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    1.本试卷共8页,共四个部分,满分150分,答题时间120分钟,考试形式为闭卷。 2.选择题为单项选择,错选、多选均不得分。
    第一部分 听力(共五节,30个小题;每小题1分,满分30分)
    第一节 听对话,选择相应的图片。(读一遍)
    ( )1.A. B. C.
    ( )2.A.B. C.
    ( )3.A. B. C.
    ( )4.A. B. C.
    ( )5.A. B. C.
    ( )6.A. B. C.
    第二节 听句子,选择最佳应答。(读一遍)
    ( )'s very far. B.Walk straight ahead. C.Fifteen minutes'walk.
    ( )'s all right. B.Well dne. C.Sure.I wil.
    ( ) tw weeks.B.With his parents. C.In Beijing.
    ( )'s Nvember 4th. B.It's Friday tday. C.It's rainy
    ( ) left leg was hurt. B.I'm having a headache. C.That's a big deal.
    ( )12.A.I agree with yu. B.G ahead. C.It desn't matter.
    第三节 听对话,选择最佳选项完成句子。(读两遍)
    ( )13.The wman shuld pay dllars if she buys tw chairs.
    A.8 B.15 C.16
    ( )14.The tw speakers are prbably talking
    A.in a museum B.in a shp C.in a restauranl
    ( )15.The girl's vlleyball is
    A.under the chair B.under the bed C.n the desk
    ( )16.The sprts meet will last fr
    A.2 days B.3 days C.4 days
    ( )17.Mary nw.
    A.is heavy and has shrt hair B.is thin and has lng hair
    C.is heavy and has curly hair
    ( )18.The by isn't allwed t after schl.
    A.play basketball B.play tennis C.hang ul
    第四节 听对话,根据对话内容及问题,选择最佳选项。(读两遍)
    ( )19.Where is the wman ging?
    A.T the library B.T the supermarket. C.T the restaurant.
    ( )20.Hw des the man advise the wman t get there?
    A.By bus. B.By car C.By bike.
    ( )21.What d they d in the club?
    A.Help disabled peple after the earthquake.
    B.Help injured peple after the earthquake.
    C.Help sick peple after the earthquake.
    ( )22.Hw ften d they have training class?
    A.Twice a week. B.Once a mnth C.Twice a mnth.
    ( )23.Where is the park?
    A.On the Eighth Street. B.Near a schl gate. C.Near a bus statin.
    ( )24.What is the prbable relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A.Guide and turist. B.Friends. C.Mther and sn.
    第五节 听短文,完成表中所缺信息,每空仅填一词。(读三遍)
    第二部分 完形(共两节,满分20分)
    第一节 (共5个小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    A.r B.his C.ges D.like E.hard F.rulers
    Levi is an 11-year-ld by frm Australia.Reading is dificult fr him,s his life at schl is very 31 .But the by desn't give in t the difficully.He even has his wn business t fight the prblem. Levi started the business three years ag and he began t sell reading rulers.The ruler helped him a lt when his teacher gave him ne in Grade 3.“I wanted t sell them t help ther kids,”Levi said.
    Levi's reading 32 can wrk like a highlighter(荧光笔)and make letters stand ut clearly.This can help kids with reading prblems read casily.There are cight rulers f different clrs in each f 33 ruler packs.Kids in need can chse the clr that helps them mst.
    Half the mney that Levi makes ges back int his business.25%f it .34 t a charity that helps peple with learning difficulties and t schls.Levi keeps the last 25%fr himself t buy smething 35a ty car.
    Levi said starting his wn business was "quite a big jump"."I will keep n ding it,"he said.
    31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
    第二节 (共10个小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳 选项。
    One f the best skills a persn can learn is hw t give first aid.First aid is the practice f giving emergency(紧急情况)care t 36 wh gets hurt and is in need f help.There are many ways f giving first aid t the persn, 37 the steps yu can take depend n(由 … … 决定) his situatin.Hwever, there are sme basic steps t take.
    The first thing yu shuld d is t take a lk at things arund yu t see if it is 38 t get clse
    t the persn.If the persn is cnscius( 神 志 清 醒 的 ) ,ask him sme 39 questins that will help yu decide what t d next.Sme questins yu can ask are:Hw did yu get hurt?D yu have any 40 ?What did yu eat last?These simple questins can help yu learn the persn's 41 befre yu get started.
