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    外研版初中英语九上9A翻译 课件+练习(含答案)

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    1. 我对人造奇观更感兴趣,因为比起自然奇观,人造奇观更加辉煌壮丽。2. 当我们爬上山顶的时候,太阳正从东边升起,照耀着整片陆地。3. 我们穿过了公园的门,沿着一条小路走。路的尽头有一片森林。
    1. I am mre interested in man-made wnders, because/fr the reasn that man-made wnders are mre splendid than natural nes. 2. When we climbed t the tp f the muntain, the sun was rising frm the east and shining ver the whle land. 3. We went thrugh the gate f the park and walked alng a path. At the end f the path, there was a frest .
    4. 雾(fg)太浓了,以至于什么都看不到。5. 突然,雨停了,云散了。6. 在黑暗中,完全没有小河的迹象。
    4. The fg was s thick that there was nthing t see at all. 5. Suddenly, the rain stpped and the cluds cleared. 6. In the dark, there is n sign f the river at all.
    7. 当河水穿过岩石的时候,它看起来就像是一片银色的丝绸。8. 每个人都觉得这个奇怪的问题很难回答。9. 维多利亚瀑布 (Victria Falls) 就像是银色的丝绸,从山上倾泻而下。10. 长城是世界上最令人惊叹的人造奇观之一。
    7. It lks like a piece f silver silk as it passes thrugh the rcks. 8. Everyne fund it hard/difficult t reply t such a difficult questin. 9. Victria Falls is like silver silk, which falls dwn frm the muntain. 10. The Great Wall is ne f the mst amazing man-made wnders in the wrld.
    11. 每年都有无数国内外游客被长城吸引。12. 据说,古人在2000多年前建造了长城(被动语态)。13. 温州位于浙江的东南部。14. 很多名胜古迹,像是雁荡山,江心屿,都很值得一游。
    11. Every year, millins f turists frm hme and abrad are attracted by the Great Wall. 12. It is said that the Great Wall was built by ancient peple mre than 2000 years ag. 13. Wenzhu lies in / is lcated in the sutheast f Zhejiang Prvince. 14. Many places f interest, like Yandang Muntain as well as Jiangxin Island, are wrth visiting.
    15. 它很受游客们的青睐,不仅仅是因为宜人的天气,还因为多种多样的海鲜菜肴。16. 我认为这是学习你感兴趣的中国文化的最好地方。17. 别忘了带上相机,以便你可以拍照来保存美好的回忆。
    15. It is ppular with turists nt nly fr the pleasant weather but als fr all kinds f seafd dishes.16. I think it's the best place t learn abut Chinese culture that yu are interested in.17. Dn’t frget t take a camera with yu s that yu can take sme phts t keep the beautiful memries.
    1. My family will take a trip t Beijing as sn as the Natinal Day hliday starts. 2. The Mid-Autumn Festival is ne f the mst traditinal festivals in China, isn’t it? 3. May Day is celebrated n the first f May.4. Since 1949 peple have celebrated the Natinal Day, which is ne f the mst imprtant festivals in China.
    5.到处悬挂着红色的灯笼来庆祝春节,并且人们有7天的假期。6. 我们一看到圆圆的月饼,就会想到远方的家人。7.我们将会待在北京直到假期结束。
    5. Red lanterns are hung everywhere t celebrate the Spring Festival and peple have a seven-day hliday/have seven days ff. 6. As sn as we see the rund mn cakes, we will think f ur family members far away. / The rund mn cakes remind us f ur family members far away. 7. We will stay in Beijing until the end f the hliday.
    8.除夕夜是家人之间一个特别的晚餐时间。人们总是用一顿丰盛的晚餐来庆祝它。9. 中秋节通常在九月或十月初,一年中月亮最大最明亮的时刻。10. 人们对于中秋节的含义有着不同的理解。
    8. New Year’s Eve is a time fr a special dinner amng family members. Peple always celebrate it with a fine/big dinner. 9. The Mid-Autumn Festival usually falls in September r early Octber when the mn appears the biggest and the brightest in the year. 10. Peple have different ideas abut the meanings f the Mid-Autumn Festival.
