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    江苏省常州市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考试题 英语 Word版含解析
    江苏省常州市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考试题 英语 Word版含解析01
    江苏省常州市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考试题 英语 Word版含解析02
    江苏省常州市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考试题 英语 Word版含解析03
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    江苏省常州市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考试题 英语 Word版含解析

    这是一份江苏省常州市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期6月月考试题 英语 Word版含解析,共12页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    本试卷满分150分 考试时间120分钟
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题: 每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Buccleuch Place/ Buccleuch Place Lane
    Buccleuch Place/Buccleuch Place Lane, 1-6&; 7-13, Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, EH89LW
    Buccleuch Place prvides a mix f standard study bedrms within flats, each with shared kitchen/living spaces and bathrm facilities.
    Standard single en-suite rm
    Standard rm with en-suite bathrm £ 10, 377 per year
    BATHROOM: En-suite
    CATERING: Self-catered prperty
    BILLS: All utility(bills included- there is an average allwance f electricity but veruse can result in additinal charges.
    Twin rm
    Twin rm with shared bathrm facilities £ 5, 215 per year
    BATHROOM: Shared
    CATERING: Self-catered prperty
    BILLS: All utility bills included -there is an average allwance f electricity but veruse can result in additinal charges.
    Standard single rm
    Standard single rm with shared bathrm facilities £ 8, 651 per year
    BATHROOM: Shared
    CATERING: Self-catered prperty
    BILLS: All utility bills included -there is an average allwance f electricity but veruse can result in additinal charges.
    Cleaning and husekeeping
    • Staff n site will regularly clean the laundry, cmmn rm, cmmn rm tilets, stairs and lifts.
    • Staff will visit yur flat weekly and assist yu in keeping cmmn areas clean (kitchens, any shared bathrms and hallways). Hwever, residents shuld als clean between visits.
    • Residents shuld clear rubbish and remve al recycling t the designated areas: yu are als respnsible fr keeping yur wn bedrms and en-suite bathrms clean.
    • Please nte that al ur accmmdatin is nn-smking, this includes e-cigarettes.
    21.Which f the fllwing might be true abut a standard single en-suite rm?
    A.It is the cheapest chice.B.It prvides a private bathrm.
    C.Fd is included in the bill.D.Residents d nt need t pay any bills.
    22.A resident in the Buccleuch Place ________.
    A.can have e-cigarettes in his rm.B.nly needs t clean his wn bedrm.
    C.has staff visits n a daily basis.D.shuld remve recycling t specific areas.
    23.Which f the fllwing sectin culd this passage be pssibly fund?
    “It's nt unusual fr guests t feel emtinal when they discver the stry behind ur fd,” says Patrick Navis. “Nt t mentin when they taste it. One even cried with happiness.” The setting fr these tearful scenes? Navis's restaurant in a Dutch city. Here, the wner and his team create experimental fd using herbs, rts, flwers and nuts—sme cmmn, thers less s.
    Mst f these ingredients(食材) cme frm the Ketelbrek Fd Frest nearby. T the untrained eye, it's like an rdinary wd. But there's ne key difference: everything in it is edible. It was set up in 2009 by Dutch btanist and envirnmentalist Nah Eck as an experiment in slw farming, t see what wuld happen if the right cmbinatin f fd plants were left t grw tgether like a natural frest, withut chemicals.
    “It's the first ‘fd frest’ f its kind in Eurpe and we’re ne f the few restaurants arund the wrld cperating in this way,”says Navis.“We have ver 400 different species f edible plants we plan ur menus arund, including sme we previusly knew little abut." He harvests the ingredients and, with his fellw chefs, wrks them int beautifully presented tasting menus, served in a dining rm hidden in the backstreets f the city,
    “T us, fine dining is nt abut the fame f a restaurant, its lcatin, expensive decratin, fancy cking and wine list,”says Navis.“It's abut adding value thrugh creativity and using ingredients nbdy knws f, which are grwn with great attentin.”Hwever, he adds, luxury cking can be abut enhancing everyday ingredients, t.
    “When lking at cking in this way, wh can argue that caviar(鱼子酱 ), fr example, is mre valuable than a carrt grwn with specialist knwledge?”
