.
    C. Avid high-calrie fd.
    听第8段材料,回答第10至 12题。
    10. What is the presentatin abut?
    A. A survey result. B. A new prduct. C. A wrking schedule.
    11. Why des the wman suggest the man attend the presentatin?
    A. T get familiar with the new team.
    B. T find inspiratin fr his survey reprt.
    C. T knw mre abut the market department.
    12 What time will the man meet the wman?
    A. At 3:00 p. m. B. At 2:55 p. m. C. At 2:45 p. m.
    听第9段材料,回答第13至 16 题。
    13. What des Ann say abut her perfrmance in the Wrld Champinships?
    A. She did better than she had expected.
    B. She regretted nt preparing well enugh.
    C. She was disappinted t win a silver medal.
    14. Hw ften des Ann practice?
    A. Once a week. B. Every day. C. Six days a week.
    15. What is Ann’s attitude twards the ther cmpetitrs?
    A. She avids clse cntact with them.
    B. She likes t cmmunicate with them.
    C. She has made gd friends with them.
    16. What des Ann enjy ding in her free time nw?
    A. Flying kites. B. Reading. C. Skiing.
    17. What made the blg first knwn t the public?
    A. A newspaper reprt. B. A TV prgram. C. A pht.
    18. What des Bnnie d fr the blg?
    A. He takes phts. B. He acts as mdels. C. He des Eden’s make-up.
    19. What is the main tpic f Ella’s blgs?
    A. Fashin trends. B. Mney saving tips. C. Clthes fr students.
    20. Which perid f clthes has recently inspired Ella mst?
    A. The 1920s. B. The 1970s. C. The 1980s.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    The Internatinal Olympic Cmmittee(IOC)Yung Leaders prgramme empwers talents t make a psitive difference in their cmmunities thrugh sprt. Twenty-five Yung Leaders are being selected every tw years fr a fur-year perid. They prmte the Olympic values, spreading the message f sprt fr gd.
    T be an IOC Yung Leader, yu need t first cmplete the 4-Week Learning Sprint (冲刺).
    4-Week Learning Sprint
    The 4-Week Learning Sprint, which will take place during Nvember 2023, is a virtual learning prgramme. The sessins can be attended live r watched back after they are made available n the IOC channel. Each week, participants will be asked t cmplete a tpic﹣specific reflectin task.
    The 4-Week Learning Sprint is pen t anyne, with the target audience aged between 20 and 28.
    After successfully cmpleting the 4-Week Learning Sprint, yu will need t submit a plan fr a sprt﹣based prject, which yu will wrk n if selected as an IOC Yung Leader.
    Requirements fr the Applicants
    •Yu have successfully cmpleted the 4-Week Learning Sprint.
    •Yu have cmpleted yur high schl studies.
    •Yu have at least ne year f wrk experience.
    •Yu have strng public speaking skills.
    •Yu are self-mtivated and cmmitted.
    •Yu are passinate abut creating psitive change in yur cmmunity.
    •Yu are pen t being cached and advised by experts and peers (同伴).
    •Yu are able t wrk with peple frm different backgrunds.
    1. In the 4-Week Learning Sprint participants will ________.
    A. create change in their cmmunityB. attend a virtual learning prgramme
    C. meet peple frm different backgrundsD. prmte the IOC Yung Leaders prject
    2. If selected as an IOC Yung Leader, ne will need t ________.
    A. cmplete a reflectin task each weekB. watch sprts n the IOC channel
    C. wrk n a sprt-based prjectD. cach and advise their peers
    3. Which is a requirement fr the applicants?
    A. Spreading the message f sprt fr gd.B. Having at least ne-year wrk experience.
    C. Shwing great passin fr prject planning.D. Cmmitting themselves t becming an expert.
    Fr the past five years, Paula Smith, a histrian f science, has devted herself t re-creating lng-frgtten techniques. While ding research fr her new bk, she came acrss a 16th-century French manuscript(手稿)cnsisting f nearly 1,000 sets f instructins, cvering subjects frm tl making t finding the best sand.
    The authr's intentin remains as mysterius(神秘)as his name; he may have been simply taking ntes fr his wn recrds. But Smith was struck mainly by the fact that she didn't truly grasp any f the skills the authr described. "Yu simply can't get an understanding f that handwrk by reading abut it," she says.
    Thugh Smith did get her hands n the best sand, ding things the ld-fashined way isn't just abut playing arund with French mud. Recnstructing the wrk f the craftsmen(工匠)wh lived centuries ag can reveal hw they viewed the wrld, what bjects filled their hmes, and what went n in the wrkshps that prduced them. It can even help slve present-day prblems: In 2015, scientists discvered that a 10th-century English medicine fr eve prblems culd kill a drug-resistant virus.
    The wrk has als brught insights fr museums, Smith says. One must knw hw an bject was made in rder t preserve it. What's mre, recnstructins might be the nly way t knw what treasures lked like befre time wre them dwn. Schlars have seen this idea in practice with ancient Greek and Rman statues. These sculptures were painted a rainbw f striking clurs. We can't appreciate these kinds f details withut seeing wrks f art as they riginally appeared-smething Smith believes yu can d nly when yu have a rad map.
    Smith has put the manuscript's ideas int practice. Her final gal is t link the wrlds f art and science back tgether: She believes that bringing the ld recipes t life can help develp a kind f learning that highlights experimentatin, teamwrk, and prblem slving.
    Back when science—then called “the new philsphy”—tk shape, academics lked t craftsmen fr help in understanding the natural wrld. Micrscpes and telescpes were invented by way f artistic tinkering(修补), as craftsmen experimented with glass t better bend light.
    If we can rediscver the values f hands-n experience and craftwrk, Smith says, we can marry the best f ur mdern insights with the handiness f ur ancestrs.
    4. Hw did Smith, feel after reading the French manuscript?
    A. Cnfused abut the technical terms.
    B. Impressed with its detailed instructins.
    C. Discuraged by its cmplex structure.
    D. Shcked fr her wn lack f hand skills.
    5. Accrding t Smith, the recnstructin wrk is dne mainly t _____________.
    A. restre ld wrkshpsB. understand the craftsmen
    C. imprve visual effectsD. inspire the philsphers
    6. Why des the authr mentin museums?
    A. T reveal the beauty f ancient bjects.
    B. T present the findings f ld science.
    C. T highlight the imprtance f antiques.
    D. T emphasise the values f hand skills.
    7. Which wuld be the best title fr this passage?
    A. Craftsmen Set the Trends fr Artists
    B. Craftsmanship Leads t New Theries
    C. Craftsmanship Makes Better Scientists
    D. Craftsmen Reshape the Future f Science
    The impacts f climate change n peple’s health arund the wrld, including deaths due t heatwaves and the cnsequences f fd insecurity, are at their “mst wrrying” since an internatinal initiative began tracking them five years ag.
    All 16 indicatrs f the health impacts f a warming wrld are wrsening, The Lancet Cuntdwn reprt published recently shws. “Climate change-induced shcks are claiming lives, damaging health and disrupting (扰乱) livelihds in all parts f the wrld right nw. That means n cntinent r cmmunity remains untuched,” says Ian Hamiltn at University Cllege Lndn.
    The reprt fund that between 2000 and 2018, the number f heat-related deaths each year in peple aged ver 65 jumped by almst 54 percent t 296,000 glbally. Mst were in Japan, China, India, and Eurpe. Mre than half f 196 cuntries saw an increase in the risk f peple expsed t wildfires between 2016-2019, cmpared t 2001-2004. Based n area rather than ppulatin, Australia saw ne f the biggest increases in wildfire risk between the same perids.