    11. 在我看来,中秋节是团圆的象征。12. 在那一天,我们向周围的人们表达着祝福,欣赏满月并品尝各种口味的月饼。13. 我们和彼此分享着喜悦和爱。14. 中秋节是人们与家人团聚的好机会。
    11. In my pinin, the Mid-Autumn Festival is the symbl f reunin.12. On that day, we express wishes t peple arund us, admire the full mn and enjy mn cakes with different kinds f tastes. 13. We share the pleasure and lve with each ther. 14. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a gd chance fr peple t get tgether with family.
    15. 元宵节是人们和家人一起出去欣赏五颜六色的灯笼和烟花秀的时候。16. 假期最重要的意义在于和家人共度时光。17. 人们通常在春节前一个月开始做准备。
    15. The Lantern Festival is a time fr peple t g ut t enjy clurful lanterns with their family members and enjy the firewrk shws.16. The mst imprtant thing fr a hliday is t spend time with families.17. Peple usually start preparing fr the Spring Festival ne mnth befre it cmes.
    1. 无论遇到什么困难,她都不会放弃。2. 我坚信我会努力学习,不遗余力地帮助他人。3. 李老师如此勤奋,以至于她在学校经常努力工作而不休息。4. 因为她高尚的精神,尽管她已经去世,她仍然被人们铭记在心中。
    1. Whatever difficulties she meets, she never gives up.2. I’m quite sure that I’ll wrk hard and spare n effrt t help thers.3. Ms Li is s diligent that she ften wrks hard at schl withut resting.4. Because f her nbel spirit, she is still remembered in peple's hearts, althugh she has passed away.
    5. 他被视为民族英雄和勇敢的象征。6. 众所周知,大多数人心中都有自己的英雄。就我个人而言,对我影响最大的人是鲁迅。7. 为了实现梦想,她总是日以继夜地工作。
    5. He is regarded as a natinal her and a symbl f curage. 6. As is knwn t us all, mst peple have heres in their hearts. Persnally speaking, Lu Xun is the persn wh influences mst. 7. She always wrks hard day and night s that she can make her dream cme true.
    8. 张桂梅和对年轻女孩生活的影响在我眼中使她成为一个真正的英雄。9. 在他25岁的时候,出于某些原因,他下定决心成为一名作家,而不是一名医生。10. 正是有了钟南山以及其他医生的帮助,我们才能逐渐回归正常的生活。
    8. Zhang Guimei's influence n the lives f yung girls make her a true her in my eyes.9. At the age f 25, he made up his mind t be a writer rather than a dctr fr sme reasns.10. It is with the help f Zhng Nanshan and ther dctrs that we are ging back t nrmal life gradually.
    11. 在我看来,钟南山不仅是一位杰出医生,更是坚强意志的象征。12. 1974年,袁隆平取得了伟大的成就,他培育出了一种新型水稻。13. 毛泽东对中国历史的影响使他成为一个值得敬仰的英雄。
    11. In my pinin, Zhng Nanshan is nt nly an utstanding dctr but als a symbl f a strng will. 12. In 1974, Yuan Lngping made a great achievement when he develped a new kind f rice.13. Ma Zedng's influence n China's histry makes him a persn wrth admiring.
    14. 我们为在我国拥有这样一个英雄而感到自豪。15. 他不仅开办医院培养医生和护士,还发明了一些医疗工具,对中国人民真是大有裨益。
    14. We are prud t have such a her in ur cuntry.15. He nt nly pened hspitals t train dctrs and nurses but als invented medical tls, which were really beneficial t us Chinese. / , which really did gd t us Chinese.
    16. 让我印象最深的是他工作如此辛勤,救了成千上万的中国人。17. 他的故事深深地打动了我,他的精神也给了我很大的鼓舞。
    16. What impresses me mst is that he wrked s hard that he saved thusands f Chinese peple.17. I am deeply mved by his stries. I’m als encuraged by his spirit.
    1. Yung as David is, he always helps his parents with sme husewrk. 2. Ms Li asked us t hand in hmewrk as sn as she entered the classrm. 3. It's f great imprtance fr us t live n ur wn.
    4.Nw I knw hw imprtant it is fr us teenagers t be able t lk after urselves.5.I have been busy with my study and seldm helped my parents with the husewrk. 6. Lking at the tidy rms,I felt tired but satisfied and prud,because I helped with the husewrk, which was als the first step fr me t be independent.
