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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    1. What is the man lking fr?
    B.An advertisement.
    C.A newspaper.
    2. Hw much will the wman pay fr the glasses?
    3. Where are the speakers ging?
    A.T a park.
    B.T a bank.
    C.T a shpping mall.
    4. Hw des the wman feel abut the exam?
    C. Encuraged.
    5. What des the man mean?
    A.He likes darkness.
    B.He is ging blind.
    C.He can't stand the strng light.
    6. What are the speakers ging t d tnight?
    A.Dinner ut.
    B.D sprts.
    C.G fr a party.
    7. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Bss and secretary.
    B.Husband and wife.
    C.Hstess and guest.
    8. What des the wman shw the man?
    A.Her visa.
    B.Her passprt.
    C.Her ID card.
    9. What will the wman d with her luggage?
    A. Check it in.
    B.Make it lighter.
    C.Take it with her.
    10.Why des the wman g t see the man?
    A.T ask fr a higher pay.
    B.T reprt her achievements.
    C. T infrm him f her new jb.
    11.Hw is the business f the cmpany?
    A.Wrse than befre.
    B.Better than befre.
    C.As gd as befre.
    12.Which f the fllwing is the reasn fr the wman's requirement?
    A.Her financial pressure.
    B. The current ecnmic situatin.
    C.Her cntributins t the cmpany.
    13.What happened t the wman in the end?
    A.She was sclded by the man.
    B.She gt what she had wanted.
    C.She lst her jb after the talk.
    14.Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. On a cllege campus.
    B.In an accunting firm.
    C.On a plane.
    15.By what time did Mike plan t finish his term paper?
    16.Why did Mike quit his part-time jb?
    A.He gt tired f the jb.
    B.He was ffered a better ne.
    C.He shuld fcus n his paper.
    17.What did Jessica advise Mike t d?
    A.T quit his part-time jb.
    B.T balance his needs and wants.
    C.T d mre physical exercises.
    18.Which f the fllwing is a feature f a hit sng?
    A.Being easy t remember.
    B.Having an unpleasant tune.
    C.Being released in an album.
    19.Wh is a flk singer?
    A.Taylr Swift.
    C.Bb Dylan.
    20.What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A.Ppular albums.
    B.Pp music.
    C.Ppular artists.
    There is n dubt that bks have the pwer t change hw peple think abut the wrld and the universe arund them. These 3 astrnmy bks have had a significant impact n the way humans think abut ur place and purpse in the universe:
    On the Heavens(abut 350 BC)by Aristalle
    Aristtle prpsed a gecentric(以地球为中心的)mdel f the universe in the bk. This wrk is significant as a master wrk f the Aristtelian wrldview, a schl f philsphy that dminated(支配)intellectual thinking fr almst 2000 years.Eventually,almst everything in it was prven incrrect, but On the Heavens, which is still in print, prvides a fascinating view f astrnmical evlutin.
    The Revlutins f Heavenly Spheres (1543) by Niclaus Cpernicus
    In this bk, Cpernicus argued that the Sun rather than the Earth lies in the center f the universe. The Earth mves as a planet arund the Sun. The mst imprtant advantage ffered by Cpernicus was a visin f the universe as an integrated system, where all the planets mve tgether in elegant harmny.
    The Mechanism f the Heavens(1831)by Mary Smerville
    Different frm his bk Physical Gegraphy, this bk was embraced as an imprtant cntributin t the understanding f celestial mtin(天体运动).It became extremely valuable t bth astrnmers and students and it was used as a textbk fr mre than half a century. The bk went thrugh many revisins, keeping pace with astrnmical develpments ver time. It prves that given the pprtunity, wmen culd match the men in science step fr step.
    21,What can we learn abut the bk On the Heavens?
    A.It is banned frm printing.
    B. It mainly fcuses n philsphy.
    C.It is used by many schls tday.
    D.It has prven almst cmpletely wrng.
    22.What d On the Heavens and The Revlutins f Heavenly Spheres have in cmmn?
    A.They revealed the truth f the universe.
    B. They are master wrks f the same era.
    C.They explred the center f the universe.
    D.They regard the universe as an integrated system.
