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    高考英语模拟题汇编专题05 阅读理解之议论文一(2份打包,解析版+原卷版)
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    高考英语模拟题汇编专题05 阅读理解之议论文一(2份打包,解析版+原卷版)

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    The new law , Family Prtectin and Develpment Prmtin Act , was initiated(启动) by the Ministry f Scial Develpment and Human Security and was annunced in the Ryal Gazette n May 22 ,2019.
    The law aims at curbing smking at hme which might be hazardus fr thers' health residing under the same rf. In that case, it will be cnsidered as “dmestic vilence". The new law came int frce n August 20.
    Accrding t the center fr research and knwledge management fr tbacc cntrl , at the Faculty f Medical Science f Mahidl University , there are abut 4.9 millin husehlds where ne r mre family members smke.
    An average f 10. 3 millin peple have unwittingly (不知不觉地) becme passive smkers because they've been breathing in smke at hme. Scientific studies shw that passive smkers are al greater risk f being affected by cancer.
    Of 75 child patients frm huses where smking is practiced ,76% f them were fund t have nictine traces in their urine , with 43% f them having nictine cntent exceeding permissible levels.
    Smking at hme als “may lead t physical r emtinal vilence” because f aggressiveness when there is a . lack f smking, and might as well ruin relatinships between smkers and nn-smker family members.
    Accrding t the new law , anyne wh thinks they are affected by dmestic smking can reprt t fficials cncerned s that inspectrs will be sent t investigate and take legal actin against the smkers.
    Once cnvicted , the curt may rder a persn t receive treatment t quit smking in an attempt t prtect the persn's family.
    In February in 2019 ,Thailand had banned smking at six f its airprts alng with a ban in public places.
    8.What is the fact abut the new law in Thailand?
    A.It makes it clear that smking at hme is a crime.
    B.I’s a law n prtecting the health f nn-smkers.
    C.It was drafted and adpted by the ryal family.
    D.It classifies smking as a frm f dmestic vilence.
    9.Which f the fllwing can replace the underlined wrd “curbing” in Paragraph 3?
    10.What is NOT the evil cnsequence f smking at hme?
    A.It may increase the risk f cancer in passive smkers.
    B.It will prbably cause physical r emtinal vilence.
    C.It will make the smkers becme mre aggressive.
    D.It may lead 10 disharmny in family relatins.
    11.What cnclusin can we draw frm the passage?
    A.Smking is illegal anywhere in Thailand.
    B.Smkers are less likely 10 develp cancer than nn-smkers.
    C.Peple wh smke at hme in Thailand will be sent t prisn.
    D.Thailand is cmmitted t creating a smke-free envirnment.
    8.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Smking in yur wn hme in Thailand may nw be cnsidered a crime , if the smke is cnsidered harmful t . ther peple in the huse.”可知,如果家庭中其他人认为吸烟是有害的,那么吸烟者的行为会被认定为一种家庭暴力的犯罪,故选D。
    9.词义猜测题。根据第三段中“The law aims at curbing smking at hme which might be hazardus fr thers' health residing under the same rf. ”可知,该法律旨在限制在家中吸烟,因为吸烟可能会危害同屋檐下的其他人的健康。所以curbing指的是控制,限制,故选D。
    10.推理判断题。根据第七段中“ Smking at hme als “may lead t physical r emtinal vilence” because f aggressiveness when there is a lack f smking”可知,在家吸烟也“可能导致身体或情绪暴力”,因为在不吸烟的情况下,人们会表现出攻击性。C. It will make the smkers becme mre aggressive. 意思为在家吸烟会使吸烟者变得更有攻击性。与原文意思不符,故选C。
    11.推理判断题。根据第一段中“Smking in yur wn hme in Thailand may nw be cnsidered a crime , if the smke is cnsidered harmful t . ther peple in the huse.”可知,如果家庭中其他人认为吸烟是有害的,那么吸烟者的行为会被认定为一种家庭暴力的犯罪;再根据最后一段“In February in 2019 ,Thailand had banned smking at six f its airprts alng with a ban in public places.” 2019年2月,泰国在6个机场禁止吸烟,并禁止在公共场所吸烟。综上可以推断出,泰国致力于创造无烟的环境。故选D。
    Almst every cmmunity has sme frm f rules and sme way f enfrcing them. S why d we have rules, and what makes peple fllw them?
    Studies have suggested that the reasn we dn't like rule-breaking is because fairness is prgrammed int ur brains. Scientists have fund that the brain reacts in a particular way when we feel we are being treated unfairly.A fair situatin makes us feel cmfrtable and even happy, but unfairness causes ur brains t respnd with negative feelings.The study fund that this a s happened when subjects saw thers being treated unfairly. They cncluded that fairness is ne f basic human needs.