    7.We have a heated discussin abut “Shuld students depend n their parents?” 8. Sme hld that students shuld depend n their parents while thers claim that we shuldn’t. 9. First f all, as a 14-year-ld student, we are ld enugh t manage ur wn time and we can lk after urselves well.
    10. —I am s happy t see yu again after s many years. —S am I. 11. Will yu remember everything (that) I’ve tld yu.12. Dn’t frget t shut the dr when yu are in and lck it when yu g ut.
    13. The plane is abut t take ff and we must hurry up. Dn’t wrry. Yu will be all right in a cuple f days. As a teacher, like all ther teachers, I hpe my students can make prgress in study.
    1. As fr mbile phnes, we are nt allwed t use them at schl;if yu want t call yur parents, yu can use the pay phne at schl.2. When yu visit the museum, make sure (that) yu remember all the rules here. 3. It’s ur duty t bey rules, n matter where we are and what we d.
    4. The museum is free t enter.5. The Science Museum is interesting fr peple f all ages. Yu can always find smething yu are interested in.6. The Palace Museum, which lies in the centre f Beijing, has a histry f abut 600 years. 7. First f all, it’s against the rule t drp litter n the grund.
    8. What’s mre, dn’t draw r write anything n public things.9. This museum is designed especially fr kids t explre and learn thrugh games.    10. The nly thing we can’t d is running arund.11. I am nt allwed t stay up because they think teenagers shuld have enugh sleep t keep healthy.
    12. All in all, we are suppsed t thank ur schl rules, which make us grw.13. It’s n gd wrring abut the thing that hasn’t happened. 14. Yu have been walking fr hurs. N wnder yu are s tired. 15. If yu want t knw answers t all the questins abut nature, this is the right place fr yu.
    16. Can yu explain hw yu wrked ut the maths questin?17. The by’s eyes filled with tears.18. In the histry museum, yu will learn abut what peple’s life was like in the past.
    1. Yu shuld tell these secrets t yur parents instead f keeping them t yurself. 2. We shuld get int the habit f cmmunicating with ur parents as sn as we have prblems. 3. Learning t express feelings is als a very imprtant lessn in ur lives.
    4. I think yu shuld be active in grup wrk in class and be brave enugh t express yur ideas.5. Try t talk with yur classmates at break instead f staying alne.6. If yu want t get n well with yur classmates, get int the habit f saying hell when yu meet them.
    7. I want yu t get int the habit f ding yur hmewrk as sn as yu cme hme frm schl.8. I’d like t share my thughts n this matter with yu.9. In additin, there are many ways t achieve success, and nly by wrking hard can yu achieve yur gals.
    10. As a teenager, yu shuld spare n effrt t study and develp yur interests at the same time, which, withut dubt, will enrich yur future life.11. Chinese is s difficult that yu need t pay attentin t the different meanings f a wrd in different situatins.
    12. The imprtant thing is that yu shuld be hnest instead f telling lies. 13. First f all, talk t smene yu trust abut hw yu feel. 14. What’s mre, g utdrs and play with yur friends, which is als a gd way t help yu get rid f anger.15. Only thrugh reading, can I increase my knwledge f the wrld.
    16. I have much pressure in study and I always feel sleepy in class. 17. Dn’t wrry. It’s cmmn fr a teenager t make mistakes in daily life.
    1. 读书使人充实。2. 这本书被认为是中国最经典的长篇小说之一。3. 我很惊讶地发现读英语书籍可以帮助我快速提高英语。4. 这本书受不同年龄段的人欢迎。
    1. Reading makes a full man.2. This bk is thught / cnsidered t be / regarded as ne f the mst classic nvels in China. 3. I am surprised t find that reading English bks can help me imprve my English quickly. 4. The bk is ppular with peple f all ages.
    5. 关于这本书,我最喜欢的内容是爱丽丝在花园里遇到了各种奇怪的人。6. 这本书讲述了关于一个有着许多冒险经历的男孩的故事。7. 他敢于和强大的敌人对抗。
    5. My favurite part f the bk is when Alice meets different kinds f strange peple in the garden.6. The bk tells sme exciting stries abut a by wh has many adventures. 7. He dares t fight against pwerful enemies.