    23.Which bk brings mre mtivatin t wmen in science?
    A. On the Heavens.
    B. Physical Gegraphy.
    C.The Mechanism f the Heavens.
    D.The Revlutins f Heavenly Spheres.
    Sprts is ne f the purest cncepts develped. Fr sme, sprts is a hbby, thers an escape, but fr Jasn Hills, Pst Media Edmntn part-time writer, sprts is everything.
    At a yung age, watching cuntless hurs f sprts allwed Hills t prcess and develp an escape t deal with the childhd painful experience f lsing bth his parents in a car accident. With s much inside his head, sprts prvided him with the utlet that millins f peple emply daily: being envelped int “the game.”
    Later, as Hills grew int a yung man, he began t becme invlved with schl sprts. As Hills began t play, the cncept f being invlved with a university team came int a dream.
    Fllwing high schl graduatin, Hills realized that university athletics might nt be in the cards, but was still very determined t have sprts play a majr rle in his life. S he attended Lethbridge Cllege fr its Jurnalism Diplma prgram. Since then, Hills has been a majr cmpnent f university athletics cverage in Edmntn fr ver 10 years. Spending lng hurs travelling t back and frth acrss the Nrth Saskatchewan River cvering all the pstsecndary teams, Hills is Pstmedia's g-t reprter in Edmntn fr everything amateur sprts.
    Hills is a stry teller. Thugh his articles include features,game recaps(简报)and series previews, all f his wrk shwcases university student-athletes like n ne else in the City f Edmntn. Hills stands ut and stands abve many, with an extrardinary ability t capture the athletes' true vice. By putting himself in their shes,Hills empathizes(有同感)with the student-athletes by telling their stry, bringing a truly human element t the piece.
    "My grandma tld me when I was yung, N matter what yu d in life, just d what makes yu happy, '"Hills recalls." This type f jb and this type f career, yu’re nt ging t make millins in it. Yu have t d it because yu lve it and because yu're passinate abut it."
    24.Why did Hills regard sprts as an escape in his childhd?
    A. T relieve his pain.
    B. T kill bring time.
    C.T recver frm bad health.
    D. T avid pressure frm his parents.
    25.What inspired Hills t enter jurnalism?
    A.His lve fr jurnalism frm childhd.
    B. His great achievements in the university team.
    C.His determinatin t becme a well-knwn sprts jurnalist.
    D.His passin fr sprts and hpelessness f entering the university athletics.
    26.What is a distinguished feature f Hills' articles?
    A.Fcusing n the cmments f the game.
    B.Telling the childhd stries f athletes.
    C.Reflecting the uniqueness f cllege student athletes.
    D.Bringing his wn life experiences int them.
    27.Which f the fllwing can best describe Hills?
    D. Knwledgeable.
    The blanket f pllutin resulting frm carbn dixide emissins frm fssil fuels is already warming the planet and causing mre extreme weather disasters. One way t keep climate change frm getting wrse is t take sme f thse histric emissins ut f the atmsphere. Mre than 200 scientists have signed nt a letter pushing fr "respnsible" research int ways t trap planet-heating carbn dixide in the wrld's ceans.
    Oceans already d that fr us, absrbing and hlding arund 50 times mre carbn than the atmsphere. What if humans culd supercharge that ability? That's what scientists want t better understand, alng with any side effects that might cme with messing with the chemistry f ur ceans. Startups are already develping new technlgies t sequester(隔绝)mre CO2 in the sea. But there's still a lt we dn't knw abut what impact that might have r what strategies might be mst successful, the letter says.
    These are all pretty early effrts, and hacking the high seas is n replacement fr preventing greenhuse gas emissins frm accumulating in the atmsphere by getting rid f fssil fuels. Sme envirnmental advcates are als wrried abut new CO2-filtering technlgies harming marine life.
    The letter tday calls fr cntrlled field trials t evaluate carbn remval strategies, alng with a third-party review f the results. There als need t be safety measures in place t address any “unintended r harmful cnsequences" and inclusive plicies t engage different stakehlders(利益相关者).Sme big names in climate and envirnmental sciences have signed n.
