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    这是一份海南省部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语试题(Word版附解析),共34页。试卷主要包含了15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A. Watch TV. B. Visit a park. C. See a film.
    2. When will the man pick up the wman?
    A. At 7:10 p. m. B. At 7:00 p. m. C. At 6:20 p. m.
    3. What can we knw abut the htel?
    A. It prvides better service.
    B. It is near a river.
    C. It has big rms.
    4. Hw many swimming classes are there this term?
    A. 5. B. 9. C. 14.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. The weather. B. A natural disaster. C. Their neighbrhd.
    6. What are the speakers invited t d?
    A. Enjy a mvie. B. Taste sme snacks. C. Walk in the park.
    7. Hw des the wman sund in the end?
    A. Annyed. B. Uninterested. C. Excited.
    听第7 段材料,回答第8、9题。
    8. Why des the man make a telephne call?
    A. T ask abut a jb. B. T buy sme bks. C. T put ff an interview.
    9. What day is it tday?
    A. Thursday. B. Wednesday. C. Friday.
    10. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Interviewer and interviewee.
    11. What’s the man’s favrite sprt in winter?
    A. Swimming. B. Skating. C. Running.
    12. Wh des the man usually play sprts with?
    A. His brther. B. The wman. C. His friends.
    13. Why des the wman refuse the man’s invitatin?
    A She has t take a math test.
    B. She desn’t like cld weather.
    C. She will lk after her mther.
    听第9段材料,回答第14 至17题。
    14. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the muntains. B. At hme. C. In a stre.
    15 What will the weather be like tmrrw?
    A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cludy.
    16. What des the man ask the wman t take?
    A. An umbrella. B. A map. C. Enugh fd.
    17. What d the speakers need t buy?
    A. Drinks. B. A sprts watch. C. Sprts shes.
    听第10段材料,回答第18 至20题。
    18. On what cnditin will the wrkers at Aetna get paid mre?
    A. If they sleep lnger than seven hurs.
    B. If they wrk fr mre hurs.
    C. If they get n well with cwrkers.
    19. Hw can wrkers recrd their sleeping hurs?
    A. By using an app.
    B. By making a vide.
    C. By asking their family members t watch.
    20. Hw much lss might a wrker cause in a year?
    A. $300. B. $632. C. $2,280.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Ancient Art Exhibitins f Museum f Fine Arts Hustn
    Arts f Africa
    “African” describes arts f Africa frm 500 BC t the present. The Museum’s African art cllectin features masks (面具), statues, headdresses, clths, and bjects frm a variety f regins, cultures, and cuntries. The mst famus ne is a metal head f a king frm the Curt f Benin. Many artwrks were created t strengthen the psitin and pwer f the rulers, r t symblize psitin. Others hnr ancestrs.
    Arts f the Pacific Islands and Australia
    The arts include thse frm Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and ther Suth Pacific Islands that make up a regin nce called “Oceania”. The cean has shaped these peples and their art. Many wrks were made frm wd and plants, and decrated with paint, feathers, and shells. Valuable bjects were als carved frm stne.
    Glassell Cllectin f Ancient America
    Gld played an imprtant rle in ancient Central and Suth America. Ancient Americans valued gld fr its spiritual pwer. Gld was cnsidered t be part f the sun and had its energy. This cllectin is withut equal in the wrld.
    Glassell Cllectin f Africa
    Frm ancient times, gld was a symbl f wealth and pwer, and gld artwrks were highly prized. On Africa’s west cast, gld was rich. Chiefs used gld wrks t prve pwer and respect, and t prmte plitical unity. The Glassell Cllectin f African Gld is cnsidered the finest f its kind in the wrld, and it is the largest cllectin f African gld in an American museum.
    1. Which stands ut in Arts f Africa’s cllectin?
    A. An ancient mask.B. A metal head.
    C. A unique stne bject.D. A beautiful headdress.
    2. What’s a character f the wrks frm Arts f the Pacific Islands and Australia?
    A. They were influenced by the cean.
    B. They were wned by ancient rulers.
    C. They shaped Oceanian peple’s life.
    D. They were specially decrated fr different purpses.
    3. What d the wrks f Glassell Cllectin f Ancient America and Glassell Cllectin f Africa have in cmmn?
    A. They include dnatins f different cllectrs.
    B. They stand fr the highest level f art.
    C. They feature fine artwrks cntaining gld.
    D. They shw respect fr the ancestrs.
    Discvering a hbby can lead t amazing results, as Maria Martinez, an 11-year-ld with a heart f gld, has prven.
    Just ver a year ag, Maria came acrss the wrld f clthes-making, thanks t ne f the Christmas gifts she received. Little did she knw that this newfund ability wuld becme a surce f jy and purpse, nt just fr her, but als fr cuntless furry friends.
    “I gt a gift permit at Christmas t start clthes-making lessns,” Maria said. “I really liked it.”
    After mastering the basics, an idea came t her mind during a visit t a lcal exhibitin.Surrunded by pet wners and their pets, Maria had an idea that wuld change lives. Why nt create lvely bandannas (头巾) fr dgs and cats and use them t supprt animal shelters?
    With great interest and the supprt f her grandmther, Maria turned a crner f their hme int a busy wrking rm. Tgether, they made many beautiful bandannas, each ne filled with lve and care.
    But Maria’s wish went far beynd creating decratins. She began dnating her wrks t shelters like Claws Frever in Fall River, hping t catch the eye f sme peple wh can take these dgs and cats hme.
    Maria als began selling them thrugh wrd-f-muth and at varius events. “At first she started just dnating the bandannas because it tk her much time t make them. Then she gt mre skilled and was able t buy clth with sme extra incme that she was making frm it,” her mm, Crystal, said. “Maria is a really kind giving persn and she desn’t want fr much f anything. It makes her feel gd t dnate. We are prud f her.”Ranging frm $3 t $7, mney frm her sales is nw dnated t shelters, t. A few weeks ag, she dnated mre than $200 t the Kingstn Animal Shelter.
    “They were happy and really grateful, which made me feel really gd inside,” said Maria. “It makes me happy t see hw it’s impacted the peple and dgs.”
    4. What makes it pssible fr Maria t start her charity?
    A. Her lve fr dgs.B. Her clthes-making skills.
    C The jy f receiving gifts.D. Grandma’s suggestin.
    5 What des the underlined wrd “them” in paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. Christmas gifts.B. Pet wners.C. Dgs and cats.D. Lvely bandannas.
    6. Why des Maria give decratins t shelters?
    A. T make herself knwn t mre peple.
    B. T prtect dgs and cats frm the cld.
    C. T attract mre peple t take in the animals.
    D. T help rescue hmeless dgs in the streets.
    7. What is Crystal's attitude t Maria's behavir?
    A. Supprtive.B. Dubtful.C. Mixed.D. Wrried.
    An American cmpany is preparing t use a series f driverless trucks t transprt gds n a majr public highway. Aurra Innvatin says it plans t begin the service later this year in Texas with 20 trucks. The trucks will drive back and frth t transprt gds between the cities f Dallas and Hustn.
    The cmpany says it hpes t increase the service t thusands f trucks within three t fur years. Aurra says the transprtatin methd culd perate 24 hurs a day. It aims t speed up the prcess and pssibly save n transprtatin csts.
