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    Here cme fur mst ppular clubs in ur schl! Jin us, and we will help yu t find yur wn shining pints, lead yu t find beauty and t create beauty, and make yur campus life as fulfilling and happy as a dream.
    Basketball Club
    Students will be able t develp their basketball skills further and have the pprtunity t cmpete in basketball games with members frm ther internatinal schls in Beijing. The club will be available t 10-16 members frm Grades 5 t 8, and will practice twice weekly.
    Public Speaking Club
    The Public Speaking Club will be centered arund the persnal develpment f students alng with develping public speaking skills. The club will be interested in fcusing n all skills in delivering better speeches and imprving cmmunicatin skills. The club will be available t 10-12 members frm Grades 7 t 12, and will meet nce weekly (Wednesday).
    Yga Club
    Yga nt nly imprves balance, flexibility, and jint stability, but als serves as a peaceful escape frm the stress f daily life. Our students will have the chance t physically exercise while reducing sme stress frm their life. The club will be available t 10-16 members frm Grades 7 t 12, and will meet nce weekly (Tuesday).
    Media Club
    The Media Club teaches students the basics f jurnalism. The club engages in a wide range f activities like interviewing teachers and students, writing abut big events n campus, and perating the weekly schl radi bradcasts. The club will be available t 8-12 members frm Grades 6 t 12 and will meet nce weekly (Mnday).
    1.Which club will attract students wh want t get bth mental and physical benefits?
    A.Basketball Club.B.Public Speaking Club.C.Yga Club.D.Media Club.
    2.What will club members d at the Media Club?
    A.Set up a schl radi.B.Write imaginary stries.
    C.Learn public speaking skills.D.Interview teachers and students.
    3.Where can the text be fund?
    A.In a schl intrductin.B.In a research paper.
    C.In a histry textbk.D.In a guidebk.
    In 1999, Jhn Smyth, a high-schl teacher decided it was time t retire. Tgether with his wife Helen, he set ff n a jurney arund Australia. But when they returned, Jhn fund he missed the classrm, s he spent anther eight years ding casual teaching.
    Then he heard abut a prgram knwn as Vlunteers fr Islated Students’ Educatin (VISE), which pairs up energetic peple with educatinal experience, usually retired teachers, with children whse schling is largely dne remtely, because they live t far away frm twns and cities t attend regular schls. Jhn grew up in the cuntry and as a kid in the bush, he always dreamed f running with circus, but he didn’t even have much chance t see the circus in persn. Therefre he was immediately interested in the prgram and gt a travelling pst as a teacher with Stardust Circus.
    The lessn timetable was built arund the kids perfrmance schedules. “The eight-year-ld I tutred was an awesme gymnast wh was part f the teeterbard (跷跷板) act,” he explains. “A big guy wuld jump n the ther side, he wuld swing up in the air, d a cuple f twirls (旋转) and land n his uncle’s shulders, and his uncle was standing n the by’s father’s shulders!”
    The circus still includes sme animal acts, including lins, mnkeys, hrses, gats and pigs. Jhn and his wife Helen fund it extrardinary enugh t sink int sleep t the sund f lins raring, but ne day the lin-trainer, Matt, gave him a very special privilege, inviting him in t meet fur 13-mnth-ld lins in persn. While it was understandably a little scary at first, fr Jhn it was a never-t-be-frgtten experience, which helped him realize his byhd dream in his 75th year.
    4.What can we knw abut the children in the Stardust Circus?
    A.They missed the classrm.
    B.Mst f them lived dwntwn.
    C.They were dreaming f travelling.
    D.They were lacking in regular schling.
    5.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.Jhn taught the gymnast t perfrm in the air.
    B.Teachers f the prgram had a flexible schedule.
    C.Jhn’s dream came true as a vlunteer in the circus.
    D.The cuple were fed up with the sund f lins raring.
    6.Hw did Jhn prbably feel after meeting the little lins?
    7.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.Running with CircusB.Missing Regular Schl
    C.Enjying RetirementD.Travelling with Animals
    Bdy language is an essential part f cmmunicatin and can be just as imprtant as ur spken language exchanges. Bdy language can be bth cnscius r uncnscius actins, s it is imprtant t make sure yur bdy is sending the same messages as yur wrds t ensure gd cmmunicatin. These actins can strengthen the verbal (口头的) messages yu’re sending r it can lead t mistrust r cnfusin — signs f pr cmmunicatin and misunderstanding.
    Bdy language can make interacting with thers and expressing yurself much easier, but it can als intrduce new challenges. Sme nnverbal signs unintentinally cmmunicate parts f urselves that we dn’t want thers t knw. Fr example, bad psture r fidgeting (坐立不安) may cmmunicate lack f cnfidence, smething we may nt intend fr thers t knw abut us. But bdy language can strengthen ur verbal messages and slidify what we are telling thers. Facing smene with eye cntact r taking ntes while smene is speaking can cmmunicate genuine interest. Withut these signs, teachers may nt be able t assess a student’s understanding.