    “I have seen these massive declines in cean nthing is unethical(不道德的) essentially," says Débra, Eclgy, Evlutin, and Marine Bilgy department chair at the University f Califrnia, Santa Barbara, wh signed the letter released tday. When it cmes t studying new ways t use ceans t tackle climate change, she says," We need t at least figure ut the risks and the benefits, see whether we can help reslve the prblem we have created."
    28.What is the letter aimed at?
    A.Preventing carbn dixide emissins.
    B.Advcating a fssil-fuel-free lifestyle.
    C.Prmting the heating f carbn dixide.
    D.Pushing fr carbn remval technlgies.
    29.What can be inferred frm the previus effrts?
    A.The mst effective way t trap CO2 has been fund.
    B.Hacking the high seas can replace getting rid f fssil fuels.
    C.The technlgy has caused severe side effects messing the ceans.
    D.New technlgies fr trapping CO2 in the sea are already available.
    30. What des the letter demand accrding t paragraph 4?
    A.Make plices fr target grups.
    B.Prepare safety measures in advance.
    C.Review the results frm three aspects.
    D.Evaluate side effects with uncntrlled trials.
    31.What is Débra's attitude tward the studies f new ways?
    A. Unclear.
    C. Dubtful.
    Yu may nt realize that yur brain is cnsuming energy almst all the time. Paying attentin, decisin-making, empathy, even meditatin cnsume mental resurces. Yu can't think much at all-r laugh, r respnd t danger, r dream abut the future, r even remember where yu put the car keys-withut mental energy.
    Despite its essential status,mental energy is a missing factr in mst accunts f psychic(心理的)peratins.
    It‘s nt even clear what mental energy is. One mdel sees it as ne part md state, ne part cgnitin, and ne part mtivatin. There's n agreed-upn measure f r methd fr assessing mental energy.
    Whatever mental energy turns ut t be, ne thing is clear: it’s smething peple want mre f. Perhaps because we live in disquieting times that we struggle t make sense f even decisins abut what t put in the garbage bring us face-t-face with existential threats-there are cntinuus demands n mental energy. Or maybe it's just the price f having a big cerebral crtex(大脑皮层)in a time f infrmatin verlad.
    There are knwn ways f maintaining mental energy. Mst accessible, perhaps, is the careful use f whatever mental energy individuals already have. Habits help cnserve mental energy. They bviate the need t make any number f decisins s as t maintain mental energy. Gd habits are even better; they additinally prevent the need t expend energy n mpping up the damage dne by bad habits.
    It's als pssible t generate mental energy frm within by a technique knwn as mental cntrasting. New Yrk University psychlgist Gabriele Oettingen develped mental cntrasting as a way t use the energy necessary t turn gals int achievements. The technique requires imagining a future yu want t attain-writing a bk, say-and the best utcme f that desired gal-feelings f accmplishment and pride. The critical part is then aviding pure fantasy by cntrasting yur wishes with the reality f the wrk necessary t attain them. The judgments peple then make abut hw likely they are t attain the desired future are starting wrking, and the energy mbilizatin(能量调动)can be measured physically in tests f hand-grip strength(握力).Further,Oettingen finds,mental cntrasting gives rise t a universal arusal state in which energy is transferrable t mental tasks whlly unrelated t the fantasy that birthed it.
    32.What d we knw abut mental energy?
    A.It's clear that peple desire mre f mental energy.
    B. Mst threats and struggles can be addressed with mental energy.
    C. It is a mdel with parts including md state, cgnitin, and mtivatin.
    D. Mst accunts f psychic peratins describe mental energy as a main factr.
    33. What des the underlined wrd "bviate" in paragraph 4 mean?
    A.Meet. B.Remve. C.Increase. D.Prvide.
    34. Hw des mental cntrasting help generate mental energy?
    A. By turning gals int achievements.
    B.By transferring yur energy t mental tasks.
    C.By picturing yur desired gal and its utcme.
    D. By fantasizing abut yur accmplishments.
    35.Which wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A.The making f mental energy.
    B.The functins f mental energy.
    C.Habits, gd keepers f mental energy.
