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    专题4 阅读理解议论文 (原卷版+解析版)

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    If yu want t tell the histry f the whle wrld, a histry that des nt privilege ne part f humanity, yu cannt d it thrugh texts alne, because nly sme f the wrld has ever had texts, while mst f the wrld, fr mst f the time, has nt. Writing is ne f humanity’s later achievements, and until fairly recently even many literate (有文字的) scieties recrded their cncerns nt nly in writing but in things.
    Ideally a histry wuld bring tgether texts and bjects, and sme chapters f this bk are able t d just that, but in many cases we simply can’t. The clearest example f this between literate and nn-literate histry is perhaps the first cnflict, at Btany Bay, between Captain Ck’s vyage and the Australian Abriginals. Frm the English side, we have scientific reprts and the captain’s recrd f that terrible day. Frm the Australian side, we have nly a wden shield (盾) drpped by a man in flight after his first experience f gunsht. If we want t recnstruct what was actually ging n that day, the shield must be questined and interpreted as deeply and strictly as the written reprts.
    In additin t the prblem f miscmprehensin frm bth sides, there are victries accidentally r deliberately twisted, especially when nly the victrs knw hw t write. Thse wh are n the lsing side ften have nly their things t tell their stries. The Caribbean Tain, the Australian Abriginals, the African peple f Benin and the Incas, all f whm appear in this bk, can speak t us nw f their past achievements mst pwerfully thrugh the bjects they made: a histry tld thrugh things gives them back a vice. When we cnsider cntact (联系) between literate and nn-literate scieties such as these, all ur first-hand accunts are necessarily twisted, nly ne half f a dialgue. If we are t find the ther half f that cnversatin, we have t read nt just the texts, but the bjects.
    12. What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Hw past events shuld be presented.B. What humanity is cncerned abut.
    C. Whether facts speak luder than wrds.D. Why written language is reliable.
    13. What des the authr indicate by mentining Captain Ck in paragraph 2?
    A. His reprt was scientific.B. He represented the lcal peple.
    C. He ruled ver Btany Bay.D. His recrd was ne-sided.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “cnversatin” in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. Prblem.B. Histry.C. Vice.D. Sciety.
    15. Which f the fllwing bks is the text mst likely selected frm?
    A. Hw Maps Tell Stries f the Wrld B. A Shrt Histry f Australia
    C. A Histry f the Wrld in 100 Objects D. Hw Art Wrks Tell Stries
    【答案】12. A 13. D 14. B 15. C
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“If yu want t tell the histry f the whle wrld, a histry that des nt privilege ne part f humanity, yu cannt d it thrugh texts alne, because nly sme f the wrld has ever had texts, while mst f the wrld, fr mst f the time, has nt. Writing is ne f humanity’s later achievements, and until fairly recently even many literate (有文字的) scieties recrded their cncerns nt nly in writing but in things. (如果你想讲述整个世界的历史,一段不以人类某一部分为特权的历史,你不能仅仅通过文本来讲述,因为世界上只有一部分人曾经有过文本,而世界上大多数人,在大多数时间里,都没有。写作是人类较晚的成就之一,直到最近,甚至许多有文字的社会也不仅用文字,而且用物件来记录他们所关心的事情。)”可推知,第一段主要讲述的是历史应该如何呈现给我们。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段首句“Ideally a histry wuld bring tgether texts and bjects, and sme chapters f this bk are able t d just that, but in many cases we simply can’t. (理想情况下,历史应该将文本和物品结合在一起,本书的某些章节能够做到这一点,但在许多情况下,我们根本做不到。)”可推断,作者认为历史应该是文本和物品相结合的产物,但是很多情况下,我们做不到。再根据所举例子的下文“Frm the English side, we have scientific reprts and the captain’s recrd f that terrible day. Frm the Australian side, we have nly a wden shield (盾) drpped by a man in flight after his first experience f gunsht. (在英国方面,我们有科学报告和船长对那可怕的一天的记录。从澳大利亚方面来看,我们只有一个木制盾牌,这是一名男子在第一次经历枪击后在飞行中扔下的。)”可知,作者举这个例子是为了说明船长的记录是片面的,只从自己的角度描述了问题。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据划线单词上文“The Caribbean Tain, the Australian Abriginals, the African peple f Benin and the Incas, all f whm appear in this bk, can speak t us nw f their past achievements mst pwerfully thrugh the bjects they made: a histry tld thrugh things gives them back a vice. When we cnsider cntact (联系) between literate and nn-literate scieties such as these, all ur first-hand accunts are necessarily twisted, nly ne half f a dialgue. (加勒比海的泰诺人、澳大利亚的土著人、贝宁的非洲人以及印加人,所有这些人都出现在这本书中,他们现在都可以通过他们制造的物品向我们讲述他们过去最强大的成就:通过物品讲述的历史给了他们一个声音。当我们考虑诸如此类的有文化社会和无文化社会之间的接触时,我们所有的第一手资料都必然是扭曲的,只有对话的一半。)”结合划线句“If we are t find the ther half f that cnversatin, we have t read nt just the texts, but the bjects. (如果我们要找到对话的另一半,我们不仅要读文本,还要读物体。)”可知,我们对过去历史的了解,只是书写历史的人所想要让我们了解的历史,如果我们想要了解历史的另一半,我们不仅仅要读文本也要读对象。所以cnversatin指的是“历史”。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“If yu want t tell the histry f the whle wrld, a histry that des nt privilege ne part f humanity, yu cannt d it thrugh texts alne, because nly sme f the wrld has ever had texts, while mst f the wrld, fr mst f the time, has nt.(如果你想讲述整个世界的历史,一段不以人类某一部分为特权的历史,你不能仅仅通过文本来讲述,因为世界上只有一部分人的历史曾经被文字记录过,而世界上大多数人,在大多数时间里,都没有。)”结合最后一段的“ If we are t find the ther half f that cnversatin, we have t read nt just the texts, but the bjects. (如果我们要找到对话的另一半,我们不仅要读文本,还要读物体。)”可知,本文讲述仅仅依靠书面文本来讲述世界历史有局限性,想要更好的了解历史就要将文本和物品结合在一起。从而推断文章最有可能选自《100件物品中的世界史》。故选C。
    【2022全国乙卷】 B
    In 1916, tw girls f wealthy families, best friends frm Auburn, N. Y. — Drthy Wdruff and Rsamnd Underwd — traveled t a settlement in the Rcky Muntains t teach in a ne-rm schlhuse. The girls had gne t Smith Cllege. They wre expensive clthes. S fr them t mve t Elkhead, Cl. t instruct the children whse shes were held tgether with string was a surprise. Their stay in Elkhead is the subject f Nthing Daunted: The Unexpected Educatin f Tw Sciety Girls in the West by Drthy Wickenden, wh is a magazine editr and Drthy Wdruff’s granddaughter.
