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    这是一份2024钦州高二下学期期末考试英语含解析,共35页。试卷主要包含了15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt’?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. Which is the right gate fr the man’s flight?
    A. Gate 18. B. Gate 19. C. Gate 20.
    2. Hw des the wman usually g t wrk?
    A. By bus. B. On ft. C. By taxi.
    3. Wh is the man chsing T-shirts fr?
    A. His friends. B. The caches. C. His teammates.
    4. Hw is the man prbably feeling nw?
    A. Unhappy. B. Tired. C. Wrried
    5. When will the wman visit the man’s class?
    A. Tday. B. Tmrrw. C. Next Mnday.
    6. Where des the man want t g?
    A. T the library. B. T the lab. C. T the café.
    7. What is the man’s majr?
    A. Chemistry. B. Physics. C. Bilgy.
    8. Where is the man’s mther nw?
    A. In the ffice. B. At hme. C. In the hspital.
    9. Why will the man ask fr a week ff?
    A. He has t see a dctr.
    B. He wants t lk fr a cleaner.
    C. He needs t lk after his mther.
    10. What des the wman think f the man?
    A. He is cnsiderate. B. He is helpful t her. C. He is a successful man.
    11. What des the man say abut the winter in New Wrk?
    A. It’s cld and wet. B. The wind is strng. C. The air is heavy.
    12. What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He is leaving New Yrk.
    B. He likes the autumn in New Yrk.
    C. He desn’t knw New Yrk well.
    13 What des the man think is the mst unpleasant part f the weather in New Yrk?
    A. It’s ht in summer. B. It rains all year rund. C. It’s very changeable.
    14. What will Susan d t help Jhn?
    A. Take ver his wrk. B. Take care f his cusin. C. Finish his term paper.
    15. What will Jhn d n Saturday?
    A. Have an interview. B. Attend a music festival. C. Wrk in the library.
    16. What is the plan based n?
    A. The weather. B. Susan’s time. C. Jhn’s cusin’s idea.
    17. When will the speakers cntact each ther again?
    A. On Saturday night. B. On Friday night. C. On Thursday night.
    18. What des the speaker usually d?
    A. She cares fr wildlife.
    B. She trains animals fr fun.
    C. She des research n wildlife.
    19. What is Buddy?
    A. A lin. B. A giraffe. C. An elephant.
    20. What can we learn abut the animals n the farm?
    A. They are friendly t visitrs.
    B. They can’t adapt t the envirnment.
    C. Nne f them are pen t the public.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Family Day 2024
    Here are sme exciting happenings at Ontari Parks this Family Day Weekend:
    Family Day—Sleeping Giant Prvincial Park
    February 19
    Jin park staff at Sleeping Giant this Family Day t enjy sme utdr activities including ice skating with neighbr campfire, winter hiking r walking, crss-cuntry skiing, and snwsheing. The visitr centre will be pen frm 8:30 a. m. t 4:00 p. m.
    The park gate will be clsed and lcked at 4:40p. m. Dn’t frget t reserve yur vehicle permit in advance!
    Family Day—Brnte Creek Prvincial Park
    February 17
    Spend an enjyable day explring the park trails, barns (仓棚), and utdr play equipment. The play barn (fr children 10 years and under) will be pen frm 9:00 a. m. t 4:00 p. m. Visit the children’s farm with a variety f animals, search fr the park’s Gnme Rad, r climb t the tp f the hill and enjy the views frm the canyn scenic bservatin deck!
    Fire and Stars Hikes—Sibbald Pint Prvincial Park
    February 16&17
    Visit Sibbald Pint this winter fr an evening jurney alng the Maidenhair Fern Trail, lit nly by fire and the stars.
    Hike between the hurs f 6:30-9:30 p. m, n yur wn r jin in a guided hike led by Discvery staff beginning at 6:30 p. m. This jurney takes 1-1.5hurs t cmplete dependent n yur hiking pace.
    Staff recmmend bringing yur wn snwshes, but they are ptinal depending n amunt f snw fall. Be sure t check the Snw Reprt befre yu arrive!
    Family Fishing Weekend
    February 17—19
    D yu knw Canadians can fish licence-free frm February 17 t February 19? What a great time t intrduce yur family t ice fishing! Find an event near yu.
    Safety shuld always be number ne. Remember: Ice des nt freeze at a unifrm thickness. Always dress fr the weather and layer up. Make sure yu bey the rules and regulatins f the bdy f water yu’re fishing n t!
    1. What shuld yu d befre attending the activities at Sleeping Giant?
    A. Bring yur snwshes.B. Apply fr vehicle permit.
    C. Check the snw reprt.D. Knw abut relevant rules.
    2. Hw lng will the play barn be pen?
    A. Fr 5 hurs.B. Fr 6 hurs.C. Fr 7 hurs.D. Fr 8 hurs.
    3. Which f the fllwing requires attentin t the thickness f ice?
    A. Family Day—Sleeping Giant Prvincial Park.
    B. Family Day—Brnte Creek Prvincial Park.
    C. Fire and Stars Hikes—Sibbald Pint Prvincial Park.
    D. Family Fishing Weekend.
    Juleus Ghunta is a published children’s authr and award-winning pet. But grwing up, he culd barely read. Ghunta’s family lived in a rural part f Western Jamaica. His mther ften had t make tugh chices abut hw t use their limited resurces, including a decisin t send his ldest sister t schl, and t keep Ghunta at hme.
    When Ghunta finally went t schl, he culdn’t catch up n his reading skills. Nt nly had he been kept hme frm schl as a child, but he had nt been expsed t bks. By the time he entered the sixth grade, he culd spell his name, but he still culdn’t make ut wrds. spell, r read with understanding.
    When Ghunta was abut 12, a yung teacher decided t start a special reading prgram fr struggling students. Ghunta was the first student t sign up. The teacher was incredibly kind t him. She did nt ask anything f Ghunta, except that he wrked hard and believed in himself.
    Under her guidance, Ghunta’s reading skills finally started t imprve. He started t feel mre cnfident. “She had left me with the gift f literacy,” he said, “and with the value as a human being.” His life tk a new directin. He graduated frm elementary schl with a number f academic awards, including ne fr “mst imprved in reading”. He went n t cllege. Tday, he is the authr f tw children’s bks, abut vercming difficult experiences in childhd. He’s nw wrking n his first full-length cllectin f petry.
    “I wuld lve her t see the significant impact that she has made n my life, and the ways in which I have carried this memry f her—the hpe and the light—with me and hw it cntinues t be a surce f jy.”
    4. What d we knw abut Ghunta’s family?
    A. The family lived a pr life.
    B. Their huse sat in the urban area.
    C. His mther had n chice f resurces.
    D. The family was supprted by his parents.
    5. Which wrd best describes Ghunta befre meeting the yung teacher?
    A. Lazy.B. Impatient.C. Uncnfident.D. Careless.
    6. What can be inferred abut the teacher’s impact n Ghunta’s life beynd literacy?
    A. She encuraged him t pursue a career in educatin.
    B. She helped him get a sense f self-wrth and hpe.
    C. She intrduced him t the wrld f prfessinal writing.
    D. She prvided him with financial supprt fr his educatin.
    7. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Pr Students Finding HelpB. A Cllege Shaping Smene
    C. The Pain Brught By The Pr LifeD. Life Led In A New Directin
    The wrld’s ceans, lakes and rivers are under increasing pressure frm climate change, grwing demand, urbanizatin, and pllutin, threatening their ability t sustain life.
    “Withut better data t understand the health f increasingly stressed waterways, the fight t save these mst precius resurces will be ineffective,” said the c-funder f a technlgy cmpany. “Virtually every waterway is plluted t an extent where the ecsystem just can’t balance back anymre,” he explains.
