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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What is the wrst part f Je’s stry?
    A. The grammar.B. The handwriting.C. The spelling.
    2. What d the man’s class want t d this Sunday?
    A. G fr a swim.B. D sme sunbathing.C. Cllect the rubbish.
    3. Wh prbably picked the wman’s rses?
    A. Her sn.B. The man.C. Her neighbr.
    4. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    A. Hliday plans.B. Wrk prblems.C. Family members.
    5. Hw did Cynthia d in her histry test?
    A. She failed it.B. She barely passed.C. She did very well.
    听下面5段对话或独白. 每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Recmmend a film.B. Buy sme medicine.C. Lk fr a restaurant.
    7. Hw des the wman sund in the end?
    A. Annyed.B. Excited.C. Humrus.
    8. What can we say abut the weather n Sunday?
    A. It was fine.B. It was ht.C. It was changeable.
    9. What d the lcals think f small balls f ice in mid-summer?
    A. It is beynd their expectatins.
    B. It is a cmmn phenmenn.
    C. It is caused by climate change.
    10. What is the man ding?
    A. Cnducting a jb interview.B. Intrducing an agencyC. Shwing the wman arund.
    11. Where is the wman frm?
    A. Britain.B. France.C. Germany
    12. What des then man prmise the wman?
    A. Life insurance.B. Office supplies.C. A fixed annual bnus.
    13. What day is it tday?
    A. Friday.B. Saturday.C. Sunday
    14. What des Claire think helped her get the letter frm Harvard?
    A. Frming gd learning habits.
    B. Attending extra curses.
    C. Staying up late t study.
    15. Why did Claire chse Harvard University?
    A. Her aunt was studying there.
    B. She has wn a schlarship t it.
    C. She wants t be Madelyn’s schlmate.
    16. What des Claire plan t d befre September?
    A. Visit her aunt.B. Travel abrad.C. Visit sme clleges.
    17. Hw many kinds f climate emergencies des the speaker mentin?
    A. Five.B. Six.C. Seven.
    18. What will cause a flash fld accrding t the speaker?
    A. Tidal waves.B. Damaged dams.C. The rising warm air.
    19. What is the furth crisis mainly abut?
    A. Drught.B. Sea level.C. Disappearing species.
    20. Why is James Elsner mentined in the end?
    A. He des research n plar bears.
    B. He prves that hurricanes get strnger.
    C. He aims t prtect cral reefs.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Plants and expsure t greenery have been fund t have multiple mental health benefits, such as lwering stress, decreasing feelings f depressin, increasing sciability, restring fcus, imprving cgnitive perfrmance, imprving md, and increasing self-esteem.
    Gardening and care fr plants can help t turn peple away frm negative thughts r emtins. S with all that, what d these experts recmmend as the best plant?
    Snake plant. It’s very easy t care fr, thrives in spaces with lw sunlight, has visual appeal, and cleans the air, and they are drught resistant if yu frget t water them.
    Spider plants. Spider plants, with plenty f light-green leaves, are anther lw-maintenance selectin. When a spider plant thrives, it will grw new ffshts that can be clipped and ptted as a new plant.
    Ale Vera. Drught-resistant and easy t grw. Ale Vera is lw-maintenance, yu can just water it mnthly, and it helps clean the airspace and is helpful fr burns, cuts, and scrapes t help injuries heal faster r sthe pain.
    Lavender. It is well-knwn fr its relaxing scent, and it has a calming effect, aids in reducing stress, prmtes sleep. This means it’s great bth in the garden, r clipped and dried in a bwl inside yur space.
    Basil. It is a summertime herb that lves the sun. Nt nly is it delicius in meals, but eating basil has health benefits, t. It has prperties which help t relieve stress and anxiety.
    Lemn balm. This fragrant green herb is part f the mint family and is simple t cultivate. Knwn fr its calming prperties, it has alight lemny scent that can be wnderfully intensified by rubbing the leaves between yur fingers. It has been used t imprve sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, imprve appetite, and help with indigestin.