    Aurra will cntinue testing fr the next nine mnths. If all ges well, as it has s far, the driverless prgram will begin after that. At first, the trucks will be carrying gds fr FedEx and ther transprtatin partners between the cmpanies’ prcessing centers.
    Since 2021, Aurra trucks have already carried gds fr ver 1 millin kilmeters n public rads. But thse vehicles all had human safety drivers sitting inside.
    The cmpany said there had been three accidents related t thse trucks. And it said all f the accidents were the result f mistakes by human drivers f ther vehicles. The accidents were nt serius and n ne was hurt in them. And in each case, the Aurra truck was able t safely pull ff t the side f the rad.
    Prgress in the US n driverless technlgy has slwed in recent years. Several cmpanies have already made plans t start self-driving taxi services in big cities. But thse effrts have repeatedly been put ff.
    Aurra and ther cmpanies believe that years f testing prves that their trucks will actually be safer than human-driven nes. They nte that the vehicles’ advanced sensrs (传感器) can “see” farther than any human eyes can. And the trucks never get tired as humans d. They als are nt affected by alchl r drugs.
    8. What d we knw abut the test f the driverless prgram?
    A. It is getting alng smthly.B. It has received lts f cmplaints.
    C. It has been cnducted thrughut America.D. It is far frm satisfactry.
    9. Which f the fllwing was respnsible fr the Aurra truck accidents?
    A. Careless passers-by.B. Other vehicles’ human drivers.
    C. Drivers in Aurra trucks.D. The imperfect system f the trucks.
    10. What’s the main idea f the last paragraph?
    A. The advantages f driverless trucks.B. The weaknesses f traditinal trucks.
    C. The develpment f driverless vehicles.D. The technlgy used in the driverless trucks.
    11. Which can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Driverless Trucks Save Transprtatin Csts
    B. Driverless Technlgy Is Develping Slwly
    C. Driverless Trucks Will Appear n US Highways
    D. Driverless Trucks Will Replace Regular Ones in US
    D yu knw anything abut galaxies (星系)? Are yu interested in them? Hw many galaxies can yu name? Researchers have identified tw ancient star grups that appear t be amng the Milky Way Galaxy’s earliest parts. The grups are named after the Hindu gds Shakti and Shiva. They were discvered using bservatins frm the Eurpean Space Agency’s Gaia space telescpe (望远镜).
    Scientists wrte in a study that the grups might be the remains f tw galaxies that united with the early pieces f the Milky Way 12 billin years ag. They say the discvery ffers new infrmatin abut hw ur galaxy frmed.
    The Milky Way Galaxy is made up f hundreds f billins f stars. It is a large, flat circle abut 100,000 light years acrss. A light year is the distance light travels in a year. Experts say the study might have identified the last event befre the Milky Way Galaxy began t take the shape it has tday.
    The Eurpean Space Agency sent up Gaia in 2013. The space telescpe is helping t create the largest and mst cmplete 3D map f the Milky Way Galaxy. Gaia is gauging the psitins, distances, and mvements f the stars. This data enabled researchers t find Shakti and Shiva.
    The study builds n anther recent discvery. In 2022, scientists using Gaia data identified what they called the “pr ld heart” f the Milky Way Galaxy. It is made up f a ppulatin f stars frm the earliest perid f the galaxy fund near its center.
    The stars that make up Shiva and Shakti are different chemically frm mst f the Milky Way Galaxy’s ther stars. They are called “metal pr” because f the amunt f heavy element s they cntain. Fr example, the stars have less irn, carbn, and xygen than similar stars in ther parts f the galaxy. Heavier elements first frmed inside the universe’s earliest ppulatin f stars. When these stars blew up at the end f their life cycles, the elements were then sent ut int space.
    12. What’s the authr's purpse in raising the questins in the first paragraph?
    A. T raise sme dubts.B. T intrduce the tpic.
    C. T make a survey abut galaxies.D. T encurage readers t research galaxies.
    13. What can be learnt frm paragraph 3?
    A. The size f the Milky Way Galaxy.
    B. The frming time f the Milky Way Galaxy.
    C. The events the Milky Way Galaxy has experienced.
    D. The tls the scientists used t make the discvery.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “gauging” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Fllwing.B. Cnnecting.C. Measuring.D. Cntrlling.
    15. Hw d the newly discvered star grups differ frm the thers?
    A. They have a larger weight.B. They take a strange shape.
    C. They are further away frm Earth.D. They cntain less amunt f heavy elements.
    While traveling, it’s imprtant t d it in a way that preserves these natural attractins fr the next generatin t enjy as well. It’s always a gd idea t travel in an envirnmentally friendly way. ____16____ The fllwing are sme tips fr ec-friendly travel.
    Lk fr a green label (标签)
    The demand fr ec-friendly travel has resulted in a sharp increase f envirnmentally friendly labels used by businesses, htels, and prducts in the travel industry. ____17____ There are a few ways t d the research and find ut which labels are really envirnmentally friendly. One chice is t lk at the nline guides that g thrugh the details f several cmmn labels.
    Ask questins
    ____18____ Wise travelers can research, ask, r talk t travel cmpanies. This will discver the prblems behind the label. Research is abslutely imprtant because there’s a lt f smke and mirrrs in this business. Yu wuldn’t just buy a car frm an ad withut understanding what it was r cmparing it t thers.
    Fly less and fly direct
    When yu fly, make it cunt. Use lng-distance flights when necessary. But change t mre ec-friendly chices fr mre lcal destinatins. ____19____ By traveling ver land, ne can cut carbn emissins (碳排放) by as much as 50 percent r 80 percent.
    Stay lcal and buy lcal
    Anther way t cut dwn n flights is t get in tuch with the lcal cmmunity. ____20____ And it can help travelers really understand hw life wrks in that cmmunity. Staying lcal can cut dwn n travel emissins, and jining in the lcal cmmunity can als reduce a turist’s cultural and envirnmental impact.
    A. Sme destinatins have vernight trains.
    B. Hwever, nt all these labels are really hnest.
    C. That lets ne bth tur nature and prtect nature.
    D. It is recmmended that travelers stay in ne lcatin lnger.
    E. Prmting the lcal ecnmy can actually have green benefits.
    F. Trains and buses prduce much less carbn emissins than airplanes d.
    G. Althugh sme cmpanies have green labels, we dn’t quite knw fr sure.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    This is an inspiring stry. Tw Oak Park High Schl students are being praised as ____21____ after they did smething t their PE teacher, Alfred Kattla, wh suffered a sudden heart attack.
    The event ____22____ during a regular student-teacher basketball game when the teacher ____23____ felt sick befre falling dwn in the gym. “In sme way, I was gne,” Kattla said t a TV reprter, reflecting n the ____24____ mment.
    DuBse and Cleman, bth junir students at Oak Park High Schl, tk actin ____25____. Using the knwledge f the CPR (心肺复苏) and first aid skills they had ____26____ just mnths earlier in a health sciences class, the tw students began ____27____ life-saving measures.
    “We thught we might use the skills at sme pint in ur ____28____, but nt that sn,” Cleman said.
    “We’re sitting n the grund ... I just knew I had t ____29____ smething,” DuBse said. “I began _____30_____ him. After arund tw and a half runds f cmpressins (按压), he shwed signs f recvery. Cleman helped me _____31_____ ur teacher all the time.”