    The next thing abut first aid yu shuld d is t 42 permissin ( 允 许 )frm the persn t give first aid.It wuld als be gd t 43 him what yu are ging t d befre yu d it.Call 120 and try t calm the persn dwn by telling him that help is 44 .These small steps may mean the difference between smene's life and death.His family and friends will be 45 thankful fr the first aid yu have given.
    ( ) B.smething C.nthing
    ( ) B.r C.but
    ( ) B.rude C.safe
    ( ) B.basic C.difficult
    ( ) B.service C.pain
    ( ) B.schl C.situatin
    ( ) away B.ask fr C.put away
    ( ) B.warn C.fllw
    ( ) the way B.by the way C.in the way
    ( ) B.suddenly C.certainly
    第三部分 阅读(共三节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共12个小题;每小题2.5分,满分30分)
    ( )46.Accrding t the instructins, _players are needed.
    A.tw B.three C.fur
    ( )47.If yu want t get 2 pints,yu need t
    A.knck ff ne cup t hit the grund
    B.knck ff tw cups t hit the grund
    C.catch ne kncked ff cup with ne hand
    ( )48.When yu ,yu will win.
    A.get 10 pints B.get 21 pints C.exchange sides at 21 pints
    ( )49.In which sectin f the newspaper wuld yu prbably read the passage?
    A.Sprts &Health. B.Film &TV. C.Hliday &Festival.
    Everyne gets sad.Being sad can happen pretty ften:Mre than half f teenagers g thrugh a perid f sadness at least nce a mnth.When yu're sad,it feels like it will last frever.The wrld seems dark and unfriendly.Yu might feel like yu have nthing t lk frward t.Many times,yu cry,and it's hard t stp.Hwever,yur feeling f sadness usually desn't last very lng—a few hurs, r maybe a day r tw.
    When sadness starts t g away,it feels like a big stne is being lifted frm yur bdy.If sad feelings g n fr t lng,it's called depressin(抑郁症) .Children wh have depressin may nt knw it.Often,it's a parent r teacher wh ntices children's changes.When depressin happens,it's very imprtant fr children t receive treatment.When they d,they can get better quickly.Smetimes treatment ineludes talking t smene wh knws all abut depressin.Smetimes it means taking medicine.Smetimes bth f these things are used.If yu think yu have depressin,r yu just have sadness that simply will nt g away,it is imprtant t talk t an adult abut it first.This persn can help yu find the right kind f treatment.Many cities als have mental health(精神健康)htlines that are listed in the phnebk.There is always smebdy wh can help.
    ( )50.Which questin is answered in Paragraph 1?
    A.What makes kids sad? B.When is sadness a prblem?
    C.What des sadness feel like?
    ( )51.If we have depressin,wh prbably first ntices that we have been different?
    A.We urselves. B.Our parent r teacher. C.Our classmates.
    ( )52.Children wh have depressin are advised t first.
    A.talk t an adult B.g t hspital C.take medicine
    ( )53.On which part f a newspaper can we find this passage?
    A.Culture. B.Sprts. C.Health.
    Beauty sleep is a real thing.Researches have shwn that peple wh have enugh sleep lk mre attractive t thers.
    A few bad nights is enugh t make a persn lk"especially"mre ugly,their sleep experiments shw.The researchers asked 25 university students t jin in their
    sleep experiment.They were asked t get a gd night's sleep fr tw nights.A week later,they were asked t sleep fr nly fur hurs every night fr tw nights in a rw.The researchers tk make-up free phts f the vlunteers after bth the gd and the bad sleep.
    Next,they asked 122 strangers t have a lk at the phts and judge them n attractiveness health and sleepiness,as well as asking them,"Hw much wuld yu like t make friends with this persn in the picture?”
    The strangers were gd at judging if the persns they were lking at were tired,and,if they were sleepy,their attractiveness scres were lw.The strangers als said they wuldn't want t scialize with the tired students.
    The researchers say this is natural fr peple.An unhealthy-lking face makes peple run away. In ther wrds,peple dn't want t hang arund with peple wh might be ,an expert at the University f Liverpl said,“Judgment f attractiveness is ften uncnscius,but we all d it,and we are able t judge n even smething small like whether smene lks tired r unhealthy.This study is a gd reminder f hw imprtant sleep is t us.”
    ( )54.When did the researchers take make-up free phts f vlunteers?
