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    人教版高考英语一轮复习必修第2册UNIT2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION组合练课件
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    人教版高考英语一轮复习必修第2册UNIT2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION组合练课件02
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    人教版高考英语一轮复习必修第2册UNIT2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION组合练课件04
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    人教版高考英语一轮复习必修第2册UNIT2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION组合练课件

    这是一份人教版高考英语一轮复习必修第2册UNIT2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION组合练课件,共32页。

    Ⅰ.阅读理解AAbdullah was brn in Terengganu,a state n the eastern cast f the Malaysian Peninsular,knwn fr its beautiful trpical islands.Grwing up n the cast,he felt a clse bnd with the cean.After being adpted as a child,he wuld escape frm his strict hme t the seaside t free himself.
    The lcal adults wuld cnsider him a strange diving instructr,“wh spent his days in the water and spke t crals as if they were peple”.Fr a lng time,he wrked unknwn t the public and at times in pverty.But it was this clseness t the sea that led him t study the marine(海洋的) envirnment, and later,earn a schlarship in Oceangraphy at the Flrida Institute f Technlgy.With the travels acrss the glbe that this research invlved, Abdullah learned abut the extensive degradatin(退化) in the marine ecsystem.He was enthusiastic abut the need t take actin t restre the damaged and dying cral reefs.
    Abdullah set up Ocean Quest Glbal in Malaysia in 2010,an envirnmental rganizatin fcusing n cral reef prtectin.It was buyed by vlunteers wrking thrughut Sutheast Asia and the Indian Ocean.Its funder has spent mst f his life n the cral reefs f Malaysia,bserving their behavir and life cycles,and cnducting his wn research.
    In less than a decade,Abdullah’s rganizatin had expanded t several cuntries like Thailand,Brunei,and the Philippines.It has ver 800 trainers acrss the wrld,wrking n 180 islands,mst f them in Thailand.Mst recently,the rganizatin has been actively wrking n the restratin f Maya Bay n K Phi Phi Leh Island,Thailand.It is als building the first subtrpical cral nursery in Egypt,reprts the diving industry prtal,ADEX Ocean Visin.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了马来西亚的Abdullah从小致力于保护珊瑚礁的故事。
    1.Why wuld Abdullah g t the seaside in his childhd?A.T cnnect with learn t admire the enjy freedm.
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“After being adpted as a child,he wuld escape frm his strict hme t the seaside t free himself.”可知,Abdullah童年为了摆脱束缚、享受自由,经常去海边。
    2.What directly caused Abdullah t travel wrldwide?A.The damaged dying cral related wrsened marine lcals’ requirement.
    推理判断题。根据第二段中“But it was this research invlved,Abdullah learned abut the extensive degradatin in the marine ecsystem.”可推知,相关的研究直接促使Abdullah环游全球。
    3.What des the underlined wrd “buyed” in paragraph 3 mean?A.Determined.  D.Started.
    词义猜测题。根据第三段中“It was his wn research.”可知,海洋探索全球组织得到创始人和各地志愿者的支持,推测画线单词表示“支持”,与supprted同义。
    4.What can we learn frm the last paragraph?A.The cral nursery in Egypt is much mre ’s rganizatin has a pwerful reefs thrughut Sutheast Asia are is bund t have made a large frtune.
    推理判断题。根据第四段中“In less than a decade,Abdullah’s rganizatin had expanded t several cuntries like Thailand,Brunei,and the Philippines.It has ver 800 trainers acrss the wrld,wrking n 180 islands,mst f them in Thailand.”可知,Abdullah的组织扩展到多个国家,他的组织有很大的影响力。
    BA vlunteer team in Suth Africa is rescuing panglins frm illegal trade as the animals face grwing threats f extinctin.Panglins,r scaly anteaters as they are therwise knwn,are unique species fund in Asia and Africa.They are cvered in hard scales(鳞甲).When they feel threatened,they rll up int a tight ball with nly their scales expsed.
    Panglins are little studied and little understd species.Hwever,they are pached and illegally traded in Asia and Africa.Their meat is cnsidered a delicacy in many Asian cuntries and the scales are used in expensive clthing and handbags.But much f the illegal trade in panglins invlves their scales, which are thught t fight illnesses.High demand fr their scales has resulted in paching and illegal trade despite the fact that the species is prtected.The African Panglin Wrking Grup in Jhannesburg is a vlunteer team f veterinarians(兽医) and wildlife experts.They take care f their wunds,feed them and bring them back t health.Nicci Wright heads the grup.
