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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15 小题;每小题2.5分.满分37.5分)
    The Clest Travel Adventures
    Our annual Best f the Wrld list ranks the great travel experiences. Here’s ur ranked list f the tp travel experiences right nw.
    Gallery hp in Sã Paul
    Sã Paul, Brazil’s largest city hlds numerus galleries and exhibitins. The crwning jewel is the Museu de Arte de Sã Paul (MASP), which is expanding t shwcase mre f its 11,000-plus artwrks, frm pre-Renaissance paintings t cntemprary sculptures. Breaking the traditin f the usual mdel f exhibiting wrks n walls, MASP hangs sme pieces against clear panels, allwing visitrs t view the art frm all angles.
    Ride classic rails in Sctland
    Explring Sctland’s wild, scenic Highlands desn’t have t mean rughing it. Departing Edinburgh frm April thrugh Octber, the elegant Ryal Sctsman train leads t Highlands adventures such as wild swimming, hiking, and delicacy tasting. After a day spent hiking t waterfalls r playing runds f glf—a sprt tied t the natin, guests can wind dwn with a massage (按摩) at the nbard.
    Dive with sharks in Western Australia
    Stretching almst 700 miles alng the Indian Ocean, Western Australia’s Cral Cast is decrated with natural wnders. But Ningal Reef is the star. Here, yu can div e with giants: Sme 300 t 500 whale sharks, ne f the largest grups n Earth, gather alng the reef (礁) each year between March and July. Decent agencies secure divers and ensure they give the sharks space, avid feeding them r using flash phtgraphy.
    Hike a glacier (冰川) in Chile
    Chile has the third largest cntinental ice extensin, after nly Antarctica and Greenland. In Laguna San Rafael Natinal Park, visitrs can hike t glaciers. Sme 17,300 glaciers still cver the whle f Patagnia’s ice fields, but rising temperatures are rapidly melting them. Climate scientists say sustainable turism, such as hikes, supprts lcal cmmunities and inspires travelers t learn mre abut hw t prtect glaciers.
    1. What is special abut MASP?
    A. It has the mst exhibits in the wrld.
    B. Its way f exhibitin is very different.
    C. Flash phtgraphy is frbidden there.
    D. Its exhibits last a lnger perid f time.
    2. What makes the Ryal Sctsman train jurney attractive?
    A. An easy access t a private glf curse.
    B. A strict n-massage plicy at the nbard.
    C. A rugh and challenging travel experience.
    D. A cmbinatin f adventure and relaxatin.
    3. What d the last tw adventures have in cmmn?
    A. They are limited t a specific seasn.
    B. There are shark grups in bth places.
    C. They bring attentin t eclgical issues.
    D. They are cncerned with climate changes.
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. C
    细节理解题。根据Gallery hp in Sã Paul 部分中的“Breaking the traditin f the usual mdel f exhibiting wrks n walls, MASP hangs sme pieces against clear panels, allwing visitrs t view the art frm all angles. (MASP打破了通常在墙上展示作品的传统模式,将一些作品挂在透明的面板上,让参观者从各个角度观看艺术。)”可知,MASP打破了在墙壁上展示作品的传统模式,将一些作品悬挂在透明板上,由此可知,它的特殊之处在于它展示作品的模式不同。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据Ride classic rails in Sctland部分中的“Departing Edinburgh frm April thrugh Octber, the elegant Ryal Sctsman train leads t Highlands adventures such as wild swimming, hiking, and delicacy tasting. After a day spent hiking t waterfalls r playing runds f glf—a sprt tied t the natin, guests can wind dwn with a massage (按摩) at the nbard. (从四月到十月离开爱丁堡,优雅的Ryal Sctsman火车导致高地冒险,如野生游泳,徒步旅行,和美味的品尝。在一天的瀑布徒步旅行或打高尔夫球(一项与这个国家有关的运动)之后,客人可以在船上享受按摩。)”可知,Ryal Sctsman火车旅行中既有高地冒险活动,又有按摩服务,由此可知,使得Ryal Sctsman旅行吸引人的地方是结合了探险活动和放松体验。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据Dive with sharks in Western Australia部分中的“Decent agencies secure divers and ensure they give the sharks space, avid feeding them r using flash phtgraphy. (体面的机构会保护潜水员,确保他们给鲨鱼空间,避免给它们喂食或使用闪光灯拍照。)”和Hike a glacier in Chile 部分中的“Climate scientists say sustainable turism, such as hikes, supprts lcal cmmunities and inspires travelers t learn mre abut hw t prtect glaciers. (气候科学家表示,徒步旅行等可持续旅游可以支持当地社区,并激励旅行者更多地了解如何保护冰川。)”可知,这两个地方通过保护鲨鱼和冰川实现对生态的保护,由此可知,这两处的共同点是都关注生态问题。故选C项。
    A dad frm Texas didn’t miss a beat when it came t supprting his daughter recently. Cecelia Simmns shared a vide f her husband, Andre Simmns, dancing in the stands while their daughter Jazlyn and her Temple High Schl cheer team perfrmed. In the vide, as the cheer team members raise the small balls and g thrugh their rutine, Andre Simmns fllws right alng, nailing the mves right alngside them.
