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    这是一份辽宁省沈阳市联合体2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试英语试题(Word版附解析),共33页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)
    1. 答题时,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。
    2. 答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。
    3. 答非选择题时,必须使用黑色墨水笔或黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上,写在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。
    4. 考试结束后,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Hw is Tik Tk in the man's pinin?
    A. It's safe t use. B. It can waste ur time. C. It can give us much fun.
    2. When did Phil Farnswrth develp the idea f sending pictures thrugh the air?
    A. In 1916. B. In 1922. C. In 1926.
    3. What des the wman mean?
    A. She supprts the man.
    B. The man shuld find a new jb.
    C. The man shuldn't g back t schl.
    4. What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A. Ask Carrie fr help. B. Find a cheaper travel agency. C. Give up the travel.
    5. What happened t the man?
    A. He argued with his bss. B. He lst his jb. C. He wasn't fine.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Hw is Billy's schlwrk this year cmpared t last year?
    A. He des wrse.
    B. He des better.
    C. He desn't make any imprvement.
    7. What is Billy weak in?
    A. Listening. B. Reading. C. Spelling.
    8. Hw des the wman g t wrk?
    A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By car.
    9. What did the man use last weekend?
    A. A shared umbrella. B. A shared bike. C. A shared charger.
    听第8段材料,回答第10至 13题。
    10 Why des Tim want t wrk as a cashier?
    A. Because it's easier.
    B. Because it's mre interesting.
    C. Because he can make mre mney.
    11. What des Tim d at the supermarket?
    A. Wrk at the cash desk. B. Handle custmers' cmplaints. C. Deal with shelves.
    12. Hw lng has Tim wrked at the supermarket?
    A. Fr tw weeks. B. Fr three weeks. C. Fr a mnth.
    13. What des the wman advise Tim t d?
    A. T start his wn business. B. T aplgise t the bss. C. T seize every chance.
    14. What is the purpse f the tl?
    A. T restre blind peple's visin.
    B. T give blind peple perfect visin.
    C. T prevent blindness frm happening.
    15. What is in the glasses?
    A. A cmputer chip. B. A special pen. C. A vide camera.
    16. What des the man say abut the tl?
    A. Its wrking prcess is very fast.
    B. It can help peple wh are brn blind.
    C. The glasses send pictures t peple's eyes.
    17. What will blind peple be able t d by using the tl?
    A. See as well as nrmal peple. B. Have perfect visin. C. See many things.
    18. What des the speaker d?
    A. An art teacher. B. An artist. C. A tur guide.
    19. What des the centre ffer?
    A. Daily vides. B. Painting curses. C. Exhibitins f ancient art.
    20. What d we knw abut the gift shp?
    A. It is lcated n Level 2. B. It has a variety f bks. C. It is beside the receptin desk.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    The nrthern lights are an awesme natural phenmenn and mst visible frm Octber t April. Yu needn’t g t the Nrdic cuntries clse t the Aretic Circle. Here are places that ffer yu this spectacular night shw as well.
    Iceland prvides sme f the best pprtunities t witness the nrthern lights. They are typically visible frm September t April, cinciding (同时发生) with dark, clear nights, thugh there is a chance that yu may spt them in early spring. The peak viewing seasn, hwever, is frm Nvember t early March, when the nights are the lngest.
    Yukn Territry. Canada
    This remte area f Canada has many spts t view the nrthern lights shining in the night sky. One f the best places t view the lights and learn abut hw the nrthern light s came int being as well as the flk stries abut this gift frm Mther Nature, is the Nrthern Lights Space and Science Center in Watsn Lake.
    Fairbanks. Alaska
    The city lies directly beneath a band f nrthern light s activity s it is a perfect spt t view the phenmenn. The shining lights are mst frequently seen between 11 pm and 2 am, s dn’t frget t set yur alarm clck. Yu can enjy a stay in a ht springs resrt (度假胜地) and enjy the shw while taking a relaxing bath.
    Swedish & Finnish Lapland
    Rvaniemi in Finnish Lapland is the hme f Santa, making it a great place t take a family vacatin. There are plenty f daytime activities including sledding (滑雪橇), ice fishing, and learning abut the unique culture f Rvaniemi. Santa Claus Village in Lapland is a ppular place t crss the Aretic Circle: here the line is marked, and yu can even get a certificate cnfirming the achievement.
    1. When is the best time fr visitrs t view the nrthern nights in Iceland?
    A. In early spring.B. Frm September t April.
    C. Frm Nvember t early March.D. Frm Octber t April.
    2. Which is recmmended if ne wants t learn scientific knwledge f the nrthern lights?
    A. Iceland.B. Yukn Territry, Canada.
    C. Fairbanks, Alaska.D. Swedish & Finnish Lapland.
    3. What can visitrs d in Swedish & Finnish Lapland?
    A. Enjy daytime activities fr free.B. Take a bath in ht springs.
    C. Explre Rvaniemi’s ancient villages.D. Get a certificate f crssing the Arctic Circle.
    Sheep herding is a prfitable industry in China. Hwever, if farmers want t earn mre, they have t slve a range f prblems such as scale expansin, prcessing and marketing, which is almst impssible relying n nly their individual strength. But farmers in Nanxiazhai Village in Huairen, a city in Shanxi, have fund a slutin.
    Gu Jianqiang, a resident in Nanxiazhai, said he started his business in 2013 by raising abut300 sheep. The number has since increased t 1, 000. “I earned an incme f 2 millin yuan ($309, 000) last year and the amunt is expected t reach 9 millin yuan this year, ” he said.
    Gu attributed the grwth t the establishment f a sheep cperative, which helped t expand peratinal scale and sales channels with the jint frce f stckhlders.
    Accrding t Gu Zhidng, Party secretary f the village, Nanxiazhai nw has a ttal f 89 such cperatives. The cperatives have als develped a full industrial chain fr sheep, ranging frm raising, slaughtering and land prcessing t their sale.
    Nanxiazhai has a lng histry in the sheep industry, accrding t the village Party chief, wh explained that was a natural chice ut f the village's envirnmental cnditins. In Nanxiazhai, residents used t farm n the infertile (不肥沃的) land and the grain yield culd hardly supprt their existence.
    It was Lang Yueming, Ca Zhigu and ther villagers wh started their business as sheep dealers in the late 1970s. “They culd earn up t 20 yuan fr selling a sheep,” Gu Zhidng said. “That was a very large incme at that time.” Later, abut 80 percent f the villagers were engaged in the business but they fund purchasing sheep frm neighbring villages became mre difficult because f limited utput. S they began t raise sheep themselves.
    The village business has bsted the sheep industry in Huairen as a whle. Statistics shw the city’s annual utput f sheep is abut 6 millin heads, making it a renwned sheep-prducing base in Shanxi.
    4. What is the prblem faced by farmers in Nanxiazhai?
    A. Finding better places t sell lambs.B. Satisfying the demand fr mre sheep.
    C. Making larger prfits n their wn.D. Destrying the envirnment with herds.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “slaughtering” in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Killing.B. Prducing.C. Cunting.D. Feeding.