    Arriving at a feeling f fairness means cnsidering different, ften cnflicting, pints f view. Regardless f the disagreement, peple almst always need t cmprmise. But it can be difficult t arrive at a cmprmise when there are cnflicting interests. This is why cmmunities have rules that everyne must fllw.
    Scial cntrls are an imprtant factr in setting and fllwing rules.They influence the way we be have, and can be internal (内在的) r external. Internal cntrls cme frm within and are based n ur values and fears. Mst f us dn't steal, fr example, because we believe that theft is unfair and wrng. We als dn't want t disappint ur family and friends. In ther wrds, ur internal cntrls keep us frm behaving in ways that cause cnflict.
    External cntrls include rewards and punishments. Rewards, such as jb prmtins and praise, are designed t encurage peple t be have and actin the interest f the whle cmmunity.
    Punishments, such as public embarrassment, fines, and even imprisnment can prevent peple frm acting against the cmmunity's best interests.
    Peple need their cmmunities t functin smthly.If there were n rules, mst peple wuld prbably still behave psitively. Hwever, there wuld always be a minrity wh wuld nt. This is why a sciety withut rules is unlikely t exist.
    12.What des the underlined wrd ''this'' in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A.A prgram in human brains.
    B.A cmfrtable situatin.
    C.The respnse with bad feelings.
    D.The requirement ff fairness.
    13.Why d cmmunities have rules?
    A.T punish illegal activities.B.T prevent disagreement.
    C.T prmte fairness.D.T meet varius demands.
    14.Which f the fllwing is an example f internal cntrl?
    A.Take exams hnestly because cheating is shameful
    B.Park in the right place s as nt t get a parking ticket.
    C.Pay the electricity bill n time in rder nt t get a late fee.
    D.Cperate with yur classmates t win a prize fr yur class.
    15.What is the best title fr this passage?
    A.Living by the rulesB.Why cmmunities need rules
    C.Reaching a cmprmiseD.Hw fairness functins
    12.词义猜测题。根据第二段的A fair situatin makes us feel cmfrtable and even happy, but unfairness causes ur brains t respnd with negative feelings. The study fund that this a s happened when subjects saw thers being treated unfairly.可知,一个不公平的情况会让我们感到舒适甚至开心,但是不公平会让我们的大脑产生负面情绪。他们的研究发现,当受到不公平待遇时,这种情况就会发生。根据句意可知this指代上文提到的“大脑会产生负面情绪”。C. The respnse with bad feelings.(负面情绪的反应)符合以上说法,故选C项。
    13.推理判断题。根据第三段的Regardless f the disagreement, peple almst always need t cmprmise. But it can be difficult t arrive at a cmprmise when there are cnflicting interests. This is why cmmunities have rules that everyne must fllw.(尽管有分歧,人们总是需要妥协的。但是,当存在利益冲突时,很难达成妥协。这就是为什么社区有每个人都必须遵守的规则)可知,社区设立规则的目的是让人们能够达成妥协,即促进公平。C. T prmte fairness.(促进公平)符合以上说法,故选C项。
    14.推理判断题。根据第四段的Internal cntrls cme frm within and are based n ur values and fears.In ther wrds, ur internal cntrls keep us frm behaving in ways that cause cnflict.可知,我们的内部控制基于我们的价值观和恐惧,使我们不做出引起冲突的行为。A. Take exams hnestly because cheating is shameful(诚实地参加考试,因为作弊是无耻的)是和我们的价值观相关,属于内部控制,故选A项。
    15.主旨大意题。根据第一段的Almst every cmmunity has sme frm f rules and sme way f enfrcing them.(几乎每一个社区都有某种形式的规则,和某种执行他们的方式)和最后一段的This is why a sciety withut rules is unlikely t exist.(这就是为什么一个没有规则的社会是不可能的)可知,本文主要讲述了人们生活的社区和社会都需要有规则来促进公平,如果没有规则社会就无法运行。A. Living by the rules(按规则生活)可以作为本文的标题,故选A项。
    In general, the ancient Rmans were a practical peple. They cared less abut philsphy and pure mathematics than did the Greeks. The Rmans were the best f the ancient engineers and architects. They were brilliant students f Greek gemetry and trignmetry, and they applied their knwledge t the cnstructin f fine bridges, rads, and public buildings.
    They knew abut the smelting f irn re, but they used the irn they prduced mainly fr spears, swrds, and shields, rather than fr building cnstructin.
    While the Rmans accmplished practical wnders, they did very little theretical scientific thinking. Because f their frequent wars, many f their inventins were n mre than imprvements in the design f Greek weapns with which they were familiar.