    The pst shared n scial media has btained ver 312,000 views. With tens f thusands f verwhelmingly psitive cmments n his pst, peple nline quickly shared their reactins. They recmmended Andre Simmns as “Cheer Dad f the Year” r applauded his energy and spt-n mves. Simmns himself was quick t say he’s nt the best dancer and it tk him a few days t learn the rutine. “Once I gt it dwn pat, I just jumped up there when I heard the band finally bring the sng up and I gt up there and did it with her,” he said.
    But the father f five said he persisted because he wanted t create a lifelng memry with his girl Jazlyn, mstly because he was cnstantly away fr wrk, thereby affrding limited pprtunities t be in the cmpany f her. “Since she made the cheer team, that was my way f supprting her and kind f relieving the guilt f the lst time. She thught I was ding things that she lved and surprising her with jining her in the cheer during the ftball game,” Simmns said.
    Simmns said Jazlyn and her cheer team friends were surprised and “abslutely lved” that he culd jin in n the fun. The prud dad said it meant “the wrld” t him t be able t be there fr his daughter t. “I lve t try t be a super dad when I’m here and create thse lifelng memries and it’s smething fr us t lk back n and enjy tgether,” he said and planned n cheering sme mre and making mre memries with Jazlyn.
    4. What did Andre Simmns d at his daughter’s cheer perfrmance?
    A. He danced with the team.B. He filmed the perfrmance.
    C. He cached the cheer team.D. He cheered frm the stands.
    5. Hw did peple find Andre Simmns’ behavir?
    A. Amusing.B. Disturbing.C. Odd.D. Admirable.
    6. Why did Andre Simmns make such a decisin?
    A. T win the title f “Cheer Dad f the Year”.
    B. T shw ff his newly learned dancing skills.
    C. T be the fcus f attentin n the Internet.
    D. T make up fr being absent frm Jazlyn’s life.
    7. Which wrds can best describe Andre Simmns?
    A. Bearable and cautius.B. Selfless and cperative.
    C. Supprtive and caring.D. Ambitius and sensitive.
    【答案】4. A 5. D 6. D 7. C
    【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是Andre Simmns在他女儿Jazlyn和她的高中啦啦队表演时,与她们一起跳舞以此支持女儿并弥补因工作繁忙而错过的陪伴时光,创造了难忘的记忆。
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“Cecelia Simmns shared a vide f her husband, Andre Simmns, dancing in the stands while their daughter Jazlyn and her Temple High Schl cheer team perfrmed. (Cecelia Simmns分享了她丈夫Andre Simmns在看台上跳舞的视频,而他们的女儿Jazlyn和她的Temple高中啦啦队在表演。)”可知,当Andre Simmns的女儿Jazlyn和她所在的啦啦队正在表演时,他在看台上跳舞。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中“ With tens f thusands f verwhelmingly psitive cmments n his pst, peple nline quickly shared their reactins. They recmmended Andre Simmns as “Cheer Dad f the Year” r applauded his energy and spt-n mves. Simmns himself was quick t say he’s nt the best dancer and it tk him a few days t learn the rutine.(他的帖子得到了数以万计的正面评论,网友们迅速分享了他们的反应。他们推荐Andre Simmns为“年度最佳加油爸爸”,或者称赞他的精力和精准的动作。Andre Simmns自己很快就说他不是最好的舞者,他花了几天时间来学习舞蹈。)”可知,Andre Simmns的视频获得了很多的正面评论,大家推荐Andre Simmns为“年度最佳加油爸爸”,为他的活力和到位动作喝彩。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“But the father f five said he persisted because he wanted t create a lifelng memry with his girl Jazlyn, mstly because he was cnstantly away fr wrk, thereby affrding limited pprtunities t be in the cmpany f her. (但这位五个孩子的父亲说,他之所以坚持这样做,是因为他想和他的女儿Jazlyn一起创造一个终生的回忆,主要是因为他经常出差,因此很少有机会陪伴她。)”可知,由于工作原因,Andre Simmns很少陪伴自己的女儿,因此想以此方式来支持并弥补她。故选D。
    推理判断题。通读全文,Andre Simmns在他女儿Jazlyn 和她的高中啦啦队表演时与她们一起跳舞以此支持女儿并弥补因工作繁忙而错过的陪伴时光,创造了难忘的记忆。由此可知, Andre Simmns是一位给予女儿支持与关爱的父亲。C选项“Supprtive and caring.(支持和关心。)”能够最好的概括该位父亲。故选C。
    In present-day Rmania, a decreasing number f craftsmen practice what’s thught t be a centuries-ld craft. They search the frest fr a fungus (真菌), which grws within trees and sends ut shelf-like mushrms a few inches wide. The fungus is shaved lengthwise int thin strips. Thse strips are then stretched t frm brad sheets, which can be crafted int hats, bags, jewelry, and rnaments. As far back as 1903, Tlingit craftsmen in what is nw the state f Alaska were recrded crafting purses ut f a material frm agarikn fungus.
    Hwever, the craftsmen’s prcess in the early times was abut searching fr materials, nt cultivating them fr mass prductin. Tday, the bitechnlgy cmpany MycWrks in the US is pineering in cultivating mycelium (菌丝). Mycelium is a structural wnder — sft, dense, and strng, making it a great ptential replacement fr leather.
