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    这是一份广东省江门市新会第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题,文件包含广东省江门市新会第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题docx、广东省江门市新会第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。

    班别:__________ 学号:__________ 姓名:____________ 成绩:___________
    5. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。
    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
    Train the imprtant skills mdern editrs use t evaluate and enhance writing fr clarity precisin and accuracy.
    In this curse, students will learn hw an editr appraches a submitted piece, ging beynd sentence-level errr and lking at the big picture arund accuracy, style and rganizatin. Understanding the different challenges in an editr’s jb, students will get a behind-the-scenes lk at this smetimes busy and ften exciting career. Meanwhile, students will grw their wn technical editing skills and return hme a mre cmpetent editr.
    Using Gen Z Era as their case study, students will meet and study under the peple wh decide what tpics are relevant and valuable t the audience and wh determine the verall editrial strategy, ensuring that the cntent meets the standards and tne f the publicatin.
    Curse Highlights
    •Visit the media city and attend lectures by award-winning guest speakers.
    •Assess articles as well as questin and cach the authrs t get the best piece pssible.
    •Cnnect with prfessinals wh manage the develpment and publicatin f accurate and wrthy cntent.
    •Edit ne piece int a well-written and fact-checked article in the style f Gen Z Era.
    •Residential Prgram (Students live n campus):$ 6,600
    •Day Prgram (Students cmmute t class every day):$ 5,500
    (Graduating senirs can have a $400 discunt if applying befre May 2, 2024.)
    Term Date:July 9-July 21, 2024
    Applicatin Deadline:Friday, May 31, 2024
    Cntact Admissin:inf@gzeeditr.net
    1. Which is the prbable name f the curse?
    A. Career Develpment in Media. B. Editrial Decisin-making.
    C. Fundamentals f Editing.D. Intrductin t Publicatin.
    2. What will students d in the curse?
    A. Interview award-winning guests.
    B. Help authrs imprve their articles.
    C. Cnnect with prfessinal publishers.
    D. Edit ne article fr Gen Z Era.
    3. A graduating senir applying fr a Day Prgram n April 30, 2024 shuld pay ________.
    A. $5,100 B. $5,500 C. $6,200 D. $6,600
    At the Winter Olympic Games in Schi, Russia, halfway in the wmen’s slalm (障碍滑雪) race, 18-year-ld Mikaela Shiffrin tk a cmmanding lead ver the greatest wmen’s slalm skiers in the wrld. On her final run, she burst frm the start huse at a breakneck speed, snaking arund the ples in crazy rhythm.
    Skiing has always been a significant part f Mikaela’s life. Her mm raced and cached skiing and her dad ski raced all thrugh cllege. The Shiffrins taught Mikaela and her brther, Taylr, t ski at a very yung age. At the age f tw and a half, Mikaela made her first ski run n plastic skis. Frm ages 8 t 11, she wrked hard, practicing hundreds f training runs n small hills repeatedly t develp the crrect techniques f slalm skiing.
    When Mikaela was 11, she attended the Burke Muntain Academy, a Vermnt barding schl fr skiers. She tk classes, studied, and practiced her skiing crazily. Accrding t Kirk Dwyer, Burke Muntain Academy headmaster, “It was the degree f Mikaela’s effrt t be the best that distinguished her frm thers. Her cmmitment t cnditining, having prper sleep, eating crrectly, ding the drills, and watching vide was unusual fr an 11 t 13-year-ld. Mikaela practiced mre than anyne and believed in herself then and nw.”
    By the time she was 17, she had already wn her first Wrld Cup race.
    Wrking hard is a full-time jb fr Mikaela. Even her ff-seasn is wrk time. In the summer, when Mikaela is ff the ski slpes and in the gym, her daily training cnsists f six t seven hurs f weight lifting, swimming, and biking t imprve her cre strength and flexibility. She des all f this s that she can dash dwn slpes at speeds tpping 50 miles per hur while cutting back and frth arund gates with astnishing precisin.
    “If yu have passin fr yur targets, whatever they are,” she says, “the sky is the limit. Give it yur all!”
    4. What can we learn frm paragraph 2?
    A. Mikaela came frm a skiing family.
    B. Mikaela’s mther taught her t ski first.
    C. Mikaela trained harder than her brther.
    D. Mikaela’s father cached skiing in clleges.
    5. Why were headmaster Kirk Dwyer’s wrds cited?
    A. T stress Mikaela was a crazy teenager.
    B. T shw Mikaela’s distinct persnality.
    C. T praise the gd students in his schl.
    D. T highlight Mikaela’s great devtin t training.
    6. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Mikaela?