    6. What can we knw abut residents in Nanxiazhai?
    A. They are prud f being sheep dealers.
    B. They adapt t the cnditins successfully.
    C. They benefit substantially frm wrking n the land.
    D. They can't buy any sheep in the neighbring villages.
    7. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Rise and Fall f Nanxiazhai VillageB. Sheep Herding Brings Prsperity Flcking
    C. The Switch frm Sheep Industry t FarmingD. Establishing Cperatives Bsts Cnnectins
    “Why?” It’s a simple questin that peple ask Angela Madeline frequently. After all, she began a jurney that very few peple wuld ever attempt: walk arund the wrld alne.
    The thught f Madeline’s jurney did nt start frm a place f lss r persnal crisis. She said, “I was searching fr a deeper interactin with nature and peple.” Walking wuld minimize her carbn ftprint, plus the slw pace meant that she culd fully engage herself in nature, and gain insights int ther cultures in a unique way.
    She left her hmetwn f Bend, Oregn, n 2 May 2016 and headed int an adventure. Alng the way, Madeline wuld suffer frm heatstrke (中暑) in the Australian desert and hear gunshts while camping in Turkey. “Still,” she said, “I didn’t stp because I was mre afraid f nt fllwing my heart than I was f lsing everything I wned and lved.”
    Apart frm that, her slw pace allwed her t be drawn deeply int ther cultures. She wandered the tiny seaside villages alng Italy Tyrthenian Sea, enjying the lively atmsphere. In Vietnam, she was ffered fd by an elderly wman and invited t rest in her wden huse at the peak fr the night. She chse an experience f uncertainty and curisity, in search f smething she culd never be certain t find: a sense f fulfillment and a deeper cnnectin.
    On16 December 2022, Madeline’s pilgrimage (朝圣之旅) ended right where it started. Fr nw, she’s wrking n a bk, planning future jurneys and creating mre effective ways fr wmen t find and express curage in their lives.
    Whether a walk leads halfway arund the wrld r just dwn the rad, Madeline has shwn the true wrth f embracing (拥抱) the unknwn and giving mre than we receive alng the way.
    8. Why did Madeline decide t start her jurney?
    A. T get rid f persnal crisis.B. T get clser t the wrld.
    C. T reduce carbn ftprint.D. T slw dwn the pace f life.
    9. What can we knw abut Madeline during the jurney?
    A. She was abut t give up.B. She was helped by Italian lcals.
    C. She experienced varius cultures.D. She enjyed Australian castal scenery.
    10. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Madeline?
    A. Cautius and gentle.B. Tugh and adventurus.
    C. Outging and generus.D. Open-minded and humrus.
    11. What’s this text mainly abut?
    A. A new way t slw dwn life.B. A clser cnnectin with the wild.
    C. An unfrgettable memry f a trip.D. A wman walking arund the wrld.
    Smene has put frward a dream hme which is s advanced that its kitchen can suggest what t make with certain things. Als, a Micrsft hme desn’t just warn yu when yu’re ut f milk — it can send yu a fresh galln.
    But are these innvatins just magic, r are they really cming sn t a neighbrhd near yu? T find ut, US News asked sme experts t get their pinins abut the hme f the nt-s-distant future. Here’s a lk at the innvatins.
    The husing bm was marked by mass-prduced buildings filled with units which lk the same. The cming years, hwever, will give way t a persnalized apprach t hme cnstructin, with huses as mre f an instrument f self-expressin. “The successful builders will be the nes that figure ut hw t change their prductin mdel enugh t make the buyers feel like they are really getting smething that is designed fr them, nt just a mdel,” says Kermit Baker, the chief ecnmist at the American Institute f Architects.
    Future hmes will prbably becme smaller. “We will be building smaller but smarter huses” says Ed MeMahn, a senir resident fellw at the Urban Land Institute. “Instead f having a rm fr just ne use, cnsumers will demand hmes that make better use f space,” says Susanka, whse best-selling bk, The Nt S Big Huse, has becme increasingly influential in hme design. Seldm-used quarters, such as dining and living rms, will be replaced with space that can serve bth functins. “The gal f his ‘right-size’ hme is t fit its wners like a specially cut suit rather than a jacket yu buy in a stre,” says Susanka.
    12. What is the functin f the first paragraph?
    A. T present the main idea the passage.B. T present what the future huse is like.
    C T lead t the tpic f the passage.D. T shw the histry the husing.
    13. What were huses like during the husing bm?
    A. Almst all the huses had n their wn features.
    B. The huses were designed accrding t wners’ idea.
    C. The huses were smaller but smarter than befre.
    D. The huses culd change prductin mdel easily.
    14. What kind f huse may be ppular in the future?
    A. Thse that are much bigger and brighter.B. Thse that are much smaller but smarter.
    C. Thse that are much bigger and smarter.D. Thse that are envirnmental and energy saving.
    15. What’s Susanka’s pinin abut smart huse?
    A. Smart huses have a rm fr every use.B. Smart huses can make better use f space.
    C. Smart huses have very advanced furniture.D. Smart huses can warn yu when yu’re ut f milk.
    第二节(共5 小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5 分)
    The histry f the schl bus can date back t 1886 when Wayne Wrks cmpany made hrse-drawn carriages (四轮马车) knwn as “schl wagns” r “kid hacks” in Indiana. ___16___
    In the early 1900s, the car industry was beginning t develp fast. This gave Wayne Wrks a great pprtunity t imprve its carriages. ___17___ But the design remained mstly the same as that f the previus nes, with students sitting alng the walls f the bus while facing inside.
    In 1927, a man built the first bus that primarily used steel. ___18___ Still, parents were increasingly cncerned fr children’s safety. This led t a turning pint in the histry f the schl bus in 1939, when a cnference was rganised at Manhattan Cllege t develp schl bus standards.
    Many new natinal standards were created, determining everything frm seating designs t the famus yellw clur that schl buses still sprt tday. ___19___ Yellw is quite eye-catching t human beings. The clur is easy t see in the early mrning and evening light when schl buses usually perate.
    ___20___ Fr example, a variety f changes have been made t enable the schl bus t nt nly be safer but als have better fuel ecnmy, be easier t drive, etc. The mst creative apprach amng all f these is prbably a kind f stp signal arm that warns traffic f a stp in prgress, which states began t require in the early 1950s.
    A. Hrses were easy t cntrl.
    B. Nt all chse t paint their buses yellw.
    C. The reasn why the clur was chsen was simple.
    D. Befre then, many children simply walked t schl.
    E. Nw, schl buses have had many mre imprvements.
    F. The cmpany managed t make its carriages pwered by engines.
    G. Befre lng, Wayne Wrks intrduced the first all-steel schl bus bdy with safety glass windws.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Zng Qinghu, funder f Wahaha Grup, passed away n February 25, 2024, at the age f 79. He was nce a natinal mdel wrker, a winner f the Natinal May Day Labr Medal, and amng 100 ___21___ private entrepreneurs (企业家) in the 40 years f refrming and pening-up.
    In 1987, at the age f 42, Mr Zng started his Wahaha business. After many years f peratin, Wahaha had ___22___ grwn int a huge fd and beverage (饮料) empire, ranking the ___23___ largest beverage cmpany behind nly internatinal giants Cca Cla, Pepsi and Cadbury. He himself als had been China's richest man three times.