    “When we receive thse panglins,they are all very weak,whether they have been with the pachers fr a few days r up t tw weeks,” Wright said. “They have gt wunds and injuries,and it is very pitiful and very difficult t emtinally deal with that kind f suffering and abuse.”The grup is nt just treating panglins.They als help plice t identify and catch pachers and traders,ften in undercver peratins.They als wrk n anti-trafficking measures.The latest prgram is t train dgs t sniff ut panglins being hidden and transprted.
    It is reprted that 97 tns f panglin scales were seized frm smugglers wh tried t take them ut f Africa last year.This amunts t abut 150,000 pached animals.Hwever,it’s nly abut 20 percent f the ttal number, because the rest escaped with the pachers.“If this trend cntinues,there is a very likely extinctin event fr all species f the panglin,” Wright nted.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了一个拯救穿山甲的组织以及他们的工作。
    5.Why are panglins cnsidered unique mammals?A.Their meat makes delicius have scales t prtect are in danger f dying are little understd species.
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Panglins,r scaly anteaters as they are therwise knwn,are unique species fund in Asia and they feel threatened, they rll up int a tight ball with nly their scales expsed.”可知,穿山甲之所以独特,是因为在遇到威胁时它们可用鳞甲保护自己。
    6.What pushes the paching and illegal trade f panglins?A.Fd shrtages in benefits f their value f their demand f fashin industry.
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“But much f the illegal trade in panglins invlves their scales,which are thught t fight illnesses.”可知,之所以有大量穿山甲非法贸易,主要是由于其鳞甲的药用价值。故选C项。
    7.What d the vlunteer team’s effrts fcus n?A.Catching the pachers and illegal dgs t find the hidden any illegal trade r and tending the rescued panglins.
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“They take care f their wunds,feed them and bring them back t health.”以及第六段中“The grup is nt just treating panglins.”可知,该组织主要工作是照顾穿山甲的伤口,喂养它们,让它们恢复健康,除此之外,也做一些别的工作。
    8.What is Nicci Wright’s majr cncern accrding t the last paragraph?A.Panglins’ suffering and f all panglin species.C.A decline in panglin research n panglins’ behavir.
    细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“‘If this trend cntinues,there is a very likely extinctin event fr all species f the panglin,’ Wright nted.”可知, Wright主要担忧的就是穿山甲的灭绝。故选B项。
    Ⅱ.完形填空Brn in 1997 in a small twn,nt far frm the capital,Kingstn,Khadija Shaw was the yungest f 13 children.She lved watching bys play  1  n the street utside their hme.“A lt f peple wuld gather and  2  wh was ging t win,” Shaw recalls.“I als jined in the interesting discussin,but I want t be a(n)  3  f that!” S the bys  4  her ff in gal. 
    Her parents weren’t  5 .Her father,a shemaker,and her mther,a rice farmer, 6  educatin fr their kids and hped fr their gd academic recrds.Her mther in particular thught ftball was a  7  f time.In Jamaica there were n girls’ r wmen’s teams,“but I wanted t play ftball,” says Shaw,wh had a Wrld Cup pster n her wall and  8  cmpeting in the sprt’s greatest turnament. S she’d play while her mther was wrking in the  9 .After she was caught,she turned t  10 —“If I wash the dishes,can I g ut and play?” until she was  11  at age 14 fr Jamaica Under 15s.Her father  12  Shaw’s reluctant mther that it wuld be a valuable experience. 
    Shaw was n her way.She  13  the natinal team in 2015 and gt a ftball  14  at the University f Tennessee,where she earned a degree in cmmunicatins,becming the first persn in her family t  15  frm university. 