    Why did they g then? Well, they wanted t d smething useful. Sn, hwever, they realized what they had undertaken.
    They mved in with a lcal family, the Harrisns, and, like them, had little privacy, rare baths, and a blanket f snw n their quilt when they wke up in the mrning. Sme mrnings, Rsamnd and Drthy wuld arrive at the schlhuse t find the children weeping frm the cld. In spring, the snw was replaced by mud ver ice.
    In Wickenden’s bk, she expanded n the histry f the West and als n feminism, which f curse influenced the girls’ decisin t g t Elkhead. A hair-raising sectin cncerns the building f the railrads, which entailed (牵涉) drilling thrugh the Rckies, ften in blinding snwstrms. The bk ends with Rsamnd and Drthy’s return t Auburn.
    Wickenden is a very gd stryteller. The sweep f the land and the sticism (坚忍) f the peple mve her t sme beautiful writing. Here is a picture f Drthy Wdruff, n her hrse, lking dwn frm a hill tp: “When the sun slipped behind the muntains, it shed a rsy glw all arund them. Then a full mn rse. The snw was marked nly by small animals: fxes, cytes, mice, and varying hares, which turned white in the winter.”
    24. Why did Drthy and Rsamnd g t the Rcky Muntains?
    A. T teach in a schl.B. T study American histry.
    C. T write a bk.D. T d sightseeing.
    25. What can we learn abut the girls frm paragraph 3?
    A. They enjyed much respect.B. They had a rm with a bathtub.
    C. They lived with the lcal kids.D. They suffered severe hardships.
    26. Which part f Wickenden’s writing is hair-raising?
    A. The extreme climate f Auburn.B. The living cnditins in Elkhead.
    C. The railrad building in the Rckies.D. The natural beauty f the West.
    27. What is the text?
    A. A news reprt.B. A bk review.C. A children’s stry.D. A diary entry.
    【答案】24. A 25. D 26. C 27. B
    【文章大意】这是一篇书评。本文简要介绍了Drthy Wickenden的书籍并对其进行了评价。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“In 1916, tw girls f wealthy families, best friends frm Auburn, Wdruff and Rsamnd Underwd -traveled t a settlement in the Rcky Muntains t teach in a ne-rm schlhuse. (1916年,来自纽约奥本市的两个富裕家庭的女孩——Drthy Wdruff和Rsamnd Underwd——来到落基山脉的一个定居点,在一间只有一个房间的学校教书。)”可知,Drthy和Rsamnd去落基山脉是为了去学校里教书。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“They mved in with a lcal family, the Harrisns, and like them, had little privacy, rare baths, and a blanket f snw n their quilt when they wke up in the mrning.(他们和一个当地家庭,哈里森一家一起搬进去,和他们一样,几乎没有隐私,很少洗澡,早上醒来时被子上覆盖着一层雪。)”以及“In spring, the snw was replaced by mud ver ice.(在春天,雪被泥替代覆盖在冰上。)”可知,女孩们的生活条件非常艰苦,她们饱受磨难。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“A hair-raising sectin cncerns the building f the railrads, which entailed drilling thrugh the Rckies, ften in blinding snwstrms.(令人毛骨悚然的一段与铁路建设有关,这涉及到在令人眩目的暴风雪中钻穿落基山脉。)”可知,Wickenden的作品中涉及落基山脉的铁路建设这一部分是令人毛骨悚然的。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“The bk ends with Rsamnd and Drthy’s return t Auburn.(这本书以Rsamnd和Drthy回到奥本结束。)”以及最后一段“Wickenden is a very gd stryteller. The sweep f the land and the sticism f the peple mve her t sme beautiful writing.( Wickenden是个很好的讲故事的人。大地的辽阔和人们的坚忍使她创作出了一些美丽的作品。)”可知,本文简要介绍了Wickenden的书籍内容,并对其进行了评价,所以文本是一篇书评。故选B项。
    【2022全国乙卷】 B
    In 1916, tw girls f wealthy families, best friends frm Auburn, N. Y. — Drthy Wdruff and Rsamnd Underwd — traveled t a settlement in the Rcky Muntains t teach in a ne-rm schlhuse. The girls had gne t Smith Cllege. They wre expensive clthes. S fr them t mve t Elkhead, Cl. t instruct the children whse shes were held tgether with string was a surprise. Their stay in Elkhead is the subject f Nthing Daunted: The Unexpected Educatin f Tw Sciety Girls in the West by Drthy Wickenden, wh is a magazine editr and Drthy Wdruff’s granddaughter.
    Why did they g then? Well, they wanted t d smething useful. Sn, hwever, they realized what they had undertaken.
    They mved in with a lcal family, the Harrisns, and, like them, had little privacy, rare baths, and a blanket f snw n their quilt when they wke up in the mrning. Sme mrnings, Rsamnd and Drthy wuld arrive at the schlhuse t find the children weeping frm the cld. In spring, the snw was replaced by mud ver ice.
    In Wickenden’s bk, she expanded n the histry f the West and als n feminism, which f curse influenced the girls’ decisin t g t Elkhead. A hair-raising sectin cncerns the building f the railrads, which entailed (牵涉) drilling thrugh the Rckies, ften in blinding snwstrms. The bk ends with Rsamnd and Drthy’s return t Auburn.
    Wickenden is a very gd stryteller. The sweep f the land and the sticism (坚忍) f the peple mve her t sme beautiful writing. Here is a picture f Drthy Wdruff, n her hrse, lking dwn frm a hill tp: “When the sun slipped behind the muntains, it shed a rsy glw all arund them. Then a full mn rse. The snw was marked nly by small animals: fxes, cytes, mice, and varying hares, which turned white in the winter.”