    Hamiltn, the directr f The Lancet Cuntdwn initiative, urged gvernments t make sure the carbn-cutting plans they submit t the United Natins ahead f the COP26 climate summit (峰会) next year — knwn as Natinally Determined Cntributins (NDCs) — are nt just ambitius, but factr in health. “At the mment, health is nt featuring amng the NDCs in the way that it needs t,” he says, highlighting the urgent need fr immediate actin t reduce the destructive health impacts f climate change. Failure t take actin nw will lead t even mre severe cnsequences fr peple’s health and well-being in the future.
    8. What can be inferred frm Hamiltn’s wrds in paragraph 2?
    A. Peple’s livelihds need imprvement.
    B. It’s time t take persnal health seriusly.
    C. Peple n Earth are all victims f climate change.
    D. Climate change is the leading cause f fd insecurity.
    9. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The destructin f natural disasters.
    B. The reasns fr wrsening glbal warming.
    C. The urgency f reducing heat-related deaths.
    D. The effects f climate change n human health.
    10. What des Hamiltn expect gvernments t d?
    A Include health prblems in NDCs.
    B. Play their parts in reducing carbn.
    C. Educate the public abut health issues.
    D. Raise citizens’ envirnmental awareness.
    11. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A news reprt.B. A research plan.
    C. A travel brchure.D. A bilgy textbk.
    Is scial media really making yung peple antiscial (孤僻的)? A surprising new study finds that children and yung adults wh use these platfrms the mst are actually mre active in the real wrld than thers! The new findings cme frm a lng-term prject called the Trndheim Early Secure Study. Researchers cllected infrmatin frm abut 800 children and yung adults when they were 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 years ld. This included interviews abut each child’s use f scial media frm year t year. The gal was t determine if using scial media affects a yung persn’s verall scial skills.
    T the team’s surprise, participants frequently using these platfrms did nt see their scial skills reduced. “On the cntrary, we find that peple wh use scial media a lt spend mre time with friends ffline than thse wh tend t limit their screen time,” says Prfessr Silje Steinsbekk frm the Nrwegian University f Science and Technlgy’s Department f Psychlgy.
    Hwever, scial media can present challenges fr children and teens. Althugh it ffers a cnvenient and cmfrtable way fr thse with scial anxiety t cmmunicate, it can als lead t addictin and misuse. Studies have suggested that yung peple with anxiety are mre easily affected by the negative effects f scial media, which can wrsen their symptms and harm their mental health. Therefre, it is crucial fr parents t mnitr their children’s nline activity and usage.
    Despite the risks t sme, the team says their findings debunk the belief that scial media causes yung peple t becme scially islated. In fact, their frequent use f scial platfrms may actually give them mre pprtunities t cnnect with ld and new friends and set up chances t g ut and scialize utdrs.
    12. What des the study fcus n?
    A. The imprtance f yung peple’s scial skills.
    B. The impact f scial media n yung peple.
    C. Reasns fr peple becming islated frm the cmmunity.
    D. Ways t prevent children frm becming addicted t scial media.
    13. Wh may prbably be mre active in the real wrld accrding t the study?
    A. A teenager wh uses scial media frequently.
    B. A by wh never makes friends nline.
    C. A girl wh seldm surfs the Internet.
    D. A new parent wh is experiencing scial anxiety.
    14. What can be inferred frm paragraph 3?
    A. Negative emtins cause teens t misuse scial media.
    B. Kids are mre easily influenced by scial media than adults.
    C. Online cmmunicatin can help imprve peple’s mental health.
    D. Scial media is a duble-edged swrd fr yung peple with anxiety.
    15. What des the underlined wrd “debunk” in the last paragraph prbably mean?
    A Explain.B. Ignre.
    C. Cnfirm.D. Cntradict.
    第二节(共5 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    Mney habits are the small daily decisins we make that influence hw we spend and save ur mney. ___16___, but with a little awareness and effrt, we can make imprvements that will help us achieve ur financial bjectives.
    ____17____. This invlves tracking all yur spending fr a mnth and then analyzing the data. It can make yu realize the ptential issues n yur spending habits, which help yu identify areas where yu can adjust yur spending patterns.
    Next, set up clear financial bjectives fr yurself. Having a specific bjective in mind will help yu keep mtivated and fcused, whether it’s saving fr a dwn payment n a hme, remving credit card debt, r creating an emergency fund.
    Setting and sticking t a budget is als crucial. A budget ensures that yur spending is fcused n yur pririties and that yu set aside enugh cash t achieve yur bjectives.____18____.
    ____19____. It’s critical t take actin t stp the habit f impulse (冲动) shpping because it can significantly reduce yur bank accunt. Making a list f the items yu require befre yu g shpping and sticking t it is ne apprach t achieve this. Additinally, waiting a day r tw befre making a purchase can help yu determine if yu still want the item.
    Finally, it’s critical t pay attentin t yur financial habits and adjust them as needed. Track yur spending and gals, and be prepared t adjust as required. ____20____, and its effects might nt be seen right away. With a little knwledge and effrt, yu can make psitive changes, helping yu achieve yur financial bjectives and strengthen yur verall financial health.
    A. It might be challenging t change these habits
    B. Impulsive purchasing is a crucial habit t break
    C. Create a checklist f the items yu aim t purchase
    D. Take a careful lk at yur existing spending habits
    E. Gd mney habits shuld be develped frm nw n
    F. Keep in mind that adjusting yur spending patterns is a prcess
    G. Make sure t include a categry fr savings and use it cnsistently
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    My daughter Rachel had severe ADHD (多动症) as a child. The mst ____21____ mments ften came when we were ut ____22____. All parents have been there trying t remain calm while their child is having an tantrum (耍性子) and shppers are ____23____ their heads.
    Rachel is nw twenty-fur and has grwn int an amazing yung wman. ____24____, thse ld terrible memries feel nt-s-distant when I ____25____ a child’s similar behavir. The screams caused flashbacks that I wuld rather ____26____.
    Last week, Rachel and I were shpping in the supermarket when we heard a child’s ____27____ that lasted mre than fifteen minutes. My daughter asked, “Mm! Is that what I used t sund like?” “Yes, yu sunded just like that,” I ____28____.
    As we apprached, I culd see peple whispering t each ther and shaking their heads. Then I saw the embarrassment and ____29____ in the yung mther’s face. I then did smething I’d never dne befre. I walked ver t the mm and put my arms arund her shulders. “I knw exactly what yu are ______30______ right nw, and I knw hw yu feel. It des get better. Believe me.” I said. I then intrduced Rachel t the mther. I ______31______ that my daughter had been just like her sn when she was little.
    She hugged me back, s tightly that I knew she was ______32______ t me. Her sn stpped screaming fr a minute and lked at us with a(n) ______33______ expressin. At that mment, I culd see ______34______ wash ver her.
    Smetimes, a stranger’s kind wrds during a ______35______ mment can mean the wrld t smene.
    21. A. criticalB. embarrassingC. preciusD. entertaining
    22. A. in dangerB. in shckC. in trubleD. in public
    23. A. usingB. raisingC. shakingD. burying
    24. A. TherefreB. MreverC. InsteadD. Hwever
    25. A. encunteredB. crrectedC. judgedD. applauded
    26. A. recrdB. shareC. frgetD. refresh
    27. A. screamB. stryC. appealD. laughter
    28. A. regrettedB. repliedC. prmisedD. suggested
    29. A. fearB. desireC. prideD. mercy
    30. A. wrking nB. preparing frC. ging thrughD. dreaming f
    31 A. jkedB. assumedC. declaredD. explained
    32. A. gratefulB. pliteC. generusD. familiar
    33. A. annyedB. scaredC. surprisedD. excited
    34. A. shameB. disappintmentC. satisfactinD. relief
    35. A. magicalB. stressfulC. peacefulD. decisive
    第二节(共 10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    Fans will be seeing purple at the Olympics when athletes try t set recrds at this summer’s Paris Games. In a mve away frm a mre ____36____ (traditin) red-brick clay clr, an Olympic track is ging purple fr the first time.
