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    这是一份海南省琼海市嘉积中学2023-2024学年高一下学期6月期中考试英语试题(Word版附解析),共38页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, What is Jim?等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where did the man g yesterday afternn?
    A. The cinema.B. The bkstre.C. The ffice.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman want Daniel t d?
    A. Water the flwers.B. Clean the garden.C. G ut with her.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des Jennifer like ding mst in her free time?
    A. Ding sprts.B. Watching TV.C. Attending a club.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Mike’s family.B. Mike’s pets.C. Mike’s favrite animal.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the man dissatisfied with abut the new restaurant?
    A. The fd.B. The service.C. The envirnment.
    6. What is Jim?
    A. A chemist.B. A dentist.C. An eye dctr.
    7. Why des the wman need a new pair f glasses?
    A. The ld nes are brken.
    B. Her eyesight becmes prer.
    C. She wants t lk much smarter.
    8. Wh is the man buying bks fr?
    A. His sn.B. His students.C. Sme teenagers.
    9. Which bk is written by J.W. Reid?
    A. Saving Big Frests t Save the Planet.
    B. A Little Bk abut the Big Bang.
    C. Science by Wmen.
    10. Hw much des Science by Wmen cst?
    A $30.B. $60.C. $90.
    11. Where is Mr. Smith?
    A. At the ffice.B. At Energy Gyms.C. At a glf club.
    12. What des Mr. Smith ask Tracy t d?
    A. Call Carle.B. Visit Carle.C. Check Carle’s rder.
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.B. Bss and secretary.C. Manager and custmer.
    14. Hw lng did Reading and Leeds Festival last?
    A. Three days.B. Fur days.C. Five days.
    15. Why did the wman leave fr the festival ne day ahead?
    A T enjy sme live bands.
    B. T avid being caught in the rain.
    C. T find a gd place in the campsite.
    16. What did the wman think f the festival?
    A. Disappinting.B. Enjyable.C. Average.
    17. What time will the listeners get t Lch Ness tmrrw?
    A. At 11:30 am.B. At 10:30 am.C. At 8:30.
    18. Where will the listeners get n the bus?
    A. In frnt f the htel.B. In the car park.C. Behind the restaurant.
    19. What are the listeners advised t take?
    A. Sme fd.B. Bus tickets.C. Warm clthes.
    20. When is the talk being given?
    A. In the evening.B. In the afternn.C. In the mrning.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,共37.5分)
    April 23 marks Wrld Bk and Cpyright Day. Here are fur widely praised bks which received agreeably high scres n Duban in China.
    The Death f a Princess
    The Death f a Princess is a wrk f legal histry. The authr describes in detail the classic case f Princess Lanling f the Nrthern Wei Dynasty (386-534), wh was beaten by her husband and suffered the lss f her baby, leading t her death, explring imprtant and prfund legal and married mral issues such as dmestic vilence and the lw status (地位) f wmen.
    Delivering Packages in Beijing
    Authr Hu Anyan has wrked as a delivery man, a night shift stck picker, a cnvenience stre clerk and a security guard. He transfrms the bits and pieces f everyday life and the jys and srrws f wrk int a sincere narrative. He finally realizes that a life filled with anger is nt wrth living.
    The Annyance f the Gds
    Authr Ma Byng, wh has written The Lngest Day in Chang’an, uses the classic Jurney t the West as a backdrp t describe a series f wrkplace issues, such as hw t write a wrk reprt during a prject and hw t respnd t emergencies.
    Bright Night
    Written by Chi Eun-yung, the bk is a female versin f Yu Hua’s T Live. It tells the stry f the friendship and struggle f fur generatins f wmen. The wmen in the bk are n lnger characters t be pitied against ne anther, nr d they play supprting rles in the lives f men.
    21. Which f the fllwing explres the lw status f wmen in sciety?
    A. Bright Night.B. Delivering Packages in Beijing.
    C. The Annyance f the Gds.D. The Death f a Princess.
    22. In the Bk f Delivering Packages in Beijing, the authr mainly________.
    A. describes his delivery jb
    B. shares his wn stries
    C. narrates his transfrmatin
    D. explres peple’s life in Beijing
    23. Wh are the intended readers f Bright Night?
    A. Children.B. Men.C. Wmen.D. Senirs.
    He wishes the hliday seasn wuld end already. His back aches, his red suit feels like a spacesuit, his cheeks have gne tight frm smiling fr 12 hurs — and still the kids keep cming and cming, like ants at a picnic. As Christmas becmes mre cmmercialized (商业化) acrss the U. S. and Canada, s must Santa Claus. As the hliday begins earlier each year, s must its spkesmen.
    The questins frm children these days are harder than ever. Nw, with thusands f children expecting a father r mther serving in Iraq r Afghanistan, the questins are as heart­breaking as they are unanswerable. Fr example, “Can yu please bring Daddy hme frm the war in time fr Christmas mrning?”
    Santa Claus, als have a pretty gd chance f getting sued (指控). A prfessinal Santa Claus in Canada tld a stry: A Santa had a girl n his knee, and he cmmented, “Yu have nice eyes and nice hair.” The girl later said it was sexual harassment (骚扰). When a Santa feels anxius, he ften shws it in the same ways rdinary peple d. The Santa Claus were always seen t hang arund at the dinner table when the shw ended. Many f them just sleep in bed fr several days and dn’t see ther children again.
    24. In the first paragraph, “spkesmen” refers t ______.
    A. businessmen
    B. plitical leaders
    C. rganizers f the activities
    D. Santa Clauses
    25. The passage implies that the jb f Santa Claus is ________.
    A. well-paidB. very hard
    C. wrth dingD. dangerus
    26. Accrding t the third paragraph, Santa Claus may smetimes be blamed fr ________.
    A. ding smething against the law
    B. hanging arund the dinner table
    C. being lazy and sleeping in bed fr days
    D. nt playing their rles as expected
    27 What wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Christmas: Nt a Gd Festival fr Santa Claus
    B. What Des Santa Claus D fr Children?
    C. Is Santa Claus Really Alive?
    D. A Christmas Stry
    The event tk place n Sunday, the 25th f June. On that particular day, a suth wind had been gusting (劲吹) n and ff all mrning. It was nt strng enugh t cause us any cncern, s we carried n ur daily wrk, nt dubting what was abut t happen.