    21. What can we knw frm the passage?
    A. Spider plants will still survive if yu frget t water them.
    B. Lavender is recgnized fr its mint scent and calming effects.
    C. Snake plants grw well in spaces withut enugh sunlight.
    D. Basil is nt edible but has sme valuable prperties.
    22. What d these plants have in cmmn?
    A. They need little water.B. They appeal t the eye.
    C. They help us calm dwn.D. They enhance health.
    23. Hw many f the plants mentined in the passage can help peple t handle stress r anxiety?
    A. TwB. ThreeC. FurD. Five
    When yu walk n a sandy beach, it takes mre energy than walking dwn a sidewalk—because the weight f yur bdy pushes int the sand. It turns ut that the same thing is true fr vehicles driving n rads.
    “The weight f the vehicles creates a very shallw indentatin (凹陷) in the pavement—and it makes it such that it’s cntinuusly driving up a very shallw hill,” said Jeremy Gregry, a scientist at He mdeled with his teammates hw much energy culd be saved and greenhuse gases avided—by simply hardening the natin’s rads and highways.
    And they fund that hardening 10 percent f the natin’s rads every year culd prevent emissins equal t 440 megatns f carbn dixide ver the next 5 decades—that amunt is equal t hw much CO, yu’d spare the planet by keeping a billin barrels f il in the grund r by grwing 7 billin trees fr a decade. It reduces 0.5% f prjected transprtatin emissins ver that time perid.
    As fr hw t harden rads, Gregry says yu culd cmbine small amunts f certain fiber with high technlgy int paving materials. Or yu culd pave with specially-made cncrete, which is harder than rdinary cnstructin materials.
    This system culd als be a way t shave carbn emissins withut sme f the usual barriers. “Usually, when it cmes t reducing emissins in the transprtatin department, yu’re talking abut changing plicies related t vehicles and als driver behavir, which invlves millins and millins f peple—as ppsed t changing the way we design and preserve ur pavements. That’s just n the rder f thusands f peple wh are wrking in transprtatin agencies.” And when it cmes t imprving ur streets and highways-thse agencies are where yu might say the rubber meets the rad.
    24. Hw des the authr develp Paragraph 3?
    A. By giving examples.B. By making classificatin.
    C. By listing figures.D. By analyzing causes.
    25. What des Gregry suggest fr hardening rads?
    A. Mixing fiber with special cncrete.B. Changing regular paving materials.
    C. Creating hi-tech cmputer mdels.D. Using rdinary building materials.
    26. What is an advantage f the rad-hardening system?
    A. It reduces cnstructin csts.B. It prfits transprtatin agencies.
    C. It regulates driver behavir.D. It avids invlving t many peple.
    27. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Walking Dwn Beaches r Sidewalks?B. Hardening Rads Helps Save Energy.
    C. Hw t Cut Dwn Carbn Emissins.D. A System f Hardening Rads.
    Is it true that ur brain alne is respnsible fr human cgnitin? What abut ur bdy? Is it pssible fr thughts and behavir t riginate frm smewhere ther than ur brain? Psychlgists wh study Embdied Cgnitin (EC) ask similar questins. The EC thery suggests ur bdy is als respnsible fr thinking r prblem-slving. Mre precisely, the mind shapes the bdy and the bdy shapes the mind in equal measure.
    If yu think abut it fr a mment, it makes ttal sense. When yu smell smething gd r hear amusing sunds, certain emtins are awakened. Think abut hw newbrns use their senses t understand the wrld arund them. They dn’t have emtins s much as needs—they dn’t feel sad, they’re just hungry and need fd. Even unbrn babies can feel their mthers’ heartbeats and this has a calming effect. In the real wrld, they cry when they’re cld and then get hugged. That way, they start t assciate being warm with being lved.
    Understandably, therists have been arguing fr years and still disagree n whether the brain is the nerve centre that perates the rest f the bdy. Older Western philsphers and mainstream language researchers believe this is fact, while EC therizes that the brain and bdy are wrking tgether as an rganic supercmputer, prcessing everything and frming yur reactins.
    Further studies have backed up the mind-bdy interactin. In ne experiment, test subjects were asked t judge peple after being handed a ht r a cld drink. They al made warm evaluatins when their fingertips perceived warmth rather than clness. And it wrks the ther way t: in anther study, subjects’ fingertip temperatures were measured after being “included” in r “rejected” frm a grup task. Thse wh were included felt physically warmer.
    Fr further prf, we can lk at the metaphrs that we use withut even thinking. A kind and sympathetic persn is frequently referred t as ne with a sft heart and smene wh is very strng and calm in difficult situatins is ften described as slid as a rck. And this kind f metaphrical use is cmmn acrss languages.