    The clr f the lanes ___37___ (stand) ut frm the grey f the spectatr (观众) seating. This purple clr, never ___38___ (see) befre fr an athletics track, has been ___39___ result f a lng prcess but it desn’t have t be just beautiful.
    “We had t wrk hard n the clrs s that they came ut in the best pssible tnes ____40____ (highlight) the athletes. It’s a track and it has t be pretty, but abve all, it’s a stage ____41____ which the athletes are ging t perfrm. ____42____ is really imprtant is that the clrs and the athletes stand ut,” said Blndel.
    Different clrs can trigger different emtins and feelings. Fr example, red makes peple feel excited and energetic; blue helps reduce stress and anxiety ____43____ purple has sme f the characteristics f bth red and blue, ____44____ can mtivate athletes t perfrm at their best and help them prduce gd results.
    The best track and field athletes in the wrld ____45____ (cmpete) in the beautiful stadium at the Paris Olympics frm August 1st-11th, 2024.
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 40分)
    第一节(满分 15 分)
    46. 假如你是李华。你爱好中文的美国网友 Jhn 对你博客里的漫画“愚公移山”很感兴趣,请用英文给他回贴。
    注意: 1.词数80左右:
    Hi Jhn,
    I’m glad yu fund the cmic “Yu Gng Remves the Muntains” interesting!
    Best regards!
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “Oh, n!” Jack shuted while lking at the likes and cmments n his recent TikTk vide.
    “Why aren’t peple reacting t my cntent as they used t?”
    Jack was a 19-year-ld strng and muscular man addicted t the gym. He lved recrding exercise vides and psting them n his TikTk accunt. Initially, his vide lgs (vlgs) were ppular, but his psts’ reach sn decreased.
    Jack wndered why peple had stpped sharing and liking his vides, “Maybe my audience is tired f watching me wrk ut in the gym,” he thught, determined t change the lcatin f his vides.
    The fllwing day, Jack went t the neighbrhd park and began filming while walking n the track.“Hi, guys! Hw abut we shake things up a little? I’m t wrk ut in the park tday!” he said excitedly, lking int the camera lens (镜头).
    “Let’s lk fr a gd spt t warm up,” he said as he walked twards a bench(长椅), n which sat an elderly lady. Jack thught the bench was the perfect place t film his vide because f the light.
    He put his tripd stand (三脚架) n the bench and set the camera, but he felt like he needed the full bench. He wanted t place his camera where the lady sat, s he gestured t her t mve, but the wman didn’t seem t understand.
    “Get ut f my way!” he yelled.“Can’t yu see I’m filming a vide? Yu ld fl!” Lking him up and dwn in surprise, the ld lady didn’t argue ver his disrespectful attitude and quietly walked twards anther bench.
    Jack set his camera up, pressed the recrd buttn and waved at his fllwers, ready t demnstrate exercises. Suddenly, he tripped n a lse stne, lst balance and fell dwn, his head striking the bench and bleeding heavily.
    Crying in pain, Jack tried t get up, but he didn’t have the strength t rise. He cllapsed n the grund, screaming desperately fr help.
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    There was nbdy arund but the elderly lady.
    T Jack’s jy, a net friend sent a message saying where the lady lived.
    1-5 BACBA 6-10 BBACB 11-15 ACABA 16-20 CACCA
    试卷说明:试卷共四部分:第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C. £9.15.
    答案是 C。
    1. What did the girl d last night?
    A. She bserved the stars.
    B. She gave a presentatin.
    C. She went t an art shw.
    2. What did the wman find difficult?
    A. The essay sectin.
    B. The blank filling questins.
    C. The multiple-chice sectin.
    3 Where are the speakers?
    A. On a bus. B. In a cmpany. C. In a lift.
    4. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A hike. B. A vacatin plan. C. A skiing experience.
    5. What des the man mean?
    A. He has nwhere t put the tree.
    B. He will mve away in a few days.
    C. He is glad t accept the wman’s ffer.
    第二节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 22.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What is unique abut Hamlet?
    A. The female lead. B. The stage design. C. The mdern adaptatin.
    7. Hw des the wman sund in the end?
    A. Disappinted. B. Hesitant. C. Angry.
    8. What might the wman be?
    A. A salespersn. B. A dctr. C. A nurse.
    9. What did the dctr ask the man t d?
    A. Eat less nuts and grains.
    B. Cnsume high-fat meat.
    C. Avid high-calrie fd.
    听第8段材料,回答第10至 12题。
    10. What is the presentatin abut?
    A. A survey result. B. A new prduct. C. A wrking schedule.
    11. Why des the wman suggest the man attend the presentatin?
    A. T get familiar with the new team.
    B. T find inspiratin fr his survey reprt.
    C. T knw mre abut the market department.
    12. What time will the man meet the wman?
    A. At 3:00 p. m. B. At 2:55 p. m. C. At 2:45 p. m.
    听第9段材料,回答第13至 16 题。
    13. What des Ann say abut her perfrmance in the Wrld Champinships?
    A. She did better than she had expected.
    B. She regretted nt preparing well enugh.
    C. She was disappinted t win a silver medal.
    14. Hw ften des Ann practice?
    A. Once a week. B. Every day. C. Six days a week.
    15. What is Ann’s attitude twards the ther cmpetitrs?
    A. She avids clse cntact with them.
    B. She likes t cmmunicate with them.
    C. She has made gd friends with them.
    16. What des Ann enjy ding in her free time nw?
    A. Flying kites. B. Reading. C. Skiing.
    17. What made the blg first knwn t the public?
    A. A newspaper reprt. B. A TV prgram. C. A pht.
    18. What des Bnnie d fr the blg?
    A. He takes phts. B. He acts as mdels. C. He des Eden’s make-up.
    19. What is the main tpic f Ella’s blgs?
    A. Fashin trends. B. Mney saving tips. C. Clthes fr students.
    20. Which perid f clthes has recently inspired Ella mst?
    A. The 1920s. B. The 1970s. C. The 1980s.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    The Internatinal Olympic Cmmittee(IOC)Yung Leaders prgramme empwers talents t make a psitive difference in their cmmunities thrugh sprt. Twenty-five Yung Leaders are being selected every tw years fr a fur-year perid. They prmte the Olympic values, spreading the message f sprt fr gd.
    T be an IOC Yung Leader yu need t first cmplete the 4-Week Learning Sprint (冲刺).
    4-Week Learning Sprint
    The 4-Week Learning Sprint, which will take place during Nvember 2023, is a virtual learning prgramme. The sessins can be attended live r watched back after they are made available n the IOC channel. Each week, participants will be asked t cmplete a tpic﹣specific reflectin task.
    The 4-Week Learning Sprint is pen t anyne, with the target audience aged between 20 and 28.
    After successfully cmpleting the 4-Week Learning Sprint, yu will need t submit a plan fr a sprt﹣based prject, which yu will wrk n if selected as an IOC Yung Leader.
    Requirements fr the Applicants
    •Yu have successfully cmpleted the 4-Week Learning Sprint.
    •Yu have cmpleted yur high schl studies.
    •Yu have at least ne year f wrk experience.
    •Yu have strng public speaking skills.
    •Yu are self-mtivated and cmmitted.
    •Yu are passinate abut creating psitive change in yur cmmunity.
    •Yu are pen t being cached and advised by experts and peers (同伴).
    •Yu are able t wrk with peple frm different backgrunds.
