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    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    The harvest seasn falls at different times f the year depending n regin and climate, but festivals celebrating its arrival are held all ver the wrld Sme are the start f the seasn and the fist crps, while ther are celebratins t give thanks fr the blessing f a harvest.
    Rice Harvest Festival (May ~ June)
    The harvest festival is dedicated t Dewi Sni-the gddess f rice and fertility(丰产) celebrated by the peple f Bali, Indnesia.
    Mid-Autumn Festival (September ~ Octber)
    Mncakes and tea are served n Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. Mid-Autumn Festival is als knwn as the Mn Festival, because it cincides with the full mn n the 15th day f the eighth lunar mnth. It is als a time f family gatherings.
    Yam Festival (August r September)
    Men are carrying yams(山药) at the Yam Festival n the Trbriand Islands, Papua NewGuinea. The peple there celebrate the end f the rainy seasn and the first appearance f yams.
    Sukkth (September ~ Octber)
    Jewish peple decrate the family Sukkah fr the Jewish festival f Sukkt. A Sukkah is a temprary building where meals are taken fr the week. The 8-day festival gives thanks t the harvest.
    Pngal (January)
    The 4-day festival f Pngal is a celebratin f the rice harvest perid. Held after the winter slstice(冬至), it celebrates the return f lnger days f life-giving sunlight. Its name cmes frm a Tamil wrd, meaning “t bil”, and is als the name given t a rice dish that is prepared during this time.
    1. Which festivals are related t rice?
    A. Yam Festival and Sukkth.
    B. Mid-Autumn Festival and Yam Festival.
    C. Rice Harvest Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.
    D. Pngal and Rice Harvest Festival.
    2. What can yu enjy if yu visit China during the Mid-Autumn Festival?
    A. Mncakes.B. Dumplings.C. Sweet dumplings.D. Zngzi.
    3. What will the Jewish peple prepare fr Sukkth?
    A. Rice dishes.B. Special huses.C. TeaD. Flwers
    【答案】1. D 2. A 3. B
    【1题详解】细节理解题。根据Rice Harvest Festival部分“The harvest festival is dedicated t Dewi Sni-the gddess f rice and fertility(丰产) celebrated by the peple f Bali, Indnesia. (丰收节是献给印尼巴厘岛人民庆祝的水稻和生育女神Dewi Sni的。)”和Pngal部分“The 4-day festival f Pngal is a celebratin f the rice harvest perid. (为期4天的庞格尔节是对水稻收获期的庆祝。)”可知,Rice Harvest Festival和Pngal是庆祝水稻收获的节日。故选D。
    【2题详解】细节理解题。根据Mid-Autumn Festival部分“Mncakes and tea are served n Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. (中国的中秋节供应月饼和茶。)”可知,在中国过中秋节可以吃月饼。故选A。
    【3题详解】细节理解题。根据Sukkth部分“ A Sukkah is a temprary building where meals are taken fr the week. ( Sukkah 是一个临时建筑,一周都在这里用餐。)”可知,犹太人会建一个特别建筑来过住棚节。故选B。
    When I was a by grwing up, I culdn’t nce ever remember either my mm r my grandma wasting fd. Anything we didn’t eat at ne meal was saved, stred and served as leftvers later n. I can remember my grandma making a huge pt f brwn beans with a large cake f crnbread. We wuld all eat until we were stuffed, but there was always abut half f the beans left ver. A few days later, my grandma wuld take thse beans ut f the refrigeratr, bil spaghetti (意大利面), add vegetables and mix them all tgether int her delicius spaghetti. I als remember when I watched my mm fry bacn fr us in the mrning, she wuld always take the il and carefully pur it int a cntainer. Then she later wuld use it t flavr s many ther dishes. I was an adult befre I realized that green beans didn’t actually taste like bacn.
    I learned their lessns well and tried t never waste fd myself after I grew up. I always planned the week’s meals ahead f time and nly bught what was n my shpping list, s nthing went t waste. Every meal went int the stmach and any leftvers were later eaten by either myself, my bys r my dgs. T me, thrwing fd in the trash was just wrng. All the wrk it tk t grw it, harvest it and prepare it needed t be hnred, nt wasted.
    Hwever, I have learned smething else ver the years. When it cmes t living, there are n leftvers. Each mment that yu dn’t live is lst frever. Life can’t be saved. Life can’t be stred. Life has t be lived, TODAY.