    Nw that yu have the knwledge f mind-bdy interactin, why nt use it? If yu’re having a bad day, a warm cup f tea will give yu a flash f pleasure. If yu knw yu’re physically cld, warm up befre making any interpersnal decisins.
    28. Accrding t the authr, what is the significance f the EC?
    A. It brings us clser t the truth in human cgnitin.
    B. It ffers a clearer picture f the shape f human brain.
    C. It reveals the majr rle f the mind in human cgnitin.
    D. It facilitates ur understanding f the rigin f psychlgy.
    29. Where des the newbrns’ understanding f their surrundings start frm?
    A. Their persnal lks.B. Their mental needs.
    C. Their inner emtins.D. Their physical feelings.
    30. What des the authr intend t prve by citing the metaphrs in Paragraph 5?
    A. Human speech is alive with metaphrs.
    B. Human senses have effects n thinking.
    C. Human language is shaped by visual images.
    D. Human emtins are ften cmpared t natural materials.
    31. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the last paragraph?
    A. T deepen the reader’s understanding f EC.
    B. T encurage the reader t put EC int practice.
    C. T guide the reader nt the path t career success.
    D. T share with the reader ways t release their emtins.
    Brn frm the accessibility f mass air travel, mdern internatinal turism has been ppularized as “hliday-making” in regins that ffer cmparative advantages f sand, sun and sea. Travel is ften prtrayed (描绘成) as a tl fr persnal grwth and turism as an ecnmic mtr fr destinatin cuntries and cities. There is a tendency t assume that turism is gd fr everyne invlved.
    Tday the big bang f turism drives ver 1.2 billin turists acrss internatinal brders annually. Many ppular places are literally being lved t death. Recent prtests in prts f call like Venice and Barcelna against disturbances created by cruise ships shw the unfrtunate cnsequences f emphasizing quantity ver quality in turism.
    Uncntrlled turism develpment has becme a primary driver f scial and envirnmental disruptin (破坏,混乱). Turism studies prvide much dcumentatin f the many negative scial impacts f turism and resulting resentment (怨恨) that lcal ppulatins direct tward visitrs.
    Resentment tward turists typically develps in mature, heavily visited destinatins. Prtests in heavily visited destinatins suggest that traditinal turism has verstayed its welcme.
    Residents ften becme frustrated when the benefits f turism are nt felt lcally. Althugh it can generate freign exchange, incme and emplyment, there’s n guarantee that multinatinal htel chains will allcate (分配) these benefits equitably amng lcal cmmunities.
    On the cntrary, when peple stay at large resrts r n cruise ships, they make mst f their purchases there, leaving lcal cmmunities little pprtunity t benefit frm turist spending. These frms f turism widen ecnmic and plitical gaps between haves and have-nts at lcal destinatins.
    In recent decades, lcal residents in destinatin cmmunities als have fund themselves negtiating new cultural bundaries, class dynamics, service industry rles and lifestyle transfrmatins. Fr example, data shw that turism activity crrespnds t increased scial prblems as lcal residents adpt the behavirs f turists.
    What des all this mean fr the everyday traveler?
    First, al turists shuld make every effrt t hnr their hsts and respect lcal cnditins. This means being prepared t adapt t lcal custms and nrms, rather than expecting lcal cnditins t adapt t travelers.
    Secnd, turism is a market-based activity and wrks best when cnsumers reward better perfrmers. In the infrmatin age, there’s little excuse fr travelers being uninfrmed abut where their vacatin mney ges and wh it enriches.
    Infrmed travelers als are better able t distinguish between multinatinal cmpanies and lcal entrepreneurs whse businesses prvide direct scial, envirnmental, and ecnmic benefits fr lcal residents. Such businesses are in lve with the destinatin and are therefre deserving f market reward. In the lng run, being a respnsible traveler means ensuring net psitive impacts fr lcal peple and envirnments. With the infrmatin available at ur fingertips, there has never been mre pprtunity t d s.
