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    这是一份[英语]广西壮族自治区2023-2024学年高二下学期开学联合检测试题,共10页。试卷主要包含了填写答题卡的内容用2B铅笔填写,提前 xx 分钟收取答题卡等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    第Ⅰ卷 客观题
    1. Why did the wman g t Mallrca?
    A . T learn Spanish. B . T lk fr a jb. C . T see a friend.
    2. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A . Take him t hspital. B . G t a class with him. C . Submit a reprt fr him.
    3. Wh will lk after the children?
    A . Jennifer. B . Suzy. C . Marie.
    4. What are the speakers ging t d?
    A . Drive hme. B . G shpping. C . Eat ut.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A . Hw t fry fish. B . Hw t make cffee. C . Hw t remve a bad smell.
    第Ⅱ卷 主观题
    6. When des Gmez watch a ftball game n TV?
    A . When the stadium is crwded. B . When his friends are t busy. C . When he fails t get a ticket.
    7. Hw much did Gmez pay fr the ftball game last time?
    A . $ 20. B . $25. C . $50.
    8. What did Alex d in the afternn?
    A . He had a walk. B . He went hunting. C . He planted trees.
    9. What did Alex bring back?
    A . Flwers. B . Leaves. C . Bks.
    10. What was Bb ding when Alex saw him?
    A . Fishing. B . Taking pictures. C . Swimming.
    11. What did David d n his mst recent hliday?
    A . He had a bat trip. B . He climbed a muntain. C . He tk a balln flight.
    12. What are n David's list?
    A . Things he wished t d. B . Gifts he needed t buy. C . Dates he had t remember.
    13. Where des the wman suggest David g fr his next hliday?
    A . Munt Fuji. B . The deep sea. C . The Amazn.
    14. Why did Sarah make the phne call?
    A . T ask a favr. B . T pass n a message. C . T make an appintment.
    15. Where is Sarah nw?
    A . At a meeting rm. B . At her hme. C . At the Sheltn Htel.
    16. What time is Michael leaving his place tmrrw mrning?
    A . At 7: 40. B . At 8: 00. C . At 8: 20.
    17. What is the prbable relatinship between Jhn and Sarah?
    A . Neighbrs. B . Fellw wrkers. C . Husband and wife.
    听下面一段独白 ,回答问题。
    18. What d mst peple think is very imprtant in spken cmmunicatin?
    A . Prnunciatin. B . Grammar. C . Vcabulary.
    19. Why shuld yu listen t experts accrding t the speaker?
    A . T develp yur reading fluency. B . T imprve yur nte-taking skills. C . T find ut yur misprnunciatins.
    20. What is the speaker's last suggestin?
    A . Spelling ut the difficult wrds. B . Practicing reading the wrds alud. C . Checking the wrds in a dictinary.
    With ver 70% f the cuntry blanketed in frest, Bhutan is rich in utdr activities and charming villages that shwcase a distinctive culture fund nwhere else n the Earth. Here are ur picks fr the best places t add t yur Bhutan traveling list.
    Less than 10 minutes away frm the airprt, the histric riverside twn f Par is knwn fr the Natinal Museum, Rinpung Dzng and symblic Tiger's Nest Mnastery. Wander alng Par's streets and the Par Weekend Market t explre shps and stands ffering handmade suvenirs. When yu've wrked up an appetite, step int any restaurant fr fresh, handmade mm dumplings.
    In Bhutan's capital city, spend the day creating yur wn stamps at the Bhutan Pstal Museum, turing the massive Thimphu's museums and watching plicemen manually direct traffic(there are n traffic lights in the entire city). When the sun sets belw the muntains, enjy yurself at bars like Grey Area, a ppular art bar with live music where yu can shut "tashi delek!", a Xizang's expressin fr gd luck and health.