    A.After tw nights'gd sleep.
    B.After tw nights'bad sleep.
    C.After bth tw nights'gd sleep and tw nights'bad sleep.
    ( )55.What kind f friends did the strangers like t make?
    A.The peple wh were tired.
    B.The peple wh were sleepy.
    C.The peple wh were attractive and energetic.
    ( )56.What des the underlined wrd“scialize”mean?
    A.Partner. B.Play C.Cntact.
    ( )57.Accrding t the passage,which f the fllwing is the best title?
    A.Beauty Sleep,Mre Attractive
    B.Mre Sleep,Mre Friends
    C.Less Sleep,Fewer Friends
    第二节 (共5个小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    Five habits t keep yu happy
    Daily life can be made happier.It's a matter f chice.That is t say,we can chse t be happy,and we can d a lt t add happiness t urselves.Here are a few habits fr increasing happiness in daily life.
    Fresh flwers arund the huse.
    I's a small thing,but a huse with fresh flwers just has a way f lighting up the space and yur mind. 58 Whether it's ne r tw flwers,a little mney ges a lng way.
    G shpping weekly.
    59 But if yur kitchen is filled with healthy,yummy snacks,yu will feel better.Pick a day f the week when yu always g(we like Sunday)and build it int yur weekly plan.
    When yu have n time fr yurself,yu can feel like yu're busy with ther peple's needs.Make time t keep yurself in yur wn thughts.We lve waking up early t make cffee and read the paper. It's amazing hw much mre cmfrtable yu'll feel.
    Use the Internet less.
    It may seem shcking,but there was nce a time when yu didn't have a cellphne r a cmputer and everything was fine. 61 It will help yu pay mre attentin t what's truly imprtant.
    Treat smene yu're thankful fr.
    Make them knw that yu are thankful fr them with small actins—a cla,a ckie,a cffee— spreading the lve. 62
    58. 59 60. 61. 62.
    第三节 (共5个小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    阅读下面短文,根据其内容填空和回答问题。(63至66题每题答案不超过3个单词,67 题 须用完整句子回答。)
    In autumn,the wild geese migrate( 迁 移 )t a warmer place.They fly in a V frmatin(队形) . Why d they fly like this?Here is the stry f the migrating wild geese.If they fly in a V frmatin,the whle grup will increase the flight efficiency by 71%cmpared with just ne bird flying alne.
    They share the same directin and wrk as a team s that they can get t the destinatin(目的地) mre quickly and easily.When a wild gse leaves the frmatin,it will feel the resistance(阻力)f the air and the difficulties f flying alne.Then,it quickly cmes back t the frmatin t be prtected by the grup's pwer in frnt f it.If the leader wild gse gets tired f flying,it will g t the end f the V frmatin while anther ne takes the lead.This is hw they share the leadership and have respect fr everyne in the team.The wild geese flying at the back f a V frmatin quack(嘎嘎叫)t encurage the nes in the frnt s that they keep the same speed.The prgress is greater by encuraging each ther.If a gse gets sick,it must leave the frmatin,and ther wild geese leave the frmatin t.They fly with it t help it ut and prtect it,r they stay with it until it dies r it is able t fly again.They just make anther V frmatin.S they stay beside cach ther in times f difficulties and great challenges.
    Let's learn frm this teamwrk stry f the wild geese.If we knw the spirit f teamwrk,if we understand the real value f friendship,if we are aware f the feeling f sharing,life will be easier and full f success.
    63.The wild geese fly t a warmer place in a V frmatin.
    64.The leader wild gse will g t the V frmatin if it gets tired f flying.
    65.When a gse gets sick,it must
    66.Accrding t the passage,wild geese are animals
    67.What have yu learnt frm the wild geese migratin?
    第四部分 语言运用(共两节,满分25分)
    第一节 (共5个小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    The Meitan Tea Museum,a famus building in Guizhu, in the shape f a giant teapt.
    We value the time we _ur family and friends in ur everyday lives. 70.无论时代如何变迁,雷锋精神永不过时。
    hw times change,the spirit f Lei Feng will always be arund us. 71.能说一门外语是非常有用的。
    It's very _be able t speak a freign language.
    d yu g t the cmmunity t help the ld?