    Live each mment f yur life t the fullest then. Make every day a feast f lve with n leftvers, Le Buscaglia nce said, “Each day is a fresh beginning, a little life t itself,” Dn’t let any f these little lives g t waste. They are gifts. Cherish them. Care fr them. Chw dwn n them. Live yur life with a full belly and a full heart.
    4. What did the authr’s grandma d with the leftver beans?
    A. She used them t feed pets.
    B. She threw them in the garbage.
    C. She used them t make delicius spaghetti.
    D. She reserved them in the refrigeratr.
    5. After the authr grew up, hw did she arrange the week’s meals?
    A. She threw away any leftvers.
    B. She bught what was necessary as scheduled.
    C. She bught mre fd materials than necessary.
    D. She had all the leftvers eaten by her dgs.
    6. Why did the authr think thrwing fd in the trash was wrng?
    A. There wasn’t enugh fd fr her.
    B. She thught fd was expensive.
    C. She thught it was bad behavir.
    D. It tk much wrk t prduce fd.
    7. What is the authr’s purpse f writing the text?
    A. T cherish everything we wn.
    B. T remind us t eat leftvers.
    C. T intrduce her mm and grandma.
    D. T advcate the Clean Plate Campaign.
    【答案】4. C 5. B 6. D 7. A
    【4题详解】细节理解题。根据首段第三四句“We wuld all eat until we were stuffed, but there was always abut half f the beans left ver. A few days later, my grandma wuld take thse beans ut f the refrigeratr, bil spaghetti (意大利面), add vegetables and mix them all tgether int her delicius spaghetti. (我还记得奶奶做了一大锅黑豆和一大块玉米面包。我们会一直吃到吃饱,但豆子总是剩下一半左右。几天后,我奶奶会把那些豆子从冰箱里拿出来,煮意大利面,加入蔬菜,把它们混合在一起,做成美味的意大利面。)”可知,奶奶会把剩下的豆子做成美味的意大利面。故选C。
    【5题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“I always planned the week’s meals ahead f time and nly bught what was n my shpping list, s nthing went t waste. (我总是提前计划一周的膳食,只买我购物清单上的东西,所以没有浪费。)”可知,作者按着清单购买所需要的东西。故选B。
    【6题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句“T me, thrwing fd in the trash was just wrng. All the wrk it tk t grw it, harvest it and prepare it needed t be hnred, nt wasted. (对我来说,把食物扔进垃圾桶是不对的。种植、收获和准备它所付出的所有努力都应该得到尊重,而不是浪费。)”可知,作者认为把食物扔进垃圾桶是不对的,因为生产食物需要大量的努力和劳动。故选D。
    【7题详解】推理判断题。根据末段最后六句“Dn’t let any f these little lives g t waste. They are gifts. Cherish them. Care fr them. Chw dwn n them. Live yur life with a full belly and a full heart. (不要让这些小小的生命白白浪费掉。它们是礼物。珍惜它们。关心它们。大吃一顿。吃得饱,心才踏实。)”可知,作者最后劝告人们不要浪费食物,它们是礼物,要珍惜。故选A。
    A device flating in the water ff the cast f suthern Chile aims t cllect data n whales t prtect them frm passing ships
    The first electrnic buy(浮标) was recently placed in the sea in the Gulf f Crcvad. The device is designed t listen t the sunds whales make when they cmmunicate with each ther. The animals use sunds t map their mvements and t hunt. The sunds are prcessed by artificial intelligence (AI )-pwered cmputer systems in an effrt t identify where the animals are. This infrmatin is then sent t shipping peratrs t help them avid crashing in t whales
    A nn-prfit rganizatin put the buy in place. The grup seeks t develp technlgy tls t prvide a warning system fr shipping cmpanies. In additin t helping prtect whales the "smart" buy als cllects data n the health f the cean and the effects f climate change. The Gulf f Crcvad is rich in sea life, including a large number f blue whales, as well as Suthern right whales, which are endangered nw. The ppulatin f the area's whales is the largest during the summer seasn in the Suthern Hemisphere
    "This is the beginning f a lnger rad," said Snia Espanl, directr f rganizatin. She nted that her team planned t cver the gulf with at least six buys. The buy wrks by using sftware called Listening t the Deep Ocean Envirnment. The device cntinuusly mnitrs cean sunds. It uses AI t identify the kind f whales and where they are in real time. It then sends messages t nearby ships, s they can alleviate nise levels and try t avid crashes.
