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      安徽省A10联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期6月学情调研考试英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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      安徽省A10联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期6月学情调研考试英语试题 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份安徽省A10联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含安徽省A10联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期6月学情调研考试英语试题Word版含解析docx、安徽省A10联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期6月学情调研考试英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分,考试时间120分钟;
    2. 请将第Ⅰ卷的答案用2B铅笔涂在答题卡上;第II卷必须用黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡相应的位置上。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A pht. B. A drawing. C. An artist.
    2. What sprt d the speakers bth like?
    A. Running. B. Swimming. C. Hiking.
    3. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A trip. B. A film. C. A pht.
    4. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Clleagues. C. Bss and emplyee.
    5. What des the wman think the building might be?
    A. A department stre. B. A htel. C. An apartment.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What kind f fd will the speakers have this week?
    A. Japanese fd. B. Chinese fd. C. Thai fd.
    7. When will the speakers get tgether?
    A. On Friday. B. On Thursday. C. On Wednesday.
    8. Why desn’t the man cat at the university cafeteria?
    A. It’s less fun. B. It’s t expensive. C. It’s n. healthy.
    9. What des the man need mney t pay fr?
    A. Textbks. B. A car. C. Rent.
    10. What des the man prbably want t be in the future?
    A. A teacher. B. A banker. C. A dctr.
    11. Hw des Alex feel abut the jb interview?
    A. Disappinted. B. Regretful. C. Wrried.
    12. Why did Alex fail in the jb interview?
    A. Luck didn’t favr him nce again.
    B. Smene fit the jb better than him.
    C. Smething went wrng with his CV.
    13. What des the wman ffer t d?
    A. Write a CV. B. Apply fr anther jb. C. Practise interview questins.
    14. What is the aim f the campaign?
    A. T remind peple f Earth Day.
    B. T encurage peple t reduce garbage.
    C. T warn peple f the bad effects f pllutin.
    15. What will be the task n the secnd day?
    A. Planting trees. B. Designing psters. C. Cllecting garbage.
    16 What des the man expect the teachers t d?
    A. Paint paper. B. Stp driving cars. C. Decrate classrms.
    17. ‘Hw des Sara find the man’s ideas?
    A. Ridiculus. B. Cnfusing. C. Wnderful.
    18. What prblem did the senir citizens have?
    A. They gt trapped in the fallen trees.
    B. They were stuck in the wheelchairs.
    C. Fallen leaves blcked their walking paths.
    19. Wh called n the vlunteers t help the senir citizens?
    A. Jay Garrett. B. Barry. C. Wally, West.
    20. Hw did the children deal with the leaves?
    A. They sent them t the landfill. B. They tk them t the farm. C. They used them t grw crps.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    4 Unmissable Washingtn D. C. Hiking Trails
    Lking fr the best hiking near Washingtn D. C. ? Yu’re in the right place! Here are fur f the tp trails in and arund Washingtn D. C.
    Rck Creek Park
    As ne f Washingtn D. C. ’s biggest parks, yu’ll find almst unlimited activities t enjy in Rck Creek Park, like cycling, swimming, rck climbing, hrseback riding, and even bating. Thanks t its well-maintained paths and mderate height (300ft) , the park is accessible t all skill levels. Alng the way, dn’t miss the clnial huses, civil war frtificatins and ther ld, histric landmarks!
    Whiteak Canyn Falls
    Situated in the rlling hills f Virginia, just west f Washingtn D. C. , Shenandah Natinal Park features heavily n ur list thanks t its scenic verlks, scenic frest trails and abundant waterfalls, the mst famus f which is Whiteak Canyn Falls alng the Whiteak Canyn Trail. Many lnger trails are well-maintained and therefre beginner-friendly.
    Old Rag Muntain
    Old Rag Muntain ffers mst wnderful views, but yu’re ging t have t walk t get there! Yu’ll be undertaking a 5-6 hur jurney n beautiful wdland trails leading up the side f the muntain, nt suitable fr beginners. Alng the way, yu’ll face rcky slpes (斜坡) , narrw crridrs, and a 2-3 mile-lng demanding rck climbing.