    The cmpany is aiming t fill that infrmatin gap using fishlike rbts that cllect data frm underwater envirnments. Pwered by batteries, they are designed t lk and swim like fish. The standard versin is abut 1.3 meters lng and weighs 30 kilgrams and can be equipped with cameras and sensrs t measure xygen, salinity (盐度) and PH levels.
    The funder was mtivated t build the rbts after his eight-year-ld daughter learned abut the cean crisis and asked him t help prtect the seas. He says it’s imprtant that the rbts can integrate int natural habitats — swimming amng ther creatures withut disturbing them and mving arund bstacles smthly.
    The cmpany has put its technlgy t use in different regins. It has perated in bth fresh and saltwater, near dams, and in harbrs and fish farms, checking things like water quality and fish health and cllecting data wherever they g. The CEO f the cmpany said its technlgy culd be used in the regin fr water management, sustainable aquaculture (水产养殖) peratins, and mnitring the health f crals.
    Still, the cmpany has sme blcks t clear befre its fishlike rbts will be seen cruising (游弋) thrugh the wrld’s waterways. “We need capital t cmmercialize,” said the CEO, “but there are very few peple wh are willing t actually supprt thse that are ding frntier technlgies in the waterways.” The funder hpes mre funding will fllw. He said, “Investrs shuld abslutely wake up.”
    8. What is the purpse f the first tw paragraphs?
    A. T intrduce the tpic f the text.
    B. T state the imprtance f the text.
    C. T explain the urgency f water resurces.
    D. T weaken the seriusness f water pllutin.
    9. Which is ne f the advantages f the rbts?
    A. They can imitate ther fishes.
    B. They can easily catch children’s eyes.
    C. They wrk efficiently under the water.
    D. They can swim withut being recharged.
    10. What is paragraph 5 mainly abut?
    A. The launch f a new prgram.B. The applicatin f the technlgy.
    C. Management f the cmpany.D. Develpment f the cmpany.
    11. What prblem des the cmpany face currently?
    A. Hw t make peple fcus n technlgy.
    B. Hw t keep investrs psitive.
    C. Hw t prduce mre rbts.
    D. Hw t cllect mre mney.
    Fr centuries, explrers have searched fr the funtain f yuth. Surprisingly, the secret t staying yung might have been within us all alng. Amr, a scientist, and clleagues have discvered that T cells can be reprgrammed t fight aging, s t speak.
    Given the right genetic changes, these white bld cells can attack anther grup f cells knwn as senescent (衰老的) cells, which are thught t be respnsible fr many f the diseases we fight with later in life. Senescent cells are thse that stp replicating (再生). As we age, they build up in ur bdies, resulting in sme diseases.
    While several existing drugs can eliminate these cells, many must be taken repeatedly ver time. As an alternative, Amr and clleagues turned t a “living” drug called CAR (chimeric antigen receptr)T cells.
    They discvered CART cells culd be used t rid f senescent cells in mice. As a result, the mice ended up living healthier lives. They had lwer bdy weight, imprved metablism (新陈代谢), and increased physical activity. All these came withut any tissue damage r side effects.
    Perhaps the greatest pwer f CART cells is their lng-lasting effects. The team fund that just ne dse (一剂) at a yung age can have lifelng effects. That single treatment can prtect against cnditins that cmmnly ccur later in life.
    “T cells have the ability t develp memry and exist in yur bdy fr really lng perids. which is very different frm a chemical drug,” Amr explained.
    Amr’s lab is nw investigating whether CART cells let mice live nt nly healthier but als lnger. If s, sciety will be ne step clser t the funtain f yuth.
    12. What discvery have scientists made abut T cells and aging?
    A. T cells cause aging.B. Aging is caused by genetic changes.
    C. Senescent cells are T cells.D. T cells can fight aging.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “eliminate” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Sustain.B. Remve.C. Cue.D. Plish.
    14. Which effect f CART cells n yung mice des the text emphasize?
    A. Shrt-term activity increase.B. Immediate weight reductin.
    C. Lifelng health enhancement.D. Temprary metablic imprvement.
    15. What is Amr’s attitude t the future f emplying CAR T cells?
    A. Optimistic.B. Dubtful.C. Critical.D. Unclear.
    Wrkplace recgnitin is a pwerful way f making emplyees feel valued and enhancing their perfrmance. ____16____
    Make peple feel valued
    Emplyees want t knw that they are making a difference in what they d—big r small—and wrkplace recgnitin can make a cnsiderable difference. ____17____ One f them fcused n the impact f letters f appreciatin. The letters rughly read: Yur cntinued dedicatin and hard wrk make children and families in the regin better ff every day. Appreciatin can greatly imprve mrale(士气).
    Imprve emplyees’ retentin (保留)
    ____18____ Nt nly des this bst their cnfidence, but it als helps imprve yur cmpany’s retentin rate and secure tp talent. It is predicted that replacing a salaried wrker csts 6-9 mnths f the psitin’s annual wages.
    Bst mtivatin and prductivity
    A study fund that emplyee engagement, prductivity, and perfrmance are 14% higher in rganizatins with a specific recgnitin prgramme in place. ____19____ It means that yur team is mre present in their day-t-day rles, they prduce ptimal wrk quality and feel persnally cnnected t the cmpany and the wrk they d fr its grwth. Ultimately, wrkplace recgnitin leads t happy, driven, and prductive wrkers.
    Imprve emplyees’ well-being
    It’s cmmn fr businesses f all sizes t experience stressful perids. ____20____ Especially when yur team is small and the wrklad high, peple can feel extensive burnut and stress, leading t time ff wrk. Gratitude increases ur psitive emtins, like happiness, making us mre resilient against future stress.
    A. Hw des this benefit the rganizatins?
    B. What exactly des this mean fr businesses?
    C. Here are sme tips n securing wrkplace recgnitin.
    D. When yur wrkers are happy, they’re less likely t leave.
    E. The Harvard Business Review cnducted a series f studies n wrkplace mrale.
    F. But small cmpanies and start-ups require mre wrk and attentin t develp.
    G. Here are the benefits f wrkplace recgnitin fr bth emplyers and emplyees.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I was brn in a small twn in Vaddara City. Gujarat. India, with cerebral palsy (脑瘫). My ____21____activity was restricted, which meant that a wrld f limitatins lay ahead f me. Dubts abut my ____22____ are cmmn. Few peple knw that my life will becme a living testamenty (证明) t hw much ne persn can ____23____ with supprt and training, even if we have t face great ____24____.
    Althugh I was rejected by many at first when I ____25____ schls the principal f St. Teresa’s Schl warmly embraced me. Her ____26____ and that f sme teachers and classmates really helped me thrughut my schl life. Taking me t the bathrm, taking ntes fr me in class — these daily gestures f ____27____ really helped me because I culdn’t walk n my wn and I was a(n) ____28____ writer. With their help, I made prgress bth ____29____ and persnally.
    After I successfully cmpleted cllege, my family and friends ____30____ me t pen a cmputer training center. It became a place f pwer where I taught ____31____ skills t ver a thusand peple. Students with cerebral palsy are ____32____ hw t slve the prblems they face. I enjy their success and feel cmfrted by my lasting ____33____ n their lives.
    I hpe my stry shws that with determinatin and strng ____34____. we can all vercme ur limitatins and ____35____ a mre inclusive and understanding wrld.