    A. Talented and smart.B. Creative and determined.
    C. Flexible and brave.D. cmmitted and self-disciplined.
    7. What des Mikaela Shiffrin’s stry cnvey?
    A. Practice makes perfect.
    B. Nt t advance is t g back.
    C. He wh laughs last laughs best.
    D. Actins speak luder than wrds.
    Parrts are prey animals, which means that ther predatrs (捕食者) in the wild, such as hawks r snakes, are lking t make them int a meal. This ne factr influences parrts’ behavir in yur huse mre than any ther.
    Parrts are mst easily hurt when feeding n the grund; membership in a grup plays an imprtant functin in ensuring their safety and imprving their chances f survival frm attacks by predatrs. The mst cmmn predatrs f parrts include hawks, snakes, cats, mnkeys, and bats. Sme predatrs make attacks nly during the day while thers hunt in the night.
    As prey animals, parrts are cnstantly watching ut fr danger and they instinctively (本能地) react t risks. Their first chice is t take flight. Hwever, if this is nt pssible, they will fight with their pwerful beaks t defend themselves.
    Because their biggest enemy is the hawk, parrts are especially reactive t quick mvements frm abve and behind. Fr this reasn, it is wise t avid quick, sudden mvements near yur bird. This is a built-in reactin nt subject t lgic r reasn. Simple and relatively harmless husehld bjects can draw extreme fear respnses frm a bird. Fr example, a balln may represent a hawk r a vacuum hse (吸尘器软管) may be the same as a snake in yur bird’s mind.
    As prey animals, parrts are ften frightened by expsure t new husehld items r strangers. It is imprtant t expse yur bird t safe experiences and changes starting at a very yung age t build flexibility and imprve their adaptability. Variety in diet and tys, travel, and expsure t new peple and places all help t make yur bird mre flexible and adaptable t change.
    8. What is imprtant fr parrts t better survive frm attacks in the wild?
    A. Living in a grup.
    B. Grwing beautiful feathers.
    C. Feeding n the grund.
    D. Aviding cming ut at night.
    9. What is parrts’ first respnse t an immediate risk?
    A. T attack back.B. T get away.
    C. T prtect the yung.D. T play dead.
    10. Why wuld a balln frighten a parrt?
    A. It may explde suddenly.
    B. It may be in a strange shape.
    C. It may have a strng clr.
    D. It may mve arund quickly.
    11. What is the authr’s purpse f writing the text?
    A. T explain wild parrts’ behavir.
    B. T give advice n raising a parrt.
    C. T call fr actin t prtect animals.
    D. T intrduce a study n bird eclgy.
    Ariel Prcaccia has thught a lt abut hw t cut a cake ver the last 15 years. As the father f three children, he knws hw hard it is t divide a birthday cake t everyne’s satisfactin. But it’s als because Prcaccia’s wrk fcuses n explring the mathematical rules fr dividing stuff up fairly. One way t d that is t think abstractly abut dessert.
    Fr decades, researchers have been asking the seemingly simple questin f hw t cut a cake fairly. The answer reaches far beynd birthday parties. A mathematical prblem at its heart, cake cutting cnnects strict reasning t real-wrld issues f fairness, and s attracts nt nly mathematicians, but als scial scientists, ecnmists and mre. “It’s a very elegant mdel in which yu can distill what fairness really is, and reasn abut it,” Prcaccia says.
    The simplest apprach is called the “divider-chser” methd, where ne persn cuts the cake int tw equal pieces in his view, and the ther persn picks first. Each receives a piece that they feel is as valuable as the ther’s. But when persnal preferences are taken int accunt, even the easiest rule becmes cmplicated. Suppse Alice and Bb are t divide a cake, and Alice knws Bb prefers chclate, she may knwingly divide the cake unequally s the smaller piece cntains mre chclate. Then Bb will chse accrding t his preference, and Alice will get the larger piece. Bth f them are satisfied with what they get, but the meaning f fairness changes in this situatin.
    The cake is a symbl fr any divisible gd. When cake-cutting principles are emplyed t settle disagreements, they are ptentially helping the wrld find slutins. Prcaccia has used fair divisin algrithms (算法) t mdel fd distributin. Scial scientist Haris Aziz is explring situatins ranging frm hw t divide up daily tasks t hw t best schedule dctrs’ shifts in hspitals.