    Dark Hllw Falls
    Dn’t let the name fl yu. This is actually a fairly easy trail thrugh a quiet frest. The nly thing stpping yu frm reaching the 70ft waterfall is a steep and rcky slpe. The paths are brad and well-maintained, but hiking bts are still recmmended t help yu keep yur fting. The area is great fr sptting lcal wildlife and birdwatching. Keep an eye ut fr many f the 190 bird species fund in the park, such as the dark-eyed junc and the gray catbird.
    1. What is special abut Rck Creek Park?
    A. Its paths are in gd cnditins.B. It is hme t sme histrical sites.
    C. It ffers many scenic spts t hikersD. Sme wnderful waterfalls are there.
    2. Which trail is prbably challenging fr hikers?
    A. Rck Creek Park.B. Whiteak Canyn Falls.
    C. Old Rag Muntain.D. Dark Hllw Falls.
    3. What des the authr suggest t hikers in Dark Hllw Falls?
    A Wearing hiking bts.B. Hiring a lcal as a guide.
    C. Aviding the steep slpe.D. Bringing alng drinking water.
    The Pleasantn Partnerships in Educatin Fundatin (PPIE) was started in 1987 t raise mney fr lcal schls. Based in Pleasantn, Califrnia, the nnprfit recently hsted a family-fcused fitness event fr the cmmunity.
    “Our event helps t bring the cmmunity tgether” said Mindy Luie, events and utreach manager fr PPIE. “We have mre than 3, 000 participants, hard-wrking vlunteers, and cheerers.”
    This year’s fitness event tk place n April 30 at the Alameda Cunty Fairgrunds. It featured races f tw miles, five kilmeters (abut 3. 1 miles), and 10 kilmeters (abut 6. 2 miles). A new Kids Challenge cnsisting f a quarter-mile run was added t encurage yunger children t participate. When asked t describe the run, 11-year-ld Jeremy Luie said, “Fun, exciting, and enjyable.” Jeremy added that he was happy t help supprt his schl.
    The PPIE supprts all 15 schls in the Pleasantn Unified Schl District, which includes mre than 14, 500 students and 800 teachers. T date, the PPIE has raised $1 millin fr the schl district.
    A lcal runners’ grup called the BURN Yuth Develpment (r B. Y. D.) participated in the fundraiser. The B. Y. D. began at the start f COVID-19 utbreak t encurage lcal kids t stay fit. Since then, it has grwn t include mre than 100 yuth members, 30 f whm ran in April’s PPIE event. “The B. Y. D. was brn in the darkest days f COVID-19 t keep kids active,” explained Jerry Wu, the grup’s funder and lead cach. “Watching them running happily makes me smile every time,” he added.
    Wu encurages teamwrk and teaches the students valuable running techniques. Eighth grader Ollie Gu, a B. Y. D. member, was ne f the tp finishers in the 10 km run. He cmpleted the race in 40 minutes and 46 secnds and wn first place in the12-15-year-ld age grup. “The race was extremely rewarding,” Ollie said. “I’m lking frward t it next year.”
    4. Which run can yunger children take part in?
    A. 0. 25 miles.B. 2 miles.C. 3. 1 miles.D. 6. 2 miles.
    5. Why was the B. Y. D. set up at the beginning f COVID-19?
    A. T train participants fr PPIE.B. T raise mney fr lcal schls.
    C. T teach students valuable running techniquesD. T inspire lcal kids t take up physical exercise.
    6. Which wrds can best describe the funders f PPIE and the B. Y. D. ?
    A Physically pwerful.B. Scially respnsible.
    C. Smart and ambitius.D. Knwledgeable and generus.
    7. Which might be the best title f the text?
    A. Running fr educatinB. Adding fun t exercise
    C. Bringing the cmmunity tgetherD. Participating in fitness events
    Plant-based milks have been grwing in ppularity fr years, but the nutritinal cntent f different milks and milk alternatives varies.
