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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What is Mary ging t d?
    A.Telephne her mther.B.Get ff the bus.C.Return hme.
    2.What is Alice’s new psitin?
    A.The marketing manager.B.The sales directr.C.A designer.
    3.Of what des the wman have a pr pinin?
    A.The clr.B.The design.C.The price.
    4.What will the wman d in San Huan?
    A.Learn t dance.B.G t clubs.C.Eat ut.
    5.Hw des the wman deal with the prblem?
    A.By giving back mney t the man.
    B.By ffering a free rm upgrade.
    C.By changing a new key card.
    6.What the prbable relatin is Mike t the by?
    A.His brther.B.His schlmate.C.His teacher.
    7.Why is the by talking t the girl abut the cmic bk?
    A.T make an aplgy.B.T express gratitude.C.T request an extensin.
    8.What d we knw abut the wman?
    A.She hurries t take her child t schl.
    B.She asks the man t drive slwly.
    C.She wrks in a schl.
    9.Hw des the wman g t the schl?
    A.By taxi.B.By car.C.By bus.
    10.Hw much shuld the wman pay?
    11.What are the tw speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.The man’s travel experiences.
    B.The cultures in different cuntries.
    C.The interesting things abrad.
    12.In which cuntry did the man have an elephant encunter?
    13.What can we learn abut the man?
    A.He was ill in Ethipia.
    B.He had an accident in a minibus.
    C.He was calm when seeing the elephant.
    14.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Teacher and student.B.Brther and sister.C.Schlmates.
    15.What des the girl suggest ding?
    A.Cleaning peple’s huses.B.Wrking at the carwash.
    C.Washing peple’s cars.
    16.Hw des the girl feel abut hsting a cncert at first?
    17.What will the speakers d next?
    A.Ask fr permissin.B.Sell tickets at $5.C.Find audiences.
    18.What is ne benefit f dreaming mentined in the talk?
    A.Increased intelligence.B.Imprved physical health.
    C.Enhanced creativity.
    19.What des REM-sleep dreaming help with?
    A.Relieving emtinal pain.
    B.Slving crsswrd puzzles.
    C.Frgetting painful experiences.
    20.Why did the speaker mentin the discvery made by scientists?
    A.T emphasize mental health.
    B.T prvide experimental evidence.
    C.T give an explanatin fr dreaming.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Art Cntest-Technlgy &Yu!
    Technlgy is everywhere these days. Autmatin has pineered innvatin. Yur phne is prbably in yur pcket r yur hands at all times, and nw it’s easier than ever t cmmunicate with anyne in the wrld. What are yur thughts n technlgy, scial media r yur phne? D yu feel excitement every time yu get a ntificatin message, r d yu feel tied dwn by these digital “chains”?
    Hwever yu feel, we want yu t put that int artwrk-paintings, digital art r phtgraphy. One winner and several hnrable mentins will be featured in the December 2024 magazine, and the winner will receive a $25 gift card! Yu may even see yur art wrk in future issues f Teen Ink magazine.
    Deadline: Nv. 1, 2024
    Details and requirements:
    Entrants must have a Teen Ink accunt and be aged 13~19.
    Inapprpriate cntent will nt be accepted.
    Submissins must relate t the tpic(technlgy).
    Entries must be a piece f artwrk created by the entrants themselves.
    Entrants can submit as many pieces f art as they wish.
    Hw t submit:
    Entries can be submitted thrugh the Teen Ink website. All entries submitted will be reviewed and cnsidered fr the cntest. See ur submissin guidelines fr mre infrmatin.
    Make sure t submit yur art wrk t the apprpriate art categry(technlgy) n Teen Ink. Yu can d this by using the “additinal tags(标签)” field in yur submissin frm.
    21.What is the main theme f the art cntest?
    A.The develpment f technlgy.B.The applicatin f technlgy.
    C.Innvatins f technlgy.D.Viewpints n technlgy.
    22.What is ne f the requirements fr submitting artwrk t the cntest?
    A.Submit riginal artwrk.B.Submit artwrk with a unique tag.
    C.Submit different types f artwrk.D.Submit nly ne piece f artwrk.
    23.What is Teen Ink?
    A.A library.B.A magazine.C.An art schl.D.An art museum.
    The public ftpath laid barely 20 meters frm where I std, prmising a walk alng the river, passing fields and thrugh wdland, well away frm any rad. Yet there was smething in my way—the River Thames.