    Even after decades f investigatin, cake cutting isn’t like a simple jigsaw puzzle (拼图) with a well-defined slutin. Instead, ver time, it has evlved int a kind f mathematical sandbx, a cnstructive playgrund that brings tgether abstract prfs and easy applicatins. The mre researchers explre it, the mre there is t explre.
    12. What des the underlined wrd “distill” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Keep the fcus n. B. Find the ppsite f.
    C. Get the essence f.D. Reduce the impact n.
    13. What can we learn abut fairness frm the example given in paragraph 3?
    A. Its standard is stable.B. It prevents unequal divisin.
    C. Its cncept is cmplex.D. It dminates persnal preferences.
    14. What is paragraph 4 mainly abut cncerning cake cutting?
    A. The details f its prcess.B. The applicatin f its rules.
    C. The prblems it prduces.D. The harmny it symblizes.
    15. What is the best title fr the text?
    A.Wh benefits mst frm fairness?
    B.Hw has fairness changed ver time?
    C.What methd wrks best in cake-cutting?
    D.Why are researchers s interested in cake-cutting?
    N matter hw many times yu g, Dubai always has smething new in stre fr its natives and turists. Let’s take a lk at a few must-ds fr yur first time in this impressive city in the United Arab Emirates!
    ●Hit the famus Dubai Mall.
    Any shpahlic (购物狂) wrth their salt knws abut the Dubai Mall, ne f the mst famus and the mst expensive shpping centers in the wrld. 16 Hwever, even if yu’re nt in the md t spend yur savings in hundreds f luxury stres, there are ther fun ptins.
    ●Mind yur manners.
    While yu’re searching fr the next adventure, make sure yu fllw sme basic rules f cnduct that the lcal law prescribes. Fr example, if yu’re travelling with yur significant ther, public displays f affectin are strictly frbidden. 17 S make sure that yur attitude is apprpriate fr the city’s expectatins and cultural nrms.
    ● 18
    Althugh yu’ll find many turists wearing clthes cnsidered nt entirely plite by the lcals, there are certain rules that are strictly implemented in restaurants, malls, and entertainment centers. S, if yu put n smething cnsidered inapprpriate r revealing, yu risk being asked t leave a place.
    ●Save sme time fr Jumeirah Beach.
    Situated cnveniently clse t Burj al Arab, this spectacular stretch f the cast is a perfect way t spend sme time sunbathing and enjying the warm waters f the Persian Gulf. 19 In additin, thse lking t stay away frm the sun can enjy the many bars next t the beach.
    ●Prepare yur palate fr Emirati fd.
    Have yu ever had a chance t sample Al Machbs, camel meat, r Manusheh? Arabic cuisine has sme f the mst extrardinary delicacies yu culd pssibly imagine, few f which are prepared in the same manner utside f their native lands. 20
    A. Jumeirah Beach is abut 10 kilmetres lng.
    B. Pay attentin t yur dressing requirements.
    C. If yu’re travelling with kids, yu’ll find the beach perfect.
    D. Hme t arund 1,300 stres, it is a wnderful shpping place.
    E. Try the authentic Arabic cffee fr a flavrful taste f the East.
    F. Dubai is indeed a destinatin packed with adventure and culture.
    G. Getting drunk r using ffensive hand gestures are all illegal activities.
    第二部分 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
    While taking a 20-hur train ride alng the edge f the Taklimakan Desert in nrthwestern China, I had the kind f humbling, educatinal, and abve all else, wnderful 21 with a lcal that all travelers lng fr. A yung Chinese man 22 me n the train. My 23 friend spke virtually n English, s I happily tk the 24 t practice my Chinese.
    Over several hurs he wuld tell me abut hw he had 25 a tw-year prfessinal schl t quickly find a jb 26 highways in rder t help supprt his family. Perhaps mst 27 , hwever, was the fact that this man spent hurs studying every day after hard physical labr. Withut batting an eye he wuld 28 a translated Emersn passage befre asking abut the literary influence f American 29 as a whle. “And what d yu all learn abut Russian authrs?” I 30 him asking at ne pint.
    It wuld have been easy t 31 my assumptins abut this highway builder wh had never been mre than a few hundred miles frm hme. But this highly infrmed, 32 , and admirable persn prevented me ding s. In the curse f a cuple f hurs, he 33 me just hw much ne can gain frm 34 with an pen mind, and a willingness t 35 with lcals frm all walks f life.