    The glbal dairy alternatives market is prjected t grw frm $22. 25 billin in 2021 t $53. 97 billin in 2028, accrding t a reprt by Frtune Business Insights. In February 2022, the wrld’s first ptat milk launched in the UK, which is described as being “deliciusly creamy” and is advertised as “the mst sustainable plant-based dairy alternative n the market.”
    While sme peple turn t dairy alternatives, the dairy milk industry is defending its prduct. It is reminding peple that cw’s milk is an excellent surce f calcium (钙) , prtein, and vitamin D. It’s als mre hydrating (保湿) than water, accrding t a small study by St Andrews University in Sctland. Hwever, sme peple shun dairy because f intlerance r envirnmental cncerns, and fr sme, the cncern is health.
    Plant-based milks are nt necessarily healthier than dairy, and when fllwing a plant-based diet, dietitians recmmend ensuring yur dairy-free milk alternatives cntain essential vitamins and minerals. “Chse milk alternatives that cntain vitamins such as vitamin B12 and vitamin D, in additin t the mineral calcium,” said dietitian Nichla Ludlam-Raine.
    Nutritinal cntent f milks varies, with sme ffering mre fiber, fat, prtein sugar, and calries than thers. Fr example, unsweetened almnd (杏仁) milk is a lw-calrie chice, but lw-fat cw’s milk ffers the mst prtein. Cw’s milk, fr example, cntains lts f calcium and vitamin D, as well as prtein. Bean milk is ften rich in calcium, and is als high in prtein. Therefre, we cnsumers shuld always keep in mind the nutritinal infrmatin when chsing which milk t have in ur cffee, n ur cereal (麦片) , r alngside a ckie.
    8. What des the underlined wrd “shun” in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    A. Reach ut fr.B. Turn away frm.
    C. Are addicted t.D. Speak highly f.
    9. What suggestin d dietitians give t cnsumers chsing plant-based diet?
    A. Having milk alternatives withut prtein.
    B. Turning t dairy-free milk alternatives.
    C. Drinking bth cw’s milk and plant-based milks.
    D. Chsing plant-based milks with basic nutritinal cntent.
    10. Hw is unsweetened almnd milk different frm lw-fat cw’s milk?
    A. It is richer in prtein.B. It ffers less fat and sugar.
    C. It prduces fewer calries.D. It cntains mre vitamin
    11. What is the authr’s attitude twards plant-based milks?
    A. Objective.B. Supprtive.C. Skeptical.D. Uncncerned.
    Over the years, educatin technlgy has changed s greatly that it may be challenging t keep up with all the changes.
    Online learning has changed a lt ver the years. There was a time when learning mstly ccurred when the students and the teachers were in the same place. Nw, it is pssible fr a student in Kenya t attend classes in China, d their exams, pass and get their certificates Remember the days when, if yu needed a textbk, yu either had t g t the library r t buy a physical cpy? Nw, there are many bks yu can find nline. With Open Educatinal Resurces, it is pssible t find digital versins f sme resurces like textbks. Yu can save the mney fr smething else.
    Lng gne are the days when sme few individuals held mst f the knwledge, and the rest learned frm them. Nw, thanks t the Internet, anyne can learn and teach.
    Take blgs fr example. With blgs, anyne can give an accunt f their activities and their pinins, and discuss places they have visited n their websites. Of curse, there are drawbacks t the technlgical advancement. One f the main prblems is that it is easy fr smene t publish wrng infrmatin.
    Artificial intelligence is changing many ways f the educatin industry, frm teaching t administratin. Fr example, Al can be used t mnitr a student’s prgress and give reprts t the teachers. Teachers can use Al t analyze students’ recrds and results and give feedback. Sme universities are even using AI t teach.
    When it cmes t educatin technlgy, it is clear that sme technlgical advancements were nt directly created fr educatin but have made learning mre accessible. Fr example, ne may nt cnsider scial media as educatinal technlgy.
    Hwever, cnsider hw many peple wh have similar ideas have been cnnected and shared infrmatin ver scial media with thse wh wuld nt have met therwise.
    This adaptatin f different technlgical tls frm different fields is helping imprve the quality f educatin fr students everywhere.