    I checked my map t see hw t reach the path, but there was n ther ftpath that wuld lead me t the island n which it sat. It was nly accessible by bat—kid’s dream. Similar t a talent shw, sme perfrmances are educatinal but mstly, they just make yu laugh. Talent is irrelevant, and audience engagement thrugh call and respnse is essential.
    Away frm phnes and peers back hme, scial nrms fade and space fr self-explratin frms. Shy kids cme ut f their shells, and cl kids let their guard dwn. They get t pen up this dr t a part f themselves that they wuldn’t have felt safe t reveal at schl r at hme.
    It’s been a decade since my last perfrmance as a camp cunselr, and I never thught f skits frm a skill-building perspective. But I nw realize this rich camp traditin left a great impressin n me. Thrugh camp skits, I develped my sense f humr, built cnfidence in frnt f a crwd, and learned hw t accept thers fr their quirks(怪癖).
    Maybe we can make ur schls r cmmunities mre like summer camps by bringing the silliness f skits int ur families and classrms t recnnect with urselves and each ther. The next time yu’re sitting arund a campfire with friends and family, give it a try. Embrace the discmfrt and invite yur lved nes t jin in n the imprvising(即兴创作). And remember: the mre funny nises and childlike humr, the better.
    24.What is the main purpse f skit perfrmances at summer camps?
    A.T entertain and engage the audience.B.T shwcase talent and skills.
    C.T educate the audience.D.T cmpete with fellw campers.
    25.What des the underlined phrase “let their guard dwn” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    26.Hw did the authr benefit frm camp skits?
    A.She develped a cmpetitive spirit.B.She understd scial nrms better.
    C.She became mre tlerant.D.She became mre creative.
    27.What des the authr advise us t d?
    A.Take up challenges in life.B.Accept ur imperfectins.
    C.Participate in mre cmmunity activities.D.Break ut f ur cmfrt zne.
    When it cmes t architectural accmplishments, humans like t think they stand at the tp. That is t underestimate the astnishing achievement s f scial insects; fr example, white ants raise skyscraping nests. The true master builders f the insect wrld, hwever, are the hundreds f species f stingless bees.
    In a new study, Ms. Di Pietr and her clleagues bserved ver 400 clnies f the stingless bee species in a large bee huse in Brazil in 2022 and 2023. Arund 95% f the clnies exhibited hneycmbs(a structure made by bees) built up in hrizntal layers(水平分层), like tiered wedding cakes, while the rest adpted a spiral(螺旋的) structure.
    Since the stingless bee shws a strng preference fr a hrizntal-layer hneycmb structure, it’s surprising that spiral hneycmbs ccur. The team cnfirmed that there was n difference in the average cell-building rate between the tw styles, and therefre n efficiency advantage.
    In rder t rule ut a genetic explanatin fr the different styles, the researchers transplanted wrkers frm clnies that built in ne traditin t clnies that built in the ther, having first emptied the hst structures f their native adults. The imprted wrkers sn switched t the lcal style, which was then cntinued by the clny’s yung insects as they eventually matured int wrkers.
    Dr. Tm Wenseleers guessed that the bees may switch styles as a way f cping with the build-up f small cnstructin errrs made by their fre-runners. Such a prcess, in which multiple rganisms indirectly affect each ther’s behavir thrugh the traces they leave in their envirnment, is knwn as stigmergy(共识主动性). The researchers later intrduced a sign f spirals t the therwise perfect hrizntal-layer hneycmbs, and fund that it did indeed cause the bees t switch t building spirals.
    These results suggest that stingless bees can pass n different building traditins acrss generatins and individuals needn’t be instructed by their peers. “The findings are the clearest demnstratin f cultural differences naturally appearing in insects. Insect culture wuld nce have been thught impssible,” says behaviral bilgist Andrew Whiten, wh wasn’t invlved in the research. “Less than a century ag, culture was thught t be uniquely human.”
    28.Hw des the authr intrduce the tpic f the text?
    A.By psing a cntrast.B.By reprting an event.
    C.By suppsing a situatin.D.By justifying an assumptin.
    29.What can be inferred abut the stingless bees’ hneycmb-building behavir?
    A.It is a result driven by genetic factrs.B.It invlves cst and efficiency cnsideratins.
    C.It is switched cnstantly between several styles.D.It shws flexibility in the changing envirnments.
    30.What is Paragraph 5 mainly abut?
    A.The impact f fre-runners’ behavir n ther stingless bees.