    32. What is the ppular assumptin abut internatinal turism?
    A. Its benefits may cmpensate fr the adverse envirnmental cnsequences.
    B. Its rapid develpment is attributed t peple’s imprved living standard.
    C. It appeals t peple in places with favrable gegraphical cnditins.
    D. It cntributes t the ecnmy f destinatin cuntries and regins.
    33. Why des the authr say lcal residents f ppular destinatins ften feel frustrated?
    A. They fall victim t scial cnflicts and envirnmental disturbances.
    B. They have little pprtunity t enjy themselves n cruise ships.
    C. They cannt find emplyment in multinatinal htel chains.
    D. They d nt think they benefit as much as they deserve.
    34. Hw des the authr say lcal residents in destinatin cmmunities respnd t turism activity?
    A. They attempt t adapt t it.B. They readily adpt new lifestyles.
    C. They immerse turists in their culture.D. They try t upgrade their business mdels.
    35. What can turists d t play a psitive rle in the turist destinatins?
    A. Shw interest in lcal custms and lifestyles.
    B. Seek pssibilities t invest in lcal cmpanies.
    C. Use the services prvided by lcal businesses.
    D. Give favrable cmments abut their services.
    第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    The appeal f clay (黏土), with its bundless creative ptential, has attracted artists, technicians, and hbbyists fr centuries. 36 This essay will explre hw making pttery (陶器) ffers cuntless benefits fr mental health, including stress relief, sensry engagement, acceptance f imperfectin, and self-expressin.
    Engaging with clay is a cmfrting activity that can reduce stress and anxiety. The fcus and cncentratin required t sculpt clay can quiet the mind and prmte relaxatin. In additin t its healing benefits, making pttery prvides a cmfrting sensry experience. 37 This prcess als invlves repetitive mtins such as thrwing, shaping, and clring, which can prvide a sense f cntrl and accmplishment, bsting self-cnfidence and reducing negative thughts.
    38 We may spend hurs beautifying ur pieces, chsing clrs that speak t us, and hping they will lk as we imagine after firing. Smetimes they d, especially fr the frtunate r skilled. But ften, we must learn t accept imperfectin. As the experienced ptter Meg Biddle puts it, “It’s finding that balance between cntrl and unpredictability that gives me jy.”
    Creating with clay is an verall experience that engages ur hands, fine mtr skills, and imaginatin. It is an extensin f urselves, allwing us t shape the clay with raw emtins while making detailed decisins. 39
    In cnclusin, pttery ffers cuntless benefits fr ur well-being, including stress relief, creative expressin, and the ability t let g. As we transfrm clay int a beautifully finished piece f art, we als take a step clser t ur wn transfrmatin. Pttery is nt just an art frm. 40
    A. Wrking with clay means taking yur time.
    B. But pttery is mre than just a creative pursuit.
    C. It’s als a jurney f self-discvery and persnal grwth.
    D. Its tuching nature allws the bdy and mind t unwind.
    E. Wrking with clay als teaches us t accept unpredictability.
    F. Thrugh pttery, we have ur external and internal desires expressed.
    G. The benefits f sculpting clay utweigh the lng and tiring prcess invlved.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Tday’s cinema has imprved a great deal in presentatin. Gne are the glden days when eager crwds were packed n wden benches in pr buildings, which seemed t be abut t 41 in the next minute. Audience were staring, with great interest, at the funny and amusing mvements f silent figures n the screen. It was nly thrugh the bdy mvements and facial expressins that the character’s feelings culd be 42 t the audience. Hwever, film gers all the same turned a blind eye t the 43 cinema surrundings and seemed crazy abut almst all the films. Bx ffice (票房) hits were a nrmal thing and stries abut mvie stars tk full 44 f the newspapers. They were 45 with almst all psitive wrds cmpared with tday’s pitiful stars wh are all the time caught in such news as divrces r affairs.
    Nwadays, it is quite easy t find a cinema that twers ver the htel luxury. Cinemas are spacius (宽敞的), well-lit places where ne can kill time in cmfrt. Small favrs ffered by mdern cinemas such as the well-printed bklets, which are 46 available, the muth-watering snacks n sale and even the gifts are all sending the implied message t the audience that the film t watch will prvide the equal 47 . Audience, n the ther hand, dn’t always 48 the stry. Befre a film is released, the ptential spectatr is usually expsed t a(n) 49 f advertisements. Film trailers (预告片) are seen everywhere and crew (剧组) interviews are televised. And in rder t attract peple t enter cinemas, secnd t nne is 50 . Peple rely much n friends’ advice in chsing films.