    21. A. favriteB. brainC. futureD. physical
    22. A. frtuneB. ptentialC. appearanceD. existence
    23. A. achieveB. vercmeC. desireD. expect
    24. A. dangersB. anxietiesC. pprtunitiesD. challenges
    25. A. gt intB. picked upC. applied frD. jined in
    26. A. supprtB. trustC. fcusD. cnfidence
    27. A. friendshipB. beautyC. kindnessD. clseness
    28. A. nlyB. slwC. eagerD. big
    29. A. lgicallyB. mentallyC. graduallyD. academically
    30. A. rderedB. allwedC. encuragedD. frced
    31. A. curiusB. valuableC. scialD. cmplicated
    32. A. taughtB. determinedC. advisedD. displayed
    33. A. planB. impactC. galD. tpic
    34 A. bdyB. relatinC. functinD. faith
    35. A. breakB. encunterC. createD. tuch
    The Science Museum in the UK is hlding an exhibitin called “Zimingzhng: Clckwrk Treasures frm China’s Frbidden City”. The exhibitin features 23 clcks, mainly ____36____ (cllect) by three Qing emperrs. The clcks aim t tell sme ____37____ (stry) abut the meaning f technlgy and skills, as well as the peple and cultures ____38____ appeared during this small windw f trade between Britain and China.
    “The Emperrs and Zimingzhng” sectin f the exhibitin reveals the imprtant rle played ____39____ zimingzhng in early cultural exchanges. In the early 17th century, missinaries tried t please the Qing emperrs by ____40____ (send) them delicately made autmatic devices.
    In the middle sectin f the exhibitin, a scale mdel f the Chinese water-pwered “escapement” reveals that in ____41____ year 1088, during the Sng Dynasty, Su Sng created the ____42____ (wrld) first water-pwered astrnmical clck twer. In the 1960s, schlars rediscvered an ancient text abut it. This ____43____ (discver) challenges the lng-held idea that mechanical clcks riginated ____44____ (entire) in Eurpe.
    Zimingzhng initially ______45______ (enter) China frm Guangzhu, Guangdng Prvince. Fllwing this year-lng trade rute, British businessmen, upn reaching the castal areas f China, purchased sught-after gds, including silk, tea and prcelain.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Martin即将来你校做交换生。请你给他发一封电子邮件,内容包括:
    1. 表示欢迎;
    2. 你的安排;
    3. 期待他的到来。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右:
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Martin
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Abut 15years ag Oliver Muensterer packed his suitcase and traveled frm his hme in Leipzig, Germany t a twn a few hurs away. He had a jb interview, s he arrived the evening befrehand, feeling a mix f nervusness and excitement abut the pprtunity that lay ahead.
    When he wke up the next mrning, the sunlight filtering thrugh the curtains cast a warm glw in the htel rm. As he tk a shwer and started t get dressed, his mind raced with thughts f the upcming interview. The realizatin that he had frgtten t pack a white dress shirt struck him like a blt f lightning, causing his heart t skip a beat.
    “I thught I had prepared perfectly fr everything. I had a tie; I had my suit; but smehw I had frgtten the shirt,” Muensterer muttered t himself, a tuch f frustratin in his vice.
    This discvery sent Muensterer int a panic. He rushed dwn t the lbby (大厅) and went t the frnt desk t ask the man behind the cunter if he culd suggest a nearby stre where he culd buy a new shirt.
    Appraching the frnt desk, he quickly explained his prblem t the man behind the cunter, desperatin evident in his vice and behaviur.
    “I’m really in a lt f truble. I will have this really imprtant jb interview in an hur. And smehw I frgt my dress shirt at hme.” Muensterer explained.
    Muensterer’s heart raced as he std at the frnt desk, his desperatin palpable in the way his fingers tapped nervusly against the plished wd. Every passing secnd felt like a lifetime as he awaited the frnt desk attendant’s respnse. The weight f the cming interview hung heavy n his shulders, each breath a struggle against the chking panic. Yet, a glimmer f hpe flickered within him as he asked assistance, his eyes searching desperately fr any sign f slutin. Wuld this stranger truly hld the key t saving his chance at success?
    Hwever, hardly had Muensterer finished his wrds when the man behind the cunter said, “Dn’t wrry, sir, I have a slutin.”
    Rather than directing Muensterer t a nearby shp, the desk attendant did smething surprising.
    After the jb interview, Muensterer returned t the frnt desk with the shirt in hand, alng with a heart full f gratitude.
    听力1—5 ABCBC 6—10 ABCCA 11—15 ABCBC 16—20 ABABA
    1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt’?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. Which is the right gate fr the man’s flight?
    A. Gate 18. B. Gate 19. C. Gate 20.
    2. Hw des the wman usually g t wrk?
    A. By bus. B. On ft. C. By taxi.
    3 Wh is the man chsing T-shirts fr?
    A. His friends. B. The caches. C. His teammates.
    4. Hw is the man prbably feeling nw?
    A. Unhappy. B. Tired. C. Wrried
    5. When will the wman visit the man’s class?
    A. Tday. B. Tmrrw. C. Next Mnday.
    6. Where des the man want t g?
    A. T the library. B. T the lab. C. T the café.
    7. What is the man’s majr?
    A. Chemistry. B. Physics. C. Bilgy.
    8. Where is the man’s mther nw?
    A. In the ffice. B. At hme. C. In the hspital.
    9. Why will the man ask fr a week ff?
    A. He has t see a dctr.
    B. He wants t lk fr a cleaner.
    C. He needs t lk after his mther.
    10. What des the wman think f the man?
    A. He is cnsiderate. B. He is helpful t her. C. He is a successful man.
    11. What des the man say abut the winter in New Wrk?
    A. It’s cld and wet. B. The wind is strng. C. The air is heavy.
    12. What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He is leaving New Yrk.
    B. He likes the autumn in New Yrk.
    C. He desn’t knw New Yrk well.
    13. What des the man think is the mst unpleasant part f the weather in New Yrk?
    A. It’s ht in summer. B. It rains all year rund. C. It’s very changeable.
    14. What will Susan d t help Jhn?
    A. Take ver his wrk. B. Take care f his cusin. C. Finish his term paper.
    15. What will Jhn d n Saturday?
    A. Have an interview. B. Attend a music festival. C. Wrk in the library.
    16. What is the plan based n?
    A. The weather. B. Susan’s time. C. Jhn’s cusin’s idea.
    17. When will the speakers cntact each ther again?
    A. On Saturday night. B. On Friday night. C. On Thursday night.
    18. What des the speaker usually d?
    A. She cares fr wildlife.
    B. She trains animals fr fun.
    C. She des research n wildlife.
    19. What is Buddy?
    A. A lin. B. A giraffe. C. An elephant.
    20. What can we learn abut the animals n the farm?
    A. They are friendly t visitrs.
    B. They can’t adapt t the envirnment.
    C. Nne f them are pen t the public.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Family Day 2024
    Here are sme exciting happenings at Ontari Parks this Family Day Weekend:
    Family Day—Sleeping Giant Prvincial Park
    February 19
    Jin park staff at Sleeping Giant this Family Day t enjy sme utdr activities including ice skating with neighbr campfire, winter hiking r walking, crss-cuntry skiing, and snwsheing. The visitr centre will be pen frm 8:30 a. m. t 4:00 p. m.
    The park gate will be clsed and lcked at 4:40p. m. Dn’t frget t reserve yur vehicle permit in advance!
    Family Day—Brnte Creek Prvincial Park
    February 17
    Spend an enjyable day explring the park trails, barns (仓棚), and utdr play equipment. The play barn (fr children 10 years and under) will be pen frm 9:00 a. m. t 4:00 p. m. Visit the children’s farm with a variety f animals, search fr the park’s Gnme Rad, r climb t the tp f the hill and enjy the views frm the canyn scenic bservatin deck!
    Fire and Stars Hikes—Sibbald Pint Prvincial Park
    February 16&17
    Visit Sibbald Pint this winter fr an evening jurney alng the Maidenhair Fern Trail, lit nly by fire and the stars.