    At the beginning f his business, he ften ___24___ fr himself, riding a tricycle t deliver gds. After his ___25___ , he traveled all ver the cuntry, spending 200 days a year ding serius market research.
    He lived a ___26___ life. Often wearing a black dress, and a pair f clth shes wrth n mre than dzens f yuan, he was called “the ___27___ clth shes”.
    He was ___28___ abut public welfare, and made large dnatins fr earthquake relief. Since 2009, he had dnated mre than 750 millin yuan t charities, and built factries in pr areas t ___29___ lcal emplyment. Over the years, Wahaha Grup has als been ___30___ free experimental pure water fr universities and research institutes acrss the cuntry.
    He was still cncerned abut the ___31___ ver these years. He ___32___ that the cmpany shuld nt lay ff emplyees ver the age f 45. ___33___ , he als built them apartments and gave them ___34___ t imprve their life.
    Such was Zng Qinghu, a simple but ___35___ man. He will live in ur hearts frever.
    21. A. utstandingB. ptimisticC. sincereD. ambitius
    22. A. riginallyB. autmaticallyC. graduallyD. ptentially
    23. A. firstB. secndC. thirdD. furth
    24. A. wrkedB. emplyedC. swedD. symblized
    25. A. failureB. successC. experienceD. cmmerce
    26. A. simpleB. meanC. luxuryD. tugh
    27. A. prestB. richestC. ddestD. gentlest
    28 A. reluctantB. inncentC. seriusD. enthusiastic
    29. A. rewardB. leanC. bstD. anticipate
    30. A. prvidingB. sellingC. buyingD. preserving
    31. A. relativesB. friendsC. familyD. emplyees
    32. A. hpedB. ruledC. ignredD. rejected
    33. A. MreverB. OtherwiseC. HweverD. Therefre
    34. A. fdB. clthesC. benefitsD. capacity
    35. A. ppularB. farawayC. reliableD. great
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    It is imprtant fr teenagers t make a career chice ___36___ advance. If yu make a career chice while yu are still in high schl, yu ___37___ (save) time and mney in the lng run. Students wh d nt plan ahead may delay starting cllege r take extra ___38___ (curse) t give themselves time t make up their minds. U. S. News and Wrld Reprt says that the average yearly tuitin (学费) at a fur-year cllege ___39___ (be) $35, 000. If yu spend an extra year in schl, yu may have t take ut additinal lans r pay extra mney ___40___ (cver) the cst.
    ___41___ (chse) a career while yu are in high schl als gives yu time t explre yur industry. If yu find a career ___42___ sunds interesting, yu can fllw smene in the field and see what it is really like t have that jb. Yu can als apply fr a chance t get ___43___ infrmal psitin related t yur desired industry. This will help yu build a prfessinal netwrk befre yur ___44___ (graduate) frm high schl. Prfessinal cntact is very valuable, ____45____ (especial) when yu are lking fr a jb in yur field. If yu d as much as yu can t build a netwrk when yu are ready fr a jb, yu will be mre likely t succeed.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    46. 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Tm发邮件表示对中国的数字支付很感兴趣,请你回复一封邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Tm,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Last summer, my friends and I went n a camping trip in the muntains. We were all excited abut the adventure ahead, but little did we knw what was in stre fr us.
    We arrived at the campsite in the late afternn. The sun was setting, and the sky was painted with hues f range and pink. We set up ur tents and started a fire t ck ur dinner. As we sat arund the fire, we planned ur activities fr the next day. We decided t g n a hike t see the nearby waterfall.
    The next mrning, we wke up early and set ut n ur hike. The trail was steep and narrw, but the scenery was breathtaking. We passed thrugh the frests and crssed the streams. As we gt higher, the air became clder and thinner. We had t stp frequently t catch ur breath.
    After a few hurs f hiking, we finally reached the waterfall. It was amazing. The water fell dwn frm a great height, and the mist created a rainbw. We sat dwn t catch ur breath and take in the beauty f the waterfall.
    But ur adventure was far frm ver. As we were abut t leave we nticed dark cluds gathering verhead. It started raining heavily, and we realized that we had nt brught any rain gear. We were cmpletely saked(湿透)and trembling in the cld. We decided t take shelter in a nearby cave until the rain stpped.
    The cave was dark and damp, but it gave us a brief relief frm the rain. We sat there fr what seemed like hurs, waiting fr the rain t stp. But it nly gt wrse. The thunder was s lud that it eched thrugh the cave, and the lightning was s bright that it lit up the cave like daylight.
    We were scared and wrried.
    That night, as we sat arund the fire, we reflected n ur adventure.
    听力1-5 BCAAB 6-10 BCBAB 11-15 CABAC 16-20 ACCBB2023—2024学年度(下)联合体高二期末检测
    (满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)
    1. 答题时,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。
    2. 答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。
    3. 答非选择题时,必须使用黑色墨水笔或黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上,写在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。
    4. 考试结束后,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Hw is Tik Tk in the man's pinin?
    A. It's safe t use. B. It can waste ur time. C. It can give us much fun.
    2. When did Phil Farnswrth develp the idea f sending pictures thrugh the air?
    A. In 1916. B. In 1922. C. In 1926.
    3. What des the wman mean?
    A. She supprts the man.
    B. The man shuld find a new jb.
    C. The man shuldn't g back t schl.
    4. What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A. Ask Carrie fr help. B. Find a cheaper travel agency. C. Give up the travel.
    5. What happened t the man?
    A. He argued with his bss. B. He lst his jb. C. He wasn't fine.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Hw is Billy's schlwrk this year cmpared t last year?
    A. He des wrse.
    B. He des better.
    C. He desn't make any imprvement.
    7. What is Billy weak in?
    A. Listening. B. Reading. C. Spelling.
    8. Hw des the wman g t wrk?
    A. By bus. B. By bike. C. By car.
    9. What did the man use last weekend?
    A. A shared umbrella. B. A shared bike. C. A shared charger.
    听第8段材料,回答第10至 13题。
    10. Why des Tim want t wrk as a cashier?
    A. Because it's easier.
    B. Because it's mre interesting.
    C. Because he can make mre mney.
    11. What des Tim d at the supermarket?
    A. Wrk at the cash desk. B. Handle custmers' cmplaints. C. Deal with shelves.
    12. Hw lng has Tim wrked at the supermarket?
    A. Fr tw weeks. B. Fr three weeks. C. Fr a mnth.
    13. What des the wman advise Tim t d?
    A. T start his wn business. B. T aplgise t the bss. C. T seize every chance.
    14. What is the purpse f the tl?
    A. T restre blind peple's visin.
    B. T give blind peple perfect visin.
    C. T prevent blindness frm happening.
    15. What is in the glasses?
    A. A cmputer chip. B. A special pen. C. A vide camera.
    16. What des the man say abut the tl?
    A. Its wrking prcess is very fast.
    B. It can help peple wh are brn blind.
    C. The glasses send pictures t peple's eyes.
    17. What will blind peple be able t d by using the tl?
    A. See as well as nrmal peple. B. Have perfect visin. C. See many things.
    18. What des the speaker d?
    A. An art teacher. B. An artist. C. A tur guide.
    19. What des the centre ffer?
    A. Daily vides. B. Painting curses. C. Exhibitins f ancient art.
    20. What d we knw abut the gift shp?
    A. It is lcated n Level 2. B. It has a variety f bks. C. It is beside the receptin desk.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    The nrthern lights are an awesme natural phenmenn and mst visible frm Octber t April. Yu needn’t g t the Nrdic cuntries clse t the Aretic Circle. Here are places that ffer yu this spectacular night shw as well.
