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    2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编(全国通用)专题06 阅读理解记叙文(原卷版)
    2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编(全国通用)专题06 阅读理解记叙文(原卷版)01
    2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编(全国通用)专题06 阅读理解记叙文(原卷版)02
    2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编(全国通用)专题06 阅读理解记叙文(原卷版)03
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    2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编(全国通用)专题06 阅读理解记叙文(原卷版)

    这是一份2024年高考真题和模拟题英语分类汇编(全国通用)专题06 阅读理解记叙文(原卷版),共14页。

    【新课标Ⅰ卷】“I am nt crazy,” says Dr. William Farber, shrtly after perfrming acupuncture (针灸) n a rabbit. “I am ahead f my time.” If he seems a little defensive, it might be because even sme f his cwrkers ccasinally laugh at his unusual methds. But Farber is certain he’ll have the last laugh. He’s ne f a small but grwing number f American veterinarians (兽医) nw practicing “hlistic” medicine-cmbining traditinal Western treatments with acupuncture, chirpractic (按摩疗法) and herbal medicine.
    Farber, a graduate f Clrad State University, started ut as a mre cnventinal veterinarian. He became interested in alternative treatments 20 years ag when he suffered frm terrible back pain. He tried muscle-relaxing drugs but fund little relief. Then he tried acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, and was amazed that he imprved after tw r three treatments. What wrked n a veterinarian seemed likely t wrk n his patients. S, after studying the techniques fr a cuple f years, he began ffering them t pets.
    Leigh Tindale’s dg Charlie had a serius heart cnditin. After Charlie had a heart attack, Tindale says, she was prepared t put him t sleep, but Farber’s treatments eased her dg’s suffering s much that she was able t keep him alive fr an additinal five mnths. And Priscilla Dewing reprts that her hrse, Nappy, “mves mre easily and rides mre cmfrtably” after a chirpractic adjustment.
    Farber is certain that the hlistic apprach will grw mre ppular with time, and if the past is any indicatin, he may be right: Since 1982, membership in the American Hlistic Veterinary Medical Assciatin has grwn frm 30 t ver 700. “Smetimes it surprises me that it wrks s well,” he says. “I will d anything t help an animal. That’s my jb.”
    24. What d sme f Farber’s cwrkers think f him?
    A. He’s dd.B. He’s strict.C. He’s brave.D. He’s rude.
    25. Why did Farber decide t try acupuncture n pets?
    A. He was trained in it at university.B. He was inspired by anther veterinarian.
    C. He benefited frm it as a patient.D. He wanted t save mney fr pet wners.
    26. What des paragraph 3 mainly talk abut?
    A. Steps f a chirpractic treatment.B. The cmplexity f veterinarians’ wrk.
    C. Examples f rare animal diseases.D. The effectiveness f hlistic medicine.
    27. Why des the authr mentin the American Hlistic Veterinary Medical Assciatin?
    A. T prve Farber’s pint.B. T emphasize its imprtance.
    C. T praise veterinarians.D. T advcate animal prtectin.
    【新课标ⅠⅠ卷】D yu ever get t the train statin and realize yu frgt t bring smething t read? Yes, we all have ur phnes, but many f us still like t g ld schl and read smething printed.
    Well, there’s a kisk (小亭) fr that. In the San Francisc Bay Area, at least.
    “Yu enter the fare gates (检票口) and yu’ll see a kisk that is lit up and it tells yu can get a ne-minute, a three-minute, r a five-minute stry,” says Alicia Trst, the chief cmmunicatins fficer fr the San Francisc Bay Area Rapid Transit — knwn as BART. “Yu chse which length yu want and it gives yu a receipt-like shrt stry.”
    It’s that simple. Riders have printed nearly 20,000 shrt stries and pems since the prgram was launched last March. Sme are classic shrt stries, and sme are new riginal wrks.