    The buys als cntain sensrs t measure water temperatures, xygen levels and mre t predict cean health and the effects f climate change. That infrmatin is expected t be used t help guide public envirnmental plicies
    8. What des paragraph 2 intend t tell us?
    A. The necessity f prtecting whales
    B. The imprtant rle f whales' sunds
    C. The unique ways f whales' cmmunicatin
    D. The wrking prcess f the electrnic buy
    9. What infrmatin can the buys cllect?
    A. The health f whalesB. The change f sea life
    C. The cnditin f the ceanD. The cause f climate change
    10. What des the underlined wrd "alleviate" in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. RidB. CllectC. ReduceD. Recgnize
    11. What is the purpse f the infrmatin cllected by the buys?
    A. T guide public envirnmental plicies
    B. T imprve the cean's xygen levels
    C. T slve the prblem f climate change
    D. T instruct passing ships t g smthly
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. C 11. A
    【8题详解】推理判断题。根据原文第二段中“The device is designed t listen t the sunds whales make when they cmmunicate with each ther.(该设备旨在聆听鲸鱼相互交流时发出的声音)”及“The sunds are prcessed by artificial intelligence (AI )-pwered cmputer systems in an effrt t identify where the animals are. This infrmatin is then sent t shipping peratrs t help them avid crashing in t whales.(这些声音由人工智能驱动的计算机系统处理,以识别动物的位置。然后将这些信息发送给航运运营商,以帮助他们避免撞到鲸。)”可知第二段主要是要告诉读者电子浮标的工作过程。故选D项。
    【9题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段中“In additin t helping prtect whales the "smart" buy als cllects data n the health f the cean and the effects f climate change.(除了帮助保护鲸鱼外,“智能”浮标还收集有关海洋健康和气候变化影响的数据。)”可知,浮标收集有关海洋健康和气候变化影响的数据,即关于海洋状况的数据,故选C项。
    【10题详解】词义猜测题。根据第四段中“It then sends messages t nearby ships, s they can alleviate nise levels and try t avid crashes.(然后,它会向附近的船只发送消息,以便它们可以……噪音水平并尽量避免碰撞。)”可知船只发出的噪音会对海洋生物产生影响,浮标收集数据来实时识别鲸鱼的种类和它们的位置,并向附近的船只发消息,在通过鲸鱼群时可以减少噪音水平来避免碰撞。推测划线单词的意思为“减少,降低”,故选C项。
    【11题详解】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中“That infrmatin is expected t be used t help guide public envirnmental plicies.(预计这些信息将用于帮助指导公共环境政策。)”可知,浮标收集信息的目的是为了指导公共环境政策,故选A项。
    The Natinal Parks Service has cnfirmed the discvery f an ancient crab (螃蟹) fssil (化石) fund alng the shres f Assateague Island Natinal Seashre.
    Sharn Cnn, a visitr t the area, fund the fssil in early Octber n the shre f Assateague Island. “It is very uncmmn t find fssils f this nature. We have a very small number in ur museum cllectin. That is what makes this discvery very exciting,” Liz Davis chief f Assateague Island Natinal Seashre said.
    The parks service identified the rare blue crab fssil with the help f the Department f Palebilgy. Matthew Mille, museum specialist at the Natinal Museum f Natural Histry, tested the fssil t find ut hw it is. He cncluded it was likely frm the Pleistcene age, abut 2 millin years ag. “The extra rck arund it is such a well tugh grund that it can’t be easily erded (腐蚀),” he said. “The claw did erde a bit thugh — which is why it isn’t immediately recgnized as a claw. Gne are the tips and parts f the infilled area where the riginal flesh wuld have been thrugh, making the whle fssil lks a bit strange.”
    The fssil was fund n public land and is prtected by law. Davis tld the Daily Times it was currently at the Natinal Parks Service Tms Cve Visitr Center in Virginia. “We hpe t have a small cllectin f fssils n display at the NPS Assateague Island Vistir Center in Maryland later in 2022,” said Davis.
    12. What des Liz Davis think f the ancient crab fssil?
    A. It is invaluable.B. It is very ld.C. It is imperfect.D. It is rare.
    13. Hw ld is the fssil accrding t the text?
    A. Arund 2 millin years ld.
    B. 2 millin years ld.
    C. 3 millin years ld.
    D. Less than 2 millin years ld.
    14. Whm d yu think the fssil shuld belng t?
    A. Sharn Cnn.B. The cuntry.
    C. Liz Davis.D. The Natinal Parks Service.
    15. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. A Lucky Visitr.B. Assateague Island.