    24. Why did Drthy and Rsamnd g t the Rcky Muntains?
    A. T teach in a schl.B. T study American histry.
    C. T write a bk.D. T d sightseeing.
    25. What can we learn abut the girls frm paragraph 3?
    A. They enjyed much respect.B. They had a rm with a bathtub.
    C. They lived with the lcal kids.D. They suffered severe hardships.
    26. Which part f Wickenden’s writing is hair-raising?
    A. The extreme climate f Auburn.B. The living cnditins in Elkhead.
    C. The railrad building in the Rckies.D. The natural beauty f the West.
    27. What is the text?
    A. A news reprt.B. A bk review.C. A children’s stry.D. A diary entry.
    【答案】24. A 25. D 26. C 27. B
    【文章大意】这是一篇书评。本文简要介绍了Drthy Wickenden的书籍并对其进行了评价。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“In 1916, tw girls f wealthy families, best friends frm Auburn, Wdruff and Rsamnd Underwd -traveled t a settlement in the Rcky Muntains t teach in a ne-rm schlhuse. (1916年,来自纽约奥本市的两个富裕家庭的女孩——Drthy Wdruff和Rsamnd Underwd——来到落基山脉的一个定居点,在一间只有一个房间的学校教书。)”可知,Drthy和Rsamnd去落基山脉是为了去学校里教书。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“They mved in with a lcal family, the Harrisns, and like them, had little privacy, rare baths, and a blanket f snw n their quilt when they wke up in the mrning.(他们和一个当地家庭,哈里森一家一起搬进去,和他们一样,几乎没有隐私,很少洗澡,早上醒来时被子上覆盖着一层雪。)”以及“In spring, the snw was replaced by mud ver ice.(在春天,雪被泥替代覆盖在冰上。)”可知,女孩们的生活条件非常艰苦,她们饱受磨难。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“A hair-raising sectin cncerns the building f the railrads, which entailed drilling thrugh the Rckies, ften in blinding snwstrms.(令人毛骨悚然的一段与铁路建设有关,这涉及到在令人眩目的暴风雪中钻穿落基山脉。)”可知,Wickenden的作品中涉及落基山脉的铁路建设这一部分是令人毛骨悚然的。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“The bk ends with Rsamnd and Drthy’s return t Auburn.(这本书以Rsamnd和Drthy回到奥本结束。)”以及最后一段“Wickenden is a very gd stryteller. The sweep f the land and the sticism f the peple mve her t sme beautiful writing.( Wickenden是个很好的讲故事的人。大地的辽阔和人们的坚忍使她创作出了一些美丽的作品。)”可知,本文简要介绍了Wickenden的书籍内容,并对其进行了评价,所以文本是一篇书评。故选B项。
    Wh is a genius? This questin has greatly interested humankind fr centuries.
    Let's state clearly: Einstein was a genius. His face is almst the internatinal symbl fr genius. But we want t g beynd ne man and explre the nature f genius itself. Why is it that sme peple are s much mre intelligent r creative than the rest f us? And wh are they?
    In the sciences and arts, thse praised as geniuses were mst ften white men, f Eurpean rigin. Perhaps this is nt a surprise. It's said that histry is written by the victrs, and thse victrs set the standards fr admissin t the genius club. When cntributins were made by geniuses utside the club—wmen, r peple f a different clr r belief—they were unacknwledged and rejected by thers.
    A study recently published by Science fund that as yung as age six, girls are less likely than bys t say that members f their gender(性别)are “really, really smart.” Even wrse, the study fund that girls act n that belief: Arund age six they start t avid activities said t be fr children wh are “really, really smart.” Can ur planet affrd t have any great thinkers becme discuraged and give up? It desn't take a genius t knw the answer: abslutely nt.
    Here's the gd news. In a wired wrld with cnstant glbal cmmunicatin, we're all psitined t see flashes f genius wherever they appear. And the mre we lk, the mre we will see that scial factrs(因素)like gender, race, and class d nt determine the appearance f genius. As a writer says, future geniuses cme frm thse with “intelligence, creativity, perseverance(毅力), and simple gd frtune, wh are able t change the wrld.”
    12. What des the authr think f victrs' standards fr jining the genius club?
    A. They're unfair.B. They're cnservative.
    C. They're bjective.D. They're strict.
    13. What can we infer abut girls frm the study in Science?
    A. They think themselves smart.
    B. They lk up t great thinkers.
    C They see gender differences earlier than bys.
    D. They are likely t be influenced by scial beliefs
    14. Why are mre geniuses knwn t the public?
    A. Imprved glbal cmmunicatin.
    B. Less discriminatin against wmen.
    C. Acceptance f victrs' cncepts.
    D. Changes in peple's scial psitins.
    15. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Geniuses Think AlikeB. Genius Takes Many Frms
    C. Genius and IntelligenceD. Genius and Luck
    【答案】12. A 13. D 14. A 15. B
    推理判断题。根据第三段的“It is said that histry is written by victrs, and thse victrs set the standards fr admissin t the genius club. When cntributins were made by geniuses utside the club-wmen, r peple f a different clr r belief-they were unacknwledged and rejected by thers.( 据说历史是由胜利者书写的,而那些胜利者为进入天才俱乐部设定了标准。当俱乐部以外的天才——女性或不同肤色或信仰的人——做出贡献时,他们不会被承认并且被其他人拒绝)”可推知,作者认为那些“胜利者”对进入“天才俱乐部”设置的标准是不公平的,因为女性或者不同肤色或信仰的人做出的成就是得不到承认的。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第四段的“Even wrse, the study fund that girls act n that belief. Arund age six they start t avid activities said t be fr children wh are “really, really smart.”(更糟糕的是,研究发现女孩们是按照这个信念行事的。六岁左右,她们开始避免那些据说是“非常非常聪明”的孩子参加的活动)”可推知,女孩容易受到社会信仰的影响,认为自己在六岁左右就不适合做“聪明孩子”做的事情。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段的“In a wired wrld with cnstant glbal cmmunicatin, we’re all psitined t see flashes f genius wherever they appear.( 在一个全球通讯不断的有线世界里,我们随时随地都能看到天才的闪现)”可知,进步的全球通讯让更多的天才被公众所知道。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,结合文章第一段提出问题“Wh is a genius?(谁是天才)”和最后一段的“As a writer says, future geniuses cme frm thse with “intelligence, creativity, perseverance, and simple geniuses, wh are able t change the wrld.”(正如一位作家所说,未来的天才来自那些具有“智慧、创造力、毅力和那些能够改变世界的简单天才。”)”可知,天才不一定是那些有巨大贡献的人,他们也可以是某一方面比较突出的普通人。由此可知B项“天才有多种形式”可以作为本文最佳标题。故选B。
    There is smething t be said fr being a generalist, even if yu are a specialist. Knwing a little abut a lt f things that interest yu can add t the richness f a whle, well-lived life.