    第二节 (共10个小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The sweetest memry f my childhd is abut a rund table.When I was still little,my whle family wuld get tgether n different 73. (traditin)festivals t have dinner.D yu knw 74. we kids like t play games best?We liked hide-and-seek under the table.When I gt a bit. 75. (ld),my aunt brught back her byfriend fr the 76. (ne)time and my grandma cheerfully added anther seat t the rund table.It 77. (seem)a little mre crwded, but we all felt much clser t each ther.When I was twelve,my grandpa passed 78. .That made us feel sad.
    Hwever,when the whle family gt tgether nce again,we 79. (cmplete)agreed that his chair,his bwl and his chpsticks shuld remain the same.Even thugh 80. (he)seat was emply,we felt like that he had never left us.
    We all have a table like this in ur hmes.It is 81. _sign f reunin f ur family, shwing ur feelings.Althugh the reasn why we cme tgether may be different,the 82. (feeling)behind it are the same.
    第五部分 写作(满分25分)
    俗话说:“没有规矩不成方圆”。请你根据下面的提示内容,围绕“Family Rules”这一主题写
    提示:1.What are yur family rules?
    2.Hw d yu feel abut the rules?
    As a cuntry has its laws,a family als needs rules.
    第一节 听对话,选择相应的图片。(读一遍)
    1. W: What is Vince ding at schl?
    M: He is reading a new magazine abut new films and film stars.
    2. W: What’s the matter with yu?
    M: I put my wallet n the chair just nw, but I can’t find it nw.
    3. M: Hw did yur sister Emma get t Lndn?
    W: She tld me her friend wuld give her a ride, but finally she tk the train.
    4. W: Bb, the sky is clear and blue! Wuld yu like t g fishing with me?
    M: I’d like t. But I have t finish my hmewrk this mrning.
    5. M: Jane, d yu have a pet?
    W: Yes. It’s a cat. And it’s really cute.
    6. M: Swimming is my favrite sprt. Hw abut yu, Jimmy?
    W: I like skating mst. It’s s exciting.
    第二节 听句子,选择最佳应答。(读一遍)
    7. Culd yu please tell me hw t get t the nearest pst ffice?
    8. Remember t bring yur camera t the z.
    9. Hw lng has Jim stayed in Beijing with his parents?
    10. Lily, please tell me what day it is tday.
    11. Why didn’t yur sister g t schl yesterday?
    12. Lang Ping is a great cach f the Chinese wmen’s vlleyball team.
    第三节 听对话,选择最佳选项完成句子。(读两遍)
    13. W: These are very nice chairs. Hw much are they?
    M: 8 dllars each. Fr tw, 15 dllars.
    14. W: What d yu think f the special dishes f Guizhu?
    M: Very delicius, especially the sur sup fish. I will cme here again next time.
    15. W: I remember I put my vlleyball n the desk, but it is missing nw.
    M: Oh, there it is. It’s under the chair.
    16. M: Hi, Lily. It’s said that the sprts meet is n the way.
    W: Yes. It will be held frm Wednesday t Friday next week.
    17. M: What did Mary use t lk like?
    W: She used t be thin and have shrt hair. But nw she lks heavy and has lng curly hair.
    18. M: I feel unhappy because my parents dn’t allw me t play basketball after schl.
    W: Why nt talk t yur parents abut it?
    第四节 听对话,根据对话内容及问题,选择最佳选项。(读两遍)
    听下面一段对话,回答第19、20 题。
    W: Excuse me, hw can I get t the supermarket?
    M: Just g alng this street and turn right at the end f this street. Then yu can see it.
    W: Hw far is it frm here?
    M: It’s tw kilmeters and yu can take the bus there.
    W: Li Hua, wuld yu like t jin ur Helping Hands Club?
    M: Sure. What can we d?
    W: We can help injured peple after the earthquake.
    M: That’s great. Shall we have training?
    W: Yes, we’ll have the training class twice a week.
    M: Oh, I see.
    W: Steve, I’ll help plant sme trees in the park tmrrw. Will yu g with me?
    M: Of curse, Amy. I’d lve t.
    W: Great. We will g t the park n the Eighth Street by bus.
    M: OK. Shuld I take sme tls?
    W: N, yu needn’t. There will be tls there.
    M: Fine. When and where shall we meet?
    W: We can meet at the bus statin at 8:00 am.