    The peratin starts with agricultural waste, like sawdust (锯末), which is heated t remve existing micrbial life. Once dne, it ges int deep plates f varying sizes. Then fungus jins the party, digesting and grwing. In sme cases, fabric can be added fr the mycelium t weave arund. The sheet f mycelium is eventually peeled ff the wd blcks, and grwth cmes t an end. It can be easily mistaken fr traditinal leather.
    MycWrks is ne f a wave f innvatrs, all f whm assume that a better understanding f mycelium can redefine the limits f fashin and design. In recent years, MycWrks’ prducts have been used in designer bags and pillws. CEO Matt Scullin praises mycelium as a material in fashin, “It has a bit f a sft tuch, and it has a bunce. It can absrb the il s and heat frm yur fingers when yu tuch it.” “The early effrts appear t be mre mral, and imprve ec-ftprint. Prducts made frm such material are fully bidegradable — allwing fr a future in which dealing with an ld pair f shes might mean simply cmpsting (堆肥) them,” he added.
    8. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the first paragraph?
    A. T stress the histry f grwing mushrms.
    B. T intrduce a fashin inspired by mushrms.
    C. T shw ancient mushrm grwing techniques.
    D. T present the nvel use f mushrms in fashin.
    9. What des paragraph 3 fcus n abut mycelium?
    A. Its grwing prcess.B. Its high quality.
    C. Its shrtcmings.D. Its wrking life.
    10. What des Matt Scullin think f mycelium as a material in the field?
    A. It is straightfrward t grw.B. It ffers a rugh feel.
    C. It prmtes sustainability.D. It is il-and-heat resistant.
    11. Which can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Fungus Crafts: An Endangered Heritage.
    B. Mycelium: The Green Leather Alternative.
    C. Crafting with Nature: Rmania’s Fungal Traditin.
    D. Mycelium’s Rle: Frm Ancient Craft t Mdern Innvatin.
    【答案】8. D 9. A 10. C 11. B
    推理判断题。根据首段中的“Thse strips are then stretched t frm brad sheets, which can be crafted int hats, bags, jewelry, and rnaments. As far back as 1903, Tlingit craftsmen in what is nw the state f Alaska were recrded crafting purses ut f a material frm agarikn fungus.(然后这些条被拉伸成宽片,可以制作成帽子、包、珠宝和装饰品。早在1903年,在现在的阿拉斯加州,有记载称特林吉特工匠用一种来自蘑菇的材料制作钱包。)”可知,罗马尼亚人和特林吉特工匠用菌类作为皮革材料制作包,由此可知,第一段的目的是展示蘑菇在时尚中的新用途。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段中的“The peratin starts with agricultural waste, like sawdust (锯末), which is heated t remve existing micrbial life. Once dne, it ges int deep plates f varying sizes. Then fungus jins the party, digesting and grwing. In sme cases, fabric can be added fr the mycelium t weave arund. The sheet f mycelium is eventually peeled ff the wd blcks, and grwth cmes t an end.(该操作从农业废物开始,如锯末,加热以去除现有的微生物生命。一旦完成,它就会被放入不同大小的深盘子中。然后真菌加入进来,消化和生长。在某些情况下,可以添加织物使菌丝体在周围编织。菌丝体最终从木块上脱落,生长结束。)”可知,此处介绍的是菌丝培养是从加热农业废物开始,完成后放入深盘子中,真菌消化生长,也可以添加织物使菌丝在其周围编织,最后从木块脱落,生长结束,由此可知,第二段主要关注的是从开始加热锯末到最终长成的过程。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据尾段中的“CEO Matt Scullin praises mycelium as a material in fashin, “It has a bit f a sft tuch, and it has a bunce. It can absrb the il s and heat frm yur fingers when yu tuch it.” “The early effrts appear t be mre mral, and imprve ec-ftprint. Prducts made frm such material are fully bidegradable — allwing fr a future in which dealing with an ld pair f shes might mean simply cmpsting (堆肥) them,” he added.(首席执行官马特·斯卡林称赞菌丝体是一种时尚材料,“它有一点柔软的触感,它有弹性。当你触摸它时,它可以吸收手指上的油和热量。“早期的努力似乎更符合道德,并改善了生态足迹。”由这种材料制成的产品是完全可生物降解的,未来处理一双旧鞋可能意味着简单的堆肥”他补充道。)”可知,首席执行官马特·斯卡林称赞菌丝体是一种时尚材料,他认为这种材料制成的产品是完全可以生物降解的,由此可知,马特·斯卡林认为菌丝体作为该领域的一种材料促进可持续性。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。根据首段介绍的罗马尼亚人和特林吉特工匠用菌类作为皮革材料制作包引出本文的话题——菌类在时尚中的新用途,结合第二段中的“Tday, the bitechnlgy cmpany MycWrks in the US is pineering in cultivating mycelium (菌丝). Mycelium is a structural wnder—sft, dense, and strng, making it a great ptential replacement fr leather.(今天,美国的生物技术公司MycWrks是培养菌丝体的先驱。菌丝体是一种结构奇迹——柔软、致密、坚固,使其成为皮革的潜在替代品。)”以及下文中介绍的菌丝的培养过程和马特·斯卡林对菌丝体作为时尚界的一种材料的看法可知,本文主要介绍的是菌丝体可以成为皮革的替代品,所以标题“菌丝体:绿色皮革的替代品”与本文的主题吻合,适合作为最佳标题。故选B项。
    When yu hear the wrd “uncertainty”, hw d yu feel? Scared, anxius, excited r challenged? With many glbal challenges still nging, we are likely t face even mre f the unknwn, s we had better get accustmed t managing it.