    B.The underlying lgic behind stingless bees’ building styles.
    C.The advantages f maintaining stigmergy amng stingless bees.
    D.The significance f crrecting small errrs during cnstructin.
    31.What is Andrew Whiten’s attitude twards the findings f the study?
    The American Psychlgical Assciatin(APA) has issued its first advisry n scial media use in adlescence(青春期). What’s mst striking in its data based n recmmendatins is hw little we really knw abut hw these apps affect ur kids.
    The relative newness f platfrms like Snapchat and Tik Tk means little research is available abut their lng-term effects n teen and tween brains. Getting better data will require significant funding—and much mre penness frm tech cmpanies.
    “What little evidence we d have unsurprisingly suggests that scial media trades n mtivatrs that aren’t great fr yung brains. Many kids’ first expsure t scial media ccurs at the wrst pssible time when it cmes t brain develpment,” says Mitch Prinstein, a psychlgist and neurscientist at the University f Nrth Carlina(UNC).
    “Things like ‘buttn and artificial intelligence(in general)’ are ging t affect yung peple’s brains in a way that’s very different frm adult brains when it cmes t the desire t stay nline and t say r d almst anything t get fllwers.” When it cmes t scial interactins, he cmpares kids’ brains t a car with a huge gas pedal and weak brakes(刹车).
    Earlier this year, Prinstein and his UNC clleagues published the results f ne f the first studies f hw the adlescent brain reacts t scial media. The team surveyed a grup f middle schlers t understand their scial media habits, and then stuck them in an MRI machine t watch their brains as they reacted t scial rewards r punishments. They fund that 12-year-lds wh habitually checked scial media had distinct neural patterns, with mre activities ver time in parts f the brain assciated with mtivatin, salience(r where attentin is fcused) and cgnitive cntrl.
    The team didn’t weigh in n whether thse differences were gd r bad, r whether the relatinship was causal r crrelatinal. But their wrk pints t the need fr mre research. It shuld als remind parents f the need t be keenly aware f scial media’s hidden influence n still-develping brains.
    32.What issue regarding scial media apps des the APA reprt highlight?
    A.Their addictive nature.B.The lack f data n their influence.
    C.The dishnesty f their develpers.D.The ineffectiveness f their incentives.
    33.Which wrd can best describe yung brains in relatin t scial interactins?
    34.What did Prinstein’s team discver abut adlescents wh regularly use scial media?
    A.They are usually highly mtivated.B.They find it difficult t cncentrate.
    C.They have greater cgnitive cntrl.D.Their brains shw unique features.
    35.What might be the best title fr the text?
    A.Empwering Teens in the Digital Age
    B.Hw t Guide Teens’ Scial Media Engagement
    C.The Hidden Influence f Scial Media n Yung Minds
    D.The Imprtance f Healthy Scial Media Habits
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5 分)
    Making the decisin t invest in healthy lifestyle changes is mre than just flipping a switch. 36 Psychlgists have fund that it takes an average f 66 days fr a new habit t becme autmatic, but the truth is that building and maintaining lifestyle changes is highly dependent n each individual. Hwever, there are sme easy strategies that can help yu develp a lifestyle change plan that wrks fr yu.
    Fcus n the whle picture. Lifestyle changes are like a puzzle. There are many pieces that must be added up t the whle picture. Building habits in nly ne area f the puzzle will leave yur verall picture lacking dimensin. 37 S it is imprtant t understand hw they all interact when setting up yur lifestyle change plan.
    Set realistic and achievable gals. 38 Fcus n setting gals that are realistic. Instead f expecting t run a marathn in six mnths, sht fr running a 5-kilmeter race and then wrk up t the marathn. Setting realistic gals that yu can achieve and then building n them will help yu maintain mmentum(动力) and stay mtivated.
    39 Building habits takes time. Be patient with yurself and understand that the fastest way frward isn’t always the smartest way frward. The gal in creating lifestyle changes isn’t t get t the finish line as quickly as pssible. The gal is t build habits that are sustainable in yur everyday life. 40
    A.Track yur prgress and adjust yur gals accrdingly.
    B.Adpt new habits slwly and build n success.
    C.Therefre, fcus n building ne habit at a time.
    D.The gals yu set fr yurself are essential fr verall success in changing yur lifestyle.
    E.Making sustainable lifestyle changes is a prcess that takes time, dedicatin and patience.
    F.S, give yurself time t start small and build n success s that the end result is rck slid.