    There are tw reasns fr the Rman neglect f philsphy and pure mathematics. First, they were apparently t busy cnquering nearby natins and frming them int a rapidly grwing empire t waste much time n abstract thinking. Secndly, they were handicapped by the rigidity f their numerical system. (Try t multiply XI by LVII r t divide CXLIII by IX; it simply cannt be dne with pencil and paper.) The Rmans did all f their arithmetic n an abacus, the ancient cunterpart f the mdem cmputing machine. Their number system discuraged the study f pure mathematics.
    8.The authr calls the Rmans “practical" because they________.
    A.they didn't care abut philsphy
    B.they just learned frm Greek gemetry
    C.they applied what they learned t cnstructin
    D.they thught little f theretical scientific thinking
    9.Accrding t the passage, the Rmans excelled in________.
    A.smelting irn reB.engineering and architecture
    C.imprving Greek weapnsD.prducing spears, swrds, and shields
    10.The underlined wrd “cunterpart" in the last paragraph means ________.
    11.The passage mainly talks abut ________.
    A.why Rmans ignred mathematics
    B.Rmans' discuraging number system
    C.hw Rmans accmplished practical wnders
    D.Rmans wh neglected theretical thught
    8.推理判断题。根据文章第一段的They were brilliant students f Greek gemetry and trignmetry, and they applied their knwledge t the cnstructin f fine bridges, rads, and public buildings.(他们是希腊几何和三角学的杰出学生,他们把所学的知识用到桥梁、公路和公共建筑上)可推测,作者认为古罗马人实际,是因为他们把所学知识运用到了实际生活中——建筑。C. they applied what they learned t cnstructin(他们把所学知识运用到建筑中)符合以上推测。故选C项。
    9.细节理解题。根据文章第一段的The Rmans were the best f the ancient engineers and architects.(罗马人是古代最好的工程师和建筑师)可知,故罗马人擅长工程和建筑。B. engineering and architecture.(工程和建筑)符合以上说法。故选B项。
    10.词意猜题题。根据划线部分所在句子The Rmans did all f their arithmetic n an abacus, the ancient cunterpart f the mdem cmputing machine.可知,罗马人用算盘做算数,古代的算盘cunterpart现代的计算机。算盘和计算机都是用来计算的,由此推测划线部分的意思是“等同于”。故选A项。
    11.主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其是第三段的While the Rmans accmplished practical wnders, they did very little theretical scientific thinking.(尽管罗马人创造了许多使用的奇迹,但是他们却很少进行理论上的科学思考)可知,古罗马人是实用主义,他们极少进行理论科学思考。D. Rmans wh neglected theretical thught.(忽略理论思考的罗马人)符合以上说法。故选D项。
    Yu knw yu have t read "between the lines" t get the mst ut f anything. I want t persuade yu t d smething equally imprtant in the curse f yur reading. I want t persuade yu t “write between the lines." Unless yu d, yu are nt likely t d the mst efficient kind f reading.
    I insist, quite bluntly, that marking up a bk is nt an act f damage but f lve.
    There are tw ways in which ne can wn a bk. The first is the prperty right yu establish by paying fr it, just as yu pay fr clthes and furniture. But this act f purchase is nly the first step t pssessin. Full wnership cmes nly when yu have made it a part f yurself and the best way t make yurself a part f it is by writing in it. I am arguing that bks must be absrbed in yur bldstream t d yu any gd.
    Why is marking up a bk necessary t reading? First, it keeps yu awake. (And I dn't mean nly cnscius; I mean wide awake.) In the secnd place, reading, if it is active, is thinking and thinking tends t express itself in wrds, spken r written. The marked bk is usually the thught-thrugh bk. Finally, writing helps yu remember the thughts yu had, r the thughts the authr expressed.
    But, yu may ask, why is writing necessary? Well, the physical act f writing, with yur wn hand, brings wrds and sentences mre sharply befre yur mind and preserves them better in yur memry. T set dwn yur reactin t imprtant wrds and sentences yu have read, and the questins they have raised in yur mind, is t preserve thse reactins and sharpen thse questins.
    If reading is t accmplish anything mre than passing time, it must be active. Yu can't let yur eyes glide acrss the lines in a bk and cme up with an understanding f what yu have read. The bks yu read fr pleasure can be read in a state f relaxatin, and nthing is lst. An rdinary piece f light fictin, like "Gne with the Wind," desn't require the mst active kind f reading, and yu dn't absrb the ideas f Jhn Dewey the way yu absrb the stry f David Cpperfield.