    They played a key rle in keeping their teacher _____32_____. An ambulance with dctrs and nurses arrived n time and Kattla was _____33_____ t a lcal hspital fr further treatment. Unbelievably, he returned t schl the fllwing week, thanks t the _____34_____ actin f his students.
    Kattla reunited with the students t _____35_____ them. “I dn’t have t much t say ther than I lve yu guys,” he said.
    21. A. playersB. heresC. reprtersD. experts
    22. A. stuckB. spreadC. happenedD. ended
    23. A. suddenlyB. actuallyC. exactlyD. eventually
    24. A. satisfyingB. excitingC. frighteningD. embarrassing
    25. A. in silenceB. in returnC. withut dubtD. withut hesitatin
    26. A. sharedB. learnedC. explainedD. mentined
    27. A. waiting frB. ging thrugh.C. watching verD. carrying ut
    28. A. livesB. hmesC. schlsD. studies
    29. A. cnsiderB. questinC. dD. discver
    30. A. pressingB. pushingC. cmfrtingD. examining
    31. A. prtectB. calmC. rescueD. mve
    32. A. aliveB. awakeC. warmD. active
    33. A. intrducedB. rushedC. frcedD. walked
    34. A. pliteB. strangeC. expectedD. quick
    35. A. payB. admireC. thankD. encurage
    As a cuntry with a rich histry and excellent culture, China has seen the passing dwn f a lt f frms f unique cultural heritage (遗产) which keep ____36____ (develp) well tday. Ancient art is still ppular with mdern peple. China Daily ____37____ (recent) has created the dcumentary (纪录片) series Revival f Ancient Arts, filming mdern artists that are trying their best ____38____ (maintain) ancient arts.
    Velvet (丝绒) flwers made f silk and cpper (铜) wire ____39____ ( be) part f China’s histrical heritage.
    The traditin f wearing velvet flwers ____40____ (believe) t date back t the Tang Dynasty and the artistic flwers were nce ffered as a gift t ancient ____41____ (emperr). The wnderful cultural heritage f velvet flwer making has been passed dwn thrugh the generatins, keeping ____42____ (it) timeless art skills.
    The secnd part f the dcumentary series fcuses n the effrts f a velvet flwer master and a yung artist, ____43____ have carried n the traditinal technique and put the skills int mdern life.
    In this part, the artists frm Nanjing f East China’s Jiangsu prvince, ne f the birthplaces f velvet flwer prductin, shw ____44____ prcess f making velvet flwers and share their effrts in advancing this traditinal skill _____45_____ prtecting the ancient technique as well as make it ppular again.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节(满分15 分)
    46. 假定你是李华,高一学年已经接近尾声,请给外教Mr Jhnsn 写一封信,内容包括:
    1. 表达谢意;
    2. 回顾他对你的帮助。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Mr Jhnsn,
    Li Hua
    第二节(满分25 分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    73-year-ld Barbara sat at a bus stp n a rainy evening, thinking f the past and wishing t find her purpse in life.
    A sudden sund awakened her. She gt up and slwly apprached the bus, as peple abard impatiently waited fr her t get n quickly s the bus culd start sn. Barbara lked arund fr an empty seat but fund nne and nbdy wanted t give their seat t her. As the helpless wman lked tward the farther crner f the bus, she saw a little by waving at her, smiling.
    Barbara thught the by had mistaken her fr smene else. Minutes later, he pushed thrugh the crwd, held her hand and tk her t his seat. Barbara sat dwn and thanked the by. A yung wman near her smiled and said, “It’s kay. David was just ding his jb!” She intrduced herself as the by’s mther, Kristen.
    Then a cnversatin started between them, frm which Barbara learnt mre abut the mther and sn.
    In fact, the by’s father died tw years ag, leaving the mther with a great debt (债务) t pay and five little kids t feed. Every day was already a terrible struggle fr them. T make matters wrse, the yungest sn f the family, Kevin, fell seriusly ill and was battling fr his life in the hspital nw.
    A strange feeling f sadness and pity struck Barbara. Mved by the single mther’s stry, Barbara wanted t help. She felt Kristen was like her when she was at Kristen’s age: her husband and daughter died f illness many years ag.
    S Barbara asked Kristen hw she might help her.
    The next day, Barbara arrived at the hspital with a bx f mney.
    英 语
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A. Watch TV. B. Visit a park. C. See a film.
    2. When will the man pick up the wman?
    A. At 7:10 p. m. B. At 7:00 p. m. C. At 6:20 p. m.
    3. What can we knw abut the htel?
    A. It prvides better service.
    B. It is near a river.
    C. It has big rms.
    4. Hw many swimming classes are there this term?
    A. 5. B. 9. C. 14.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. The weather. B. A natural disaster. C. Their neighbrhd.
    6. What are the speakers invited t d?
    A. Enjy a mvie. B. Taste sme snacks. C. Walk in the park.
    7. Hw des the wman sund in the end?
    A. Annyed. B. Uninterested. C. Excited.
    听第7 段材料,回答第8、9题。
    8. Why des the man make a telephne call?
    A. T ask abut a jb. B. T buy sme bks. C. T put ff an interview.
    9. What day is it tday?
    A. Thursday. B. Wednesday. C. Friday.
    10. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Interviewer and interviewee.
    11. What’s the man’s favrite sprt in winter?
    A. Swimming. B. Skating. C. Running.
    12. Wh des the man usually play sprts with?
    A. His brther. B. The wman. C. His friends.
    13. Why des the wman refuse the man’s invitatin?
    A. She has t take a math test.
    B. She desn’t like cld weather.
    C. She will lk after her mther.
    听第9段材料,回答第14 至17题。
    14. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the muntains. B. At hme. C. In a stre.
    15. What will the weather be like tmrrw?
    A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cludy.
    16. What des the man ask the wman t take?
    A. An umbrella. B. A map. C. Enugh fd.
    17. What d the speakers need t buy?
    A. Drinks. B. A sprts watch. C. Sprts shes.
    听第10段材料,回答第18 至20题。
    18. On what cnditin will the wrkers at Aetna get paid mre?
    A. If they sleep lnger than seven hurs.
    B. If they wrk fr mre hurs.
    C. If they get n well with cwrkers.
    19. Hw can wrkers recrd their sleeping hurs?
    A. By using an app.
    B. By making a vide.
    C. By asking their family members t watch.
    20. Hw much lss might a wrker cause in a year?
    A. $300. B. $632. C. $2,280.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Ancient Art Exhibitins f Museum f Fine Arts Hustn
    Arts f Africa
    “African” describes arts f Africa frm 500 BC t the present. The Museum’s African art cllectin features masks (面具), statues, headdresses, clths, and bjects frm a variety f regins, cultures, and cuntries. The mst famus ne is a metal head f a king frm the Curt f Benin. Many artwrks were created t strengthen the psitin and pwer f the rulers, r t symblize psitin. Others hnr ancestrs.
    Arts f the Pacific Islands and Australia
    The arts include thse frm Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and ther Suth Pacific Islands that make up a regin nce called “Oceania”. The cean has shaped these peples and their art. Many wrks were made frm wd and plants, and decrated with paint, feathers, and shells. Valuable bjects were als carved frm stne.
    Glassell Cllectin f Ancient America
    Gld played an imprtant rle in ancient Central and Suth America. Ancient Americans valued gld fr its spiritual pwer. Gld was cnsidered t be part f the sun and had its energy. This cllectin is withut equal in the wrld.