    When yu’re speaking sincerely, it’s natural fr yur bdy language t respnd t yur wrds thrugh gestures r facial expressins. We als use gestures in cnversatins t tell stries r describe bjects, ften using hand signals t shw hw big r small smething is. These are largely uncnscius, naturally ccurring frms f bdy language.
    It can be difficult t cmmunicate cnfidence in yur actins when yu may nt feel it internally. When yu display cnfident bdy language, such as gd psture r eye-cntact, even if yu’re making a cnscius effrt, studies have shwn that it can lead t feeling mre cnfident. When speaking t thers, practice cntrlling impulses t fidget and planting yur feet cnfidently t increase self-esteem.
    8.What wuld yur bdy language tell if it can’t g with yur speech?
    A.A prbable disbelief.B.True meaning behind wrds.
    C.An unclear cnditin.D.A dull speech.
    9.Why des the authr give sme examples in paragraph 2?
    A.T shw bdy language can help us all the time.
    B.T tell bdy language can shw the true side f us.
    C.T explain hw challenging it is t read bdy language.
    D.T tell teachers hw t assess a student’s understanding.
    10.What des the authr intend t tell in the last tw paragraphs?
    A.Hand signals are essential ways t make urselves understd.
    B.Naturally ccurring frms f bdy language makes us cnfident.
    C.Prper bdy language can help us a lt in gaining cnfidence.
    D.When speaking t thers, try yur best t hide yur bdy language.
    11.What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Knwing Yur Friends with Bdy Language
    B.Understanding Others by Bdy Language
    C.Being Smart in Shwing Yur Bdy Language
    D.Helping Cmmunicate with Bdy Language
    Acrss the wrld, peple and gvernments are banning pesticides (杀虫剂) and planting mre flwers t increase bee ppulatins naturally. Nw farmers and beekeepers have a new way t prtect bee ppulatins.
    The traditinal hive mst cmmnly used in the wrld tday was designed by humans abut 150 years ag. Mst peple are s used t them that they mistakenly cnfuse them with bees’ natural habitat. By cmpletely redesigning the beehive, a cmpany called Beewise was able t address many f the inefficiencies f the bx and significantly imprve bees’ well- being and lifetime.
    Using 24/7 mnitring and smart technlgy that significantly increases pllinatin capacity (授粉能力) and hney prductin, Beewise’s rbtic beehive, the Beehme, discvers threats t a hneybee ppulatin such as pesticides and the presence f pests and immediately defends against them. Its autmatic rbtic system respnds t threats in real time and requires n human assistance. Beehmes are thermally regulated (热调节的) and can prvide prtectin frm fires, flding, and Asian wasps. The hive even feeds the hneybees when lcal fd supply is nt available.
    In a statement, the cmpany says, “The Beehme reduces bee deaths by 80%, resulting in increased prductin f at least 50%, while reducing abut 90% f manual labr (体力劳动) when cmpared t traditinal beehives.”
    Beewise currently manages mre than seven billin bees, which is equal t 25,000 acres f pllinated crps. Thrugh the Beehme device, the Israeli startup says it has saved ver 160 millin bees ver the curse f the last 12 mnths.
    Their task f saving bees recently received $80 millin funding fr their autnmus hive. “We are using precisin rbtics with the wrld’s mst creative technlgies including AI and cmputer visin in rder t save the bees,” stated Saar Safra, CEO f Beewise. He says that with thusands f rders placed in the U.S. in just the last few mnths, their new funding will allw Beewise t meet the market demand thrugh increased prductin.
    12.What d we knw abut the traditinal hive mst cmmnly used tday?
    A.It is artificial.B.It is bees’ natural habitat.
    C.It can be cnfusing t bees.D.It des mre harm than gd.
    13.What is an advantage f the Beehme?
    A.It is similar t natural beehives.B.It can help bees t settle dwn.
    C.It can mnitr fires and flds.D.It keeps bees away frm threats.
    14.What is Saar Safra’s attitude twards the Beehme?
    15.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.The benefits f banning pesticides.B.A new device t save bee ppulatins.
    C.Ptential threats bees are facing tday.D.Ways t increase bees’ pllinatin ability.
    16.Smetimes, the stress yu experience frm schling can affect yur verall physical and mental health. The fllwing are sme ways t help yu better manage stress at schl.
    Lk at things frm the right perspective.
    T smartly handle stress, the first thing yu have t d is change hw yu lk at yur situatin. ① Instead, it is an pprtunity t help yu create a brighter future fr yurself.

    Yur mind needs t get a picture f every single thing that yu shuld accmplish in a particular perid f time, r yu’ll spend days and nights blindly wrrying abut the things that yu ught t d. Therefre, a t-d list, visible and written, will get rid f verthinking that leads t anxiety.