    Yu may als say that this business f marking bks is ging t slw up yur reading. It prbably will. That's ne f the reasns fr ding it. Mst f us have been taken in by the ntin that speed f reading is a measure f ur intelligence. There is n such things as the right speed fr intelligent reading. Sme things shuld be read quickly and effrtlessly, and sme shuld be read slwly and even labriusly. The sign f intelligence in reading is the ability t read different things differently accrding t their wrth. In the case f gd bks, the pint is nt t see hw many f them yu can get thrugh, but rather hw many can get thrugh yu — hw many yu can make yur wn. A few friends are better than a thusand acquaintances. If this be yur aim, as it shuld be, yu will nt be impatient if it takes mre time and effrt t read a great bk than it des a newspaper.
    12.Full wnership f a bk des nt ccur until ________.
    A.it is purchasedB.it is read between the lines
    C.it is written between the linesD.it is wrn, shaken and lsened
    13.The main advantage f marking up a bk is ________.
    A.t keep yu frm feeling sleepy
    B.t shw that yu are absrbed in reading
    C.t make yurself cnscius that yu are reading actively
    D.t make yurself a part f it, making further understanding pssible
    14.The authr mst prbably agrees that ________.
    A.Gne with the Wind and David Cpperfield are nt thught-thrugh bks
    B.Marking a bk can help preserve yur questins abut what is read
    C.Reading will benefit us mre if it is dne actively
    D.Intelligent peple usually read quickly and differently
    15.The purpse f this passage is ________.
    A.t tell the readers hw t read different bks
    B.t encurage the readers t read slwly but actively
    C.t argue that the readers shuld read between lines
    D.t intrduce ways t mark up a bk while reading
    12.细节理解题。根据文章第三段的Full wnership cmes nly when yu have made it a part f yurself and the best way t make yurself a part f it is by writing in it.(只有你让它成为你自己的一部分,你才能完全拥有一本书,而最好的方法就是通过在上面做标记)可知,通过在字里行间做标记,才能真正拥有一本书。C. it is written between the lines (在字里行间做笔记)符合以上说法,故选C项。
    13.细节理解题。根据文章第四段的The marked bk is usually the thught-thrugh bk. Finally, writing helps yu remember the thughts yu had, r the thughts the authr expressed.(有记号的书通常都是经过深思熟虑的书。最后,做笔记帮助你记住你的想法,或作者表达的想法)可知,在书上做笔记的优势是:更加理解这本书,并且让自己成为其中的一部分。D. t make yurself a part f it, making further understanding pssible.(让你自己成为书的一部分,让进一步的理解变得可能)符合以上说法,故选D项。
    14.推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段的An rdinary piece f light fictin, like "Gne with the Wind," desn't require the mst active kind f reading, and yu dn't absrb the ideas f Jhn Dewey the way yu absrb the stry f David Cpperfield.(一部普通的轻松小说,比如乱世佳人,不需要积极的阅读,你也不用像理解约翰.杜威的思想那样去理解大卫科波菲尔)可知作者认为乱世佳人和大卫科波菲尔不需要积极的去阅读,故推测作者认为他们不是深思熟虑的书。A. Gne with the Wind and David Cpperfield are nt thught-thrugh bks.(乱世佳人和大卫科波菲尔不是深思熟虑的书)符合以上推测,故选A项。
    15.推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段的If reading is t accmplish anything mre than passing time, it must be active.(如果阅读的目的不仅仅是消磨时间,那么它必须是积极的。)Yu may als say that this business f marking bks is ging t slw up yur reading. It prbably will. That's ne f the reasns fr ding it.(你可能还会说,在书上做标记会减慢你的阅读速度。也许会吧,这就是要慢读的原因之一)可推测,作者写本的目的是鼓励读者积极地,慢慢地阅读。B. t encurage the readers t read slwly but actively. (鼓励读者慢且积极的阅读)符合以上说法,故选B项。
    Althugh there is grwing research int the negative effect that screen-based technlgy can have n well-being(健康), the trick technlgy cmpanies have smehw played is that they have made it ur prblem, nt theirs. Fr example, it is ridiculus that we blame yung peple fr being addicted t their apps when the simple truth is that they are designed t be addictive. In the wrld f apps, addictin is what brings in mney.
    Whether yu run a vide service, a news site r a mbile game, certainly yur prduct will have an effect n the mental health f yur users - negative r psitive. But the sad reality is that if yu are nt ptimizing that effect, it tends t be frmer. The reasn why s much technlgy desn’t supprt well-being was n cnsideratin in its design.
    An imprtant area fr imprvement is ntificatins(通知). Ntificatins are a great example f a feature that’s great fr the prduct but bad fr the users, since nt nly d they make us less fcused but they als cause anxiety abut the things we’ve missed, a symptm f addictin. There is very little gd abut an inbx icn(收件箱图标)shwing a bright red circle with a high number n it. Ntificatins can be made friendlier by nt shwing them in real time. One idea is t shw the level f unread messages thrugh the weight f the app name. S if yu had lts f emails, yur Mail app wuld be very bld(粗体的), but if yu didn’t have any, it wuld be lighter. In this way, less attentin will be required.