    C. An Ancient Blue Fssil.D. An Imprtant Discvery.
    【答案】12. D 13. A 14. B 15. D
    【12题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段最后三句““It is very uncmmn t find fssils f this nature. We have a very small number in ur museum cllectin. That is what makes this discvery very exciting,” Liz Davis chief f Assateague Island Natinal Seashre said. (“发现这种性质的化石非常罕见。我们博物馆收藏的数量非常少。这就是为什么这一发现非常令人兴奋,”阿萨提格岛国家海岸的负责人利兹·戴维斯说。)”可知,利兹·戴维斯认为这种性质的化石非常罕见。故选D。
    【13题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“He cncluded it was likely frm the Pleistcene age, abut 2 millin years ag. (他得出结论,它可能来自更新世时代,大约200万年前。)”可知,这块化石来自大约200万年前。所以这块化石有大约200万年了。故选A。
    【14题详解】推理判断题。根据末段首句“The fssil was fund n public land and is prtected by law. (这块化石是在公共土地上发现的,受法律保护。)”可知,这块化石在公共区域被发现,所以应属于国家。故选B。
    【15题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是首段“The Natinal Parks Service has cnfirmed the discvery f an ancient crab (螃蟹) fssil (化石) fund alng the shres f Assateague Island Natinal Seashre. (美国国家公园管理局证实,在阿萨提格岛国家海岸发现了一只古代螃蟹化石。)”可知,本文主要介绍古代螃蟹化石被发现这一重要事件。故选D。
    Develp Better Relatinships with Neighbrs
    Gd neighbrs are a lt like electricity r running water: we dn’t knw hw much we depend n them until we dn’t have them. They make ur lives mre pleasant and give us a sense f wh we are, bth as an individual and as a member f the cmmunity. Here’s hw t develp yur relatinships with these very imprtant peple in yur life.
    Strike up a cnversatin.
    Often neighbrs dn’t even knw each ther’s names. But it’s kay t be ne t break the ice, even if yu’ve lived next dr fr years. ____16____ S as yu see them at wrk in their yards, smile, wave, and say hell. Ask hw their kids are, whether they culd use an extra cucumber frm yur garden r what they think f the prices at the lcal supermarket.
    These days, the ld Welcme Wagn is a thing f the past. But yur new neighbrs may be feeling lnely and unsure, especially if they're far frm hme. And they might appreciate a friendly face bearing fresh-baked chclate cakes. Invite them ver fr cffee r tea when they get settled, give them yur number, and pint t yur huse as yu say gdbye.
    Avid causing incnvenience.
    Return anything that yu brrw frm a neighbur as sn as yu’re finished with them. Replace anything that belngs t yur neighbur that yur children r yur pets break r spil. Make sure that yur car is nt blcking their drway. ____18____ And the talk will be gd.
    Make time fr friendships.
    If yu have a friendly relatinship with yur neighbrs, spend time with them. What better way t meet yur neighbrs than t invite them t an infrmal barbecue, a pl party? ____19____ Deliver the invitatin in persn t everyne wh lives n yur street and chat with them. This way, yu will get an idea f what they are like s that yu can plan prper fd and music.
    Care abut details.
    ____20____ Help t bring in the mail fr the elderly neighbur when there is a heavy rain. When yur neighbur frgets t take in his rubbish cans, rll them back int his yard. What it takes t develp yur relatinship with yur neighbur is the respect fr their feelings.