    Hike between the hurs f 6:30-9:30 p. m, n yur wn r jin in a guided hike led by Discvery staff beginning at 6:30 p. m. This jurney takes 1-1.5hurs t cmplete dependent n yur hiking pace.
    Staff recmmend bringing yur wn snwshes, but they are ptinal depending n amunt f snw fall. Be sure t check the Snw Reprt befre yu arrive!
    Family Fishing Weekend
    February 17—19
    D yu knw Canadians can fish licence-free frm February 17 t February 19? What a great time t intrduce yur family t ice fishing! Find an event near yu.
    Safety shuld always be number ne. Remember: Ice des nt freeze at a unifrm thickness. Always dress fr the weather and layer up. Make sure yu bey the rules and regulatins f the bdy f water yu’re fishing n t!
    1. What shuld yu d befre attending the activities at Sleeping Giant?
    A. Bring yur snwshes.B. Apply fr vehicle permit.
    C. Check the snw reprt.D. Knw abut relevant rules.
    2. Hw lng will the play barn be pen?
    A. Fr 5 hurs.B. Fr 6 hurs.C. Fr 7 hurs.D. Fr 8 hurs.
    3. Which f the fllwing requires attentin t the thickness f ice?
    A. Family Day—Sleeping Giant Prvincial Park.
    B. Family Day—Brnte Creek Prvincial Park.
    C. Fire and Stars Hikes—Sibbald Pint Prvincial Park.
    D. Family Fishing Weekend.
    【答案】1. B 2. C 3. D
    【导语】本文是一篇应用文。介绍了这个周末家庭日在Ontari Parks举办的活动。
    细节理解题。根据第一个活动“Dn’t frget t reserve yur vehicle permit in advance!(别忘了提前预约车辆许可证!)”可知,参与该活动需要提前申请车辆许可证。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第二个活动“The play barn (fr children 10 years and under) will be pen frm 9:00 a. m. t 4:00 p. m.(游戏仓(10岁及以下儿童)开放时间为上午9点至下午4点)”可知,该游戏仓开放时间是7个小时。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据最后一个活动“Safety shuld always be number ne. Remember: Ice des nt freeze at a unifrm thickness.(安全永远是第一位的。记住:冰的厚度不是均匀的)”可知,冰钓活动需要关注冰层厚度以确保安全。故选D。
    Juleus Ghunta is a published children’s authr and award-winning pet. But grwing up, he culd barely read. Ghunta’s family lived in a rural part f Western Jamaica. His mther ften had t make tugh chices abut hw t use their limited resurces, including a decisin t send his ldest sister t schl, and t keep Ghunta at hme.
    When Ghunta finally went t schl, he culdn’t catch up n his reading skills. Nt nly had he been kept hme frm schl as a child, but he had nt been expsed t bks. By the time he entered the sixth grade, he culd spell his name, but he still culdn’t make ut wrds. spell, r read with understanding.
    When Ghunta was abut 12, a yung teacher decided t start a special reading prgram fr struggling students. Ghunta was the first student t sign up. The teacher was incredibly kind t him. She did nt ask anything f Ghunta, except that he wrked hard and believed in himself.
    Under her guidance, Ghunta’s reading skills finally started t imprve. He started t feel mre cnfident. “She had left me with the gift f literacy,” he said, “and with the value as a human being.” His life tk a new directin. He graduated frm elementary schl with a number f academic awards, including ne fr “mst imprved in reading”. He went n t cllege. Tday, he is the authr f tw children’s bks, abut vercming difficult experiences in childhd. He’s nw wrking n his first full-length cllectin f petry.
    “I wuld lve her t see the significant impact that she has made n my life, and the ways in which I have carried this memry f her—the hpe and the light—with me and hw it cntinues t be a surce f jy.”
    4. What d we knw abut Ghunta’s family?
    A. The family lived a pr life.
    B. Their huse sat in the urban area.
    C. His mther had n chice f resurces.
    D. The family was supprted by his parents.
    5. Which wrd best describes Ghunta befre meeting the yung teacher?
    A. Lazy.B. Impatient.C. Uncnfident.D. Careless.
    6. What can be inferred abut the teacher’s impact n Ghunta’s life beynd literacy?
    A. She encuraged him t pursue a career in educatin.
    B. She helped him get a sense f self-wrth and hpe.
    C. She intrduced him t the wrld f prfessinal writing.
    D. She prvided him with financial supprt fr his educatin.
    7. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Pr Students Finding HelpB. A Cllege Shaping Smene
    C. The Pain Brught By The Pr LifeD. Life Led In A New Directin
    【答案】4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。本文通过叙述Juleus Ghunta的成长经历,特别是他从几乎无法阅读到成为儿童书籍作者和获奖诗人的转变过程,展现了个人奋斗和他人帮助对他人生路径的深刻影响。
    推理判断题。由文章第一段中“Ghunta’s family lived in a rural part f Western Jamaica. His mther ften had t make tugh chices abut hw t use their limited resurces, including a decisin t send his ldest sister t schl, and t keep Ghunta at hme. (Ghunta的家人住在牙买加西部的农村地区。他的母亲经常不得不在如何使用有限的资源方面做出艰难的选择,包括决定送他的大姐去上学,以及让Ghunta留在家里。)”可知,Ghunta的母亲经常不得不就如何利用有限的资源做出艰难的选择。因此,Ghunta的家庭生活贫困。故选A。
    推理判断题。由文章第二段“When Ghunta finally went t schl, he culdn’t catch up n his reading skills. Nt nly had he been kept hme frm schl as a child, but he had nt been expsed t bks. By the time he entered the sixth grade, he culd spell his name, but he still culdn’t make ut wrds. spell, r read with understanding. (当Ghunta终于去上学时,他的阅读技能却跟不上了。他不仅小时候被关在家里不去上学,而且也没有接触过书本。当他上六年级的时候,他已经能拼出自己的名字了,但他还是不会发音。用理解拼写或阅读。)”和第四段中的“Under her guidance, Ghunta’s reading skills finally started t imprve. He started t feel mre cnfident. (在她的指导下,Ghunta的阅读能力终于开始提高。他开始觉得更自信了。)”可知,在遇到那位年轻教师之前,古特的阅读能力很差,到六年级时仍不能读懂单词,这使他在学习上落后,可以推断他的自信心是不足的。因此,最能描述他的词是Uncnfident“不自信的”。故选C。
    推理判断题。由文章第四段中的““She had left me with the gift f literacy,” he said, “and with the value as a human being.” His life tk a new directin. (“她给我留下了识字的礼物,”他说,“以及作为人的价值。”他的生活有了新的方向。)”及最后一段““I wuld lve her t see the significant impact that she has made n my life, and the ways in which I have carried this memry f her—the hpe and the light—with me and hw it cntinues t be a surce f jy.” (“我想让她看到她对我的生活产生的重大影响,以及我对她的记忆——希望和光明——的方式,以及它如何继续成为快乐的源泉。”)”可知,这位老师对古特的影响超出了识字本身,她帮助他获得了自我价值感和希望。故选B。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是由文章第四段中的“Under her guidance, Ghunta’s reading skills finally started t imprve. He started t feel mre cnfident. “She had left me with the gift f literacy,” he said, “and with the value as a human being.” His life tk a new directin. He graduated frm elementary schl with a number f academic awards, including ne fr “mst imprved in reading”. He went n t cllege. Tday, he is the authr f tw children’s bks, abut vercming difficult experiences in childhd. He’s nw wrking n his first full-length cllectin f petry. (在她的指导下,Ghunta的阅读能力终于开始提高。他开始觉得更自信了。“她给我留下了识字的礼物,”他说,“以及作为人的价值。”他的生活有了新的方向。他从小学毕业时获得了许多学术奖项,其中包括“阅读进步最大”奖。他上了大学。如今,他是两本关于克服童年困难经历的儿童书籍的作者。他现在正在写他的第一部长篇诗集。)”可知,文章讲述了古特从一个阅读困难的孩子,在一位年轻教师的帮助下,不仅提高了阅读能力,还重拾了自信,最终成为了一名儿童书籍作者和获奖诗人的故事。这表明他的生活因这次遇见而发生了新的方向。因此,最合适的标题是“Life Led In A New Directin (生活步入新方向)”。故选D。
    The wrld’s ceans, lakes and rivers are under increasing pressure frm climate change, grwing demand, urbanizatin, and pllutin, threatening their ability t sustain life.
