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    专题 22 完形填空(新高考15空)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用)
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      专题 22 完形填空(新高考15空)(教师卷)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用).docx
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      专题 22 完形填空(新高考15空)(学生卷)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用).docx
    专题 22 完形填空(新高考15空)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用)01
    专题 22 完形填空(新高考15空)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用)02
    专题 22 完形填空(新高考15空)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用)03
    专题 22 完形填空(新高考15空)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用)01
    专题 22 完形填空(新高考15空)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用)02
    专题 22 完形填空(新高考15空)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用)03
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    专题 22 完形填空(新高考15空)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用)

    这是一份专题 22 完形填空(新高考15空)--十年(2015-2024)高考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用),文件包含专题22完形填空新高考15空教师卷--十年2015-2024高考真题英语分项汇编全国通用docx、专题22完形填空新高考15空学生卷--十年2015-2024高考真题英语分项汇编全国通用docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共64页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Clse 1
    【2024新课标Ⅰ卷】I’ve been mtivated — and demtivated — by ther flks’ achievement s all my life.
    When I was a teenager, a neighbrhd friend ____41____ a marathn race. Feeling mtivated, I started running ____42____, but then tw things happened. First, a girl I met ne day tld me she was ____43____ fr a “super,” referring t a 52.4-mile duble marathn. Then, the next day I went n my lngest run — 15 miles. T be hnest, I ____44____ it! Between the girl making my ____45____ seem small and the pure bredm f jgging, I decided that the nly ____46____ I’d ever run again is if a big dg was running after me!
    S I ____47____ cycling. I gt a gd bike and rde a lt. I ____48____ f entering cycle races until I flew t San Dieg t visit my sister. While she was at wrk ne day, I ____49____ her bike and went fr a ride. The ____50____: The rads there went thrugh large valleys where I’d be riding uphill fr miles at a time. I’d never faced such ____51____. That day, I gt ____52____ by abut 100 “lcal” bikers wh were used t such rads. When I gt back hme, suddenly riding my bike didn’t seem quite as ____53____.
    I’ve ____54____ a lt since then. I’ve cme t accept that whatever ____55____ I set fr myself, they just have t be my wn.
    41. A. knewB. heldC. wnD. quit
    42. A. regularlyB. silentlyC. prudlyD. recently
    43. A. askingB. lkingC. waitingD. training
    44. A. madeB. believedC. hatedD. deserved
    45. A. advantageB. achievementC. cntributinD. influence
    46. A. wayB. riskC. placeD. reasn
    47. A. gave upB. went nC. turned tD. dealt with
    48. A. heardB. dreamedC. cmplainedD. apprved
    49. A. paintedB. brrwedC. bughtD. parked
    50. A. prblemB. secretC. principleD. advice
    51. A. dangersB. eventsC. ppnentsD. challenges
    52. A. passedB. cnvincedC. admiredD. stpped
    53. A. reliableB. cnvenientC. familiarD. appealing
    54. A. traveledB. maturedC. missedD. wrried
    55. A. limitsB. datesC. galsD. tests

    Clse 2
    【2024新课标ⅠⅠ卷】When I decided t buy a huse in Eurpe ten years ag, I didn't think t lng. I liked traveling in France, but when it came t picking my favrite spt t ___21___, Italy was the clear winner.
    During my first visit t Italy, I ___22___ t ask fr directins r rder in a restaurant. But every time I tried t ___23___ a sentence f Italian tgether, the lcals smiled at me and ___24___ my language skills. That encuragement helped me t get thrugh the language ___25___. After I made Italy my permanent hme, I discvered hw ___26___ Italians are. Neighbrs will bring me freshly made cheese and will cme t my dr t ___27___ me t clse the windw in my car when rain is cming. It's these small ___28___ f kindness that make a new cuntry feel like hme.