    第五节 听短文,完成表中所缺信息,每空仅填一词。(读三遍)
    Nwadays, sme students can’t stand the schl dining hall, s they rder takeaways. Traders find it’s a business chance, and they attract mre students t rder their fd. Then they prmise t prvide perfect service, which means they can send the fd t the students’rms within twenty minutes.
    Hwever, the schl desn’t allw the students t rder takeaways. There are tw main reasns. On the ne hand, the schl asks the students t eat in the dining hall. On the ther hand, it wants t ensure the students’ health.
    In my pinin, the schl shuld change its menu mre ften and it needs t ck fd that is suitable fr students’tastes. If it can learn what kind f fd the students like and change the menu, takeaways will naturally decrease.
    第一部分 听力
    1-6 CBAABB
    7-12 BCABAA
    13-18 BCABCA
    19-24 BABAAB
    25. stand 26. perfect 27. twenty/20 28. allw 29. health 30. menu
    第二部分 完形
    31. E 【解析】分析句子成分,此处缺少一个形容词。从“Reading is difficult fr him”可知阅读对他来说是困难的,因此,他在学校的生活非常艰难。
    32. F 【解析】分析句子成分,此处缺少一个名词。联系上文“he began t sell reading rulers”可知,他开始卖阅读尺。因此,这里描述的是他的阅读尺的作用。
    33. B 【解析】分析句子成分,此处缺少一个限定词。联系上文,这里仍然描述的是他的阅读尺的作用。因此,his能够修饰ruler packs。
    34. C 【解析】分析句子成分,此处缺少一个谓语动词。联系上句:他挣到的钱一半投回到自己的生意中,其中25%用于帮助有学习困难的人的慈善机构和学校。因此,ges符合语境。
    35. D 【解析】分析句子成分并结合句意,a ty car 是smething的一种,因此,这里表示举例,介词like符合语境。
    36. A 【解析】句意:急救是一种可以给予任何受伤且急需帮助的人的紧急救治措施,故选A。
    37. C 【解析】句意:实施急救有很多种方法,但采取的具体步骤取决于现场状况。前后两句为转折关系,故选C。
    38. C 【解析】句意:实施急救时你需要首先判断从周边环境来看,靠近病人是否安全,故选C。
    39. B 【解析】根据下文“that will help yu decide what t d next”可知要问一些基本的问题才能决定接下来怎么做。故选B。
    40. C 【解析】结合语境,询问病人是如何受伤的,是否有任何疼痛。故选C。
    41. C 【解析】句意:这些简单的问题可以帮助你在开始急救之前掌握病人的基本情况。故选C。
    42. B 【解析】根据设空后的“permissin frm the persn t give first aid”可知在征求病人的允许后才能急救,故选 B。
    43. A 【解析】句意:在实施急救前告知病人你要采取的急救措施会比较好,故选A。
    44. A 【解析】n the way在路上;by the way顺便说一下;in the way挡道。结合语境,此处表示告诉病人救援正在路上。故选A。
    45. C 【解析】句意:病人的家人和朋友一定会对你的施救给予感谢。故选C。
    第三部分 阅读
    46. C 【解析】细节理解题。根据图中“Fricket is a tw t tw backyard game. Fricket是一种二对二的后院游戏。”可知,需要4个玩家。故选C。
    47. B 【解析】细节理解题。根据图中“Hit 1 ple t knck ff the cup. If the cup hits the grund, get 1 pint.击中1杆并将杯子击落。如果杯子落地,得1分。”可知,击落两个杯子触地,可得两分。故选B。
    48. B 【解析】细节理解题。根据图中“HOW TO WIN—Be the first team t scre 21 pints.如何获胜——成为第一支得到21分的球队。”可知,当你得到21分时,你就会赢。故选B。
    49. A 【解析】文章出处题。根据图中“Fricket is a tw t tw backyard game. Fricket是一种二对二的后院游戏。”可知,Fricket是一种游戏,可能来源于报纸的运动与健康版块。故选A。
    50. C 【解析】段落大意题。根据第一段中的“When yu’re sad, it feels like it will last frever…and it’s hard t stp.”可知本段主要讲述了悲伤是什么样的感觉,故选C。
    51. B 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Often, it’s a parent r teacher wh ntices children’s changes.”可知选B。
    52. A 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的“If yu think yu have depressin… it is imprtant t talk t an adult abut it first.”可知选A。
    53. C 【解析】文章出处题。通读全文可知,这篇文章是和精神健康有关的内容,我们可以在报纸的健康板块找到这篇文章。故选C。