    A. Be a gd listener.
    B. Reach ut t the new cmers.
    C. In a gd relatinship, it’s really the little things that cunt.
    D. Yu are suppsed t recmmend the best places t eat and shp.
    E. Such randm acts f cnsideratin will have yur neighbrs talking.
    F. Better yet, yu might even cnsider thrwing a get-tgether in their hnr.
    G. Mst neighbr enjy making small talk with the flks n the ther side f the fence.
    【答案】16. G 17. B 18. E 19. F 20. C
    【16题详解】根据后文“S as yu see them at wrk in their yards, smile, wave, and say hell. Ask hw their kids are, whether they culd use an extra cucumber frm yur garden r what they think f the prices at the lcal supermarket.”(所以当你看到他们在院子里工作时,微笑,挥手,打招呼。问问他们的孩子过得怎么样,他们是否可以从你的花园里拿一根黄瓜,或者他们对当地超市的价格有什么看法。)可知,此处是指和邻居们聊一些家常,所以选项G(大多数邻居都喜欢和篱笆另一边的人闲聊。)切合文意。故选G。
    【17题详解】根据后文“Invite them ver fr cffee r tea when they get settled, give them yur number, and pint t yur huse as yu say gdbye.”(当他们安顿下来时,邀请他们过来喝咖啡或喝茶,给他们你的电话号码,在说再见时指着你的房子。)可知,此处是指向新到来的人表示热情,所以选项B(接触新来者。)切合文意。故选B。
    【18题详解】根据前文“Return anything that yu brrw frm a neighbur as sn as yu’re finished with them. Replace anything that belngs t yur neighbur that yur children r yur pets break r spil. Make sure that yur car is nt blcking their drway.”(从邻居那里借的东西用完后马上归还。替换掉你的孩子或你的宠物弄坏了的邻居的东西。确保你的车没有挡住他们的门。)可知,此处是指平常的行为要考虑周到,根据后文“And the talk will be gd.”(这种讨论会很好)可知,此处是指这种周到的行为会引起邻居的讨论,所以选项E(这种随意的周到行为会引起你的邻居们的议论。)切合文意。故选E。
    【19题详解】根据前文“What better way t meet yur neighbrs than t invite them t an infrmal barbecue, a pl party?”(有什么比邀请你的邻居参加一个非正式的烧烤或泳池派对更好的方式来认识他们呢?)可知,此处是指和邻居们共度时光的好的方式,所以选项F(更好的是,你甚至可以考虑为他们举办一场聚会。)切合文意。故选F。
    【20题详解】根据前文“Care abut details.”(在意细节)可知,此处是指小细节也很重要,所以选项C(在一段良好的关系中,真正重要的是那些小事。)切合文意。故选C。
    As COVID-19 restrictins cme t an end, freign visitrs have been returning t Paris. Outdr bksellers called “buquinistes” have nw made their ____21____ t the neighbrhd near the city’s famus Seine River. Many thught the pandemic wuld ____22____ their businesses and the traditin f selling by the river, which ____23____ ver 500 years.
    Rachid Bianuand is a(n) ____24____ sailr and fishing bat mechanic. He is nw a bkseller. He pened his large green wden ____25____ f used bks and placed it n a wall ____26____ the river in the heart f Paris. He sells secnd-hand bks t ____27____ as they pass by. He smiled as he said “I always lve beautiful bks, and I think why nt share this ____28____ and share the bks and authrs I lve with ther peple.”
    The city cuncil(委员会) recently ____29____ Bianuand and 17 ther new river side bksellers. This brings the _____30_____ number f bksellers alng the river t 230. The bksellers’ riverside spts are _____31_____ sught-after. The Paris city cuncil _____32_____ the spts t be used fr five years. The bksellers dn’t _____33_____ rent, but they must stay pen _____34_____ fur days a week. In nrmal times, _____35_____ summers help with the slwer sales f the winter mnths.
    Jan and Maria - Aida Vandemrtele are visitrs frm Belgium(比利时). They enjyed ______36______ the ld bks and newspapers fr sale. 68-year-ld Jan said, “It’s nly in Paris that yu get t these _____37_____ with wnderful bks.”
    The Seine bk business is nt nly fr turists, _____38_____, Parisians als lve t walk alng the river and visit the bk sellers’ fferings. Kubilai Iksel, a 27-year-ld Parisian, said, “It’s very _____39_____ that new sellers have arrived, and it’s _____40_____ that the Seine bk business isn’t ging t disappear. It’s ne f the mst wnderful things abut Paris.”