    D. Mental cntrasts, surces f mental energy.
    Hw t practise emtinal awareness?
    What is emtinal awareness? Emtinal awareness is being able t identify and make sense f nt nly ur wn emtins but thse f thers. It's abslutely essential in understanding ur behavirs and changing ur way f dealing with the prblems. With emtinal awareness, we can understand hw this influences ur behavirs. 36
    Of curse, describing exactly hw we feel can ften prve difficult. 37 It's nt always easy t put a finger n exactly what's wrng, withut digging a little deeper. This is ften because n sme level we dn't want t knw hw we really feel.
    38 Unhealthy thughts, behavirs and cping mechanisms that are hidden frm ur view. Perhaps yu lash ut(猛击)r withdraw when yu feel verwhelmed r g int a fld f criticism and self-dubt when yu receive negative feedback.
    Mindfulness is the prcess f bringing ur attentin t the present mment and becming mre aware f ur thughts. It's a state f calm, nn-judgmental reflectin. 39 We can quiet the mental chatter that ften accmpanies difficult emtins and instead sit with the physical sensatin f the emtin in ur bdy. Ding this regularly allws us t be mre aware f the surce f ur emtins and enables us t carry ut strategies t manage them mre effectively.
    Self-reflectin develps emtinal awareness and is key t understanding why yu feel the way yu d. Activities such as jurnaling can be really beneficial in learning abut yur thught prcesses. 40 It can be difficult t feel heard by thers if we dn't have the language t describe hw we're feeling.
    A.And in turn,change the way we respnd t challenging situatins.
    B. Withut emtinal awareness, we may develp emtinal blind spts.
    C.It's the very reasn we turn t general phrases like "I'm nt myself tday”.
    D.Smetimes what we really struggle with is putting ur emtins int wrds.
    E.There are many ways t be mindful, frm practising breathwrk t sitting in silence.
    F.And fr many f us, that means understanding hw we feel and why can be incredibly difficult.
    G.Research shws that being aware f yur emtins is hugely beneficial t scial and emtinal functining.
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    This fall marks an especially memrable time fr ne family celebrating three generatins walking nt Carthage Cllege tgether. Samantha Malczewski,19, the sphmre nursing student recalled. “It was really 41.I didn't expect it.” Hwever, Carter aged 18, said she had a(n) 42 that their mm Amy Malczewski and grandmther Christy Schwan were interested in ging back t schl.
    Calling herself "Carthage's biggest fan", Amy Malczewski has a deep 43 t Carthage Cllege. “And Carthage has this amazing 44 fr the master's degree in business and design, which is really 45 all the things that I lve," said she.
    Meanwhile, when Christy heard f her daughter's46,she quickly realized they culd 47 n the jurney tgether. The 71-year-ld48 three years ag after wrking in emplyee benefits cnsulting. Amy said, “I think yu ught t49it t." And I'm like, “OH, I think yu're right, we shuld d this 50,”Christy recunted. “It's helped fill a(n) 51 space fr me.”
    As the fur settle int classes and busy52,the tw sisters said they're53t accmpany them t class, have this little study grup, r get dinner tgether in the cafeteria," Carter said.
    In a statement, Carthage Cllege54 the family and their educatinal gals." Spanning three generatins, this family reminds us f the pwer f 55learning,”the schl said, "Age isn't a factr--we can all cntinue t learn.”
    B.surprising C.shameful D.cmfrting
    B.lessn C. prpsal D.prmise
    B.invitatin C.cnnectin D.innvatin
    B.test C.reasn D.rutine
    need f B.in line with C.in return fr D.in advance f
    B.pwer C. bet D.plan
    ff B.set aside C.take away D.set ut
    B.cmplained C.withdrawn D.fllwed
    B.admit C.cnsider D.risk
    B.heartily C.apart D.tgether
    B. imprtant C.limited D.narrw
    B.schedules C.gatherings D.jurneys
    B.mtivating C.learning D.pretending
    B.mentined C.applauded D.understd
    B.temprary C.basic D.lifelng
    Rujiam,als called rugam, is ne f the mst ppular Chinese snacks. Despite its 56(cmpare)t a hamburger, it carries far mre gegraphical and histrical meaning.