    Thugh it sunds challenging, finally mney will talk. It is pssible t make changes t prducts that dn’t damage their primary incme mdels. Changes culd be made that help us feel better abut urselves. When a cmpany becmes mre well-being-psitive, they add a cmpetitive difference and becme mre attractive.
    32.What can be cncluded frm the first paragraph?
    A.Yung peple can be tricked easily.
    B.Screen-based technlgy is negative.
    C.The addictin prblem can’t be slved.
    D.Tech cmpanies are t blame fr addictin.
    33.If the users dn’t imprve the effect n well-being, it tends t be ________.
    34.Hw can the apps reduce the negative effects accrding t the authr?
    A.By remving the inbx icn.
    B.By limiting peple’s screen time.
    C.By making ntificatins less eye-catching.
    D.By infrming the users f messages in n time.
    35.What des the authr think f well-being-psitive cmpanies?
    A.They will enjy the benefit finally.B.They will have an uncertain future.
    C.They will d gd t the minrity.D.They will change incme mdels.
    32.推理判断题。根据第一段中Fr example, it is ridiculus that we blame yung peple fr being addicted t their apps when the simple truth is that they are designed t be addictive. In the wrld f apps, addictin is what brings in mney. 例如,我们责怪年轻人沉迷于他们的应用软件是荒谬的,而简单的事实是,软件的设计是让人上瘾的。在应用软件的世界里,上瘾能带来金钱。可知,科技公司是上瘾的罪魁祸首。故选D项。
    33.细节理解题。根据第二段中Whether yu run a vide service, a news site r a mbile game, certainly yur prduct will have an effect n the mental health f yur users - negative r psitive. But the sad reality is that if yu are nt ptimizing that effect, it tends t be frmer. 无论你运行的是视频服务、新闻网站还是手机游戏,你的产品肯定会对你的用户的心理健康产生影响——无论是消极的还是积极的。但可悲的现实是,如果你不优化这种效果,它往往是前者。可知,如果使用者不改善对健康的影响,它往往是悲观的。故选C项。
    34.推理判断题。根据第三段中Ntificatins are a great example f a feature that’s great fr the prduct but bad fr the users, since nt nly d they make us less fcused but they als cause anxiety abut the things we’ve missed, a symptm f addictin. There is very little gd abut an inbx icn(收件箱图标)shwing a bright red circle with a high number n it.通知功能是一个很好的例子,它对产品有好处,但对用户有坏处,因为它不仅让我们注意力不集中,还会让我们对错过的东西感到焦虑,这是上瘾的症状。收件箱图标显示一个亮红色的圆圈,上面的数字很高,这没什么好处。可知,作者认为通过降低通知的醒目程度,应用软件可以减少负面影响。故选C项。
    35.细节理解题。根据最后一段中When a cmpany becmes mre well-being-psitive, they add a cmpetitive difference and becme mre attractive.当一个公司变得更加积极乐观时,他们会增加竞争的差异,变得更有吸引力。可知,作者认为积极向上的公司最终会享受到好处。故选A项。
    The latest sprts craze is nt even a sprt. Accrding t a recent article, “e-sprts” are attracting a large number f audience.
    In e-sprts, players and teams cmpete in ppular vide cmputer games such as Dta 2 and Ovenvatch. Fans fill arenas t watch the actin live n huge televisin screens.
    The games have gne way past kids playing against each ther while sitting n a sfa at hme. The Internatinal, a majr cmpetitin fr players f Dta 2, awarded $24 millin in prizes, with the winner taking hme almst $11 millin. A recent e-sprts cmpetitin attracted mre than 80,000 fans t the Olympic Stadium in Beijing, China.
    I have t admit that I am nt a big fan f cmputer games. I knw that sme games can be educatinal, but I think t many kids spend t much time sitting in frnt f a screen shting space aliens. I think it wuld be better if kids spent mre time reading r playing real sprts such as basketball, baseball and sccer.
    And please dn’t tell me that cmpetitive gaming is real sprt because it requires hand-eye crdinatin. Accrding t my American Heritage Dictinary, a sprt is “an activity invlving physical exertin and skill.” I dn’t think anyne wrks up much f a sweat playing vide games.
    T ften, regular sprts send kids a kind f message. Cmpetitin starts early, when lts f kids are nt ready fr the ups and dwns f games. Tryuts and travel teams cme next, giving t many kids the message they are “nt gd” at sprts. S lts f kids quit sprts and start playing mre vide games.