    Trst als wants t intrduce lcal writers t lcal riders. “We wanted t d smething where we d a call t artists in the Bay Area t submit stries fr a cntest,” Trst says. “And as f right nw, we’ve received abut 120 submissins. The winning stries wuld g int ur kisk and then yu wuld be a published artist.”
    Ridership n transit (交通) systems acrss the cuntry has been dwn the past half century, s culd shrt stries save transit?
    Trst thinks s.
    “At the end f the day all transit agencies right nw are ding everything they can t imprve the rider experience. S I abslutely think we will get mre riders just because f shrt stries,” she says.
    And yu’ll never be withut smething t read.
    4. Why did BART start the kisk prgram?
    A. T prmte the lcal culture.B. T discurage phne use.
    C. T meet passengers’ needs.D. T reduce its running csts.
    5. Hw are the stries categrized in the kisk?
    A. By ppularity.B. By length.
    C. By theme.D. By language.
    6. What has Trst been ding recently?
    A. Organizing a stry cntest.B. Ding a survey f custmers.
    C. Chsing a print publisher.D. Cnducting interviews with artists.
    7. What is Trst’s pinin abut BART’s future?
    A. It will clse dwn.B. Its prfits will decline.
    C. It will expand natinwide.D. Its ridership will increase.
    (2024·湖南怀化·一模)Due t the fact that the average life expectancy in Ghana is 64 years ld, and the mst cmmn causes f death are largely treatable cnditins, such as malaria, strke, and respiratry infectins. Bateng, grwing up in a small village in suthern Ghana/struggling t access basic health care, felt an urgent call t help and decided he wuld make it his life’s missin t bring health care t remte cmmunities in Ghana.
    Bateng wrked hard in schl, getting a schlarship t study bilgy at Crnell University in the US, and ultimately earned his master’s in Healthcare Administratin. Later he started his nnprfit, OKB Hpe Fundatin, and cnverted a van int a mbile dctr’s ffice called the Hpe Health Van t bring health care directly t thse in need in 2021.
    A few times a week, the mbile clinic and medical team travel lng distances t remte cmmunities in Ghana and prvide free rutine medical care. On each trip, Bateng’s team cnsists f a nurse, a physician’s assistant, a dctr, and an peratin assistant. In the van, they can run basic labs like bldwrk and urinalysis as well as prescribe and prvide medicatins. “It’s like a ne-stp shp fr peple,” said Bateng, adding that mst f the peple they see have ne health issue r anther.
    Since its launch, Bateng says the Hpe Health Van has served mre than 4, 000 Ghanaians acrss mre than 45 rural cmmunities wh therwise dn’t have easily accessible medical care. T supplement the mbile clinic, Bateng’s rganizatin has als trained 20 vlunteers t serve as lcal health advcates. They check peple’s vitals and prvide the medical team with timely data fr assessing hw t mve frward with care and treatment, especially fr thse whse health is at risk.
    In the future, Bateng hpes t expand t prvide mre cnsistent and high-quality medical care nt nly t thse living in remte areas f Ghana but in ther cuntries as well. “I believe that ur mdel can be replicated in sub-Saharan Africa,” he said.
    4.What inspired Bateng t set his life gal?
    A.He wanted t get a schlarship.
    B.Many lcals died f deadly diseases.
    C.The birthplace f him was small and pr.
    D.Basic health care was inaccessible fr lcals.
    5.What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A.Hw Bateng’s team functins.B.Why Bateng’s team was funded.
    C.What Bateng’s team has achieved.D.Where Bateng’s team has travelled.
    6.What is Bateng’s attitude t his team in the future?
    7.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.A van bringing medical care t thusands
    B.A cuntry lacking basic health care
    C.Effrts t prvide peple with medicatins
    D.Mbile vans travelling thrugh Ghana
    (2024·安徽合肥·三模)At the beginning f graduate schl, I knew that if I wanted t get tenure (长期聘用), I had t be prductive. Hwever, when my first three papers were rejected by majr jurnals, a leading expert tld me my prjects were hpeless, and I wndered if I shuld drp ut.