    S hw d we detect uncertainty and which part f the brain is respnsible fr it? Researchers have fund that nradrenaline (去甲肾上腺素) is the key chemical invlved in ur respnse t uncertainty.
    T investigate the rle nradrenaline plays when we are faced with uncertain events, scientists at Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy cnducted an experiment with mice. The animals were trained t push a lever (杠杆) dwn when they heard a high frequency nise. If they did this, they were rewarded with a drink f water. They were als trained t learn that they’d receive an unpleasant puff f air if the lever was activated when a lw frequency nise was played. But the researchers added in an element f uncertainty by including a sund where the frequency was unclear.
    Frm this experiment, the researchers discvered that a small part in the brain called the lcus ceruleus — an area that mdulates nradrenaline — was essential in detecting uncertainty. When the high frequency was clear and the reward was expected fr the mice, their nradrenaline release was small. But when the utcme wasn’t clear, and the reward was a surprise, the release was much larger. This was hw the mice’s brains learned t deal with uncertainty.
    A study with humans was als carried ut. They discvered that the subjects’ neurns (神经元) in the prefrntal crtex (前额叶皮质) respnd much mre t lss than t gain. Namely, this area rules ur avidance behaviur when we are under stress. This helps us understand ur unwillingness t expse urselves t uncertainty.
    Once we understand that ur cgnitive and emtinal respnses t uncertainty are a necessary part f the human experience. Acknwledge instead f fear them, perhaps making big decisins can seem less stressful.
    12. What is the uncertainty in the experiment with mice?
    A. The high frequency nise.B. A drink f water as a reward.
    C. The actin t push a lever dwn.D. The nise with unclear frequency.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “mdulates” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Remves.B. Adjusts.C. Lessens.D. Bsts.
    14. Hw des the prefrntal crtex influence ur chices when we’re stressed?
    A. By seeking rewarding utcme.B. By maintaining balance.
    C. By aviding negative utcme.D. By reducing uncertainty.
    15. What des the authr want t tell us in the text?
    A. Respnses t uncertainty cme naturally.
    B. Uncertainty gives birth t ptential risks.
    C. Experiments can predict expected utcmes.
    D. Nradrenaline tends t result frm uncertainty.
    【答案】12. D 13. B 14. C 15. A
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“But the researchers added in an element f uncertainty by including a sund where the frequency was unclear.(但研究人员通过在频率不清楚的地方加入声音,增加了不确定性。)”可知,老鼠实验中的不确定性是频率不明确的声音。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据第四段中“When the high frequency was clear and the reward was expected fr the mice, their nradrenaline release was small. But when the utcme wasn’t clear, and the reward was a surprise, the release was much larger. This was hw the mice’s brains learned t deal with uncertainty.(当高频信号清晰时,老鼠的去甲肾上腺素释放量很小。但当结果不明确,奖励是一个惊喜时,释放量要大得多。这就是老鼠大脑学会处理不确定性的方式。)”可知,高频噪音出现,小鼠预期会得到奖励时,它们释放很少去甲肾上腺素。但当结果不明确,奖励是一个惊喜时,它们释放大量去甲肾上腺素。所以lcus ceruleus在不断调节去甲肾上腺素。故划线词与B选项“Adjusts(调节)”为同义词。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第五段中“They discvered that the subjects’ neurns (神经元) in the prefrntal crtex (前额叶皮质) respnd much mre t lss than t gain. Namely, this area rules ur avidance behaviur when we are under stress. This helps us understand ur unwillingness t expse urselves t uncertainty.(他们发现,受试者前额叶皮层的神经元对损失的反应要比对获得的反应强烈得多。也就是说,当我们处于压力之下时,这个区域控制着我们的逃避行为。这有助于我们理解我们不愿意将自己暴露在不确定性中。)”可知,前额皮质中的神经元对失败的反应远远大于对回报的反应,这个区域支配着人在压力下的回避行为,即当我们感到压力时,前额皮质会通过避免负面结果影响我们的选择。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Once we understand that ur cgnitive and emtinal respnses t uncertainty are a necessary part f the human experience. Acknwledge instead f fear them, perhaps making big decisins can seem less stressful.(一旦我们明白我们对不确定性的认知和情感反应是人类经历的必要组成部分。承认它们而不是害怕它们,也许做出重大决定会显得不那么有压力。)”可知,文章告诉我们:当面对不确定时,人的一系列反应都是身体自然的反应过程。故选A。
    第二节 (共5 小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Hw t Imprve Yur Scial Life?
    Being scial can help yu build meaningful cnnectins, cme ut f yur shell, and feel less islated. If yu want t knw hw t be scial, see the fllwing steps t be n yur way.