    As a fdie, the way t my heart is thrugh my stmach, and nwhere fuels my ___29___ quite like Italy. Each twn has its wn traditinal ____30____, and every family keeps a recipe passed frm ne generatin t anther. Families ____31____ fr big meals n Sundays, birthdays, and whatever ther excuses they can ____32____. These meals are always ____33____ by laughter and jy. Whatever ____34____ life in Italy might have, the prblems are ____35____ nce yu sit dwn t a big meal with friends and family.
    21. A. studyB. rentC. visitD. settle
    22. A. plannedB. struggledC. refusedD. happened
    23. A. stringB. hangC. mixD. match
    24. A. imprvedB. assessedC. admiredD. praised
    25. A. curseB. barrierC. areaD. test
    26. A. pen-mindedB. strng-willedC. warm-heartedD. well-infrmed
    27. A. remindB. allwC. persuadeD. rder
    28. A. tricksB. prmisesC. actsD. duties
    29. A. ambitinB. successC. appetiteD. grwth
    30. A. cstumeB. dishC. symblD. tale
    31. A. gatherB. cheerC. leaveD. wait
    32. A. put up withB. stand up frC. cme up withD. make up fr
    33. A. signaledB. cnfirmedC. representedD. accmpanied
    34. A. disadvantagesB. meaningsC. surprisesD. pprtunities
    35. A. createdB. frgttenC. understdD. identified

    Clse 3
    【2024浙江1月卷】While taking a 20-hur train ride alng the edge f the Taklimakan Desert in nrthwestern China, I had the kind f humbling, educatinal, and abve all else, wnderful ____21____ with a lcal that all travelers lng fr. A yung Chinese man ____22____ me n the train. My ____23____ friend spke virtually n English, s I happily tk the ____24____ t practice my Chinese.
    Over several hurs, he wuld tell me abut hw he had ____25____ a tw-year prfessinal schl t quickly find a jb ____26____ highways in rder t help supprt his family. Perhaps the mst ____27____, hwever, was the fact that this man spent hurs studying every day after hard physical labr. Withut batting an eye, he wuld ____28____ a translated Emersn passage befre asking abut the literary influence f American ____29____ as a whle. ”And what d yu all learn abut Russian authrs?” I ____30____ him asking at ne pint.
    It wuld have been easy t ____31____ my assumptins abut this highway builder wh had never been mre than a few hundred miles frm hme. But this highly infrmed, ____32____ , and admirable persn prevented me ding s. In the curse f a cuple f hurs, he ____33____ me just hw much ne can gain frm ____34____ with an pen mind, and a willingness t ____35____ with lcals frm all walks f life.
    21. A. experiment B. encunterC. cmpetitinD. appintment
    22. A. treatedB. savedC. lecturedD. apprached
    23. A. trueB. s-calledC. newD. lng-lst
    24. A. chanceB. adviceC. trubleD. right
    25. A. visitedB. financedC. attendedD. funded
    26. A. buildingB. sweepingC. checkingD. guarding
    27. A. typicalB. bviusC. naturalD. remarkable
    28. A. publishB. quteC. сорyD. dwnlad
    29. A. writersB. histriansC. wrkersD. students
    30. A anticipateB. imagineC. recallD. catch
    31. A. lk intB. rely nC. g verD. deal with
    32. A. well-behavedB. multi-skilledC. warm-heartedD. self-educated
    33. A. askedB. warnedC. shwedD. prmised
    34. A. travelingB. readingC. searchingD. teaching
    35 A. cperateB. sideC. negtiateD. engage

    Clse 4
    【2024北京卷】I’d just arrived at schl, ready fr anther schl day. I was reading a bk in the classrm when there was an ___1___. “Tday at 1: 10 there will be auditins (面试) fr a musical.” My friends all jumped up in excitement and asked me, “Will yu be ging, Amy?” “Sure,” I said. I had n ___2___ in drama, but I’d try ut because my friends were ding it.