    Glassell Cllectin f Africa
    Frm ancient times, gld was a symbl f wealth and pwer, and gld artwrks were highly prized. On Africa’s west cast, gld was rich. Chiefs used gld wrks t prve pwer and respect, and t prmte plitical unity. The Glassell Cllectin f African Gld is cnsidered the finest f its kind in the wrld, and it is the largest cllectin f African gld in an American museum.
    1. Which stands ut in Arts f Africa’s cllectin?
    A. An ancient mask.B. A metal head.
    C. A unique stne bject.D. A beautiful headdress.
    2. What’s a character f the wrks frm Arts f the Pacific Islands and Australia?
    A. They were influenced by the cean.
    B. They were wned by ancient rulers.
    C. They shaped Oceanian peple’s life.
    D. They were specially decrated fr different purpses.
    3. What d the wrks f Glassell Cllectin f Ancient America and Glassell Cllectin f Africa have in cmmn?
    A. They include dnatins f different cllectrs.
    B. They stand fr the highest level f art.
    C. They feature fine artwrks cntaining gld.
    D. They shw respect fr the ancestrs.
    【答案】1. B 2. A 3. C
    细节理解题。根据文章“Arts f Africa”部分内容“The mst famus ne is a metal head f a king frm the Curt f Benin.(最著名的是贝宁宫廷国王的金属头像。)”可知,在非洲艺术收藏中最著名的是贝宁宫廷国王的金属头像,即,藏品中突出的是这个金属头像。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据文章“Arts f the Pacific Islands and Australia”部分内容“The cean has shaped these peples and their art.(海洋塑造了这些民族及其艺术。)”可知,太平洋群岛和澳大利亚艺术的作品受到了海洋的影响,即,具有海洋影响的特色。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据文章“Glassell Cllectin f Ancient America”部分内容“Ancient Americans valued gld fr its spiritual pwer. (古代美洲人重视黄金的精神力量。)”以及“This cllectin is withut equal in the wrld.(这个收藏在世界上无与伦比。)”提到了古代美洲人对于黄金的精神崇拜,那么藏品具有黄金特色,且这组藏品无与伦比,应是很精致的;而“Glassell Cllectin f Africa”部分内容“The Glassell Cllectin f African Gld is cnsidered the finest f its kind in the wrld, and it is the largest cllectin f African gld in an American museum.(格拉塞尔非洲黄金收藏被认为是世界上同类藏品中最好的,也是美国博物馆中最大的非洲黄金收藏。)”中同样提及了该藏品是黄金收藏。由此可推知,两个主题的作品的共同点是都以含有黄金的精美艺术品为特色。故选C项。
    Discvering a hbby can lead t amazing results, as Maria Martinez, an 11-year-ld with a heart f gld, has prven.
    Just ver a year ag, Maria came acrss the wrld f clthes-making, thanks t ne f the Christmas gifts she received. Little did she knw that this newfund ability wuld becme a surce f jy and purpse, nt just fr her, but als fr cuntless furry friends.
    “I gt a gift permit at Christmas t start clthes-making lessns,” Maria said. “I really liked it.”
    After mastering the basics, an idea came t her mind during a visit t a lcal exhibitin.Surrunded by pet wners and their pets, Maria had an idea that wuld change lives. Why nt create lvely bandannas (头巾) fr dgs and cats and use them t supprt animal shelters?
    With great interest and the supprt f her grandmther, Maria turned a crner f their hme int a busy wrking rm. Tgether, they made many beautiful bandannas, each ne filled with lve and care.
    But Maria’s wish went far beynd creating decratins. She began dnating her wrks t shelters like Claws Frever in Fall River, hping t catch the eye f sme peple wh can take these dgs and cats hme.
    Maria als began selling them thrugh wrd-f-muth and at varius events. “At first she started just dnating the bandannas because it tk her much time t make them. Then she gt mre skilled and was able t buy clth with sme extra incme that she was making frm it,” her mm, Crystal, said. “Maria is a really kind giving persn and she desn’t want fr much f anything. It makes her feel gd t dnate. We are prud f her.”Ranging frm $3 t $7, mney frm her sales is nw dnated t shelters, t. A few weeks ag, she dnated mre than $200 t the Kingstn Animal Shelter.
    “They were happy and really grateful, which made me feel really gd inside,” said Maria. “It makes me happy t see hw it’s impacted the peple and dgs.”
    4. What makes it pssible fr Maria t start her charity?
    A. Her lve fr dgs.B. Her clthes-making skills.
    C. The jy f receiving gifts.D. Grandma’s suggestin.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “them” in paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. Christmas gifts.B. Pet wners.C. Dgs and cats.D. Lvely bandannas.
    6. Why des Maria give decratins t shelters?
    A. T make herself knwn t mre peple.
    B. T prtect dgs and cats frm the cld.
    C. T attract mre peple t take in the animals.
    D. T help rescue hmeless dgs in the streets.
    7. What is Crystal's attitude t Maria's behavir?
    A. Supprtive.B. Dubtful.C. Mixed.D. Wrried.
    【答案】4. A 5. D 6. C 7. A
    推理判断题。根据第四段“After mastering the basics, an idea came t her mind during a visit t a lcal exhibitin.Surrunded by pet wners and their pets, Maria had an idea that wuld change lives. Why nt create lvely bandannas (头巾) fr dgs and cats and use them t supprt animal shelters?”(掌握了基本知识后,在参观当地的一个展览时,她想到了一个主意。在宠物主人和他们的宠物的包围下,玛丽亚有了一个可以改变生活的想法。为什么不为狗和猫制作可爱的大手帕,并用它们来支持动物收容所呢?)以及最后一段中““It makes me happy t see hw it’s impacted the peple and dgs.””(“看到它对人们和狗的影响,我很高兴。”)可推知,玛丽亚对狗的爱使她开始她的慈善事业。故选A项。
    词义猜测题。根据划线单词句中“Why nt create lvely bandannas fr dgs and cats…”(为什么不为狗和猫制作可爱的大手帕……)由此可知,此处划线单词them指的是上文提到的“可爱的大手帕”。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第六段“But Maria’s wish went far beynd creating decratins. She began dnating her wrks t shelters like Claws Frever in Fall River, hping t catch the eye f sme peple wh can take these dgs and cats hme.”(但玛丽亚的愿望远不止制作装饰品。她开始将自己的作品捐赠给福尔河的“Claws Frever in Fall River”等收容所,希望能吸引一些人的注意,让他们把这些猫狗带回家。)可知,玛丽亚装饰收容所是为了吸引更多的人来收养动物。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“Then she gt mre skilled and was able t buy clth with sme extra incme that she was making frm it,” her mm, Crystal, said. “Maria is a really kind giving persn and she desn’t want fr much f anything. It makes her feel gd t dnate. We are prud f her.” Ranging frm $3 t $7, mney frm her sales is nw dnated t shelters, t. A few weeks ag, she dnated mre than $200 t the Kingstn Animal Shelter.”(后来她变得更熟练了,可以用一些额外的收入来买布料,”她的母亲克里斯托说。“玛丽亚是一个非常善良的人,她不想要太多的东西。捐款让她感觉很好。我们为她感到骄傲。”从3美元到7美元不等,她的销售所得现在也捐给了收容所。几周前,她向金斯顿动物收容所捐赠了200多美元。)可推知,克里斯托对玛丽亚的行为持支持的态度。故选A项。
    An American cmpany is preparing t use a series f driverless trucks t transprt gds n a majr public highway. Aurra Innvatin says it plans t begin the service later this year in Texas with 20 trucks. The trucks will drive back and frth t transprt gds between the cities f Dallas and Hustn.