    8. 这本书讲述了年轻人如何成长、人们如何相亲相爱以及坏人如何为他们的行为付出代价。9. Mark Twain的故事以100多年以前的美国南部为背景,并且仍然为读者所喜爱。10. 书籍不仅是人类的朋友,还是人类进步的阶梯。
    8. The bk tells hw yung peple grw up, hw they lve each ther and hw bad peple pay fr their actins. 9. Mark Twain’s stries are set in the suth America 100 years ag and are still enjyed by peple. 10. Bks are nt nly the friends f humans’, but als the ladder f human prgress.
    11. 现在,电脑和手机已经占据了大部分人的空闲时间。阅读变得不再像以前那样受欢迎。12. 阅读合适的书籍可以开阔我们的眼界。我们读得越多,就会学到越多的知识,我们的未来也会变得越光明。
    11. Nwadays, cmputers and mbile phnes have taken up mst f peple’s free time. Reading has becme nt s ppular as befre. 12. Reading suitable bks can pen ur minds. The mre we read, the mre knwledge we will learn and the brighter ur future will becme.
    13. 这告诉我们,只要我们有着坚强的意志和勇敢的心,没有什么看起来是糟糕的。14. 尽管他们已经去世,他们仍然对现在的人们有着巨大的影响。15. 我觉得李老师更像是个朋友,而不是老师。
    13. This tells us that nthing seems terrible as lng as we have a strng will and a brave heart.14. Althugh they have passed away, they have great influence n peple nwadays. 15. I think Ms Li is mre like a friend than a teacher.
    16. 努力学习对于我们来说有很大的意义。17. 我认为对现在的我们仍很有意义的书是名著。18. 今天不仅仅是普通的一天。今天是应该在历史长河中被人们铭记的一天。
    16. It makes a lt f sense t us t study hard. 17. I suppse the bks which make lts f sense t us tday are great bks. 18. Tday is mre than a cmmn day. It is a day that shuld be remembered in the lng histry.
    19. Harry Ptter,这本书的主角,有着魔法。20. 我们仍然被鲁迅的思想所影响,并且老舍的戏剧也对现在的我们有意义。
    19. Harry Ptter, the her f the bk, has magic pwer. 20. We’re still influenced by Lun Xun’s ideas, and La She’s plays als make a lt f sense t us tday.
    1. 在打篮球的过程中,我们学会了合作。这是一种培养团队精神的好方法。2. 多亏了她的努力和坚持,张怡宁在这项运动中取得了巨大的成功。3. 经过坚持不懈的训练之后,他赢得了很多重要的比赛,并且成为了第一个获得跨栏金牌的亚洲运动员。
    1. We learn t cperate / wrk tgether while playing basketball. It is a gd way t develp team spirit.2. Thanks t her hard wrk and persistence, Zhang Yining achieved great success in the sprt. 3. After persistent training, he wn a number f imprtant races and became the first Asian sprtspersn t win an Olympic gld medal fr hurdling.
    4. 通过参加团队运动,我们学会了一起工作,良好地沟通和相互支持。5. 运动教会了我们团队合作的价值,以及支持和鼓励队友的重要性。6. 运动最大的乐趣之一是其带来的成就感和个人成长。
    4. By taking part in team sprts, we learn t wrk tgether, cmmunicate well and supprt each ther.5. Sprts teaches us the value f teamwrk and the imprtance f supprting and encuraging teammates. 6. One f the greatest jys f sprts is the sense f achievement and persnal grwth (that) it brings.
    7. 就像其他许多中国女排队员一样,朱婷通过刻苦训练,在体育生涯中取得了巨大成就。8. 出生于1994年11月29日,朱婷13岁开始打排球。9. 当她17岁时,她的排球能力被教练注意到了。
    7. Just like many ther Chinese wmen’s vlleyball players, Zhu Ting has made great achievements in her sprts life thrugh hard training. 8. Brn n Nvember 29th 1994, Zhu Ting started t play vlleyball at the age f 13.9. When she was 17, her ability in vlleyball was nticed by a cach.