    Rujiam is 57(clse) assciated with the nrth-central city f Xi'an, in Shaanxi prvince. Since 202 BCE, Xi'an has been bth the eastern terminal f the Silk Rad and the capital fr 13 mre-r-less successive Chinese 58(dynasty).
    Traditinally, Rujiam mainly cnsists f tw parts---the flatbread and the filling. The meat preparatin used t make the filling fr rujiam dates back 59 the Warring States perid. The intrductin int China f Central Asian-style flatbreads, like the kind used in rujiam, in general, 60(we) t Ban Cha, a Chinese general wh spent ver 30 years battling 61 unin f nmadic(游牧的)tribes t regain cntrl f the farthest western reaches f China. The flatbread bun, called baijim, takes its name frm 62 is tday knwn as Beiji twnship. There exist differences between the flatbreads used fr different districts in Shaanxi. Fr example, the flatbread used fr Tngguan rujiam is unlike 63 used in the Xi'an style. Tngguan rujiam, 64(name) after a twn that, in days lng past, guarded a strategic pass rughly 120km east f Xi'an.
    Despite its tasty flavr, it's risky 65(eat) n the g. Prper rujiam is filled t bursting, regardless f the ptential cnsequences fr ne's clthes and dry-cleaning budget.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Ryan,
    I'm Li Hua frm Class 3.

    Yurs sincerely,
    My dad believed in respnsibility! Independence! New experiences! He ften used his fascinating stries f his yuth t urge us children t fresh achievements.
    One day he came hme frm wrk early and saw me watching a lcal TV shw-Talent Spruts, a daily cntest fr kids furteen and under. Fur perfrmances filled the half hur frm 5:00 t 5:30.Yu might watch anything frm a vilin sl t a magic shw. At the end the perfrmers were spt lighted, and KMTV's judges named a winner.
    It didn't take Daddy lng t lk me in the eye. “Yu shuld g n Talent Spruts. Yu can play 'Ave Maria.' Think f it-an unfrgettable experience t be n TV as an eleven-year-ld!” Befre I argued, he had been already ff n his stry f the hilarius(滑稽的)glry f his perfrmance. Thus, thugh I didn't want t, I agreed. Actually, I did knw Schubert's "Ave Maria"in a very easy versin that used tw hands t simplify thse famus arpeggis(琶音).I did have it memrized.
    The next mrning, I mailed my applicatin with the required infrmatin. I had almst frgtten abut it when the ntice came fr an auditin time n a Saturday afternn. Daddy said part f being independent and respnsible was t g by myself. The bus went right by the KMTV studis.
    S that Saturday I checked in at the desk and sat dwn t wait. I was sn called. The hst f Talent Spruts, Lew Jeffrey, and the musical directr, Warren Rudd described the rutine fr the participants and tld me I culd begin t play my pian piece.
    Int the eighth measure(小节)I nticed Warren Rudd nd t Lew Jeffrey. That gave me cnfidence, and I relaxed. Daddy was ver the mn when I tld him I had been assigned a day t perfrm less than tw weeks away. Still, I had very little cnfidence in my talent. I knew I had an easy arrangement. I culd never have played Schubert's riginal.
    Paragraph 1:When my Mnday came, I again tk the bus t KMTV alne and waited.

    Paragraph 2:Smehw my brain went t wrk and I cntinued playing.

    M: Excuse me! Can yu tell me hw much the shirt is?
    W: Yes, it’s £9.15.
    Text 1
    W: Hey, aren’t yu lking fr a jb?
    M: Yes, I am. Did yu find smething fr me in the paper?
    W: I think s. There’s an advertisement here yu might be interested in.
    Text 2
    W: I’d like these glasses. Hw much are they?
    M: They’re $40 a piece. If yu buy a dzen, yu can save $100.
    W: OK. I’ll take a dzen.
    Text 3
    W: Can’t we g smeplace and talk? It’s s crwded here.
    M: Well, there’s a little park dwn the street. It’s next t a bank behind a shpping mall. It’s usually nt crwded this time f day.
    W: OK. Let’s g.
    Text 4
    M: Hw was yur final exam?