    Experimentatin is extremely imprtant t Navis. In the next five years, he hpes t pen an utdr restaurant. But fr nw, the mst imprtant thing is t cntinue fcusing n hw plants are being grwn and the perennial system used in the Fd Frest, reducing the need fr replanting each seasn.
    24. What can we learn abut Navis's restaurant?
    A. It is well received by its guests.
    B. It serves fd with mving stries.
    C. It ffers experimental fd fr free.
    D. It is knwn fr its rare fd surces.
    25. Hw is Ketelbrck Fd Frest different frm rdinary wds?
    A. It is a natural frest.
    B. Diverse plants cexist in it.
    C. Plants there take lnger t grw.
    D. It prvides safe fd ingredients.
    26. What is the key element f fine dining accrding t Navis?
    A. Cnvenient lcatins.
    B. Expensive ingredients.
    C. Innvative menus.
    D. Fancy cking techniques.
    27. What des “the perennial system” in the last paragraph prbably refer t?
    A. The sustainable farming practice.
    B. Farming with prper use f chemicals.
    C. Natural farming withut human interventin.
    D. An experimental farm fr an utdr restaurant.
    Sme peple tday might be early risers because f DNA they take after Neanderthals tens f thusands f years ag, suggests new research.
    When early humans migrated frm Africa t Eurasia rughly 70,000 years ag, sme f them mated with Neanderthals, wh had already adapted t the clder, darker climates f the nrth. The ripple(涟漪) effects f that intermating still exist tday: Mdern humans f nn- African ancestry(血统)have between 1 and 4 percent Neanderthal DNA. Sme f that DNA relates t sleep mre specifically, the internal bdy clck knwn as the circadian rhythm.
    Fr the new study, researchers cmpared DNA frm tday's humans and DNA frm Neanderthal fssils(化石).In bth grups, they fund sme f the same genetic variants invlved with the circadian rhythm. And they fund that mdern humans wh carry these variants als reprted being early risers.
    Fr Neanderthals, being “mrning peple” might nt have been the real benefit f carrying these genes. Instead, scientists suggest, Neanderthals’ DNA gave them faster, mre flexible internal bdy clcks, which allwed them t adjust mre easily t annual changes in daylight. This cnnectin makes sense in the cntext f human histry. When early humans mved nrth ut f Africa, they wuld have experienced variable daylight hurs--shrter days in the winter and lnger days in the summer-fr the first time. The Neanderthals' circadian rhythm genes likely helped early humans' ffspring(后代)adapt t this new envirnment.
    Ntably ,the findings d nt prve that Neanderthal genes are respnsible fr the sleep habits f all early risers. Lts f different factrs beynd genetics can cntribute , including scial and envirnmental influences. The study als nly included DNA frm a database called the U.K. Bibank-s the findings may nt necessarily apply t all mdern humans. Next, the research team hpes t study ther genetic databases t see if the same link hlds true fr peple f ther ancestries. If the findings d apply mre bradly , they may ne day be useful fr imprving sleep in the mdern wrld, where circadian rhythms are disturbed by night shifts and glwing smartphnes.
    28.What des the new research fcus n?
    A. DNA's dramatic changes.
    B. Genes’ influence n early risers.
    C. Neanderthals’ sleeping patterns.
    D. Ancestrs’ envirnmental adaptability.
    29.What is paragraph 2 intended t shw cncerning the new research?
    A. Histrical cntext. B. Additinal prf.
    C. Sample analysis. D. Studying prcess.
    30. What is the real benefit f carrying Neanderthal's DNA fr mdern humans?
    A .Getting up earlier. B. Having healthier daily rutines.
    C. Being mre flexible in their wrk. D. Pssessing a better circadian rhythm.
    31. What can be inferred abut the findings frm the last paragraph?
    A. They get prf frm ther studies.
    B. They are cnfirmed by early risers.
    C. They suggest ptential applicatins.
    D. They reveal factrs in sleeping disrders.
    “Palace, Muntain, Mn?” has been selected by NASA as the Astrnmical Picture f the Day fr December 25, 2023.