    10. 在郎平的帮助下,她训练得非常刻苦,很快就取得了很大的进步。11. 他们改写了历史。凭借出色的表现,朱婷被评为最有价值球员。12. 尽管他因为腿伤而没能完成2008年的奥运会,他仍然是我们心中的民族英雄,也是成功和勇气的象征。我们为他感到骄傲。
    10. With the help f Lang Ping, she trained very hard and sn made great prgress.11. They rewrte histry. Based n her wnderful perfrmance, Zhu Ting was hnured as the mst valuable player. 12. Althugh he didn’t cmplete the 2008 Olympic Games because f his ft prblem, he is still the natinal her in ur heart and the symbl f success and curage as well. We take pride in him.
    13. 这场突如其来的大雨也没有阻止我们完成这次远足。14. 通过参加这些活动,我们不仅和我们的同学建立了亲密的友谊,也放松了自己,并且从学习的压力中解放了出来。15. 去年,Tny被选去校队打篮球。
    13. The sudden rain didn’t stp us frm cmpleting the hiking.14. By taking part in these activities, we nt nly frm clse friendship with ur classmates, but als relax urselves and get urself free frm pressure f study.15. Last year, Tny was chsen t play fr the schl team.
    16. 上周末,我被邀请去参加Lingling的生日派对。但是很遗憾,我那个时候正忙于准备考试。17. Daming被李老师鼓励着和外国人交流。渐渐地,他变得不再害羞。18. 这位孤独的老人遭受了巨大的病痛折磨,最后死在了他的房间里。
    16. Last weekend, I was invited t jin in Lingling’s birthday party. But it was a pity that I was busy preparing the exam then.17. Daming was encuraged t cmmunicate with freigners by Miss Li. Gradually / Day by day, he wasn’t shy any mre.18. The lnely ld man suffered a lt frm the illness and died in his rm.
    1. 网络让居家办公成为可能。2. 很难想象没有电,我们的生活将会是什么样子。3. 越来越多的人更喜欢在网上看书。我很好奇,纸质书会被电子书所替代吗?
    1. The Internet makes it pssible t wrk at hme. 2. It’s hard t imagine what ur lives wuld be like withut electricity.3. A grwing number f peple prefer t read n the Internet. I wnder if paper bks will be replaced by electrnic bks.
    4. 在过去,我们不得不等好几个星期才能收到国外笔友的来信。5. 我们用来查单词的这个机器比一本字典要轻便得多。6. 随着科技的快速发展,越来越多的信息可以以更多不同的形式被储存网络上。
    4. In the past, we had t wait fr weeks t hear frm ur pen friends abrad. 5. The machine (that) we use t lk up wrds are much lighter than a dictinary. 6. With the rapid develpment f science and technlgy, mre and mre infrmatin can be stred in mre varied frms n the Internet.
    7. 首先,网络使得我们能更容易地和我们的朋友保持联系。8. 在某种程度上,我们可以把英语的学习比作中文的学习。9. 网络增长了我们的知识,开拓了我们的眼界,在我们的日常生活中起着重要的作用。
    7. First f all, the Internet makes it easier fr us t keep in tuch with ur friends.8. In a way, we can cmpare the learning f English t the learning f Chinese. 9. The Internet, which increases ur knwledge and widen ur hrizn, plays an essential rle in ur life.
    10. 最后一点,我们可以在网上购物,而不用离开家。通过这种方式,我们可以同时在不同的商店里选择我们想要的东西。11. 在那时,书很贵。很多人都买不起。因此,几乎没有人有机会学着去阅读。
    10. Last but nt least, we can d shpping nline withut leaving hme. In this way, we can chse what we want in different shps at the same time.11. At that time, the bks were expensive. Many peple culdn’t affrd them. As a result, few peple had the chance t learn t read.
    12. 电视给我们提供不同种类的信息,以便我们能更多地了解世界。13. 相机可以被用来拍照并记录我们的美好回忆。14. 一些学生认为微信是一个非常实用的工具。它可以给我们提供一个平台来和朋友交流。
    12. The TV prvides us with different kinds f infrmatin s that we can knw mre abut the wrld.13. The cameras can be used t take phts and recrd ur beautiful memries. 14. Sme students think WeChat is a very useful tl. It can prvide a platfrm t cmmunicate with their friends.