    54. C 【解析】细节理解题。根据文章“The researchers tk make-up free phts f the vlunteers after bth the gd and the bad sleep.”可知,研究者在这些志愿者经过两天两夜的充足睡眠和不充足睡眠之后拍素颜照。故选C。
    55. C 【解析】细节理解题。根据文章“if they were sleepy, their attractiveness scres were lw”可知,如果他们看起来昏昏欲睡,那么他们的吸引力毫无疑问就会很低,因此别人不想和他们交朋友。而相反睡眠好的人精力充沛,更具有魅力,因此这些人都喜欢和他们交朋友。故选C。
    56. C 【解析】词义猜测题。根据最后一段“An unhealthy-lking face makes peple run away. In ther wrds, peple dn’t want t hang arund with peple wh might be ill.(一张不健康的脸会让人逃跑。换句话说,人们不想和可能生病的人在一起)”可知,此处是讲陌生人还说他们不想和疲惫的学生交往,因此可知scialize意为“交往”。故选C。
    57. A 【解析】标题归纳题。根据文章第一段第一句“Beauty sleep is a real thing.”可知文章是围绕睡得好,也就是美容觉这个话题进行阐述的。通过两组对比实验,让非参与的陌生人对两组睡眠实验结束后的志愿者进行印象打分。最后总结出充分的睡眠能让人更具有魅力。故选A。
    58. C 【解析】根据第二段的“Whether it’s ne r tw flwers, a little mney ges a lng way”可知,无论是一朵花还是两朵花,一点钱可以起很大的作用,此处表示花小钱办大事,选项C“并且不用花大价钱”符合语境。故选C。
    59. E 【解析】根据“But if yur kitchen is filled with healthy, yummy snacks, yu will feel better”可知,如果你的厨房里摆满了健康美味的小吃,你会感觉更好。此处应提及吃的方面,且与设空后一句构成转折。选项E“空腹会让你感到沮丧”符合语境。故选E。
    60. A 【解析】根据“When yu have n time fr yurself, yu can feel like yu’re busy with ther peple’s needs. Make time t keep yurself in yur wn thughts”可知,当你没有时间独处时,你会觉得自己在忙于别人的需求。腾出时间让自己沉浸在自己的想法中。此处应提及独处,选项A“每天留一个小时给你自己”符合题意,故选A。
    61. F 【解析】根据小标题“Use the Internet less”可知要少使用互联网。此处应提及互联网,选项F“每天远离互联网一或两个小时”符合语境。故选F。
    62. B 【解析】根据“Make them knw that yu are thankful fr them with small actins—a cla, a ckie, a cffee—spreading the lve”可知,用一些小的举动让他们知道你感谢他们——可乐、饼干、咖啡——传播爱。此处应提及这样做的好处,选项B“他们感觉更好。你也会的”符合题意。故选B。
    63. in autumn 64. the end f 65. leave the frmatin 66. smart and cperative 67. I have learnt the spirit f teamwrk/cperatin.
    第四部分 语言运用
    68. was built 69. being with 70. N matter 71. useful t 72. Hw ften
    73. traditinal 74. where 75. lder 76. first 77. seemed
    78. away 79. cmpletely 80. his 81. a 82. feelings
    第五部分 写作
    One pssible versin:
    As a cuntry has its laws, a family als needs rules. My parents make rules fr me, t.
    At hme, I need t share the husewrk with them. I’m asked t get up early and g t bed early.
    What’s mre, I have t exercise every day. And I am als asked t respect thers. Smetimes, I’m able t make my wn chices and decisins. Fr example, I’m allwed t plan my weekend. That is really great!
    Takeaway Fd
    ●Sme students can't 25. the schl dining hall.
    ●Traders prmise t prvide 26. service.
    ● Traders can send the fd t the students'rms within 27.
    The sch
    ●It desn't 28 the students t rder takeaways
    ●It wants t ensure(确保)the students’29.
    The speaker's
    If the schl changes its 30. mre ften,takeaways will naturally
    A.Leave an hur a day just fr yu
    B.They feel better.And yu will,t.
    C.Als,it desn't have t break the bank
    D.It's hard when smene depends n yu
    E.An empty stmach will make yu feel dwn
    F.Keep away frm the Internet fr an hur r tw a day

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