    The pht was taken by Valeri, a yung phtgrapher f Turin, Italy. It was sht n the evening f December 15, 2023. While he knew abut NASA’s cmpetitin, he hadn’t cnsidered participating until receiving much encuragement frm his scial media fllwers. Sn after, he received the message, “Yur image has been chsen as the astrnmical pht f the day.” It was incredible!
    In a pht like this, nthing is left t luck. The cncept came t him back in 2017. Walking n the hills nrth f Turin, he fund several spts perfect fr including bth the Basilica f Superga Palace and Muntain Mnvis. After numerus visits ver several mnths, he identified fur spts where Superga and Mnvis line up just right.
    After pinpinting these lcatins, he experimented with shting them at different times. “I knew I needed smething special t perfect the pht. The Sun was a n-g, s I turned t the Mn. Its varius phases and psitin s reach an azimuth angle (方位角) f 230 degrees,” Valeri said. With this in mind, he researched the Mn’s phases, marked ptential dates n the calendar, and planned the exact mments when the mn culd jin the queue.
    It was very successful, especially because the Mn was in a waxing phase. This meant that in the pht, nt nly was its crescent (新月) lit up, but s was the left part, its shadwed side. That part is lit by reflected light, als knwn as Da Vinci’s glw, named after him because he was the ne wh therized abut why the Mn’s shadwed side is brightened. During the early days f the waxing Mn phases, the shadwed part is visible because the Sun’s light reflects ff the Earth and hits the Mn’s shadwed side, giving it a greyish, silvery clr. This allwed the light t utline Mnvis n the left as well.
    32.Why did Valeri send the pht t NASA?
    A.He tk an interest in astrnmical advances.
    B.He expected t create an impact n scial media.
    C.He received brad supprt frm enthusiastic fans.
    D.He wished t make his hmetwn a turist ht spt.
    33.In Valeri’s pht, the three bjects ______.
    A.shine light n each therB.stand in a straight line
    C.fit each ther in sizeD.vary frm usual in clr
    34.What did Valeri d t prepare fr the perfect pht?
    A.Studying hw the Mn phase changes.B.Calculating the Superga-Mnvis distance.
    C.Analyzing when t adjust the camera angle.D.Measuring the height f the bservatin pint.
    35.What was lit up by the Da Vinci’s glw?
    A.The utline f the crescent.B.The utline f Superga.
    C.The dark side f the Mn.D.The shadwed side f the Earth.
    第二节 (共5小题: 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    It was dinner time, yet I hadn't finished my wrk fr the day. Cheery peple wh were enjying their hliday time buzzed arund me. But with my head dwn and headphnes in,I had interacted with very few f them. The day passed mre like a fast-frwarded vide than smething that I actually fully experienced. 36
    This was my first week living the digital nmad lifestyle. I had left my crprate rle and fund freelance(自由职业的)writing wrk nline t affrd me the freedm t travel. 37 With enthusiasm, I expected my attitude wuld als change. Instead, the first surprising realizatin f my travel jurney had hit: despite changing my frmal suits t casuals, I was the exact same persn I had been at hme.
    I had prepared excitedly, surfing nline abut digital nmadism. 38 While yu might expect finances t be the biggest killer f this lifestyle, unrealistic expectatins are the death blw that I hear abut mst ften. After six years abrad, realism is nw the primary message I share.
    39 Instead f an ffice rm, yu'll wrk frm a balcny verlking the Mediterranean r a sunny rftp in the heart f Marrakesh. Instead f waiting at the cffee machine next t cmplaining clleagues, yur daily cffee run will lead yu dwn dust cbblestne streets int tiny cafés. These dreams exist and are waiting fr yu nce yu clear custms.
    But that's nt all that's waiting fr new digital nmads. 40 At-hme life and life n the rad can at times feel shckingly similar, r, if bad wrk habits take ver, even wrse. It's an imprtant expectatin t understand befre yu set ut n yur digital nmad lifestyle: yur surrundings will change, but yu take yu everywhere that yu g. N matter hw ultra-light yu pack.