    The strm gave us very little warning. Black cluds appeared ver the distant hrizn (地平线) s suddenly that we were taken by surprise. Even then, we were nt really wrried, as the cluds seemed t be mving ver ur huse and twards the distant muntains. Then, just as the cluds had mved inland, the wind suddenly blew arund in a full circle and we were facing a majr strm.
    Very sn, we were busily preparing fr the wrst. The whle family had experienced such a strm befre and everyne remembered the damage it had caused t stck and crps. There was very little we culd d abut the crps. But we needed t prtect the animals in case the river flded again. My lder brther called his sheep-dg and began driving ur small flck f sheep t higher grund abve the river. If the river flded, they shuld be safe there.
    In the meantime, my father was mending a shed rf that had partly fallen dwn after many years f fine service. If the tin flew ff, it culd damage the huse. My yunger brther began hurriedly carrying firewd under the shelter. My jb was t help Mum bard up the windws. If the strm develped int a cyclne (旋风),the bards wuld prtect the glass.
    The strm lasted fr fur hurs, puring mre rain n us than we had seen in the last five years. As expected, the river brke its banks and came slwly up twards the huse and the stck.
    Then, just as we were beginning t lse hpe, the strm stpped as suddenly as it had begun. The animals were safe, and the rf was still nailed n. “All’s well that ends well ,” said my mther.
    28. When the black cluds appeared suddenly in the distance, _______.
    A. the family were surprisedB. they were extremely wrried
    C. they were preparing fr the wrstD. they faced the strm bravely
    29. “There was very little we culd d abut the crps” suggests that ______.
    A. little damage wuld be dne t the crps
    B. they had everything ready fr the crps
    C. they felt unable t prtect the crps
    D. the crps shuld be safe enugh there
    30. Accrding t the third paragraph, what culd be prtected frm the strm?
    A. Mney wned by the family.B. Gds fr sale.
    C. Supplies fr family use.D. Farm animals.
    31. It can be inferred frm what the mther said that _________·
    A. they had n damage at allB. everything was as fine as befre
    C. everything was under cntrlD. the family had a gd result
    When it cmes t an x, very similar t a bull, peple will think f 2009, the Year f Ox. The Ox is a representative f the farming culture f China. In the farming ecnmy, xen are the majr animals pulling plws (梨).
    Of curse, the gd f xen is nt limited t plwing. In fact, they are seen as “bats n land” fr their ability t carry lads. Besides, the whle bdy f an x is full f treasures. Their meat and milk are fd full f nutritin, and their skin can be used t make clthes and shes. With all these qualities, xen are regarded as generus creatures.
    In the past xen played an imprtant rle in the spiritual life f the Chinese. Even tday, xen still play a special part in sme flk activities. Fr example, sme peple wh live in suthwest China will ck cattle bne sup and share it amng family members when hlding the ceremny fr children wh reach 13. They believe that the cattle bne sup represents the bld relatinship amng family members. In rder t express their lve fr xen, peple in sme ther areas will run t shake ff diseases n the 16th day f the first mnth by the lunar calendar, and during their run they will take their xen alng, which indicates they regard the creature as human.
    Because f the cntributin f xen in their lives, the Chinese peple are very grateful t the animal. In additin, the use f xen in ceremnies and the thanks peple we t xen help t develp varius traditinal custms, which becmes an imprtant part f the flk culture f the Chinese natin.
    32. The secnd paragraph fcuses n ______.
    A. the qualities f xenB. creatures fr pulling plws
    C. treasures f the flk cultureD. tls in the farming ecnmy
    33. Frm the third paragraph, we knw that ______.
    A. Oxen are n mre imprtant tday than in the past
    B. Ceremnies are held when peple ck cattle bne sup
    C. Oxen are treated as human in sme areas f China
    D. Peple run with xen t shake ff diseases every mnth
    34. Which f the fllwing helps t develp traditinal custms?
    A. The special rle f xen in farming.
    B. Peple’s respect and lve fr xen.
    C. The practical value f an x’s bdy.
    D. The cntributin f xen t the ecnmy.
    35. Why des the authr write the text?
    A. T stress the imprtance f xen in histry.
    B. T intrduce the Chinese flk culture.
    C. T describe hw t celebrate the Year f Ox.
    D. T explain hw t develp agriculture with xen.
    第二节 阅读七选五 (每题2.5分,共12.5分)
    Sunday sadness is real, fr tmrrw is the start f wrking days. ____36____
    An excellent chice is exercise. Breaking a sweat has been shwn t reduce anxiety and depressin, bst md and imprve sleep, all gd ways t fight Sunday stress. Accrding t the Anxiety and Depressin Assciatin f America, just five minutes f aerbic exercise can reduce anxiety.
    ●Take a nature pill
    Actually, any frm f exercise r mvement can increase yur fitness level while decreasing yur stress. ____37____ One study published in April fund a simple 10-minute walk in an urban park three times a week reduced levels f the stress in study participants. A 2013 study in the UK fund simply walking in green spaces helped mve the brain int a state f meditatin.
    Sme flks turn t drinking alchl, even crazily, t cpe with the Sunday night blues. That’s a pr chice: Alchl rattles yur nrmal sleep patterns, trapping yu in lighter stages f sleep and dramatically reducing the quality f yur rest at night.
    “It cntinues t pull yu ut f rapid eye mvement and the deeper stages f sleep, causing yu t wake up nt feeling restred,” said Rebecca Rbbins, a pstdctral research fellw in the Department f Ppulatin Health at NYU Langne Health, in a previus CNN interview.
    ●Wind dwn
    This is ging t sund impssible, but try t avid yur cell phne and wrk email n Sunday. Being cnstantly cnnected keeps us excited even n ur days ff, discuraging relaxatin.
    Des the idea make yu even mre nervus? ____39____ The Natinal Sleep Fundatin suggests “at least 30 minutes f phne-free transitin time befre ging t bed.”