    Sciety pushes us t specialize, t becme experts. This requires cmmitment t a particular ccupatin, branch f study r research. The drawback t being specialists is we ften cme t knw mre and mre abut less and less. There is a great deal f pressure t master ne's field. Yu may pursue training, degrees, r increasing levels f respnsibility at wrk. Then yu discver the pressure f having t keep up.
    Sme peple seem willing t wrk arund the clck in their narrw specialty. But such cmmitment can als weaken a sense f freedm. These specialists culd wrk at the ffice until ten each night, then lk back and realize they wuld have lved t have gne hme and enjyed the sweetness f their family and friends, r traveled t exciting places, meeting interesting peple. Mastering ne thing t the exclusin (排 除)f thers can hld back yur true spirit.
    Generalists, n the ther hand, knw a lt abut a wide range f subjects and view the whle with all its cnnectins. They are peple f ability, talent, and enthusiasm wh can bring their brad perspective (视角)int specific fields f expertise (专长).The dctr wh is als a pet and philspher is a superir dctr, ne wh can give s much mre t his patients than just gd medical skills.
    Things are cnnected. Let yur expertise in ne field fuel yur passins in all related areas. Sme f yur interests may nt appear t be cnnected but, nce yu explre their depths, yu discver that they are. My editr Tni, wh is als a writer, has edited several histry bks. She has decided t study Chinese histry. Fascinated by the structural beauty f the Frbidden City as a painter, she is equally interested t learn mre abut Chinese philsphy. "I dn't knw where it will lead, but I'm excited I'm n this pursuit."
    These expansins int new wrlds help us by giving us new perspectives. We begin t see the intercnnectedness f ne thing t anther in all aspects f ur life, f urselves and the universe. Develp brad, general knwledge and experience. The universe is all yurs t explre and enjy.
    51. T becme a specialist, ne may have t_____.
    A. narrw his range f knwledge
    B. avid respnsibilities at wrk
    C. knw mre abut the sciety
    D. braden his perspective n life
    52. The specialists mentined in Paragraph 3 tend t______.
    A. treasure their freedm
    B. travel arund the wrld
    C. spend mst time wrking
    D. enjy meeting funny peple
    53. Accrding t the authr, a superir dctr is ne wh_____.
    A. is fully aware f his talent and ability
    B. is a pure specialist in medicine
    C. shuld lve petry and philsphy
    D. brings knwledge f ther fields t wrk
    54. What des the authr intend t shw with the example f Tni?
    A. Passin alne des nt ensure a persn's success.
    B. In-depth explratin makes discveries pssible.
    C. Everyne has a chance t succeed in their pursuit.
    D. Seemingly unrelated interests are in a way cnnected.
    55. What culd be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Be Mre a Generalist Than a Specialist
    B. Specialist r Generalist: Hard t Decide
    C. Turn a Generalist int a Specialist
    D. Ways t Becme a Generalist
    【答案】51. A 52. C 53. D 54. D 55. A
    推理判断题。文章第二段中提到“This requires cmmitment t a particular ccupatin, branch f study r research. The drawback t being specialists is we ften cme t knw mre and mre abut less and less.(成为专家需要对特定的职业、研究领域的投入。成为专家的缺点是我们常常对越来越少的知识领域了解得越来越多。)”根据“knw … abut less and less”可知,要成为一名专家,了解到的知识领域会越来越少,会缩小他的知识范围。故选A。
    细节理解题。第三段中提到“Sme peple seem willing t wrk arund the clck in their narrw specialty. …These specialists culd wrk at the ffice until ten each night (有些人似乎愿意在他们狭隘的专业领域夜以继日地工作。…… 这些专家可以每天晚上在办公室工作到十点。)”由此可知,这些专家往往花大部分的时间在工作上。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据文章第四段中“The dctr wh is als a pet and philspher is a superir dctr, ne wh can give s much mre t his patients than just gd medical skills. (这位既是诗人又是哲学家的医生是一位优秀的医生,他能给他的病人提供比良好的医术更多的东西。)”可知,作者认为一名优秀的医生可以将其他领域的知识带到工作中。故选D。
    推理判断题。文章第五段中提到“Things are cnnected. Let yur expertise in ne field fuel yur passins in all related areas. Sme f yur interests may nt appear t be cnnected but, nce yu explre their depths, yu discver that they are.(事物之间是有联系的。让你在一个领域的专长激发你在所有相关领域的热情。你的一些兴趣可能看起来没有联系,但一旦你深入探索,你就会发现它们是有联系的。)”;下文举出Tni的例子“My editr Tni, wh is als a writer, has edited several histry bks. She has decided t study Chinese histry. Fascinated by the structural beauty f the Frbidden City as a painter, she is equally interested t learn mre abut Chinese philsphy.(我的编辑Tni也是一位作家,她编辑过几本历史书。她已决定学习中国历史。作为一名画家,她痴迷于紫禁城的建筑之美,同时也对更多地了解中国哲学感兴趣。)”由此可以推断,作者想通过Tni的例子说明看似不相关的兴趣,如果深入探索的话,在某种程度上是有联系的。故选D。
    主旨大意题。文章第一段提出观点“There is smething t be said fr being a generalist, even if yu are a specialist.”作者提出即使你是一个专家,也应该当一个通才;文章第二段提出“The drawback t being specialists is we ften cme t knw mre and mre abut less and less. ”说明成为专家的不足之处是我们常常对越来越少的知识领域了解得越来越深;第四段中提到“Generalists, …, knw a lt abut a wide range f subjects and view the whle with all its cnnectins.”说明当通才的优点往往对广泛的学科了解得很多,并从整体上来看其中的所有的联系。作者的观点是应该当一个通才。因此文章的标题应为“Be Mre a Generalist Than a Specialist(做一个通才,而不是专家)”。故选A。
    After years f bserving human nature, I have decided that tw qualities make the difference between men f great achievement and men f average perfrmance curisity and discntent. I have never knwn an utstanding man wh lacked either. And I have never knwn an average man wh had bth. The tw belng tgether.
    Tgether, these deep human urges (驱策力) cunt fr much mre that ambitin. Galile was nt merely ambitius when he drpped bjects f varying weights frm the Leaning Twer at Pisa and timed their fall t the grund. Like Galile, all the great names in histry were curius and asked in discntent, “Why? Why? Why?”
    Frtunately, curisity and discntent dn’t have t be learned. We are brn with them and need nly recapture them.
