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    这是一份2024年新高考天津卷英语第二次高考真题解析(参考版),文件包含2024年天津高考英语第二次高考真题原卷版docx、2024年天津高考英语第二次高考真题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. —Is Mr. Pearl available, please?
    — _________ . I'll just see if he is in the ffice.
    A. After yuB. Hang n
    C. With pleasureD. G ahead
    【详解】考查情景对话。句意:——请问Pearl先生在吗?——稍等。我去看看他在不在办公室。A. After yu您先;B. Hang n稍等;C. With pleasure愿意效劳;D. G ahead随便。根据句意,此处表示“稍等”。故选B。
    2. We _________bther with details, fr ur teammates will d everything in their pwer t help us.
    A. mustn’tB. daren’tC. needn’tD. can’t
    【详解】考查情态动词。句意:我们不必为细节而烦恼,因为我们的队友会尽全力帮助我们。A. mustn’t禁止;B. daren’t不敢;C. needn’t不必;D. can’t不能。根据“fr ur teammates will d everything in their pwer t help us”可知,因为我们队友会全力帮助我们,所以我们不必为细节烦恼。故选C。
    3. The bttle is quite difficult t pen; the _________ is t pur ht water n it first.
    A. fcusB. targetC. functinD. trick
    【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个瓶子很难打开;诀窍是先把热水倒在上面。A. fcus焦点;B. target目标;C. functin功能;D. trick诀窍。由“pur ht water n it first”可知,空格处应表达“诀窍”,故用trick,作主语。故选D。
    4. —Is it all right if I leave a bit earlier?
    ——_________ . I can finish the reprt n my wn.
    A. Sure thingB. Help yurself
    C. Frget itD. That depends
    【详解】考查情景交际。句意:——我可以早点走吗?——当然。我可以自己完成这份报告。A. Sure thing(答应建议或要求)当然,一定;B. Help yurself请自便;C. Frget it算了吧;D. That depends看情况而定。结合“Is it all right if I leave a bit earlier?”以及“I can finish the reprt n my wn”可知,上文征求对方的意见,所以此处应为“当然”符合语境。故选A项。
    5. Athletes shuld make _________ preparatin, bth physical and psychlgical, befre entering a big race.
    A. adequateB. slightC. identicalD. rugh
    【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:运动员在参加大型比赛前应该做好充分的生理和心理准备。A. adequate足够的;B. slight轻微的;C. identical相同的;D. rugh粗糙的,不平的。分析句子,设空处使用形容词作定语,根据句意,此处表示“足够的,充足的”,用adequate。故选A。
    6. I really want t g t a place fr the summer vacatin, ________ especially with beautiful scenery and unique culture.
    A. itB. thatC. thisD. ne
    【详解】考查代词辨析。句意:我真的很想去一个地方过暑假,一个特别美丽的风景和独特的文化。A. it它;B. that那个;C. this这个;D. ne一个。分析句子,此处表示泛指过暑假的地方,ne指代的刚提到过的同一类人或物。故选D。
    7. The wden twer that _________ will be pen t turists sn, and the wrk is almst finished.
    A. is being restredB. is restred
    C. is restringD. restres
    【详解】考查时态语态。句意:正在修复的木塔很快将对游客开放,工程即将完工。A. is being restred正在被修复,现在进行时的被动语态;B. is restred被修复,一般现在时的被动语态;C. is restring正在修复,现在进行时;D.restres修复,一般现在时。此句the wden twer是先行词,做定语从句的主语,restre是定语从句的谓语动词,二者在逻辑上是被动关系,所以要用被动语态。根据后文the wrk is almst finished,修复工作几乎快要结束,说明还没结束,修复、复原工作正在进行。所以要用现在进行时的被动语态。故填is being restred,故选A项。
    8. _________ yu are ld enugh t make yur wn judgement, yu shuld start t pursue yur career.
    A. Even ifB. As thugh
    C. Ever sinceD. Nw that
    【详解】考查原因状语从句。句意:既然你已经长大了,可以自己做判断了,你应该开始追求你的事业了。A. Even if即使;B. As thugh好像;C. Ever since自从;D. Nw that既然。根据“yu shuld start t pursue yur career.”可知,主从句之间为因果关系,所以此处使用“既然”符合逻辑,表示“既然你已经长大,有能力自己做判断”,故选D项。
    9. _________ several adjustments t the design fr tw mnths, the engineer eventually succeeded in building a highly efficient system.
    A. TryingB. Tried
    C. Having triedD. Having been tried
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:在两个月的时间里,这位工程师对设计尝试了几次调整,最终成功地构建了一个高效的系统。本句谓语为succeeded,此处应用非谓语动词,逻辑主语the engineer与try“尝试”为主动关系,且此处强调动作try发生在谓语succeeded之前,应用现在分词的完成式having tried,作状语。故选A。
    10. On April 22 every year, peple arund the wrld mark Earth Day by _________ the envirnment.
    A. adapting tB. benefiting frmC. caring frD. relying n
    【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:每年的4月22日,世界各地的人们都通过关心环境来纪念地球日。A. adapting t适应;B. benefiting frm受益于;C. caring fr关心;D. relying n依靠。根据上文“peple arund the wrld mark Earth Day by”指通过关心环境来纪念地球日。故选C。