    12. What enables students in different cuntries t learn the same materials at the same time?
    A. Online learning.B. Online blgging.
    C. Open Educatinal Resurces.D. Artificial intelligence.
    13. What is the main disadvantage f blgs?
    A. False infrmatin.B. Delaying feedback.
    C. Cnflicting pinins.D. Repeated resurces.
    14. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. Educatin develpment is nt necessarily a gd thing.
    B. Scial media were created fr educatin in the beginning.
    C. Nt all technlgical advancements prmte educatin.
    D. Technlgical advancements in ther fields may benefit educatin.
    15. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The new trend f future educatin.B. The develpment f educatin technlgy.
    C. Advantages f mdern educatin technlgy.D. Changes f artificial intelligence.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Our planet is made f abut 70% water, and 97% f that water is salty. All the ceans-frm the Atlantic t the Pacific, frm the Arctic t the Indian-are all salty!
    What is in cean water, anyway? ___16___ But there are lts f ther elements in the water, t. There are disslved (溶解的) salts and minerals in cean water. There are small amunts f many chemicals — even metals like gld!
    Sme f these elements enter the cean thrugh runff which is water that flws ver the land and int streams, rivers and eventually int ceans. ___17___ And the acid eats away at rcks and sil. As a result, tiny bits f minerals and salts jin with the rainwater as runff and make their way t the cean.
    Salt als cmes frm the depths f the cean. Deep dwn n the cean flr, there are penings that push ht water int the cean. The warm water frm the penings cntains a lt f disslved minerals. These include mre salt. A similar reactin happens when underwater vlcanes erupt. The seawater surrunding the vlcan reacts with the ht rcks f the vlcan. ___18___
    ___19___ Yu may have heard f the Great Salt Lake r the Dead Sea. These salty lakes are usually very large, and they frm inland (nt cnnected t the cean) . Believe it r nt, sme f these lakes can be ten times saltier than the cean!
    As drughts becme mre cmmn and mre severe, many hpe that we culd ne day get mre f ur drinking water frm the cean. ___20___ Hwever, it is nt an easy prcess. Salt disslves in water s easily that it is hard wrk t separate them.
    A. It is mstly made up f water, f curse.
    B. There are sme lakes that are very salty.
    C. There is a way t remve salt frm seawater
    D. As yu might already knw, rainwater is mildly acidic.
    E. But runff isn’t the nly reasn that cean water is salty.
    F. Minerals and salts frm thse rcks disslve int the cean water.
    G. Oceans may tend t be less salty where there is a lt f rainfall.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Dennis Barnes, a senir at Internatinal High Schl (IHSNO) in Luisiana, applied t 200 schls acrss the US, aiming t pursue a degree in cmputer science.
    ___21___, he fund his mailbx verflwing with at least 188 ffers frm universities alng with mre than $9 millin in ___22___ schlarships, prving just hw desperate the schls are t have Barnes ___23___ with them.
    The number f ___24___ Barnes has received breaks the previus Guinness recrd, ___25___ by a high schl senir wh received 58. 7 millin in schlarships back in 2019.
    The schl said that Barnes has a ___26___ grade pint average f 4. 98, hlds leadership psitins in the Natinal Hnr Sciety and is fluent in Spanish-puts the rest f us t ___27___ desn’t it?
    Barnes has finally made his ___28___. When interviewed last week, the 16-year-ld ___29___ that he’d be heading t Crnell University this fall. “It is an ____30____ t be accepted t the Ivy League,” said Barnes. He added that it had been a (n) ____31____ decisin t make as he’d always wanted t attend the famus university. “Once I received the ____32____, I knew that’s where I was ging. Ging t anther schl was ____33____ really an ptin,” he explained.
    Talking abut the secret t his ____34____, Barnes said, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way. S when yu have a will t get dne what yu want t get dne, it’s definitely ging t ____35____ and yur dreams will cme true.”