    Iceland prvides sme f the best pprtunities t witness the nrthern lights. They are typically visible frm September t April, cinciding (同时发生) with dark, clear nights, thugh there is a chance that yu may spt them in early spring. The peak viewing seasn, hwever, is frm Nvember t early March, when the nights are the lngest.
    Yukn Territry. Canada
    This remte area f Canada has many spts t view the nrthern lights shining in the night sky. One f the best places t view the lights and learn abut hw the nrthern light s came int being as well as the flk stries abut this gift frm Mther Nature, is the Nrthern Lights Space and Science Center in Watsn Lake.
    Fairbanks. Alaska
    The city lies directly beneath a band f nrthern light s activity s it is a perfect spt t view the phenmenn. The shining lights are mst frequently seen between 11 pm and 2 am, s dn’t frget t set yur alarm clck. Yu can enjy a stay in a ht springs resrt (度假胜地) and enjy the shw while taking a relaxing bath.
    Swedish & Finnish Lapland
    Rvaniemi in Finnish Lapland is the hme f Santa, making it a great place t take a family vacatin. There are plenty f daytime activities including sledding (滑雪橇), ice fishing, and learning abut the unique culture f Rvaniemi. Santa Claus Village in Lapland is a ppular place t crss the Aretic Circle: here the line is marked, and yu can even get a certificate cnfirming the achievement.
    1. When is the best time fr visitrs t view the nrthern nights in Iceland?
    A. In early spring.B. Frm September t April.
    C. Frm Nvember t early March.D. Frm Octber t April.
    2. Which is recmmended if ne wants t learn scientific knwledge f the nrthern lights?
    A. Iceland.B. Yukn Territry, Canada.
    C. Fairbanks, Alaska.D. Swedish & Finnish Lapland.
    3. What can visitrs d in Swedish & Finnish Lapland?
    A. Enjy daytime activities fr free.B. Take a bath in ht springs.
    C. Explre Rvaniemi’s ancient villages.D. Get a certificate f crssing the Arctic Circle.
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The peak viewing seasn, hwever, is frm Nvember t early March, when the nights are the lngest.(然而,观赏旺季是从11月到3月初,此时夜晚最长)”可知,在冰岛观赏北极光的高峰期是从11月到3月初,这是夜晚最长的时候。因此,游客观赏北极光的最佳时间是从11月到3月初。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的“One f the best places t view the lights and learn abut hw the nrthern light s came int being as well as the flk stries abut this gift frm Mther Nature, is the Nrthern Lights Space and Science Center in Watsn Lake.(沃森湖的北极光空间与科学中心是观看北极光、了解北极光是如何产生的以及大自然母亲关于这一礼物的民间故事的最佳场所之一)”可知,游客在加拿大的Yukn Territry可以了解到有关北极光的科学知识。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Santa Claus Village in Lapland is a ppular place t crss the Aretic Circle: here the line is marked, and yu can even get a certificate cnfirming the achievement.(拉普兰的圣诞老人村是穿越北极圈的热门地点:在这里标出了界线,你甚至可以获得一份证明)”可知,拉普兰的圣诞老人村能够穿越北极圈。游客可以在这获得证明这一壮举的证书。故选D。
    Sheep herding is a prfitable industry in China. Hwever, if farmers want t earn mre, they have t slve a range f prblems such as scale expansin, prcessing and marketing, which is almst impssible relying n nly their individual strength. But farmers in Nanxiazhai Village in Huairen, a city in Shanxi, have fund a slutin.
    Gu Jianqiang, a resident in Nanxiazhai, said he started his business in 2013 by raising abut300 sheep. The number has since increased t 1, 000. “I earned an incme f 2 millin yuan ($309, 000) last year and the amunt is expected t reach 9 millin yuan this year, ” he said.
    Gu attributed the grwth t the establishment f a sheep cperative, which helped t expand peratinal scale and sales channels with the jint frce f stckhlders.
    Accrding t Gu Zhidng, Party secretary f the village, Nanxiazhai nw has a ttal f 89 such cperatives. The cperatives have als develped a full industrial chain fr sheep, ranging frm raising, slaughtering and land prcessing t their sale.
    Nanxiazhai has a lng histry in the sheep industry, accrding t the village Party chief, wh explained that was a natural chice ut f the village's envirnmental cnditins. In Nanxiazhai, residents used t farm n the infertile (不肥沃的) land and the grain yield culd hardly supprt their existence.
    It was Lang Yueming, Ca Zhigu and ther villagers wh started their business as sheep dealers in the late 1970s. “They culd earn up t 20 yuan fr selling a sheep,” Gu Zhidng said. “That was a very large incme at that time.” Later, abut 80 percent f the villagers were engaged in the business but they fund purchasing sheep frm neighbring villages became mre difficult because f limited utput. S they began t raise sheep themselves.
    The village business has bsted the sheep industry in Huairen as a whle. Statistics shw the city’s annual utput f sheep is abut 6 millin heads, making it a renwned sheep-prducing base in Shanxi.
    4. What is the prblem faced by farmers in Nanxiazhai?
    A. Finding better places t sell lambs.B. Satisfying the demand fr mre sheep.
    C. Making larger prfits n their wn.D. Destrying the envirnment with herds.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “slaughtering” in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Killing.B. Prducing.C. Cunting.D. Feeding.
    6. What can we knw abut residents in Nanxiazhai?
    A. They are prud f being sheep dealers.
    B They adapt t the cnditins successfully.