    11. Peple wh value their privacy are cncerned abut _________Ggle might d with the infrmatin it is gathering.
    A. thatB. whatC. whyD. hw
    12. China is a shining example fr the glbal cmmunity t fllw _________develping green industry t fight climate change.
    A. in additin tB. in return fr
    C. in terms fD. in agreement with
    【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:中国是国际社会发展绿色产业应对气候变化的光辉榜样。A. in additn t除……之外;B. in return fr作为……的回报;C.in terms f就……而言;从……方面(说来);D. in agreement with同意,与……一致。根据语意,中国在发展绿色产业应对气候变化方面来说是光辉的榜样。故选C。
    13. The Palace Museum has the mst remarkable cllectin f fine clcks in the wrld, mainly _________ frm Eurpe and China.
    A. riginatingB. riginated
    C. being riginatedD. having riginated
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:故宫博物院收藏了世界上最精美的钟表,主要来自欧洲和中国。句中有谓语has,前后无连词,此处应用非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰fine clcks,且动词riginate(源于)和fine clcks是主动关系,应用现在分词作后置定语,故选A。
    There are mments when strangers’ lives cllide(碰撞)by accident, and even thugh they may never see each ther again, they’ re changed frever. These can be mments when true character is___14___ , ften thrugh acts f kindness and genersity f unlikely heres.
    Nt lng ag, I was a(n)___15___t that kind f mment. On a summer midnight, my parents and I had just___16___ a lng flight and started t walk thrugh the empty airprt when I saw a passenger suddenly fall t the grund. We___17___ran tward him. My parents, wh are dctrs, drpped everything and began trying t___18___what had happened. As they asked him questins and searched fr a(n)___19___infrmatin card, ther passengers frm the flight jined us. My parents___20___that the man was hypglycaemic(低血糖的) and in majr need f sugar. ___21___, the nly thing we culd find was a prtein bar. We were ___22___it wuld nt be enugh t save him.
    Just then, a yung by, Mecca, arrived at the ____23____with the flight attendants(空乘人员). He quietly annunced, “I have a Snickers(士力架巧克力)!” Nbdy respnded t him as they were in the____24____ f trying t save a stranger's life. Mecca dug deep int his backpack, and____25____a Snickers. He then handed it t my father, wh was trying t manage with the prtein bar.
    Within secnds f the Snickers replacing the prtein bar, the man regained____26____. Mecca, a furth grader, ____27____this stranger's life!
    N ne culd have guessed that earlier that night, Mecca had just been thrugh a ____28____time. His father's flight was unexpectedly canceled, ____29____him t fly alne. He had never flwn by himself befre and was very nervus. His grandmther filled his backpack with candy t make him a little less____30____ .
    When we tld Mecca's parents f his____31____actins, they smiled frm ear t ear. They were surprised that he had saved sme candy and was able t think abut the candy during the____32____ .
    As time ges n, I remain____33____by the experience f witnessing a nine-year-ld save a stranger's life. Even tday Mecca's kindness cntinues t make me smile.
    14. A. createdB. revealedC. intrducedD. preserved
    15. A. witnessB. visitrC. matchD. exceptin
    16. A. caughtB. cnfirmedC. gtten ffD. put ff
    17. A. safelyB. accidentallyC. casuallyD. immediately
    18. A. get acrssB. figure utC. take dwnD. bring up
    19. A. medicalB. financialC. educatinalD. military
    20. A. recalledB. determinedC. admittedD. guaranteed
    21. A. InsteadB. TherefreC. OtherwiseD. Hwever
    22. A. wrriedB. cnfusedC. embarrassedD. annyed
    23. A. statinB. destinatinC. sceneD. department
    24. A. chasB. pssessinC. habitD. directin
    25. A. gave awayB. set asideC. pulled utD. kept ff
    26. A. memryB. appetiteC. independenceD. cnsciusness
    27. A. riskedB. savedC. sacrificedD. respected
    28. A. prperB. tughC. enjyableD. mysterius
    29. A. frcingB. urgingC. remindingD. permitting
    30 A. guiltyB. anxiusC. sensitiveD. dubtful
    31. A. mdestB. ambitiusC. hericD. cnfident
    32. A. flightB. peratinC. perfrmanceD. emergency
    33. A. relievedB. puzzledC. frustratedD. inspire
    【答案】14. B 15. A 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. B 21. D 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. B 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. D 33. D