    “Withut better data t understand the health f increasingly stressed waterways, the fight t save these mst precius resurces will be ineffective,” said the c-funder f a technlgy cmpany. “Virtually every waterway is plluted t an extent where the ecsystem just can’t balance back anymre,” he explains.
    The cmpany is aiming t fill that infrmatin gap using fishlike rbts that cllect data frm underwater envirnments. Pwered by batteries, they are designed t lk and swim like fish. The standard versin is abut 1.3 meters lng and weighs 30 kilgrams and can be equipped with cameras and sensrs t measure xygen, salinity (盐度) and PH levels.
    The funder was mtivated t build the rbts after his eight-year-ld daughter learned abut the cean crisis and asked him t help prtect the seas He says it’s imprtant that the rbts can integrate int natural habitats — swimming amng ther creatures withut disturbing them and mving arund bstacles smthly.
    The cmpany has put its technlgy t use in different regins. It has perated in bth fresh and saltwater, near dams, and in harbrs and fish farms, checking things like water quality and fish health and cllecting data wherever they g. The CEO f the cmpany said its technlgy culd be used in the regin fr water management, sustainable aquaculture (水产养殖) peratins, and mnitring the health f crals.
    Still, the cmpany has sme blcks t clear befre its fishlike rbts will be seen cruising (游弋) thrugh the wrld’s waterways. “We need capital t cmmercialize,” said the CEO, “but there are very few peple wh are willing t actually supprt thse that are ding frntier technlgies in the waterways.” The funder hpes mre funding will fllw. He said, “Investrs shuld abslutely wake up.”
    8. What is the purpse f the first tw paragraphs?
    A. T intrduce the tpic f the text.
    B. T state the imprtance f the text.
    C. T explain the urgency f water resurces.
    D. T weaken the seriusness f water pllutin.
    9. Which is ne f the advantages f the rbts?
    A. They can imitate ther fishes.
    B. They can easily catch children’s eyes.
    C. They wrk efficiently under the water.
    D. They can swim withut being recharged.
    10. What is paragraph 5 mainly abut?
    A. The launch f a new prgram.B. The applicatin f the technlgy.
    C. Management f the cmpany.D. Develpment f the cmpany.
    11. What prblem des the cmpany face currently?
    A. Hw t make peple fcus n technlgy.
    B. Hw t keep investrs psitive.
    C. Hw t prduce mre rbts.
    D. Hw t cllect mre mney.
    【答案】8. A 9. C 10. B 11. D
    推理判断题。根据第一段“The wrld’s ceans, lakes and rivers are under increasing pressure frm climate change, grwing demand, urbanizatin, and pllutin, threatening their ability t sustain life. (世界上的海洋、湖泊和河流正面临着气候变化、需求增长、城市化和污染带来的越来越大的压力,威胁着它们维持生命的能力。)”和第二段““Withut better data t understand the health f increasingly stressed waterways, the fight t save these mst precius resurces will be ineffective,” said the c-funder f a technlgy cmpany. “Virtually every waterway is plluted t an extent where the ecsystem just can’t balance back anymre,” he explains. (“没有更好的数据来了解日益紧张的水道的健康状况,拯救这些最宝贵资源的斗争将是无效的,”一家科技公司的联合创始人说。他解释说:“实际上,每条水道都被污染到了生态系统无法再平衡的程度。”)”和第三段中的“The cmpany is aiming t fill that infrmatin gap using fishlike rbts that cllect data frm underwater envirnments. (该公司的目标是利用像鱼一样的机器人来填补这一信息空白,这些机器人可以从水下环境中收集数据。)”可知,前两段首先描述了全球水体面临的压力和威胁,随后引出了一位技术公司联合创始人的观点,强调了缺乏有效数据来了解水体健康状况的问题,为下文介绍该公司使用鱼形机器人收集水下环境数据的技术做铺垫,因此其目的是引入正文话题。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“He says it’s imprtant that the rbts can integrate int natural habitats—swimming amng ther creatures withut disturbing them and mving arund bstacles smthly. (在他8岁的女儿得知海洋危机并请求他帮助保护海洋之后,这位创始人就有了制造这些机器人的动机。他说,重要的是机器人能够融入自然栖息地——在不打扰其他生物的情况下与它们一起游泳,并顺利绕过障碍物。)”和第五段“The cmpany has put its technlgy t use in different regins. It has perated in bth fresh and saltwater, near dams, and in harbrs and fish farms, checking things like water quality and fish health and cllecting data wherever they g. The CEO f the cmpany said its technlgy culd be used in the regin fr water management, sustainable aquaculture (水产养殖) peratins, and mnitring the health f crals. (该公司已将其技术应用于不同地区。它在淡水和咸水、水坝附近、港口和养鱼场都能运行,检查水质和鱼类健康等情况,并收集它们所到之处的数据。该公司首席执行官表示,该技术可用于该地区的水资源管理、可持续水产养殖运营以及监测珊瑚健康状况。)”可知,该机器人能潜入水下自然柄息地,和其他生物一起游泳而不打扰它们,并能顺利地绕过障碍物,且在不同水域可运行,有多种作用。这说明该机器人在水下可以高效地工作。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第五段“The cmpany has put its technlgy t use in different regins. It has perated in bth fresh and saltwater, near dams, and in harbrs and fish farms, checking things like water quality and fish health and cllecting data wherever they g. The CEO f the cmpany said its technlgy culd be used in the regin fr water management, sustainable aquaculture (水产养殖) peratins, and mnitring the health f crals. (该公司已将其技术应用于不同地区。它在淡水和咸水、水坝附近、港口和养鱼场都能运行,检查水质和鱼类健康等情况,并收集它们所到之处数据。该公司首席执行官表示,该技术可用于该地区的水资源管理、可持续水产养殖运营以及监测珊瑚健康状况。)”可知,本段介绍了这种科技的应用场景及实例。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Still, the cmpany has sme blcks t clear befre its fishlike rbts will be seen cruising (游弋) thrugh the wrld’s waterways. “We need capital t cmmercialize,” said the CEO, “but there are very few peple wh are willing t actually supprt thse that are ding frntier technlgies in the waterways.” The funder hpes mre funding will fllw. He said, “Investrs shuld abslutely wake up.” (尽管如此,该公司在其像鱼一样的机器人在世界各地的水道上游弋之前还有一些障碍要清除。“我们需要资金来实现商业化,”这位首席执行官说,“但很少有人愿意真正支持那些在水路上从事前沿技术的人。”这位创始人希望更多的资金会随之而来。他说:“投资者绝对应该醒过来。”)”可知,该公司现在面临资金的问题,需要更多资金来商业化这种机器人。故选D。
    Fr centuries, explrers have searched fr the funtain f yuth. Surprisingly, the secret t staying yung might have been within us all alng. Amr, a scientist, and clleagues have discvered that T cells can be reprgrammed t fight aging, s t speak.