    ●Jurnal yur wrries
    Uncnsciusly wrrying abut all the things yu have t d Mnday brings yu restless sleep, even insmnia(失眠), s write dwn a list f all the things yu have t d Mnday – r even the entire week. Yu can g s far as priritizing them if yu like. Nt nly will putting the tasks n paper jump-start yur Mnday mrning, yu’ll feel like yu’ve purged yur wrries. ____40____
    A. Then try t check in as early in the evening n Sunday as yu can.
    B. Avid verdrinking
    C. Here’s hw t battle the pre-wrkweek blues.
    D. Here are sme fllwing ways t help yu relax at weekends.
    E. Why nt increase that effect by enjying nature?
    F. Then relax and keep texting till yur bedtime.
    G. In fact, writing in a jurnal has been scientifically shwn t imprve verall health.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    There are times when peple are s tired that they fall asleep almst anywhere. We can see there is a lt f sleeping n the bus r train n the ____41____ hme frm wrk in the evenings. A man will be reading the newspaper, and secnds later it ____42____ as if he is trying t ____43____ it. Or he will fall asleep n the shulder f the stranger ____44____ next t him. Anther place where unplanned shrt sleep ____45____ is in the lecture hall where a student will start snring (打鼾) s ____46____ that the prfessr has t ask anther student t ____47____ the sleeper awake.
    A mre embarrassing situatin ccurs when a student starts falling int sleep and the weight f the head pushes the arm ff the ____48____, and the mvement carries the ____49____ f the bdy alng. The student wakes up n the flr with n memry f getting there. The wrst time t fall asleep is when _____50_____. Plice reprts are full f _____51_____ that ccur when peple fall int sleep and g ff the rad. If the drivers are _____52_____, they will nt be seriusly hurt. One wman’s car, _____53_____, went int the river. She wke up in fur feet f _____54_____ and thught it was raining. When peple are really _____55_____, nthing will stp them frm falling asleep—n matter where they are.
    41. A. wayB. trackC. pathD. rad
    42. A. actsB. shwsC. seemsD. sunds
    43. A. penB. eatC. findD. finish
    44. A. lyingB. waitingC. talkingD. sitting
    45. A. happensB. endsC. lastsD. returns
    46. A. bravelyB. happilyC. ludlyD. carelessly
    47. A. leaveB. shakeC. keepD. watch
    48. A. cushinB. deskC. shulderD. bk
    49. A. actinB. psitinC. restD. side
    50. A. thinkingB. wrkingC. walkingD. driving
    51. A. changesB. eventsC. ideasD. accidents
    52 A. luckyB. awakeC. calmD. strng
    53. A. in timeB. at firstC. as usualD. fr example
    54. A. dustB. waterC. grassD. bush
    55. A. tiredB. drunkC. lnelyD. lazy
    Tday, I arrived back in San Francisc and it feels____56____(definite)gd t be back in the city again.The city succeeded in ____57____(rebuild) itself after the earthquake that ____58____(ccur) in 1906, and I stayed in the Missin District, enjying sme delicius ndles____59____ (mix)with cultures.
    In the afternn, I headed t a lcal museum that shwed the ____60____(histry) changes in Califrnia. I learnt that America gt Califrnia frm Mexic in 1848. In the same year, gld was discvered near San Francisc. Over 300, 000 peple came frm all ver the wrld t seek ____61____(they) frtune. T earn ____62____living, many Chinese arrived here and pened up shps and restaurants in Chinatwn. Many thers wrked n farms, ____63____ (jin) the gld rush, r went t build the railway that cnnected Califrnia t the east. The museum shwed us hw America was built by ____64____(immigrate) frm different cuntries and cultures.
    In the evening, I went t Chinatwn, and ate in a Cantnese restaurant _____65_____served fd n beautiful china plates. Tmrrw evening, I'm ging t a jazz bar in the Richmnd District.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    66. 书面表达
    最近你校就“狼来了”这则寓言故事及其寓意展开讨论,大家踊跃发表各自的看法。请你根据下面所给的要点,给《21世纪高中生版》的 “Yur Wrds” 栏目写一篇英文稿件。要点如下:
    3、你的看法 (诚信的重要性)
    注意:1、词数 100 左右;
    Almst all f us heard the stry “Here Cmes the Wlf” when we were little kids.
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    67. 读后续写
    I always wndered hw peple wuld react if I tried t apprach a stranger fr help in a busy place like a street crner r in a bustling mall. I persnally have hurried past a stranger wh tried t catch my attentin in a busy place.
    Yesterday I had a taste f being stuck in such a desperate situatin where yur nly hpe f help wuld have t cme frm a ttal stranger.
    I was in a busy shpping mall buying a large piece f luggage. After the purchase in ne f the large and expensive shps, I picked up my phne frm my pcket t call my driver waiting in the parking lt and my phne was dead.
    I then requested the shp assistant selling me the luggage, which was nt cheap at all, if she culd ring the number f my driver fr me. She replied, still all smiles, “I’m srry Sir, but it is the shp plicy that we cannt use mbile phnes while wrking in the shp.”
    As I was wndering what kind f plicy that was, I saw a nice-lking teenage by cming tward me. Remember my wife’s interesting thery that beautiful peple are mre likely t give yu a hand when yu’re in truble, I thught I might have a chance. But befre I culd say a wrd, he walked past me. It turned ut he simply didn’t see me.
    I waited in the mall but it seemed nbdy bthered t lk at me. Disappinted and tired, I gt ut f the shp n t the busy street in frnt. I std there with peple rushing by, lking at their faces t see if they will shw kindness t me. I began wndering hw many times I had reacted t strangers like the shp girl and the teenager.
    注意:1. 续写的短文词数应为100左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    That was when I saw a yung mther with her tw kids.
    Finally a man wearing a cheap T-shirt and dirty jeans seemed t ntice me.
    (时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where did the man g yesterday afternn?
    A. The cinema.B. The bkstre.C. The ffice.
    【原文】W: Did yu g t the cinema yesterday afternn?
    M: N, I went t the bkstre t buy sme bks. What did yu d?
    W: Well, I had t wrk in the ffice.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman want Daniel t d?
    A. Water the flwers.B. Clean the garden.C. G ut with her.
    【原文】W: Daniel I have t g ut this afternn. The flwers in the garden need t be watered. Can yu help me d that?
    M: Okay. I’ll d it at arund five 'clck. It wn’t be s ht then.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des Jennifer like ding mst in her free time?
    A. Ding sprts.B. Watching TV.C. Attending a club.
    【原文】M: Jennifer, what d yu usually d after schl?
    W: I d many different things in my free time, such as ding sprts, watching TV and attending a club. I lve ding sprts best.