    C. They benefit substantially frm wrking n the land.
    D. They can't buy any sheep in the neighbring villages.
    7. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Rise and Fall f Nanxiazhai VillageB. Sheep Herding Brings Prsperity Flcking
    C. The Switch frm Sheep Industry t FarmingD. Establishing Cperatives Bsts Cnnectins
    【答案】4. C 5. A 6. B 7. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段中的 “Hwever, if farmers want t earn mre, they have t slve a range f prblems such as scale expansin, prcessing and marketing, which is almst impssible relying n nly their individual strength. (然而,如果农民想赚更多的钱,他们必须解决规模扩张、加工和营销等一系列问题,而仅靠他们的个人力量几乎是不可能的。)” 可知,南小寨村的农民面临的问题是——仅靠个人力量难以赚更多的钱。故选C项。
    词句猜测题。根据画线词所在句中的 “The cperatives have als develped a full industrial chain fr sheep, ranging frm raising, slaughtering and land prcessing t their sale.(合作社还发展了从饲养、 、土地加工到销售的全产业链。)” 可知,这里讲的是养羊全产业链,包括饲养、土地处理、销售,再根据顺序可推知, slaughtering 表示“屠宰”的意思,与killing同义。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第五段 “Nanxiazhai has a lng histry in the sheep industry, accrding t the village Party chief, wh explained that was a natural chice ut f the village's envirnmental cnditins. In Nanxiazhai, residents used t farm n the infertile (不肥沃的) land and the grain yield culd hardly supprt their existence.(据村党委书记介绍,南小寨在养羊业有着悠久的历史,他解释说,这是出于村里环境条件的自然选择。在南小寨,人们过去常常在贫瘠的土地上耕种,粮食产量很难维持他们的生存。)” 以及最后一段“The village business has bsted the sheep industry in Huairen as a whle. Statistics shw the city's annual utput f sheep is abut 6 millin heads, making it a renwned sheep-prducing base in Shanxi.(村里的生意带动了怀仁的养羊业。据统计,全市羊年产量约600万头,是山西著名的羊生产基地。)”可知,南小寨村的农民们一开始在贫瘠的土地上耕种,但难以维持生计,他们发展养羊业是出于村里环境条件的自然选择,他们现在靠养羊致富了。由此推知,村民们成功地适应了环境。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,根据文章第三段、第四段以及最后一段中的 “The village business has bsted the sheep industry in Huairen as a whle.(村里的生意带动了怀仁的养羊业。)”可知,本文主要讲述了山西怀仁市南小寨村通过建立养羊专业合作社,发展全产业链,让村民们走上了致富之路。由此可知,B 项Sheep Herding Brings Prsperity Flcking(养羊带动群荣)最适合用作本文标题。故选B项。
    “Why?” It’s a simple questin that peple ask Angela Madeline frequently. After all, she began a jurney that very few peple wuld ever attempt: walk arund the wrld alne.
    The thught f Madeline’s jurney did nt start frm a place f lss r persnal crisis. She said “I was searching fr a deeper interactin with nature and peple.” Walking wuld minimize her carbn ftprint, plus the slw pace meant that she culd fully engage herself in nature, and gain insights int ther cultures in a unique way.
    She left her hmetwn f Bend, Oregn, n 2 May 2016 and headed int an adventure. Alng the way, Madeline wuld suffer frm heatstrke (中暑) in the Australian desert and hear gunshts while camping in Turkey. “Still,” she said, “I didn’t stp because I was mre afraid f nt fllwing my heart than I was f lsing everything I wned and lved.”
    Apart frm that, her slw pace allwed her t be drawn deeply int ther cultures. She wandered the tiny seaside villages alng Italy Tyrthenian Sea, enjying the lively atmsphere. In Vietnam, she was ffered fd by an elderly wman and invited t rest in her wden huse at the peak fr the night. She chse an experience f uncertainty and curisity, in search f smething she culd never be certain t find: a sense f fulfillment and a deeper cnnectin.
    On16 December 2022, Madeline’s pilgrimage (朝圣之旅) ended right where it started. Fr nw, she’s wrking n a bk, planning future jurneys and creating mre effective ways fr wmen t find and express curage in their lives.
    Whether a walk leads halfway arund the wrld r just dwn the rad, Madeline has shwn the true wrth f embracing (拥抱) the unknwn and giving mre than we receive alng the way.
    8. Why did Madeline decide t start her jurney?
    A T get rid f persnal crisis.B. T get clser t the wrld.
    C. T reduce carbn ftprint.D. T slw dwn the pace f life.
    9. What can we knw abut Madeline during the jurney?
    A. She was abut t give up.B. She was helped by Italian lcals.
    C. She experienced varius cultures.D. She enjyed Australian castal scenery.
    10. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Madeline?
    A. Cautius and gentle.B. Tugh and adventurus.
    C. Outging and generus.D. Open-minded and humrus.
    11. What’s this text mainly abut?
    A. A new way t slw dwn life.B. A clser cnnectin with the wild.
    C. An unfrgettable memry f a trip.D. A wman walking arund the wrld.
    【答案】8. B 9. C 10. B 11. D
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Angela Madeline徒步环游世界,寻求与自然和文化的深度交流,历经艰难仍坚持完成旅程,展现了探索未知的勇气与收获。
    推理判断题。由文章第二段“The thught f Madeline’s jurney did nt start frm a place f lss r persnal crisis. She said, “I was searching fr a deeper interactin with nature and peple.” Walking wuld minimize her carbn ftprint, plus the slw pace meant that she culd fully engage herself in nature, and gain insights int ther cultures in a unique way. (想到玛德琳的旅程,并不是出于一种失落或个人危机。她说:“我一直在寻找一种与自然和人更深层次的互动。”步行可以最大限度地减少她的碳足迹,加上缓慢的步伐意味着她可以完全融入大自然,并以一种独特的方式了解其他文化。)”可知,玛德琳为了更接近这个世界,决定开始她的旅程。故选B。
    推理判断题。由文章第四段“Apart frm that, her slw pace allwed her t be drawn deeply int ther cultures. She wandered the tiny seaside villages alng Italy Tyrthenian Sea, enjying the lively atmsphere. In Vietnam, she was ffered fd by an elderly wman and invited t rest in her wden huse at the peak fr the night. She chse an experience f uncertainty and curisity, in search f smething she culd never be certain t find: a sense f fulfillment and a deeper cnnectin. (除此之外,她缓慢的步伐使她深深地被其他文化所吸引。她漫步在意大利第勒尼安海沿岸的小海边村庄,享受着热闹的气氛。在越南,一位老妇人给了她食物,并邀请她在山顶的木屋里过夜。她选择了一种充满不确定性和好奇心的体验,去寻找一些她永远不确定能找到的东西:一种满足感和一种更深层次的联系。)”可知,在旅途中,玛德琳经历了多种文化。故选C。
    推理判断题。由文章第三段“She left her hmetwn f Bend, Oregn, n 2 May 2016 and headed int an adventure. Alng the way, Madeline wuld suffer frm heatstrke (中暑) in the Australian desert and hear gunshts while camping in Turkey. “Still,” she said, “I didn’t stp because I was mre afraid f nt fllwing my heart than I was f lsing everything I wned and lved.” (2016年5月2日,她离开家乡俄勒冈州本德市,开始了一段冒险之旅。一路上,玛德琳在澳大利亚沙漠中暑,在土耳其露营时听到枪声。“尽管如此,”她说,“我没有停下来,因为比起失去我所拥有和所爱的一切,我更害怕不跟随自己的心。”)”可知,她面对旅途中的种种困难,如在澳大利亚沙漠中中暑、在土耳其露营时听到枪声,但她都没有放弃,这体现了她的坚韧。同时,独自环游世界的决定本身就是一种冒险。故选B。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是由文章第一段中“After all, she began a jurney that very few peple wuld ever attempt: walk arund the wrld alne. (毕竟,她开始了一段很少有人会尝试的旅程:独自环游世界。)”可知,文章主要讲述了Angela Madeline徒步环游世界,寻求与自然和文化的深度交流,历经艰难仍坚持完成旅程,展现了探索未知的勇气与收获。选项D“A wman walking arund the wrld. (一个女人环游世界)”符合题意。故选D。
    Smene has put frward a dream hme which is s advanced that its kitchen can suggest what t make with certain things. Als, a Micrsft hme desn’t just warn yu when yu’re ut f milk — it can send yu a fresh galln.
    But are these innvatins just magic, r are they really cming sn t a neighbrhd near yu? T find ut, US News asked sme experts t get their pinins abut the hme f the nt-s-distant future. Here’s a lk at the innvatins.