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些时刻可能揭示了真正的品格,通常是通过非凡英雄的善良和慷慨的行为展现出来的。A. created创造;B. revealed揭示;C. intrduced引入;D. preserved保护。根据前文“There are mments when strangers’ lives cllide(碰撞)by accident, and even thugh they may never see each ther again, they’ re changed frever.”以及后文“ften thrugh acts f kindness and genersity f unlikely heres.”可知,有时候,陌生人的生活会因为偶然的碰撞而交错在一起,即使他们可能永远不会再见面,他们也会永远改变。这些时刻通常是通过非凡英雄的善良和慷慨的行为展现出来的,可能揭示了真正的品格。故选B。
    考查名次词义辨析。句意:不久以前,我也曾目睹过这样的时刻。A. witness目击者,亲历者;B. visitr访问者;C. match比赛;D. exceptin例外。根据后文“that kind f mment.”以及后文的内容,可知此处表示作者也是这个时刻的亲历者。故选A。
    考查动词和动词短语辨析。句意:一个夏天的午夜,我和父母刚下了长途飞机,正要穿过空荡荡的机场,突然看到一位乘客摔倒在地。A. caught抓住;B. cnfirmed确认;C. gtten ff下车;D. put ff推迟。根据后文“started t walk thrugh the empty airprt”可知,作者和父母刚下飞机,走出空荡荡的机场。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析句意:我们立即向他跑去。A. safely安全地;B. accidentally意外地;C. casually随意地;D. immediately立即地。根据“I saw a passenger suddenly fall t the grund.”可知,突然看到有人倒下,故作者和家人立刻跑过去。故选D。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我的父母都是医生,他们放下了手上的东西,开始试图弄清楚到底发生了什么。A. get acrss理解;B. figure ut弄清楚;C. take dwn拆除;D. bring up提出。根据前文“drpped everything and began trying t”可知,因为作者的父母放下手里的东西去弄清楚到底发生了什么。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当他们问他问题并寻找医疗信息卡时,航班上的其他乘客也加入了我们。A. medical医疗的;B. financial金融的;C. educatinal教育的;D. military军事的。根据“infrmatin card”以及后文的“the man was hypglycaemic”可知,在男人倒下后,作者的父母询问相关的医疗信息卡,原来男人是低血糖而倒下。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我父母认为这个人患有低血糖症,非常需要糖。A. recalled回忆起;B. determined决定,确定;C. admitted承认;D. guaranteed保证。根据“that the man was hypglycaemic(低血糖的)”可知,父母确定因为低血糖男人才倒下。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,我们唯一能找到的是一个蛋白质棒。A. Instead相反;B. Therefre因此;C. Otherwise否则;D. Hwever然而。根据“the nly thing we culd find was a prtein bar.”可知,男人倒下是因为低血糖,需要糖回升血糖,而当前只能找到一个蛋白质棒,前后构成转折关系。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们担心这不足以救他。A. wrried担心的;B. cnfused困惑的;C. embarrassed尴尬的;D. annyed恼怒的。根据“it wuld nt be enugh t save him”可知,因为当前只能找到一个蛋白质棒,因此作者和家人担心这不足以救助倒下的男人。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:就在这时,一个名叫麦加的小男孩和空乘人员来到了现场。A. statin站;B. destinatin目的地;C. scene场景;D. department部门。根据“Mecca, arrived at the”可知,一个名叫麦加的小男孩和空乘人员来到了现场。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:没有人回应他,因为他们正处于混乱之中拯救一个陌生人的生命。A. chas混乱;B. pssessin拥有;C. habit习惯;D. directin方向。根据“trying t save a stranger's life”可知,因为在场的人都处于混乱之中拯救陌生人的生命,因此没人回复他。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:麦加从背包里掏出一块士力架。A. gave away赠送;B. set aside搁置;C. pulled ut拉出;D. kept ff避开。根据“Mecca dug deep int his backpack,”可知,麦加在背包里翻了半天,掏出一块士力架。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:士力架代替了蛋白质棒,几秒钟后,这名男子就恢复了意识。A. memry记忆力;B. appetite食欲;C. independence独立;D. cnsciusness意识。根据“Within secnds f the Snickers replacing the prtein bar,”可知,当士力架代替了蛋白质棒,男子血糖恢复,几秒钟后,这名男子就恢复了意识。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:四年级学生麦加救了这个陌生人的命!A. risked冒险;B. saved拯救;C. sacrificed牺牲;D. respected尊敬。根据“this stranger's life”可知,四年级学生麦加救了这个陌生人的命。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:没有人能想到,那天晚上早些时候,麦加刚刚经历了一段艰难的时期。A. prper适当的;B. tugh艰难的;C. enjyable令人愉快的;D. mysterius神秘的。根据后文“His father's flight was unexpectedly canceled, ___16___ him t fly alne.”可知,他父亲的航班意外取消,迫使他独自飞行,由此可知麦加刚刚经历了一段艰难的时期。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他父亲的航班意外取消,迫使他独自飞行。A. frcing强迫,迫使;B. urging催促;C. reminding提醒;D. permitting允许。根据“His father's flight was unexpectedly canceled,”可知,由于麦加父亲的航班意外取消,由此迫使麦加独自乘坐航班。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他的祖母在他的背包里装满了糖果,让他不那么焦虑。A. guilty愧疚的;B. anxius焦虑的;C. sensitive敏感的;D. dubtful怀疑的。根据“He had never flwn by himself befre and was very nervus.”可知,麦加从未独自做过航班,因此祖母在其包中装满糖果不让他焦虑。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我们把麦加的英勇事迹告诉他的父母时,他们笑得合不拢嘴。A. mdest谦虚的;B. ambitius有抱负的;C. heric英勇的;D. cnfident自信的。根据前文“Mecca dug deep int his backpack, and ___12___ a Snickers. He then handed it t my father, wh was trying t manage with the prtein bar.”可知,作者将麦加救助低血糖男人的英雄过程告诉了麦加的父母。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们都很惊讶,麦加还存了一些糖果,在紧急情况下还能想到糖果。A. flight航班;B. peratin手术;C. perfrmance表演;D. emergency紧急情况。根据前文麦加递送士力架给作者的父亲以及“was able t think abut the candy”可知,麦加的父母很惊讶,在低血糖男子倒下的紧急情况下麦加还能想到糖果。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:随着时间的流逝,目睹一个九岁的孩子救了一个陌生人的生命的经历仍然激励着我。A. relieved放心的;B. puzzled困惑的;C. frustrated沮丧的;D. inspired激励的。根据“Even tday Mecca's kindness cntinues t make me smile.”可知,在经历此事后,直到今天,麦加的善良仍然让作者微笑,由此一个九岁的孩子麦加拯救陌生人的经历激励着作者。故选D。
    Passage 1
    Welcme t UCLA Exchange Prgram! Let’s get started by checking ut Student Guide fr yur academic jurney!