    M: Me t.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Mike’s family.B. Mike’s pets.C. Mike’s favrite animal.
    【原文】W: Mike, what animals did yu raise in yur family when yu were little?
    M: When I was grwing up we always had pets. We had dgs and cats. We even had a rabbit.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the man dissatisfied with abut the new restaurant?
    A. The fd.B. The service.C. The envirnment.
    【原文】W: I hear the new restaurant n Grant Street is pretty gd.
    M: I dn’t think s. The envirnment is gd the fd is kay. But its service is really slw. I’ll never g there again.
    6. What is Jim?
    A. A chemist.B. A dentist.C. An eye dctr.
    7. Why des the wman need a new pair f glasses?
    A. The ld nes are brken.
    B. Her eyesight becmes prer.
    C. She wants t lk much smarter.
    【答案】6. A 7. B
    【原文】W: Is yur friend Jim an eye dctr r a dentist? I think I need t make an appintment with an eye dctr.
    M: He’s a chemist yu are thinking f Rbert. He’s an eye dctr. Why d yu need t see him?
    W: Well, I need a new pair f glasses.
    M: Want’s wrng with yur glasses? Are they brken?
    W: N, it’s just that my eyesight is wrse and I need new ne s that I can see clearly. I can still drive and read thugh it’s nt as clear as I’d like.
    M: I see. I’ll call him after I finish eating my lunch.
    8. Wh is the man buying bks fr?
    A. His sn.B. His students.C. Sme teenagers.
    9. Which bk is written by J.W. Reid?
    A. Saving Big Frests t Save the Planet.
    B. A Little Bk abut the Big Bang.
    C. Science by Wmen.
    10. Hw much des Science by Wmen cst?
    A. $30.B. $60.C. $90.
    【答案】8. A 9. A 10. C
    【原文】W: Mrning may I help yu please?
    M: Yes. I’m lking fr sme science bks fr my teenage by t read. Can yu recmmend sme?
    W: Yes, A Little Bk abut the Big Bang by T Rtuman is very ppular with teenagers wh lve science.
    M: Srry, my sn has already read this bk. Can yu recmmend thers?
    W: What abut Saving Big Frests t Save the Planet by J.W. Reid. It’s ppular with teenagers t. The bk Science by Wmen by EO YIII is wrth reading t.
    M: Hw much d they cst please?
    W: The first ne csts thirty dllars but the secnd ne csts three times as much.
    M: The cheaper ne please.
    11. Where is Mr. Smith?
    A. At the ffice.B. At Energy Gyms.C. At a glf club.
    12. What des Mr. Smith ask Tracy t d?
    A. Call Carle.B. Visit Carle.C. Check Carle’s rder.
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.B. Bss and secretary.C. Manager and custmer.
    【答案】11. C 12. A 13. B
    【原文】W: Hell! Mr Smith where are yu?
    M: Hell! Tracy. I’m playing Glf with a custmer.
    W: I have smething urgent t reprt t yu. There is an email frm Carl Brker at energy gyms.
    M: Or what des she want?
    W: She asks abut the rder that she placed. She’s waiting fr her delivery. She wants t knw where they are.
    M: Can yu phne Carl?
    W: Yes.
    M: Tell her that I’m ut f the ffice visiting anther custmer. Nw check the delivery situatin and reply t her email later .
    W: Okay. Gd luck with the gulf.
    14. Hw lng did Reading and Leeds Festival last?
    A. Three days.B. Fur days.C. Five days.
    15. Why did the wman leave fr the festival ne day ahead?
    A. T enjy sme live bands.
    B. T avid being caught in the rain.
    C. T find a gd place in the campsite.
    16. What did the wman think f the festival?
    A. Disappinting.B. Enjyable.C. Average.
    【答案】14. A 15. C 16. B
    【原文】M: I haven’t seen yu fr a while. Oh what’s new?
    W: Oh, nt much, I went t Reading and Leeds Festival a cuple f weeks ag.
    M: Reading and Leeds Festival. Isn’t that n in June?
    W: N, yu’re thinking abut Glass and Berry Festival. Reading and Leeds Festival was n frm twenty sixth t twenty eighths f August.
    M: Oh, it was frm Friday t Sunday.
    W: Yeah, but actually we went n Thursday evening t get a gd spt in the camp site.
    M: Yu mean yu camped. But the weather was rather bad in August.
    W: Yeah, it was rainy but we had a great time all the same.
    M: S wh was n stage this year?
    W: There was a fantastic lineup. We were delighted t see Mrrissey, Franc Ferdinand and the Darkness.
    M: Oh, I lve the Darkness. What a pity I missed them?
    W: Dn’t wrry. Yu can cme t the festival with us next year if yu like.
    M: Cunt me in.
    17. What time will the listeners get t Lch Ness tmrrw?
    A. At 11:30 am.B. At 10:30 am.C. At 8:30.
    18. Where will the listeners get n the bus?
    A. In frnt f the htel.B. In the car park.C. Behind the restaurant.
    19 What are the listeners advised t take?
    A. Sme fd.B. Bus tickets.C. Warm clthes.
    20. When is the talk being given?
    A. In the evening.B. In the afternn.C. In the mrning.
    【答案】17. A 18. B 19. C 20. A
    【原文】M: Ladies and gentlemen, befre we have dinner, I’d like t infrm yu f sme infrmatin abut ur trip t Lch Ness tmrrw. It’s a lng jurney abut three hurs, s we have t start early. That means we’ll have breakfast at half past seven. Dn’t be late please, as the bus has t leave at half past eight. After breakfast, yu shuld g t the car park. That’s where we’ll get n the bus. That’s the big car park behind the htel. Remember t bring yur pink tickets fr lunch. We’ll have lunch at a restaurant near Lch Ness and yu must have yur pink tickets r yu wn’t get any lunch.
    If yu haven’t gt a pink ticket yet, yu can get ne frm the ffice. Oh ne mre thing. I knw it’s summer but it can get quite cld in the muntains even in July, s bring a jacket with yu. Yu’ll need ne in the evening.
    Finally, I hpe all f yu have a gd rest and we will get up early tmrrw mrning. Nw it’s six thirty PM. It’s time t have dinner.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,共37.5分)
    April 23 marks Wrld Bk and Cpyright Day. Here are fur widely praised bks which received agreeably high scres n Duban in China.