    W: I really messed up, Uncle. I culdn’t answer a lt f the questins. It was far away frm my previus ptimistic expectatin.
    M: Sunshine cmes after the strm. Auntie and I will always supprt yu!
    W: Thank yu, Uncle. I will try again.
    Text 5
    M: Jhn, yu are blinding me. Turn that light away.
    W: Srry, I frgt hw pwerful it is.
    M: It’s OK. It was just a shck, stepping ut f darkness int that.
    第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    Text 6
    W: David, dn’t frget we’re invited ut t dinner tnight.
    M: Oh, yeah. I almst frgt. What time?
    W: 7:30. We shuld leave the huse by 6:30. Yu knw hw bad the traffic is that time f night.
    M: It’s infrmal, isn’t it?
    W: Yeah. Yu can wear yur new sprts jacket. The ne I gt yu as an anniversary gift.
    M: OK. Well, I’ve gt t g t wrk. I’ll try t get hme a little earlier tday.
    Text 7
    M: Hell. Where are yu heading tday?
    W: I’m ff t Paris fr a week.
    M: D yu have yur passprt with yu?
    W: Yes, here yu are. I dn’t need a visa t g t France, d I?
    M: Frtunately fr yu, yu dn’t. Er…, Hw many pieces f luggage are yu checking in?
    W: I like t travel light s I just have this ne.
    M: If that’s yur nly piece f luggage, it is small enugh t carry n with yu. Here’s yur barding pass. Enjy yur flight!
    Text 8
    W: Excuse me, sir, may I talk t yu?
    M: Sure, cme n in. What can I d fr yu?
    W: Well, sir, as yu knw, I have been an emplyee f this famus firm fr ver ten years.
    M: Yes.
    W: I wn’t beat arund the bush, sir. I wuld like a raise. I currently have three cmpanies after me and s I decided t talk t yu first.
    M: A raise? I wuld lve t give yu a raise, but this is just nt the right time.
    W: I understand yur psitin and I knw that the current ecnmic dwnturn has had a negative impact n sale, but yu must als take int cnsideratin my hard wrk, perfrmance and lyalty t this cmpany fr ver a decade.
    M: Taking int accunt these factrs and, cnsidering I dn’t want t start lsing qualified persns, I’m willing t ffer yu a ten percent raise and an extra five days f vacatin time. Hw des that sund?
    W: Great! It’s a deal! Thank yu, sir.
    Text 9
    W: Hi, Mike. Haven’t seen yu fr ages!
    M: Hi, Jessica. Fancy meeting yu here n the same flight.
    W: Hw is yur cllege life?
    M: What can I say? I’ve survived.
    W: What happened?
    M: Well, early last February, I started ding a part-time jb in an accunting firm. A few weeks befre, I had started writing my term paper. I thught I culd finish it by July.
    W: That was a pretty gd idea, trying t have sme wrk experience.
    M: Fr the first three weeks, yu knw, I tried. I gt up early and wrked fr an hur n my paper befre ging t wrk. But wrk was s fun. I met tns f new peple, and sn I culdn’t find even a minute fr my paper. S I had t quit my part-time jb, and finally finished my paper in Nvember.
    W: Well, It’s never t late t mend. It’s better t find a balance between what yu have t d and what yu want t d.
    M: Yeah, it’s really imprtant fr me t balance study and wrk. And I think I shuld learn t exercise sme self-cntrl.
    Text 10
    Pp music is the genre f ppular music that prduces the mst hits. A hit is a sng that sells many cpies, and the latest hits are listed every week n the charts. T get n the charts, a sng must be released as a single. Sngs that becme hits almst always share certain features. They have a pleasing tune, and are easy t remember and sing alng t. Mst pp sngs are between tw and five minutes lng, and the lyrics are usually abut the jys and prblems f lve and relatinships. Nt all hit singles are prduced by pp artists. They’re als prduced by artists frm many ther genres like cuntry music singer Taylr Swift, dance music artist Skrillex and flk singer Bb Dylan. Artists like these prduce hit singles by writing sngs that fllw the pp-music frmula but include elements f their wn genre, and by ding this they can create their wn unique style f pp music. It’s artists like these wh are mst likely t create new styles f pp music in the future.