    Be fully engaged. If yu want t seem interesting t thers, yu will have t shw interest in them. When yu are talking t smebdy, listen t what they are saying rather than wrrying abut what yu shuld be saying. ___16___ Avid cnstantly checking yur phne r lking arund while yu are in the middle f a cnversatin. These types f things cme acrss as rude.
    Watch yur gestures. Hw yu psitin yur bdy sends a message t ther peple. If yu want t be apprached by thers, yu shuld avid standing in the crner, crssing yur arms, staring at yur phne, and frwning. Making eye cntact with thers shws them that yu are friendly, pen, and nn-intimidating. ___17___
    Embrace pprtunities t meet new peple. This means yu will have t get ut f yur cmfrt zne t interact with thers. ___18___ Take trips t new places and strike up casual cnversatins with thse yu meet. Yu never knw when a stranger can turn int yur new best friend, business partner, r lve interest!
    ___19___ If yu are cnstantly waiting arund fr peple t call yu r invite yu, then yu are wasting yur life. ___20___ If yu want t shw peple that yu value their friendships, yu will have t reach ut t them. Keep in tuch with friends, even if yu dn’t live in the same twn. Pick up the phne and call them, send them a text, r e-mail them asking hw they’ve been.
    A. Initiate interactins.
    B. Fit in with the ccasin.
    C. Accept invitatins t parties and scial gatherings.
    D. Yu’ll be mre likely t stir up psitive interactins.
    E. Plus, everybdy lks mre attractive when they smile.
    F. Relatinships are built upn jint effrts f bth invlved.
    G. Make eye cntact, nd yur head, and ask them fllw-up questins.
    【答案】16. G 17. E 18. C 19. A 20. F
    根据本段的主题句“Be fully engaged.(全身心投入。)”可知,本段建议社交是要全身心投入,根据空前的“When yu are talking t smebdy, listen t what they are saying rather than wrrying abut what yu shuld be saying.(当你和别人说话时,倾听他们在说什么,而不是担心你应该说什么。)”可知,在别人说话时应该倾听别人在说什么,由此可推测,此空讲述的应与倾听的时候怎么做相关,G选项“Make eye cntact, nd yur head, and ask them fllw-up questins.(眼神交流,点头,并问他们后续问题。)”讲述的是在别人说话时如何做,承接了空前的内容,且与本段的主题“全身心投入”的要求吻合。故选G项。
    根据空前的“Making eye cntact with thers shws them that yu are friendly, pen, and nn-intimidating.(与他人进行眼神交流会让他们觉得你友好、开放、不吓人。)”可知,此处介绍了社交活动时恰当使用眼神交流,E选项“Plus, everybdy lks mre attractive when they smile.(另外,每个人微笑的时候看起来都更有吸引力。)”讲述的是微笑时人们看起来更有吸引力,与空前的“Making eye cntact”呼应,且对上文内容的补充,符合语境。故选E项。
    根据本段的主题句“Embrace pprtunities t meet new peple.(欣然接受结识新朋友的机会。)”可知,本段建议抓住结识新朋友的机会,C选项“Accept invitatins t parties and scial gatherings.(接受派对和社交聚会的邀请。)”中的“parties and scial gatherings”都是结识新朋友的场合,符合本段主题,且与空后的“Take trips t new places and strike up casual cnversatins with thse yu meet.(去新的地方旅行,和你遇到的人随便聊聊。)”内容呼应,均有助于认识新朋友。故选C项。
    分析语篇可知,此处为本段的主题句,结合其它段落的主题句可知,此处应为祈使句,根据空后的“If yu are cnstantly waiting arund fr peple t call yu r invite yu, then yu are wasting yur life.(如果你总是等着别人给你打电话或邀请你,那你就是在浪费你的生命。)”以及下文中的“If yu want t shw peple that yu value their friendships, yu will have t reach ut t them.(如果你想向人们表明你重视他们的友谊,你就必须主动接触他们。)”可知,本段主要介绍的是主动去联系别人,而不是等着别人来接触你,A选项“Initiate interactins.(主动发起互动)”为祈使句,讲述的内容与本段内容一致,且概括了本段的主题。故选A项。
    根据空前的“If yu are cnstantly waiting arund fr peple t call yu r invite yu, then yu are wasting yur life.(如果你总是等着别人给你打电话或邀请你,那你就是在浪费你的生命。)”可知,等着别人主动联系你,那是在浪费生命,F选项“Relatinships are built upn jint effrts f bth invlved.(关系建立在双方共同努力的基础上。)”讲述的内容是对空前内容做出的解释,而且空后“If yu want t shw peple that yu value their friendships, yu will have t reach ut t them.(如果你想向人们表明你重视他们的友谊,你就必须主动接触他们。)”讲述的内容是对F选项讲述的内容提出了具体的做法,符合语境。故选F项。
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15 小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
    I was t retire three mnths later. My wife Snia and I had planned t g fr a three-week trip t Canada. Then ne day, Snia nticed fluttering (颤动) in my shulders, but I didn’t give it much ___21___. A mnth later, hwever, my hands started becming ___22___.
    Arund that time, I was watching The Split. There was a ___23___ abut a dctr diagnsed (诊断) with mtr neurne disease (MND)—a rare cnditin that affects the brain and nerves, fr which there is n cure. I had ___24___ symptms (症状) and it gt me thinking. Then I met with a ___25___ and the test results tk a week t be ___26___.