    Signing up fr ESL (English as a Secnd Language)
    ESL curses are designed t help internatinal students imprve academic English language skills. Enrllment (课程注册) pririty is given t degree students. If space is available, yu may enrll. Yu will then be asked t take an ESL Placement Test. The test results will help yu chse the class that is apprpriate fr yu.
    Changing Yur Curse Enrllment List
    Yu may change yur class schedule during the first tw weeks f the term by adding r drpping curses frm yur enrllment list. After the secnd week f classes, there will be a charge fr each schedule change. Students ften attend classes in which they are nt enrlled n the first day f instructin t try adding this new curse t the list, as ther students may have drpped it.
    Withdrawing frm Curses
    If yu chse t drp a curse, yu must fllw the UCLA prcedures fr remving it frm yur schedule. If yu frget t fficially drp that curse, a “F” (Fail) grade will be registered n yur recrd at the end f the term. If, at a later date, yu wish t apply fr a jb r graduate schl where an fficial cpy f yur UCLA recrd is required, it will be t yur advantage t prvide an impressive academic recrd.
    Taking Exams
    Sme instructrs chse t put previus test papers n library reserve making them available t all students. These exams, which students cmmnly use fr practice, can give yu an idea f hw instructrs ask questins and what they regard as relevant material. Yu can als access the exams nline.
    34. Exchange students can enrll in the ESL curse if they ________.
    A. have dne well in the placement test
    B. are asked t imprve their English skills
    C. find a vacancy after degree students’ enrllment
    D. have cmpleted UCLA’s registratin prcedures
    35. An ESL Placement Test is aimed t ________.
    A. imprve the students’ language skills
    B. encurage the students t answer questins
    C. put the students in a class that fits them
    D. help the students apply fr a degree
    36. What is the deadline fr a free enrllment list change?
    A. The day when the class is full.
    B. The first day f instructin.
    C. The first week f the class.
    D. The end f the secnd week.
    37. What shuld exchange students d if they chse t stp taking a curse?
    A. Seek assistance frm UCLA fficials.
    B. G thrugh the prcedures t drp it.
    C. Present past academic recrds t UCLA.
    D. Make a request t the Registratin Office.
    38. Wrking n previus tests helps students ________.
    A. imitate the way that their instructrs write test questins
    B. learn hw questins are asked and what they are based n
    C. cme up with new ideas abut hw testing relates t teaching
    D. narrw dwn t what has nt yet been cvered in nline tests
    【答案】34. C 35. C 36. D 37. B 38. B
    细节理解题。根据Signing up fr ESL标题下的第二、三句话“Enrllment (课程注册) pririty is given t degree students. If space is available, yu may enrll. (优先招收学位学生。如果有空位,您可以报名。)”可知,如果有空位,那么有学位的学生是能够申请加入该项目的。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Signing up fr ESL标题下的最后一句话“The test results will help yu chse the class that is apprpriate fr yu. (测试结果将帮助您选择适合自己的班级)”可知,ESL入学考试旨在把学生们放到适合自己的班级里。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Changing Yur Curse Enrllment List标题下的第二句话“After the secnd week f classes, there will be a charge fr each schedule change. (第二周的课程结束后,每次更改时间表都会收取费用。)”可知,免费更改报名名单的截止日期是在第二周课程结束后。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据Withdrawing frm Curses标题下的第一句话“If yu chse t drp a curse, yu must fllw the UCLA prcedures fr remving it frm yur schedule. (如果你选择放弃一门课程,你必须按照加州大学洛杉矶分校的程序将其从你的时间表中删除。)”可知,如果交换生停止课程,他们必须按照加州大学洛杉矶分校的程序将其从时间表中删除。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据Taking Exams标题下的第二句话“These exams, which students cmmnly use fr practice, can give yu an idea f hw instructrs ask questins and what they regard as relevant material. (这些考试是学生们通常用来练习的,可以让你了解老师是如何提问的,以及他们认为哪些是相关材料。)”可知,参加以前的考试有助于学生了解老师是如何提问的,以及他们认为哪些是相关材料。故选B。
    Passage 2
    I lked thrugh the windw f the charming little vilin shp, and my heart began t race.
    I'd been ut t dinner that evening. Since it wasn't dark yet after the meal, I decided t walk hme frm the restaurant. I had traveled that way befre, yet I had never nticed that ld little shp. But that night I felt drawn t the vilin shp the mment I came acrss it.
    I wiped the dirt frm the windw t get a better lk inside. Several vilins hung frm the dark walls, quietly waiting t be chsen. As my eyes rested n them, I felt as thugh I were lking thrugh a windw int my wn past.
    My childhd was all abut the pursuits I had attempted, mst f which had been chsen by Mm. She was like, “Jin the swim team, Tara. Yur sister is a gd swimmer;surely yu will be, t. ”What she refused t acknwledge, hwever, was that I was visibly afraid f water.
    Every Saturday I begged Mm nt t make me g t the swim meet, but had little chance f success. That said, with a bang f the starting gun, I wuld dive int the cld water with all my strength and swim t the ther side f the pl as fast as I culd, nly t find that the ther swimmers slid past me. I wuld have given it up if I had nt heard my father's encuraging shuts t cheer me n. When at last my hand wuld grab the edge f the pl, he wuld always be there with a warm, dry twel, telling me hw prud he was f my desperate effrts.
    Then came a turning pint in my life the day ur schl rchestra( 管弦乐队)visited my class, and gave a demnstratin. The drums annyed me. The flutes(笛子)bred me. But the vilin…ah, the vilin. It made the sweetest sund I'd ever heard!My heart was dancing alng with its flwing tune. Fr the first time in my life, I went s wild with jy.
