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    这是一份湖南省长沙市浏阳市重点校联考2023-2024学年高三下学期期中测试英语试卷,共12页。试卷主要包含了” she said等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)略
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    A study published in the jurnal Nature lists sme hybrid (杂种的) species that culd becme prevalent (盛行的) in the cean due t climate change. Here are fur f thse hybrid species.
    “Brlar” bears—Brwn bears and plar bears
    Evidence f a hybrid species brn frm brwn bears and plar bears has been fund in the United States and Canada in the past.
    Knwn as “Plar bears” r “Pizzlies”, they have a mstly white cat, with a brwnish hue and a nse that is a crss between a plar bear and a brwn r grizzly bear.
    They are knwn t be mre suited t warmer temperatures than their Arctic relative, as they d nt rely s heavily n sea ice fr hunting.
    “Narlugas” —Narwhals (独角鲸) and beluga whales (白鲸)
    In 1990, a hunter in West Greenland discvered an interesting skull, which appeared t be that f a beluga whale-narwhal hybrid. It wasn’t until 2019 that DNA analysis cnfirmed that the creature was indeed 54% beluga frm its father, and 46% narwhal frm its mther.
    Experts believe that the hybrid may have been grey in clr and pssessed a tail like a narwhal but frward flippers like thse f a beluga whale.
    Hybrids f harp seals and hded seals Numerus species f Arctic seal are expected t mate (交配) t frm hybrid ffspring due t diminishing sea ice. This includes a hybrid f the harp seal and hded seal, which bth breed n pack ice f the Nrth Atlantic Ocean and extend int the Arctic Ocean in summer mnths.
    A hybrid animal, fund in the Gulf f St. Lawrence in Canada, was frmally reprted and cnfirmed by mlecular analysis in 1997.
    “Harbr-Dall” prpise (鼠海豚) —Harbr prpises and Dall’s prpises
    Hybrids f the harbr prpises and the Dall’s prpises have been fund ff the cast f British Clumbia, Canada. Harbr prpises are thught t be in decline due t habitat disturbance, meaning they may turn t ther species t mate with.
    Experts believe mre harbr prpises will mve nrth as temperatures rise, which will further increase their chances f breeding with Dall’s prpises.
    1.What d the fur listed animals have in cmmn?
    A.They share the same clr.B.They are brn due t the plar cld.
    C.Their parents cme frm different species.D.Sea ice is extremely imprtant fr them t hunt.
    2.Which animal can’t be fund in Canada?
    A.“Brlar” bears.B.“Narlugas”.
    C.Hybrids f harp seals and hded seals.D.“Harbr-Dall” prpise.
    3.In which sectin f the Internet can we find this text?
    Out f all fields f science, physics has a reputatin fr being difficult t the general public. On tp f cmplex frmulas (公式), the abstract cncepts that make it up are smetimes simply hard t grasp. That’s why prfessr Tatiana Erukhimva wrks alngside the team f the Physics & Astrnmy department at Texas A & M University (TAMU) t prduce a series f vides shwing real-wrld applicatins f physics in a fun and insightful way that has earned her fans arund the wrld.
    Nt nly are the explanatins in every vide easy t fllw, but Erukhimva’s enthusiasm is what truly keeps the viewer engaged. Fr example, in ne vide, the cheerful prfessr explains the physics f pressure. T demnstrate hw distributing weight allws seemingly fragile bjects t carry heavier lads, the teacher excitedly steps n a tiny bard with lightbulbs and then prceeds t replicate (复制) the experiment with eggs — until it takes an unexpected turn.
    Erukhimva’s unique teaching methd cmes frm her hpe t get students interested thrugh demnstrative classes. “Yu get this ‘ww factr’ and then it’s easier t find resnance (共鸣).” she said. “I like what I teach, and I try t share my excitement with them.”
    Brn t physicist parents, Erukhimva has had a unique attachment t the field since she was very little. “My passin fr physics is just in my genes, and I cannt imagine my life withut physics,” she explained. After being ffered a psitin at Texas A & M almst 25 years ag, Erukhimva mved frm Russia t Texas. Since then, she has wn ver bth university students and casual viewers with her particular way f explaining science.
    While she is aware that peple may nt learn a lt frm watching a shrt vide, getting them interested and curius abut learning mre is all wrth it.
    4.Why des physics seem difficult t the general public?
    A.It has many frmulas.B.It’s bring and useless.
    C.Its cncepts are abstract.D.Access t educatinal resurces is limited.
    5.What makes Erukhimva’s vides ppular?
    A.Her family backgrund.B.Her respect fr her students.
    C.Her vivid language and persnality.D.Her enthusiasm and teaching methd.