    Exactly n the day after I retired, I received the diagnsis I’d been ___27___ —MND. Snia and I were suppsed t be ging t take ur hliday in five days! We were s ___28___ and cnsidered quitting, but a friend cnvinced us, “If yu dn’t g, yu’ll regret it.” ___29___, we set ff n the adventure as scheduled.
    Fr the initial days, we weren’t in the md fr fun, as we were still ____30____ by my diagnsis. But quickly we realized we wuldn’t let MND ____31____ ur every day. Then we made a (n) ____32____: Every day we’d allw urselves nly 10 minutes t talk abut my illness and cry if we wanted. After that, we’d fcus n having fun.
    These days, my ____33____ is limited. In spite f the case, we’re delighted t have gne n ur Canadian adventure, which was ____34____ with special mments. We dn’t knw what the future hlds, but the memry will ____35____.
    21. A. shtB. thughtC. pushD. sense
    22. A. frzenB. flexibleC. awkwardD. artificial
    23. A. pltB. titleC. viewD. faith
    24. A. severeB. frmerC. rareD. similar
    25. A. dentistB. cnsultantC. psychlgistD. cmpser
    26. A. shckingB. crrectC. availableD. apprving
    27. A. fearingB. refreshingC. expectingD. fighting
    28. A. decentB. expertC. regretfulD. emtinal
    29. A. LuckilyB. UltimatelyC. AnnuallyD. Previusly
    30. A. inspiredB. warnedC. upsetD. delayed
    31. A. take verB. reflect nC. make upD. figure ut
    32. A. frtuneB. differenceC. errrD. rule
    33. A. budgetB. mbilityC. nutritinD. freedm
    34. A. armedB. engagedC. packedD. charged
    35. A. remainB. fadeC. recverD. repeat
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. C 35. A
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后有一天,索尼娅注意到我的肩膀在抖动,但我没有多想。A. sht射击;B. thught思想;C. push动力;D. sense感觉。根据上文中的“Then ne day, Snia nticed fluttering (颤动) in my shulders”可知,Snia注意到作者的肩膀抖动,结合but可知,此处指的是作者对这件事没有给予太多的“想法”,也就是没有想太多,符合语境。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,一个月后,我的手开始变得笨拙起来。A. frzen冻僵的;B. flexible灵活的;C. awkward笨拙的;D. artificial人造的。根据上文中的“”Snia nticed fluttering (颤动) in my shulders”可知,作者的肩膀在抖动,一个月后,病情应是加重,所以此处指的是手开始变得“笨拙”符合语境。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:有一个关于一个医生被诊断出患有运动神经元疾病的情节,这是一种影响大脑和神经的罕见疾病,无法治愈。A. plt情节;B. title标题;C. view观点;D. faith信任。根据上文中的“Arund that time, I was watching The Split.”可知,作者在看《分裂》,结合下文中的“abut a dctr diagnsed (诊断) with mtr neurne disease (MND)”可知,一位医生被诊断患有运动神经元疾病,由此可知,此处指的是作者所看剧目中的一个“情节”符合语境。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我也有相似的症状,这让我开始思考。A. severe严重的;B. frmer以前的;C. rare稀有的;D. similar相似的。根据上文中的“Then ne day, Snia nticed fluttering (颤动) in my shulders, but I didn’t give it much ______. A mnth later, hwever, my hands started becming ______ .”可知,作者的肩膀抖动,一个月后,手开始变得笨拙,结合下文中的“it gt me thinking.”可知,这让作者开始思考,由此可推断,此处指的是作者有着“相似的”症状。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后我去见了一位会诊医师,测试结果花了一个星期才出来。A. dentist牙医;B. cnsultant会诊医师;C. psychlgist心里学家;D. cmpser作曲家。根据下文中的“Exactly n the day after I retired, I received the diagnsis”可知,作者在退休后的第二天收到了诊断结果,由此可知,此处指的是去见一位“会诊医师”符合语境。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后我去见了一位会诊医生,测试结果花了一个星期才可以获得。A. shcking令人震惊的;B. crrect正确的;C. available可获得的;D. apprving赞成的。根据上文中的“Then I met with a ______ and the test results tk a week”可知,作者去见一位会诊医生,结合下文中的“Exactly n the day after I retired, I received the diagnsis”可知,作者退休后的第二天收到诊断结果,由此可知,此处指的是要一个星期才能“获得”结果。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在我退休后的第二天,我收到了我一直担心的诊断——运动神经元疾病。A. fearing担心;B. refreshing振奋;C. expecting期望;D. fighting战斗。根据上文中的“There was a ______ abut a dctr diagnsed (诊断) with mtr neurne disease (MND)—a rare cnditin that affects the brain and nerves, fr which there is n cure.”可知,MND是一种影响大脑和神经的罕见疾病,无法治愈,结合下文中的MND可知,此处指的是作者一直“担心”的诊断结果。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们当时情绪激动,想要放弃,但一位朋友说服了我们:“如果你不去,你会后悔的。”