    Ignre unprductive cmments frm ther peple.
    Learn t accept blame with an pen mind but beware (提防) f wrthless remarks frm peple wh dn’t even matter. D nt let these peple change yur fcus. ③ Be with the right peple and take advice frm thse wh have gd intentins.
    Never take yur physical and mental health fr granted.
    Smetimes, stress cmes frm ignring yur health by nt eating right r n time; at ther times yur anxiety may cme frm a deeper reasn such as failing mental health. ④
    Create an effective time management plan.
    Set yur schedule and find a balance amng all aspects f yur life. ⑤ Als, it will give yu the feeling that yu are in cntrl. Yu dn’t have t waste yur time wrrying abut schl-related tasks.
    A.Dn’t lse cntrl f the situatin.
    B.Make a list f things yu need t d.
    C.Ding s will help yu better arrange everyday affairs.
    D.Yu dn’t even need t listen t them, just stay away frm them.
    E.Smetimes, stress is caused by yur bdy’s inability t functin prperly.
    F.Thus, yu shuld knw when t seek help and what yur bdy truly needs.
    G.Being a student is nt a tiring rle, and studying is nt an exhausting respnsibility.
    Last year in early summer, I was walking t my huse when I saw tw large birds standing in my yard. They didn’t seem t 1 me until I was right in frnt f them and then they 2 disappeared int the nearby bushes. I was quite excited by the 3 f tw special birds making a nest (巢) in my yard.
    A few weeks later, the birds 4 . I fund them cruching (蹲伏) beside a tree. As I apprached them, they 5 their heads and made a craking (嘶哑地叫) sund. I didn’t knw why they were craking at me until a shrt time later I made an amazing 6 : there were tw small birds 7 arund happily.
    As I inched twards the birds, 8 nt t make sudden mvements, they started their craking again, putting their necks frward s they seemed 9 and mre threatening.
    The mther put the baby birds under her wings and carefully cruched dwn ver them s her babies were well 10 .
    I was watching them with respect when I suddenly 11 and fell t the grund. The mther tk this as a/an 12 and the father raced twards me, 13 his wings t prtect the mther and the baby birds.
    I felt srry t have disturbed them and left quickly. I am amazed by their 14 actins. Their parental lve made them s curageus. It is hard nt t shw 15 fr nature.
    21.A.stuck utB.put dwnC.hang utD.turned arund
    32.Insect numbers have decreased by half in sme parts f the wrld due ① climate change and intensive agriculture (集约型农业), a study has fund.
    Lead researcher, Dr. Charlie Outhwaite f University Cllege Lndn, said ② (lse) insect ppulatins culd be harmful nt nly t the natural envirnment, but als t human health and fd security, ③ (particular) with lsses f pllinatrs (传粉昆虫).
    Hwever, scientific data gives ④ mixed picture, with sme types f insects shwing sharp declines, while thers are staying steady. In the latest study, the researchers pulled tgether data n the range and number f nearly, 20, 000 insect species, including bees, ants, etc, at 6,000 different ⑤ (place).
    In areas with intensive agriculture and severe warming, insect numbers ⑥ (reduce) by 49% s far and the number f different species by 27%, cmpared with untuched areas ⑦ have avided the mst severe effects f climate change, accrding t the research ⑧ (publish) in Nature. But the researchers said there was sme cause fr hpe in that setting aside areas f land fr nature created a shelter fr insects, which need shade ⑨ (survive) in ht weather.
    “Sme ⑩ (care) management f agricultural areas such as preserving natural habitats near farmland, may help ensure vital insects can still grw well,” said Dr. Charlie Outhwaite.
    33.假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Jim 在给你的邮件中提到他对中国的伟人很感兴趣,并请你介绍一位你喜欢的中国人物,请你给他回信,内容包括:
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    34.I was brn in a small village in the muntainus prvince f La Cai in Vietnam. In my pverty-stricken small village, girls hardly had the chance t cmplete their educatin. But I was lucky. I was brn int a family where my parents supprted ur educatin. As ne f the very few families that culd affrd all children t cntinue t study till high schl, my parents faced a lt f negative pinins frm ur neighbrs.
    I was nt always there fr the criticism, hwever, as I lived in barding schls fr ethnic minrity (少数民族) children. There were a lt f girls and bys frm different ethnic grups in ur schls. In these secnd hmes, I learned frm teachers and friends and mst imprtantly, I was trained t live independently and with cnfidence. And this gave me the mtivatin t try harder every day.
    In 2017, I came t Hani, the capital city, as a first-year student at the University f Languages and Internatinal Studies. It was a life-changing experience fr me. I was thrilled at the fact that the students here were s bright and brilliant. The wrld became much bigger fr me — far different frm my small twn. “Where are yu frm? Are yu an ethnic minrity?” Thse were the frequent questins I had frm my classmates at the beginning. At first, I was afraid f thse questins and then I realized that when I began t talk penly abut my culture, I was warmly received.