    Tightly hlding the permissin slip frm the rchestra directr, I ran all the way hme after schl, and shakily handed it t my parents with a fear that they might dismiss my desire. They didn't. Mm was thrilled t see me finally excited abut smething, and Dad winked(眨眼示意)at me while eagerly signing the slip.
    I began practicing the vilin with great passin, and rse quickly in ability. Befre lng I had wn the first seat in the cmmunity rchestra …
    39. What did the sight f the vilins in that little shp bring t Tara's mind?
    A. Her miserable past.
    B. An unfrgettable sprt event.
    C. The stries behind the vilins.
    D. Her childhd memry.
    40. What Dad did fr Tara during the swimming cmpetitin implies that he is ________.
    A. mindless and bad-tempered
    B. caring and supprtive
    C. strict and demanding
    D. tlerant and sympathetic
    41. What fascinated Tara during her schl rchestra's demnstratin?
    A. The tune f the flutes.
    B. The beat f the drums.
    C. The sund f the vilin.
    D. The manner f the musicians.
    42. What enabled Tara t win the first seat in the cmmunity rchestra?
    A. The steady imprvement in her taste.
    B. Her strng desire fr success.
    C. Her natural gift fr music.
    D. The rapid prgress in her ability.
    43. What message des Tara's stry cnvey?
    A. It's never t yung t learn.
    B. A passinate interest wrks wnders.
    C. Hard wrk will pay ff in the lng run.
    D. Like mther, like daughter.
    【答案】39. D 40. B 41. C 42. D 43. B
    细节理解题。由文章第三段最后一行“As my eyes rested n them, I felt as thugh I were lking thrugh a windw int my wn past. ”(当我的目光停留在他们身上时,我觉得自己好像在透过窗户回顾自己的过去。)和第四段第一行“My childhd was all abut the pursuits I had attempted, mst f which had been chsen by Mm. ”(我的童年都是我尝试追求过的爱好,其中大部分都是妈妈选择的。)可知,透过商店的小提琴作者回想起了童年。故选D项。
    推理判断题。由文章第五段最后两句“I wuld have given it up if I had nt heard my father's encuraging shuts t cheer me n. When at last my hand wuld grab the edge f the pl, he wuld always be there with a warm, dry twel, telling me hw prud he was f my desperate effrts.”(如果我没有听到父亲鼓励我加油的呼喊声,我早就放弃了。当我的手终于抓住泳池边时,他总是拿着一条温暖、干燥的毛巾在那里,告诉我他为我拼命的努力感到多么自豪。)由此可以推断爸爸是关心和支持作者的。故选B项。
    细节理解题。由文章第六段最后两句“But the vilin…ah, the vilin. It made the sweetest sund I'd ever heard!My heart was dancing alng with its flwing tune. Fr the first time in my life, I went s wild with jy. ”( 但是小提琴…啊,小提琴。它发出了我听过的最甜美的声音!我的心随着它流动的曲调翩翩起舞。我有生以来第一次欣喜若狂。)可知是小提琴的声音令作者痴迷。故选C项。
    细节理解题。由文章第八段第一句“I began practicing the vilin with great passin, and rse quickly in ability.”(我怀着极大的热情开始练习小提琴,并且能力迅速提升。 )可知,作者进步飞速,所以才成为首席。故选D项。
    Passage 3
    Getting the “side-eye” lk frm yur dg can make it seem like they are making a judgement abut yu, and sme new studies suggest they really culd be.
    The ability t judge thers’ intentins is an indicatr f pssessing “thery f mind” which was nce thught t be unique t humans. Hwever, new studies have shwn that dgs can read human behaviur and have a preference t peple wh are mre friendly r generus with fd.
    One such study published in 2023 aimed t see if dgs can tell the difference between humans wh are “unwilling” r “unable” t give them a treat. 96 dgs were invlved in bth “unwilling” and “unable” scenaris (情境) designed fr the study. Bth scenaris invlved a dg being placed n ne side f a glass screen with small hles in it at nse-height, and an experimenter standing n the ther. In the ‘unwilling’ scenari, the experimenter wuld hang a piece f sausage in frnt f the screen in a ‘teasing’ (戏耍的) manner, and apprach ne f the hles. But instead f passing it thrugh the hle t the dg, they wuld then pull it ut f its reach. Fr the “unable” scenari, the experimenter wuld again mve the treat twards the hle while the dg watched, but “accidentally” drp it befre they culd pass it thrugh.
    The researchers bserved that the dgs were much mre patient, making mre eye cntact and staying clser t the screen after the “unable” scenari played ut. In the “unwilling” scenari, hwever, the dgs lked at the experimenter less ften, sat, lay dwn and wandered arund mre frequently.
    Anther study frm 2021 tested fr “thery f mind” in dgs in a similar way, but the dgs were able t walk rund the screen t btain the treat after witnessing the experimenter’s “unwilling” r “unable” behaviur. The main finding was that the dgs apprached the experimenter significantly sner in the unable scenari than in the unwilling scenari.
    Hwever, the researchers f the 2023 study challenged that the fd drpped n the flr in the clumsy (笨拙的) manner might have mtivated the dgs t apprach the experimenter cnsidering that they prbably ften btain fd drpped n the flr in their daily lives.
    Nw, mre evidence has been prvided that dgs distinguish between similar actins assciated with different intentins. But hw exactly they acquire such intentin-reading abilities will be an exciting tpic fr future research.