A. decent体面的;B. expert擅长的;C. regretful后悔的;D. emtinal情绪激动的。根据上文中的“Exactly n the day after I retired, I received the diagnsis I’d been _____ —MND.”可知,作者最终被诊断患有一直让他担心的疾病——运动神经元疾病,由此可知,作者知道结果后应该是“情绪激动的”符合语境。故选D项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:最终,我们按计划出发了。A. Luckily幸运地;B. Ultimately最终;C. Annually每年的;D. Previusly以前地。根据上文中的“We were s ______ and cnsidered quitting, but a friend cnvinced us, “If yu dn’t g, yu’ll regret it.””可知,作者他们打算放弃旅行,但是朋友劝说他们不要放弃,结合下文中的“we set ff n the adventure as scheduled.”可知,作者他们还是按计划出发了,由此可知,此处应为“最终”符合语境。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在最初的几天里,我们没有心情玩,因为我们仍然对我的诊断感到不安。A. inspired激励;B. warned警告;C. upset使不安;D. delayed耽误。根据上文中的“Fr the initial days, we weren’t in the md fr fun”可知,最初几天作者他们没有心情玩,结合下文中的“by my diagnsis.”可知,此处指的是诊断使得作者他们“不安”,符合语境。故选C项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:但很快我们就意识到,我们不能让运动神经元疾病取代我们的每一天。A. take ver取代,接管;B. reflect n反思;C. make up构成,化妆;D. figure ut弄清楚。根据上文中的“Fr the initial days, we weren’t in the md fr fun, as we were still ______ by my diagnsis.”可知,作者他们被诊断结果弄的没有心情玩,结合“But quickly we realized”可知,作者意识到不能让运动神经元疾病“掌管”每一天,符合语境。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后我们制定了一个规则:每天我们只给自己10分钟的时间谈论我的病,如果我们想哭就哭。A. frtune命运;B. difference区别;C. errr错误;D. rule规则。根据下文中的“Every day we’d allw urselves nly 10 minutes t talk abut my illness and cry if we wanted. After that, we’d fcus n having fun.”可知,每天只给自己10分钟的时间谈论疾病,如果想哭就哭,由此可知,这些应该是作者给自己制定的一些“规则”符合语境。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些天,我的行动不便。A. budget预算;B. mbility移动的能力;C. nutritin营养;D. freedm自由。根据常识和上文中的“Exactly n the day after I retired, I received the diagnsis I’d been _______ —MND.”可知,作者被诊断患上了运动神经元疾病,这种疾病会影响到人的移动能力,由此可知,此处指的是“移动能力”受到限制,也就是“行动不便”符合语境。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,我们还是很高兴能踏上加拿大的冒险之旅,这趟旅程充满了特别的时刻。A. armed武装;B. engaged从事,参与;C. packed塞满;D. charged收费。根据语境和上文中的“In spite f the case, we’re delighted t have gne n ur Canadian adventure”可知,作者被诊断出患上了运动神经元疾病,但作者他们还是按计划能踏上加拿大的冒险之旅,由此可知,这趟旅行应该是“充满”特别时刻,be packed with意为“充满”。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们不知道未来会怎样,但记忆会留存。A. remain继续存在;B. fade褪色;C. recver恢复;D. repeat重复。根据上文中的“We dn’t knw what the future hlds”可知,作者不知道未来会怎样,结合but可知,此处指的是记忆会“继续存在”。故选A项。
    第二节 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分 15 分)
    Mamianqun r the hrse-faced skirt riginated frm the Sng Dynasty, but it gained ppularity amng wmen during later Ming and Qing dynasties. ___36___ truly sets mamianqun apart is the intricate pleats (褶) that are bth abundant and distinctive. The pleats are nt nly decrative, they allw fr ___37___ (free) f mvement. Nw designers draw their inspiratin frm traditinal Chinese cultural elements t create charming patterns n the skirts.
    Mamianqun isn’t just fr histrical reenactments (重演). It’s an item f clthing ___38___ (perfect) suitable fr everyday wear, even in a cntemprary ffice setting. ___39___ design f mamianqun cmbines traditin with mdernity, ___40___ (make) it nt just a relic f the past, but a functinal and stylish additin t the mdern wardrbe (衣橱).
    Nw, mamianqun is making an even ___41___ (huge) cmeback cmpared t mst f times. Peple wear it either in the streets r in the ffice. This resurgence (复兴) is fueled by a grwing sense f cultural pride, which prmtes peple ___42___ (hnr) their heritage by having traditinal clthing int their daily wardrbes.
    Caxian, ___43___ (knw) as the heart f mamianqun manufacturing, is a cunty in Shandng Prvince. Caxian hlds a deep cultural heritage f han fu, Chinese traditinal clthing, and is hme ___44___ numerus han fu enterprises. With the rise f nline shpping, the lcal han fu industry f Caxian ____45____ (grw) rapidly in recent years.