    At 1:10, there was a ___3___ utside the drama rm. Everyne lked energetic. I hadn’t expected I’d be standing there that mrning. But nw that I was ding it, I ___4___ felt nervus. What if I wasn’t any gd?
    I entered the rm and the teachers made me say sme lines frm the musical. They then ___5___ my singing skills and asked what rle I wanted t play. The teachers were smiling and praising me. I felt like I had a ___6___, s I said, “A big rle.” They said they’d lk int it. I started getting really nervus. What if I didn’t get a main rle?
    Sn, the cast list was ___7___. My friends checked and came back shuting, “Amy, yu gt the main rle! ” Sure enugh, my name was at the tp. I just stared at it and started t ___8___. I was s happy.
    After tw mnths we were all prepared and ready t g n stage. It was fun. And when peple started ___9___, that gave me a bst f cnfidence. It stayed with me and made me feel ___10___. I realised that by trying smething new, I can have fun — even if it means stepping ut f my cmfrt zne.
    1. A. assignmentB. initiativeC. annuncementD. interview
    2. A. hesitancyB. interestC. wrryD. regret
    3. A. gameB. shwC. playD. line
    4. A. suddenlyB. cntinuuslyC. riginallyD. generally
    5. A. advertisedB. testedC. challengedD. plished
    6. A. demandB. creditC. dreamD. chance
    7. A. tradedB. pstedC. questinedD. claimed
    8 A. well upB. rll inC. stand utD. g ff
    9. A. whisperingB. arguingC. clappingD. stretching
    10. A. funnierB. fairerC. clevererD. braver

    Clse 1
    【2023年新高考全国Ⅰ卷】On Oct. 11, hundreds f runners cmpeted in a crss-cuntry race in Minnesta. Melanie Bailey shuld have ____21____ the curse earlier than she did. Her ____22____ came because she was carrying a ____23____ acrss the finish line.
    As reprted by a lcal newspaper, Bailey was mre than tw-thirds f the way thrugh her ____24____ when a runner in frnt f her began crying in pain. She ____25____ t help her fellw runner, Danielle Lenue. Bailey tk her arm t see if she culd walk frward with ____26____. She culdn’t. Bailey then ____27____ t let Lenue climb nt her back and carried her all the way t the finish line, then anther 300 feet t where Lenue culd get ____28____ attentin.
    Once there, Lenue was ____29____ and later taken t a hspital, where she learned that she had serius injuries in ne f her knees. She wuld have struggled with extreme ____30____ t make it t that aid checkpint withut Bailey’s help.
    As fr Bailey, she is mre ____31____ abut why her act is cnsidered a big ____32____. “She was just crying. I culdn’t ____33____ her,” Bailey tld the reprter. “I feel like I was just ding the right thing.”
    Althugh the tw yung wmen were strangers befre the ____34____, they’ve since becme friends. Neither wn the race, but the ____35____ f human kindness wn the day.
    21. A. designedB. fllwedC. changedD. finished
    22. A. delayB. chanceC. trubleD. excuse
    23. A. judgeB. vlunteerC. classmateD. cmpetitr
    24. A. raceB. schlC. twnD. training
    25. A. agreedB. returnedC. stppedD. prmised
    26. A. curageB. aidC. patienceD. advice
    27. A. went awayB. std upC. stepped asideD. bent dwn
    28. A. medicalB. publicC. cnstantD. equal
    29. A. interruptedB. assessedC. identifiedD. appreciated
    30. A. hungerB. painC. cldD. tiredness
    31. A. wrriedB. ashamedC. cnfusedD. discuraged
    32. A. gameB. prblemC. lessnD. deal
    33. A. leaveB. cureC. btherD. understand
    34. A. rideB. testC. meetD. shw
    35. A. secretB. displayC. benefitD. exchange
    Clse 2
    【2023年新高考全国Ⅱ卷】In April last year, I saw a pst n the PNP (Pilts N Paws) website frm a family in Tpeka. They had t mve t Virginia but they were n a very tight ___21___. They culd nt affrd t pay fr ___22___ fr their dg, Tiffy, and ___23___ wanted t take her with them.