    21. A. returnB. decisinC. pintD. cntributin
    22. A. changeB. endC. imprveD. star
    23. A. ges awayB. settles dwnC. turns upD. dates back
    24. A. greenB. experiencedC. frmerD. rich
    25. A. plateB. cntainerC. chairD. table
    26. A. prtectingB. cleaningC. leaningD. verlking
    27. A. wrkersB. visitrsC. farmersD. shppers
    28. A. stryB. aimC. passinD. idea
    29. A. apprvedB. cnsideredC. cntactedD. checked
    30. A. limitedB. clearC. ttalD. lucky
    31. A. finallyB. highlyC. rughlyD. equally
    32. A. permitsB. advisesC. requiresD. cnvinces
    33. A. gainB. cllectC. demandD. pay
    34. A. less thanB. at leastC. ther thanD. at mst
    35. A. prfitableB. cmfrtableC. lngD. ht
    36. A. checking utB. heading frC. lking thrughD. referring t
    37. A. stresB. marketsC. wrkshpD. stands
    38. A. hweverB. besidesC. therefreD. instead
    39. A. disappintingB. wrryingC. encuragingD. calming
    40. A. beliefB. prmiseC. purpseD. sign
    【答案】21. A 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. B 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. A 36. C 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. D
    【21题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:被称为“书店”的户外书商现在已经回到了该市著名的塞纳河附近的社区。A. return回来;B. decisin决定;C. pint点;D. cntributin贡献。根据下文“He is nw a bkseller. He pened his large green wden ________ f used bks and placed it n a wall ________ the river in the heart f Paris.”可知,塞纳河畔的书店生意回归了。故选A。
    【22题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:许多人认为疫情将结束他们的生意和500多年来的河边销售传统。A. change改变;B. end结束;C. imprve提高;D. star主演。根据上文“Many thught”可知,许多人认为的是疫情会带来不好的影响,所以将结束他们的生意。故选B。
    【23题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:见第2题详解。A. ges away离开;B. settles dwn定居;C. turns up出现;D. dates back追溯到。根据下文“ver 500 years”可知,河边销售传统是可以追溯到500多年前的。故选D。
    【24题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:拉希德·博伊亚努安以前是水手和渔船技工。A. green新手的;B. experienced有经验的;C. frmer以前的;D. rich富有的。根据下文“He is nw a bkseller.”可知,拉希德·博伊亚努安以前是一名水手,现在是一名书商。故选C。
    【25题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:他打开装旧书的绿色大木箱,把它放在俯瞰巴黎市中心河流的墙上。A. plate盘子;B. cntainer箱子;C. chair椅子;D. table桌子。根据下文“f used bks”可知,装书的应该是箱子。故选B。
    【26题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:见第5题详解。A. prtecting保护;B. cleaning使干净;C. leaning学习;D. verlking俯瞰。根据上文“wall”可知,墙比河流高出很多,所以是俯瞰河流。故选D。
    【27题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:他在游客经过时向他们出售二手书。A. wrkers工人;B. visitrs游客;C. farmers农民;D. shppers购物者。根据下文“as they pass by.”和“The bksellers’ riverside spts are ________ sught-after.”可知,塞纳河畔是著名的旅游景点,所以从旁边经过的应该是游客。故选B。
    【28题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:他笑着说:“我一直喜欢好看的书,我想为什么不分享这种热情,与其他人分享我喜欢的书和作者呢?”A. stry故事;B. aim目的;C. passin热情;D. idea想法。根据上文“I always lve beautiful bks”可知,作者要分享的是他对书籍的热情。故选C。
    【29题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:市议会最近批准了Bianuan和其他17家新的河边书商。A. apprved批准;B. cnsidered考虑;C. cntacted联系;D. checked检查。根据下文“This brings the ________ number f bksellers alng the river t 230.”可知,市议会应该是批准了Bianuan和其他17家新的河边书商,使得他们的总数达到了230家。故选A。
    【30题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这使得沿河的书商总数达到230家。A. limited有限的;B. clear清楚的;C. ttal总共的;D. lucky幸运的。根据下文“t 230”可知,这里指书商的总数。故选C。