    We all get rejected at wrk, whether it’s having ur suggestins sht dwn r getting fired frm a jb. It causes pain. Neurscientists (神经系统科学家) have scanned the brains f peple wh have cruelly been excluded frm an nline game. The physilgical (生理学的) respnse lks fairly similar t prcessing physical pain.
    Apparently, this was adaptive in ur evlutinary past. If rejectin didn’t hurt, yu might have been perfectly cmfrtable leaving yur tribe, which wuld nt be gd fr yur survival. But it’s left us nervus and likely t verreact t everyday rejectins. If yu’ve ever given a presentatin and felt upset by the ne unfriendly face in a rm full f smiles, yu knw what I mean.
    That’s the bad news. The gd news is that we can learn t accept rejectin calmly. “When yu’re insecure in ne, yu rely n the ther ne that’s ding better at that time. Pliability (柔韧性) is the definitin f strength,” said filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan.
    When my wrk gt rejected early in my academic career, pliability became my surce f strength. My identity as a researcher was under threat, but that wasn’t what had drawn me t graduate schl in the first place. I had anther, strnger identity: I wanted t be a teacher. Hwever, I hadn’t had the chance: The first tw years f my prgram were suppsed t fcus entirely n research.
    I realized that if I wanted t bunce back frm the research rejectins, I had t find a way t teach. I cnvinced an adviser t sign ff n independent study prjects fr a grup f students, and I started meeting with them weekly t teach my wn little class. The cnversatins with the students gave rise t my first tw majr papers, which gave me a head start tward tenure.
    4.What was the authr’s reactin t the leading expert’s wrds?
    A.He tk his advice.B.He felt discuraged.
    C.He paid n attentin.D.He cnsulted anther expert.
    5.What have neurscientists fund ut?
    A.Rejectin really hurts.
    B.Rejectin is imprtant t survival.
    C.Peple tend t verreact t rejectin.
    D.Physical pain grws because f rejectin.
    6.What des the authr advise us t d when facing rejectin?
    A.Find ut the reasns behind it.
    B.Frgive thse wh reject us.
    C.Turn t ur strnger identity.
    D.Learn a lessn frm past failures.
    7.What happened t the authr at last?
    A.He left graduate schl.
    B.He turned int a middle schl teacher.
    C.He wrked n practicing his physical pliability.
    D.He accmplished sme research wrk successfully.
    (2024·浙江嘉兴·二模)I have always been prud f my handwriting, a skill I was taught in grade schl. The teacher was teaching us the Palmer Penmanship Methd, drilling int us the imprtance f frming big flwing lines when we wrte g’s and s’s as well as beautiful f’s that in my mind were like fairy tale princesses wearing fancy hats while extending their right ft. We were strictly prhibited frm using blck letters n ur hmewrk, as they lack the beauty.
    Nw it becmes apparent that yung peple n lnger learn cursive(草书). They type everything, mstly n their phnes. Beautiful handwriting is a thing f the past. This has becme a surce f great sadness amng traditinalists.
    But recently smething happened that shk my faith in cursive. T my cmplete disbelief, nt ne but tw f my clse friends cmplained abut the handwriting n my pstcards. They were grateful fr the beautiful pstcards I regularly sent, but they said they hnestly culdn't read a thing I had written. One friend went s far as t ask if I culd use blck letters next time s that she culd understand what I was writing.
    Initially, I was angry. I had made the effrt t cver an entire pstcard with what I viewed as nt just handwriting but calligraphy. But then I shwed an English friend a pstcard I'd just written, and he said that the nly thing that was readily understandable was the letters “U. S. A.” The rest f it, he plitely suggested, lked like “chicken scrawl”.
    Lking at the pstcard dispassinately, I unwillingly admit that he has a pint. All the m’s and n’s run tgether, and the l’s lk like l’s. The a’s are indistinguishable frm the q’s. S, frm nw n, I'm taking their advice and using blck letters t cmmunicate.