    1. In the 4-Week Learning Sprint, participants will ________.
    A. create change in their cmmunityB. attend a virtual learning prgramme
    C. meet peple frm different backgrundsD. prmte the IOC Yung Leaders prject
    2. If selected as an IOC Yung Leader, ne will need t ________.
    A. cmplete a reflectin task each weekB. watch sprts n the IOC channel
    C. wrk n a sprt-based prjectD. cach and advise their peers
    3. Which is a requirement fr the applicants?
    A. Spreading the message f sprt fr gd.B. Having at least ne-year wrk experience.
    C. Shwing great passin fr prject planning.D. Cmmitting themselves t becming an expert.
    【答案】1. B 2. C 3. B
    细节理解题。根据4-Week Learning Sprint部分中“The 4-Week Learning Sprint, which will take place during Nvember 2023, is a virtual learning prgramme. The sessins can be attended live r watched back after they are made available n the IOC channel. (为期4周的学习冲刺是一个虚拟学习计划,将于2023年11月进行。这些会议可以现场观看,也可以在IOC频道播出后观看)”可知,在为期四周的学习冲刺中,参与者将参加虚拟学习课程。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据4-Week Learning Sprint部分中“After successfully cmpleting the 4-Week Learning Sprint, yu will need t submit a plan fr a sprt﹣based prject, which yu will wrk n if selected as an IOC Yung Leader. (在成功完成为期4周的冲刺学习后,您需要提交一份以体育为基础的项目计划,如果您被选为国际奥委会青年领袖,您将参与其中)”可知,如果被选为国际奥委会青年领袖,需要做一个以运动为基础的项目。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Requirements fr the Applicants部分中“Yu have at least ne year f wrk experience. (你至少有一年的工作经验)”可知,对申请人的要求是至少一年工作经验。故选B。
    Fr the past five years, Paula Smith, a histrian f science, has devted herself t re-creating lng-frgtten techniques. While ding research fr her new bk, she came acrss a 16th-century French manuscript(手稿)cnsisting f nearly 1,000 sets f instructins, cvering subjects frm tl making t finding the best sand.
    The authr's intentin remains as mysterius(神秘)as his name; he may have been simply taking ntes fr his wn recrds. But Smith was struck mainly by the fact that she didn't truly grasp any f the skills the authr described. "Yu simply can't get an understanding f that handwrk by reading abut it," she says.
    Thugh Smith did get her hands n the best sand, ding things the ld-fashined way isn't just abut playing arund with French mud. Recnstructing the wrk f the craftsmen(工匠)wh lived centuries ag can reveal hw they viewed the wrld, what bjects filled their hmes, and what went n in the wrkshps that prduced them. It can even help slve present-day prblems: In 2015, scientists discvered that a 10th-century English medicine fr eve prblems culd kill a drug-resistant virus.
    The wrk has als brught insights fr museums, Smith says. One must knw hw an bject was made in rder t preserve it. What's mre, recnstructins might be the nly way t knw what treasures lked like befre time wre them dwn. Schlars have seen this idea in practice with ancient Greek and Rman statues. These sculptures were painted a rainbw f striking clurs. We can't appreciate these kinds f details withut seeing wrks f art as they riginally appeared-smething Smith believes yu can d nly when yu have a rad map.
    Smith has put the manuscript's ideas int practice. Her final gal is t link the wrlds f art and science back tgether: She believes that bringing the ld recipes t life can help develp a kind f learning that highlights experimentatin, teamwrk, and prblem slving.
    Back when science—then called “the new philsphy”—tk shape, academics lked t craftsmen fr help in understanding the natural wrld. Micrscpes and telescpes were invented by way f artistic tinkering(修补), as craftsmen experimented with glass t better bend light.
    If we can rediscver the values f hands-n experience and craftwrk, Smith says, we can marry the best f ur mdern insights with the handiness f ur ancestrs.
    4. Hw did Smith, feel after reading the French manuscript?
    A. Cnfused abut the technical terms.
    B. Impressed with its detailed instructins.
    C. Discuraged by its cmplex structure.
    D. Shcked fr her wn lack f hand skills.
    5. Accrding t Smith, the recnstructin wrk is dne mainly t _____________.
    A. restre ld wrkshpsB. understand the craftsmen
    C. imprve visual effectsD. inspire the philsphers
    6. Why des the authr mentin museums?
    A. T reveal the beauty f ancient bjects.
    B. T present the findings f ld science.
    C. T highlight the imprtance f antiques.
    D. T emphasise the values f hand skills.
    7. Which wuld be the best title fr this passage?
    A. Craftsmen Set the Trends fr Artists
    B. Craftsmanship Leads t New Theries
    C. Craftsmanship Makes Better Scientists
    D. Craftsmen Reshape the Future f Science
    【答案】4. D 5. B 6. D 7. C
    【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述科学家Paula Smith致力于对古代手工技能的研究,认为科学家如果能够把古代的手工技能和现代的科学方法结合起来,就能够创造更大成就。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“But Smith was struck mainly by the fact that she didn't truly grasp any f the skills the authr described. "Yu simply can't get an understanding f that handwrk by reading abut it," she says.” 让史密斯震惊的主要是,她并没有真正掌握作者所描述的任何技能。她说:“你根本无法通过阅读来了解这些手工作品。” 由此可知读完这份法国手稿,这种手工技能让史密斯感到震惊,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Recnstructing the wrk f the craftsmen(工匠)wh lived centuries ag can reveal hw they viewed the wrld, what bjects filled their hmes, ” 重建几个世纪前工匠的作品,可以揭示他们如何看待世界,他们的家里有什么物件。由此可知,重建工作主要是为了了解工匠。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第四段“The wrk has als brught insights fr museums, Smith says. One must knw hw n bject was made in rder t preserve it. What's mre, recnstructins might be the nly way t knw what treasures lked like befre time wre them dwn.” 史密斯说,这项工作也给博物馆带来了深刻的见解。为了保存它,一个人必须知道一件物品是如何制成的。更重要的是,重建可能是唯一的方法,以了解宝藏磨损之前的样子。因此可知,博物馆要想很好保存物品,必须要知道这件物品是如何制成的,也是在强调手工技能的价值,故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段“If we can rediscver the values f hands-n experience and craftwrk, Smith says, we can marry the best f ur mdern insights with the handiness f ur ancestrs. ”史密斯说,如果我们能重新发现实践经验和工艺的价值,我们就能将现代的最好见解与我们祖先的灵巧结合起来。由此可知本文的中心思想就在于如果科学家能把古代的手工技巧同现代的理论结合起来,就能够获得更多的成就。C选项Craftsmanship Makes Better Scientists工艺造就了更好的科学家,符合文章主题,适合做标题,故选C。
    The impacts f climate change n peple’s health arund the wrld, including deaths due t heatwaves and the cnsequences f fd insecurity, are at their “mst wrrying” since an internatinal initiative began tracking them five years ag.
    All 16 indicatrs f the health impacts f a warming wrld are wrsening, The Lancet Cuntdwn reprt published recently shws. “Climate change-induced shcks are claiming lives, damaging health and disrupting (扰乱) livelihds in all parts f the wrld right nw. That means n cntinent r cmmunity remains untuched,” says Ian Hamiltn at University Cllege Lndn.
    The reprt fund that between 2000 and 2018, the number f heat-related deaths each year in peple aged ver 65 jumped by almst 54 percent t 296,000 glbally. Mst were in Japan, China, India, and Eurpe. Mre than half f 196 cuntries saw an increase in the risk f peple expsed t wildfires between 2016-2019, cmpared t 2001-2004. Based n area rather than ppulatin, Australia saw ne f the biggest increases in wildfire risk between the same perids.
    Hamiltn, the directr f The Lancet Cuntdwn initiative, urged gvernments t make sure the carbn-cutting plans they submit t the United Natins ahead f the COP26 climate summit (峰会) next year — knwn as Natinally Determined Cntributins (NDCs) — are nt just ambitius, but factr in health. “At the mment, health is nt featuring amng the NDCs in the way that it needs t,” he says, highlighting the urgent need fr immediate actin t reduce the destructive health impacts f climate change. Failure t take actin nw will lead t even mre severe cnsequences fr peple’s health and well-being in the future.