    The husing bm was marked by mass-prduced buildings filled with units which lk the same. The cming years, hwever, will give way t a persnalized apprach t hme cnstructin, with huses as mre f an instrument f self-expressin. “The successful builders will be the nes that figure ut hw t change their prductin mdel enugh t make the buyers feel like they are really getting smething that is designed fr them, nt just a mdel,” says Kermit Baker, the chief ecnmist at the American Institute f Architects.
    Future hmes will prbably becme smaller. “We will be building smaller but smarter huses,” says Ed MeMahn, a senir resident fellw at the Urban Land Institute. “Instead f having a rm fr just ne use, cnsumers will demand hmes that make better use f space,” says Susanka, whse best-selling bk, The Nt S Big Huse, has becme increasingly influential in hme design. Seldm-used quarters, such as dining and living rms, will be replaced with space that can serve bth functins. “The gal f his ‘right-size’ hme is t fit its wners like a specially cut suit rather than a jacket yu buy in a stre,” says Susanka.
    12. What is the functin f the first paragraph?
    A. T present the main idea the passage.B. T present what the future huse is like.
    C. T lead t the tpic f the passage.D. T shw the histry the husing.
    13. What were huses like during the husing bm?
    A. Almst all the huses had n their wn features.
    B. The huses were designed accrding t wners’ idea.
    C. The huses were smaller but smarter than befre.
    D. The huses culd change prductin mdel easily.
    14. What kind f huse may be ppular in the future?
    A. Thse that are much bigger and brighter.B. Thse that are much smaller but smarter.
    C. Thse that are much bigger and smarter.D. Thse that are envirnmental and energy saving.
    15. What’s Susanka’s pinin abut smart huse?
    A. Smart huses have a rm fr every use.B. Smart huses can make better use f space.
    C. Smart huses have very advanced furniture.D. Smart huses can warn yu when yu’re ut f milk.
    【答案】12. C 13. A 14. B 15. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Smene has put frward a dream hme which is s advanced that its kitchen can suggest what t make with certain things. Als, a Micrsft hme desn’t just warn yu when yu’re ut f milk—it can send yu a fresh galln.(有人提出了一个梦想之家,它是如此先进,以至于它的厨房可以建议用某些东西做什么。此外,微软家居不仅会在你的牛奶用完时提醒你,还会给你送来一加仑新鲜的牛奶)”以及第二段“But are these innvatins just magic, r are they really cming sn t a neighbrhd near yu? T find ut, US News asked sme experts t get their pinins abut the hme f the nt-s-distant future. Here’s a lk at the innvatins.(但是,这些创新仅仅是魔术,还是它们真的很快就会出现在你身边?为了找到答案,《美国新闻与世界报道》采访了一些专家,征求他们对不久的将来的家园的看法。让我们来看看这些创新)”可知,作者在第一段提到a dream hme and a Micrsft hme是为了引出本文话题。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“The husing bm was marked by mass-prduced buildings filled with units which lk the same.(房地产繁荣的标志是大量生产的建筑,里面充斥着看起来一模一样的单元)”可知,在房产繁荣时期,几乎所有的房子没有自己的特点。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“Future hmes will prbably becme smaller. “We will be building smaller but smarter huses,” says Ed MeMahn, a senir resident fellw at the Urban Land Institute.(未来的房子可能会变得更小。“我们将建造更小但更智能的房子,”城市土地研究所高级研究员埃德•梅洪表示)”可知,未来的房子可能更小更智能。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段““Instead f having a rm fr just ne use, cnsumers will demand hmes that make better use f space(消费者将要求更好地利用空间,而不是只有一个用途的房间)”可知,更智能的房子指的是能够更好地利用空间的房子。故选B。
    第二节(共5 小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5 分)
    The histry f the schl bus can date back t 1886 when Wayne Wrks cmpany made hrse-drawn carriages (四轮马车) knwn as “schl wagns” r “kid hacks” in Indiana. ___16___
    In the early 1900s, the car industry was beginning t develp fast. This gave Wayne Wrks a great pprtunity t imprve its carriages. ___17___ But the design remained mstly the same as that f the previus nes, with students sitting alng the walls f the bus while facing inside.
    In 1927, a man built the first bus that primarily used steel. ___18___ Still, parents were increasingly cncerned fr children’s safety. This led t a turning pint in the histry f the schl bus in 1939, when a cnference was rganised at Manhattan Cllege t develp schl bus standards.
    Many new natinal standards were created, determining everything frm seating designs t the famus yellw clur that schl buses still sprt tday. ___19___ Yellw is quite eye-catching t human beings. The clur is easy t see in the early mrning and evening light when schl buses usually perate.
    ___20___ Fr example, a variety f changes have been made t enable the schl bus t nt nly be safer but als have better fuel ecnmy, be easier t drive, etc. The mst creative apprach amng all f these is prbably a kind f stp signal arm that warns traffic f a stp in prgress, which states began t require in the early 1950s.
    A. Hrses were easy t cntrl.
    B. Nt all chse t paint their buses yellw.
    C. The reasn why the clur was chsen was simple.
    D. Befre then, many children simply walked t schl.
    E. Nw, schl buses have had many mre imprvements.
    F. The cmpany managed t make its carriages pwered by engines.
    G. Befre lng, Wayne Wrks intrduced the first all-steel schl bus bdy with safety glass windws.
    【答案】16. D 17. F 18. G 19. C 20. E
    根据上一句“The histry f the schl bus can date back t 1886 when Wayne Wrks cmpany made hrse-drawn carriages (四轮马车) knwn as “schl wagns” r “kid hacks” in Indiana.”(校车的历史可以追溯到1886年,当时Wayne Wrks公司在印第安纳州制造了四轮马车,被称为“学校马车”或“儿童马车”。)可知,该句讲述了校车的发明时间;选项D“Befre then, many children simply walked t schl.(在此之前,许多孩子只是步行上学。)”说明了在校车出现之前孩子们是如何上学的,承接上文。故选D。
    根据上一句“In the early 1900s, the car industry was beginning t develp fast. This gave Wayne Wrks a great pprtunity t imprve its carriages.”(20世纪初,汽车工业开始迅速发展,这给了Wayne Wrks一个改进校车的好机会。),选项F“The cmpany managed t make its carriages pwered by engines.(这家公司设法使马车由发动机提供动力。)”具体描述了Wayne Wrks公司是如何改进校车的,承接上文;下一句“But the design remained mstly the same as that f the previus nes, with students sitting alng the walls f the bus while facing inside.”(但设计基本上与之前的设计相同,学生们坐在巴士的墙壁上,面向内部。)在选项F的基础上,又指出了改进后的校车在设计上与之前相同,两句为转折关系,语意合理。故选F。
    根据上一句“In 1927, a man built the first bus that primarily used steel.”(1927年,一个人制造了第一辆主要使用钢的公共汽车。),选项G“Befre lng, Wayne Wrks intrduced the first all-steel schl bus bdy with safety glass windws.(不久,Wayne Wrks公司推出了第一辆全钢车身和安全玻璃窗的校车。)”进一步提出在1927年使用钢的公共汽车问世之后,Wayne Wrks公司就推出了第一辆全钢车身的校车,承接上文;下一句“Still, parents were increasingly cncerned fr children’s safety.”(尽管如此,家长们还是越来越担心孩子的安全。)表明校车在使用安全玻璃窗后,家长们仍然越来越担心孩子们的安全。故选G。
    根据上一句“Many new natinal standards were created, determining everything frm seating designs t the famus yellw clur that schl buses still sprt tday.”(制定了许多新的国家标准,从座椅设计到校车沿用至今的著名黄色,这些标准决定了一切。),选项C“The reasn why the clur was chsen was simple.(选择这种颜色的原因很简单。)”提到了校车使用黄色是有原因的;下一句“Yellw is quite eye-catching t human beings. The clur is easy t see in the early mrning and evening light when schl buses usually perate.”(黄色对人类来说是非常引人注目的。这种颜色在校车通常运行的清晨和傍晚的光线下很容易看到。)具体说明了校车使用黄色的原因,故选项C承上启下,符合语意。故选C。
    空处为最后一段段落主题句。根据下一句“Fr example, a variety f changes have been made t enable the schl bus t nt nly be safer but als have better fuel ecnmy, be easier t drive, etc.”(例如,已经做出了各种改变,使校车不仅更安全,而且有更好的燃油经济性,更容易驾驶,等等。)可知,下文举例说明了如今校车已经做出的改进,故选项E“Nw, schl buses have had many mre imprvements.(现在,校车有了更多的改进。)”概括说明了校车已有了更多改进,符合段落主题。故选E。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Zng Qinghu, funder f Wahaha Grup, passed away n February 25, 2024, at the age f 79. He was nce a natinal mdel wrker, a winner f the Natinal May Day Labr Medal, and amng 100 ___21___ private entrepreneurs (企业家) in the 40 years f refrming and pening-up.