    Belved fr riverside farms where cws eat amng rice and pepper fields, Punakha is hme t what is its mst beautiful temple, which sits alng the Punakha River. Punakha's lw altitude means it tends t be htter and sunnier than nearby twns and districts, which means yu'll need t take precautins t avid sunburn.
    Fashin lvers can expect t visit behind the curtain in Bhutan's textile center, Khma. In the eastern district f Lhuentse, this village is hme t rughly 1,000 residents—and few cars. Khma's artisans spend their days weaving delicate patterns and designs n traditinal Bhutanese lms(织布机), creating clrs frm the area's minerals and plants.
    21. What is recmmended fr visitrs traveling in Thimphu?
    A . Acting as a pliceman. B . Enjying the nightlife. C . Purchasing ancient stamps. D . Trying handmade dumplings.
    22. What shuld visitrs carry while traveling in Punakha?
    A . Fd. B . Life jackets. C . Sunblck. D . Warming clthing.
    23. Which attractin best suits turists wh are interested in traditinal crafts?
    A . Par. B . Thimphu. C . Punakha. D . Khma.
    Ms. McIntyre, 38, wrked as a publisher. She suffered brain cancer and her health gt wrse despite sme medical treatment. But she realized that in a way, she was luckier than sme ther peple. She had insurance t help pay fr her medical care. But Ms. McIntyre and her husband, Mr. Gregry, knew that many peple with cancer face tugh decisins because f the csts f medical care and wind up wing far mre than they can pay.
    Thugh her health was failing, Ms. McIntyre decided t help pay ff the medical debts f as many peple as she pssibly culd. The cuple began dnating mney t a grup called RIP Medical Debt, which is cmmitted t wrking t pay ff the unpaid medical debts f thers. The grup can pay ff medical bills fr abut 100 times less mney than they cst. In ther wrds, fr every 100dnated, the grup can pay ff 10,000 in unpaid medical bills.
    Unfrtunately, Ms. McIntyre passed away befre lng. Mr. Gregry psted a message fr Ms. McIntyre n her scial media accunts. "If yu're reading this, I have passed away," the pst began. Then the pst explained, "T celebrate my life, I've arranged t buy up thers' medical debts and then destry the debts."
    The cuple had set up a page n a website t raise mney fr this purpse. They had hped t raise abut $20,000. Nevertheless, Ms. McIntyre's last pst attracted a lt f attentin. The dnatins n her web page quickly passed the ttal gal. In less than a week, the site had raised 10 times mre than expected and the dnatins are still cming in. By Nvember 22, 2023, Ms. McIntyre's web page had raised ver $627,000, r enugh mney t pay ff abut $60millin in medical debts.
    Mr. Gregry planned a special event in December t celebrate Ms. McIntyre's life and t annunce hw many millins f dllars f medical debts her effrts had paid fr.
    24. Why did Ms. McIntyre feel luckier than sme ther peple?
    A . The dctrs eventually cured her. B . Her disease didn't becme wrse. C . She had a decent jb befre being ill. D . She had security abut medical care.
    25. Hw did Ms. McIntyre and her husband help thers?
    A . By paying fr their daily debts. B . By giving away mney t them. C . By ridding them f debts frm treatments. D . By purchasing medical insurance fr them.
    26. What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A . The public invlvement. B . The cuple's cmmitment. C . The peratin f a website. D . The increase f medical debts.
    27. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Ms. McIntyre?
    A . Humrus and elegant. B . Influential and understanding. C . Cautius and prmising. D . Enthusiastic and adaptable.
    Can yu name a famus elephant? Babar, perhaps? Or Dumb? Thugh these names may be memrable t humans, they sund nthing like the names elephants give each ther. "If yu're an elephant, yur name is smething mre like a lw, rumbling sund(隆隆的声音)," scientists say. Researchers have fund that African elephants emit sunds in respnse t individuals in their scial grup, and the receivers respnd accrdingly.