    In fact, I just nw sent an ld friend a pstcard. But this time, I simply wrte—in big blck letters:
    I hpe she gets the message.
    4.What d we knw abut the Palmer Penmanship Methd?
    A.It is characterized by big flwing lines.B.It is rarely appreciated by traditinalists.
    C.It was nt allwed in students'hmewrk.D.It is viewed as a trend in handwriting styles.
    5.What weakened the writer’s belief in cursive?
    A.The ppularity f blck letters in recent times.
    B.The yunger generatin’s disinterest in cursive.
    C.His friends’ failure t cmprehend his pstcards.
    D.His English friend's suggestin n pstcard design.
    6.Why did the writer switch t blck letters fr cmmunicatin?
    A.T deliver his message clearly.B.T imprve his handwriting skills.
    C.T win praise frm his friends.D.T shw his passin fr calligraphy.
    7.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.The wide use f cursive.B.The sad decline f cursive.
    C.The value f preserving cursive.D.The technique f writing in cursive.
    (2024·河南南阳·模拟预测)The Music Educatr Award, presented by the Recrding Academy and Grammy Museum, recgnizes thse wh have made a significant cntributin t music educatin. This year it went t Annie Ray, a teacher at Annandale High Schl in Fairfax Cunty, Virginia. She was hnred fr her effrts t make music accessible t all students, particularly thse with disabilities.
    Ray attended the awards ceremny in Ls Angeles, tk phts with pp stars and brught hme a $10,000 prize and matching grant (补助金) fr her schl’s music prgram. But she cnsiders the award t be her students.
    Ray lved music and was regarded as a music talent at an early age. She was inspired by the diversity f the Annandale cmmunity, which she says represents ver 60 cuntries. There are a lt f cultures that might typically clash (冲突), but they cme tgether in this very beautiful harmny. S she created the Crescend Orchestra (管弦乐队) fr students with disabilities, as well as a parent rchestra that teaches nearly 200 caregivers a year t play the same instrument as their child.
    The rchestra is abut much mre than just making music, hwever. It gives students a chance t develp their cperatin skills and learn the art f imprving smething. “I really push my students t be bld, g ut f their cmfrt znes, challenge themselves and becme cnfident,” Ray said. “Meanwhile, they cmpletely changed my educatinal appraches. I learn t teach them accrding t their wn abilities and pace.”
    At the Grammys, what impressed her was that many famus perfrmers agreed that a gd music educatr can change ne’s life, which made her feel what she did was rewarding.
    But she faces sme challenges. One is that nt many peple understand hw much music educatrs’ wrk matters. Anther challenge is resurces. Her schl desperately needs new instruments but lacks enugh mney.
    “It is a hard prfessin, but I never give up. There’s nthing else like it,” Ray said.
    4.What mtivated Ray t create the Crescend Orchestra?
    A.The cultural diversity.B.Her talent fr music.
    C.Her disabled students’ desire.D.The Annandale cmmunity’s advice.
    5.What effect des Ray have n her students?
    A.They made greater musical achievements.
    B.They tk cmfrt frm life’s imprvements.
    C.They became mre cperative and cnfident.
    D.They develped effective learning appraches.
    6.What challenge is Ray facing nw?
    A.Shrtage f funds.B.Hardship f being a teacher.
    C.Lack f reward fr wrk.D.Disapprval frm music educatrs.
    7.Which wrds can best describe Ray?
    A.Humrus and helpful.B.Mdest and determined.
    C.Wise and adventurus.D.Demanding and ambitius.
    (2024·黑龙江吉林·模拟预测)It tk an ill screech wl (鸣角鸮) t teach a scientist the value f up-clse-and-persnal study.