    The cmpany says it hpes t increase the service t thusands f trucks within three t fur years. Aurra says the transprtatin methd culd perate 24 hurs a day. It aims t speed up the prcess and pssibly save n transprtatin csts.
    Aurra will cntinue testing fr the next nine mnths. If all ges well, as it has s far, the driverless prgram will begin after that. At first, the trucks will be carrying gds fr FedEx and ther transprtatin partners between the cmpanies’ prcessing centers.
    Since 2021, Aurra trucks have already carried gds fr ver 1 millin kilmeters n public rads. But thse vehicles all had human safety drivers sitting inside.
    The cmpany said there had been three accidents related t thse trucks. And it said all f the accidents were the result f mistakes by human drivers f ther vehicles. The accidents were nt serius and n ne was hurt in them. And in each case, the Aurra truck was able t safely pull ff t the side f the rad.
    Prgress in the US n driverless technlgy has slwed in recent years. Several cmpanies have already made plans t start self-driving taxi services in big cities. But thse effrts have repeatedly been put ff.
    Aurra and ther cmpanies believe that years f testing prves that their trucks will actually be safer than human-driven nes. They nte that the vehicles’ advanced sensrs (传感器) can “see” farther than any human eyes can. And the trucks never get tired as humans d. They als are nt affected by alchl r drugs.
    8. What d we knw abut the test f the driverless prgram?
    A. It is getting alng smthly.B. It has received lts f cmplaints.
    C. It has been cnducted thrughut America.D. It is far frm satisfactry.
    9. Which f the fllwing was respnsible fr the Aurra truck accidents?
    A. Careless passers-by.B. Other vehicles’ human drivers.
    C. Drivers in Aurra trucks.D. The imperfect system f the trucks.
    10. What’s the main idea f the last paragraph?
    A. The advantages f driverless trucks.B. The weaknesses f traditinal trucks.
    C. The develpment f driverless vehicles.D. The technlgy used in the driverless trucks.
    11. Which can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Driverless Trucks Save Transprtatin Csts
    B. Driverless Technlgy Is Develping Slwly
    C Driverless Trucks Will Appear n US Highways
    D. Driverless Trucks Will Replace Regular Ones in US
    【答案】8. A 9. B 10. A 11. C
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“If all ges well, as it has s far, the driverless prgram will begin after that. (如果一切顺利,就像目前为止那样,无人驾驶计划将在那之后启动)”可知,无人驾驶项目的测试现在进展顺利。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第五段中“And it said all f the accidents were the result f mistakes by human drivers f ther vehicles. (该公司表示,所有事故都是由其他车辆的人类驾驶员的失误造成的)”可知,其他车辆的人类驾驶员对这些卡车事故负有责任。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据最后一段“Aurra and ther cmpanies believe that years f testing prves that their trucks will actually be safer than human-driven nes. They nte that the vehicles’ advanced sensrs (传感器) can “see” farther than any human eyes can. And the trucks never get tired as humans d. They als are nt affected by alchl r drugs. (Aurra和其他公司相信,多年的测试证明,他们的卡车实际上比人类驾驶的卡车更安全。他们指出,无人驾驶汽车的先进传感器比任何人的眼睛都能“看”得更远。而且卡车永远不会像人类那样疲劳。他们也不受酒精或毒品的影响)”可知,本段主要介绍了相比于人类驾驶的卡车,无人驾驶卡车具有的众多优势。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“An American cmpany is preparing t use a series f driverless trucks t transprt gds n a majr public highway. Aurra Innvatin says it plans t begin the service later this year in Texas with 20 trucks. The trucks will drive back and frth t transprt gds between the cities f Dallas and Hustn. (一家美国公司正准备使用一系列无人驾驶卡车在一条主要的公共公路上运输货物。Aurra Innvatin表示,他们计划今年晚些时候在德克萨斯州推出20辆卡车。这些卡车将在达拉斯和休斯敦之间往返运输货物)”可知,文章主要介绍了一家美国公司计划在德州使用无人驾驶卡车运输货物,目标今年推出20辆,未来几年扩展至数千辆,还包括它们的测试、安全记录和优势等情况。因此,C项“无人驾驶卡车将出现在美国高速公路上”最契合文章主旨,适合作为文章标题。故选C项。
    D yu knw anything abut galaxies (星系)? Are yu interested in them? Hw many galaxies can yu name? Researchers have identified tw ancient star grups that appear t be amng the Milky Way Galaxy’s earliest parts. The grups are named after the Hindu gds Shakti and Shiva. They were discvered using bservatins frm the Eurpean Space Agency’s Gaia space telescpe (望远镜).
    Scientists wrte in a study that the grups might be the remains f tw galaxies that united with the early pieces f the Milky Way 12 billin years ag. They say the discvery ffers new infrmatin abut hw ur galaxy frmed.
    The Milky Way Galaxy is made up f hundreds f billins f stars. It is a large, flat circle abut 100,000 light years acrss. A light year is the distance light travels in a year. Experts say the study might have identified the last event befre the Milky Way Galaxy began t take the shape it has tday.
    The Eurpean Space Agency sent up Gaia in 2013. The space telescpe is helping t create the largest and mst cmplete 3D map f the Milky Way Galaxy. Gaia is gauging the psitins, distances, and mvements f the stars. This data enabled researchers t find Shakti and Shiva.
    The study builds n anther recent discvery. In 2022, scientists using Gaia data identified what they called the “pr ld heart” f the Milky Way Galaxy. It is made up f a ppulatin f stars frm the earliest perid f the galaxy fund near its center.
    The stars that make up Shiva and Shakti are different chemically frm mst f the Milky Way Galaxy’s ther stars. They are called “metal pr” because f the amunt f heavy element s they cntain. Fr example, the stars have less irn, carbn, and xygen than similar stars in ther parts f the galaxy. Heavier elements first frmed inside the universe’s earliest ppulatin f stars. When these stars blew up at the end f their life cycles, the elements were then sent ut int space.
    12. What’s the authr's purpse in raising the questins in the first paragraph?
    A. T raise sme dubts.B. T intrduce the tpic.
    C. T make a survey abut galaxies.D. T encurage readers t research galaxies.
    13. What can be learnt frm paragraph 3?
    A. The size f the Milky Way Galaxy.
    B. The frming time f the Milky Way Galaxy.
    C. The events the Milky Way Galaxy has experienced.
    D. The tls the scientists used t make the discvery.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “gauging” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A Fllwing.B. Cnnecting.C. Measuring.D. Cntrlling.