    44. What is ne f the new research findings accrding t Paragraph 2?
    A. Dgs als have “thery f mind”.
    B. Dgs prefer fd frm generus peple.
    C. Human behaviurs are mstly intentinal.
    D. Friendly animals can get fd mre easily.
    45. What did the experimenter d in the “unwilling” scenari in the 2023 study?
    A. They acted awkwardly while feeding the dg.
    B. They pretended t walk slwly away frm the dg.
    C. They teased the dg by fixing the treat t the screen.
    D. They pulled the sausage beynd the dg’s reach.
    46. Hw did the dgs f the 2023 study respnd t the “unable” behaviur?
    A. By mving clser t the experimenter.
    B. By keeping wandering arund.
    C. By ignring the experimenter.
    D. By lying still n the flr
    47. Hw des the experiment design f the 2021 study differ frm that f 2023?
    A. The dgs can watch the experimenter.
    B. The dgs can g t the ther side f the screen.
    C. The dgs’ respnses are under clse bservatin.
    D. The dgs’ habitual behaviurs are under analysis.
    48. What d the dgs’ different respnses in “unwilling” and “unable” scenaris suggest?
    A. Dgs can tell “being friendly” frm “being mean”
    B. Dgs’ intelligence is gradually evlving.
    C. Dgs’ intentins can be easily identified.
    D. Dgs are a lt mre emtinal than ther animals.
    【答案】44. A 45. D 46. A 47. D 48. A
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The ability t judge thers’ intentins is an indicatr f pssessing “thery f mind” which was nce thught t be unique t humans. Hwever, new studies have shwn that dgs can read human behaviur and have a preference t peple wh are mre friendly r generus with fd.(判断他人意图的能力是拥有“心智理论”的一个指标,这一度被认为是人类所独有的。然而,新的研究表明,狗可以读懂人类的行为,并且更喜欢那些更友好或对食物更慷慨的人。)”可知,判断他人意图的能力是拥有“心智理论”的一个指标,而新的研究表明,狗可以读懂人类的行为,由此可知,新研究发现狗应该也有“心智理论”。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的“In the ‘unwilling’ scenari, the experimenter wuld hang a piece f sausage in frnt f the screen in a ‘teasing’ (戏耍的) manner, and apprach ne f the hles. But instead f passing it thrugh the hle t the dg, they wuld then pull it ut f its reach.(在“不情愿”的场景中,实验人员会以“戏弄”的方式在屏幕前挂一块香肠,并接近其中一个洞。但他们不是把食物从洞里递给狗,而是把食物拉到狗够不着的地方。)”可知,在不情愿场景中,实验人员不是把实物给狗吃,而是把食物拉到一个狗够不着的地方。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The researchers bserved that the dgs were much mre patient, making mre eye cntact and staying clser t the screen after the “unable” scenari played ut.(研究人员观察到,在“无能为力”的场景结束后,狗狗们更有耐心了,他们会进行更多的眼神交流,并离屏幕更近。)”可知,在“无能为力”的场景结束后,狗会预实验人员进行眼神交流,并且离屏幕更近,由此可知,狗对“无能为力”的行为回应是更愿意接近实验者。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的“Anther study frm 2021 tested fr “thery f mind” in dgs in a similar way, but the dgs were able t walk rund the screen t btain the treat after witnessing the experimenter’s “unwilling” r “unable” behaviur.(2021年的另一项研究以类似的方式测试了狗的“心智理论”,但狗在目睹了实验者的“不愿意”或“无能为力”行为后,能够绕着屏幕走,以获得奖励。)”可知,2021年的研究中,在狗目睹了实验者的“不愿意”或者“无能为力”后,能绕着屏幕走以获取奖励,由此可知,2021年的研究中狗的习惯行为在分析中。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Hwever, new studies have shwn that dgs can read human behaviur and have a preference t peple wh are mre friendly r generus with fd.(然而,新的研究表明,狗可以读懂人类的行为,并且更喜欢那些更友好或对食物更慷慨的人。)”可知,新研究表明,都能够读懂人类的行为,且喜欢那些更友好或者对食物更慷慨的人,进而在下文中的对该项研究过程进行阐述,由此可知,狗在“不愿意”和“无能为力”情况下的不同反应说明了狗能分辨“友善”和“刻薄”。故选A项。
    Passage 4
    Strytelling is an ancient art frm that has been used t hand dwn legends, tales and factual stries. Perhaps the first thing that springs t mind when yu think f strytelling is the fantasy land that tk shape in yur mind while Mm r Dad tld yu stries abut princes, castles and mnsters, with a unique vice fr each character.
    Strytelling des nt just take place at bedtime r rund a campfire, hwever. It can take sme ther frms, either via the bks we read r the films we watch. But they usually have sme elements in cmmn: rather than a list f dry facts, stries have plts and they intrduce characters. We respnd t stries, particularly when there is emtinal detail.
    And unlike what we suppse, strytelling is nt just a frm f entertainment, but a frm f learning as well. Lng befre reading and writing became widely spread and available, ral strytelling had already been a frm that the wisdm and knwledge f the peple were passed dwn frm elders t children. A gd stry engages ur curisity, emtins and imaginatin.
    Strytelling helps with learning als because stries are easy t remember. Research has fund that learning btained frm a well-tld stry is remembered mre accurately, and fr far lnger, than frm facts and figures.
    And abve all, stries have a transfrmative pwer t allw us t see the wrld in a different way than we d if we just encunter it n ur wn. Stries are an entry pint t understanding a different experience f the wrld.