    In his Harvad talk, Carl Safina, an eclgist and authr f Alfie and Me: What Owls Knw, What Humans Believe, recalled that the chick was fund dying in his backyard. Safina tk it in and planned t nurse it back t health and then perfrm release. But the wlet's flight feathers didn't grw prperly. Safina delayed the release. Over thse extended mnths, Safina gt t knw Alfie in ways that mved and changed him.
    “An wl fund me and then I was watching ‘an wl’,” he said. “It was n lnger an wl after a while, it was ‘she’ because she had a histry with me. This little wl, wh was with me much lnger than I thught she wuld be, became an individual t me by that histry and all thse interactins.”
    The bnd with Alfie strengthened t the pint that, when she was finally released, she created a territry with Safina's hme at its center. Safina was able t spend hurs each day bserving her in the wds as she learned t take care f herself in the wild, met tw mates, and raised chicks f her wn.
    When he heard Alfie calling, Safina said, he'd call back and she'd land nearby. Their clseness allwed him t learn mre things abut screech wls. Field guides, fr example, describe tw knwn calls but he identified six, sme f which yu have t be quite clse t hear. The relatinship als pened a windw fr Safina nt persnality differences between Alfie and her mates.
    When pinted ut that his apprach t Alfie—including the act f naming her—ran cunter t widespread scientific practice, Safina said he wasn't cncerned abut vilating (违反) cnventin, particularly if smething interesting like individual persnality differences amng wls culd be learned.
    The experience caused Safina t think mre deeply abut humankind's relatinship with nature and the kind f persnal cnnectin he was able t feel with a wild individual. “What I learned frm Alfie is that all sentient (有情感的) beings seek a feeling f well-being and freedm f mvement,” Safina said. “That's a guide t what's right and what's wrng t me.”
    4.What d we knw abut Alfie?
    A.She develped a clse bnd with Safina.
    B.She was a fictinal character in Safina's bk.
    C.She intentinally landed in Safina's backyard.
    D.She was dying because f the brken flight feathers.
    5.What happened after Safina released Alfie?
    A.Alfie chse t stay with Safina at his hme.
    B.They maintained a cntinus cmmunicatin.
    C.Alfie met mates and raised chicks by herself.
    D.Safina kept his distance frm her t prevent attachment.
    6.What did Safina achieve in his study?
    A.Recrding six different calls f the screech wl.
    B.Identifying different types f wls by their calls.
    C.Learning hw t release wls back int the wild.
    D.Understanding persnality differences amng wls.
    7.Hw did Safina's experience with Alfie impact him?
    A.He became mre fcused n explring nature.
    B.He initiated his cmmitment t wildlife cnservatin.
    C.He develped a deep appreciatin fr the welfare f living creatures.
    D.He decided t guide readers t distinguish between right and wrng.
    (2024·浙江绍兴·三模)Sandval, wh cmes frm Ls Angeles, has traveled and filmed in ver 50 cuntries acrss seven cntinents and nw lives in China. “In 2008, tired f my studi wrk in the U.S, I came t China, thinking I wuld be here ne r tw years, but it has turned ut t be 16 years!” he said. He hpes his phtgraphs will inspire thers t embark n adventures as well.
    Sandval is a prfessinal phtgrapher and learned cmmercial phtgraphy at what was then the Brks Institute f Phtgraphy. With the hpe f trying smething different fr himself, he went t Chengdu in Suthwest China t live in Octber 2008 and has traveled thrughut the cuntry since then.
    In the beginning, he did editrial wrk fr magazines bth in and utside Sichuan, such as Vgue. Then he wrked with the Sichuan turism department t prduce travel brchures, and als n ad campaigns fr destinatins fr crprate cmpanies.
    T him, Chengdu is the capital f a laid-back lifestyle. He was delighted t see that residents, dressed stylishly r cmfrtably, strlled in the streets “as slwly as snails”. Almst a “walking encyclpedia” f Chengdu, Sandval cvered every crner f Chengdu and recrded Chengduese and their lives with his camera, listening t the sund f mahjng tiles being shuffled and music frm traditinal stringed instruments.