    第一部分 听力
    1-5 ACABC 6-10 ABBCA 11-15 ACBCB 16-20 CBACB
    21-23 DCC 24-27 ADCB 28-31 DDBB 32-35 ABCA 36-40 ACBED
    第三部分 知识与运用
    第一节 完形填空
    41-45 BACAB 46-50 DDACD 51-55 ABACD
    第二节 语法填空
    56. cmparisn 57. clsely 58. dynasties 59. t 60. is wed
    61. a 62. what 63. that 64. was named 65. t eat
    第四部分 书面表达
    第一节 应用文写作 (One pssible versin)
    Dear Ryan,
    I’m Li Hua frm Class 3. Our schl will hld a gala t celebrate the appraching Mid-autumn festival and I’m in charge. I’m writing t invite yu t help rganize all exchange students t prepare an English shw.
    The gala is scheduled in the gym n Sept. 27 frm 7 pm t 9 pm. Yu are expected t be prepared tw days ahead and arrive in advance. As fr the shw, it can be anything as lng as it is in accrd with the theme f reunin, which is the cre f this special festival. Additinally, yur expenses n makeup and cstumes will be cvered by the schl.
    I’d appreciate it if yu take my invitatin int cnsideratin. Lking frward t yur early reply.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写 (One pssible versin)
    Para 1: When my Mnday came, I again tk the bus t KMTV alne and waited. Everything was familiar this time. But hearing the musical sunds and applause frm time t time, I felt my heart was punding with excitement and nervusness. Eventually, it was my turn. Taking a deep breath, I calmed dwn. Cnfident, I went t the pian and began t play. Easy, s easy! Fun almst . . . right up t the cda at the end. I suddenly realized I shuld nt be at the end! My heart jumped t my muth. I had skipped a part. A huge part. Hw did that happen?
    Para 2: Smehw my brain went t wrk and I cntinued playing. I tried t smile at the camera and played the rest smthly as if n skipping had happened. After what seemed an eternity, I stpped playing. Hwever, it turned ut that my perfrmance had prbably lasted barely a minute. Surely the result was as expected--I wasn’t the winner. On my way hme, I surprised myself by feeling mre relieved than disappinted. I culd nt pretend that my perfrmance was best. In truth, the ther three were far superir. When I came back hme t talk abut “The Big Skip”, Dad smiled, “It may nt have been nticed by smene wh desn’t knw Schubert’s ‘Ave Maria.’ Yur mvement was smth. Yu didn’t fall apart. All in all, a wrthwhile experience.”
    第一节 应用文写作评分标准
    第二节 读后续写评分标准
    2. 以15分为参考线,根据内容连贯性,情节的合理性以及语言质量定档给分。(先看续写完成度,再看语言)
    3. 由上文中内容Daddy was ver the mn when I tld him I had been assigned a day t perfrm less than tw weeks away. 以及提示句When my Mnday came, I again tk the bus t KMTV alne and waited.,可知第一段中我独自去参加比赛,到达比赛地点后等待上台进行表演。再结合上文中Still, I had very little cnfidence in my talent. I knew I had an easy arrangement. I culd never have played Schubert’s riginal.可知,我对自己没有信心,因此此刻情绪可能是紧张的。
    4. 第一段,由下文提示句Smehw my brain went t wrk and I cntinued playing,可知第一段中接下来我上台表演,突然出现表演失误。如没有写,则需进行降档或扣5分。
    5. 第二段,由提示句Smehw my brain went t wrk and I cntinued playing,可知第二段应涉及我继续表演直到结束。
    6. 第二段,由前文Actually, I did knw Schubert’s “Ave Maria” in a very easy versin以及Still, I had very little cnfidence in my talent. I knew I had an easy arrangement. 可知第二段中我没有成为获胜者。如写获胜或获得第一名,则需进行降档或扣5分。
    7. 重点关注续写这一任务的完成度,如果在结尾处有适当的升华,并且有责任感(respnsibility)、独立(independence)或体验(experiences)有关或者与父爱有关,加1-2分。档次

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