    It ges withut saying that cnfidence grws in a nurturing (滋养的) envirnment. Again, I fund myself lucky. Slwly I started t engage in schl activities and after sme time, I vlunteered fr cmmunity activities.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    In 2019, I became the leader f a students’ grup wrking n vluntary prjects fr ur ethnic cmmunity.
    Nw I am wrking as a teaching assistant in an internatinal primary schl.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Yga Club部分“Yga nt nly imprves balance, flexibility, and jint stability, but als serves as a peaceful escape frm the stress f daily life.(瑜伽不仅能提高平衡性、柔韧性和关节稳定性,还能让你平静地逃离日常生活的压力)”可知,瑜伽俱乐部会吸引那些既想获得精神上的好处又想获得身体上的好处的学生。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段Media Club部分“The club engages in a wide range f activities like interviewing teachers and students, writing abut big events n campus, and perating the weekly schl radi bradcasts.(俱乐部的活动范围很广,比如采访老师和学生,报道校园里的重大事件,以及运营每周的学校广播)”可知,俱乐部成员将在媒体俱乐部采访老师和学生。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段“Here cme fur mst ppular clubs in ur schl! Jin us, and we will help yu t find yur wn shining pints, lead yu t find beauty and t create beauty, and make yur campus life as fulfilling and happy as a dream.(我们学校最受欢迎的四个社团来了!加入我们,我们将帮助你找到自己的闪光点,带领你发现美,创造美,让你的校园生活如梦一般充实和快乐)”结合文章主要介绍了学校的四个社团以及各自的特色。可推知,文章选自学校介绍。故选A。
    4.答案: D
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Then he heard abut a prgram knwn as Vlunteers fr Islated Students’ Educatin (VISE), which pairs up energetic peple with educatinal experience, usually retired teachers, with children whse schling is largely dne remtely, because they live t far away frm twns and cities t attend regular schls.(然后,他听说了一个名为“孤立学生教育志愿者”(VISE)的项目,该项目将有教育经验的精力充沛的人(通常是退休教师)与孩子们配对,因为孩子们住在离城镇太远的地方,无法上正规学校,所以他们的学业基本上是远程完成的。)”可知,孩子们无法上正规学校,他们的学业基本上是远程完成的,因此他们缺乏正规学校教育,故选D。
    5.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Jhn grew up in the cuntry and as a kid in the bush, he always dreamed f running with circus, but he didn’t even have much chance t see the circus in persn. (约翰在乡下长大,小时候在灌木丛中,他一直梦想着和马戏团一起巡演,但他甚至没有太多机会亲自去看马戏团。)”和最后一段“While it was understandably a little scary at first, fr Jhn it was a never-t-be-frgtten experience, which helped him realize his byhd dream in his 75th year.(尽管起初有点害怕,但对于Jhn来说,这是一个永远无法忘记的经历,这让他在75岁这一年实现了儿时的梦想。)”可知,在马戏团里,Jhn作为一名志愿者教师,他实现了自己小时候想和马戏团一起巡演的梦想,故选C。
    6.答案: B
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“but ne day the lin-trainer, Matt, gave him a very special privilege, inviting him in t meet fur 13-mnth-ld lins in persn. While it was understandably a little scary at first, fr Jhn it was a never-t-be-frgtten experience, which helped him realize his byhd dream in his 75th year.(但是有一天,训狮员给了他一个特权,邀请他亲自去看4个13个月大的狮子。尽管起初有点害怕,但对于Jhn来说,这是一个永远无法忘记的经历,这让他在75岁这一年实现了儿时的梦想。)”可推知,Jhn亲自看到了狮子,这便让他实现了自己小时候的梦想,因此在看完狮子后,他应该是很激动的,故选B。
    7.答案: A
    解析:主旨大意题。根据文章第二段“Therefre he was immediately interested in the prgram and gt a travelling pst as a teacher with Stardust Circus.(因此,他立刻对这个项目产生了兴趣,并在星空马戏团获得了一个教师的职位。)”以及后文对他跟着马戏团的经历的描写可知,本文主要讲述了退休了的高中教师Jhn参加了VISE项目,通过这个项目,Jhn完成了自己小时候想和马戏团一起巡演的梦想,故A项“与马戏团一起奔跑”符合文章标题,故选A。
    8.答案: A
    解析:细节理解题。从第一段“These actins can strengthen the verbal (口头的) messages yu’re sending r it can lead t mistrust r cnfusin — signs f pr cmmunicatin and misunderstanding.(这些行为可能会强化你发送的口头信息,也可能导致不信任或困惑——沟通不畅和误解的迹象。)”可知,如果肢体语言与我们语言不一致,就有可能传递不信任或者困惑的信息。故选A项。