    Researchers recrded 527 elephant calls in nrthern Kenya and 98 calls in suthern Kenya. They then distinguished which members were separated frm the herd at the time f each call, r which members were clse t the herd. Researchers crrectly identified the receivers f 20.3% f the 625 recrded calls. This marks a step frward in understanding hw these highly intelligent animals cmmunicate.
    "There's a cntact rumble, an anti-predatr rumble and a greeting rumble. If yu lk at a spectrgram(声谱图)with yur eyes, they all lk almst exactly the same," said Caitlin O'Cnnell-Rdwell, an elephant bilgist at Harvard Medical Schl. "That's why artificial intelligence(AI)has been exciting. It allws us t really figure ut what the elephants are saying."
    As it turned ut, the calls were distinct t the receivers. Even calls frm different callers t the same receiver were similar. The pattern was less bvius than it was between a single caller and his r her receiver. This may be because rumbles encde(把……编码)multiple messages at the same time, s the AI system in cmputer mdel may nt have been able t pick ut the "name" used in each call. "It just highlights the cmplexity f what's ging n. And we're nt skilled enugh in these measurements t figure ut what's ging n," said Caitlin.
    Hwever, the research shws hw elephants are navigating thrugh a large landscape and can still keep in tuch with specific individuals. It allws them t spread ut much further and still have very clse tabs n individuals, nt just the grup.
    28. What can we infer frm paragraph 1?
    A . Elephants seem t have their wn names. B . Elephants' sunds differ frm ther species. C . Elephants' names sund exactly like humans'. D . Elephants' names sund different frm each ther.
    29. Hw did the researchers cnduct their study?
    A . By gruping the elephants based n intelligence. B . By bserving the elephants' reactins t the calls. C . By analyzing the relatinship within the elephants. D . By cpying the elephants' vice t call their names.
    30. What is the functin f AI in the research?
    A . Simplifying the prcess. B . Creating a spectrgram. C . Letting ut varius rumbles. D . Making ut each rumble.
    31. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A . Hw d elephants cntact each ther? B . Why d elephants make their vice? C . D elephants name ne anther? D . D elephants like t be called?
    As a saying ges, yu're nly as ld as yu feel, but what if different parts f yur bdy aged at different speeds? It turns ut they d. The study abut the age f ur bdies shws that different tissues(组织)inside us are effectively different ages. In 2012, Prfessr Steve Hrvath at the University f Califrnia, Ls Angeles, lked at smething new—DNA methylatin(甲基化), a naturally ccurring prcess in which DNA is chemically changed ver time.
    Hrvath analyzed the DNA in 8,000 tissue samples frm different parts f the bdy in different peple t study these markers. What he fund was striking—the amunt f methylatin in cells frm mst parts f the bdy was a gd predictr f the persn's age. But there were incnsistencies. Breast tissue, fr instance, ages rapidly, whereas muscle ages slwly. The rates f ageing are als different in men and wmen. "There are many medical implicatins, frm cancer t premature ageing diseases," says Hrvath. It has already been established that tissue that lks significantly lder culd be cancerus. Hrvath's study fund that cancerus tissue has a bilgical age n average 36 years lder than a subject's actual age.
    Culd this knwledge help us live lnger? "If the markers relate t a prcess that causes ageing, then it wuld be theretically pssible t slw dwn ageing by carefully targeting DNA methylatin," says Hrvath. But befre scientists gt t wrk n dealing with methylatin, they first needed t establish whether these changes were the cause f ageing r just a byprduct f anther prcess. Nw, a 2023 study frm the University f Michigan has backed up Prfessr Hrvath's findings, which means they can safely make further studies f methylatin.
    "Our main aim was t see whether bilgical age acceleratin measured frm DNA methylatin was predictive f health utcmes and death," said research assciate prfessr Jessica Faul. "It turned ut that it is largely the case. Yu can use certain DNA methylatin markers t predict age and age-related utcmes quite well."