    【31题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:书商们的河边景点很受欢迎。A. finally最后;B. highly高度地;C. rughly大概;D. equally平等地。根据上文“The bksellers’ riverside spts”可知,畅销书应该是在高度受欢迎的地方卖。故选B。
    【32题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:巴黎市议会允许这些景点使用五年。A. permits允许;B. advises建议;C. requires要求;D. cnvinces使信服。根据下文“the spts t be used fr five years”可知,巴黎市议会应该是允许书商们使用这些景点五年。故选A。
    【33题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:书商不付租金,但他们必须每周至少营业四天。A. gain获得;B. cllect收集;C. demand要求;D. pay付款。根据下文“rent”可知,这里应该是付租金的情况。故选D。
    【34题详解】考查数词短语辨析。句意:见第13题详解。A. less than少于;B. at least至少;C. ther than除了;D. at mst最多。根据下文“fur days a week”可知,这应该是市议会对书商们售卖时间的要求,他们要利用卖书形成一道风景,所以应该是尽可能长时间地要他们卖书,因此此处表示每周至少营业四天,故选B。
    【35题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在正常时期,盈利的夏季有助于冬季销售的放缓。A. prfitable获益的;B. cmfrtable舒服的;C. lng长的;D. ht热的。根据下文“help with the slwer sales f the winter mnths”可知,应该是夏季盈利,冬季效益不太好。故选A。
    【36题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:他们喜欢翻阅待售的旧书和旧报。A. checking ut结账;B. heading fr前往;C. lking thrugh浏览;D. referring t提到。根据下文“the ld bks and newspapers fr sale”可知,游客应该是看这些旧书和旧报。故选C。
    【37题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:68岁的简说:“只有在巴黎,你才能看到这些摆满好看的书籍的书摊。”A. stres商店;B. markets市场;C. wrkshp车间;D. stands摊位。根据下文“with wnderful bks”可知,这里指摆满好看的书籍的书摊。故选D。
    【38题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,塞纳河的图书生意不仅为游客服务,巴黎人也喜欢沿着河流散步,参观图书销售商的商品。A. hwever然而;B. besides此外;C. therefre因此;D. instead相反。根据上下文意思可知,上下文是转折关系。故选A。
    【39题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:27岁的巴黎人Kubilai Iksel说:“新卖家的到来非常令人鼓舞,这标志着塞纳河图书业务不会消失。这是巴黎最美妙的事情之一。”A. disappinting令人失望的;B. wrrying令人担心的;C. encuraging令人鼓舞的;D. calming平静的;根据下文“that new sellers have arrived”可知,有新的卖家的来卖书应该是非常令人鼓舞的事情。故选C。
    【40题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:见第19题详解。A. belief信念;B. prmise承诺;C. purpse意图;D. sign符号,标志。根据上文“It’s very ________ that new sellers have arrived”可知,不断的有新的卖家的来卖书,这标志着塞纳河图书业务不会消失。故选D。
    In 2020,Sticky, a candy shp in Sydney, was n the edge f shutting dwn. S its ____41____(wn), David King, decided t take advice frm his daughter, Anabelle: Jin TikTk (抖音)and shw the candy-making prcess nline.
    The first shw nly had 30 views—but, in time, mre and mre peple started watching. But Anabelle, ____42____was in her last year f high schl at the time, wanted t take things a step further. She tried t cnvince her father ____43____ (start) a TikTk page fr Sticky. King was hesitant at first, but he let Anabelle give it ____44____try.
    It wrked. Since they made the accunt(账户) tw years ag, the Kings ____45____ (gain)6 millin fllwers frm all ver the wrld. The stre’s sales have increased by 300%.
    Aside ____46____the grwth f the business, the success n TikTk has als changed Anabelle's life as well. “ I wuld never have made the decisin t study bth marketing and media if it hadn’t been fr the wrk I was already ding,” she said in an interview.“ Mre ____47____ (imprtant), we have created a quite ____48____ (pwer) and sweet cmmunity.”
    Nw, the candy shp____49____ (be) busy again, this time with a huge netwrk f fans and supprters ____50____ (stand) behind it. Anabelle and her father spend their days making candies and vides tgether.