    “The great man,” said Mencius (孟子), “is he wh des nt lse his child’s heart.” Yet mst f us d lse it. We stp asking questins. We stp challenging custm. We just fllw the crwd. And the crwd desires restful average. It encurages us t ccupy ur wn little crner, t avid flish leaps int the dark, t be satisfied.
    Mst f us meet new peple, and new ideas, with hesitatin. But nce having met and liked them, we think hw terrible it wuld have been, had we missed the chance. We will prbably have t frce urselves t waken ur curisity and discntent and keep them awake.
    Hw shuld yu start? Mdestly, s as nt t becme discuraged. I think f ne friend wh culdn’t arrange flwers t satisfy herself. She was curius abut hw the experts did it. Hw she is ne f the experts, writing bks n flwer arrangement.
    One way t begin is t answer yur wn excuses. Yu haven’t any special ability? Mst peple dn’t; there are nly a few geniuses. Yu haven’t any time? That’s gd, because it’s always the peple with n time wh get things dne. Harriet Stwe, mther f six, wrte parts f Uncle Tm’s Cabin while cking. Yu’re t ld? Remember that Thmas Cstain was 57 when he published his first nvel, and that Grandma Mses shwed her first pictures when she was 78.
    Hwever yu start, remember there is n better time t start than right nw, fr yu’ll never be mre alive than yu are at this mment.
    51. In writing Paragraph 1, the authr aims t ________.
    A. prpse a definitin
    B. make a cmparisn
    C. reach a cnclusin
    D. present an argument
    52. What des the example f Galile tell us?
    A. Trial and errr leads t the finding f truth.
    B. Scientists tend t be curius and ambitius.
    C. Creativity results frm challenging authrity.
    D. Greatness cmes frm a lasting desire t explre.
    53. What can yu d t recapture curisity and discntent?
    A. Observe the unknwn arund yu.
    B. Develp a questining mind.
    C. Lead a life f adventure.
    D. Fllw the fashin.
    54. What can we learn frm Paragraphs 6 and 7?
    A. Gaining success helps yu becme an expert.
    B. The genius tends t get things dne creatively.
    C. Lack f talent and time is n reasn fr taking n actin.
    D. Yu shuld remain mdest when appraching perfectin.
    55. What culd be the best tile r the passage?
    A. Curius Minds Never Feel Cntented
    B. Reflectins n Human Nature
    C. The Keys t Achievement
    D. Never T Late t Learn
    【答案】51. D 52. D 53. B 54. C 55. C
    51.推理判断题。根据第一段内容After years f bserving human nature, I have decided that tw qualities make the difference between men f great achievement and men f average perfrmance curisity and discntent. I have never knwn an utstanding man wh lacked either. And I have never knwn an average man wh had bth. The tw belng tgether.可知,作者经过多年对人性的观察,认为成就非凡的人和平庸的人的区别在于好奇心和不满足,而且两者是相辅相成的。由此推知,作者写第一段的目的是提出一个论点。故选D。
    52.推理判断题。根据第二段中的Like Galile, all the great names in histry were curius and asked in discntent, “Why? Why? Why?”可知,像伽利略一样,历史上所有的伟人都感到好奇,并不满地问:“为什么?为什么?为什么?”由此推知,伽利略的例子告诉我们,伟大来自于持久的探索欲望。故选D。
    53.细节理解题。根据第二段中的Like Galile, all the great names in histry were curius and asked in discntent, “Why? Why? Why?”及第四段中的“The great man,” said Mencius (孟子), “is he wh des nt lse his child’s heart.” Yet mst f us d lse it. We stp asking questins. We stp challenging custm. We just fllw the crwd.可知,历史上所有的伟人都感到好奇,并不满地问:“为什么?为什么?为什么?”孟子认为“不失去孩子的心,就是伟大的人。”然而,我们大多数人确实失去了它。我们不再问问题。我们不再挑战习俗。我们只是随大流。由此可知,你可以通过培养了一个善于提问的头脑,来重新获得好奇心和不满。故选B。
    54.推理判断题。根据第六段中的Hw she is ne f the experts, writing bks n flwer arrangement.及第七段中的Yu haven’t any special ability? Mst peple dn’t; there are nly a few geniuses. Yu haven’t any time? That’s gd, because it’s always the peple with n time wh get things dne.以及列举了Thmas Cstain在57岁时出版了他的第一部小说,Grandma Mses在78岁时展示了她的第一批照片。由此可知,这两段想告诉我们“缺乏天赋和时间不是不采取行动的理由”。故选C。
    55.主旨大意题。根据第一段内容After years f bserving human nature, I have decided that tw qualities make the difference between men f great achievement and men f average perfrmance curisity and discntent. I have never knwn an utstanding man wh lacked either. And I have never knwn an average man wh had bth. The tw belng tgether.及下文论述可知,本文主要论述了获得成就的两个关键因素——好奇心和不满足。由此可知,C项The Keys t Achievement(成就的关键)适合做本文最佳标题。故选C。
    Fr Western designers, China and its rich culture have lng been an inspiratin fr Western creative.
    "It's n secret that China has always been a surce(来源)f inspiratin fr designers," says Amanda Hill, chief creative fficer at A+E Netwrks, a glbal media cmpany and hme t sme f the biggest fashin(时尚)shws.
    Earlier this year, the China Thrugh A Lking Glass exhibitin in New Yrk exhibited 140 pieces f China-inspired fashinable clthing alngside Chinese wrks f art, with the aim f explring the influence f Chinese aesthetics(美学)n Western fashin and hw China has fueled the fashinable imaginatin fr centuries. The exhibitin had recrd attendance, shwing that there is huge interest in Chinese influences.
    "China is impssible t verlk," says Hill. "Chinese mdels are the faces f beauty and fashin campaigns that sell dreams t wmen all ver the wrld, which means Chinese wmen are nt just cnsumers f fashin — they are central t its mvement. "Of curse, nly are tday's tp Western designers being influenced by China-sme f the best designers f cntemprary fashin are themselves Chinese." Vera Wang, Alexander Wang, Jasn Wu are taking n Galian, Albaz, Marc Jacbs-and beating them hands dwn in design and sales," adds Hil.
    Fr Hill, it is impssible nt t talk abut China as the leading player when discussing fashin. "The mst famus designers are Chinese, s are the mdels, and s are the cnsumers," she says. "China is n lnger just anther market; in many senses it has becme the market. If yu talk abut fashin tday, yu are talking abut China-its influences, its directin, its breathtaking clthes, and hw yung designers and mdels are finally acknwledging that in many ways."