    It just ___24___ that I was planning anther PNP flight with anther pilt, Karen, wh ___25___ t take Tiffy frm Kansas City t Virginia. What I was t d was fly t Tpeka t ___26___ Tiffy.
    When I met Tiffy’s wners, they seemed very ___27___. Gerge, the husband, was trying t be calm, but I culd tell this was ___28___ fr him, having t leave his dg t a ___29___ and trust that everything wuld _____30_____.
    After sme gdbyes, I asked Gerge and his wife t help me _____31_____ Tiffy int the plane. I prmised t take care f Tiffy and _____32_____ them as sn as we gt t Kansas City.
    The flight was _____33_____, and Tiffy was a great passenger. The next day, she _____34_____ with Karen and made it back t Gerge in Virginia within a few days. He was s _____35_____ and sent me a nice e-mail with pictures. It felt great t knw that I had helped bring this family tgether again.
    21. A. turnB. budgetC. scheduleD. cnnectin
    22. A. fdB. shelterC. medicineD. transprtatin
    23. A. desperatelyB. temprarilyC. secretlyD. riginally
    24. A. appearedB. prvedC. happenedD. shwed
    25. A. waitedB. fferedC. hurriedD. failed
    26. A. see ffB. lk frC. hand verD. pick up
    27. A. cnfusedB. nervusC. annyedD. curius
    28. A. hardB. fineC. cmmnD. lucky
    29. A. cwrkerB. passengerC. strangerD. neighbr
    30. A. speed upB. wrk utC. cme backD. take ff
    31. A. feedB. fllwC. changeD. lad
    32. A. callB. jinC. leaveD. serve
    33. A. unnecessaryB. unexpectedC. unavidableD. uneventful
    34. A. returnedB. fughtC. flewD. agreed
    35. A. thankfulB. generusC. prudD. sympathetic
    Clse 3
    【2023年浙江1月卷】The sun was beginning t sink as I set ff int the Harenna Frest. I was n my way t 41 a unique hney harvest. Here, in suth-east Ethipia, hand-carved beehives(蜂箱)are placed in the 42 . Reaching them t get the hney is difficult—and ften 43 .
    I 44 beekeeper Ziyad ver a wide stretch f grassland befre entering a thick jungle. Ziyad began preparatins. He 45 handfuls f damp tree leaves, wrapped them with string, and 46 the bunch t create a trch(火把). Then, with ne end f a rpe tied t his waist and the ther end arund the trunk f a tree, Ziyad began 47 . He stpped every few minutes t mve the 48 higher up the tree trunk.
    49 , Ziyad gt clse t the hive which was arund 20 metres abve the grund. Sitting n a branch, he 50 twards it and blew smke frm his trch int a tiny hle in the hive. Suddenly, Ziyad let ut a sharp cry. Within secnds, he’d 51 the trunk and was back n the grund.
    It was t 52 t cllect the hney. A cl summer had delayed 53 . Baby bees were still in the hneycmbs(蜂巢). The adult bees were 54 and kept attacking as Ziyad escaped frm the tree. He had t wait fr the right 55 t g back up.
    51.A.cut ffB.gne upC.slid dwnD.held nt

    Clse 1
    【2022年新高考全国Ⅰ 卷】My husband, ur children and I have had wnderful camping experiences ver the past ten years.
    Sme f ur ___21___ are funny, especially frm the early years when ur children were little. Once, we ___22___ alng Chalk Creek. I was ___23___ that ur 15-mnth-ld by wuld fall int the creek (小溪). I tied a rpe arund his waist t keep him near t ur spt. That lasted abut ten minutes. He was ___24___, and his crying let the whle campgrund knw it. S ___25___ tying him up, I just kept a clse eye n him. It ___26___ — he didn’t end up in the creek. My three-year-ld, hwever, did.