    8. What can be inferred frm Hamiltn’s wrds in paragraph 2?
    A. Peple’s livelihds need imprvement.
    B. It’s time t take persnal health seriusly.
    C. Peple n Earth are all victims f climate change.
    D. Climate change is the leading cause f fd insecurity.
    9. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The destructin f natural disasters.
    B. The reasns fr wrsening glbal warming.
    C. The urgency f reducing heat-related deaths.
    D. The effects f climate change n human health.
    10. What des Hamiltn expect gvernments t d?
    A. Include health prblems in NDCs.
    B. Play their parts in reducing carbn.
    C. Educate the public abut health issues.
    D. Raise citizens’ envirnmental awareness.
    11. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A news reprt.B. A research plan.
    C. A travel brchure.D. A bilgy textbk.
    【答案】8. C 9. D 10. A 11. A
    推理判断题。根据第二段中的“‘Climate change-induced shcks are claiming lives, damaging health and disrupting (扰乱) livelihds in all parts f the wrld right nw. That means n cntinent r cmmunity remains untuched,’ says Ian Hamiltn at University Cllege Lndn.(‘气候变化引发的冲击正在夺走生命,破坏健康,扰乱世界各地的生计,这意味着没有一个大陆或社区能够幸免。’伦敦大学学院的伊恩·汉密尔顿(IanHamiltn)说)”可知,地球上的所有人都会受到气候变化的影响,成为其受害者。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段“The reprt fund that between 2000 and 2018, the number f heat-related deaths each year in peple aged ver 65 jumped by almst 54 percent t 296,000 glbally. Mst were in Japan, China, India, and Eurpe. Mre than half f 196 cuntries saw an increase in the risk f peple expsed t wildfires between 2016-2019, cmpared t 2001-2004. Based n area rather than ppulatin, Australia saw ne f the biggest increases in wildfire risk between the same perids.(该报告发现,在2000年至2018年期间,全球65岁以上人群每年与热有关的死亡人数激增近54%,达到296000人。大多数在日本、中国、印度和欧洲。与2001-2004年相比,196个国家中有一半以上的国家在2016-2019年期间暴露于野火的风险增加。根据面积而非人口,澳大利亚是同期野火风险增加最多的国家之一。)”可知,第三段主要介绍了气候变化对人类健康造成的影响。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“Hamiltn, the directr f The Lancet Cuntdwn initiative, urged gvernments t make sure the carbn-cutting plans they submit t the United Natins ahead f the COP26 climate summit (峰会) next year — knwn as Natinally Determined Cntributins (NDCs) — are nt just ambitius, but factr in health. ‘At the mment, health is nt featuring amng the NDCs in the way that it needs t,’ he says, highlighting the urgent need fr immediate actin t reduce the destructive health impacts f climate change. Failure t take actin nw will lead t even mre severe cnsequences fr peple’s health and well-being in the future.(Lancet Cuntdwn倡议的负责人Hamiltn敦促各国政府确保在明年COP26气候峰会之前向联合国提交的碳减排计划——即国家自主贡献(NDCs)——不仅雄心勃勃,而且考虑到健康因素。他说:‘目前,健康并没有以它需要的方式出现在国家数据中心中。’他强调,迫切需要立即采取行动,减少气候变化对健康的破坏性影响。现在不采取行动将对人们未来的健康和福祉造成更严重的后果。)”可知,Hamiltn期望政府能将健康问题纳入NDCs的考量范围之内。故选A项。
    推理判断题。由文章第一段“The impacts f climate change n peple’s health arund the wrld, including deaths due t heatwaves and the cnsequences f fd insecurity, are at their ‘mst wrrying’since an internatinal initiative began tracking them five years ag.(气候变化对世界各地人民健康的影响,包括热浪造成的死亡和粮食不安全的后果,是自五年前一项国际倡议开始跟踪以来‘最令人担忧’的。)”以及下文可知,本文主要介绍了一项研究报告,即气候变化对世界各地人民的健康的影响越来越大。由此可推知,本文最有可能来自一篇新闻报道。故选A项。
    Is scial media really making yung peple antiscial (孤僻的)? A surprising new study finds that children and yung adults wh use these platfrms the mst are actually mre active in the real wrld than thers! The new findings cme frm a lng-term prject called the Trndheim Early Secure Study. Researchers cllected infrmatin frm abut 800 children and yung adults when they were 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 years ld. This included interviews abut each child’s use f scial media frm year t year. The gal was t determine if using scial media affects a yung persn’s verall scial skills.
    T the team’s surprise, participants frequently using these platfrms did nt see their scial skills reduced. “On the cntrary, we find that peple wh use scial media a lt spend mre time with friends ffline than thse wh tend t limit their screen time,” says Prfessr Silje Steinsbekk frm the Nrwegian University f Science and Technlgy’s Department f Psychlgy.
    Hwever, scial media can present challenges fr children and teens. Althugh it ffers a cnvenient and cmfrtable way fr thse with scial anxiety t cmmunicate, it can als lead t addictin and misuse. Studies have suggested that yung peple with anxiety are mre easily affected by the negative effects f scial media, which can wrsen their symptms and harm their mental health. Therefre, it is crucial fr parents t mnitr their children’s nline activity and usage.
    Despite the risks t sme, the team says their findings debunk the belief that scial media causes yung peple t becme scially islated. In fact, their frequent use f scial platfrms may actually give them mre pprtunities t cnnect with ld and new friends and set up chances t g ut and scialize utdrs.