    24. What can we learn abut the exhibitin in New Yrk?
    A. It prmted the sales f artwrks.
    B. It attracted a large number f visitrs.
    C. It shwed ancient Chinese clthes.
    D. It aimed t intrduce Chinese mdels.
    25. What des Hill say abut Chinese wmen?
    A. They are setting the fashin.B. They start many fashin campaigns.
    C. They admire super mdels.D. They d business all ver the wrld.
    26. What d the underlined wrds "taking n" in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. learning frmB. lking dwn n
    C. wrking withD. cmpeting against
    27. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Yung Mdels Selling Dreams t the Wrld
    B. A Chinese Art Exhibitin Held in New Yrk
    C. Differences Between Eastern and Western Aesthetics
    D. Chinese Culture Fueling Internatinal Fashin Trends
    24.B 【解析】细节理解题。答案定位在第三段The exhibitin had recrd attendance, shwing that there is huge interest in Chinese influences.(此次展览吸引的参观者人数创下了记录,显示出人们对中国影响的浓厚兴趣。)由此可知,纽约的展览吸引了许多参观者,故选B。
    25.A 【解析】细节理解题。答案定位在第四段Chinese mdels are the faces f beauty and fashin campaigns that sell dreams t wmen all ver the wrld, which means Chinese wmen are nt just cnsumers f fashin-they are central t its mvement . (中国模特是向全世界女性推销梦想的美和时尚活动的代言人,这意味着中国女性不仅仅是时尚的消费者——她们是这场运动的核心。)由此可知,Hill说中国女性开创了新时尚,故选A。
    26.D 【解析】词义猜测题。下文and beating them hands dwn in design and sales说并在设计和销售上击败他们。由此推断出上文Vera Wang, Alexander Wang, Jasn Wu are taking n Gallian, Albaz, Mare Jacbs的意思是Vera Wang、Alexander Wang和Jasn Wu正在与Gallian、Albaz和 Mare Jacbs竞争。taking n意思是“竞争”,故选D。
    27.D 【解析】主旨大意题。根据文章第一段china and its culture have lng been an inspiratin fr western creatins.以及最后一段If yu talk abut fashin tday , yu are talking abut China - its influences , its directin, its breathtaking clthes, and hw yung designers and mdels are finally acknwledging that in many ways."(如果你今天谈论时尚,你谈论的是中国——它的影响,它的方向,它令人惊叹的服装,以及年轻的设计师和模特如何最终在许多方面被认可。),结合全文内容,可知这篇文章最恰当的题目是“中国文化助力国际时尚潮流”,故选D。
    Wuld yu BET n the future f this man?He is 53 years ld. Mst f his adult life has been a lsing struggle against debt and misfrtune. A war injury has made his left hand stp functining,and he has ften been in prisn. Driven by heaven-knws-what mtives,he determines t write a bk.
    The bk turns ut t be ne that has appealed t the wrld fr mre than 350 years. That frmer prisner was Cervantes,and the bk was Dn Quixte(《堂吉诃德》). And the stry pses an interesting questin: why d sme peple discver new vitality and creativity t the end f their days,while thers g t seed lng befre?
    We've all knwn peple wh run ut f steam befre they reach life's halfway mark. I'm nt talking abut thse wh fail t get t the tp. We can't all get there. I'm talking abut peple wh have stpped learning n grwing because they have adpted the fixed attitudes and pinins that all t ften cme with passing years.
    Mst f us,in fact,prgressively narrw the variety f ur lives. We succeed in ur field f specializatin and then becme trapped in it. Nthing surprises us. We lse ur sense f wnder. But,if we are willing t lean,the pprtunities are everywhere.
    The things we learn in maturity seldm invlve infrmatin and skills. We learn t bear with the things we can't change. We learn t avid self-pity. We learn that hwever much we try t please,sme peple are never ging t lve us-an idea that trubles at first but is eventually relaxing.
    With high mtivatin and enthusiasm,we can keep n learning. Then we will knw hw imprtant it is t have meaning in ur life. Hwever,we can achieve meaning nly if we have made a cmmitment t smething larger than ur wn little egs(自我),whether t lved nes,t fellw humans,t wrk,r t sme mral cncept.
    Many f us equate(视……等同于)“cmmitment” with such “caring” ccupatins as teaching and nursing. But ding any rdinary jb as well as ne can is in itself an admirable cmmitment. Peple wh wrk tward such excellence whether they are driving a truck,r running a stre-make the wrld better just by being the kind f peple they are. They've learned life's mst valuable lessn.