    Anther time, we rented a bat in Vallecit Lake. The sky was clear when we ___27___, but strms mve in fast in the muntains, and this ne quickly ___28___ ur peaceful mrning trip. The ___29___ picked up and thunder rlled. My husband stpped fishing t ____30____ the mtr. Nthing. He tried again. N ____31____. We were stuck in the middle f the lake with a dead mtr. As we all sat there ____32____, a fisherman pulled up, threw us a rpe and twed (拖) us back. We were ____33____.
    Nw, every year when my husband pulls ur camper ut f the garage, we are filled with a sense f ____34____, wndering what camping fun and ____35____ we will experience next.
    21. A. ideasB. jkesC. memriesD. discveries
    22. A. campedB. drveC. walkedD. cycled
    23. A. annyedB. surprisedC. disappintedD. wrried
    24. A. unhurtB. unfrtunateC. uncmfrtableD. unafraid
    25. A. due tB. instead fC. apart frmD. as fr
    26. A. wrkedB. happenedC. matteredD. changed
    27. A. signed upB. calmed dwnC. checked utD. headed ff
    28. A. arrangedB. interruptedC. cmpletedD. recrded
    29. A. windB. niseC. temperatureD. speed
    30. A. findB. hideC. startD. fix
    31. A. luckB. answerC. wnderD. signal
    32. A. patientlyB. tirelesslyC. dubtfullyD. helplessly
    33. A. srryB. braveC. safeD. right
    34. A. reliefB. dutyC. prideD. excitement
    35. A. failureB. adventureC. perfrmanceD. cnflict
    Clse 2
    【2022年新高考全国Ⅱ卷】Like many yung peple, Jessica wants t travel the glbe. Unlike mst f them, this 25-year-ld is ding it ___21___ . She and her husband have spent the last tw years traveling the wrld, stpping everywhere frm Paris t Singapre. It might sund like ne lng, expensive ___22___ , but the cuple has an unusual way t make their travel ___23___ .
    They’re part f a new frm f the ___24___ ecnmy: an nline grup f huse sitters. Thrughut their n-cst stays in ___25___ hmes, they feed pets and water plants in the hmewner’s ___26___ .
    It’s nt all sightseeing. The tw travelers carefully ___27___ their trips, scheduling their days arund the pets that are smetimes difficult t ___28___ . But huse sitting als ffers a level f ___29___ they can’t find in a htel. “It’s like ____30____ at a friend’s huse,” Jessica says.
    The cuple has a high ____31____ rate in getting accepted as huse sitters and they always g beynd the hmewner’s ____32____ . Fr Jessica, that means ____33____ plenty f pictures f happy pets, keeping the huse ____34____ and leaving a nice small gift befre heading t the next huse. “Yu want t make the hmewner feel that they made the right ____35____ ,” she says.
    21. A. indrsB. nlineC. single-handedD. full-time
    22. A. gameB. serviceC. vacatinD. prcedure
    23. A. safeB. busyC. helpfulD. affrdable
    24. A. lcalB. privateC. sharingD. agricultural
    25. A. strangers’B. parents’C. c-wrkers’D. neighbrs’
    26. A. favrB. defenseC. hnrD. absence
    27. A. planB. explainC. cmpareD. cmplete
    28. A. buyB. transprtC. chseD. please
    29. A. supprtB. cmfrtC. cntrlD. attentin
    30. A. ckingB. stayingC. waitingD. studying
    31. A. successB. survivalC. grwthD. unemplyment
    32. A. budgetB. abilitiesC. expectatinsD. understanding
    33. A. admiringB. dnatingC. sendingD. brrwing
    34 A. cleanB. penC. simpleD. empty
    35. A. guessB. decisinC. respnseD. impressin
    Clse 3
    One Mnday mrning, while the children were enjying “free play”, I stepped t the drway f the classrm t take a break. Suddenly, I ____1____ a mvement f the heavy wden dr. This was the very dr I ____2____ guided the children thrugh t ensure their safety frm the bitter cld. I felt a chill (寒意) g thrugh my bdy.