    In 1987, at the age f 42, Mr Zng started his Wahaha business. After many years f peratin, Wahaha had ___22___ grwn int a huge fd and beverage (饮料) empire, ranking the ___23___ largest beverage cmpany behind nly internatinal giants Cca Cla, Pepsi and Cadbury. He himself als had been China's richest man three times.
    At the beginning f his business, he ften ___24___ fr himself, riding a tricycle t deliver gds. After his ___25___ , he traveled all ver the cuntry, spending 200 days a year ding serius market research.
    He lived a ___26___ life. Often wearing a black dress, and a pair f clth shes wrth n mre than dzens f yuan, he was called “the ___27___ clth shes”.
    He was ___28___ abut public welfare, and made large dnatins fr earthquake relief. Since 2009, he had dnated mre than 750 millin yuan t charities, and built factries in pr areas t ___29___ lcal emplyment. Over the years, Wahaha Grup has als been ___30___ free experimental pure water fr universities and research institutes acrss the cuntry.
    He was still cncerned abut the ___31___ ver these years. He ___32___ that the cmpany shuld nt lay ff emplyees ver the age f 45. ___33___ , he als built them apartments and gave them ___34___ t imprve their life.
    Such was Zng Qinghu, a simple but ___35___ man. He will live in ur hearts frever.
    21. A. utstandingB. ptimisticC. sincereD. ambitius
    22. A. riginallyB. autmaticallyC. graduallyD. ptentially
    23. A. firstB. secndC. thirdD. furth
    24. A. wrkedB. emplyedC. swedD. symblized
    25. A. failureB. successC. experienceD. cmmerce
    26. A. simpleB. meanC. luxuryD. tugh
    27. A. prestB. richestC. ddestD. gentlest
    28. A. reluctantB. inncentC. seriusD. enthusiastic
    29. A. rewardB. leanC. bstD. anticipate
    30. A. prvidingB. sellingC. buyingD. preserving
    31. A. relativesB. friendsC. familyD. emplyees
    32. A. hpedB. ruledC. ignredD. rejected
    33. A. MreverB. OtherwiseC. HweverD. Therefre
    34. A. fdB. clthesC. benefitsD. capacity
    35. A. ppularB. farawayC. reliableD. great
    【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:曾获全国劳动模范、全国五一劳动奖章、改革开放40年来百位优秀民营企业家。A. utstanding出色的;B. ptimistic乐观的;C. sincere真诚的;D. ambitius有抱负的。根据上文“a winner f the Natinal May Day Labr Medal, and amng 100”可知,此处是在介绍他的荣誉,是优秀企业家。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:经过多年的经营,娃哈哈逐渐成长为一个庞大的食品和饮料帝国,是仅次于可口可乐、百事可乐和吉百利的全球第四大饮料公司。A. riginally起初;B. autmatically自动地;C. gradually逐渐地;D. ptentially潜在地。根据上文“After many years f peratin”可知,经过多年的经营,娃哈哈逐渐成长为一个庞大的食品和饮料帝国,故选C。
    考查数词词义辨析。句意:经过多年的经营,娃哈哈逐渐成长为一个庞大的食品和饮料帝国,是仅次于可口可乐、百事可乐和吉百利的全球第四大饮料公司。A. first第一;B. secnd第二;C. third第三;D. furth第四。根据后文“Cca Cla, Pepsi and Cadbury”可知,排名第四。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:创业初期,他经常自己打工,骑着三轮车送货。A. wrked工作;B. emplyed雇用;C. swed播撒;D. symblized象征。根据上文“At the beginning f his business”可知,创业初期他自己独自工作。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:成功之后,他走遍全国,每年花200天认真做市场调查。A. failure失败;B. success成功;C. experience经历;D. cmmerce商业。根据后文“he traveled all ver the cuntry, spending 200 days a year ding serius market research”可知,成功之后,他走遍全国,每年花200天认真做市场调查。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他过着简单的生活。A. simple简单的;B. mean刻薄的;C. luxury奢侈的;D. tugh艰难的。根据后文“Often wearing a black dress, and a pair f clth shes wrth n mre than dzens f yuan”可知,他过着简单的生活。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他经常穿着黑色的衣服,一双价值不超过几十元的布鞋,被称为“最富有的布鞋”。A. prest最穷的;B. richest最富有的;C. ddest最奇怪的;D. gentlest最温和的。根据上文“He himself als had been China's richest man three times.(他自己也曾三次成为中国首富)”可知,此处指被称为“最富有的布鞋”。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他热心公益事业,为抗震救灾捐了很多钱。A. reluctant勉强的;B. inncent无辜的;C. serius严肃的;D. enthusiastic热情的。根据后文“abut public welfare, and made large dnatins fr earthquake relief”指他热心公益事业,为抗震救灾捐了很多钱。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:自2009年以来,他向慈善机构捐赠了超过7.5亿元人民币,并在贫困地区建厂,以促进当地就业。A. reward奖励;B. lean倚靠;C. bst促进;D. anticipate预期。根据上文“built factries in pr areas t”可知,建厂是为了促进就业率。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:多年来,娃哈哈集团还为全国高校和科研院所免费提供实验纯净水。A. prviding提供;B. selling出售;C. buying购买;D. preserving保存。根据后文“free experimental pure water fr universities and research institutes acrss the cuntry”指娃哈哈集团还为全国高校和科研院所免费提供实验纯净水。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些年来,他仍然很关心员工。A. relatives亲戚;B. friends朋友;C. family家庭;D. emplyees员工。根据后文“the cmpany shuld nt lay ff emplyees ver the age f 45”可知,他关心员工,公司不应解雇45岁以上的员工。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他裁定公司不应解雇45岁以上的员工。A. hped希望;B. ruled管理;C. ignred忽视;D. rejected拒绝。后文“the cmpany shuld nt lay ff emplyees ver the age f 45.”是他的管理要求。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:此外,他还为他们建造公寓,并给予他们福利,以改善他们的生活。A. Mrever此外;B. Otherwise否则;C. Hwever然而;D. Therefre因此。后文是对上文的补充说明,应用mrever。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:此外,他还为他们建造公寓,并给予他们福利,以改善他们的生活。A. fd食物;B. clthes衣服;C. benefits福利,利益;D. capacity能力。根据后文“t imprve their life”可知,给员工提供福利改善生活。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这就是宗庆后,一个简单而伟大的人。A. ppular流行的;B. faraway遥远的;C. reliable可靠的;D. great伟大的。根据后文“He will live in ur hearts frever.(他将永远活在我们心中)”可知,指他是一个伟大的人。故选D。
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    It is imprtant fr teenagers t make a career chice ___36___ advance. If yu make a career chice while yu are still in high schl, yu ___37___ (save) time and mney in the lng run. Students wh d nt plan ahead may delay starting cllege r take extra ___38___ (curse) t give themselves time t make up their minds. U. S. News and Wrld Reprt says that the average yearly tuitin (学费) at a fur-year cllege ___39___ (be) $35, 000. If yu spend an extra year in schl, yu may have t take ut additinal lans r pay extra mney ___40___ (cver) the cst.