    15. Hw d the newly discvered star grups differ frm the thers?
    A. They have a larger weight.B. They take a strange shape.
    C. They are further away frm Earth.D. They cntain less amunt f heavy elements.
    【答案】12. B 13. A 14. C 15. D
    推理判断题。根据第一段“D yu knw anything abut galaxies (星系)? Are yu interested in them? Hw many galaxies can yu name? Researchers have identified tw ancient star grups that appear t be amng the Milky Way Galaxy’s earliest parts. The grups are named after the Hindu gds Shakti and Shiva. They were discvered using bservatins frm the Eurpean Space Agency’s Gaia space telescpe (望远镜).”(你了解星系吗?你对他们感兴趣吗?你能说出多少个星系的名字?研究人员已经确定了两个古老的恒星群,它们似乎是银河系最早的部分。这两个团体以印度教神沙克提和湿婆的名字命名。它们是通过欧洲航天局盖亚太空望远镜的观测发现的。)可推知,作者在第一段提出问题的目的是引入话题。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“It is a large, flat circle abut 100,000 light years acrss. A light year is the distance light travels in a year.”(它是一个大而平的圆,直径约10万光年。一光年是光在一年内传播的距离。)可知,从第三段可以了解到银河系的大小。故选A项。
    词义猜测题。根据第四段中“The space telescpe is helping t create the largest and mst cmplete 3D map f the Milky Way Galaxy.”(这架太空望远镜正在帮助绘制银河系最大、最完整的3D地图。)以及“This data enabled researchers t find Shakti and Shiva.”(这些数据使研究人员能够找到Shakti和Shiva。)由此可知,此处为Gaia正在测量恒星的位置、距离和运动。故可猜测划线单词gauging为“测量”的意思,结合选项C项Measuring“测量”意思一致。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“They are called “metal pr” because f the amunt f heavy element s they cntain. Fr example, the stars have less irn, carbn, and xygen than similar stars in ther parts f the galaxy.”(它们被称为“贫金属”,因为它们含有的重元素的量。例如,这些恒星的铁、碳和氧含量比银河系其他地方的类似恒星要少。)可知,新发现的星团与其他星团的不同之处是它们含有较少的重元素。故选D项。
    While traveling, it’s imprtant t d it in a way that preserves these natural attractins fr the next generatin t enjy as well. It’s always a gd idea t travel in an envirnmentally friendly way. ____16____ The fllwing are sme tips fr ec-friendly travel.
    Lk fr a green label (标签)
    The demand fr ec-friendly travel has resulted in a sharp increase f envirnmentally friendly labels used by businesses, htels, and prducts in the travel industry. ____17____ There are a few ways t d the research and find ut which labels are really envirnmentally friendly. One chice is t lk at the nline guides that g thrugh the details f several cmmn labels.
    Ask questins
    ____18____ Wise travelers can research, ask, r talk t travel cmpanies. This will discver the prblems behind the label. Research is abslutely imprtant because there’s a lt f smke and mirrrs in this business. Yu wuldn’t just buy a car frm an ad withut understanding what it was r cmparing it t thers.
    Fly less and fly direct
    When yu fly, make it cunt. Use lng-distance flights when necessary. But change t mre ec-friendly chices fr mre lcal destinatins. ____19____ By traveling ver land, ne can cut carbn emissins (碳排放) by as much as 50 percent r 80 percent.
    Stay lcal and buy lcal
    Anther way t cut dwn n flights is t get in tuch with the lcal cmmunity. ____20____ And it can help travelers really understand hw life wrks in that cmmunity. Staying lcal can cut dwn n travel emissins, and jining in the lcal cmmunity can als reduce a turist’s cultural and envirnmental impact.
    A. Sme destinatins have vernight trains.
    B. Hwever, nt all these labels are really hnest.
    C. That lets ne bth tur nature and prtect nature.
    D. It is recmmended that travelers stay in ne lcatin lnger.
    E. Prmting the lcal ecnmy can actually have green benefits.
    F. Trains and buses prduce much less carbn emissins than airplanes d.
    G. Althugh sme cmpanies have green labels, we dn’t quite knw fr sure.
    【答案】16. C 17. B 18. G 19. F 20. D
    根据上文内容“While traveling, it’s imprtant t d it in a way that preserves these natural attractins fr the next generatin t enjy as well. It’s always a gd idea t travel in an envirnmentally friendly way.(在旅行时,重要的是要以一种保护这些自然景点的方式,让下一代也能享受。以环保的方式旅行总是一个好主意)”可知,上文提出环保的旅游方式。选项C“That lets ne bth tur nature and prtect nature.(这样既可以游览自然又可以保护自然。)”指出,环保的旅游方式既可以游览自然又可以保护自然。故选C。
    根据空后的“There are a few ways t d the research and find ut which labels are really envirnmentally friendly.(有几种方法可以做研究,找出哪些标签是真正环保的)”可推测,并不是所有的标签是真正环保的。选项B“Hwever, nt all these labels are really hnest.(然而,并不是所有的标签都是诚实的。)”与下文内容相符,指出并不是所有的标签都是诚实的,所以我们需要做研究,从而找出真正环保的标签。故选B。
    根下文内容“Wise travelers can research, ask, r talk t travel cmpanies. This will discver the prblems behind the label. Research is abslutely imprtant because there’s a lt f smke and mirrrs in this business.(明智的旅行者可以研究、询问或与旅游公司交谈。这将发现标签背后的问题。研究是绝对重要的,因为在这个行业里有很多烟雾和镜子)”可知,标签也未必可信。选项G“Althugh sme cmpanies have green labels, we dn’t quite knw fr sure.(虽然有些公司有绿色标签,但我们不太确定。)”与下文内容相符,指出标签未必可信,所以我们需要研究、询问或与旅游公司交谈。故选G。
    根据下文“By traveling ver land, ne can cut carbn emissins (碳排放) by as much as 50 percent r 80 percent.(通过陆路旅行,可以减少50%或80%的碳排放)”可知,下文提到陆地旅行的碳排放和飞机旅行相比要少得多。选项F“Trains and buses prduce much less carbn emissins than airplanes d.(火车和公共汽车产生的碳排放量比飞机少得多。)”与下文内容相符,指出火车和公共汽车产生的碳排放量比飞机少得多。故选F。
    根据下文内容“And it can help travelers really understand hw life wrks in that cmmunity. Staying lcal can cut dwn n travel emissins, and jining in the lcal cmmunity can als reduce a turist’s cultural and envirnmental impact. (它可以帮助旅行者真正了解那个社区的生活是如何运作的。住在当地可以减少旅行排放,加入当地社区也可以减少游客对文化和环境的影响)”可知,下文提到“这可以帮助旅行者真正了解那个社区的生活方式”,说明空处指的是待在一个地方,这样可以让旅行者深入了解这个社区。选项D“It is recmmended that travelers stay in ne lcatin lnger.(建议旅行者在一个地方停留更长时间。)”与下文内容一致,指的是当旅行者在一个地方停留很久后,就可以更多了解这个地方。故选D。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    This is an inspiring stry. Tw Oak Park High Schl students are being praised as ____21____ after they did smething t their PE teacher, Alfred Kattla, wh suffered a sudden heart attack.
    The event ____22____ during a regular student-teacher basketball game when the teacher ____23____ felt sick befre falling dwn in the gym. “In sme way, I was gne,” Kattla said t a TV reprter, reflecting n the ____24____ mment.
    DuBse and Cleman, bth junir students at Oak Park High Schl, tk actin ____25____. Using the knwledge f the CPR (心肺复苏) and first aid skills they had ____26____ just mnths earlier in a health sciences class, the tw students began ____27____ life-saving measures.
    “We thught we might use the skills at sme pint in ur ____28____, but nt that sn,” Cleman said.