    15. 我们可以用手机轻松地订票或者酒店。16. 如今,随着电脑和电子科技的发明,在网上获取信息变得容易得多了。17. 你能想象,这条漂亮的连衣裙是人们用手制成的吗?
    15. We can use a mbile phne t bk tickets r htels easily.16. Tday, with the inventin f the cmputer and electrnic technlgy, it’s much easier t get infrmatin n the Internet.17. Can yu imagine that the beautiful dress was made by hand?
    1. 在这个国家,有很多可以参观的地方和可以做的事情。 2. 位于亚洲东部,中国是一个有着五千多年历史古老国家。3. 澳大利亚人的古老故事,描述了创造世界的精神。
    1. There are many places t visit and things t d in this cuntry. 2. Lying in / Lcated in the east f Asia, China is an ancient cuntry with a histry f ver 5,000 years.3. The ancient stries f Australians describe the spirits that created the wrld.
    4. 杭州是一个享受平静生活的好地方。5. 他们正在拿着的这把剪刀,是用来把叶子从树上剪下来的。6. 艾尔斯岩石有着348米高。7. 每年,有很多名胜古迹吸引着众多的游客,比如长城,世界上最长的城墙。
    4. Hangzhu is a perfect place t enjy a peaceful life.5. The scissrs that they are hlding are used t cut the leaves ff the trees. 6. Ayers Rck has a height f 348 metres.There are many great places f interest that attract lts f turists every year, such as the Great Wall, the lngest wall in the wrld.
    8. 说起杭州,你首先想到的是众所周知的西湖,这是一个在不同季节展现不同景色的神奇地方。9. 在冬天,你很幸运地看到它被白雪覆盖。10. 你不仅可以看到丝绸艺术的奇妙作品,而且还有机会学到一些有意义的东西。
    8. When it cmes t Hangzhu, the first thing that springs t yur mind is the well-knwn West Lake,an amazing place that shws different scenes in different seasns.9. In winter, yu are lucky t see it cvered with white snw.10. Nt nly can yu see the fantastic wrks f silk art, but als yu have the chance t learn smething meaningful.
    11. 她到处旅行,十分尽兴。12. 这里有皇家建筑和迷人的景色供人们欣赏。13. 长城是我所见过的最伟大的奇观之一,也是一个令人惊叹的游览之地。14. 这里是一些我在北京拍的照片。
    11. She enjys herself t the full by travelling t different places. 12. There are ryal buildings and fantastic views fr peple t enjy. 13. The Great Wall is ne f the greatest wnders that I have ever seen, and it is an amazing place t visit. 14. Here are sme phts that I tk in Beijing.
    15. 悉尼歌剧院是一个看起来像巨型帆船的著名建筑。16. 大堡礁是一个在澳大利亚东北海岸附近的伟大自然奇观。17. 人们喜欢参观艾尔斯岩石,它在一天的不同阶段有着不同的颜色。
    15. The Sydney Opera Huse is a famus building that lks like a huge sailing bat. 16. The Great Barrier Reef is a great natural wnder that lies ff the nrtheast cast f Australia.17. Peple like t visit Ayers Rck, which has different clurs in different perids f a day.
    18. 读万卷书,不如行万里路。19. 这些农民戴的帽子可以赶走苍蝇。
    18. It’s better t travel ten thusand miles than t read ten thusand bks.19. The hats that these farmers wear can keep the flies away.
    1. 我非常乐意宣读写作比赛的结果。2. 你刚才看的这张照片是我的一个同班同学去年拍摄的。3. 我认为我有机会获得这份工作。4. 每当我看到教室墙上的这张照片,就会想起上次的艺术节。
    1. I am mre than happy t read ut the result f the writing cmpetitin.2. The pht which yu saw just nw was taken by ne f my classmates last year. 3. I think I’m in with a chance f getting the jb.4. Every time I lk at the pht n the wall in my classrm, it reminds me f the last art festival.
    5. 我们戴太阳镜来保护自己免受阳光伤害。6. 我拍下了这张照片,并将其发送到参加这次比赛,以提醒人们这个严重问题和保护环境的重要性。7. 在“城市与人”这组照片中,我们最喜爱的照片是由赵敏拍摄的。
    5. We wear sunglasses t prtect urselves against the sun. 6. I tk the pht and sent it t take part in this cmpetitin t remind peple f the serius prblem and the imprtance f prtecting envirnment.7. In the City and Peple grup, the pht which we liked best was taken by Zha Min.