    ___41___ (chse) a career while yu are in high schl als gives yu time t explre yur industry. If yu find a career ___42___ sunds interesting, yu can fllw smene in the field and see what it is really like t have that jb. Yu can als apply fr a chance t get ___43___ infrmal psitin related t yur desired industry. This will help yu build a prfessinal netwrk befre yur ___44___ (graduate) frm high schl. Prfessinal cntact is very valuable, ____45____ (especial) when yu are lking fr a jb in yur field. If yu d as much as yu can t build a netwrk when yu are ready fr a jb, yu will be mre likely t succeed.
    【答案】36. in 37. will save
    38. curses
    39. is 40. t cver
    41. Chsing
    42. which/that
    43. an 44. Graduatin
    45. especially
    考查介词。句意:对青少年来说,提前做出职业选择是很重要的。in advance表示提前;预先。故填in。
    考查时态。句意:如果你还在读高中时就选择了职业,从长远来看,你会节省时间和金钱。结合句意及if引导的状语从句中的“主将从现”原则可知,此处在讲述将要发生的事情,故用一般将来时,故填will save。
    考查时态。句意:《美国新闻与世界报道》称,四年制大学平均每年的学费为3. 5万美元。陈述事实用一般现在时,主语为tuitin,谓语用单数,故填is。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:如果你在学校多待一年,你可能需要额外贷款或支付额外的钱来支付此费用。此处用动词不定式表目的,故填t cver。
    考查副词。句意:专业接触是非常有价值的,尤其是当你在你的领域找工作的时候。修饰句子when yu are lking fr a jb in yur field应用副词especially,故填especially。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    46. 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Tm发邮件表示对中国的数字支付很感兴趣,请你回复一封邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Tm,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Tm,
    I’m glad yu’re interested in digital payment in China. Here’s my intrductin.
    With the develpment f technlgy, peple attach great imprtance t digital payment, which has entirely changed peple’s life and is becming mre and mre significant. Fr instance, as lng as ne wns a mbile phne, he’s capable t scan a QR cde and pay the bill. In additin, never will peple’s mney be stlen as there’s n need t carry cash.
    In terms f my feeling abut it, I cnsider it the mst useful scientific inventin f all and it’1l surely make ur life better and mre cnvenient.
    Li Hua
    高兴的: glad→ happy
    对……感兴趣:be interested in→ g in fr
    高度重视:attach great imprtance t→ pay high attentin t
    完全:entirely→ cmpletely
    原句:In additin, never will peple’s mney be stlen as there’s n need t carry cash.
    拓展句:In additin, peple’s mney will never be stlen as there’s n need t carry cash.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】With the develpment f technlgy, peple attach great imprtance t digital payment, which has entirely changed peple’s life and is becming mre and mre significant. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Fr instance, as lng as ne wns a mbile phne, he’s capable t scan a QR cde and pay the bill. (运用了as lng as引导的条件状语从句)
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Last summer, my friends and I went n a camping trip in the muntains. We were all excited abut the adventure ahead, but little did we knw what was in stre fr us.
    We arrived at the campsite in the late afternn. The sun was setting, and the sky was painted with hues f range and pink. We set up ur tents and started a fire t ck ur dinner. As we sat arund the fire, we planned ur activities fr the next day. We decided t g n a hike t see the nearby waterfall.
    The next mrning, we wke up early and set ut n ur hike. The trail was steep and narrw, but the scenery was breathtaking. We passed thrugh the frests and crssed the streams. As we gt higher, the air became clder and thinner. We had t stp frequently t catch ur breath.
    After a few hurs f hiking we finally reached the waterfall. It was amazing. The water fell dwn frm a great height, and the mist created a rainbw. We sat dwn t catch ur breath and take in the beauty f the waterfall.
    But ur adventure was far frm ver. As we were abut t leave, we nticed dark cluds gathering verhead. It started raining heavily, and we realized that we had nt brught any rain gear. We were cmpletely saked(湿透)and trembling in the cld. We decided t take shelter in a nearby cave until the rain stpped.
    The cave was dark and damp, but it gave us a brief relief frm the rain. We sat there fr what seemed like hurs, waiting fr the rain t stp. But it nly gt wrse. The thunder was s lud that it eched thrugh the cave, and the lightning was s bright that it lit up the cave like daylight.
    We were scared and wrried.
    That night, as we sat arund the fire, we reflected n ur adventure.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    We were scared and wrried. We had n way f cntacting anyne, and we had n idea hw lng the strm wuld last. We decided t wait it ut and hped fr the best. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the rain stpped. The sun came ut, and we culd see the blue sky. We quickly packed up ur things and started ur way back. The rad was slippery and muddy, but we made it back t ur campsite safely.
    That night, as we sat arund the fire, we reflected n ur adventure. We realized that we had been thrugh a lt, but we had als learned a valuable lessn. We had learned t be prepared fr anything and t always expect the unexpected. Our camping trip turned ut t be an unfrgettable adventure. We had hiked t see a magnificent waterfall, taken shelter in a cave during a thunderstrm, and made it back t ur campsite safely. We had faced ur fears, which made us strnger and wiser. It was an experience that we will never frget.
    ①决定:decide/make up ne’s mind/determine
    ②意识到:realize/be aware
    ③面临:face/be faced with
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the rain stpped. (运用了what引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]. We had faced ur fears, which made us strnger and wiser.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型3]. It was an experience that we will never frget.(运用了that引导的定语从句)
    听力1-5 BCAAB 6-10 BCBAB 11-15 CABAC 16-20 ACCBB

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