    Given the right genetic changes, these white bld cells can attack anther grup f cells knwn as senescent (衰老的) cells, which are thught t be respnsible fr many f the diseases we fight with later in life. Senescent cells are thse that stp replicating (再生). As we age, they build up in ur bdies, resulting in sme diseases.
    While several existing drugs can eliminate these cells, many must be taken repeatedly ver time. As an alternative, Amr and clleagues turned t a “living” drug called CAR (chimeric antigen receptr)T cells.
    They discvered CART cells culd be used t rid f senescent cells in mice. As a result, the mice ended up living healthier lives. They had lwer bdy weight, imprved metablism (新陈代谢), and increased physical activity. All these came withut any tissue damage r side effects.
    Perhaps the greatest pwer f CART cells is their lng-lasting effects. The team fund that just ne dse (一剂) at a yung age can have lifelng effects. That single treatment can prtect against cnditins that cmmnly ccur later in life.
    “T cells have the ability t develp memry and exist in yur bdy fr really lng perids. which is very different frm a chemical drug,” Amr explained.
    Amr’s lab is nw investigating whether CART cells let mice live nt nly healthier but als lnger. If s, sciety will be ne step clser t the funtain f yuth.
    12. What discvery have scientists made abut T cells and aging?
    A. T cells cause aging.B. Aging is caused by genetic changes.
    C. Senescent cells are T cells.D. T cells can fight aging.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “eliminate” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Sustain.B. Remve.C. Cue.D. Plish.
    14. Which effect f CART cells n yung mice des the text emphasize?
    A. Shrt-term activity increase.B. Immediate weight reductin.
    C. Lifelng health enhancement.D. Temprary metablic imprvement.
    15. What is Amr’s attitude t the future f emplying CAR T cells?
    A. Optimistic.B. Dubtful.C. Critical.D. Unclear.
    【答案】12. D 13. B 14. C 15. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Amr, a scientist, and clleagues have discvered that T cells can be reprgrammed t fight aging, s t speak.(科学家Amr和他的同事们发现,T细胞可以通过重新编程来对抗衰老)”可知,科学家发现T细胞可以对抗衰老。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据第二段“Given the right genetic changes, these white bld cells can attack anther grup f cells knwn as senescent (衰老的) cells, which are thught t be respnsible fr many f the diseases we fight with later in life. Senescent cells are thse that stp replicating (再生). As we age, they build up in ur bdies, resulting in sme diseases.(如果基因发生了正确的变化,这些白细胞可以攻击另一组被称为衰老细胞的细胞,衰老细胞被认为是导致我们晚年与之抗争的许多疾病的原因。衰老细胞是那些停止复制的细胞。随着年龄的增长,它们在我们体内积聚,导致一些疾病)”以及划线词上文“While several existing drugs can”可知,while表示转折,说明虽然目前有几种药物可以消除这些导致人衰老的细胞,但许多药物必须长期反复服用。故划线词eliminate意思是“消除”,与Remve意思一致。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“They discvered CART cells culd be used t rid f senescent cells in mice. As a result, the mice ended up living healthier lives. They had lwer bdy weight, imprved metablism (新陈代谢), and increased physical activity. (结果,老鼠最终过上了更健康的生活他们发现CART细胞可以用来清除小鼠体内的衰老细胞。结果,老鼠最终过上了更健康的生活。他们的体重较低,新陈代谢改善,体力活动增加。)”以及第五段中“Perhaps the greatest pwer f CART cells is their lng-lasting effects. The team fund that just ne dse (一剂) at a yung age can have lifelng effects. (也许CART细胞最大的力量在于它们的持久效果.研究小组发现,年轻时服用一剂就能产生终生影响。)”可知,CART细胞让老鼠的身体更健康,而且这种影响还很持久。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Amr’s lab is nw investigating whether CART cells let mice live nt nly healthier but als lnger. If s, sciety will be ne step clser t the funtain f yuth.(Amr的实验室目前正在研究CART细胞是否能让老鼠不仅活得更健康,而且活得更长。如果是这样,社会离青春的源泉又近了一步)”可知,Amr对CART细胞的未来持乐观态度。故选A。
    Wrkplace recgnitin is a pwerful way f making emplyees feel valued and enhancing their perfrmance. ____16____
    Make peple feel valued
    Emplyees want t knw that they are making a difference in what they d—big r small—and wrkplace recgnitin can make a cnsiderable difference. ____17____ One f them fcused n the impact f letters f appreciatin. The letters rughly read: Yur cntinued dedicatin and hard wrk make children and families in the regin better ff every day. Appreciatin can greatly imprve mrale(士气).
    Imprve emplyees’ retentin (保留)
    ____18____ Nt nly des this bst their cnfidence, but it als helps imprve yur cmpany’s retentin rate and secure tp talent. It is predicted that replacing a salaried wrker csts 6-9 mnths f the psitin’s annual wages.
    Bst mtivatin and prductivity
    A study fund that emplyee engagement, prductivity, and perfrmance are 14% higher in rganizatins with a specific recgnitin prgramme in place. ____19____ It means that yur team is mre present in their day-t-day rles, they prduce ptimal wrk quality and feel persnally cnnected t the cmpany and the wrk they d fr its grwth. Ultimately, wrkplace recgnitin leads t happy, driven, and prductive wrkers.
    Imprve emplyees’ well-being
    It’s cmmn fr businesses f all sizes t experience stressful perids. ____20____ Especially when yur team is small and the wrklad high, peple can feel extensive burnut and stress, leading t time ff wrk. Gratitude increases ur psitive emtins, like happiness, making us mre resilient against future stress.
    A. Hw des this benefit the rganizatins?
    B. What exactly des this mean fr businesses?
    C. Here are sme tips n securing wrkplace recgnitin.
    D. When yur wrkers are happy, they’re less likely t leave.
    E. The Harvard Business Review cnducted a series f studies n wrkplace mrale.
    F. But small cmpanies and start-ups require mre wrk and attentin t develp.
    G. Here are the benefits f wrkplace recgnitin fr bth emplyers and emplyees.
    【答案】16. G 17. E 18. D 19. B 20. F
    下文小标题“Make peple feel valued (让人们感到被重视)”、“Imprve emplyees’ retentin (保留) (提高员工的忠诚度)”、“Bst mtivatin and prductivity (提高动力和生产力)”以及“Imprve emplyees’ well-being (提高员工的幸福感)”说明本文阐述了职场认可对于雇主和员工的好处,因此G项“以下是工作场所认可对雇主和雇员的好处。”概括本文主旨,故选G。
    下文“Appreciatin can greatly imprve mrale (士气). (感谢能极大地提高士气。)”说明的是对感谢信的影响的研究,因此E项“《哈佛商业评论》对职场士气进行了一系列研究。”符合语境,故选E。
    小标题“Imprve emplyees’ retentin (保留) (提高员工的忠诚度)”说明本段主要内容是职场认可会提高员工保留率,因此D项“当你的员工感到高兴时,他们就不太可能离开。”符合语境,故选D。
    下文“It means that yur team is mre present in their day-t-day rles, they prduce ptimal wrk quality and feel persnally cnnected t the cmpany and the wrk they d fr its grwth. (这意味着你的团队更多地参与到他们的日常角色中,他们产生了最佳的工作质量,并感觉到与公司以及他们为公司发展所做的工作有着个人联系。)”说明这句话是回答上文提出的问题:这意味着什么?因此B项“这对企业究竟意味着什么?”符合语境,故选B。
    上文“It’s cmmn fr businesses f all sizes t experience stressful perids. (各种规模的企业都会经历压力时期,这是很常见的。)”以及下文“Especially when yur team is small and the wrklad high, peple can feel extensive burnut and stress. (特别是当你的团队规模小、工作量大时,人们可能会感到广泛的倦怠和压力。)”说明压力很常见,但是小公司更让人产生疲倦和压力,小公司员工更需要幸福感。因此F项“但小公司和初创企业的发展需要更多的工作和关注。”连接前后两句,故选F。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I was brn in a small twn in Vaddara City. Gujarat. India, with cerebral palsy (脑瘫). My ____21____activity was restricted, which meant that a wrld f limitatins lay ahead f me. Dubts abut my ____22____ are cmmn. Few peple knw that my life will becme a living testamenty (证明) t hw much ne persn can ____23____ with supprt and training, even if we have t face great ____24____.