    Once the audience have settled n the chair, the cinema is learning frm the theatre. The prjectinists (电影放映员) are t given the audience time t prepare themselves fr the film. Talk first degrades (降低) t whisper then 51 altgether. Sptlights are fcused n the curtains which are drawn slwly apart, ften in the 52 f music, t reveal title f the film. Every detail has been designed s thughtfully that the viewer will never actually see the 53 screen, which will remind him all t sharply that what he is abut t see is nthing but different shadws flashing n the white. Hwever much the cinema tries t 54 theatre, it fully succeeds. Nthing can 55 the awe and sense f expectatin felt by the audience as the curtain is slwly raised.
    41. A. disappearB. cllapseC. freezeD. rise
    42. A. expressedB. respndedC. inventedD. applied
    43. A. specialB. prC. standardD. lse
    44. A. cverageB. useC. benefitD. respnsibility
    45. A. expsedB. reviewedC. verheardD. equipped
    46. A. temprarilyB. carefullyC. readilyD. traditinally
    47. A. luxuryB. expenseC. cnvenienceD. infrmatin
    48. A. prveB. buyC. investigateD. cnvey
    49. A. explsinB. prmtinC. shiftD. spread
    50. A. walls f earsB. seeing is believingC. wrd f muthD. grave f teeth
    51. A. turns dwnB. wears dwnC. pays ffD. dies away
    52. A. cmpanyB. intrductinC. benefitD. end
    53. A. decratedB. distinctC. blankD. mechanical
    54. A. imitateB. guideC. emplyD. replace
    55. A. refer tB. cmpare withC. suffer frmD. persist in
    Many f us are eager fr the warmth f a hug nwadays. Humans bilgically need tuch, and a gd lng hug is ne f the best ways 56.__________ (get) it. Our need fr a hug ges all the way back t the 57.__________ (survive) f ur species. When we’re brn, we can’t care fr urselves and we need t be cmfrtable with being held in rder t survive. We 58.__________ (reward) when we have a cmfrtable hug. It is 59.__________ rush f feel-gd hrmnes called xytcin (催产素). When we can’t hug, we dn’t get thse gd hrmnes.
    We may nt knw 60.__________ we’re getting frm greeting ur friends and family with a hug; we just enjy it. It is nt until thse experiences are taken away 61.__________ we feel pain and sadness. Sme peple grw up in mre frmal families 62.__________ hugging isn’t cmmn. Others may experience abuse that makes hugging 63.__________ (please). In bth cases, when children dn’t experience healthy tuch, their develpment will be affected. Kids wh didn’t grw up 64.__________ (hld) miss ut n that sense f safety and prtectin. They may act ut r separate frm 65.__________ arund them. Smetimes, the ppsite may als be true. Sme children may hpe fr any frm f psitive attentin that they didn’t get at hme.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    66. 假定你是李华,昨天你校组织全体师生进行了一次消防演练活动,请为校英文报写一篇新闻报道,内容包括:1. 活动目的;2. 演练经过;3. 活动反响。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    3. 参考词汇:evacuate 疏散,撤离 fire extinguishers 灭火器
    A Firefighting Drill
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文,续写的词数应为150左右。
    When Dr. Gulliksn was assigning prject mates fr his intrductin t experimental psychlgy class, I secretly hped he wuld pair me with my best friend r at least a classmate I culd have sme fun with. Abve all, I hped he wuldn’t assign me t wrk with the fiercely cmpetitive, extremely serius fellw wh always wre dark clthes and apparently had a persnality t match. As fate wuld have it, Dr. Gulliksn very deliberately matched everyne in class and annunced that I wuld be wrking with the ne persn in class I wanted t avid.
    I went up t my new lab mate and intrduced myself. He lked at me as if I weren’t there. I felt he treated me as if I wuld hld him back and prbably make him fail t get an A in the curse. He wasn’t mean r abusive (恶语相向的). He just gave me the impressin he culd d whatever prject better if he did it alne.
    Needles t say, I didn’t lk frward t an entire term f being brushed ff (冷落), but I tried t make the best f it and didn’t say anything fr fear that I wuld make things wrse.
    The prject required each lab team t develp a hypthesis (假说), set up an experiment t test the hypthesis, d the statistical analysis and present the findings. Whatever grade the team received wuld be shared by bth students. When my teammate and I met t discuss ur prject, I was uneasy. Here was this challenging student wh had a reputatin fr single-mindedness and gd grades—the exact ppsite f me. I was utmatched. I actually wanted t drp the class at ne pint, but stpped shrt because I didn’t want t give him the satisfactin f my chickening ut.