    32. What is the purpse f the first paragraph?
    A . T lead in the tpic f the text. B . T summarize the whle text. C . T ffer suggestins t readers. D . T stimulate readers t imagine.
    33. What d we knw abut Hrvath's discvery abut methylatin?
    A . It helps peple live much lnger. B . It desn't always predict ne's age. C . It exists in sme parts f ne's bdy. D . It causes the different rates f ageing.
    34. What des the underlined phrase "backed up" in paragraph 3 mst prbably mean?
    A . Cnsulted. B . Cntradicted. C . Apprved. D . Predicted.
    35. Hw des Jessica Faul find DNA methylatin as a predictr f health?
    A . Avidable. B . Unrealistic. C . Risky. D . Ptential.
    Peple are always living with technlgy nwadays. Here cmes a smart hme, which is cntrlled by the tuch f a buttn. 36 This acts like a remte cntrl t activate husehld systems and mnitr inside temperatures. If dne successfully, a smart hme system will be integrated s seamlessly that a husehld will appear t run itself.
    Hme autmatin is designed t intrduce efficiency t a hme. 37 An efficient smart hme uses sensrs t prevent ver-watering f utdr gardens and cntrl rm temperatures, all f which can reduce expenses. In additin t cst savings, hme autmatin ften prvides a sense f security t hmewners.
    Families with children r elderly adults in the hme may be reassured by sme safeguards in smart hme security, like fire alarms that alert the apprpriate agencies in the event f a prblem. Lighting activatin runs n times, which can be a life saver if an ven is left n when smene leaves the hme. 38
    Hme autmatin is nt just fr safety, hwever. 39 With a centralized cntrl unit, a persn des nt have t leave the cuch t turn dwn the blinds r even rder grceries, which can be autmated.
    40 Such a hme becmes dependent n technlgy fr rutine tasks. If smething ges wrng with the central autmatin unit, it is nt just ne appliance at risk as malfunctins can disrupt systems that are vital t running a hme. As a result, fr all peple, a hme can becme a place f technical faults that repeatedly require repair.
    A. A smart hme desn't apply t all family members.
    B. It achieves this by saving hmewners time and mney.
    C. There are sme drawbacks with an autmated hme system.
    D. It can als prvide cnvenience fr peple living in the hme.
    E. Hme autmatin depends n furniture and hme temperatures.
    F. Besides prtecting peple, it als ffers security fr expensive items inside a residence.
    G. Thrugh hme autmatin, an entire huse can be cnnected via a smart cntrller.
    One mrning n their walk t schl, 9-year-ld Khle Thmpsn and her mther passed a wman living n the street. Trubled at the thught f peple living withut a hme, Khle felt an 41 t help.
    At the time, she and her great grandmther wrked tgether several days per week t craft clrful bags, which 42 an idea: Filling up her beautiful hmemade bags with 43 fr hmeless persns wh had fallen n 44 times. Khle hpes t imprve their lives, with all they needed t make their 45 frm the streets t stable husing.
    Khle's great grandmther was 46 the idea f handing ut their bags t help thers, and she agreed t 47 the cst fr the fillings that went int the first batch f bags. After the success f their first bag deliveries, they wanted t find a way t cntinue their 48 prject. They created a GFundMe page and psted it n scial media t attract ptential 49 . The verwhelming 50 t campaign mtivated Khle and her family t launch their wn nn-prfit fundatin, Khle Kares, in 2015. Khle Kares has given away mre than 5,000 Kare Bags which are 51 f a few mnths' supply f basic care items. The rganizatin has 52 ut t help many ther cmmunities.
    Nw Khle 53 wrks t mtivate ther kids t becme 54 within their cmmunities. She wants ther kids t knw that their actins matter. "Yur age desn't determine yur 55 ," Khle said.