    He als ges frm place t place with his heavy travel kit. The varied culture and vast, beautiful land has kept him in China much lnger than he had planned in the beginning. He remembers a wide range f adventures like explring a lcal vineyard and lcal wine in Yinchuan City, a riding perfrmance by a Mnglian ethnic grup in the Shuidnggu Hrse Riding Shw, and then the ttally different experience f visiting the Hainan Free Trade Prt in the suth.
    He thinks he has dne a lt in “this beautiful and vast cuntry” with his “travel phts”. “I try t shw peple the beauty f where I g. I try t inspire them t travel and g t places. I’m hping t d mre internatinal wrk,” he said.
    4.Why did Sandval cme t China?
    A.He was nt gd at studi wrk.B.He wanted t step ut f the cmfrt zne.
    C.He had a preference fr internatinal wrk.D.He was attracted by the picturesque nature f China.
    5.What des the underlined wrd “laid-back” in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    6.Sandval’s experiences arund China are mentined in Paragraph 5 t shw _______.
    A.Sandval’s diverse hbbiesB.Sandval’s desire fr new careers
    C.Sandval’s superb pht techniqueD.Sandval’s fascinatin fr Chinese culture
    7.What is the writing purpse f this passage?
    A.T call n readers t take up phtgraphy.
    B.T praise Sandval fr spreading Chinese culture.
    C.T facilitate the develpment f turism in Chengdu.
    D.T intrduce the experience f a prfessinal phtgrapher.
    (2024·山东日照·模拟预测)Travelling seemed like falsehd t me. I grew tired f backpackers expressing t much praise abut hw petting a baby elephant in Thailand “transfrmed” them. Glbe-traveling t me held n mre prmise than finding a few bills in the pcket f an ld cat. I needed smething deeper than an Eat, Play, Lve mment.
    One day, Vasilis, my Greek best friend, reminded me f ur decade-ld prmise: after ur final exams, I wuld visit his hmetwn in Athens. Maybe, it was time t make gd n that prmise.
    I finally barded the plane. Vasilis picked me up at the airprt. I smiled, thinking hw imprbable this mment seemed all thse years ag.
    The decade-lng wait prved t be well wrth it. Every step thrugh the ancient streets revealed new wnders. Hwever, nne f them truly mattered. What wuld frever alter my perceptin f travel was a chance encunter with a lcal.
    Vasilis and I were wandering Athens when a special sund caught ur attentin — a rhythmic clinking disturbing the quietness f the residential street. Curiusly, we fllwed the sund t a humble wrkshp. Inside, a welder (焊工) gave n mind t ur presence behind him. He wre n flashy prtective suit — this was just anther day fr him, anther dance with fire and metal that had becme secnd nature. Under the sunshade, his range cat rested in the cmfrting warmth...
    As the man cntinued welding, I felt a bit f envy. I envied his peace and cntentment. I admired the simplicity he embdied. I imagined the welder happy, finding fulfillment in his craft (手艺) and returning t his lving mment mved me t tears. Leaving the wrkshp, rain blending with tears, I realized hw easily life’s petry culd pass unnticed.
    Hme again in Mntreal, I stp simply pursuing better things, better experiences and better peple that are never grasped. I realize the real jurney is inward — t appreciate life’s rdinary magic. That sure beats petting any baby elephant. I may nt have returned hme “transfrmed,” but I’ll always think f the welder and his cat.
    4.Which aspect f travelling makes the authr feel uneasy?
    A.Shrtage f adequate funds.B.Discmfrt in dietary habits.
    C.Overstatement f travel’s effects.D.Danger f petting baby animals.
    5.What drve the authr t g t Athens?
    A.Meeting a cmmitment.B.Explring a unique landscape.
    C.Receiving further educatin.D.Escaping frm the current life.
    6.What des the underlined wrd “petry” in paragraph 6 prbably refer t?