    My legs carried me t that dr, and I pushed it pen. It was ne f my kindergarteners wh I thught was ____3____ that day. He had been drpped ff at schl late and was ____4____ t pen the dr.
    He must have been waiting there fr quite a while! Withut a wrd, I rushed him t the hspital. He was treated fr frstbite n his hands. He’d need time t ____5____ , and wuldn’t cme fr class the next day, I thught.
    The next mrning, ne f the first t ____6____ was my little frstbitten by. Nt nly did he run in with energy, but his ____7____ culd be heard as lud as ever! I gave him a warm hug and tld him hw ____8____ I was t see him. His wrds have stayed with me all these years, “I knew yu wuld pen the dr.”
    That cld Mnday mrning, he waited a lng, lng while fr adults t ____9____. T a child, every minute feels like frever. He didn’t attempt t walk back hme; he waited and trusted. This five-year-ld taught me a pwerful lessn in _____10_____ .
    1. A. causedB. spttedC. checkedD. imagined
    2. A. hesitantlyB. randmlyC. dizzilyD. carefully
    3. A. angryB. absentC. specialD. nisy
    4. A. curageusB. cntentC. unableD. unwilling
    5. A. recverB. playC. changeD. wait
    6. A. settleB. gatherC. arriveD. react
    7. A. sneezeB. weepC. cmplaintD. laughter
    8. A. luckyB. happyC. curiusD. nervus
    9. A. shw upB. pull upC. hld upD. line up
    10. A. gratitudeB. frgivenessC. faithD. kindness
    Clse 1
    【2021年新高考全国Ⅰ 卷】My life as a tax-paying emplyed persn began in middle schl, when, fr three whle days, I wrked in a baking factry.
    My best friend Betsy’s father was a manager at Hugh Bakeries, which, at Easter time, ____41____ little bunny ( 兔 子 ) cakes fr all its ____42____thrughut Cleveland. It happened that the plant dwntwn needed eight kids fr ____43____ help during ur spring break, fr which I had n____44____ beynd listening t my favrite recrds. I’d ____45____ minimum wage. I’d see hw a factry____46____. My parents thught all f this was a grand idea and called Betsy’s dad with their ____47____.
    Our____48____in the factry were simple: Place cakes n a mving belt. Attach icing (糖霜) ears. Apply icing eyes and nse.____49____ bunny frm the belt. This was _____50_____ than it sunds._____51_____ a bit and the cakes pile up. As I tld my parents at dinner that first night, it was all a little mre high-pressure than I’d _____52_____ .
    Dad ____53____. The sn f a grcer, he’d spent the summers f his childhd_____54_____ fd in Benardsville, New Jersey. This was the srt f wrk that made yu_____55_____ the dllars yu earned and respect thse wh did the wrk, he tld me.
    41. A. sldB. rderedC. madeD. reserved
    42. A. stresB. familiesC. schlsD. citizens
    43. A. generusB. financialC. technicalD. temprary
    44. A. plansB. prblemsC. excusesD. hbbies
    45. A. fferB. earnC. setD. suggest
    46. A. wrkedB. clsedC. develpedD. survived
    47. A. ambitinB. permissinC. experienceD. invitatin
    48. A. jysB. ideasC. rlesD. chices
    49. A. SaveB. KeepC. StpD. Remve
    50. A. harderB. betterC. lngerD. cheaper
    51. A. Calm dwnB. Slw dwnC. Stay nD. Mve n
    52. A. indicatedB. witnessedC. expectedD. remembered
    53. A. criedB. smiledC. hesitatedD. refused
    54. A. tastingB. findingC. sharingD. delivering
    55. A. withdrawB. dnateC. receiveD. appreciate
    Clse 2
    【2021年新高考全国Ⅱ 卷】Over the past 38 years, Mr. Wang has pretended t be smene else many times,and has even learned t ____21____ different dialects(方言),leading t him being described as an “Oscar-winning actr".