    The Death f a Princess
    The Death f a Princess is a wrk f legal histry. The authr describes in detail the classic case f Princess Lanling f the Nrthern Wei Dynasty (386-534), wh was beaten by her husband and suffered the lss f her baby, leading t her death, explring imprtant and prfund legal and married mral issues such as dmestic vilence and the lw status (地位) f wmen.
    Delivering Packages in Beijing
    Authr Hu Anyan has wrked as a delivery man, a night shift stck picker, a cnvenience stre clerk and a security guard. He transfrms the bits and pieces f everyday life and the jys and srrws f wrk int a sincere narrative. He finally realizes that a life filled with anger is nt wrth living.
    The Annyance f the Gds
    Authr Ma Byng, wh has written The Lngest Day in Chang’an, uses the classic Jurney t the West as a backdrp t describe a series f wrkplace issues, such as hw t write a wrk reprt during a prject and hw t respnd t emergencies.
    Bright Night
    Written by Chi Eun-yung, the bk is a female versin f Yu Hua’s T Live. It tells the stry f the friendship and struggle f fur generatins f wmen. The wmen in the bk are n lnger characters t be pitied against ne anther, nr d they play supprting rles in the lives f men.
    21. Which f the fllwing explres the lw status f wmen in sciety?
    A. Bright Night.B. Delivering Packages in Beijing.
    C. The Annyance f the Gds.D. The Death f a Princess.
    22. In the Bk f Delivering Packages in Beijing, the authr mainly________.
    A. describes his delivery jb
    B. shares his wn stries
    C. narrates his transfrmatin
    D. explres peple’s life in Beijing
    23. Wh are the intended readers f Bright Night?
    A. Children.B. Men.C. Wmen.D. Senirs.
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. C
    细节理解题。由文章The Death f a Princess部分“The Death f a Princess is a wrk f legal histry. The authr describes in detail the classic case f Princess Lanling f the Nrthern Wei Dynasty (386-534), wh was beaten by her husband and suffered the lss f her baby, leading t her death, explring imprtant and prfund legal and married mral issues such as dmestic vilence and the lw status (地位) f wmen. (《公主之死》是一部法律史著作。作者详细描述了北魏兰陵公主(386-534)被丈夫殴打并失去孩子导致死亡的经典案例,探讨了家庭暴力和妇女地位低下等重要而深刻的法律和婚姻道德问题。)”可知,《公主之死》探讨了如家庭暴力和女性低地位等重要的法律和婚姻道德问题。故选D项。
    推理判断题。由文章Delivering Packages in Beijing部分中“Authr Hu Anyan has wrked as a delivery man, a night shift stck picker, a cnvenience stre clerk and a security guard. He transfrms the bits and pieces f everyday life and the jys and srrws f wrk int a sincere narrative. (作者胡安焉曾做过快递员、夜班拣货员、便利店店员和保安。他把日常生活的点点滴滴、工作中的喜怒哀乐,都变成了一篇真诚的叙事。)”可知,在《我在北京送快递》一书中,作者胡安焉将自己的生活片段和工作中的喜怒哀乐转化为真诚的叙述。因此,该书主要分享了他自己的故事。故选B项。
    推理判断题。由文章最后一段中“Written by Chi Eun-yung, the bk is a female versin f Yu Hua’s T Live. It tells the stry f the friendship and struggle f fur generatins f wmen. The wmen in the bk are n lnger characters t be pitied against ne anther, nr d they play supprting rles in the lives f men. (该书由崔恩容执笔,是余华《活着》的女性版。它讲述了四代女性的友谊和奋斗的故事。书中的女性不再是相互怜悯的角色,也不再是男人生活中的配角。)”可知,《明亮的夜晚》讲述了四代女性的友谊与奋斗,书中的女性不再是相互怜悯的角色,也不再是男性生活中的配角。由此可推断,此书的目标读者为女性。故选C项。
    He wishes the hliday seasn wuld end already. His back aches, his red suit feels like a spacesuit, his cheeks have gne tight frm smiling fr 12 hurs — and still the kids keep cming and cming, like ants at a picnic. As Christmas becmes mre cmmercialized (商业化) acrss the U. S. and Canada, s must Santa Claus. As the hliday begins earlier each year, s must its spkesmen.
    The questins frm children these days are harder than ever. Nw, with thusands f children expecting a father r mther serving in Iraq r Afghanistan, the questins are as heart­breaking as they are unanswerable. Fr example, “Can yu please bring Daddy hme frm the war in time fr Christmas mrning?”
    Santa Claus, als have a pretty gd chance f getting sued (指控). A prfessinal Santa Claus in Canada tld a stry: A Santa had a girl n his knee, and he cmmented, “Yu have nice eyes and nice hair.” The girl later said it was sexual harassment (骚扰). When a Santa feels anxius, he ften shws it in the same ways rdinary peple d. The Santa Claus were always seen t hang arund at the dinner table when the shw ended. Many f them just sleep in bed fr several days and dn’t see ther children again.