    12. What des the study fcus n?
    A. The imprtance f yung peple’s scial skills.
    B. The impact f scial media n yung peple.
    C. Reasns fr peple becming islated frm the cmmunity.
    D. Ways t prevent children frm becming addicted t scial media.
    13. Wh may prbably be mre active in the real wrld accrding t the study?
    A. A teenager wh uses scial media frequently.
    B. A by wh never makes friends nline.
    C. A girl wh seldm surfs the Internet.
    D. A new parent wh is experiencing scial anxiety.
    14. What can be inferred frm paragraph 3?
    A. Negative emtins cause teens t misuse scial media.
    B. Kids are mre easily influenced by scial media than adults.
    C. Online cmmunicatin can help imprve peple’s mental health.
    D. Scial media is a duble-edged swrd fr yung peple with anxiety.
    15. What des the underlined wrd “debunk” in the last paragraph prbably mean?
    A. Explain.B. Ignre.
    C. Cnfirm.D. Cntradict.
    【答案】12. B 13. A 14. D 15. D
    细节理解题。由文章第一段中“The gal was t determine if using scial media affects a yung persn’s verall scial skills.”(目的是确定使用社交媒体是否会影响年轻人的总体社交技能。)可知,该研究关注的社交媒体对年轻人的影响。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段中““On the cntrary, we find that peple wh use scial media a lt spend mre time with friends ffline than thse wh tend t limit their screen time,” says Prfessr Silje Steinsbekk frm the Nrwegian University f Science and Technlgy’s Department f Psychlgy.”(“相反,我们发现,经常使用社交媒体的人比那些倾向于限制屏幕时间的人花更多的时间与线下的朋友在一起,”挪威科技大学心理学系的斯利杰·斯坦斯贝克教授说。)可知,根据研究,经常使用社交媒体的青少年可能在现实世界中更活跃。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“Hwever, scial media can present challenges fr children and teens. Althugh it ffers a cnvenient and cmfrtable way fr thse with scial anxiety t cmmunicate, it can als lead t addictin and misuse. Studies have suggested that yung peple with anxiety are mre easily affected by the negative effects f scial media, which can wrsen their symptms and harm their mental health. Therefre, it is crucial fr parents t mnitr their children’s nline activity and usage.”(然而,社交媒体给儿童和青少年带来了挑战。虽然它为那些有社交焦虑的人提供了一种方便和舒适的交流方式,但它也可能导致上瘾和滥用。研究表明,焦虑的年轻人更容易受到社交媒体负面影响的影响,这会使他们的症状恶化,损害他们的心理健康。因此,家长监控孩子的网络活动和使用情况是至关重要的。)可知,对于有焦虑的年轻人来说,社交媒体是一把双刃剑。因为虽然它为社交焦虑者提供了一种方便舒适的沟通方式,但也可能导致成瘾和误用,且对有焦虑的年轻人负面影响更大,这表明了其具有两面性。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据最后一段“that scial media causes yung peple t becme scially islated”(社交媒体导致年轻人社交孤立)和“In fact, their frequent use f scial platfrms may actually give them mre pprtunities t cnnect with ld and new friends and set up chances t g ut and scialize utdrs.”(事实上,他们频繁使用社交平台可能会让他们有更多机会与新老朋友联系,并有机会出去参加户外社交活动。)可知,团队的说法与普遍认为社交媒体使年轻人变得孤立的观点相反,因此debunk一词最有可能的意思是“反驳”。A. Explain解释;B. Ignre忽略;C. Cnfirm确认;D. Cntradict反驳。故选D。
    第二节(共5 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    Mney habits are the small daily decisins we make that influence hw we spend and save ur mney. ___16___, but with a little awareness and effrt, we can make imprvements that will help us achieve ur financial bjectives.
    ____17____. This invlves tracking all yur spending fr a mnth and then analyzing the data. It can make yu realize the ptential issues n yur spending habits, which help yu identify areas where yu can adjust yur spending patterns.
    Next, set up clear financial bjectives fr yurself. Having a specific bjective in mind will help yu keep mtivated and fcused, whether it’s saving fr a dwn payment n a hme, remving credit card debt, r creating an emergency fund.
    Setting and sticking t a budget is als crucial. A budget ensures that yur spending is fcused n yur pririties and that yu set aside enugh cash t achieve yur bjectives.____18____.
    ____19____. It’s critical t take actin t stp the habit f impulse (冲动) shpping because it can significantly reduce yur bank accunt. Making a list f the items yu require befre yu g shpping and sticking t it is ne apprach t achieve this. Additinally, waiting a day r tw befre making a purchase can help yu determine if yu still want the item.
    Finally, it’s critical t pay attentin t yur financial habits and adjust them as needed. Track yur spending and gals, and be prepared t adjust as required. ____20____, and its effects might nt be seen right away. With a little knwledge and effrt, yu can make psitive changes, helping yu achieve yur financial bjectives and strengthen yur verall financial health.
    A. It might be challenging t change these habits
    B. Impulsive purchasing is a crucial habit t break
    C. Create a checklist f the items yu aim t purchase
    D. Take a careful lk at yur existing spending habits
    E. Gd mney habits shuld be develped frm nw n
    F. Keep in mind that adjusting yur spending patterns is a prcess
    G. Make sure t include a categry fr savings and use it cnsistently
    【答案】16. A 17. D 18. G 19. B 20. F
    由上文“Mney habits are the small daily decisins we make that influence hw we spend and save ur mney.(金钱习惯是我们每天做出的影响我们如何花钱和存钱的小决定。) ”可知,这里主要讲金钱习惯的定义,而A项It might be challenging t change these habits(改变这些习惯可能很有挑战性)符合语境,其中these habits代指上文Mney habits,有承上作用。故选A项。
    由下文“This invlves tracking all yur spending fr a mnth and then analyzing the data. It can make yu realize the ptential issues n yur spending habits, which help yu identify areas where yu can adjust yur spending patterns.(这涉及跟踪你一个月的所有支出,然后分析数据。它可以让你意识到你的消费习惯中的潜在问题,这有助于你确定可以调整消费模式的领域。)”可知,这里主要讲跟踪你的支出明细。而D项Take a careful lk at yur existing spending habits(仔细看看你现有的消费习惯)符合语境,对下文有总括作用,其中spending habits与下文对应。故选D项。
    由上文“Setting and sticking t a budget is als crucial. A budget ensures that yur spending is fcused n yur pririties and that yu set aside enugh cash t achieve yur bjectives.(制定并坚持预算也很重要。预算确保你的支出集中在你的优先事项上,并确保你留出足够的现金来实现你的目标。)”可知,这里主要建议制定预算,而G项Make sure t include a categry fr savings and use it cnsistently(确保包括一个储蓄类别,并始终如一地使用它)符合语境,其中savings与上文set aside enugh cash对应,有承上作用。故选G项。
    由下文“It’s critical t take actin t stp the habit f impulse(冲动) shpping because it can significantly reduce yur bank accunt. Making a list f the items yu require befre yu g shpping and sticking t it is ne apprach t achieve this. Additinally, waiting a day r tw befre making a purchase can help yu determine if yu still want the item.(采取行动阻止冲动购物的习惯至关重要,因为这会大大减少你的银行账户。在购物前列出你需要的物品并坚持下去是实现这一目标的一种方法。此外,在购买前等待一两天可以帮助您确定是否仍然想要该商品。)”可知,这里主要讲减少冲动购物。而B项Impulsive purchasing is a crucial habit t break(冲动购物是一个需要改掉的重要习惯)符合语境,对下文有总括作用,其中Impulsive purchasing与下文impulse(冲动) shpping 对应。故选B项。
    由下文“and its effects might nt be seen right away.(其效果可能不会立即显现。)”可知,这里主要讲效果并不是立竿见影,而F项Keep in mind that adjusting yur spending patterns is a prcess(请记住,调整你的消费模式是一个过程)符合语境。其中adjusting yur spending patterns与下文it对应,a prcess与下文might nt be seen right away对应,所以有启下作用。故选F项。
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    My daughter Rachel had severe ADHD (多动症) as a child. The mst ____21____ mments ften came when we were ut ____22____. All parents have been there trying t remain calm while their child is having an tantrum (耍性子) and shppers are ____23____ their heads.
    Rachel is nw twenty-fur and has grwn int an amazing yung wman. ____24____, thse ld terrible memries feel nt-s-distant when I ____25____ a child’s similar behavir. The screams caused flashbacks that I wuld rather ____26____.
    Last week, Rachel and I were shpping in the supermarket when we heard a child’s ____27____ that lasted mre than fifteen minutes. My daughter asked, “Mm! Is that what I used t sund like?” “Yes, yu sunded just like that,” I ____28____.
    As we apprached, I culd see peple whispering t each ther and shaking their heads. Then I saw the embarrassment and ____29____ in the yung mther’s face. I then did smething I’d never dne befre. I walked ver t the mm and put my arms arund her shulders. “I knw exactly what yu are ______30______ right nw, and I knw hw yu feel. It des get better. Believe me.” I said. I then intrduced Rachel t the mther. I ______31______ that my daughter had been just like her sn when she was little.
    She hugged me back, s tightly that I knew she was ______32______ t me. Her sn stpped screaming fr a minute and lked at us with a(n) ______33______ expressin. At that mment, I culd see ______34______ wash ver her.
    Smetimes a stranger’s kind wrds during a ______35______ mment can mean the wrld t smene.