    51. The passage starts with the stry f Cervantes t shw that_________.
    A. lss f freedm stimulates ne's creativity
    B. age is nt a barrier t achieving ne's gal
    C. misery inspires a man t fight against his fate
    D. disability cannt stp a man's pursuit f success
    52. What des the underlined part in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. End ne's struggle fr liberty.
    B. Waste ne's energy taking risks.
    C. Miss the pprtunity t succeed.
    D. Lse the interest t cntinue learning.
    53. What culd be inferred frm Paragraph 4?
    A. Thse wh dare t try ften get themselves trapped.
    B. Thse wh tend t think back can hardly g ahead.
    C. Opprtunity favrs thse with a curius mind.
    D. Opprtunity awaits thse with a cautius mind.
    54. What des the authr intend t tell us in Paragraph 5?
    A. A tugh man can tlerate suffering.
    B. A wise man can live withut self-pity
    C. A man shuld try t satisfy peple arund him.
    D. A man shuld learn suitable ways t deal with life
    55. What is the authr's purpse in writing the passage?
    A. T prvide guidance n leading a meaningful adult life.
    B. T stress the need f shuldering respnsibilities at wrk.
    C. T state the imprtance f generating mtivatin fr learning.
    D. T suggest a way f pursuing excellence in ur lifelng career.
    51.B 【解析】推理判断题。第一段讲述塞万提斯一生不幸,负债累累,因为战争受伤左手残疾,同时还身陷囹圄,在53岁的时候决定写书,最终写出成名作《唐吉柯德》,根据后文可知,所有的困境都没有阻挡他的成功,年龄也是如此,故选B。
    52.D【解析】词义猜测题。根据第三段I’m talking abut peple wh have stpped learning n grwing because they have adpted the fixed attitudes and pinins that all t ften cme with passing years.故可知,作者谈论的不是那些没有到达巅峰的人,而是谈论那些不再学习成长的人,故可知run ut f steam可知,停止学习,故选D。
    53.C【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段we lse the sense f wnder. But, if we are willing t learn, the pprtunities are everywhere.可知,我们失去了好奇感,但是如果我们愿意学习,机会无处不在,故可知,机会总是留给那些好奇心的人,故选C。
    54. D【解析】推理判断题。根据第五段we learn t bear with the things we can’t change. We learn t avid self-pity. We learn that hwever much we try t please, sme peple are never ging t lve us—an idea that trubles at first but is eventually relaxing.可知,我们学会承受那些无法改变的事情,学会避免自怜,也学会了无论我们怎么去取悦别人,有些人是无法喜欢我们的,这个观点起初让我们苦恼,但是之后会让我们释怀,故可知,本段作者告诉我们要学会使用恰当的方式来对待生活,故选D。
    55.A 【解析】主旨大意题。本文讲述要成功,就需要不断的学习,这样的生活才会有意义,故本文作者的目的是为了指导我们过一个有意义的成年人生活,故选A。
    Wh cares if peple think wrngly that the Internet has had mre imprtant influences than the washing machine? Why des it matter that peple are mre impressed by the mst recent changes?
    It wuld nt matter if these misjudgments were just a matter f peple's pinins. Hwever, they have real impacts, as they result in misguided use f scarce resurces.
    The fascinatin with the ICT(Infrmatin and Cmmunicatin Technlgy) revlutin, represented by the Internet, has made sme rich cuntries wrngly cnclude that making things is s "yesterday" that they shuld try t live n ideas. This belief in "pst-industrial sciety" has led thse cuntries t neglect their manufacturing sectr(制造业) with negative cnsequences fr their ecnmies.
    Even mre wrryingly, the fascinatin with the Internet by peple in rich cuntries has mved the internatinal cmmunity t wrry abut the "digital divide" between the rich cuntries and the pr cuntries. This has led cmpanies and individuals t dnate mney t develping cuntries t buy cmputer equipment and Internet facilities. The questin, hwever, is whether this is what the develping cuntries need the mst. Perhaps giving mney fr thse less fashinable things such as digging wells, extending electricity netwrks and making mre affrdable washing machines wuld have imprved peple's lives mre than giving every child a laptp cmputer r setting up Internet centres in rural villages, I am nt saying that thse things are necessarily mre imprtant, but many dnatrs have rushed int fancy prgrammes withut carefully assessing the relative lng-term csts and benefits f alternative uses f their mney.
    In yet anther example, a fascinatin with the new has led peple t believe that the recent changes in the technlgies f cmmunicatins and transprtatin are s revlutinary that nw we live in a "brderless wrld". As a result, in the last twenty years r s, many peple have cme t believe that whatever change is happening tday is the result f great technlgical prgress, ging against which will be like trying t turn the clck back. Believing in such a wrld, many gvernments have put an end t sme f the very necessary regulatins n crss-brder flws f capital, labur and gds, with pr results.
    Understanding technlgical trends is very imprtant fr crrectly designing ecnmic plicies, bth at the natinal and the internatinal levels, and fr making the right career chices at the individual level. Hwever, ur fascinatin with the latest, and ur under valuatin f what has already becme cmmn, can, and has, led us in all srts f wrng directins.
    61. Misjudgments n the influences f new technlgy can lead t __________.
    A. a lack f cnfidence in technlgy
    B. a slw prgress in technlgy
    C. a cnflict f public pinins
    D. a waste f limited resurces
    62. The example in Paragraph 4 suggests that dnatrs shuld __________.
    A. take peple's essential needs int accunt
    B. make their prgrammes attractive t peple
    C. ensure that each child gets financial supprt
    D. prvide mre affrdable internet facilities
    63. What has led many gvernments t remve necessary regulatins?
    A. Neglecting the impacts f technlgical advances.
    B. Believing that the wrld has becme brderless.
    C. Ignring the pwer f ecnmic develpment.
    D. Over-emphasizing the rle f internatinal cmmunicatin.
    64. What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Peple shuld be encuraged t make mre dnatins.
    B. Traditinal technlgy still has a place nwadays.
    C. Making right career chices is crucial t persnal success.
    D. Ecnmic plicies shuld fllw technlgical trends.
    61.D【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段Hwever, they have reak impacts, as they result in misguided use f scarce resurces. 可知,对信息技术的错误判断会导致有限资源的错误使用,也就是资源的浪费,故选D。
    62.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段Perhaps giving mney fr thse less fashinable things such as digging wells, extending electricity netwrks and making mre affrdable washing machines wuld have imprved peple's lives mre than giving every child a laptp cmputer r setting up Internet centres in rural villages, I am nt saying that thse things are necessarily mre imprtant, but many dnatrs have rushed int fancy prgrammes withut carefully assessing the relative lng-term csts and benefits f alternative uses f their mney.可知,与其给那些贫困地区孩子笔记本电脑或者建网络中心,还不如给钱打井,铺电网或者生产他们买得起的洗衣机,这些东西更能改善他们的生活。作者不是说这些东西一定更重要,但是很多捐赠者没有仔细考虑捐赠的东西的长期成本,因此作者建议捐赠者要考虑接受捐赠的人的实际情况,而不是一味地追求信息化,故选A。
    63.B 【解析】推理判断题。根据第五段In yet anther example, a fascinatin with the new has led peple t believe that the recent changes in the technlgies f cmmunicatins and transprtatin are s revlutinary that nw we live in a "brderless wrld". 以及Believing in such a wrld, many gvernments have put an end t sme f the very necessary regulatins n crss-brder flws f capital, labur and gds, with pr results.可知,对新东西的迷恋让人们认为如今通讯技术和交通的变革让我们生活在一个无国界的世界。正是认为我们生活在这样一个世界,很多政府取消了关于跨国界的资本、劳动力以及商品流动的法律法规,故选B。
    64.B 【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段The fascinatin with the ICT(Infrmatin and Cmmunicatin Technlgy) revlutin, represented by the Internet, has made sme rich cuntries wrngly cnclude that making things is s "yesterday" that they shuld try t live n ideas. This belief in "pst-industrial sciety" has led thse cuntries t neglect their manufacturing sectr(制造业) with negative cnsequences fr their ecnmies.可知,对互联网呈现的通讯技术变革的迷恋让很多富裕国家做出一个错误的结论,制造产品已经过时了,他们应该靠创意生活,因而忽略了制造业,从而对经济造成不利影响,故可知传统的技术依然传统的技术依然有它的地位,不能新兴的信息技术取代,故选B。
    Steven Stein likes t fllw garbage trucks. His strange habit makes sense when yu cnsider that he’s an envirnmental scientist wh studies hw t reduce litter, including things that fall ff garbage trucks as they drive dwn the rad. What is even mre interesting is that ne f Stein's jbs is defending an industry behind the plastic shpping bags.