    A. And my surrundings lked different.
    B. But this wasn't at a tiring nine-t-five ffice jb.
    C. This was a typical day back in my ffice I managed t escape.
    D. New surrundings may als make yu fully engaged in yur wrk.
    E. Shuld yu chse t becme a digital nmad, yur envirnment will change.
    F. Yu'll still wake up with emails in yur inbx and t-ds begging t be handled.
    G. Yet smehw I unknwingly ver-cnsumed expectatin and under-cnsumed realism.
    第三部分 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
    My mther has always been ne f thse rare peple that sees the gd in everyne and des gd things. She’s had her ups and dwns but has always 41 a psitive, sunny utlk n life and been very 42 t peple.
    One day, my little sister fell and hurt her ankle, desperately needing a 43 t the hspital emergency rm. My mther immediately 44 int crisis mde, packed my sister int the car, and drve t ur lcal hspital. In such a 45 , my mther didn’t call t tell my father. When she gt t the hspital, she realized she needed t 46 with my father immediately.
    While waiting fr my sister t be examined, my mther 47 her way t the pay phne t place her call. She put her cin in, called my father and tld him everything. After she hung up, the phne 48 several additinal cins that Mm wasn’t wed.
    Realizing that the phne was 49 , my mther decided t leave the 50 cins by the phne. She tld us that in a crisis, peple might nt remember t bring 51 with them t make that emergency call.
    I’ve ften thught abut her 52 frm an adult’s perspective. I realize that smene seeing the mney by he phne may have 53 taken it because nt everyne was as 54 as my mther. But I like t believe that my mther’s faith was 55 and that smene wh needed them fund the cins waiting there.
    46.A.cme alngB.keep in lineC.make upD.get in tuch
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Walking and Using a Phne is Bad fr Yur Health
    Spend time n any crwded sidewalk and yu’ll see heads bent ver and eyes cast dwnward. One recent study f cllege students fund that a quarter f peple crssing intersectins 56 (absrb) in a device. That screen in yur hand isn’t just distracting yur attentin. It als changes yur md, yur manner f walking and etc. — and affects yur ability t get frm pint A t pint B 57 running int truble.
    When yu walk and use a phne at the same time, yu autmatically adjust 58 yu mve. Vide ftage f walkers has shwn that peple n phnes walk abut 10 percent slwer than thse undistracted nes. These changes can blck traffic n the sidewalk. And 59 walking makes up a big prtin f yur daily physical activity, walking mre slwly may have impacts fr yur fitness.
    Lking dwn at a smartphne while walking can als increase the amunt f frce 60 (place) n the neck and upper back muscles, which culd reduce balance and increase the risk f falls.
    It’s nw widely accepted that walking in natural spaces is gd fr yur mental health. It appears that 61 (get) these benefits, it’s imprtant that yur attentin is n the envirnment, rather than n yur phne.
    Mst f us understand that walking and using a phne can be risky. Sme cities, like Hnlulu, 62 (pass) laws t cntrl distracted walkers. But research n thse dangers has turned up sme surprises. One study has lked at the cnnectin between “phne-related distracted walking” and emergency department visits. Using gvernment data 63 (extend) ver the years 2011 t 2019, the researchers turned up nearly 30,000 walking injuries ccasined by phnes.
    If yu’re distracted by a phne, yu’re definitely putting 64 at sme risk. S hw d yu stay safe? If yu d walk and use yur device at the same time, stp when yu’re arund stairs, crsswalks and messy r uneven grund, 65 accidents are mre likely t ccur.
    第四部分 书面表达 (共2小题,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文(满分15分)
    66.假设你是李华,听闻《中国日报》(China Daily)为了宣传中国传统文化,正在招募志愿者向海外介绍中国著名历史文化景点,你很想参加本次宣传活动,请你就此事给报社写一封英文申请信,内容包括:
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写 (满分25分)
    I was invited t a ckut n an ld friend’s farm in western Washingtn. I parked my car utside the farm and walked past a milking huse which had apparently nt been used in many years. A nise at a windw caught my attentin, s I entered it. It was a hummingbird (蜂鸟), desperately trying t escape. She was cvered in spider-webs (蛛网) and was barely able t mve her wings. She ceased her struggle the instant I picked her up.