    The 60-year-ld is nt an actr, but a ____22____ Hwever,he is mre devted t his “____23____ "than any real actr.
    In the 1990s, a grup f thieves ften sld stlen gds with the help f sme beggars. T lk int the ____24____,Wang disguised(伪装)himself and ____25____ the beggars. Dirty shrts and ld shes gave him the ____26____ f a real beggar and his cnvincing dialect sn wn him the ____27____ f the beggars.
    “I ften ____28____ them t drink alchl. Once they were ____29____,they began t talk a lt,"Wang said. “I'd then ____30____ myself t use the tilet, ____31____ what the beggars said, and send the ____32____ t my teammates.”
    Wang,wh is ften in ____33____ situatins, is als a jud (柔道) master. “As lng as I get clse enugh, n criminal can ____34____ frm me," he said.
    Wang's ____35____ wn him several hnrs, including a Natinal May Day Labr Medal and 11 Citatins f Merit.Paris.
    21. A. teachB. cmpareC. assessD. speak
    22. A. lawyerB. dctrC. plicemanD. businessman
    23. A. rleB. studyC. familyD. audience
    24. A. minrB. caseC. futureD. questin
    25. A. interviewedB. jinedC. arrestedD. assisted
    26. A. challengeB. experienceC. appearanceD. freedm
    27. A. vteB. sympathyC. permissinD. trust
    28. A. invitedB. frcedC. helpedD. expected
    29. A. drunkB. desertedC. bredD. lst
    30. A. guideB. persuadeC. excuseD. allw
    31. A. refer tB. nte dwnC. ask abutD. miss ut
    32. A. planB. agreementC. directinD. infrmatin
    33. A. awkwardB. dangerusC. unfrtunateD. strange
    34. A. separateB. recverC. escapeD. hear
    35. A. curageB. hnestyC. kindnessD. ptimism
    Clse 3
    【2021年北京卷】Recently,I tk a trip hme by train.I gt a seat ppsite a middle-aged man with sharp eyes,wh kept____1____a yung wman in a windw seat with a little by n her lap.The wman's eye fell n the man's face,and she immediately lked dwn and____2____her scarf.
    As the night wre n,peple began t clse their eyes,but the seats were s uncmfrtable that nly a very heavy sleeper culd manage t get any____3____.The wman lked ver at the man.He was still staring at her.She lked back at him with fire in her eyes.I was beginning t get____4____,t.
    The train mved n.The little by was ____5____ awake n his mther's lap,but the wman drpped ff t sleep.A mment later,he began t____6____the half-pen windw—ne leg went ver it.The man jumped up and ____7____the child just befre he fell ut.
    The____8____ wke up the wman.She seemed t be in____9____,and then reality dawned (显现).“Yur child has been lking fr an pprtunity t climb ut f the windw,”the man said as he gave the child back t her. .“S I have been watching the whle time.”The wman was _____10_____,and s was I.
    1. A. guidingB. btheringC. watchingD. mnitring
    2. A. adjustedB. changedC. packedD. waved
    3. A. airB. jyC. spaceD. rest
    4. A. nervusB. embarrassedC. angryD. disappinted
    5. A. almstB. stillC. hardlyD. even
    6. A. dragB. climbC. knckD. push
    7. A. grabbedB. rckedC. tuchedD. picked
    8. A. alarmB. quarrelC. riskD. nise
    9. A. srrwB. reliefC. panicD. pain
    10. A. astnishedB. cnfusedC. cncernedD. inspired
    Clse 1
    【2020年新高考全国Ⅰ 卷(山东卷)】Mlai grew up in a tiny village in India. The village lay near sme wetlands which became his secnd 21 . He learned the value and beauty f 22 there frm a very yung age.