    “We’re sitting n the grund ... I just knew I had t ____29____ smething,” DuBse said. “I began _____30_____ him. After arund tw and a half runds f cmpressins (按压), he shwed signs f recvery. Cleman helped me _____31_____ ur teacher all the time.”
    They played a key rle in keeping their teacher _____32_____. An ambulance with dctrs and nurses arrived n time, and Kattla was _____33_____ t a lcal hspital fr further treatment. Unbelievably, he returned t schl the fllwing week, thanks t the _____34_____ actin f his students.
    Kattla reunited with the students t _____35_____ them. “I dn’t have t much t say ther than I lve yu guys,” he said.
    21. A. playersB. heresC. reprtersD. experts
    22. A. stuckB. spreadC. happenedD. ended
    23. A. suddenlyB. actuallyC. exactlyD. eventually
    24. A. satisfyingB. excitingC. frighteningD. embarrassing
    25. A. in silenceB. in returnC. withut dubtD. withut hesitatin
    26. A. sharedB. learnedC. explainedD. mentined
    27. A. waiting frB. ging thrugh.C. watching verD. carrying ut
    28. A. livesB. hmesC. schlsD. studies
    29. A. cnsiderB. questinC. dD. discver
    30 A. pressingB. pushingC. cmfrtingD. examining
    31. A. prtectB. calmC. rescueD. mve
    32. A. aliveB. awakeC. warmD. active
    33. A. intrducedB. rushedC. frcedD. walked
    34. A. pliteB. strangeC. expectedD. quick
    35. A. payB. admireC. thankD. encurage
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. C 25. D 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. A 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. C
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:两名奥克帕克高中的学生因对体育老师Alfred Kattla的急救行为而被誉为英雄,当时Kattla老师突发心脏病。A. players运动员;B. heres英雄;C. reprters记者;D. experts专家。根据下文“They played a key rle in keeping their teacher ____12____.”可知,这两名学生救了自己的老师,由此可知,他们被誉为英雄。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:事件发生在一场常规的师生篮球比赛中,当时老师突然感到不舒服,然后在体育馆里摔倒了。A. stuck刺入、坚持;B. spread蔓延、展开;C. happened发生;D. ended结束。根据下文“during a regular student-teacher basketball game”可知,空处指的是这件事发生时,正在进行篮球比赛。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:事件发生在一场常规的师生篮球比赛中,当时老师突然感到不舒服,然后在体育馆里摔倒了。A. suddenly突然;B. actually事实上;C. exactly确实;D. eventually最终。根据下文“befre falling dwn in the gym”以及语境可知,这一切发生地很突然。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“在某种程度上,我当时已经死了,”Kattla在接受电视记者采访时回忆起那可怕的一刻说道。A. satisfying令人满意的;B. exciting令人兴奋的;C. frightening令人害怕的、可怕的;D. embarrassing令人尴尬的。根据上文““In sme way, I was gne,” Kattla said t a TV reprter”可知,当时这位老师差不多属于意识全无,由此可推测,这一刻是令人害怕的。故选C。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:DuBse和Cleman都是奥克帕克高中的学生,他们毫不犹豫地采取了行动。A. in silence安静地;B. in return作为回报;C. withut dubt毫无疑问;D. withut hesitatin毫不犹豫。根据下文“I just knew I had t ____9____ smething”以及常理可知,两位学生是毫不犹豫地采取了行动。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:利用几个月前在健康科学课上所学的心肺复苏术(CPR)和急救技能,这两名学生开始实施救生措施。A. shared分享;B. learned学习、了解;C. explained解释;D. mentined提及。根据空后的“in a health sciences class”可推测,这两位学生在健康科学课上学到了急救技能。故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:利用几个月前在健康科学课上所学的心肺复苏术(CPR)和急救技能,这两名学生开始实施救生措施。A. waiting fr等待;B. ging thrugh经历;C. watching ver看守、照管;D. carrying ut实施。根据空后“life-saving measures.”以及下文“After arund tw and a half runds f cmpressins (按压), he shwed signs f recvery.”可推测,这两名学生开始实施救生措施。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我们原以为这些技能可能在生命中的某个时刻会派上用场,但没想到会这么快,” Cleman说道。A. lives生命;B. hmes家;C. schls学校;D. studies学习。根据下文“nt that sn”以及语境可知,学生们本以为这些技能会在生命中的某个时刻派上用场,没想到这么快。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我们当时坐在地上……我只知道我必须做点什么,” DuBse说。A. cnsider考虑、认为;B. questin质疑;C. d做;D. discver发现。根据下文“After arund tw and a half runds f cmpressins (按压), he shwed signs f recvery.”可知,DuBse只知道自己得做些什么。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我开始按压他。大约进行了两轮半的按压后,他出现了恢复的迹象。Cleman一直在帮我救我们的老师。”A. pressing按压;B. pushing推;C. cmfrting安慰;D. examining检查。根据下文“After arund tw and a half runds f cmpressins (按压), he shwed signs f recvery.”可知,他在按压老师。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我开始按压他。大约进行了两轮半的按压后,他出现了恢复的迹象。Cleman一直在帮我救我们的老师。”A. prtect保护;B. calm使镇静;C. rescue挽救;D. mve移动。根据上文“After arund tw and a half runds f cmpressins (按压), he shwed signs f recvery.”可知,这两名学生在对老师进行心肺复苏,由此可知,他们是在救老师。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们在保持老师生命体征方面发挥了关键作用。A. alive活着的;B. awake醒着的;C. warm温暖的;D. active积极的。根据下文“Unbelievably, he returned t schl the fllwing week, thanks t the ____14____ actin f his students.”可知,这位老师因为学生的急救所以存活下来。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一辆载有医生和护士的救护车及时赶到,Kattla被紧急送往当地医院接受进一步治疗。A. intrduced介绍;B. rushed冲、紧急送往;C. frced强迫;D. walked行走。根据下文“t a lcal hspital fr further treatment.”可推测,Kattla被紧急送往了医院。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:令人难以置信的是,多亏了学生们的迅速行动,他在第二周就回到了学校。A. plite有礼貌的;B. strange奇怪的;C. expected预期的;D. quick迅速的。根据上文“DuBse and Cleman, bth junir students at Oak Park High Schl, tk actin ____5____ .”可知,学生们的行动非常迅速。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Kattla与学生们重逢,向他们表示感谢。A. pay支付;B. admire钦佩;C. thank感谢;D. encurage鼓励。根据常理可知,这位老师因为学生的及时救助才存活下来,由此可知,他应该是感谢了学生。故选C。
    As a cuntry with a rich histry and excellent culture, China has seen the passing dwn f a lt f frms f unique cultural heritage (遗产) which keep ____36____ (develp) well tday. Ancient art is still ppular with mdern peple. China Daily ____37____ (recent) has created the dcumentary (纪录片) series Revival f Ancient Arts, filming mdern artists that are trying their best ____38____ (maintain) ancient arts.
    Velvet (丝绒) flwers made f silk and cpper (铜) wire ____39____ ( be) part f China’s histrical heritage.
    The traditin f wearing velvet flwers ____40____ (believe) t date back t the Tang Dynasty and the artistic flwers were nce ffered as a gift t ancient ____41____ (emperr). The wnderful cultural heritage f velvet flwer making has been passed dwn thrugh the generatins, keeping ____42____ (it) timeless art skills.