    With the bird in my cupped hand, I lked arund t see hw she had gtten in. The brken windw glass was the likely answer. I stuffed a piece f clth int the hle and tk her utside, clsing the dr securely behind me.
    When I pened my hand, the bird did nt fly away; she sat lking at me with her bright eyes. I remved the sticky spider-webs that cvered her head and wings. Still, she made n attempt t fly. Perhaps she had been struggling against the windw t lng and was t tired? Or t thirsty?
    As I carried her up the blackberry-lined path tward my car where I kept a water bttle, she began t mve. I stpped, and she sn tk wing but did nt immediately fly away.
    Hvering (悬停), she apprached within six inches f my face. Fr a very lng mment, this tiny creature lked int my eyes, turning her head frm side t side. Then she flew quickly ut f sight.
    During the ckut, I tld my hsts abut the hummingbird incident. They prmised t fix the windw. As I was departing, my friends walked me t my car. I was standing by the car when a hummingbird flew t the center f ur grup and began hvering. She turned frm persn t persn until she came t me. She again lked directly int my eyes, then let ut a squeaking call and was gne. Fr a mment, all were speechless. Then smene said, “She must have cme t say gdbye.”
    1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    A few weeks later, I went t the farm again.
    I was just abut t leave when the hummingbird appeared.
    21.B 22.D 23.A
    【导语】这是一篇应用文。文章主要描述了位于 Buccleuch Place的住宿选择,包括不同类型的房间、价格、设施和清洁服务等内容。
    21.细节理解题。根据Standard single en-suite rm部分中“Standard rm with en-suite bathrm £ 10, 377 per year(带浴室的标准间每年10377英镑)”可知,标准单人套间,提供一个私人浴室。故选B。
    22.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“• Residents shuld clear rubbish and remve all recycling t the designated areas: yu are als respnsible fr keeping yur wn bedrms and en-suite bathrms clean.(•居民应清理垃圾,并将所有可回收物品移至指定区域;你还应负责保持自己的卧室和浴室清洁)”可知,住在布克勒奇广场的居民应该把可回收物移到特定的区域。故选D。
    23.推理判断题。根据第二段“Buccleuch Place prvides a mix f standard study bedrms within flats, each with shared kitchen/living spaces and bathrm facilities.(Buccleuch Place在公寓内提供了标准的学习卧室,每个卧室都有共享的厨房/起居空间和浴室设施)”以及文章主要描述了位于 Buccleuch Place的住宿选择,包括不同类型的房间、价格、设施和清洁服务等内容可推知,文章选自“住宿”部分。故选A。
    24.A 25.D 26.C 27.A
    28.B 29.A 30.D 31.C
    32.C 33.B 34.A 35.C
    32.细节理解题。根据第二段“While he knew abut NASA’s cmpetitin, he hadn’t cnsidered participating until receiving much encuragement frm his scial media fllwers.(虽然他知道美国宇航局的比赛,但直到收到社交媒体粉丝的大力鼓励,他才考虑参加比赛)”可知,瓦莱里奥把照片发给美国宇航局是为了得到了热情粉丝的广泛支持。故选C。
    33.细节理解题。根据第四段“Its varius phases and psitin s reach an azimuth angle (方位角) f 230 degrees(它的不同相位和位置的方位角达到230度)”以及“With this in mind, he researched the Mn’s phases, marked ptential dates n the calendar, and planned the exact mments when the mn culd jin the queue.(考虑到这一点,他研究了月亮的相位,在日历上标记了可能的日期,并计划了月亮可能加入队列的确切时刻)”可知,在瓦莱里奥的照片中,这三个物体位于一条直线上。故选B。
    34.细节理解题。根据第四段“With this in mind, he researched the Mn’s phases, marked ptential dates n the calendar, and planned the exact mments when the mn culd jin the queue.(考虑到这一点,他研究了月亮的相位,在日历上标记了可能的日期,并计划了月亮可能加入队列的确切时刻)”可知,为了拍出一张完美的照片,瓦莱里奥研究月相的变化。故选A。