    6.What des Erukhimva hpe t achieve thrugh her demnstrative classes?
    A.Winning ver casual viewers and fans.
    B.Getting students interested in physics.
    C.Sharing her excitement abut physics.
    D.Imprving students’ academic perfrmance.
    7.What can be learned abut Erukhimva?
    A.She has many hbbies.B.She is a famus scientist.
    C.She is devted t her jb.D.She earns a very high salary.
    In tday’s digital era, scial media users are increasingly cming acrss fake news nline. This leads t the pressing issue: What causes peple t fall fr misinfrmatin n the Internet?
    Accrding t researchers at the Penn State Cllege f Infrmatin Sciences and Technlgy, users can easily fall int an ech chamber (回声室)—a srt f virtual space where users cnsume nly ne-sided news, eventually distrusting any ppsing views. “We all tend t agree with the grup pinin. Hence, peple naturally get tgether with thers wh hld the same pinin,” said Dngwn Lee, ne f the researchers. “But if yu’re nt cautius, there is a high risk f falling int an ech chamber.”
    T prevent this phenmenn, the researchers have crafted a nvel tl, a game named ChamberBreaker, t help players resist ech chambers and reduce the rate f fake news spread. The fundamental apprach emplyed by ChamberBreaker centers arund a decisin-making prcedure that mirrrs the creatin f ech chambers. In ChamberBreaker, a player is tasked with trying t have cmmunity members fall int an ech chamber. T begin, the player is randmly assigned a situatin that fcuses n a health, plitical r envirnmental issue, and is presented with six pieces f news n that tpic. Then, the player selects news that culd cause the ther members t fall int an ech chamber while at the same time maintaining their trust. If successful, the cmmunity members will fall int an ech chamber and the player will witness the resulting negative effects n the cmmunity.
    After develping ChamberBreaker, researchers tested it with ver 800 subjects t see if it raised awareness f ech chambers and changed news cnsumptin behavirs. The researchers fund that thse wh played ChamberBreaker were significantly mre likely t state their intentin t bserve nline infrmatin frm mre diverse perspectives and shwed an increased awareness f the ech chamber phenmenn.
    Ultimately, the researchers hpe that their methdlgy can excite a greater interest in the scientific and schlarly study related t infrmatin cnsumptin. The applicatin f tls like ChamberBreaker, which fcuses n fstering analytical reasning, may lead us twards a mre infrmed nline cmmunity.
    8.What can be learned abut an nline ech chamber?
    A.It encurages well-judged views.
    B.It gathers like-minded individuals.
    C.It functins as a virtual reality platfrm.
    D.It serves as a tl fr identifying fake infrmatin.
    9.What is ChamberBreaker’s cre methd against ech chambers?
    A.Assignment f situatins.B.Trust-building exercises.
    C.News selectin strategy.D.Cmmunity impact assessment.
    10.Which f the fllwing can shw ChamberBreaker’s effectiveness?
    A.The results f scientific testing.
    B.The theretical framewrk f the game.
    C.The descriptin f the game prcedures.
    D.The cmmn challenges faced during gameplay.
    11.What is the likely lng-term effect f playing ChamberBreaker?
    A.Reducing news inquiry.B.Encuraging passive reading.
    C.Strengthening prejudiced views.D.Enhancing critical thinking.
    Every rbt is trained in sme way t d a task. By seeing what t d, rbts can cpy the way f ding the task. But they d s unthinkingly, perhaps relying n sensrs t try t reduce cllisin (碰撞) risks, rather than having any understanding f why they are perfrming the task r where they are within physical space. It means they will ften make mistakes—hitting the bject in their way, fr instance.
    Hd Lipsn and his clleagues are trying t face the challenge. They placed a rbt arm in a labratry where it was surrunded by fur cameras at grund level and ne camera abve it. These fed vide images back t a deep neural(神经的) netwrk, a frm f AI, cnnected t the rbt that mnitred its mvement within the space. Fr 3 hurs, the rbt arm mved randmly and the neural netwrk was fed infrmatin abut the arm' s mechanical inputs and watched hw it respnded by seeing where it mved t in the space. This generated nearly 8,000 data pints—and the team generated an additinal 10,000 thrugh a simulatin (模拟) f the rbt in a virtual versin f its envirnment.
    T test hw well the AI had wrked, a clud-like diagram was generated t shw where the neural netwrk “thught” the arm shuld be fund as it mved. It was accurate t within 1 percent, meaning if the wrkspace was 1 metre wide, the system crrectly estimated its psitin t within 1 centimetre. If the neural netwrk is cnsidered t be part f the rbt itself, this suggests the rbt has the ability t visualise where it physically is at any given mment.