    G.Yur physical, mental and emtinal health all wrk tgether t make r break lifestyle changes.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Lking back, the memry f dctrs, nurses and the cnclusin f appendicitis(阑尾炎) was still clear. 41 , nthing hurt mre than three days with appendicitis. After a series f emergencies, I culd merely lie 42 and beg my bdy t stp hurting.
    All the 43 acquired frm years f swimming was eaten away. Previusly, I culd swim miles daily. Nw it was a(n) 44 t sit up and I culdn’t swim fr almst three mnths.
    When I finally returned t the pl, I struggled with my 45 ability. Race after race, I 46 my gals. Every time I 47 t enter the natinal cmpetitins, I failed by a tiny amunt.
    Finally, I came t the last event that culd 48 me fr natinals. This was my last 49 : nw r never. After s many failures, I culdn’t help being furius abut recent events.
    The race started, and I dived in, thrwing the pain, 50 and anger I had experienced recently int the pl. My mind fcused, self-limitatin was 51 and I devted all my attentin and strength t my mves.
    When I saw my time, a wave f 52 swept ver me. I eventually 53 self-dubt and wn what almst 54 frm me. Natinals were waiting fr me, and by n means wuld I let anything 55 my advancement.
    46.A.tk ntice fB.fell shrt fC.was aware fD.ran away frm
    51.A.taken verB.kncked dwnC.given awayD.cut ff
    55.A.see thrughB.lk verC.hld backD.accunt fr
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15分)
    In a grundbreaking mve, China Media Grup(CMG) aired the natin’s first-ever cartn series 56 (prduce) entirely with the generative AI mdel. The 26-episde series, titled Pems f Timeless Acclaim, vividly reimagines traditinal Chinese pems and verses, ffering 57 (engage) strytelling enhanced by lively visuals.
    CMG Media GPT, 58 pwerful machine-learning mdel develped jintly by CMG and the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Labratry(SAIL), is behind the shw’s prductin. This mdel, 59 is trained with traditinal Chinese petry and large amunts f vide and sund material, can create images and scenes in a traditinal Chinese ink wash painting style 60 (feature)accurate architectural designs and clthing details. SAIL stressed the CMG Media GPT’s 61 (efficient), nting that it prvided designers with a lw-cst and efficient tl fr character and scene design. S far, this AI-pwered apprach 62 (use) in every stage f the develpment and prductin prcess, and it has dramatically reduced prductin time and cst fr CMG. “ AI will nt replace humans 63 increase humans’ wrking efficiency.” Shen Haixing, head f the China Media Grup, expressed the bradcaster’s cmmitment 64 AI in a WeChat pst, “We will explre deeper int technlgical innvatin and embrace the Internet and AI 65 (build) a ‘pwerful engine’ and ‘driving frce’ fr a new type f internatinal mainstream media.”
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    假定你是高中生李华,你的英国好友Jim听说你校开展了以“美化家园(Beautify Our Hmes)”为主题的志愿者活动,他发电邮询问相关情况,请你给他写一封回信,内容包括:
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    16-year-ld Lisa hated lking at herself in the mirrr. She was nt cmfrtable in her wn skin and feared peple wuld label her “ugly” after seeing the burn scar n her face. It hurt her every time she had t recall that tragedy where her face was badly burned in a big fire. She enjyed being alne, lst in bks and meldies n her guitar. Shrtly after Lisa’s 15th birthday, Chris, Lisa’s father, was stricken by a severe illness and lst his ability t walk. Hwever, Chris managed t prvide fr the family. He sent his daughters t schl and did everything pssible t imprve their lives. But their difficulties never ceased, mainly after he had t spend much n his mther’s heart treatment. It appeared as thugh fate had nly terrible plans fr this family.
    Lisa knew everything, and she culdn’t bear t watch her daddy struggling s much. She wanted t help relieve her family’s burden. “What can I d t imprve ur lives?” Lisa lst in deep thught. One day, a leaflet prmting a lcal music cntest landed n Lisa’s ft. Lisa’s eyes sparkled with hpe when she read it and saw that the cash prize was $25,000.