    9.答案: B
    解析:推理判断题。从第二段“Sme nnverbal signs unintentinally cmmunicate parts f urselves that we dn’t want thers t knw. (一些非语言符号无意中传达了我们自己不想让别人知道的部分。)”可以推断出,作者举例说明有些非语言性的符号能展现我们真实的一面。故选B项。
    10.答案: C
    解析:推理判断题。由文章倒数第二段“When yu’re speaking sincerely, it’s natural fr yur bdy language t respnd t yur wrds thrugh gestures r facial expressins. We als use gestures in cnversatins t tell stries r describe bjects, ften using hand signals t shw hw big r small smething is. These are largely uncnscius, naturally ccurring frms f bdy language.(当你真诚地说话时,你的肢体语言会通过手势或面部表情来回应你的话,这是很自然的。我们在谈话中也会用手势来讲故事或描述物体,通常用手势来显示物体的大小。这些大多是无意识的、自然发生的肢体语言。)”以及下段“It can be difficult t cmmunicate cnfidence in yur actins when yu may nt feel it internally. When yu display cnfident bdy language, such as gd psture r eye-cntact, even if yu’re making a cnscius effrt, studies have shwn that it can lead t feeling mre cnfident. When speaking t thers, practice cntrlling impulses t fidget and planting yur feet cnfidently t increase self-esteem.(当你可能没有内在感觉时,很难对自己的行为表达信心。研究表明,当你表现出自信的肢体语言时,比如良好的姿势或眼神交流,即使你在有意识地努力,也会让你感到更加自信。在与他人交谈时,练习控制烦躁的冲动,自信地站稳脚跟,以增强自尊。)”可知,作者讲述的合适的肢体语言能让我们展现自信的一面可推断,合适的身体语言能在自信中帮助我们。故选C项。
    11.答案: D
    解析:主旨大意题。由文章第一段“Bdy language is an essential part f cmmunicatin and can be just as imprtant as ur spken language exchanges. Bdy language can be bth cnscius r uncnscius actins, s it is imprtant t make sure yur bdy is sending the same messages as yur wrds t ensure gd cmmunicatin. These actins can strengthen the verbal (口头的) messages yu’re sending r it can lead t mistrust r cnfusin — signs f pr cmmunicatin and misunderstanding.(肢体语言是交际的重要组成部分,与口语交流同样重要。肢体语言可以是有意识的,也可以是无意识的,所以确保你的身体发出的信息与你的言语相同,以确保良好的沟通是很重要的。这些行为可能会强化你发送的口头信息,也可能导致不信任或困惑——沟通不畅和误解的迹象。)”以及下文可知,文章讲述了身体语言在帮助我们沟通上的作用。所以D项Helping Cmmunicate with Bdy Language(用肢体语言帮助沟通)符合语境。故选D项。
    12.答案: A
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“The traditinal hive mst cmmnly used in the wrld tday was designed by humans abut 150 years ag.(当今世界上最常用的传统蜂巢是大约150年前由人类设计的。)”可知,今天最常用的传统蜂箱是人造的。故选A。
    13.答案: D
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“Using 24/7 mnitring and smart technlgy that significantly increases pllinatin capacity (授粉能力) and hney prductin, Beewise’s rbtic beehive, the Beehme, discvers threats t a hneybee ppulatin such as pesticides and the presence f pests and immediately defends against them. Its autmatic rbtic system respnds t threats in real time and requires n human assistance.(Beewise的机器人蜂巢Beehme采用全天候监控和智能技术,显著提高了授粉能力和蜂蜜产量,它能发现蜜蜂种群面临的威胁,如杀虫剂和害虫的存在,并立即采取防御措施。它的自动机器人系统对威胁做出实时反应,不需要人工协助。)”可知,Beehme的优势是它使蜜蜂远离威胁。故选D。
    14.答案: C
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“We are using precisin rbtics with the wrld’s mst creative technlgies including AI and cmputer visin in rder t save the bees(为了拯救蜜蜂,我们正在使用精密机器人和世界上最具创意的技术,包括人工智能和计算机视觉。)”和“He says that with thusands f rders placed in the U.S. in just the last few mnths, their new funding will allw Beewise t meet the market demand thrugh increased prductin.(他说,仅仅在过去的几个月里,美国就接到了数千份订单,他们的新资金将使Beewise能够通过增加产量来满足市场需求。)”可知,Saar Safra对Beehme的态度是积极的,故选C。
    15.答案: B
    解析:主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第二段“By cmpletely redesigning the beehive, a cmpany called Beewise was able t address many f the inefficiencies f the bx and significantly imprve bees’ well- being and lifetime.(通过彻底重新设计蜂巢,一家名为Beewise的公司能够解决蜂巢中许多效率低下的问题,并显著改善蜜蜂的健康和寿命。)”可知,本文主要介绍的是一种新型的机器人蜂巢Beehme以及它如何帮助拯救和保护蜜蜂种群,因此本文的主旨是B选项“A new device t save bee ppulatins.(一种拯救蜜蜂种群的新装置。)”。故选B。