    After lng discussins, we smehw agreed t d a study n the psychlgical well-being f teenagers. I wasn’t sure what it meant exactly, but at least we had a tpic.
    We started t meet regularly t draw up ur plans. __________________________________________________
    One day in the middle f ur prject, I gt wrd that he was admitted t hspital fr a serius disease. ________
    第一部分 听力
    1-5 BCAAC 6-10 ABCBA 11-15 ABCAC 16-20 BABCB
    第二部分 阅读
    21-23 CDB 24-27 CBDB 28-31 ADBB 32-35 DDAC
    36-40 BDEFC
    第三部分 语言运用
    56. t get57. survival58. are rewarded59. a60. what
    61. that62. where63. unpleasant64. being held65. thse
    第四部分 写作
    A Firefighting Drill
    Yesterday, a firefighting drill was cnducted in ur schl with all teachers and students invlved t aruse ur awareness f fire preventin techniques.
    The drill started with an alarm, hearing which students quickly evacuated the classrms rderly under the guidance f the teachers t the appinted place. The fire escape rutes were clearly marked, and fire extinguishers were readily available thrughut the schl. S it was five minutes later that all the building were emptied and students and teachers gathered n the playgrund. Our principal annunced the drill was perfrmed better than scheduled.
    Bth teachers and students appreciated the pprtunity t learn abut fire safety. Many expressed their gratitude fr the schl’s initiative in rganizing such a drill, as it increased their cnfidence and awareness in dealing with ptential fire hazards.
    We started t meet regularly t draw up ur plans. Cmpanin as I was in the prject, I still had n sense f participating in the prject. My teammate kept his brain ccupied in develping the hypthesis, setting up an experiment t test it, and running the tests alne, leaving me just standing beside him as if I were a fl. “What a dull prject it is!” I murmured t myself. Hwever, smething changed gradually, as I became aware what the tactile-kinesthetic perceptin f space meant. Thanks t the intense, fiercely cmpetitive, singularly serius fellw, the whle prcedure went smthly, clse t the final stage.
    One day in the middle f ur prject, I gt wrd that he was admitted t hspital fr a serius disease. Withut any delay, I packed up my schl bag, tk all the experiment statistics and rushed t the hspital. Seeing the pale fellw wearing pure white clthes instead f the annying dark clthes, I felt a sense f sympathy and mercy welling up in my heart. With his guidance, I finished the statistical analysis and presented the findings. It turned ut t be such an amazing and persuasive study that my teammate and I did win the best grade. Nw, we have been mst reliable cperative partners ever since!
    1. W: Yur stry is fantastic, Je, but the spelling is bad. Wrst f al, yur handwriting is nthing if nt awful. Please rewrite it. This time cncentrate n yur expressins, please.
    M: Srry, Miss Green. I will imprve my wrk. Did I make any grammar mistakes?
    W: Only a few.
    2. M: Hi, Sphie, ur class are ging t the beach this Sunday. Wuld yu like t cme tgether?
    W: The beach? But it’s nly April. It’s far t cld t g swimming!
    M: The plan is t clean up the beach fr the summer. We hpe peple will feel pleasant when they sunbathe.
    3. W: Smene must have stlen flwers frm my frnt garden. Nearly all my rses were gne. Have yu seen anyne arund my garden?
    M: N, but I saw yur sn selling red rses utside the cinema this afternn, Even yur next-dr neighbr Charles bught ne. It’s Valentine’s Day tday.
    4. W: Let’s g t the seaside this summer. I bet the children will like it. They’ve gt tired f taking a rad trip t anther cuntry.
    M: That sunds like a great idea. And it’ll give me a chance t enjy surfing and stay away frm wrk.
    W: Agreed then.
    5. M: Cynthia is really amazing. She tk a histry test n Mnday. T prepare fr it, she read and memrized fur bks during tw weeks.
    W: And did she make it?
    M: Nt nly did she make it, but als she passed with a high scre.
    6. W: Can yu cme up with a gd mvie we culd watch tnight?
    M: Well, yu need t tell me what genre yu like. Lve stries? Adventure mvies? Or dcumentaries? I knw many gd mvies, and they’re mstly t my taste. But I’m nt sure abut yurs.