    Maybe everyne in yuth sprts, including caches, parents and kids, shuld think mre abut the advantages f real sprts.
    8.What are “e-sprts” accrding t the text?
    A.Sprts events n televisin screens.
    B.Vide cmputer game cmpetitins.
    C.The latest sprts in the Olympic Games.
    D.Easy sprts games fr kids.
    9.What might the authr think f “e-sprts”?
    A.They are nt instructive.
    B.They shuld be banned in schl.
    C.They need t much time and mney.
    D.They have sme negative influence n children.
    10.What des the underlined wrd “exertin” in Paragraph 5 mean?
    11.What is the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A.T intrduce a new kind f sprt.
    B.T intrduce a cmpetitin held in Beijing.
    C.T explain the imprtance f playing sprts.
    D.T call n peple t pay mre attentin t traditinal sprts.
    8.细节理解题。根据第二段中的In e-sprts, players and teams cmpete in ppular vide cmputer games such as Dta 2 and Ovenvatch. Fans fill arenas t watch the actin live n huge televisin screens.可知,在电子竞技中,玩家和团队在Dta2和Ovenvatch等流行的电子游戏中竞争。粉丝们挤满了球场,在巨大的电视屏幕上观看现场直播。由此可知,电子竞技是电脑游戏的比赛。故选B。
    9.推理判断题。根据第四段中的I knw that sme games can be educatinal, but I think t many kids spend t much time sitting in frnt f a screen shting space aliens. I think it wuld be better if kids spent mre time reading r playing real sprts such as basketball, baseball and sccer.(我知道有些游戏是有教育意义的,但我认为太多的孩子花太多的时间坐在屏幕前射击外星人。我认为如果孩子们能花更多的时间来阅读或玩真正的运动,比如篮球、棒球和足球,那就更好了)及第五段中的I dn’t think anyne wrks up much f a sweat playing vide games.(我认为没有人会在玩电子游戏时大汗淋漓)和最后一段中的Maybe everyne in yuth sprts, including caches, parents and kids, shuld think mre abut the advantages f real sprts.(也许每个年轻人,包括教练、父母和孩子,都应该多想想体育运动的好处)可推知,作者认为电子竞技对孩子们造成了一些消极影响。故选D。
    10.词义猜测题。此处是作者从美国传统辞典上查阅的关于运动的定义,an activity invlving physical exertin and skill.划线词语由physical修饰,结合常识和下句much f a sweat可知,此处指体力活动,身体的努力。与选项中的Effrt同义。故选C。
    11.推理判断题。文中作者介绍了电子竞技受欢迎的现象,表达了对此现象的担忧。根据第四段中的I think it wuld be better if kids spent mre time reading r playing real sprts such as basketball, baseball and sccer.(我认为如果孩子们能花更多的时间来阅读或玩真正的运动,比如篮球、棒球和足球,那就更好了)和最后一段中的Maybe everyne in yuth sprts, including caches, parents and kids, shuld think mre abut the advantages f real sprts.(也许每个年轻人,包括教练、父母和孩子,都应该多想想体育运动的好处)可知,作者呼吁人们应该更多地关注传统体育。故选D。
    If yu are reading this, yu were prbably brn in the 2000s. The h-hs. The 21st century. That wuld make yu yung, creative, cnnected, glbal, and n dubt smart. Maybe gd-lking, t. Right? But what d ther peple think abut yur generatin?
    Sme adults wrry that yu’re mre interested in the screen in frnt f yu than the wrld arund yu. They think f yu as the “face-dwn generatin” because yu use yur phne s much and they wnder hw yu will deal with schl, friends, and family. Are tday’s teenagers t busy texting and taking selfies t becme successful in real life—r “IRL”, as yu wuld say?
    Other adults wrry that tday’s yuth are spilt and dn’t want t face the challenges f adult life. Many children brn in the 1990s and 2000s were raised by “helicpter parents", wh were always there t guide and help their children with a busy schedule filled with hmewrk and after-class activities such as dancing, drawing, r sprts. With parents wh d everything fr them, tday’s yuth seem t prefer t live like teenagers even when they are in their 20s r 30s.
    With these taken int accunt, des the face dwn generatin need a warning? Well, prbably nt. The fact is that many f tday’s teenagers are better educated and mre creative than past generatins. They seem t be enthusiastic and willing t be becme leaders. Mre yung peple than ever vlunteer t help their cmmunities. There are als brave yung peple such as Malala Yusafzai, the teenager wh wn the 2014 Nbel Peace Prize fr pushing girls’ rights t g t schl.
    S if yu’re ne f the h-hs, there are reasns t be hpeful abut the future. Things are lking up fr the face-dwn generatin. Chances are that yu will d GR8 (great) and LOL (laugh ut lud).