    21. A. criticalB. embarrassingC. preciusD. entertaining
    22. A. in dangerB. in shckC. in trubleD. in public
    23. A. usingB. raisingC. shakingD. burying
    24. A. TherefreB. MreverC. InsteadD. Hwever
    25. A. encunteredB. crrectedC. judgedD. applauded
    26. A. recrdB. shareC. frgetD. refresh
    27. A. screamB. stryC. appealD. laughter
    28. A. regrettedB. repliedC. prmisedD. suggested
    29. A. fearB. desireC. prideD. mercy
    30. A. wrking nB. preparing frC. ging thrughD. dreaming f
    31. A. jkedB. assumedC. declaredD. explained
    32. A. gratefulB. pliteC. generusD. familiar
    33. A. annyedB. scaredC. surprisedD. excited
    34. A. shameB. disappintmentC. satisfactinD. relief
    35. A. magicalB. stressfulC. peacefulD. decisive
    【答案】21. B 22. D 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. B
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最尴尬的时刻往往出现在我们在公共场合的时候。A. critical关键的;B. embarrassing令人尴尬的;C. precius宝贵的;D. entertaining令人愉快的。根据下文中的“Then I saw the embarrassment and ____9____ in the yung mther’s face.”可知,作者看到了年轻妈妈脸上的尴尬,由此可推测,此处指的是作者自己经历的“令人尴尬的”时刻,符合语境。故选B项。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:最尴尬的时刻往往出现在我们在公共场合的时候。A. in danger在危险中;B. in shck震惊地;C. in truble在麻烦中;D. in public公共地。根据下文中的“As we apprached, I culd see peple whispering t each ther and shaking their heads.”可知,作者与女儿去购物时看到的令人尴尬的场景,有些人在低语,有些人在摇头,由此可推断,那种令人尴尬的场景发生在“公共”场合。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当孩子发脾气时,所有的父母都试图保持冷静,而购物者则摇头。A. using使用;B. raising增加;C. shaking揺晃;D. burying掩藏。根据下文中的“As we apprached, I culd see peple whispering t each ther and shaking their heads.”可知,有些人在低语,有些人在摇头,由此可知,此处指的是购物者“摇头”符合语境。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,当我遇到一个孩子类似的行为时,那些可怕的记忆就不再那么遥远了。A. Therefre因此;B. Mrever而且;C. Instead反而;D. Hwever然而。根据上文中的“Rachel is nw twenty-fur and has grwn int an amazing yung wman.”可知,作者以前那个在公共场合耍性子的女儿已经长大成人,结合下文中的“thse ld terrible memries feel nt-s-distant”可知,那些可怕的记忆就不再那么遥远,结合句意可知,上下文之间为转折关系,表示“然而”符合逻辑。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,当我遇到一个孩子类似的行为时,那些可怕的记忆就不再那么遥远了。A. encuntered偶遇;B. crrected纠正;C. judged判断;D. applauded鼓掌。根据上文中的“thse ld terrible memries feel nt-s-distant”可知,那些可怕的记忆不再遥远,由此可推测,此处指的是作者“遇到”一个孩子类似的行为时,这样的记忆马上就呈现出来。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:尖叫声引起了我宁愿忘记的回忆。A. recrd记录;B. share分享;C. frget忘记;D. refresh使恢复精力。根据上文中的“thse ld terrible memries feel nt-s-distant”可知,作者认为那种记忆是可怕的,所以作者应该是宁愿“忘记”而不愿记起的。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:上周,我和Rachel在超市购物,突然听到一个孩子的尖叫,持续了15分钟多。A. scream尖叫;B. stry故事;C. appeal呼吁;D. laughter大笑。根据上文中的“The screams caused flashbacks that I wuld rather ____6____ .”可知,此处指的是作者与女儿去超市购物时遇到的一个孩子在耍性子的场景,由此可知,此处指的是一个害的“尖叫声”持续了15分钟多。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“是的,你听起来就是这样,”我回答。A. regretted后悔;B. replied回答;C. prmised承诺;D. suggested建议。根据上文中的“My daughter asked, “Mm! Is that what I used t sund like?””可知,作者的女儿问到作者,所以此处应指是作者做出“回答”符合语境。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后我看到了这位年轻妈妈脸上的尴尬和恐惧。A. fear害怕;B. desire欲望;C. pride自豪;D. mercy同情。根据上文中的“thse ld terrible memries feel nt-s-distant when I ____5____ a child’s similar behavir.”可知,作者在遇到孩子类似的行为时那种可怕的记忆就不在遥远,由此可知,此处指的是这位年轻妈妈脸上的尴尬和“害怕”符合语境。故选A项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我知道你现在经历的一切,我知道你的感受。A. wrking n从事;B. preparing fr为……做准备;C. ging thrugh经历;D. dreaming f梦想。根据语境和下文中的“and I knw hw yu feel. It des get better. Believe me.”可知,作者看到类似的情景上去安慰年轻的妈妈,作者告诉她很理解现在她的感受,因为作者感同身受,由此可知,此处指的是作者知道年轻妈妈“经历”的一切,符合语境。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我解释说,我女儿小时候就像她儿子一样。A. jked开玩笑;B. assumed认为;C. declared宣布;D. explained解释。根据上文中的“I walked ver t the mm and put my arms arund her shulders. “I knw exactly what yu are ____10____ right nw, and I knw hw yu feel. It des get better. Believe me.””可知,作者上去安慰年轻的妈妈,并告诉她一切都会好起来,要年轻妈妈相信她,结合下文中的“that my daughter had been just like her sn when she was little.”可知,作者告诉年轻妈妈,自己的女儿小时候跟她的儿子一样,由此可知,此处指的是作者向年轻妈妈“解释”作者为什么会有这样的言行。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她也紧紧地拥抱了我,我知道她很感激我。A. grateful感激的;B. plite有礼貌的;C. generus慷慨的;D. familiar熟悉的。根据语境和上文中的“She hugged me back, s tightly”可知,作者安慰年轻的妈妈,并且鼓励她,所以年轻妈妈也紧紧地抱着作者,由此可知,此处表示年轻妈妈很“感激”作者的安慰和鼓励。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她的儿子停止了一分钟的尖叫,带着惊讶的表情看着我们。A. annyed恼怒的;B. scared害怕的;C. surprised惊讶的;D. excited兴奋的。根据语境和上文中的“Her sn stpped screaming fr a minute and lked at us”可知,小男孩看到作者的举动停止了一分钟的尖叫,由此可推测,此处表示小男孩被作者的举动惊到了,所以才不再尖叫,所以此处应表示“惊讶的”表情,符合语境。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在那一刻,我看到她如释重负。A. shame羞愧;B. disappintment失望;C. satisfactin满意;D. relief如释重负。根据上文中的“Her sn stpped screaming fr a minute and lked at us with a(n) ____13____ expressin.”可知,小男孩惊讶地看着作者,停止了尖叫声,这样年轻妈妈应该会感到轻松一些,所以,此处表示“如释重负”符合语境。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有时候,一个陌生人在紧张时刻的友好话语对某人来说意味着整个世界。A. magical充满魔力的;B. stressful紧张的;C. peaceful和平的;D. decisive决定性的。根据语境和上文中的“Then I saw the embarrassment and ____9____ in the yung mther’s face.”可知,在公众场合下自己的儿子在耍性子,年轻妈妈感到的是尴尬和恐惧,那种场合下的人应该是紧张不安的,在作者安慰她后,年轻妈妈变得如释重负,由此可知,此处指的是一个陌生人有好的话语对“紧张的”人来说意义重大。故选B项。
    第二节(共 10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    Fans will be seeing purple at the Olympics when athletes try t set recrds at this summer’s Paris Games. In a mve away frm a mre ____36____ (traditin) red-brick clay clr, an Olympic track is ging purple fr the first time.
    The clr f the lanes ___37___ (stand) ut frm the grey f the spectatr (观众) seating. This purple clr, never ___38___ (see) befre fr an athletics track, has been ___39___ result f a lng prcess but it desn’t have t be just beautiful.