    A.Pems written by masters.B.Peace and simplicity.
    C.Spirit f craftsmanship.D.Special sund in the street.
    7.Which f the fllwing can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Friendship Lasts FreverB.Travelling Shapes a Better Self
    C.Pursuit f Happiness Never StpsD.The Ordinary Makes Extrardinary
    (2024·福建泉州·二模)When training fr my first marathn, I treated myself t an expensive fitness watch that tracked my time, pace and splits.
    At the end f my final training run, I threw myself dwn n the flr the mment I gt hme, nly t see my watch had failed me. Twenty-ne miles briefly flashed n the screen befre it went blank and disappeared frever. I screamed in pain. That tragic image f me crying n my living rm flr pretty much sums up my relatinship with exercise tracking technlgy.
    It can be a ttal jy t watch yur data change as yu get strnger and faster, but smetimes it became a stick fr punishment. I wuld cmpare my pace with ther peple’s r criticize myself fr nt ding it 30 secnds faster. I never really recgnized this as a prblem. T me, tracking was the rute t self-imprvement, and the pint was t be better.
    In the past year, “being better” has taken n a different meaning. My mental health drpped, and things like brushing my teeth became unimaginably difficult. Being better stpped meaning getting faster r strnger. It meant taking care f myself and feeling sme jy. Once I started getting better, I reflected n what made me happy and what did nt. S, I stpped tracking my runs and deleted all the data.
    I then fund I genuinely lve running. I run arund my lcal park with a silly little smile. But I d nt lve running quickly. I d nt like races. I d nt want t be pushed t be faster. I nw ntice hw my legs feel and hw my mind feels afterwards — clear and fcused. I ntice the smell f the wild plants and the sunshine n my face.
    I am better. Smetimes I am wrse. But either way I’m mving frward slwly and firmly, and that’s gd enugh.
    4.The authr cried after the final training run because she ________.
    A.had t stp wrking utB.became physically wrn ut
    C.lst the data n the watchD.felt a sharp pain in the legs
    5.The authr used t view exercise tracking as ________.
    A.a fun hbby fr enjymentB.a strng need fr recgnitin
    C.a methd f escaping punishmentD.a way f being a better runner
    6.What des “being better” mean t the authr nw?
    A.Getting pleasure ut f winning races.B.Being mre fcused n her life gal.
    C.Freeing herself frm demanding tasks.D.Imprving her verall well-being.
    7.What can we cnclude frm this passage?
    A.Adjustment brings happiness.B.Passin is the key t success.
    C.Sprts cntribute t happiness.D.Success equals self-imprvement.
    (2024·山东·模拟预测)“It’s like riding a bike” is a cmmn cmment when yu want t remind smene that it’s hard t frget a basic skill. But what if yu dn’t knw hw t ride a bike?
    This was smething Annette Kruger, an avid (热衷的) cyclist, saw that was true fr many wmen in Berlin, including refugees, wh’d mved t there. Whether they weren’t allwed r didn’t have the pprtunity t learn, these wmen had never experienced the health benefits and independence that cycling ffers.
    That is why, seven years ag, Kruger started Bikeygees, a nn-prfit rganizatin fcused n teaching wmen t ride a bike. The grup members gather fr tw hurs fr training sessins every week. Advanced riders can brrw bikes and helmets fr free t practise n their wn.
    The grup als teaches wmen hw t fix bikes, instilling (逐步培养) a sense f self-sufficiency, says Kruger. If they can d bike repairs, ride and learn the German rules f the rad, they are awarded with a bike kit, including a bike, a helmet, a bike lck and bike tls. Mre than 500 bikes have been dnated s far, and Kruger says the gal is t eventually prvide all participants with their wn bikes. T date, the grup has taught mre than 1,400 wmen and has met in mre than 20 lcatins within Germany, including in emergency shelters.