    12.Which f the fllwing wrds can nt be used t describe the h-hs?
    13.What des the underlined phrase “helicpter parents” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A.parents wh are rich and travel by helicpter.
    B.parents wh always watch ver their children.
    C.parents wh have a very busy schedule.
    D.parents wh nly turn up when necessary.
    14.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.The writer is a member f the face-dwn generatin.
    B.The writer is ptimistic abut the future f the h-hs.
    C.The h-hs are mre gd-lking than their parents.
    D.The h-hs care abut nthing ther than their phnes.
    15.What can be a best title fr the passage?
    A.The “helicpter parents”B.The ver-wrried parents
    C.The spiled generatinD.The face-dwn generatin
    12.细节理解题。根据第一段中“That wuld make yu yung, creative, cnnected, glbal, and n dubt smart. ”以及第四段中“Mre yung peple than ever vlunteer t help their cmmunities. ”可知,作者认为00后有创造力、聪明、关爱他人。文中没有关于00后ignrant的描述。故选C项。
    13.词句猜测题。根据第三段中关于helicpter parents后定语从句的描述“… wh were always there t guide and help their children with a busy schedule filled with hmewrk and after-class activities such as dancing, drawing, r sprts. ”可知,“直升机父母”是指总是在那里指导和帮助他们的孩子,让孩子的日程安排充满了家庭作业和课后活动。从guide and help可知,“直升机父母”是总是监管孩子的父母。故选B项。
    14.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“S if yu’re ne f the h-hs, there are reasns t be hpeful abut the future. ” 可知,作者认为00后的未来充满了希望。作者对00后的未来还是很乐观的。故选B项。
    15.主旨大意题。文章第一段最后一句提出“But what d ther peple think abut yur generatin? ”,下文论述了成年人对于00后的种种担忧,认为他们经常使用手机,称他们是“脸朝下”的一代,也担心“直升机父母” 将他们宠坏了。作者认为00后受过更好的教育和更有创造力,也能关爱他们,对他们的未来充满希望。 因此文章是讨论关于00后的不同的看法。故选D项。
    While many f us may have been away smewhere nice last summer, few wuld say that we’ve “summered.” “Summer” is clearly a nun, mre precisely, a verbed nun.
    Way back in ur childhd, we all learned the difference between a nun and a verb. With such a tidy definitin, it was easy t spt the difference. Nt s in adulthd, where we are expected t “ft” bills, “chair” cmmittees, and “dialgue” with plitical ppnents. Chances are yu didn’t feel uncmfrtable abut the sight f thse verbed nuns.
    “The verbing f nuns is as ld as the English language,” says Patricia O’Cnner, a frmer editr at The New Yrk Times Bk Review. Experts estimate that 20 percent f all English verbs were riginally nuns. And the phenmenn seems t be snwballing. Since 1900, abut 40 percent f all new verbs have cme frm nuns.
    Even thugh cnversin (转化) is quite universal, plenty f grammarians bject t the practice. William Strunk Jr. and E.B.White, in The Elements f Style — the Bible fr the use f American English — have this t say: “Many nuns lately have been pressed int service as verbs. Nt all are bad, but all are suspect.” The Chicag Manual f Style takes a similar standpint, advising writers t use verbs with great care.
    “Smetimes peple bject t a new verb because they resist what is unfamiliar t them,” says O’Cnner. That’s why we’re cmfrtable “hsting” a party, but we might feel upset by the thught f “medaling” in sprts. S are there any rules fr verbing? Benjamin Dreyer, cpy chief at Randm Huse, desn’t ffer a rule, but suggests that peple think twice abut “verbifying” a nun if it’s easily replaceable by an already existing ppular verb. Make sure it’s descriptive but nt silly-sunding, he says.
    In the end, hwever, style is subjective. Easy cnversin f nuns t verbs has been part f English grammar fr centuries; it is ne f the prcesses that make English “English.” Nt every cinage (新创的词语) passes int general use, but as fr trying t end verbing altgether, frget it.
    12.What can we learn abut the verbing f nuns?
    A.It hasn’t recently been ppsed by many grammarians.
    B.It is mre cmmnly accepted by children than adults.
    C.It hasn’t been a rare phenmenn in the past century.
    D.It is easily replaced by existing verbs in practice
    13.What is mst leading experts’ attitude twards the practice f the verbing f nuns?
    14.What des the authr think f ending the verbing f nuns?
    15.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.Are 40 Percent f all new verbs frm nuns?
    B.Are Summering and Medaling Annying?
    C.Are Yu Cmfrtable abut a New Verb?
    D.Are There Any Rules fr Verbing?