    This aspect f strytelling-presenting a different perspective f the wrld—is imprtant when it cmes t cnnecting with each ther. It gives us an pprtunity t learn frm anther persn’s experience and it can shape, strengthen r challenge ur pinins and values. S, when smene tells us their wn persnal stry, we catch a glimpse (瞥见) f a view f the wrld that may be slightly r significantly different frm ur wn. When we see the wrld as they see it, r walk in their shes, the experience can inspire empathy (共情;同理心) with them.
    49. What ccurs t us the mment we think f “strytelling”?
    A. A child's imaginary wrld.
    B. Vices f Mm r Dad.
    C. An ancient art frm.
    D. Factual stries.
    50. What are the cmmn elements in all frms f strytelling accrding t the authr?
    A. Frm and style.
    B. Facts and figures.
    C. Emtinal and physical details.
    D. A series f events and characters.
    51. Why des strytelling wrk better than mere statement f facts in prmting learning?
    A. It carries mre wisdm and knwledge.
    B. It is mre widely available t yung learners.
    C. It satisfies ur imaginatin and releases ur emtins.
    D. It makes what is learned mre precise and lnger lasting.
    52. Hw can ther peple’s persnal stries prbably benefit us?
    A. By ffering us mre pprtunities t knw peple.
    B. By helping us stay cnnected with the cntemprary wrld.
    C. By allwing us t understand the wrld the way they see it.
    D. By enabling us t tell reality frm imaginatin.
    53. What makes the best title fr the passage?
    A. The Histry f Strytelling
    B. The Pwer f Strytelling
    C. The Frms f Strytelling
    D. The Art f Strytelling
    【答案】49. A 50. D 51. D 52. C 53. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“Perhaps the first thing that springs t mind when yu think f strytelling is the fantasy land that tk shape in yur mind while Mm r Dad tld yu stries abut princes, castles and mnsters, with a unique vice fr each character. (也许当你想到讲故事时,你首先想到的就是爸爸妈妈给你讲王子、城堡和怪物的故事,每个角色都有独特的声音,在你脑海中形成的幻想世界。)”可知,当提到“讲故事”时,我们会想到一个孩子的想象世界。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“But they usually have sme elements in cmmn: rather than a list f dry facts, stries have plts and they intrduce characters. (但它们通常都有一些共同点:故事有情节,也有人物形象,而不是一长串枯燥的事实。)”可知,作者认为,一系列的事件和人物是所有叙事中的共同元素,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Strytelling helps with learning als because stries are easy t remember. Research has fund that learning btained frm a well-tld stry is remembered mre accurately, and fr far lnger, than frm facts and figures. (讲故事也有助于学习,因为故事容易记住。研究发现,从一个讲得很好的故事中获得的知识比从事实和数据中获得的知识记忆得更准确,时间也更长。)”可知,讲故事比仅仅陈述事实更能促进学习,这是因为它使所学到的知识更加精确和持久。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“And abve all, stries have a transfrmative pwer t allw us t see the wrld in a different way than we d if we just encunter it n ur wn. (最重要的是,故事有一种变革的力量,让我们以一种不同的方式看待这个世界,而不是仅仅依靠我们自己。)”可知,他人的故事让我们以他们看待世界的方式来理解世界,这会让我们受益,故选C。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第三段中“And unlike what we suppse, strytelling is nt just a frm f entertainment, but a frm f learning as well. (与我们想象的不同,讲故事不仅仅是一种娱乐方式,也是一种学习方式。)”,第四段中“Strytelling helps with learning als because stries are easy t remember. (讲故事也有助于学习,因为故事容易记住。)”,第五段中“And abve all, stries have a transfrmative pwer t allw us t see the wrld in a different way than we d if we just encunter it n ur wn. (最重要的是,故事有一种变革的力量,让我们以一种不同的方式看待这个世界,而不是仅仅依靠我们自己。)”和第六段中“This aspect f strytelling-presenting a different perspective f the wrld—is imprtant when it cmes t cnnecting with each ther. (讲故事的这个方面——呈现出一个不同的世界观——对于彼此之间的联系来说是很重要的。)”可知,文章主要讲述了讲故事给我们带来的好处,B项“讲故事的力量”适合作文章标题,故选B。
    Herman Cruse, a schl bus driver frm New Jersey, has been with Middle Twnship Public Schls fr the past nine years. He believes bus drivers are the eyes and ears f students when they're away frm hme and they have a gift t discern what kids are feeling.
    During ne mrning ride, Cruse nticed a kindergartner seemed a little sad. When Cruse asked him what was wrng, the by explained that he wasn't able t cmplete his reading assignment because his parents were busy with his fur siblings (兄弟姐妹). An idea suddenly crssed Cruse's mind. “Listen, if yu dn't mind, I'd like t cme t the schl and read with yu. ”he said.
    After receiving permissin frm the by's teacher, Alex Bakley, Cruse shwed up at her classrm the fllwing week. When he walked in, the by shuted prudly, “Hey, that's my bus driver!”They went int a quiet crner and began reading tgether. Later, a secnd student wanted t read with him, then a third. All the kids went t the teacher asking, “Can I read with Mr. Herman?”
    Cruse nw vlunteers t help kindergarten students with reading tw days a week, and n a third day, he instructs the schl's first-and secnd-graders. After drpping the kids ff at schl, f curse. Every child lks up t Cruse, bth n and ff the schl bus. “Herman is super psitive and he's a bright light at ur schl wh makes every child feel lved and heard. ”said Bakley.
    Fr Cruse, what started ut as a way t kill time has nw develped int a way t make a difference in the heart f a child. He used t g t the gym r library after delivering students t schls. It wasn't until he ffered t help the by n the bus that he realized there was smething mre rewarding he culd be ding. It's a jy fr him t see the kids get excited when they learn t sund ut wrds. He lves hw reading pens up a new wrld fr them.