    解析:①G空前“T smartly handle stress, the first thing yu have t d is change hw yu lk at yur situatin.(要巧妙地处理压力,你要做的第一件事就是改变你看待自己处境的方式。)”,空格处应该说如何改变看待处境的方式,G选项“Being a student is nt a tiring rle, and studying is nt an exhausting respnsibility.(做一名学生并不是一个累人的角色,学习也不是一个累人的责任。)”说明的是要认为做一名学生并不是一个累人的角色,学习也不是一个累人的责任,是一种积极的改变,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选G。
    ②B空格处是本段小标题,由空后“Therefre, a t-d list, visible and written, will get rid f verthinking that leads t anxiety.(因此,一份看得见的、写下来的待办事项清单,将会摆脱导致焦虑的过度思考。)”可知,本段主要讲的是要列一份待办事项清单,B选项“Make a list f things yu need t d.(列出你需要做的事情。)”说明了要列出待办的清单,概括了本段主要内容,可作为小标题,故选B。
    ③D空前“Learn t accept blame with an pen mind but beware (提防) f wrthless remarks frm peple wh dn’t even matter. D nt let these peple change yur fcus.(学会以开放的心态接受指责,但要提防那些无关紧要的人的无价值言论。不要让这些人改变你的注意力。)”说明要提防那些无关紧要的人的无价值言论,也就是不要听他们的,空格处应该和对待这种人的正确做法有关,也就是不要听他们说的,D选项“Yu dn’t even need t listen t them, just stay away frm them.(你甚至不需要听他们说话,只要离他们远点。)”说明了不要听那些人的,要远离他们,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选D。
    ④F空前“Smetimes, stress cmes frm ignring yur health by nt eating right r n time; at ther times yur anxiety may cme frm a deeper reasn such as failing mental health.(有时,压力来自于忽视你的健康,不正确或不按时饮食;在其他时候,你的焦虑可能来自更深层次的原因,比如心理健康状况不佳。)”说明可能引起压力的原因,空格处应该说该如何应对,F选项“Thus, yu shuld knw when t seek help and what yur bdy truly needs.(因此,你应该知道什么时候寻求帮助,以及你的身体真正需要什么。)”说明你应该知道什么时候寻求帮助,以及你的身体真正需要什么,是针对前面由不同原因导致的不同种类的压力的应对方法,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选F。
    ⑤C空前“Set yur schedule and find a balance amng all aspects f yur life.(制定你的时间表,在你生活的各个方面找到平衡。)”说明要制定时间表,空后“Als, it will give yu the feeling that yu are in cntrl.(此外,它会给你一种你在控制的感觉。)”说明的是制定时间表的另一个好处,空格处就应该说制定时间表的好处,C选项“Ding s will help yu better arrange everyday affairs.(这样做可以帮助你更好地安排日常事务。)”说明了制定时间表的一个好处,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选C。
    17.答案: C
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:它们似乎没有注意到我,直到我走到它们的正前方,它们才立刻消失在附近的灌木丛中。A. remind使想起;B. cnfirm证实;C. ntice注意到;D. prtest抗议。根据下文中的“until I was right in frnt f them and then they ___2___ disappeared int the nearby bushes.”可知,作者到了他们前面,他们才飞走,说明他们没有“注意到”作者。故选C项。
    18.答案: A
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:它们似乎没有注意到我,直到我走到它们的正前方,它们才立刻消失在附近的灌木丛中。A. immediately立刻,马上;B. familiarly熟悉地;C. creatively创造性地;D. slwly慢慢地。根据常识和下文中的“disappeared int the nearby bushes.”可知,鸟发现人,应是“立刻”飞走,消失在树丛中。故选A项。
    19.答案: D
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:两只特别的鸟在我的院子里筑巢的想法让我很兴奋。A. feeling感觉;B. sense意义;C. pinin观点;D. idea想法。根据上文中的“I was quite excited”和下文中的“f tw special birds making a nest (巢) in my yard”可知,两只特殊的鸟在院子里筑巢,这应是作者的一个“想法”,这想法让作者很兴奋。故选D项。
    20.答案: D
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:几周后,这些鸟又出现了。A. investigated调查;B. remved清除;C. gathered聚集;D. reappeared再次出现。根据上文中的“Last year in early summer, I was walking t my huse when I saw tw large birds standing in my yard.”和“A few weeks later, the birds”可知,此处指的是作者几周前见到的两只鸟“又出现”了。故选D项。
    21.答案: A
    解析:考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:当我走近它们时,它们伸出脑袋,发出呱呱的声音。A. stuck ut伸出;B. put dwn放下;C. hang ut闲逛;D. turned arund转向。根据语境和上文中的“As I apprached them”以及下文中的“their heads and made a craking (嘶哑地叫) sund.”可知,作者靠近鸟们时,鸟们要应会作出防御动作,所以此处为“伸出”脑袋,发出嘶哑的叫声,符合语境。故选A项。
    22.答案: B