    Althugh I was rejected by many at first when I ____25____ schls, the principal f St. Teresa’s Schl warmly embraced me. Her ____26____ and that f sme teachers and classmates really helped me thrughut my schl life. Taking me t the bathrm, taking ntes fr me in class — these daily gestures f ____27____ really helped me because I culdn’t walk n my wn and I was a(n) ____28____ writer. With their help, I made prgress bth ____29____ and persnally.
    After I successfully cmpleted cllege, my family and friends ____30____ me t pen a cmputer training center. It became a place f pwer where I taught ____31____ skills t ver a thusand peple. Students with cerebral palsy are ____32____ hw t slve the prblems they face. I enjy their success and feel cmfrted by my lasting ____33____ n their lives.
    I hpe my stry shws that with determinatin and strng ____34____. we can all vercme ur limitatins and ____35____ a mre inclusive and understanding wrld.
    21. A. favriteB. brainC. futureD. physical
    22. A. frtuneB. ptentialC. appearanceD. existence
    23. A. achieveB. vercmeC. desireD. expect
    24. A. dangersB. anxietiesC. pprtunitiesD. challenges
    25. A. gt intB. picked upC. applied frD. jined in
    26. A. supprtB. trustC. fcusD. cnfidence
    27. A. friendshipB. beautyC. kindnessD. clseness
    28. A. nlyB. slwC. eagerD. big
    29. A. lgicallyB. mentallyC. graduallyD. academically
    30. A. rderedB. allwedC. encuragedD. frced
    31. A. curiusB. valuableC. scialD. cmplicated
    32. A. taughtB. determinedC. advisedD. displayed
    33. A. planB. impactC. galD. tpic
    34. A. bdyB. relatinC. functinD. faith
    35. A. breakB. encunterC. createD. tuch
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. C
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我出生在印度古吉拉特邦瓦多达拉市的一个小镇上,患有脑瘫。我的身体活动受到限制,这意味着一个充满限制的世界正等着我。A. favrite最喜欢的;B. brain大脑;C. future未来;D. physical身体的,物理的。根据前文提到的“cerebral palsy (脑瘫)”,可知此处指的应是由于脑瘫导致的身体活动受限。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:人们常常怀疑我的潜力。A. frtune财富;B. ptential潜力;C. appearance外表;D. existence存在。根据上文“Dubts”,可知此处指的是人们对作者由于患有脑瘫而对其能力或未来发展可能性的质疑。即怀疑我的潜力。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:很少有人知道,在支持和培训下,一个人可以取得多大的成就,即使我们必须面对巨大的挑战。A. achieve实现;B. vercme克服;C. desire渴望;D. expect期望。根据上文“Few peple knw that my life will becme a living testamenty (证明)”,可知此处强调的是在面对困难时,通过支持和培训能够达成的成就。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. dangers危险;B. anxieties焦虑;C. pprtunities机会;D. challenges挑战。根据上文“Few peple knw that my life will becme a living testamenty (证明) t hw much ne persn can 3 with supprt and training, even if we have t face”,可知这里指的是面对脑瘫所带来的生活中的挑战。故选D。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:虽然我最初申请学校时被很多人拒绝,但圣特蕾莎学校的校长热情地接纳了我。A. gt int进入;B. picked up捡起,学会;C. applied fr申请;D. jined in加入。根据后文的“rejected by many”和“the principal f St. Teresa’s Schl warmly embraced me”可知这里描述的是作者申请学校的过程。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她支持以及一些老师和同学的支持真的帮助了我整个学生时代。A. supprt支持;B. trust信任;C. fcus焦点;D. cnfidence自信。根据后文描述的帮助行为,如“Taking me t the bathrm, taking ntes fr me in class”,可知这些都体现了来自他人的支持。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:带我去洗手间,上课时为我做笔记——这些日常的善良行为真的帮了我大忙,因为我不能自己走路,而且我写字很慢。A. friendship友谊;B. beauty美丽;C. kindness善良;D. clseness亲密。根据前文“Her 6 and that f sme teachers and classmates really helped me thrughut my schl life. Taking me t the bathrm, taking ntes fr me in class”,可知这些行为体现了他人对作者的关心和帮助,是一种善良的表现。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:带我去洗手间,上课时为我做笔记——这些日常的善良行为真的帮了我大忙,因为我不能自己走路,而且我写字很慢。A. nly仅仅;B. slw缓慢的;C. eager急切的;D. big大的。根据上文“ I culdn’t walk n my wn and I was a(n)”,可知这里描述的是作者写字的速度,与前面不能自己走路形成并列,说明了作者的行动不便。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:在他们的帮助下,我在学术和个人方面都取得了进步。A. lgically逻辑上;B. mentally精神上;C. gradually逐渐地;D. academically学术上。根据上文“With their help, I made prgress”和下文的“persnally”,可知这里提到了在学校中获得的帮助,因此这里的进步既包括学术上的也包括个人能力上的。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我成功完成大学学业后,家人和朋友鼓励我开设了一家计算机培训中心。A. rdered命令;B. allwed允许;C. encuraged鼓励;D. frced强迫。根据下文“t pen a cmputer training center”,可知这里描述的是家人和朋友对作者的支持和激励,鼓励其开设计算机培训中心。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它成了一个充满力量的地方,在那里我教授了超过一千人有价值的技能。A. curius好奇的;B. valuable有价值的;C. scial社交的;D. cmplicated复杂的。根据上文“It became a place f pwer where I taught ”,可知这里描述的是作者开设的计算机培训中心对他人产生的积极影响,即教授他们有价值的技能。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:有脑瘫的学生被教导如何解决他们面临的问题。A. taught教;B. determined决定;C. advised建议;D. displayed展示。根据下文“hw t slve the prblems they face”,可知这里描述的是在计算机培训中心,作者教导有脑瘫的学生解决问题的方法。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我享受他们的成功,并因我对他们生活的持久影响而感到安慰。A. plan计划;B. impact影响;C. gal目标;D. tpic话题。根据上文“I enjy their success and feel cmfrted”,可知这里描述的是作者对学生的长期正面影响,这种影响体现在学生成功后的满足感上。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我希望我的故事表明,只要有决心和坚定的信念,我们都可以克服自己的局限,创造一个更加包容和理解的世界。A. bdy身体;B. relatin关系;C. functin功能;D. faith信念。根据上文“with determinatin”,可知这里强调的是克服困难需要的决心和信念。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我希望我的故事表明,只要有决心和坚定的信念,我们都可以克服自己的局限,创造一个更加包容和理解的世界。A. break打破;B. encunter遭遇;C. create创造;D. tuch触摸。根据下文“a mre inclusive and understanding wrld”,可知这里描述的是通过努力和信念可以创造一个更好的世界。故选C。
    The Science Museum in the UK is hlding an exhibitin called “Zimingzhng: Clckwrk Treasures frm China’s Frbidden City”. The exhibitin features 23 clcks, mainly ____36____ (cllect) by three Qing emperrs. The clcks aim t tell sme ____37____ (stry) abut the meaning f technlgy and skills, as well as the peple and cultures ____38____ appeared during this small windw f trade between Britain and China.