    Lisa secretly registered fr the music cntest. Over the years, she had been passinate abut music, skilled at playing the guitar and mastering numerus musical pieces. Nw, she needed t cmpse an riginal sng, sing it and accmpany it with her guitar. Lisa lcked herself in her rm in her spare time, preparing fr the cntest. In her riginal cmpsitin, she illustrated the jyful mments spent with her family, and she emphasized her heart felt gratitude fr her father’s cntributin t the entire husehld. Her lyrics ver-flwed with genuine emtin. She tirelessly wrked n the sng, determined t perfect her perfrmance. With the date fr the cntest appraching, Lisa spent mre time n her preparatins. She seemed n lnger afraid t lk at herself in the mirrr. She ften std in frnt f the mirrr, practiced her sng and imagined her perfrmance n the stage. Hpefully, she thught she wuld give her father a big surprise.
    The big day arrived, and Lisa was nervus. ____________________________________________________
    Despite nt winning the cntest, Lisa’s perfrmance impressed many audiences, including a musician. ______
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1~5 CABCB
    第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    21~23 DAB24~27ABCD28~31ADBC32~35BADC
    21.D 由第一段最后两句话可知,该艺术比赛的主题围绕着对科技、社交媒体或智能手机的情感体验和感受展开,要求参赛者在作品中传达他们对科技发展的想法。
    22.A 由“Details and requirements”下的第四条要求“Entries must be a piece f artwrk created by the entrants themselves.”可知,提交的作品必须是参赛者自己创作的原创作品。
    23.B 根据第二段的最后一句话“Yu may even see yur artwrk in future issues f Teen Ink magazine.”可确定Teen Ink是杂志名。
    24.A 由文中第二段“…they just make yu laugh … and audience engagement thrugh call and respnse is essential.”可知,滑稽短剧表演的主要目的是给观众提供娱乐与参与感。
    25.B 由上文“Shy kids cme ut f their shells ...”及语境可推知,滑稽短剧表演能让害羞的孩子敞开内心, 也能让冷酷的小孩放下戒备。“let their guard dwn”应意为“让人放松”。
    26.C 由第四段中的“I develped my sense f humr, built cnfidence in frnt f a crwd, and learned hw t accept thers fr their quirks.”可知,通过表演滑稽短剧“我”变得更能接受形形色色的人和事,更有包容度了。
    27.D 由最后一段中的“Embrace the discmfrt …”可推知,作者提议我们尝试接受原本不愿接受的事。结合备选选项,选项D“打破舒适圈”符合语境。
    28.A 文章开头提到人类通常认为自己在建筑成就方面处于顶尖地位,然后通过与社会性昆虫的惊人成就对比,引出社会性昆虫特别是无刺蜜蜂是昆虫世界真正的建筑大师。
    29.D 根据第三段“Since the stingless bee shws a strng preference ... spiral hneycmbs ccur.”及第四段“The imprted wrkers sn switched t the lcal style…”可知,尽管无刺蜜蜂偏好水平层状的蜂巢结构,但仍能根据环境的不同选择不同的建造风格。
    30.B 通读第五段的内容可知,研究人员发现共识主动性是影响无刺蜜蜂选择建造风格的原因,并且通过实验证明了共识主动性的作用。故本段主要讨论了影响蜜蜂建筑风格的内在逻辑。
    31.C 根据最后一段中引用的 Andrew Whiten的话可知,他认为这是昆虫之间文化差异自然出现的最清晰的证明,因此,他对这项研究的发现持“赞成的”态度。
    32.B 由第一段和第二段可知,APA报告中强调了我们对这些应用对青少年的影响了解甚少,即缺乏关于其影响的数据。
    33.A 由第四段最后一句可知,青少年的大脑在进行社交活动时就好像汽车有一个猛油门和弱刹车,很容易失控。
    34.D 由倒数第二段最后一句可知,Prinstein的团队发现他们大脑的结构呈现出独特的模式。
    35.C 由全文内容可知,文章重点讨论了社交媒体对青少年大脑的潜在影响。
    第二节 (共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    36~40 EGDBF
    37.G 由上一句可知,培养习惯不能只从某一单独的方面进行,选项G“改变生活方式需要从身体、精神以及情感健康上一起改变”符合语境。
    39.B 本段主要强调养成习惯不能图快,需要时间。选项B“慢慢培养习惯,筑成成功”符合语境。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    41~45 BACBD 46~50 BACDC 51~55BDADC
    41.B 根据下文可知,这次作者的疼痛持续了很久;再结合常识可知,通常阑尾炎疼痛非常剧烈,结合选项可知,作者在此想表达的是“老实说”。
    42.A 根据下文中的并结合语境可知,作者疼得厉害,只能躺在床上,因此作者一动也动不了。mtinless一动不动的;disappinted失望的;uncnscius无意识的;senseless无知觉的,无意义的。
    43.C 根据下文作者游泳距离不如之前可知,作者的游泳能力受到了影响,因此可推知,作者在静养期间,之前运动所获得的肌肉都消退了。