    “T me, this is the first time in the histry f rbtics that a rbt has been able t create a mental mdel f itself,” says Lipsn. “It’s a small step, but it’s a sign f things t cme.”
    Learning abut the research, Andrew Hundt at the Gergia Institute f Technlgy says, “There is ptential fr further research t lead t useful applicatins based n this methd, but nt self- perceptin. The cmputer simply matches shape and mtin patterns that happen t be in the shape f a rbt arm that mves.” David Camern at the University f Sheffield, UK, als says that fllwing a specified path t cmplete a gal is easily achieved by existing rbts.
    12.Hd Lipsn’s wrk fcuses n rbts .
    C.deep-learning abilityD.errr crrectin
    13.What is the functin f the neural netwrk in the experiment?
    A.T prcess and transfrm neural infrmatin.
    B.T study and simulate AI’s virtual envirnment.
    C.T analyse and predict the arm’s psitin changes.
    D.T recrd and utput the vide images f the rbt.
    14.As fr the result f the experiment, Andrew Hundt is .
    15.What is the main purpse f the passage?
    A.T discuss a scientific cncept.
    B.T assess a scientific finding.
    C.T intrduce a science applicatin.
    D.T present a science research.
    What a cmedian can teach yu abut managing stress
    We ften accept stress as part f the cst f mdern life, but it really desn’t have t be. We all knw that laughter is the best medicine. 16 Peple wh can laugh at their wn misfrtunes bunce back faster and strnger. Here is what a cmedian says abut cping with stress.
    Yu can try t find a different perspective. 17 Once a friend f mine fell asleep in the middle f a class. His teacher decided t make fun f him by inviting students t applaud, wndering whether my friend wuld applaud alng when he wke up. He did and the whle class burst utlaughing. After learning everything, he was bth embarrassed and ashamed f curse but after a while, my friend laughed. “If this had happened t smene else, it wuld have been amusing. S it’s n less funny, just because it happened t me. “
    18 There’s n dubt that we all experience great stress nw and then. We’ve all been persnally affected, in sme way. Yu might nt have felt like laughing at the time But nw, lking back, yu culd cnsider all f the strange aspects f the experience and all f the things yu did t keep active r simply stay sane (神志正常的) .
    When yu share stries with yur friends, yu can chse t share stries f trauma (创伤) and pain, r yu can chse t lift their spirits with stries f hpe and grwth. 19 Take the exact same stry and change the fcus frm “feel srry fr me” t “laugh with me”. Keep in mind that we’re all in this tgether, that we all share the same ridiculus experiences, and that we can laugh tgether at whatever life thrws at us. 20
    A.Always share a gd stry.
    B.Why nt d what cmedians d?
    C.Yu can als lk again and laugh.
    D.But laughter des mre than cheer yu up.
    E.Then yu are able t make a simple chice.
    F.In this way. yu will say gdbye t stress frever.
    G.If yu have truble seeing the funny side, yu may find the fllwing inspiring.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    In February 2020, Max’s friend Rick was diagnsed with cancer. Max 21 Rick during the last mnth f his life, thus becming 22 f the care prvided t his friend by Nrth Devn Hspice (临终关怀医院). “The hspital tk such gd care f him that I wanted t d smething t shw my 23 ,” says Max.
    Max 24 a fundraising missin in March 2020. When Max first put up a tent in the yard f his huse, he was 10 years ld and had just 25 his friend Rick. “Befre my friend died f cancer, he gave me a tent and tld me t ‘have an adventure’,” says Max.
    Thrugh a years-lng campaign, he became knwn as “The By in the Tent” and 26 mre than £700,000 in 2023. Such a 27 allwed the hspital t 28 arund 500 patients in their wn hmes, helping them face the 29 f an illness like cancer.
    When he recalls his 30 experiences. Max says that he wn’t 31 a single thing abut the past three years. It’s easy t imagine, hwever, the past years weren’t free f 32 fr Max: frm cllapsed tents t keeping warm thrughut strms and snwy nights.
    Max faced everything with his psitive attitude and gal-driven mind. “One time my tent cllapsed in the wind and rain at abut 10:00 pm and I 33 t put it up again,” he says. “Despite all, I never regret it. I 34 lve my ne-f-a-kind adventure and I believe Rick wuld enjy it as well if he were 35 .”
    28.A.pick utB.turn dwnC.give upD.care fr
    Chinese astrnauts in Tiangng space statin pened a science lecture n December 9th, 2021 as they traveled arund 36 Earth.