    W: Well, I’ll tell yu what I dn’t like. I can’t stand vilence r crime. Other than that, I’m nt very particular abut what t watch. I just want a nice film t spend the evening. I’m nt expecting the best mvie f this year. I’m tired and want t relax.
    M: Fine. Then I’ll select a nice cmedy fr yu. Laughter is the best medicine, after al.
    W: Ww, I’m lking frward t it.
    7. W: Hw did yu enjy yur weekend at the seaside?
    M: It started very well n Saturday, but n the secnd day we gt a very unpleasant surprise.
    W: What happened?
    M: That afternn, while everyne was enjying the sunshine n the beach r playing in the sea, the sky suddenly went dark. A strng wind started blwing. Befre peple culd gather their stuff and run fr cver, there was a heavy shwer f hail. All the peple gt int a panic, and left their things behind and ran t the beach restaurant. The hailstnes were s big that many peple gt hurt!
    W: Really? Small balls f ice in the middle f summer?
    M: Apparently, it’s fairly cmmn there. The lcals said such strms smetimes blw frm Iceland r Greenland.
    W: It sunds like yu did have a different and unfrgettable weekend.
    8. M: Gd afternn, Miss Smith. Take a seat, please. Culd yu tell me abut yurself including yur educatin and yur wrk experience?
    W: Of curse. I’m Angela Smith, 27, brn here in Lndn. I have a degree in Turism Management. And I wrked in a travel agency fr fur years. Unfrtunately, it had t clse due t the COVID-19.
    M: I see. What are yur greatest strengths?
    W: Well, I’m gd with peple. I can speak German, French and Spanish. And I have experience f selling hliday packages.
    M: What abut yur cmputer skills?
    W: Mst f my previus wrk was dne n cmputers. I can use the cmputer very well.
    M: OK. It seems yu’re the right persn we’re lking fr. If yu take the jb, yu’ll be selling insurance nline frm 8:30 a.m. till 4:30 p.m. Yur base salary will be 1200 eurs a mnth, and yu’ll get perfrmance-related pay. We’ll ffer yu a laptp and a telephne. D yu have any questins?
    W: When will I reprt fr duty?
    M: Yu are expected t start after the weekend.
    9. M: Claire, I heard that yu were admitted int Harvard University, right?
    W: Yes, I received the letter n Friday, the day befre yesterday.
    M: Cngratulatins! Yu must have wrked hard during yur high schl.
    W: Well, I always gt A’s n my tests. I tk three separate curses fr fur mnths fr the SAT.
    M: What d yu think is the mst imprtant during learning?
    W: In my pinin, it’s the learning habit that helped me earn the letter frm Harvard. Believe it r nt, I never burned the midnight il.
    M: Why didn’t yu chse Princetn? I remember yur aunt graduated frm Princetn years ag.
    W: My best friend Madelyn jined Harvard last year I really wanted t g there because f her, althugh Princetn ffered me a schlarship.
    M: Oh, I gt it. When will yu g t Harvard?
    W: In September. Befre that, I’ll fly t China and ther Asian cuntries. I’ve been lnging t taste fd and meet peple there. I’ve decided t wrk part-time t cver my expenses at cllege.
    10. Gd evening, everyne. I’ve been asked t explain t yu in simple terms what the wrld is facing in the current climate emergency. I’ll explain the crises under five headings; each with a brief explanatin. Firstly, drught. As temperature rises, the land dries up. Farmers have t face increasing prblems f grwing crps. This may cause shrtages f fd and drinking water. Then, flding. Castal flding happens when winds frm a strm push water frm the cean nt land. A flash fld is caused by dam breaks r heavy rain. Urban flding specifically ccurs when rainfall damages the lcal drainage system: Thirdly, the rising sea level. Melted water frm the ples is expected t cause a rise in sea level, which will endanger the wrld’s castal cities. In additin, cral reefs will die, and many cean life frms will disappear. Furthly, animal extinctin. Over the past thirty years, the Antarctic penguin ppulatin has shrunk by tw thirds. Up nrth, plar bears are dying because their habitat, sea ice, is becming thinner and thinner. Bilgist Dr. Ian Stirling fears that plar bears are facing certain extinctin. And lastly, hurricanes. Hurricanes are getting strnger and mre frequent because warm air rises rapidly. Accrding t the weather expert James Elsner f Flrida State University, strms have been fierce since 1981.

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