    54. What des the underlined wrd mean in Paragraph 1? (1 wrd)
    55. Why did the by n the bus lk a little upset? (n mre than 11 wrds)
    56. What help des Cruse ffer after delivering students t schls? (n mre than 12 wrds)
    57. Why des Cruse think his vluntary wrk is rewarding accrding t the last paragraph? (n mre than 16 wrds)
    58. Wh's “a bright light” in yur life? Please explain in yur wn wrds. (n mre than 20 wrds)
    【答案】54. Ntice/Sense /Perceive.
    55. (Because)his parents were t busy t read with him.
    56. Helping kindergartners with reading and instructing the schl's first-and secnd-graders.
    57. (Because)the kids get excited when reading, which pens up a new wrld fr them.
    58. My father/mther. (Because)he/she encurages me and helps me (t)vercme the difficulties in my life.
    考查词义猜测。由文章第一段第二句“He believes bus drivers are the eyes and ears f students when they're away frm hme ”(他认为,当学生们远离家时,公交车司机是他们的眼睛和耳朵。)和文章第二段第一句“During ne mrning ride, Cruse nticed a kindergartner seemed a little sad. ”(在一次早上的驾驶途中,克鲁斯注意到一个幼儿园的孩子看起来有点悲伤。)可知,公交车司机要有感知和注意孩子们情绪的天赋。故答案为Ntice/Sense /Perceive.
    考查细节理解。由文章第二段第二句“the by explained that he wasn't able t cmplete his reading assignment because his parents were busy with his fur siblings(兄弟姐妹). ”(男孩解释说,他没能完成阅读作业,因为他的父母忙于照顾他的四个兄弟姐妹。)可知男孩的父母太忙了无法帮助他完成阅读作业。故填(Because)his parents were t busy t read with him.
    考查细节理解。由文章第四段第一句“Cruse nw vlunteers t help kindergarten students with reading tw days a week, and n a third day, he instructs the schl's first-and secnd-graders. ”(Cruse现在自愿帮助幼儿园学生每周阅读两天,第三天,他指导学校的一年级和二年级学生。)可知Cruse帮助幼儿园和一年级、二年级的孩子阅读。故填Helping kindergartners with reading and instructing the schl's first-and secnd-graders.
    考查推理判断。由文章最后一个自然段最后两句“It's a jy fr him t see the kids get excited when they learn t sund ut wrds. He lves hw reading pens up a new wrld fr them.”(他很高兴看到孩子们在学习发音时变得兴奋起来。他喜欢阅读为他们打开一个新的世界。)可知Cruse觉得非常值得是因为阅读为孩子们打开了全新的世界。故填(Because)the kids get excited when reading, which pens up a new wrld fr them.
    开放性试题。由文章第四段第三句“Herman is super psitive and he's a bright light at ur schl wh makes every child feel lved and heard.”(赫尔曼非常积极,他是我们学校的一盏明灯,让每个孩子都感到被爱和被倾听。)可知bright light是能引导学生积极方向的人,让学生感受到爱和希望。所以,可以填写能引导自己积极向上的人。故填My father/mther. (Because) he/she encurages me and helps me (t) vercme the difficulties in my life.
    59. 假设你是晨光中学的学生李津,通过交换生项目在英国某中学就读,校方为加强中英文化交流,将举办“中国工坊” 活动。该活动主题涉及中华美食、中国传统手工艺、中国书法和绘画,拟招募学生现场教授相关技能。请按照以下提示,写一封申请信:
    参考词汇:中国工坊 Chinese Wrkshp
    中华美食 Chinese cuisine
    手工艺 handicraft
    书法 calligraphy
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Sincerely yurs,
    Li Jin
    【答案】Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am Li Jin, an exchange student frm China. Knwing that Chinese Wrkshp will be held in the schl, I am writing t apply fr taking part in the activity.
    The theme f the activity invlves Chinese fd, traditinal Chinese handicrafts, Chinese calligraphy and painting. S I think this activity is very significant, which is cnducive t spreading excellent traditinal Chinese culture and prmting cultural exchanges between China and Britain. As a Chinese, I have a passin fr making Chinese cuisine, fr example dumplings. Nt nly can I teach participants hw t make dumplings, but als let them fall in lve with Chinese cuisine.
    I wuld appreciate it if yu wuld enrll me in the event. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Sincerely yurs,
    Li Jin
    【导语】本文是应用文。假设你是晨光中学的学生李津,通过交换生项目在英国某中学就读,校方为加强中英文化交流,将举办“中国工坊” 活动。请按照以下提示,写一封申请信:(1)申请参加本次活动;(2)阐述你对本次文化交流活动意义的理解;(3)结合个人兴趣和特长,说明拟教授何种技能,并阐述原因。
    参加:take part in→participate in
    有助于:be cnducive t→cntribute t
    原句:I wuld appreciate it if yu wuld enrll me in the event.
    拓展句:I wuld be very appreciative if yu wuld enrll me in the event.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Knwing that Chinese Wrkshp will be held in the schl, I am writing t apply fr taking part in the activity.(运用了that引导的宾语从句以及现在分词Knwing作原因状语)
    【高分句型2】 S I think this activity is very significant, which is cnducive t spreading excellent traditinal Chinese culture and prmting cultural exchanges between China and Britain. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型3】Nt nly can I teach participants hw t make dumplings, but als let them fall in lve with Chinese cuisine.(nt als连接句子时,nt nly位于句首引起的部分倒装)

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