    【答案】41. wner 42. wh 43. t start 44. a 45. has gained
    46. frm 47. imprtantly 48. pwerful 49. is 50. standing
    【41题详解】考查名词。句意:因此,创始人大卫·金(David King)决定听取女儿安娜贝尔(Anabelle)的建议:加入了抖音,在网上展示制作糖果的过程。根据空前形容词性物主代词its可知,此处用名词wner,作句子的主语。故填wner。
    【42题详解】考查非限制性定语从句。句意:但是安娜贝尔,当时是她高中的最后一年,想要更进一步。分析句子可知,“ was in her last year f high schl at the time”为非限制性定语从句,先行词为“Anabelle”,指人,在从句中为主语,所以用关系代词wh,故填wh。
    【43题详解】考查不定式。句意:她试图说服父亲为Sticky创建一个抖音页面。短语:cnvince sb. t d“说服某人做某事”,因此空处用不定式t start,作动词cnvince的补语,故填t start。
    【44题详解】考查冠词。句意:金一开始有些犹豫,但他让安娜贝尔试一试。短语:give it a try“试一试”,故填a。
    【45题详解】考查现在完成时和主谓一致。句意:自从他们两年前开通这个账号以来,这个账户已经获得了来自世界各地的600万粉丝。空处在句中为谓语,结合句中“Since they made the accunt(账户) tw years ag”可知,空处的时态用现在完成时;句子主语“the Kings”指代上文“the accunt”为单数含义,所以空处助动词用has,故填has gained。
    【46题详解】考查介词。句意:除了业务的增长,抖音的成功也改变了安娜贝尔的生活。短语:aside frm“除……之外”,故填frm。
    【49题详解】考查主谓一致和时态。句意:现在,糖果店又忙起来了,这一次有庞大的粉丝和支持者站在后面。空处在句中为谓语,结合时间状语“nw”可知,时态为一般现在时;句子主语“the candy shp”为第三人称单数,所以此处用is,故填is。
    【50题详解】考查非谓语。句意同上。分析句子可知,空处及其后的内容为定语,修饰名词短语“fans and supprters”,动词“stand”与名词短语“fans and supprters”为主谓关系,所以空处用现在分词standing,表主动。故填standing。
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改,增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(八),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。
    After class, ur math teacher and all the classmate left the classrm except Jenny and me. They were bth busy ding hmewrk. Twenty minutes later, when I was abut t leave, and I fund Jenny was crying sadly. She didn't knw what t slve at math prblem. I'm gd at math, s I decide t help her. After a while, Jenny managed t wrking ut the prblem under my help. She was such happy that she thanked me fr giving her helping hand It is amazed t see my little help stp her frm feeling bad.
    【答案】1. classmate→classmates
    2. They→We
    3. what→hw
    4. 去掉at
    5. decide→decided
    6. wrking→wrk
    7. under→with
    8. such→s
    9. helping前加a
    10. amazed→amazing
    【详解】1. 考查名词复数。句意:下课后,除了我和珍妮,我们的数学老师和所有的同学都离开了教室。分析句子结构可知,all后可接可数名词复数形式,且此处表示复数概念,指“所有的同学们”。故将classmate改为classmates。
    2. 考查代词。句意:我们都忙着做作业。前文提到“Jenny and me”(珍妮和我)由此判断,本文使用了第一人称,此处应使用第一人称代词。故将They改为We。
    3. 考查宾语从句。句意:她不知道怎么算这道数学题。分析句子结构可知,此处是宾语从句,根据句意此处应表示“方式”,可使用连接副词hw引导宾语从句。故将what改为hw。
    4. 考查介词。句意:她不知道怎么算这道数学题。分析句子结构可知,slve(解决)为及物动词,后直接接名词。故去掉at。
    5. 考查动词时态。句意:我擅长数学,所以我决定帮她。分析文章时态可知,文章使用了一般过去时,且此处陈述过去事实,因此也应使用一般过去时。故将decide改为decided。
    6. 考查固定短语。句意:过了一会,Jenny在我的帮助下终于算出了这道数学题。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定短语manage t d sth.,意为“设法完成”。故将wrking改为wrk。
    7. 考查固定短语。句意:过了一会,Jenny在我的帮助下终于算出了这道数学题。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定短语with ne's help,意为“在的帮助下”。故将under改为with。
    8. 考查固定句型。句意:她很高兴,她感谢我伸出援助之手。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定句型s+adj.+that从句。故将such改为s。
    9. 考查冠词。句意:她很高兴,她感谢我伸出援助之手。分析句子结构可知,此处为固定短语give a hand,意为“帮忙”,且helping为辅音音素开头的单词,可使用不定冠词a进行修饰。故在helping前加a。
    10. 考查形容词。句意:看到我的一点帮助使她不再感到难过,真是令人惊奇。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定句型it is +adj. t d sth.,句中主语是物,因此需使用ed结尾的形容词在句中作表语。故将amazed改为amazing。
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 请你用英语写一篇短文,介绍你的暑假计划。
    内容包括:1.你的计划是什么?2.为什么这样计划? 3.计划如何实施?
    My Summer Vacatin Plan
    【答案】My Summer Vacatin Plan
    The summer vacatin is cming. I have a gd plan fr it. I will g t Beijing with my parents in July. We will g there by plane. Because it is fast. We will visit the Palace Museum and the Great Wall. We will take lts f phts there. We will als eat delicius Bejing Duck. I’m sure my summer vacatin will be fun. We will enjy urselves.

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