    24. In the first paragraph, “spkesmen” refers t ______.
    A. businessmen
    B. plitical leaders
    C. rganizers f the activities
    D. Santa Clauses
    25. The passage implies that the jb f Santa Claus is ________.
    A. well-paidB. very hard
    C. wrth dingD. dangerus
    26. Accrding t the third paragraph, Santa Claus may smetimes be blamed fr ________.
    A. ding smething against the law
    B. hanging arund the dinner table
    C. being lazy and sleeping in bed fr days
    D. nt playing their rles as expected
    27. What wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Christmas: Nt a Gd Festival fr Santa Claus
    B. What Des Santa Claus D fr Children?
    C. Is Santa Claus Really Alive?
    D A Christmas Stry
    【答案】24. D 25. B 26. A 27. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句话“As Christmas becmes mre cmmercialized(商业化) acrss the U.S. and Canada, s must Santa Claus. As the hliday begins earlier each year, s must its spkesmen.(随着圣诞节在美国和加拿大越来越商业化,“圣诞老人”也必须这么做。由于节日每年开始得更早,它的发言人也必须这么做)”可知,句中the hliday是指上文中圣诞节,结合常识可知圣诞节的代言人(spkesmen)是圣诞老人(Santa Claus)。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“He wishes the hliday seasn wuld end already. His back aches, his red suit feels like a spacesuit, his cheeks have gne tight frm smiling fr 12 hurs — and still the kids keep cming and cming, like ants at a picnic.(他希望假期已经结束了。他的背痛,他的红色圣诞服感觉像太空服,他的脸颊因为12个小时的微笑而变得紧绷——而孩子们仍然不断地来来回回,就像野餐的蚂蚁一样)”对“圣诞老人”工作的描述可推知,“圣诞老人”的工作很艰辛。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段第一句话“Santa Claus; als have a pretty gd chance f getting sued (指控). A prfessinal Santa Claus in Canada tld a stry: A Santa had a girl n his knee, and he cmmented, ‘Yu have nice eyes and nice hair.’ The girl later said it was sexual harassment (骚扰). (圣诞老人,也很有可能被起诉。加拿大一位职业圣诞老人讲了一个故事:圣诞老人膝上坐着一个女孩,他说:“你的眼睛很漂亮,头发也很漂亮。”女孩后来说这是性骚扰)”可推知,“圣诞老人们”可能因为做了违法的事情而被起诉和责怪。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文围绕“圣诞老人们”的工作展开。第一段讲述了“圣诞老人们”工作很艰辛;第二段说孩子们的提问更难回答;第三段讲述了可能面临被投诉的问题;因此,圣诞节对于圣诞老人们来说不是个好日子,“Christmas: Nt a Gd Festival fr Santa Claus”是最佳标题。故选A项。
    The event tk place n Sunday, the 25th f June. On that particular day, a suth wind had been gusting (劲吹) n and ff all mrning. It was nt strng enugh t cause us any cncern, s we carried n ur daily wrk, nt dubting what was abut t happen.
    The strm gave us very little warning. Black cluds appeared ver the distant hrizn (地平线) s suddenly that we were taken by surprise. Even then, we were nt really wrried, as the cluds seemed t be mving ver ur huse and twards the distant muntains. Then, just as the cluds had mved inland, the wind suddenly blew arund in a full circle and we were facing a majr strm.
    Very sn, we were busily preparing fr the wrst. The whle family had experienced such a strm befre and everyne remembered the damage it had caused t stck and crps. There was very little we culd d abut the crps. But we needed t prtect the animals in case the river flded again. My lder brther called his sheep-dg and began driving ur small flck f sheep t higher grund abve the river. If the river flded, they shuld be safe there.
    In the meantime, my father was mending a shed rf that had partly fallen dwn after many years f fine service. If the tin flew ff, it culd damage the huse. My yunger brther began hurriedly carrying firewd under the shelter. My jb was t help Mum bard up the windws. If the strm develped int a cyclne (旋风),the bards wuld prtect the glass.
    The strm lasted fr fur hurs, puring mre rain n us than we had seen in the last five years. As expected, the river brke its banks and came slwly up twards the huse and the stck.
    Then, just as we were beginning t lse hpe, the strm stpped as suddenly as it had begun. The animals were safe, and the rf was still nailed n. “All’s well that ends well ,” said my mther.
    28. When the black cluds appeared suddenly in the distance, _______.
    A. the family were surprisedB. they were extremely wrried
    C. they were preparing fr the wrstD. they faced the strm bravely
    29. “There was very little we culd d abut the crps” suggests that ______.
    A. little damage wuld be dne t the crps
    B. they had everything ready fr the crps
    C. they felt unable t prtect the crps
    D. the crps shuld be safe enugh there
    30. Accrding t the third paragraph, what culd be prtected frm the strm?
    A. Mney wned by the family.B. Gds fr sale.
    C. Supplies fr family use.D. Farm animals.
    31. It can be inferred frm what the mther said that _________·
    A. they had n damage at allB. everything was as fine as befre
    C. everything was under cntrlD. the family had a gd result
    【答案】28. A 29. C 30. D 31. D
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Black cluds appeared ver the distant hrizn (地平线) s suddenly that we were taken by surprise.(乌云突然出现在远处的地平线上,使我们大吃一惊。)”可知,乌云突然在地平线出现,让作者他们大吃一惊,由此可知,当乌云突然出现在远处,全家人都很惊讶。故选A项。
    词句猜测题。根据该句后的下文“But we needed t prtect the animals in case the river flded again. My lder brther called his sheep-dg and began driving ur small flck f sheep t higher grund abve the river. If the river flded, they shuld be safe there.(但是我们需要保护动物以防河水再次泛滥。我哥哥叫来他的牧羊犬,开始赶着我们的小羊群到河上较高的地方去。如果河水泛滥,他们在那里应该是安全的。)”可知,作者认为需要保护动物以防河水泛滥,并介绍了采取了什么样的保护措施,分析句子结构可知,该句与下文中的内容为转折关系,由此可知,该句的意思应是“无法保护这些庄稼”,因为作者一家人对保护这些庄稼是无计可施的。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的“But we needed t prtect the animals in case the river flded again. My lder brther called his sheep-dg and began driving ur small flck f sheep t higher grund abve the river. If the river flded, they shuld be safe there.(但是我们需要保护动物以防河水再次泛滥。我哥哥叫来他的牧羊犬,开始赶着我们的小羊群到河上较高的地方去。如果河水泛滥,他们在那里应该是安全的。)” 可知,作者认为需要保护动物以防河水泛滥,并介绍了具体的保护措施,由此可知,农场的动物是可以被保护免受风暴的影响。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据尾段中的“Then, just as we were beginning t lse hpe, the strm stpped as suddenly as it had begun. The animals were safe, and the rf was still nailed n.(然后,就在我们开始失去希望的时候,暴风雨突然停止了,就像它开始时一样突然。动物们是安全的,屋顶还钉在上面。)”可知,在作者一家要失去希望的时候,暴风雨突然结束,而且动物是安全的,屋顶还在,说明作者一家人能保护的却都安全地留了下来,由此可知,如果暴风雨不停下来的话,可能遭受的损失会更大,所以母亲觉得结果还不错,所以母亲说的话的意思应是“这个家庭有一个好结果”。故选D项。
    When it cmes t an x, very similar t a bull, peple will think f 2009, the Year f Ox. The Ox is a representative f the farming culture f China. In the farming ecnmy, xen are the majr animals pulling plws (梨).