    44.B 根据上文中可知,这两句是先前和现在的对比,作者之前每天可以游几英里,由此可推知,此处是说现在坐起来都很费劲。ptin选项;effrt费力的事;fantasy幻想;embarrassment难堪的事。
    46.B 根据下文可知,作者总是离进入全国赛的目标差一点。take ntice f注意到;fall shrt f未达到;be aware f明白;run away frm逃避。
    47.A根据上文可知,作者康复了,开始参加比赛,所以这里是说作者每次尝试冲进全国赛,都以微小的差距失败了。attempt尝试;apply申请,应用;declare 宣布;determine决定。
    48.C 根据下文中可知,这是作者的最后一次机会了,再根据上文提到的作者想冲进全国赛并结合常识可知,这次要参加的比赛种类是资格赛。qualify sb. fr sth.使某人具备……的资格。
    50.C 根据下文可知,作者把最近一系列的负面情绪随着身体抛进了泳池中。联系上文,作者生病、三番五次进入全国赛失败,力不从心,由此可知作者一定会有沮丧的情绪。
    51.B根据句意,作者此时已经全身心投入比赛中,内心对自己能力的担心已经“不存在”了,换句话说,自我设限已经“被击溃”了,故B项knck dwn正确。take ver接管;giveaway捐赠,泄露;cut ff切断。
    53.A 根据上文中作者赛前心理活动以及比赛最后达标可知,作者最后克服了自我怀疑,并且赢得了差一点就可能逃走的东西。
    54.D 参见上题解析。benefit frm...从……中获益;result frm由于……;riginate frm 起源于……;escape frm从……逃走。
    55.C 根据上文可知,作者的心态从自我怀疑转变为相信自己,由此可推知,作者不会再让任何事阻止自己进步。see thrugh看穿;lk ver检查;hld back阻止;accunt fr解释。
    第二节 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    56.prduced 57.engaging 58.a 59.which 60.featuring
    61.efficiency 62.has been used 63.but 64.t 65.t build
    56.prduced 考查非谓语动词,prduced表示被动
    57.engaging 考查形容词
    58.a 考查冠词
    59.which 考查非限定性定语从句,which作主语
    60.featuring 考查非谓语动词,featuring表示主动
    61.efficiency 考查名词
    62.has been used 考查动词的时态和语态
    63.but 考查关联词组 nt... but...
    64.t 考查介词,ne’s cmmitment t ...
    65.t build 考查非谓语动词,t build表示目的
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    Dear Jim,
    I’m mre than delighted t knw that yu are interested in the vlunteer activity held by ur schl, with the theme f “Beautify Our Hmes”. S I’m writing t share sme specific details with yu.
    As scheduled, we gathered at 8:00 a. m. last Sunday in ur cmmunity. A variety f hands-n activities gt all the vlunteers invlved in “Beautify Our Hmes” actively, such as picking up litter n the streets, clearing up the benches in the park and s n. Mre imprtantly, we gave ut leaflets made by urselves t aruse the public’s awareness t help keep the cmmunity tidy and clean. Thrugh this vlunteer activity, nt nly did we cntribute t a mre beautiful cmmunity, but enhanced ur sense f scial respnsibility.
    All f us harvested a lt and lked frward t such a meaningful vluntary activity next time.
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写 (满分25分)
    The big day arrived, and Lisa was nervus. She gathered all her curage and walked nt the stage. Her heart beat fast as she sensed the audiences’ eyes n her, their sympathetic glances directed at her scar. “Just let it g,” she tld herself and tried t keep calm. Fingering her guitar, she pured her emtins int singing her riginal cmpsitin. Hwever, she did nt make it t the final rund. Lisa was terribly upset and returned hme heart-brken.
    Despite nt winning the cntest, Lisa’s perfrmance impressed many audiences, including a musician. Three days after the cntest, the musician, accmpanied by the hst f the cntest, came t Lisa’s hme. The musician ffered Lisa the chance t jin a band and receive prfessinal music training because Lisa had music al talent. Thrilled by the unexpected pprtunity, Lisa’s spirits lifted as she realized that her jurney was far frm ver. With renewed determinatin, she started this new chapter, eager t see where it wuld take her. And she realized that talent, nt beauty, was what mattered mst.

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