    21. A. OriginallyB. NrmallyC. AmazinglyD. Obviusly
    22. A. ptentialB. frtunateC. previusD. imaginary
    23. A. cmpetingB. celebratingC. recveringD. studying
    24. A. ffersB. reprtsC. suggestinsD. titles
    25. A. equaledB. beatenC. challengedD. held
    26. A. typicalB. fantasticC. particularD. generus
    27. A. shameB. angerC. delightD. relief
    28. A. prmiseB. wishC. decisinD. recrd
    29. A. cncludedB. cnfirmedC. cmplainedD. whispered
    30. A. attitudeB. pprtunityC. hnrD. intentin
    31. A. easyB. frmalC. finalD. sudden
    32. A. instructinB. admissinC. recmmendatinD. gift
    33. A. alwaysB. smetimesC. nceD. never
    34. A. wealthB. healthC. happinessD. success
    35. A. gatherB. respndC. happenD. jin
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    When driving in cld winter yu may be faced with a special headache: running int black ice. Black ice isn’t actually black in clr ___36___ is almst cmpletely clear. Since yu see right thrugh it t the pavement belw, it ften ___37___ (seem) t be black, thus the name “black ice.”
    Black ice needs the right cnditins ___38___ (frm) . First, water must cllect n the rad in a very thin layer. And the surce f water usually cmes frm fg, gentle rain r melted snw. Usually, black ice ___39___ (find n the rads n cld, sunless early winter mrnings. It als tends t frm n bridges and verpasses. Drivers shuld watch ut fr spts n the rad ___40___ are shaded by trees r ther bjects, since shady areas are perfect spts fr black ice t frm.
    What shuld yu d if yu’re driving and yu hit ___41___ area f black ice? The immediate ___42___ (respnd) is t hit the brake, since yu want the car t stp Hwever, ___43___ (expert) recmmend remving yur ft frm the gas and keeping yur steering wheel straight befre ___44___ (try) t apply the brake t stp. This sunds easy, but it can be ____45____ (particular) difficult t remember when yu hit black ice.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是校报英语专栏学生编辑李华,近期和同学们一起参观了你市举办的以未来生活为主题的科技展。请你用英语写一篇报道,分享在校报英语专栏上,内容包括:
    1. 展览内容介绍;2. 你的观展感受。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Back last Octber, I was wrking at my desk when the phne rang. “Yur rder arrived. And the bx is making a lt f nise,” he said.
    I eagerly pened up the mailbx, and a pile f baby chicks—just a few days ld—rlled nt the flr. They were s cute!
    “Well,” I said t my husband, “we’re nw chicken peple.”
    That’s right. I rdered 15 chicks in the mail. I didn’t d it just fr the eggs. Instead, I thught they might help with ur mental health. They give us a reasn t g utside every mrning and evening, ften arund sunrise and sunset, t feed them, give them water and make sure they’re safe in the hen-huse fr the night. They’ve als helped
    my family learn hw t transfrm negative emtins, such as anger, fr psitive emtins, such as wnder and awe.
    And that’s exactly what has happened with my family and the 11 beautiful hens we nw have in ur backyard (unfrtunately, nt all 15 chicks survived) . Every day the hens d mysterius and amazing things. “Like taking dirt baths,” says my 7-year-ld daughter, Rsy. “Basically they dig a hle in the grund and rub their bdies in the dirt.”
    One afternn, we fund ne f the hens—we named her Carmel—n ur rf. “Hw did she get up there? D chickens fly?” My husband asked. I had n gd answer fr him but instead just enjyed the wnder at it. Then the next night, while we were making dinner, anther hen named Marshmallw came t the kitchen windw and just stared at us.
    Fr me, the mst impressive thing abut chickens is their strange and mysterius sunds. When the chickens turned 5 mnths ld, they started t make a sund like: buh buh, buy, bah-gawk, with a strng emphasis n the gawk. The pattern repeats ver and ver fr a few minutes straight. When I heard this sund I immediately stpped what I was ding and thught, “What n earth are they trying t tell me?”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Then ne day, when I heard this special sund, I ran utside t the hen-huse and lked inside.
    The chicks I mail-rdered last Octber ended up changing ur life.

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