    nB.cheered frC.dreamed fD.gave D.arguing
    【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要叙述了Khadija Shaw踢足球的艰难历程。1.D 根据下文的“but I wanted t play ftball”可知,她喜欢足球,故本句表达她喜欢看男孩子们在家门口的街上踢足球。2.C 根据下文的“wh was ging t win”可知,人们对关于谁会赢进行打赌。3.B 根据下文的“S she’d play while her mther was wrking”可知,当她妈妈在干活的时候,她会踢球,可知她看男孩子们在家门口的街上踢足球时,希望成为其中的一部分。4.D 根据上文的“I als jined in the interesting discussin,but I want t be a(n)    f that!”可知,她希望成为其中的一部分,男孩们让她开始踢球。start sb ff“让某人开始做某事”。 
    5.A 根据上文的“‘I als jined in the interesting discussin,but I want t be a(n)    f that!’ S the bys    her ff in gal.”和下文“hped fr their gd academic recrds”可知,父母希望孩子取得好成绩,故看到自己的孩子去踢球,她的父母很不高兴。 6.D 根据下文的“hped fr their gd academic recrds”可知,他们希望孩子们取得好成绩,故非常重视孩子的教育。7.B 根据上文的“Her father,a shemaker,and her mther,a rice farmer,    educatin fr their kids and hped fr their gd academic recrds.”可知,他们重视孩子的教育,希望孩子们取得好成绩,故她的母亲认为踢足球是在浪费时间。 
    8.C 根据上文的“In Jamaica there were n girls’ r wmen’s teams,‘but I wanted t play ftball,’says Shaw”可知,在牙买加,没有女子足球队,参加锦标赛只能是她的梦想。9.B 根据上文的“her mther,a rice farmer”可知,她妈妈是种植水稻的农民,自然在地里干活。10.C 根据下文的“If I wash the dishes,can I g ut and play?”可知,“如果我洗碗,我能出去踢吗?”,这是她和父母的谈判。11.A 根据下文的“Jamaica Under 15s”可知,她入选了足球队。12.C 根据下文的“it wuld be a valuable experience”可知,这句话是Shaw的父亲说服母亲的理由。
    13.D 根据下文的“the natinal team in 2015”可知,她进入了国家队。“made the natinal team”成为国家队队员。14.A 根据上文的“gt a ftball”和下文的“at the University f Tennessee”可知,她在大学获得了奖学金。15.B 根据上文的“where she earned a degree in cmmunicatins”可知,在那里她获得了传播学学位,故她从大学毕业了。
    Ⅲ.读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Jack lived in a small village surrunded by frests and he had always been fascinated by animals and ften spent his free time wandering arund the wds,bserving them.One day,while wandering thrugh the frest,Jack chanced upn a grup f deer eating grass peacefully in a clearing(空地).As he apprached them, they rushed away,frightened by his presence.Jack felt sad that the animals were afraid f him,and he decided t change it.
    Over the next few weeks,Jack visited the clearing every day,sitting quietly and patiently,bserving the deer frm a distance.Slwly but surely,the deer grew accustmed t his presence and started t apprach him and allw him t pet them.Jack was thrilled that he had gained their trust.Inspired by his success,Jack started t explre the frest mre and mre, meeting different animals alng the way.He encuntered a family f rabbits,a pack f wlves,and even a grup f bears.Althugh he was initially scared f the bears,he sn realized that they were just as curius abut him as he was abut them.
    Jack started t bring fd fr the animals,and they started t see him as a friend.He wuld sit with them fr hurs,watching them play and interact with each ther.He learned s much abut their behavir and habits,and he felt a deep cnnectin with them.One day,while he was sitting with the rabbits,Jack heard a lud nise in the bushes.He was afraid that it might be a predatr(捕食者),but t his surprise,a small fx emerged frm the bushes.The fx was struggling t walk, and Jack culd see that it was injured.Withut hesitatin,Jack apprached the fx slwly,trying nt t scare it. He saw that the fx had a thrn(刺) stuck in its paw,and it was in a lt f pain. Jack knew he had t help the fx,but he didn’t want t hurt it further.
    注意:1.续写词数应为150个左右;2.请按如下格式作答。He sat dwn next t the fx and started talking t it in a sft vice.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________As he grew lder,Jack’s lve fr animals grew strnger.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    He sat dwn next t the fx and started talking t it in a sft vice.He gently strked its fur and,after a few minutes,managed t pull the thrn ut. The fx licked his hand gratefully and stared at him with its big,brwn eyes. Frm that day n,the fx wuld fllw Jack everywhere he went.Tm’s friendship with the animals f the frest was the talk f the village.Peple wuld ften see him wandering arund with a pack f wlves r sitting with a family f bears.They were amazed by his ability t befriend animals that were suppsed t be wild and dangerus.

    人教版高考英语一轮复习必修第2册UNIT2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION课件: 这是一份人教版高考英语一轮复习必修第2册UNIT2 WILDLIFE PROTECTION课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了研考点 核心突破,目录索引 ,强基础 语基自测,测效果 课堂评价,研真题 链接高考,mass ,habitat ,average ,living ,measure 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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