    “The Emperrs and Zimingzhng” sectin f the exhibitin reveals the imprtant rle played ____39____ zimingzhng in early cultural exchanges. In the early 17th century, missinaries tried t please the Qing emperrs by ____40____ (send) them delicately made autmatic devices.
    In the middle sectin f the exhibitin, a scale mdel f the Chinese water-pwered “escapement” reveals that in ____41____ year 1088, during the Sng Dynasty, Su Sng created the ____42____ (wrld) first water-pwered astrnmical clck twer. In the 1960s, schlars rediscvered an ancient text abut it. This ____43____ (discver) challenges the lng-held idea that mechanical clcks riginated ____44____ (entire) in Eurpe.
    Zimingzhng initially ______45______ (enter) China frm Guangzhu, Guangdng Prvince. Fllwing this year-lng trade rute, British businessmen, upn reaching the castal areas f China, purchased sught-after gds, including silk, tea and prcelain.
    【答案】36. cllected
    37. stries
    38. that 39. by
    40. sending
    41. the 42. wrld’s
    43. discvery
    44. entirely
    45. entered
    考查非谓语动词。句意:此次展览共有23个钟表,主要由三位清朝皇帝收藏。本句已经有谓语动词features,设空处作后置定语,被修饰词23 clcks与动词cllect之间是逻辑上的被动关系,填过去分词表被动。故填cllected。
    考查定语从句。句意:同上。设空处引导限制性定语从句,先行词是peple and cultures,既有人又有物,故用关系代词that引导该定语从句,that在从句中作主语。故填that。
    考查冠词。句意:在展览的中间部分,一个中国水力驱动的“擒纵”的比例模型显示,在1088年,宋朝,苏颂创造了世界上第一座水力天文钟塔。此处是表示年份的固定用法即in the year+年份,故填the。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Martin即将来你校做交换生。请你给他发一封电子邮件,内容包括:
    1. 表示欢迎;
    2. 你的安排;
    3. 期待他的到来。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右:
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Martin,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Martin,
    I am thrilled t hear that yu will sn be cming t ur schl as an exchange student! Welcme t ur schl and t ur cuntry. It will be a fantastic experience t have yu here, and I am sure we will have a lt f fun tgether.
    I can’t wait t shw yu arund ur campus, intrduce yu t ur friends, and help yu settle in. We have been lking frward t yur arrival and are excited t learn mre abut yur culture and share urs with yu. Yur presence will surely enrich ur schl life, and I am eager t learn frm each ther.
    Lking frward t meeting yu sn!
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    兴奋的:thrilled →excited/verjyed
    适应:settle in→fit in
    渴望做某事:be eager t d→be keen t d
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:We have been lking frward t yur arrival and are excited t learn mre abut yur culture and share urs with yu.
    拓展句:Nt nly have we been lking frward t yur arrival, but als we are excited t learn mre abut yur culture and share urs with yu.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I am thrilled t hear that yu will sn be cming t ur schl as an exchange student!(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】It will be a fantastic experience t have yu here, and I am sure we will have a lt f fun tgether.(运用了it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语以及省略了引导词that的宾语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Abut 15years ag, Oliver Muensterer packed his suitcase and traveled frm his hme in Leipzig, Germany t a twn a few hurs away. He had a jb interview, s he arrived the evening befrehand, feeling a mix f nervusness and excitement abut the pprtunity that lay ahead.
    When he wke up the next mrning, the sunlight filtering thrugh the curtains cast a warm glw in the htel rm. As he tk a shwer and started t get dressed, his mind raced with thughts f the upcming interview. The realizatin that he had frgtten t pack a white dress shirt struck him like a blt f lightning, causing his heart t skip a beat.
    “I thught I had prepared perfectly fr everything. I had a tie; I had my suit; but smehw I had frgtten the shirt,” Muensterer muttered t himself, a tuch f frustratin in his vice.
    This discvery sent Muensterer int a panic. He rushed dwn t the lbby (大厅) and went t the frnt desk t ask the man behind the cunter if he culd suggest a nearby stre where he culd buy a new shirt.
    Appraching the frnt desk, he quickly explained his prblem t the man behind the cunter, desperatin evident in his vice and behaviur.
    “I’m really in a lt f truble. I will have this really imprtant jb interview in an hur. And smehw I frgt my dress shirt at hme.” Muensterer explained.
    Muensterer’s heart raced as he std at the frnt desk, his desperatin palpable in the way his fingers tapped nervusly against the plished wd. Every passing secnd felt like a lifetime as he awaited the frnt desk attendant’s respnse. The weight f the cming interview hung heavy n his shulders, each breath a struggle against the chking panic. Yet, a glimmer f hpe flickered within him as he asked assistance, his eyes searching desperately fr any sign f slutin. Wuld this stranger truly hld the key t saving his chance at success?
    Hwever, hardly had Muensterer finished his wrds when the man behind the cunter said, “Dn’t wrry, sir, I have a slutin.”
    Rather than directing Muensterer t a nearby shp, the desk attendant did smething surprising.
    After the jb interview, Muensterer returned t the frnt desk with the shirt in hand, alng with a heart full f gratitude.
    Rather than directing Muensterer t a nearby shp, the desk attendant did smething surprising. Withut hesitatin, the man ffered t lend Muensterer his wn white dress shirt fr the jb interview. Having received this unexpected act f kindness frm a stranger, Muensterer was greatly tuched by the man’s genersity and felt grateful fr the timely assistance. Accepting the ffer, he quickly changed int the brrwed shirt, which surprisingly fit him perfectly. As he lked at himself in the mirrr, he culdn’t help but marvel at the frtunate turn f events that had saved the day.
    After the jb interview, Muensterer returned t the frnt desk with the shirt in hand, alng with a heart full f gratitude. He thanked the desk attendant sincerely fr his genersity. He expressed hw the shirt had helped him feel mre cnfident during the interview. The man behind the cunter simply smiled and waved ff Muensterer’s thanks, saying it was all part f the htel’s cmmitment t ensuring their guests’ cmfrt. S ever since, when Muenster er sees smene wh needs anything, he’s very willing t share. And he always thinks abut that special day when a ttal stranger helped him ut f a lt f truble.
    【导语】本文以人物为线索展开。大约15年前,Oliver Muensterer从德国莱比锡的家中出发,前往几小时车程外的一个小镇参加工作面试。第二天醒来,他发现自己忘了带白衬衫,焦急万分。急忙跑到酒店前台求助,前台人员闻言表示有解决办法,给焦虑中的奥利弗带来了一线希望。
    ①由第一段句首内容“服务台服务员没有指引明斯特尔去附近的商店,而是做了一件令人惊讶的事。”可知,第一段可以描写服务员给Oliver Muensterer衬衫的举动和Oliver Muensterer的反应。
    ②由第二段句首内容“面试结束后,Muensterer拿着衬衫回到前台,心里充满了感激之情。”可知,第二段可以描写Oliver Muensterer在这件事之后的行动和感悟。
    ①出乎意料的:unexpected /unanticipated
    ②深受感动:be greatly tuched/be deeply mved
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Accepting the ffer, he quickly changed int the brrwed shirt, which surprisingly fit him perfectly. ( 运用了现在分词Accepting作状语、which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】As he lked at himself in the mirrr, he culdn’t help but marvel at the frtunate turn f events that had saved the day. (运用了that引导的限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型3】 He expressed hw the shirt had helped him feel mre cnfident during the interview. ( 运用了hw引导的宾语从句)
    听力1—5 ABCBC 6—10 ABCCA 11—15 ABCBC 16—20 ABABA

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