    8. 你拍的照片应该是有创意的,并且是自己拍的。9. 所有获奖者的照片将于11月12日发布在学校网站上。10. 我们还举办了摄影比赛,记录运动会期间的精彩瞬间。
    8. The phts that yu take shuld be creative and be taken by yurself.9. All f the winners’ phts will be put up n the schl website n 12th Nvember.10. We als held a pht cmpetitin t recrd the wnderful mments during the sprts meeting.
    11. 我们最喜欢的照片展示了开幕式 (the pening ceremny) 上精彩的舞狮表演。这张照片中的学生打扮得漂漂亮亮,动作活泼。12. 它展示了一个正在冲过终点线 (the finishing line) 的英俊男孩。他跑得太快了,每个人都兴奋地喊。13. 玲玲设法显示了这个男孩强大的弹跳能力和学生们正在度过的快乐时光。
    11. The pht which we like best shws a wnderful lin dance during the pening ceremny. Students in this pht dress up and mve lively. 12. It shws a handsme by wh is crssing the finishing line. He runs s fast that everyne shuts excitedly.13. Lingling manages t shw the by’s great jumping ability and the gd time students are having.
    14. 这张照片显示了兴奋的学生正在为运动员加油。他们的声音充满激情 (passin)。15. 祝贺我们的获胜者,感谢所有参赛的人!16. 问题是,今年比赛的总体水平比以往高得多。我们必须更加努力去赢。
    14. The pht shws the excited students wh are cheering the sprtspersns n. Their vice is full f passin. 15. Cngratulatins t ur winners and thanks t everyne wh entered the cmpetitin!16. The thing is, the general standard f the cmpetitin this year is much higher than befre. We must try harder t win.
    17. 我有一种感觉,只要你用心去做,你就会取得巨大的成功。18. 我想展示我和我的朋友手挽着手在花园散步的照片。
    17. I have a feeling that yu will achieve great success as lng as yu put yur heart int it. 18. I wuld like t shw the pht f my friend and I walking arm in arm in the garden.
    1. 燃烧塑料制品对环境有害。2. 对我们来说,有必要把垃圾分成可回收的东西和要扔掉的东西。3. 为了使我们的地球成为一个更好的居住地,我们应该立即采取行动。4. 当你犯了错误时,哭是没有用的。
    1. Burning plastic prducts is harmful t the envirnment. 2. It’s necessary fr us t divide the waste int things t recycle and things t thrw away.3. T make ur earth a better place t live in, we are suppsed t take actin at nce. 4. It’s n use crying when yu make mistakes.
    5. 是我们采取行动拯救我们的世界的时候了。6. 随着科学技术的迅速发展,我们的世界面临着新的环境挑战。7. 我们必须想出办法来保护环境。
    5. It’s high time fr us t take actin t save ur wrld. 6. With the rapid develpment f science and technlgy, ur wrld is faced with new envirnmental challenges.7. We must cme up with ways t prtect the envirnment.
    8. 对我来说,我选择步行或骑车去学校,而不是打车或坐车。9. 虽然我骑自行车上学要花更多的时间,但我可以有更多的机会欣赏自然美景,还可以强身健体。10. 同时,我总是使用可重复使用的杯子,而不是纸质的。
    8. Fr me, I chse t walk r ride t schl instead f taking a taxi r a car.9. Althugh it takes me much mre time t get t schl by bike, I can have mre chances t admire the natural beauties and build a strnger bdy as well.10. At the same time, I always use reusable cups instead f paper nes.
    11. 我们应该把垃圾放进垃圾箱。12. 众所周知,随处可见的塑料制品已经严重污染了我们的世界。13. 因此,我们都应该减少塑料制品的使用。14. 例如,购物时我们应该用布袋或篮子代替塑料袋。
    11. We are suppsed t put rubbish int the rubbish bin.12. As we all knw, plastic prducts, which can be seen everywhere, have seriusly plluted ur wrld.13. Therefre, all f us are suppsed t reduce the use f plastic prducts.14. Fr example, we shuld use a clth bag r basket instead f plastic bags while shpping.

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