    Of curse, the gd f xen is nt limited t plwing. In fact, they are seen as “bats n land” fr their ability t carry lads. Besides, the whle bdy f an x is full f treasures. Their meat and milk are fd full f nutritin, and their skin can be used t make clthes and shes. With all these qualities, xen are regarded as generus creatures.
    In the past, xen played an imprtant rle in the spiritual life f the Chinese. Even tday, xen still play a special part in sme flk activities. Fr example, sme peple wh live in suthwest China will ck cattle bne sup and share it amng family members when hlding the ceremny fr children wh reach 13. They believe that the cattle bne sup represents the bld relatinship amng family members. In rder t express their lve fr xen, peple in sme ther areas will run t shake ff diseases n the 16th day f the first mnth by the lunar calendar, and during their run they will take their xen alng, which indicates they regard the creature as human.
    Because f the cntributin f xen in their lives, the Chinese peple are very grateful t the animal. In additin, the use f xen in ceremnies and the thanks peple we t xen help t develp varius traditinal custms, which becmes an imprtant part f the flk culture f the Chinese natin.
    32. The secnd paragraph fcuses n ______.
    A. the qualities f xenB. creatures fr pulling plws
    C. treasures f the flk cultureD. tls in the farming ecnmy
    33. Frm the third paragraph, we knw that ______.
    A. Oxen are n mre imprtant tday than in the past
    B. Ceremnies are held when peple ck cattle bne sup
    C. Oxen are treated as human in sme areas f China
    D. Peple run with xen t shake ff diseases every mnth
    34. Which f the fllwing helps t develp traditinal custms?
    A. The special rle f xen in farming.
    B. Peple’s respect and lve fr xen.
    C. The practical value f an x’s bdy.
    D. The cntributin f xen t the ecnmy.
    35. Why des the authr write the text?
    A. T stress the imprtance f xen in histry.
    B. T intrduce the Chinese flk culture.
    C. T describe hw t celebrate the Year f Ox.
    D. T explain hw t develp agriculture with xen.
    【答案】32. A 33. C 34. B 35. B
    主旨大意题。根据第二段最后一句“With all these qualities, xen are regarded as generus creatures.(有了这些品质,牛被认为是慷慨的动物。)”可知,第二段主要是讲牛的品质。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“In rder t express their lve fr xen, peple in sme ther areas will run t shake ff diseases n the 16th day f the first mnth by the lunar calendar, and during their run they will take their xen alng, which indicates they regard the creature as human.(其他一些地区的人们为了表达对牛的爱,会在农历正月十六跑步驱除疾病,并且在跑步的过程中会带着牛,这表明他们把牛当成了人。)”可知,在中国的一些地区,牛被当作人来对待。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“In additin, the use f xen in ceremnies and the thanks peple we t xen help t develp varius traditinal custms, which becmes an imprtant part f the flk culture f the Chinese natin.(此外,在仪式中使用牛和人们对牛的感谢有助于发展各种传统习俗,成为中华民族民间文化的重要组成部分。)”可知,人们对牛的尊敬和热爱有助于发展传统习俗。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句“The Ox is a representative f the farming culture f China. In the farming ecnmy, xen are the majr animals pulling plws (梨).(牛是中国农耕文化的代表。在农业经济中,牛是拉犁的主要动物。)”,第三段前两句“In the past, xen played an imprtant rle in the spiritual life f the Chinese. Even tday, xen still play a special part in sme flk activities.(在过去,牛在中国人的精神生活中扮演着重要的角色。直到今天,牛仍然在一些民间活动中扮演着特殊的角色。)”和最后一段“Because f the cntributin f xen in their lives, the Chinese peple are very grateful t the animal. In additin, the use f xen in ceremnies and the thanks peple we t xen help t develp varius traditinal custms, which becmes an imprtant part f the flk culture f the Chinese natin.(由于牛在他们生活中的贡献,中国人非常感激这种动物。此外,在仪式中使用牛和人们对牛的感谢有助于发展各种传统习俗,成为中华民族民间文化的重要组成部分。)”可知,作者写这篇文章是为了介绍与牛相关的中国民俗文化。故选B。
    第二节 阅读七选五 (每题2.5分,共12.5分)
    Sunday sadness is real, fr tmrrw is the start f wrking days. ____36____
    An excellent chice is exercise. Breaking a sweat has been shwn t reduce anxiety and depressin, bst md and imprve sleep, all gd ways t fight Sunday stress. Accrding t the Anxiety and Depressin Assciatin f America, just five minutes f aerbic exercise can reduce anxiety.
    ●Take a nature pill
    Actually, any frm f exercise r mvement can increase yur fitness level while decreasing yur stress. ____37____ One study published in April fund a simple 10-minute walk in an urban park three times a week reduced levels f the stress in study participants. A 2013 study in the UK fund simply walking in green spaces helped mve the brain int a state f meditatin.
    Sme flks turn t drinking alchl, even crazily, t cpe with the Sunday night blues. That’s a pr chice: Alchl rattles yur nrmal sleep patterns, trapping yu in lighter stages f sleep and dramatically reducing the quality f yur rest at night.
    “It cntinues t pull yu ut f rapid eye mvement and the deeper stages f sleep, causing yu t wake up nt feeling restred,” said Rebecca Rbbins, a pstdctral research fellw in the Department f Ppulatin Health at NYU Langne Health, in a previus CNN interview.
    ●Wind dwn
    This is ging t sund impssible, but try t avid yur cell phne and wrk email n Sunday. Being cnstantly cnnected keeps us excited even n ur days ff, discuraging relaxatin.
    Des the idea make yu even mre nervus? ____39____ The Natinal Sleep Fundatin suggests “at least 30 minutes f phne-free transitin time befre ging t bed.”