    【答案】36. What 37. freedm 38. perfectly 39. The 40. making 41. huger 42. t hnr 43. knwn 44. t 45. has grwn/has been grwing
    考查名词。句意:褶皱不仅是装饰性的,它们还允许自由运动。根据该空前的动词短语allw fr可知,此处应该用名词形式作宾语,free的名词为freedm意为“自由”。故填freedm。
    考查副词。句意:这是一件非常适合日常穿着的衣服,即使在现代办公环境中也是如此。此处应该用副词来修饰形容词,表示程度,perfect的副词为perfectly意为“十分;非常”符合句意。 故填perfectly。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:马面裙的设计将传统与现代相结合,使其不仅是过去的遗物,而且是现代衣柜的功能和时尚补充。此处为非谓语动词作状语,动词make 与其前面的句子是主动关系,所以此处使用现在分词形式作状语。故填making。
    考查形容词比较级。句意:现在,与大多数时候相比,马面裙正在更大规模地回归。根据该句中的副词 even 以及 cmpared t mst f times可知,此处应该用该形容词的比较级。故填huger。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:这种复兴是由一种日益增长的文化自豪感推动的,这种自豪感促使人们通过将传统服装纳入日常衣橱来纪念他们的遗产。此处为非谓语动词作宾补,根据prmte sb t d sth意为“促使某人做某事”可知,此处应使用动词不定式形式。故填t hnr。
    考查介词。句意:曹县拥有深厚的汉服文化遗产,是众多汉服企业的所在地。此处为固定短语be hme t...意为“是……的所在地”符合句意,所以此处使用介词t。故填t。
    考查谓语动词。句意:随着网络购物的兴起,曹县当地的汉服产业近年来发展迅速。此处为谓语动词,根据该句中的时间状语 in recent years可知,此处应该用现在完成时表示“该动作发生在过去,持续到现在”或者现在完成进行时表示“该动作一直在进行”,grw与主语the lcal han fu industry f Caxian之间为主动关系,且主语为名词单数形式。故填has grwn/has been grwing。
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分 15 分)
    46. 假定你是李华,暑假即将来临,你校英语社团向同学们征询暑期学生社会实践活动的建议。请你给负责此活动的外教Mr. Smith写一封邮件,内容包括:
    1. 活动建议;
    2. 活动意义;
    3. 你的期待。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Mr. Smith,
    Li Hua
    Dear Mr. Smith,
    As the summer break appraches, I am excited t share my ideas fr a student scial practice activity that culd be rganized by ur English Assciatin. I prpse we rganize a “Cmmunity English Teaching Prgram” where ur members can vlunteer t teach English t children in lcal cmmunities.
    Thrugh this activity, nt nly will ur students help the children imprve their language skills and help ur students apply what they have learned in practice, but als they can fster a sense f scial respnsibility and enhance their cmmunicatin skills. I’m cnvinced that it will be a rewarding experience fr all invlved.
    I am lking frward t hearing yur thughts and hpe we can make this initiative a success.
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    That year, I was 16 years ld and my father had just passed away in that cld late autumn. There were n Thanksgiving celebrating plans in my family that year. T make ends meet, my mther wrked tw jbs as a cleaning lady, and I had a part-time jb in the dwntwn. It was the Thanksgiving night and it was raining and blwing. The shps were clsed and the streets were decrated with the clrful lamps fr the grant festival. My shift at wrk was ver and I waited fr the bus alne in the statin.
    The wind blew my thin cat and threatened t tear my wrn-ut hand-knit hat that my mther had knitted fr me years ag. Wearing a pair f disclred pants, I shivered against the cld wind, deep in thught abut hw my father’s death led t my family heart brken and hw my mther and I struggled t wrk t supprt ur family.
    A bus apprached as I thught these things. Frtunately, a seat n the bus was unccupied and I tk it with delight, placing my feet n the perfect spt clse t the heater. I cherished the small cmfrt f the warmth as it seeped (渗透) thrugh the bttm f my wet feet.
    Then a gentleman, perhaps in his 60s, appeared frm smewhere in the back f the bus. He wre a hat and a fine wlen scarf. Then he stpped and sat dwn next t me, placing a shpping bag between us. Thrugh the transparent shpping bag under my nse, I vaguely saw a bx with chclate printed n it, a bx with a music bx printed n it, and a clthing-type thing. These must be the gifts fr a certain girl and I als wished t get such gifts. When he nticed my stare, I lked away immediately and curled up t keep warm, r rather, t hide my embarrassment.
    Then the gentleman tk the initiative t break the silence and started talking t me.
    He was nearly ff the bus when suddenly I fund he frgt his shpping bag.
    Then the gentleman tk the initiative t break the silence and started talking t me. He asked abut my day, his eyes kind and sincere. At first, I hesitated t share with a stranger, but his warm smile and the festive spirit in the air encuraged me t pen up. I tld him abut my father, the struggles f my wrking, and the quiet Thanksgiving we were having at hme. He listened attentively, cmfrting me ccasinally with uplifting and lving wrds. After quite a while, the bus stpped. The man pulled himself up, glanced at his bag and then said t me, “I get ff here. Hpe yu a happy Thanksgiving.” Feeling inspired, I waved him gdbye.
    He was nearly ff the bus when suddenly I fund he frgt his shpping bag. Befre the bus drs shut, I rushed t the drs and called ut t him, “Wait! Yu frgt yur bag!” “I left it fr yu. Keep it, girl!” he respnded, still with a warm smile. Then the bus drs clsed behind him, and the gentleman faded away frm my sight. Shcked and delighted, I returned t my seat t take the shpping bag, carefully unflding it. There lived a bx f chclate, a bright tiny music bx and a brand-new scarf. Recgnizing the kindness f the gentleman, I felt a sense f hpe fr life.

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