    Americans use mre than 100 billin thin film plastic bags every year. S many end up in tree branches r alng highways that a grwing number f cities d nt allw them at checkuts(收银台) . The bags are prhibited in sme 90 cities in Califrnia, including Ls Angeles. Eyeing these headwinds, plastic-bag makers are hiring scientists like Stein t make the case that their prducts are nt as bad fr the planet as mst peple assume.
    Amng the bag makers' argument: many cities with bans still allw shppers t purchase paper bags, which are easily recycled but require mre energy t prduce and transprt. And while plastic bags may be ugly t lk at, they represent a small percentage f all garbage n the grund tday.
    The industry has als taken aim at the prduct that has appeared as its replacement: reusable shpping bags. The strnger a reusable bag is, the lnger its life and the mre plastic-bag use it cancels ut. Hwever, lnger-lasting reusable bags ften require mre energy t make. One study fund that a cttn bag must be used at least 131 times t be better fr the planet than plastic.
    Envirnmentalists dn't dispute(质疑) these pints. They hpe paper bags will be banned smeday t and want shppers t use the same reusable bags fr years.
    24. What has Steven Stein been hired t d?
    A. Help increase grcery sales.B. Recycle the waste material.
    C. Stp things falling ff trucks.D. Argue fr the use f plastic bags.
    25. What des the wrd “headwinds”in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Bans n plastic bags.B. Effects f city develpment.
    C. Headaches caused by garbage.D. Plastic bags hung in trees.
    26. What is a disadvantage f reusable bags accrding t plastic-bag makers?
    A. They are quite expensive.B. Replacing them can be difficult.
    C. They are less strng than plastic bags.D. Prducing them requires mre energy.
    27. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Plastic, Paper r NeitherB. Industry, Pllutin and Envirnment
    C. Recycle r Thrw AwayD. Garbage Cllectin and Waste Cntrl
    【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段ne f Stein's jbs is defending an industry behind the plastic shpping bags.和第二段plastic-bag makers are hiring scientists like Stein t make the case that their prducts are nt as bad fr the planet as mst peple assume.可知塑料袋生产商雇用Steven Stein是为了证明他们的产品并不像大多数人想象的那样对地球有害,是对塑料袋被禁用的解释和争论。故选D。
    【解析】词义猜测题。上文介绍在许多美国大城市塑料袋被禁用,看到这种现状,塑料袋生产商雇用Steven Stein等科学家是为了证明他们的产品并不像大多数人想象的那样对地球有害。headwinds“逆风”,此处指塑料袋被禁用的现状,即Bans n plastic bags,故选A。
    【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段Hwever, lnger-lasting reusable bags ften require mre energy t make.可知塑料袋生产商认为生产耐用且能重复使用的袋子需要更多的能量,故选D。
    【解析】标题归纳题。文章讲述了使用塑料袋造成的环境问题,纸袋容易回收,但生产和运输需要更多的能源,希望消费者使用耐用可重复使用的袋子。对这三种方式进行了对比,Plastic, Paper r Neither既能概括全文,又能吸引读者,最适合作为标题。故选A。
    As cultural symbls g, the American car is quite yung. The Mdel T Frd was built at the Piquette Plant in Michigan a century ag, with the first rlling ff the assembly line(装配线)n September 27, 1908. Only eleven cars were prduced the next mnth. But eventually Henry Frd wuld build fifteen millin f them.
    Mdern America was brn n the rad, behind a wheel. The car shaped sme f the mst lasting aspects f American culture: the radside diner, the billbard, the mtel, even the hamburger. Fr mst f the last century, the car represented what it meant t be American—ging frward at high speed t find new wrlds. The rad nvel, the rad mvie, these are the mst typical American ideas, brn f abundant petrl, cheap cars and a never-ending interstate highway system, the largest public wrks prject in histry.
    In 1928 Herbert Hver imagined an America with “a chicken in every pt and a car in every garage.” Since then, this sciety has mved nward, never lking back, as the car transfrmed America frm a farm-based sciety int an industrial pwer.
    The cars that drve the American Dream have helped t create a glbal eclgical disaster. In America the demand fr il has grwn by 22 percent since 1990.
    The prblems f excessive(过度的)energy cnsumptin, climate change and ppulatin grwth have been described in a bk by the American writer Thmas L. Friedman. He fears the wrst, but hpes fr the best.
    Friedman pints ut that the green ecnmy(经济)is a chance t keep American strength. “The ability t design, build and exprt green technlgies fr prducing clean water, clean air and healthy and abundant fd is ging t be the currency f pwer in the new century.”
    28. Why is hamburger mentined in paragraph 2?
    A. T explain Americans’ lve fr travelling by car.
    B. T shw the influence f cars n American culture.
    C. T stress the ppularity f fast fd with Americans.
    D. T praise the effectiveness f America’s rad system.
    29. What has the use f cars in America led t?
    A. Decline f ecnmy. B. Envirnmental prblems.
    C. A shrtage f il supply. D. A farm-based sciety.
    30. What is Friedman’s attitude twards America’s future?
    A. Ambiguus. B. Dubtful. C. Hpeful. D. Tlerant.
    【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段Mdern America was brn n the rad, behind a wheel. The car shaped sme f the mst lasting aspects f American culture: the radside diner, the billbard, the mtel, even the hamburger.可知现代美国诞生于公路和汽车,汽车塑造了美国文化最持久的一些方面。Hamburger就是汽车塑造的美国文化的一个方面。用这个例子是在说明汽车对美国文化的影响,故选B。
    【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段The cars that drve the American Dream have helped t create a glbal eclgical disaster.可知美国汽车的迅速发展,导致生态灾难。故选B。
    【解析】推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的He fears the wrst, but hpes fr the best. 和最后一段中的Friedman pints ut that the green ecnmy(经济)is a chance t keep American strength.可见Friedman虽然对未来担心,但抱有最好的希望,他指出了发展绿色积极的想法。可见Friedman对未来是充满希望的,故选C。

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