    41. A . invitatin B . attractin C . interest D . urge
    42. A . stirred up B . gave up C . made ut D . subscribed t
    43. A . masterpieces B . necessities C . dcuments D . leftvers
    44. A . previus B . ancient C . tugh D . cultural
    45. A . angles B . cnstructin C . stands D . transitin
    46. A . in favr f B . in need f C . n behalf f D . n accunt f
    47. A . spare B . reduce C . cancel D . fund
    48. A . permanent B . charitable C . apprpriate D . riginal
    49. A . viewers B . netizens C . dnrs D . residents
    50. A . access B . cmmitment C . reactin D . addictin
    51. A . ashamed B . terrified C . tired D . cmpsed
    52. A . figured B . branched C . brught D . checked
    53. A . passinately B . luckily C . apparently D . ptentially
    54. A . desperate B . defeated C . engaged D . curius
    55. A . scre B . impact C . gal D . future
    A city's name can ften indicate its status in a natin's histry. Nanjing, meaning "suthern capital city" literally in Chinese, culd claim such an influential 56 (identify)in histry.
    The city, nw capital f East China's Jiangsu Prvince, was nce 57 (glbal)cnsidered t have 58 urban histry f 2,500 years, a new archaelgical research rewrites that. It was funded mre than 3,100 years ag when an ancient city named Changgan was recently excavated(发掘).
    " 59 (date)frm the Shang and Zhu dynasties, archaelgists fund that the city's walls were prtected by trenches(战壕), 60 is a universally acknwledged indicatr f a defensive system 61 (adpt)by ancient cities," says Chen Dahai, head f the archaelgical excavatin team. "In the histry f the ancient system, trenches 62 (appear)befre the walls were cnstructed. They were built arund the living area 63 (prevent)flds and defend against enemies," he added.
    The latest archaelgical findings may reshape the city's histry, with 64 (it)appearance tracing back t mre than 3,100 years ag. Wang Wei, directr f the Chinese Academy f Scial Sciences' Archaelgy Department, recgnizes the discvery 65 a remarkable archaelgical finding in tracing the Nanjing's rigins.
    66. 假定你是李华,上周五你校举办了一场主题为"健康与运动"的演讲比赛。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:1.参赛人员;2.现场描述;3.比赛反响。
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Daniel's mther, Debbie Ashwrth struggled t raise her tw kids. As the lder child at hme, Daniel was a gd help t his mther, cleaning the rm and caring fr his yunger brther, Tny.
    On a cld winter mrning, Debbie asked the kids t g t the supermarket fr sme grceries. A ty panda n the she If caught Tny's eyes. It was s adrable that he culd hardly tear himself away frm it. Knwing that they culdn't affrd it, Daniel tld his brther t put it back. But Tny really wanted it and was unwilling t leave. "Please, I can wait until Mm's salary came in n June 15th," Tny said. Daniel hesitated fr a while, then tk ut a pen and wrte a nte, which read, "Please keep the ty panda fr my little brther until June 15th, when my mther gets her salary t pay fr it. Thanks." Placing the nte n tp f the bx, they left the supermarket relieved.
    One f the staff sptted the nte, wh then shwed it t the manager. The nte melted everyne there and they decided t d smething thughtfully. They put away the ty panda s that it wuldn't be purchased by ther shppers. After that, they tried their best t search fr the tw bys, but in vain. There was n ther clue(线索)n the nte t identify them. It appeared that they had n alternative but t wait until June 15th, which was abut half a mnth away.
    The big day finally arrived. Unexpectedly, the tw bys didn't shw up. "Maybe they have frgtten all abut the ty," ne clerk whispered. "Impssible. A ty animal might nt mean much t an adult. But fr a child, it culd mean the wrld," the manager said. "We must cme up with a way t cntact them." They decided t turn t the Internet by psting the nte and their phne number nline, hping it culd bring a surprise.

    A Speech Cntest Abut "Health and Sprt"
    The pst eventually attracted the attentin f Debbie.
    "I lst my jb last mnth," Debbie sighed(叹气).

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