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我不知道他们为什么对我呱呱叫,直到不久之后,我有了一个惊人的发现:有两只小鸟快乐地跳来跳去。A. cllectin收藏;B. discvery发现;C. cnclusin结论;D. missin任务。根据下文中的“there were tw small birds ___7___ arund happily.”可知,有两只小鸟跳来跳去,由此可知,这是作者的一个“发现”符合语境。故选B项。
    23.答案: A
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不知道他们为什么对我呱呱叫,直到不久之后,我有了一个惊人的发现:有两只小鸟快乐地跳来跳去。A. jumping跳起;B. fighting战斗;C. seeking寻找;D. marching行进。根据常识以及下文中的happily可知,此处应为小鸟快乐地“跳来跳去”符合语境。故选A项。
    24.答案: D
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我小心翼翼地挪向鸟儿时,它们又开始叫了起来,脖子向前伸着,显得更强壮,更有威胁性。A. curius好奇的;B. patient耐心的;C. wrried担忧的;D. careful小心的。根据上文中的“As I inched twards the birds”可知,作者谨慎移动,所以此处为“小心翼翼的”符合语境。故选D项。
    25.答案: D
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我小心翼翼地挪向鸟儿时,它们又开始叫了起来,脖子向前伸着,显得更强壮,更有威胁性。A. neater更整洁;B. simpler更简单;C. lnger更长;D. strnger更强大。根据上文中的“they started their craking again, putting their necks frward”可知,鸟们见到作者就大叫,脖子向前伸着,一幅打架的姿势,结合下文中的“mre threatening”可知,此处指的是他们这样做是为了显得“更强大”符合语境。故选D项。
    26.答案: B
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:妈妈把小鸟放在自己的翅膀下,小心翼翼地蹲下身子,把它们藏得很好。A. fed喂;B. hidden藏起来;C. raised提高;D. identified识别,辨别。根据语境及上文中的“The mther put the baby birds under her wings and carefully cruched dwn ver them”可知,见到作者,鸟妈妈把小鸟放在翅膀下,然后蹲下身子,这应是把小鸟“藏起来”的动作。故选B项。
    27.答案: A
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我正怀着敬意看着他们,突然绊了一下,摔倒在地。A. tripped绊倒;B. mved移动;C. alarmed使害怕;D. respnded作出回应。根据上文中的“suddenly”以及下文中的“and fell t the grund.”可知,作者突然摔到在地,由此可知,此处为“绊倒”符合语境。故选A项。
    28.答案: C
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:鸟妈妈认为这是一种威胁,于是鸟爸爸向我扑过来,张开翅膀保护鸟妈妈和鸟宝宝。A. target目标;B. defence防御;C. threat威胁;D. escape逃跑。根据上文中的“I was watching them with respect when I suddenly ___11___ and fell t the grund.”可知,作者突然绊了一下摔倒在地,鸟妈妈应是也受到惊吓,所以此处指的是鸟妈妈把这当成一种“威胁”符合语境。故选C项。
    29.答案: D
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:鸟妈妈认为这是一种威胁,于是鸟爸爸向我扑过来,张开翅膀保护鸟妈妈和鸟宝宝。A. shting射击;B. spilling溅起;C. flding折叠;D. spreading展开。根据上文中的“the father raced twards me”以及下文中的“ t prtect the mther and the baby birds.”可知,鸟爸爸为了保护鸟妈妈与鸟宝宝,应是“展开”翅膀,向作者扑来。故选D项。
    30.答案: C
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我对他们的勇敢行为感到惊讶。A. military军事的;B. individual个人的;C. brave勇敢的;D. average平均的。根据下文中的“Their parental lve made them s curageus.”可知,作父母的爱让他们如此英勇,由此可知,此处为“勇敢的”行为。故选C项。
    31.答案: B
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:不尊重自然是很难的。A. gratitude感激;B. respect尊敬;C. emtin情绪;D. pleasure快乐。根据语境以及上文中的“I was watching them with respect when I suddenly ___11___ and fell t the grund.”可知,作者的此次经历,使他意识到,要想不“尊重”大自然都很难。故选B项。
    32.答案:①t②lsing③particularly④a⑤places⑥have reduced⑦that/which⑧published⑨t survive⑩careful
    解析:①t考查介词。句意:一项研究发现,由于气候变化和集约化农业,世界上一些地区的昆虫数量减少了一半。due t是固定短语,意为“由于”,因此空格处是介词t,故填t。
    ②lsing考查动名词。句意:首席研究员、伦敦大学学院的Charlie Outhwaite博士说,昆虫数量的减少不仅对自然环境有害,而且对人类健康和粮食安全有害,尤其是传粉媒介的减少。空格处用动名词作said后的宾语从句中的主语,故填lsing。
    ③particularly考查副词。句意:首席研究员、伦敦大学学院的Charlie Outhwaite博士说,昆虫数量的减少不仅对自然环境有害,而且对人类健康和粮食安全有害,尤其是传粉媒介的减少。空格处用副词particularly作状语,particularly意为“尤其”,故填particularly。
    ⑤places考查名词的复数。句意:在最新的研究中,研究人员收集了6000个不同地方近2万种昆虫的范围和数量的数据,包括蜜蜂、蚂蚁等。空前有6,000 different,空格处用复数,故填places。
    ⑥have reduced考查时态和主谓一致。句意:根据发表在《自然》杂志上的研究,与未受气候变化最严重影响的未受影响地区相比,在集约化农业和严重变暖的地区,迄今为止昆虫数量减少了49%,不同物种数量减少了27%。由s far可知,句子时态是现在完成时,主语numbers是复数,因此空格处用have reduced。故填have reduced。