    35.细节理解题。根据最后一段“That part is lit by reflected light, als knwn as Da Vinci’s glw, named after him because he was the ne wh therized abut why the Mn’s shadwed side is brightened.(这部分是由反射光照亮的,也被称为达·芬奇的光芒,以他的名字命名,因为他提出了月球的阴暗面为什么会变亮的理论)”可知,达芬奇的光芒照亮了月球的阴暗面。故选C。
    36.B 37.A 38.G 39.E 40.F
    41.C 42.B 43.D 44.B 45.A 46.D 47.A 48.B 49.D 50.C 51.C 52.B 53.A 54.A 55.C
    41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她经历了起起伏伏,但一直保持着积极、阳光的人生观,对别人也很有帮助。A. tlerated忍受;B. anticipated预期;C. maintained维护;D. expressed表达。根据后文“a psitive, sunny utlk n life”可知,指保持着积极、阳光的人生观,故选C。
    42.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她经历了起起伏伏,但一直保持着积极、阳光的人生观,对别人也很有帮助。A. patient有耐心的;B. helpful帮助的;C. hnest诚实的;D. plite礼貌的。根据上文“a psitive, sunny utlk n life and been very”以及后文妈妈把零钱留给有需要的人,可知,此处指积极的人生观对别人有帮助。故选B。
    43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天,我的小妹妹摔倒了,伤了脚踝,急需去医院急诊室就诊。A. rest休息;B. stay停留;C. lift免费搭车;D. visit就诊。根据后文“t the hspital emergency rm”可知,指妹妹弄伤了脚踝,急需去医院急诊室看看。a visit t the hspital emergency rm此处理解为“去医院急诊室就诊”。故选D。
    44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我母亲立即进入危机模式,把我妹妹塞进车里,开车去了我们当地的医院。A. cut切割;B. shifted转换,变换;C. lked看;D. stuck粘贴。根据后文“int crisis mde”指作者的母亲立即转换(shifted)到了危机模式,故选B。
    45.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在这样的匆忙中,我母亲没有打电话告诉我父亲。A. rush冲,匆忙;B. way方法;C. relief安慰;D. prcess流程。根据上文“One day, my little sister fell and hurt her ankle, desperately needing a…t the hspital emergency rm.”可知,妹妹受伤事发突然,所以是在这样的匆忙中,我母亲没有打电话告诉我父亲。故选A。
    46.考查动词短语辨析。句意:当她到达医院时,她意识到她需要立即与我父亲取得联系。A. cme alng取得进展;B. keep in line保持纪律;C. make up组成;D. get in tuch取得联系。根据后文“with my father immediately”可知,指母亲需要立即与父亲取得联系。get in tuch with sb.“和……取得联系”符合语境。故选D。
    47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在等我妹妹检查的时候,我妈妈走到公用电话前打了个电话。A. made赶往;B. felt感觉;C. picked捡起;D. gave给予。根据后文“her way t the pay phne t place her call”可知,指妈妈走到公用电话前打了个电话。短语make ne’s way t表示“赶往”。故选A。
    48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她挂断电话后,电话又退回了几枚没有用完的硬币。A. fund找到;B. returned返回,退回;C. cllected收集;D. charged充电。根据后文“several additinal cins that Mm wasn’t wed”可知,指电话又退回了几枚没有用完的硬币。故选B。
    49.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:意识到电话中断了,我妈妈决定把多余的硬币留在电话旁边。A. smart聪明的;B. ready准备好的;C. cnvenient方便的;D. brken破碎的,中断的。根据上文“After she hung up”可知,指电话中断了,故选D。
    50.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:意识到电话中断了,我妈妈决定把多余的硬币留在电话旁边。A. different不同的;B. ancient古老的;C. extra额外的;D. rare少见的。呼应上文“several additinal cins”可知,此处指多余的硬币。故选C。
    51.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她告诉我们,在危机中,人们可能不记得随身携带零钱来拨打紧急电话。A. luck运气;B. phnes电话;C. change零钱;D. chances机会。根据上文“several additinal cins”可知,此处指随身携带零钱拨打紧急电话。故选C。
    52.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我经常从一个成年人的角度来思考她的决定。A. pprtunity机会;B. decisin决定;C. appintment约会;D. encunter遇见。此处指上文“my mther decided t leave the”妈妈决定把多余的硬币留在电话旁边这个决定,故选B。