    21. A. experiment B. encunter C. cmpetitin D. appintment
    22. A. treated B. saved C. lectured D. apprached
    23. A. true B. s-called C. new D. lng-lst
    24. A. chance B. advice C. truble D. right
    25. A. visited B. financed C. attended D. funded
    26. A. building B. sweeping C. checking D. guarding
    27. A. typical B. bvius C. natural D. remarkable
    28. A. publish B. qute C. cpy D. dwnlad
    29. A. writers B. histrians C. wrkers D. students
    30. A. anticipate B. imagine C. recall D. catch
    31. A. lk int B. rely n C. g ver D. deal with
    32. A. well-behaved B. multi-skilled C. warm-hearted D. self-educated
    33. A. asked B. warned C. shwed D. prmised
    34. A. traveling B. reading C. searching D. teaching
    35. A. cperate B. side C. negtiate D. engage
    第三部分 语义匹配 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
    In the race t recrd the species n Earth befre they 36. g extinct, researchers and citizen scientists have 37.assembled billins f recrds. Tday, mst recrds f bidiversity are ften in the frm f phts, vides, and ther digital recrds. Thugh they are useful fr detecting 38.shifts in the number and variety f species in an area, a new Stanfrd study has fund that this type f recrd is 39.flawed.
    “With the rise f technlgy it is easy fr peple t make bservatins f different species with the aid f a mbile applicatin,” said Barnabas Daru, wh is lead authr f the study. Fr example, if smene spts an attractive butterfly r plant, they can easily 40.dcument it by taking a pht and uplading it t a bidiversity app with details such as the species’ name, lcatin, date, and time. This infrmatin becmes a valuable field bservatin…...
    36. A. g away B. die ut C. die away D. g ut
    37. A. brken B. interpreted C. cllected D. kept
    38. A. mistakes B. signs C. prblems D. changes
    39. A. imperfect B. cnvincing C. cmmn D. unifrm
    40. A. share B. recrd C. cmpare D. judge
    第四部分 课文填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)
    Passage 1
    Claire thught 41.________ was ridiculus that she was being ffered sympathy by a rbt, but she gradually admired his wisdm and 42.________ and began t trust him. He always treated her with 43._________. She tld him hw she was unhappy that her hme wasn't elegant enugh fr Larry, 44.________ wanted t imprve his scial psitin with a bigger 45.__________.
    Passage 2
    A lt f typical Australian fd, such as the Sunday rast, is riginally British. Bakeries, fast-fd 46._______, butcher shps, cafes, and restaurants everywhere prvide sme f the 47.________ fd experiences in the wrld. The influence f Asian cultures, n the 48.________ hand, led t the intrductin f bean curd and Asian 49._________, alng with Australian versins f fds 50._______ the Chinese-inspired dim sim.
    Passage 3
    In ancient times, silk frm China fund its way verland 51.________ India, the Middle East, and Rme, alng 52.________ became knwn as the Silk Rad. A trading rute acrss the sea was als 53._________ alng the casts f the Indian Ocean, 54._________ arund Ceyln. Here, merchants frm China and many ther places met t 55.________ trade deals, which als led t mre awareness f each ther’s cultures.
    Passage 4
    S I've been here in the jungle fr abut a mnth nw. My 56.________ schl is a bush schl. The classrms are made f bamb, with 57.________ flrs and rfs f grass. It takes me nly a few minutes t walk t schl dwn a 58.________ track cvered in 59.________. When I reach the schl grunds, I'm greeted by a 60.________ f “gd mrning” frm the bys.
    第五部分 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    Despite being 75 years ld, Chai Tixia’s expertise in Jianzi is truly impressive. With quick kicks, he effrtlessly sends the Jianzi int the air and gracefully guides it t land 61 (gentle) n his head.
    Jianzi, 62 game that dates back t the Han Dynasty, is surprisingly simple: players must keep the Jianzi in the air, 63 (use) any part f their bdy except their hands and arms. Hwever, t master this game 64 (require) a lt f practice.
    While enjyed thrughut China, Jianzi 65 (describe) by Chai as an imprtant aspect f hutng culture. The narrw alleyways, situated within Beijing’s inner city, prvide the setting fr the game’s 66 (ppular). Each mrning, Chai and his fellw hutng residents gather fr their shared passin fr Jianzi.
    Chai’s spirited matches with his neighbrs have a big audience 67 (draw) t the artistry and excitement f the game. The nlkers wh watch them playing with great athleticism are amazed at 68 Chai and his fellw players can achieve.