    When he was 16, Mlai began t ntice smething 23 happening arund his hme. A fld had hit the area earlier that year and the 24 it caused had driven away a number f birds. 25 , the number f snakes had declined as well. He 26 that it was because there weren’t enugh trees t prtect them frm the 27 . The slutin, f curse, was t plant trees s the animals culd seek 28 during the daytime. He turned t the 29 department fr help but was tld that nthing wuld grw there. Hwever, Mlai went lking n his wn and 30 a nearby island where he began t plant trees.
    31 yung plants in the dry seasn was 32 fr a lne by. Mlai built at the 33 f each sapling(幼树)a bamb platfrm, where he placed earthen pts with small hles t 34 rainwater. The water wuld then drip(滴落)n the plants belw.
    Mlai 35 t plant trees fr the next 37 years. His effrts have resulted in 1,360 acres f naturally-grwn land that has becme hme t many plants and animals.
    21. A. dreamB. jbC. hmeD. chice
    22. A. natureB. yuthC. cultureD. knwledge
    23. A. preciusB. interestingC. disturbingD. awkward
    24. A. wasteB. tensinC. painD. damage
    25. A. BesidesB. HweverC. TherefreD. Otherwise
    26. A. agreedB. realizedC. rememberedD. predicted
    27. A. niseB. heatC. diseaseD. dust
    28. A. directinsB. partnersC. helpD. shelter
    29. A. labrB. pliceC. frestD. finance
    30. A. rebuiltB. discveredC. leftD. managed
    31. A. DecratingB. ObservingC. WateringD. Guarding
    32. A. tughB. illegalC. fantasticD. beneficial
    33. A. backB. tpC. ftD. side
    34. A. cl dwnB. keep ffC. purifyD. cllect
    35. A. returnedB. learnedC. failedD. cntinued
    Clse 2
    【2020年新高考全国Ⅱ 卷(海南卷)】When Jim Grant sptted black smke cming ut f a building n his way t wrk, he____21____his car t call 911. Then he____22____a U-turn, circling back t take anther lk.
    Pulling up t the building, Grant saw flames(火焰)shting ut f a secnd-flr windw. Nt seeing r hearing any fire engines____23____. Grant rushed t a side____24____and ran up the stairs.
    On the secnd flr, he____25____every apartment dr. "Get ut!" Grant shuted, N ne____26____and he assumed that peple had already____27____. Reaching the end f the hallway, thugh, Grant____28____a half-pen dr. He kicked it wide pen, finding a____29____wman in a wheelchair with a little by and a tiny baby. "Let's_____30_____!" he screamed. The wman lked at him in cnfusin and said smething abut changing her clthes. Grant didn't wait, clutching(抓牢)the baby t his chest and_____31_____the by alngside, Grant ran dwn the hallway. When he was_____32_____utside, the nly_____33_____in sight was a pliceman. Grant tld him abut the_____34_____and they rushed int the smky building.
    Thanks t them, a family was saved frm the fire. Grant and the pliceman were hnred fr their_____35_____.
    21. A. drveB. stppedC. reachedD. abandned
    22. A. sawB. madeC. missedD. crssed
    23. A. burningB. leavingC. apprachingD. waiting
    24. A. entranceB. radC. buildingD. windw
    25. A. lckedB. kickedC. cuntedD. repaired
    26. A. agreedB. caredC. respndedD. understd
    27. A. arrivedB. returnedC. hiddenD. escaped
    28. A. skippedB. clsedC. nticedD. remembered
    29. A. frightenedB. curiusC. patientD. grateful
    30. A. turn backB. g upC. get utD. lie dwn
    31. A. fllwingB. draggingC. examiningD. passing
    32. A. safelyB. secretlyC. suddenlyD. previusly
    33. A. witnessB. guideC. serviceD. help
    34. A. wmanB. drC. carD. baby
    35. A. wisdmB. genersityC. hnestyD. curage

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