    Participants have said that riding a bike allws them nt nly freedm f mvement — sme f the wmen use them t bring their children t schl—but als hpe fr the future. Kruger says that she can see the impact that cncentrating n a new skill has n the wmen. “We can’t replace what smene lst in their life, but we can ffer smething new. The success is measured in the smiles f the riders when they cnquer anther bike skill. She recalls ne student in her 60s wh cntinued t practice thrugh a bitter winter.” She said, “This is a dream fr me. I have been waiting my whle life t d this.”
    4.What did the wmen in Berlin btain frm Bikeygees?
    A.Opprtunities t learn German.B.Chances t mve away frm Berlin.
    C.Attentin t their living cnditins.D.Fitness and freedm t get arund.
    5.Which f the fllwing best describes Annette Kruger?
    6.What d we learn abut the Bikeygees prject?
    A.It has made large prfits.B.It becmes increasingly ppular.
    C.It ffers mre bikes than needed.D.It allws beginners t practise individually.
    7.Which is a benefit fr the participants frm the last paragraph?
    A.A prspect f future life.B.A mvement fr wmen.
    C.The capacity t earn mney.D.The freedm f their children.
    (2024·河北·三模)Many bilgists are drawn t cean animals like sea turtles and whales. Fr me, the pale, blind creatures in the wrld’s darkest caves are mre attractive. As an underwater cave eclgist, I find and name new species. I have described eight new species f spnges (海绵物种) s far, seven f which live nly in caves. Smetimes I cunt the ppulatin f rganisms t see hw their numbers change ver time. I als study hw different species interact with ne anther and their envirnment.
    When I start diving with my team members, there’s natural light arund us, but as we div e farther, it turns dark, and we switch n ur lights and fllw the cave line — a thin thread explrers leave behind fr divers t find their way in and ut f the cave. While sme caves are just a few meters lng, sme stretch ver 300 kilmeters and culd be deeper than 50 meters. Diving at this depth, yu might fall in narcsis,a state where the brain feels like it’s n a high, similar t being drunk. We might run int truble an hur r s away frm the cave entrance.
    But the mysterius (神秘的) wrld we see inside is wrth the risk. I remember diving int El Aerlit Cave n Czumel Island in Mexic, where I recrded 101 species. My mst exciting encunter t date has been with remipedes — pisnus wrmlike creatures fund nly in underwater caves. It tk me arund 200 dives befre I came face t face with abut 15 f them hidden deep in the caves f Czumel.
    These delicate ecsystems are rapidly changing due t water pllutin, climate change, and cnstructin activities. We might lse the many life frms in these deep, dark wrlds befre we can even begin t understand them. I’m determined t explre all I can while they still exist. I’m taking advanced diving lessns and learning new labratry techniques s that I can g even deeper int understanding this envirnment.
    1.What des the authr mainly talk abut in Paragraph 1?
    A.His jb duties.
    B.His travel experiences.
    C.His wide-ranging interests.
    D.His cncern ver the envirnment.
    2.What d cave explrers leave behind fr the cave eclgists?
    A.The cave line.
    B.The head lights.
    C.The life supplies.
    D.The measuring tls.
    3.What can be inferred abut the authr in El Aerlit Cave?
    A.He fund plluted water.
    B.He made amazing discveries.
    C.He defeated pisnus creatures.
    D.He gt int truble far frm the entrance.
    4.Which f the fllwing can best describe the authr?
    A.Hnest and curius.B.Generus and humble.
    C.Brave and determined.D.Sympathetic and helpful.

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    (新高考)2020年高考真题和模拟题英语分类训练专题06 阅读理解记叙文(2份打包,解析版+原卷版): 这是一份(新高考)2020年高考真题和模拟题英语分类训练专题06 阅读理解记叙文(2份打包,解析版+原卷版),文件包含新高考2020年高考真题和模拟题英语分类训练专题06阅读理解记叙文解析版doc、新高考2020年高考真题和模拟题英语分类训练专题06阅读理解记叙文原卷版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共65页, 欢迎下载使用。

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