    “We had t wrk hard n the clrs s that they came ut in the best pssible tnes ____40____ (highlight) the athletes. It’s a track and it has t be pretty, but abve all, it’s a stage ____41____ which the athletes are ging t perfrm. ____42____ is really imprtant is that the clrs and the athletes stand ut,” said Blndel.
    Different clrs can trigger different emtins and feelings. Fr example, red makes peple feel excited and energetic; blue helps reduce stress and anxiety ____43____ purple has sme f the characteristics f bth red and blue, ____44____ can mtivate athletes t perfrm at their best and help them prduce gd results.
    The best track and field athletes in the wrld ____45____ (cmpete) in the beautiful stadium at the Paris Olympics frm August 1st-11th, 2024.
    【答案】36 traditinal
    37. stands 38. seen
    39. the 40. t highlight
    41. n 42. What
    43. while 44. which
    45. will cmpete
    考查形容词。句意:为了摆脱传统的红砖粘土颜色,奥运会赛道首次变成了紫色。此空应填形容词traditinal作定语,修饰后面名词red-brick clay clr。故填traditinal。
    考查时态和主谓一致。句意:赛道的颜色从观众座位的灰色中脱颖而出。句子描述客观事实,应用一般现在时,主语The clr为单数,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填stands。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:这种紫色,在田径赛场上从未见过,是一个漫长过程的结果,但它不一定是美丽的。句中已有谓语has been,空处作非谓语动词,逻辑主语This purple clr与see为被动关系,应用过去分词形式作状语。故填seen。
    考查冠词。句意:这种紫色,在田径赛场上从未见过,是一个漫长过程的结果,但它不一定是美丽的。the result f 表“……的结果”,为固定搭配。故填the。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:我们必须努力设计颜色,使它们以尽可能好的色调出现,以突出运动员。结合语意可知,使它们以尽可能好的色调出现,是为了突出运动员,空处应用动词不定式形式作目的状语。故填t highlight。
    考查介词。句意:这是一条赛道,它必须很漂亮,但最重要的是,这是一个运动员将要表演的舞台。空处为“介词+which”引导限制性定语从句,且由a stage可知,空处应用介词n。故填n。
    考查时态。句意:2024年8月1日至11日,世界上最好的田径运动员在巴黎奥运会美丽的体育场比赛。根据时间状语August 1st-11th, 2024可知,句子应用一般将来时,且cmpete与主语The best track and field athletes in the wrld之间为主动关系。故填will cmpete。
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 40分)
    第一节(满分 15 分)
    46. 假如你是李华。你爱好中文的美国网友 Jhn 对你博客里的漫画“愚公移山”很感兴趣,请用英文给他回贴。
    注意: 1.词数80左右:
    Hi Jhn,
    I’m glad yu fund the cmic “Yu Gng Remves the Muntains” interesting!
    Best regards!
    Li Hua
    【答案】Hi Jhn,
    I’m glad yu fund the cmic “Yu Gng Remves the Muntains” interesting! Let me share the stry and its mral with yu.
    An ld man named Yu Gng lived in a village surrunded by tw huge muntains. Finding it difficult t travel, he decided t remve them. Despite his age and the demanding task, he and his family carried ut their plan. When peple laughed at him fr his flishness, he replied that while he might nt finish, future generatins wuld cntinue until they eventually succeeded. The gds, impressed by his determinatin, gave him a hand and the muntains were mved. This stry shws that perseverance and determinatin wrk wnders. It’s a reminder that nthing is impssible as lng as yu carry n.
    Hpefully, this stry will be a wnderful bridge fr yu t explre Chinese culture and inspire yu t unlck yur ptential.
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    坚持不懈:perseverance → tenacity
    决定:decided → reslved
    嘲笑:laughed at → mcked
    成功:succeeded → achieved
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Despite his age and the demanding task, he and his family carried ut their plan.
    拓展句:Despite the fact that he was advanced in years and faced with an arduus task, he and his family, undeterred, carried ut their plan with unwavering cmmitment.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】An ld man named Yu Gng lived in a village surrunded by tw huge muntains. (运用了过去分词作后置定语)
    【高分句型2】The gds, impressed by his determinatin, gave him a hand and the muntains were mved. (运用了过去分词作状语,表示原因,同时使用了并列句结构。)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “Oh, n!” Jack shuted while lking at the likes and cmments n his recent TikTk vide.
    “Why aren’t peple reacting t my cntent as they used t?”
    Jack was a 19-year-ld strng and muscular man addicted t the gym. He lved recrding exercise vides and psting them n his TikTk accunt. Initially, his vide lgs (vlgs) were ppular, but his psts’ reach sn decreased.
    Jack wndered why peple had stpped sharing and liking his vides, “Maybe my audience is tired f watching me wrk ut in the gym,” he thught, determined t change the lcatin f his vides.
    The fllwing day, Jack went t the neighbrhd park and began filming while walking n the track.“Hi, guys! Hw abut we shake things up a little? I’m t wrk ut in the park tday!” he said excitedly, lking int the camera lens (镜头).
    “Let’s lk fr a gd spt t warm up,” he said as he walked twards a bench(长椅), n which sat an elderly lady. Jack thught the bench was the perfect place t film his vide because f the light.
    He put his tripd stand (三脚架) n the bench and set the camera, but he felt like he needed the full bench. He wanted t place his camera where the lady sat, s he gestured t her t mve, but the wman didn’t seem t understand.
    “Get ut f my way!” he yelled.“Can’t yu see I’m filming a vide? Yu ld fl!” Lking him up and dwn in surprise, the ld lady didn’t argue ver his disrespectful attitude and quietly walked twards anther bench.
    Jack set his camera up, pressed the recrd buttn and waved at his fllwers, ready t demnstrate exercises. Suddenly, he tripped n a lse stne, lst balance and fell dwn, his head striking the bench and bleeding heavily.
    Crying in pain, Jack tried t get up, but he didn’t have the strength t rise. He cllapsed n the grund, screaming desperately fr help.
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    There was nbdy arund but the elderly lady.
    T Jack’s jy, a net friend sent a message saying where the lady lived.
    【答案】One pssible versin
    There was nbdy arund but the elderly lady. She hurried t him and bent dwn t check his injury. “Gd!” she gasped. “Dn’t mve. I’ll help yu, sn.” Lking at her kind face, Jack gradually lst cnsciusness. Having called an ambulance, the lady tended t his wunds carefully. Nt until Jack came t and fund himself and his belngings in an emergency rm did he learn that the lady had cntacted his family and quietly left. Overwhelmed by her virtue, Jack was desperate t find her. Frtunately, the rescue scene was whlly recrded by his camera. He psted the vide nline, requesting clues s that he culd say thanks and srry t her.
    T Jack’s jy, a net friend sent a message saying where the lady lived. With gifts, Jack headed fr the lady’s hme. Answering the dr, the lady was surprised but immediately gt aware f what was ging n. She gave Jack a hug, saying smilingly, “S glad t see yu well, sn.” “Srry, I came fr aplgies. I behaved s rudely … and thanks fr yur help. Otherwise…” Jack chked, ashamed and grateful. “Treat thers as yu’d like t be treated. Everything will change fr the better. I have faith in yu,” she cmfrted the yung man affectinately. The incident dramatically transfrmed Jack, wh became helpful, friendly and ppular.
    ①检查:check/inspect/lk ver
    ②得知:learn/find ut
    ③看见:see/spt/catch sight f
    ①向某人致谢:say thanks t sb/express ne’s gratitude t sb
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. Having called an ambulance, the lady tended t his wunds carefully.(现在分词短语作状语)
    [高分句型2]. The incident dramatically transfrmed Jack, wh became helpful, friendly and ppular.(wh 引导的定语从句)
    1-5 BACBA 6-10 BBACB 11-15 ACABA 16-20 CACCA

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