    12.推理判断题。根据第三段的Since 1900, abut 40 percent f all new verbs have cme frm nuns.(自1900年以来,大约40%的新动词来自名词)可知,我们知道在过去的一个世纪里,名词动用并不是罕见的现象。故选C。
    13.推理判断题。根据第四段的Nt all are bad, but all are suspect.(不是所有的都是坏的,但所有的都是可疑的)和The Chicag Manual f Style takes a similar standpint, advising writers t use verbs with great care.(《芝加哥文体手册》也持类似观点,建议作者小心使用动词)可知,对于名词动用的用法,大多数的专家持谨慎的态度。故选A。
    14.推理判断题。根据最后一段的Nt every cinage (新创的词语) passes int general use, but as fr trying t end verbing altgether, frget it.(并不是所有的造词都被广泛使用,但是想要完全停止动词的使用,还是算了吧)可知,作者认为结束名词动用用法的使用是不可能的,故选D。
    Thrughut histry, music spread amng peple f different cultures. In tday's technlgical advanced sciety, hwever, peple spread music nline, smetimes withut an artist's permissin. This can lead t many prblems, and music cmpanies are nw cracking dwn n this practice. Sharing music nline withut permissin is theft.
    Sharing music nline prevents recrding cmpanies frm making mney frm their effrts. They say that sharing music nline has resulted in a huge drp in prfits and sales ver the past 10 years. Peple wh find music fr free nline are nt paying fr CDs r every MP3 dwnladed. T truly understand the influence f music piracy n creatrs, ne must understand hw many peple are invlved in the recrding prcess. Fr the sale f each album, prfits must be shared between musicians, sund engineers, music prducers, managers, advertisers, and the cmpany selling the prduct. Many peple believe sharing music nly affects the recrding artist, but the reality is that sharing hurts business fr all cmpanies invlved.
    There are many peple wh dn't see the harm in sharing music nline and even think they have the right t d it. One nline blgger states that he riginally paid fr an entire CD and that he shuld be able t d with the material whatever he wants. While he may have legally paid fr the music, he des nt have the right t prvide permissin, which means peple like the blgger are thieves.
    Althugh we dn't spread tday's music the same way we did befre, there's n dubt that peple arund the wrld lve t share music. Hwever, internet piracy wuld prevent musicians frm cntinuing prducing albums fr fear f theft. Therefre, if peple want t cntinue listening t their favrite artists, they need t buy their music s that artists will make enugh prfit t cntinue their music careers.
    28.The underlined phrase “cracking dwn n” in paragraph 1 is clsest in meaning t ______.
    A.bringing up carefullyB.speaking highly f
    C.dealing seriusly withD.destrying cmpletely
    29.We can learn frm the text that ________.
    A.sharing music files nline affects a lt f peple
    B.artists are taking actin t prtect their right
    C.nline music sharing increases sales f music CD
    D.a persn wh bught a CD has the right t share it nline with thers
    30.Hw is the text rganized?
    B.Intrductin-Supprting statements-Cnclusin.
    C.Main idea-Cmparisn-Supprting statements.
    31.What is the authr’s attitude tward music piracy?
    28.词句猜测题。前文“This can lead t many prblems”说这会导致很多问题,后文“Sharing music nline withut permissin is theft.”说没有允许的在网上分享音乐是偷窃,这两个部分都说明不应该支持网上分享音乐,因此如果有这样的行为就应该严肃处理,由此可以猜出cracking dwn n this practice是严肃处理这种行为的意思,故选C。
    29.推理判断题。由第二段最后一句“Many peple believe sharing music nly affects the recrding artist, but the reality is that sharing hurts business fr all cmpanies invlved. ”可知。很多人认为分享音乐只影响唱片艺术家,但事实是分享损害了所有涉及到的公司的生意。因此推断分享网上音乐影响很多人。故选A。
    30.推理判断题。由第一段“Sharing music nline withut permissin is theft. ”可知文章的论点是“网上分享音乐是盗窃行为”; 由第二段 “Many peple believe sharing music nly affects the recrding artist, but the reality is that sharing hurts business fr all cmpanies invlved. ”可知,网上音乐影响了很多人,是论据;由最后一段“Therefre, if peple want t cntinue listening t their favrite artists, they need t buy their music s that artists will make enugh prfit t cntinue their music careers. ”可知,作者反对网上分享音乐,是结论。因此文章的结构是论点——论据——结论。故选B。
    31.推理判断题。由最后一段“Therefre, if peple want t cntinue listening t their favrite artists, they need t buy their music s that artists will make enugh prfit t cntinue their music careers. ”可知,如果人们想继续听他们喜欢的艺术家,他们需要买他们的音乐,以便于艺术家有足够的利润继续他们的艺术事业。由此可以看出作者对盗版音乐持反对态度。故选C。

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