    53.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我意识到有人看到电话里的钱可能只是拿走了,因为不是每个人都像我母亲那样体贴。A. simply仅仅;B. suddenly突然;C. bviusly显然;D. gradually逐渐地。根据后文“because nt everyne was as ___14___ as my mther.”可知,不是每个人都像作者的母亲那样体贴,即有人看到电话里的钱可能只是拿走了,simply符合语境。故选A。
    54.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我意识到有人看到电话里的钱可能只是拿走了,因为不是每个人都像我母亲那样体贴。A. thughtful体贴的;B. grateful感激的;C. hpeful有希望的;D. successful成功的。结合上文可知妈妈把多余的零钱留给有需要的人,说明妈妈很体贴,故选A。
    55.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但我愿意相信,我母亲的信仰是正确的,需要它们的人在那里发现了硬币。A. hard-wn来之不易的;B. newly-built新建的;C. well-placed置于适当地点的;D. deeply-rted根深蒂固的。根据后文“that smene wh needed them fund the cins waiting there”可知,妈妈的信仰是正确的,即我母亲的信仰是置于适当地点的,她相信有人需要它们时,会发现硬币在那里等着。故选C。
    56.were absrbed 57.withut 58.hw 59.since/as 60.placed
    61.t get 62.have passed 63.extending 64.yurself 65.where
    56.考查固定短语。句意:最近一项针对大学生的研究发现,四分之一的人在过十字路口时会全神贯注地玩手机。短语be absrbed in表示“全神贯注于……”,此处主句fund可知为一般过去时,从句用一般过去时,主语为a quarter f peple,谓语用复数。故填were absrbed。
    61.考查非谓语动词。句意:看来,为了获得这些好处,你的注意力应该放在环境上,而不是手机上。此处get在句中作目的状语,应用不定式。故填t get。
    62.考查时态。句意:一些城市,如檀香山,已经通过了法律来控制分心的行人。表示过去发生的动作对现在产生影响用现在完成时,主语为cities,助动词用have。故填have passed。
    65.考查定语从句。句意:如果你一边走路一边使用电子设备,在楼梯、人行横道和杂乱或不平整的地面附近停下来,因为这些地方更容易发生事故。非限制性定语从句修饰先行词stairs, crsswalks and messy r uneven grund,在从句作地点状语,故填where。
    66.Dear Sir/Madam,
    I’m s excited t hear that China Daily is in need f sme vlunteers t intrduce Chinese culture verseas that I can’t wait t apply fr the psitin.
    As a citizen, it’s my respnsibility t make Chinese histrical and cultural attractins knwn t the whle wrld. In additin, with an utging and pen-minded persnality, it’s easy fr me t get alng well with thers. Last but nt least, I have been t numerus famus scenic spts and my hmetwn is a famus histrical and cultural city, where I ften act as a vlunteer tur guide t shw freign turists arund, frm which I’ve gained relevant experience.
    S, I firmly believe that I’m the very persn yu’re lking fr. I wuld appreciate it if yu culd take my applicatin int cnsideratin and reply at yur earliest cnvenience.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    A few weeks later, I went t the farm again. As my car neared it my thughts drifted back t the mment when I rescued the hummingbird frm the spider’s web. I rushed back t the deserted huse. It was a great cmfrt that the riginal hle in the windw was nwhere t be fund. Leaving the huse, I culdn’t help wndering hw it was getting n nw. Had it managed t find its way back hme, r was it still ut there smewhere struggling t survive?
    I was just abut t leave when the hummingbird appeared. A flash f mvement caught my attentin. I turned arund t see the same hummingbird hvering in the air. It seemed that the bird was waiting fr me, its beady eyes lcked n mine as if trying t cnvey sme deep, unspken gratitude. I felt a surge f relief and awe at the sight f this sund and grateful creature, and I knew that I wuld always cherish the memries we shared as I climbed int my car and drve away.

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