    ⑧published考查非谓语动词。句意:根据发表在《自然》杂志上的研究,与未受气候变化最严重影响的未受影响地区相比,在集约化农业和严重变暖的地区,迄今为止昆虫数量减少了49%,不同物种数量减少了27%。句中谓语是have reduced,空格处用非谓语动词,作后置定语修饰名词the research,名词the research和动词publish之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,因此空格处用过去分词表被动,故填published。
    ⑨t survive考查不定式。句意:但研究人员表示,人们有理由抱有希望,因为为大自然留出一些土地,为昆虫创造了一个庇护所,昆虫需要阴凉处才能在炎热的天气中生存。根据语境可知,句子表示“昆虫需要阴凉处才能在炎热的天气中生存”,空格处用不定式表目的,故填t survive。
    Dear Jim,
    Infrmed frm yur last mail that yu are interested in great figures in China and I’d like t intrduce a Chinese figure I like t yu.
    My favrite man in Chinese histry, I feel, can be nne ther than Qu Yuan, wh sacrificed his life fr ur cuntry. As an fficial, he shwed great cncern fr the rdinary peple in his cuntry, even at the cst f his wn life. It is his cnsistent pursuit f truth in spite f any difficulty that inspires me whenever I am in truble.
    Hpe t hear frm yu sn.
    Li Hua
    对……感兴趣:be interested in→take an interest in
    原句:As an fficial, he shwed great cncern fr the rdinary peple in his cuntry, even at the cst f his wn life.
    拓展句:As an fficial, he shwed such great cncern fr the rdinary peple in his cuntry that he was willing t sacrifice even his wn life.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] My favrite man in Chinese histry, I feel, can be nne ther than Qu Yuan, wh sacrificed his life fr ur cuntry. (运用了插入语和wh引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] It is his cnsistent pursuit f truth in spite f any difficulty that inspires me whenever I am in truble. (运用了强调句和whenever引导的时间状语从句)
    In 2019, I became the leader f a students’ grup wrking n vluntary prjects fr ur ethnic cmmunity. In the same year, I rganized a free-f-charge English class fr the children in my village and the neighbrhd. The number f kids ging t the class grew instantly t ver 100. Mst f them were in primary schl and learning a freign language was a luxury fr them. Besides, bringing ur unique cultures t the utside wrld was als a mtivatin fr me when engaging yung peple in prjects that saw us travel t learn and gain insights f the remte heritages.
    Nw I am wrking as a teaching assistant in an internatinal primary schl. I am prud t be the nly ethnic minrity emplyee there. I am als prud t be different in my effrt t be the better versin f myself every day. My wish fr ethnic minrity children and yung peple like me is t live in an inclusive wrld where dreams d nt stp at the gate f ur villages but travel as far as they shuld g.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Besides, bringing ur unique cultures t the utside wrld was als a mtivatin fr me when engaging yung peple in prjects that saw us travel t learn and gain insights f the remte heritages. (由that引导的限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] My wish fr ethnic minrity children and yung peple like me is t live in an inclusive wrld where dreams d nt stp at the gate f ur villages but travel as far as they shuld g. (由where引导的限制性定语从句)

    云南省昆明市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题: 这是一份云南省昆明市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题,共8页。试卷主要包含了5分,共7, ___36_____等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    云南省昆明市第十二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份云南省昆明市第十二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(含答案),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年云南省昆明市西山区高二(上)期末英语试卷(含解析): 这是一份2023-2024学年云南省昆明市西山区高二(上)期末英语试卷(含解析),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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