    There 37 (be)a lecture and sme interesting activities n that exciting day. First, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, all members f the Shenzhu XIII missin crew, greeted students, teachers and ther participants as the lecture began at 3:40 pm. They then shwed viewers the place 38 they live and wrk. The astrnauts carried ut experiments 39 (shw)interesting physical phenmena(现象)in space, 40 (include) "disappearing buyancy(浮力)" and a "water ball". At last, befre the end f the livestreamed activities, they 41 (happy)answered questins frm students. 42 (millin)f primary and middle schl students acrss China watched the 60-minute televised event, which was the first lecture f the Tiangng Class, China' s first extraterrestrial(地球大气圈外的)lecture series t make students interested 43 space science.
    The manned space agency said that mre lectures wuld 44 (hld)based n the cuntry's manned spaceflights and wuld als be presented by sme 45 (prfessin)Chinese astrnauts. Such activities are intended t spread knwledge abut manned spaceflights fr science amng yung peple.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46.假设你是李华,近期你收到“Z世代国际青年说(Vice Z)”节目组邀请为其“文化”板块录制一个演讲视频,请你给节目联络人Emma写一封信商讨相关事宜,内容包括:
    1. 感谢邀请;
    2. 告知演讲话题并说明原因;
    3. 期待回信。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Emma,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I was eight years ld when my family mved frm Twmba t England in 1950. My mther was suffering frm a rare disease and had t take treatment in Lndn. The day befre we barded the ship, Father sent his five-year-ld red heeler (Australian cattle dg), Spider, wh was lved by us all, t his friend Sandy, as Sandy was t be his guardian while we were verseas. We didn’t knw hw lng my mther’s treatment wuld take r hw lng we wuld be away.
    Six weeks later, an airletter arrived frm Sandy, giving my father the news that Spider had run away just tw weeks after we had sailed. I will always remember my father’s face as he read this news. My mther and I tried t cmfrt him, knwing in ur hearts hw useless this was.
    Sandy had advertised cnstantly n the media. Despite many “sightings”, the dg was never fund. It seemed Spider just kept running and searching fr us. My father wrried he wuld be sht r dead frm starvatin. But ur family thught that Father held a secret hpe that Spider was still alive.
    We sailed back t Australia tw years later and my father immediately began his wn search fr Spider. He repeated calls t the peple wh had said they had seen his dg, but it turned ut t be clueless.
    One cld winter’s Saturday mrning, eight mnths after ur return, my father had a call frm Gin Gin, 375 kilmeters frm Twmba. An elderly lady living n her wn was putting fd ut “fr a very ld yellw dg”. This had been ging n fr a few weeks. Immediately we set ff.
    Five and a half hurs later, we fund the ld huse beside the bush (灌木丛). Sadly, the lady tld my father that the dg hadn’t been arund fr a few days. My father had an upset lk in his eyes. He put tw fingers t his muth and did his special whistle fr Spider.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Suddenly there was a sund in the bush.
    Once hme we gently cleaned him up.
    1.C 2.B 3.D
    4.C 5.D 6.B 7.C
    8.B 9.C 10.A 11.D
    12.B 13.C 14.D 15.D
    16.D 17.G 18.C 19.B 20.E
    21.D 22.A 23.B 24.A 25.D 26.A 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.D 31.B 32.A 33.C 34.C 35.B
    36.the 37.was 38.where 39.t shw/shwing 40.including 41.happily 42.Millins 43.in 44.be held 45.prfessinal
    46.Dear Emma,
    Thank yu fr inviting me t d a vide speech fr the Culture Clumn f the Z Era Internatinal Yuth Talk Prgram.
    Referring t the tpic, I’d like t talk abut the generatin gap. It is a cmmn phenmenn exiting everywhere between parents and children, which results in misunderstandings between lved nes. I will discuss the harm f it and recmmend sme ways t slve it.
    If yu have any requirements, please cntact me. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    47.Suddenly there was a sund in the bush. My father’s eyes lit up immediately. We all lked in the directin f the sund and saw a yellw dg emerge frm the bush. It was Spider! He ran twards my father, wagging his tail excitedly. My father kneeled dwn and hugged him tightly, tears streaming dwn his face. It was a heartwarming reunin.
    Once hme we gently cleaned him up. He was thin and tired, but still recgnized us. We gave him a warm bath and fed him a delicius meal. Spider lay n the flr, lking happy and cntent. My father sat beside him, strking his fur and telling him hw much he had missed him. It was as if nthing had changed between them. Frm then n, Spider became a part f ur family again, bringing us endless jy and cmpaninship.

    湖南省长沙市浏阳市重点校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期期中测试英语试卷: 这是一份湖南省长沙市浏阳市重点校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期期中测试英语试卷,共12页。

    湖南省长沙市浏阳市重点校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期期中测试英语试卷: 这是一份湖南省长沙市浏阳市重点校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期期中测试英语试卷,共12页。

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