    The secnd part f the dcumentary series fcuses n the effrts f a velvet flwer master and a yung artist, ____43____ have carried n the traditinal technique and put the skills int mdern life.
    In this part, the artists frm Nanjing f East China’s Jiangsu prvince, ne f the birthplaces f velvet flwer prductin, shw ____44____ prcess f making velvet flwers and share their effrts in advancing this traditinal skill _____45_____ prtecting the ancient technique as well as make it ppular again.
    【答案】36. develping
    37. recently
    38. t maintain
    39. are 40. is believed
    41. emperrs
    42. its 43. wh
    44. the 45. and
    考查动名词。句意:作为一个拥有丰富历史和优秀文化的国家,中国传承了许多形式独特的文化遗产,这些文化遗产在今天得到了很好的发展。短语keep ding sth.,意为“不断地做某事”,根据句意可知这些文化一直在不断地发展,故填develping。
    考查副词。句意:《中国日报》最近制作了一部名为《古代艺术的复兴》的系列纪录片,拍摄了现代艺术家们竭尽全力维护古代艺术的故事。设空处修饰谓语动词has created作状语,应用副词形式,故填recently。
    考查时态和主谓一致。句意:同上。Try ne’s best t d sth,意为“竭尽全力做某事”,故填t maintain。
    考查时态和主谓一致。句意:丝绒花由丝绸和铜丝制成,是中国历史遗产的一部分。设空处为谓语,描述一般事实,用一般现在时,主语Velvet (丝绒) flwers,谓语用复数形式,故填are。
    考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:佩戴丝绒花的传统被认为可以追溯到唐朝,这种艺术花曾被作为礼物献给古代的皇帝。设空处为谓语,描述一般事实,用一般现在时,主语The traditin f wearing velvet flwers,谓语用单数形式,主语和谓语之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,故填is believed。
    考查代词。句意:丝绒制花的奇妙文化遗产代代相传,保留了其永恒的艺术技巧。设空处修饰名词art skills,应用形容词性物主代词,故选its。
    考查定语从句。句意:纪录片系列的第二部分主要讲述了一位丝绒花大师和一位年轻艺术家的努力, 他们继承了传统的技术,并将其运用到现代生活中。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a velvet flwer master and a yung artist,指人,从句中缺少主语,故填wh。
    考查冠词。句意:在这一部分中,来自中国东部江苏省南京市的艺术家们展示了丝绒花的制作过程,并分享了他们为弘扬这一传统技能、保护这一古老技术、使其再次流行所做的努力。名词prcess后被介词短语“f making velvet flwers”所限定,应用定冠词the修饰,表特指,故填the。
    考查连词。句意:同上。根据上文“advancing this traditinal skill”和下文“ prtecting the ancient technique”可知是并列关系,应用连词and连接,故填and。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节(满分15 分)
    46. 假定你是李华,高一学年已经接近尾声,请给外教Mr Jhnsn 写一封信,内容包括:
    1. 表达谢意;
    2. 回顾他对你的帮助。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Mr Jhnsn,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Mr. Jhnsn,
    As the high schl year is appraching its end, I felt cmpelled t write t yu and express my heartfelt gratitude fr all yu have dne fr me.
    Lking back ver the past year, yur supprt and guidance have been invaluable. Yur engaging lessns made English learning nt nly enjyable but als inspiring. The patience and dedicatin yu shwed in helping me imprve my language skills have greatly bsted my cnfidence.
    Thank yu nce again fr yur incredible effrt and kindness. I will always cherish the memries f this year and the lessns I’ve learned frm yu.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达是一篇应用文。高一学年已经接近尾声,要求考生给外教Mr. Jhnsn写信,表达对他的感谢并回顾他对自己的帮助。
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    表达感谢:express my heartfelt gratitude→ cnvey my sincere thanks
    回顾:lking back ver→ reflecting n
    提高:imprve→ enhance
    珍视:cherish→ treasure
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Yur engaging lessns made learning English nt nly enjyable but als inspiring.
    拓展句:Yur engaging lessns made learning English nt nly enjyable but als inspiring, which has significantly enhanced my interest in the language.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】As the high schl year is appraching its end, I felt cmpelled t write t yu and express my heartfelt gratitude fr all yu have dne fr me. (运用了as引导时间状语从句以及省略了关系代词that的限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】The patience and dedicatin yu shwed in helping me imprve my language skills have greatly bsted my cnfidence. (运用省略了关系代词限制性定语从句)
    第二节(满分25 分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    73-year-ld Barbara sat at a bus stp n a rainy evening, thinking f the past and wishing t find her purpse in life.
    A sudden sund awakened her. She gt up and slwly apprached the bus, as peple abard impatiently waited fr her t get n quickly s the bus culd start sn. Barbara lked arund fr an empty seat but fund nne and nbdy wanted t give their seat t her. As the helpless wman lked tward the farther crner f the bus, she saw a little by waving at her, smiling.
    Barbara thught the by had mistaken her fr smene else. Minutes later, he pushed thrugh the crwd, held her hand and tk her t his seat. Barbara sat dwn and thanked the by. A yung wman near her smiled and said, “It’s kay. David was just ding his jb!” She intrduced herself as the by’s mther, Kristen.
    Then a cnversatin started between them, frm which Barbara learnt mre abut the mther and sn.
    In fact, the by’s father died tw years ag, leaving the mther with a great debt (债务) t pay and five little kids t feed. Every day was already a terrible struggle fr them. T make matters wrse, the yungest sn f the family, Kevin, fell seriusly ill and was battling fr his life in the hspital nw.
    A strange feeling f sadness and pity struck Barbara. Mved by the single mther’s stry, Barbara wanted t help. She felt Kristen was like her when she was at Kristen’s age: her husband and daughter died f illness many years ag.
    S Barbara asked Kristen hw she might help her.
    The next day, Barbara arrived at the hspital with a bx f mney.
    S Barbara asked Kristen hw she might help her. Kristen hesitated fr a mment, unsure if it was apprpriate t accept help frm a stranger. But seeing the kindness in Barbara’s eyes, she reluctantly shared her struggles. “The hspital bills are piling up, and with my husband gne, I’m struggling t keep up,” Kristen explained, her vice shaking with emtin. “And Kevin’s ’s s expensive. I dn’t knw hw much lnger we can hld n.” Barbara listened intently, her heart heavy with sadness. She knew she had t d smething. “Please, let me help,” Barbara said firmly. “I’ll d whatever I can t ease yur burden.”
    The next day, Barbara arrived at the hspital with a bx f mney. It was the result f her life savings, a small frtune she had been saving fr a rainy day, but nw she knew exactly where it needed t g. Kristen was surprised and verwhelmed when she saw Barbara enter the hspital rm, her eyes brimming with tears f gratitude. “This is t much,” Kristen prtested, but Barbara shk her head. “It’s nt enugh t cver everything, but it’s a start,” she said sftly. “And I’ll keep lking fr ways t help. Kevin deserves every chance t get better.” As Barbara left the hspital, she felt a sense f purpse she hadn’t felt in years. She realized that by helping thers, she was finding her wn purpse in life.
    ①进入:enter/get int
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Kristen hesitated fr a mment, unsure if it was apprpriate t accept help frm a stranger. (运用了if引导宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] I’ll d whatever I can t ease yur burden. (运用了whatever引导宾语从句)

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