    Having practiced Jianzi fr ver 30 years, Chai cherishes the physical and scial 69 (benefit) the game brings. Engaging in lively matches with his neighbrs energizes his bdy, enhances his flexibility, 70 prmtes unity within the cmmunity. Thrugh Jianzi, Chai harvests nt nly health but a sense f belnging and friendship.
    第六部分 单句填空 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
    71. The bmb must e________ (爆炸) within less than a millinth f a secnd.
    72. Shps have clsed with increasing f_________(频繁) during the perid.
    73. The drug was w_________ (撤回) frm sale after a number f peple suffered serius side effects.
    74. Mst f these tls have been specially adapted fr use by d________ (残疾) peple.
    75. She started ff by a_________(控告) him f blackmail but he mre r less ignred her.
    第七部分 完成句子 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
    76. __________________ (不知什么原因), Miss Zeng dismissed the class five minutes earlier than usual. (用介词短语)
    77. _______________________ (受到他老师的启发), Jhnny has decided t enter the teaching prfessin.(用非谓语动词作状语)
    78. I happened __________________ (碰巧读过) that bk befre.(用不定式)
    79. T be frank, I wn't have _______________ (我的时间被占用) with useless discussin.
    80. In a scialist cuntry like China, Cmmunist Party members shuld always _______________ (放在首位) the needs f the cuntry and peple. (用短语)
    第八部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(15分)
    你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以Take a Break frm Scial Media为题,写一篇发言稿参赛,内容包括:
    1. 提出观点;
    2. 陈述理由;
    3. 发起倡议。
    Take a Break frm Scial Media
    Gd mrning, everyne!
    That's all. Thank yu.
    第二节 读后续写(25分)
    I didn’t like Del s much. He always called me the nickname “Germy”, which meant “dirty”, instead f my real name “Jamie”. Besides, he was knwn as a truble-maker in schl. S when the head teacher Mr. Smith asked Del t cme t his ffice, I naturally thught that Del had dne smething mean t smene. Thrugh the windw, I caught sight f a smaller by crying. Del seemed unhappy, t.
    He did nt return t class that day. All f us were discussing what had happened t him. What else culd such an annying by d? “He must have hit the by and was sent hme,” I whispered t my friends. Their eyes widened. It felt gd t see them s interested in what I said.
    The next mrning, the whle schl was talking abut Del being expelled (开除) fr beating up a kid. I was surprised that my assumptins were passed n s quickly. S when Del walked int the classrm, all the kids were shcked. The kids next t him shifted their desks away. “What’s yur prblem?” Del asked. “I dn’t want yu t attack me,” ne kid said. Sme laughed. “Yeah, I might,” said Del. I culd tell he was jking, but many kids thught he admitted he did beat up smene.
    During recess (课间休息), Del tried t jin the kickball game. “Neither team wants yu,” ne f the players said. “Why?” Del asked, lking cnfused. “I always play with yu guys.” They ignred him and went n playing. Del sat by himself while the rest f the schl enjyed their recess away frm him. Del lked lnely and sad, much different frm befre. I started t feel srry fr him.
    Later that day, I learned what really happened. The kid was Del’s little brther and he was crying because their mther fell ill and was sent t hspital. I felt even srrier fr what I said befre. I knew that I had started a rumr (谣言).
    注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为150词左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
    At recess the next day, I saw Del sitting alne watching the kickball game.______________
    Nw that Del had frgiven me, I decided t d mre befre the recess was ver._________

    广东省江门市新会第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(含答案): 这是一份广东省江门市新会第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(含答案),共13页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分10分),psitive46, increase49, srrw60,seize75等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    广东省江门市新会第一中学等2023-2024学年高一下学期5月联考英语试题: 这是一份广东省江门市新会第一中学等2023-2024学年高一下学期5月联考英语试题,文件包含广东省江门市新会第一中学等2023-2024学年高一5月联考英语试题docx、广东省江门市新会第一中学等2023-2024学年高一5月联考英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共55页, 欢迎下载使用。

    广东省江门市新会第一中学2023-2024学年高三热身考试英语试题: 这是一份广东省江门市新会第一中学2023-2024学年高三热身考试英语试题,文件包含广东省江门市新会第一中学2023-2024学年高三热身考试英语试题docx、广东省江门市新会第一中学2023-2024学年高三热身考试英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共12页, 欢迎下载使用。






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