    ●Jurnal yur wrries
    Uncnsciusly wrrying abut all the things yu have t d Mnday brings yu restless sleep, even insmnia(失眠), s write dwn a list f all the things yu have t d Mnday – r even the entire week. Yu can g s far as priritizing them if yu like. Nt nly will putting the tasks n paper jump-start yur Mnday mrning, yu’ll feel like yu’ve purged yur wrries. ____40____
    A. Then try t check in as early in the evening n Sunday as yu can.
    B. Avid verdrinking
    C. Here’s hw t battle the pre-wrkweek blues.
    D. Here are sme fllwing ways t help yu relax at weekends.
    E. Why nt increase that effect by enjying nature?
    F. Then relax and keep texting till yur bedtime.
    G. In fact, writing in a jurnal has been scientifically shwn t imprve verall health.
    【答案】36. C 37. E 38. B 39. A 40. G
    根据空前的“Sunday sadness is real, fr tmrrw is the start f wrking days.(星期天的悲伤是真实的,因为明天是工作日的开始。)”可知,本文讲述的话题与星期天真的是悲伤的一天,结合下文中的“Exercise(锻炼)”、“Take a nature pill(走进大自然)”以及“Wind dwn(放松)”和“Jurnal yur wrries(记录你的烦恼)”可知,此处应是引出下文介绍的一些方法和建议,C选项“Here’s hw t battle the pre-wrkweek blues.(以下是如何战胜工作周前抑郁的方法。)”讲述的内容与空前的内容吻合,且引出下文中介绍的如何战胜工作周前的抑郁的方法。故选C项。
    根据本段的主题句“Take a nature pill(走进大自然)”可知,本段建议走进大自然,接触大自然来减少烦恼,结合空后的“One study published in April fund a simple 10-minute walk in an urban park three times a week reduced levels f the stress in study participants. (4月份发表的一项研究发现,每周在城市公园散步三次,每次10分钟,可以降低研究参与者的压力水平。)”可知,一项研究发现,每周在城市公园散步三次,每次10分钟可以降低压力水平,E选项“Why nt increase that effect by enjying nature?(为什么不通过享受大自然来增加这种效果呢?)”建议享受大自然,与本段的主题句吻合,且空后内容与此选项衔接。故选E项。
    分析语篇可知,此空为本段的主题句,所以此空应为祈使句,根据下文中的“Sme flks turn t drinking alchl, even crazily, t cpe with the Sunday night blues.(有些人开始酗酒,甚至疯狂地喝酒,以应对周日晚上的忧郁。)”可知,有些人为了应对周日晚上的忧郁选择开始酗酒,由此可知,该段提出的方法和建议与“饮酒”相关,B选项“Avid verdrinking(避免酗酒)”为祈使句,且与下文讲述的内容吻合。故选B项。
    根据空前的“This is ging t sund impssible, but try t avid yur cell phne and wrk email n Sunday. Being cnstantly cnnected keeps us excited even n ur days ff, discuraging relaxatin. (这听起来似乎不太可能,但在周日尽量不要看手机和工作邮件。即使在休息的日子里,持续的联系也会让我们保持兴奋,不利于放松。)”可知,此处建议在周日尽量不要看手机,这样不利于放松,结合空前的“Des the idea make yu even mre nervus?(这个想法会让你更紧张吗?)”可知,在周日不看手机可能会造成更紧张,结合空后的“The Natinal Sleep Fundatin suggests “at least 30 minutes f phne-free transitin time befre ging t bed.”(美国国家睡眠基金会建议“睡前至少有30分钟不使用手机的过渡时间。”)”可知,为避免不看手机造成更紧张,所以建议睡前至少30分钟不使用手机,由此可知,此空应是一种解决不看手机造成人们更紧张的方法,A选项“Then try t check in as early in the evening n Sunday as yu can.(然后在周日的晚上尽可能早地查看手机。)”建议在周日晚上尽可能早地查看手机,解决了空前的问题,同时与空后的内容吻合。故选A项。
    根据本段的主题句“Jurnal yur wrries(记录你的烦恼)”可知,本段建议记录下烦恼,结合空前的“Nt nly will putting the tasks n paper jump-start yur Mnday mrning, yu’ll feel like yu’ve purged yur wrries.(把任务写在纸上不仅能让你的周一早上活跃起来,你还会觉得你已经清除了所有的担忧。)”可知,此处介绍了把任务记录下来的优点,此空位于文章尾句,所以是对上文的总结,G选项“In fact, writing in a jurnal has been scientifically shwn t imprve verall health.(事实上,科学证明写日记可以改善整体健康状况。)”讲述的是科学证明,记录事情可以改善整体健康状况,与本段的主题吻合,且对空前的内容进一步解释,符合语境。故选G项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    There are times when peple are s tired that they fall asleep almst anywhere. We can see there is a lt f sleeping n the bus r train n the ____41____ hme frm wrk in the evenings. A man will be reading the newspaper, and secnds later it ____42____ as if he is trying t ____43____ it. Or he will fall asleep n the shulder f the stranger ____44____ next t him. Anther place where unplanned shrt sleep ____45____ is in the lecture hall where a student will start snring (打鼾) s ____46____ that the prfessr has t ask anther student t ____47____ the sleeper awake.
    A mre embarrassing situatin ccurs when a student starts falling int sleep and the weight f the head pushes the arm ff the ____48____, and the mvement carries the ____49____ f the bdy alng. The student wakes up n the flr with n memry f getting there. The wrst time t fall asleep is when _____50_____. Plice reprts are full f _____51_____ that ccur when peple fall int sleep and g ff the rad. If the drivers are _____52_____, they will nt be seriusly hurt. One wman’s car, _____53_____, went int the river. She wke up in fur feet f _____54_____ and thught it was raining. When peple are really _____55_____, nthing will stp them frm falling asleep—n matter where they are.
    41. A. wayB. trackC. pathD. rad
    42. A. actsB. shwsC. seemsD. sunds
    43. A. penB. eatC. findD. finish
    44. A. lyingB. waitingC. talkingD. sitting
    45. A. happensB. endsC. lastsD. returns
    46 A. bravelyB. happilyC. ludlyD. carelessly
    47. A. leaveB. shakeC. keepD. watch
    48. A. cushinB. deskC. shulderD. bk
    49. A. actinB. psitinC. restD. side
    50. A. thinkingB. wrkingC. walkingD. driving
    51. A. changesB. eventsC. ideasD. accidents
    52. A. luckyB. awakeC. calmD. strng
    53. A. in timeB. at firstC. as usualD. fr example
    54. A. dustB. waterC. grassD. bush
    55. A. tiredB. drunkC. lnelyD. lazy
    【答案】41. A 42. C 43. B 44. D 45. A 46. C 47. B 48. B 49. C 50. D 51. D 52. A 53. D 54. B 55. A
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们可以看到有很多人在晚上下班回家的公共汽车或火车上睡觉。A. way方法,路;B. track小道,轨道;C. path小径;D. rad公路。根据“frm wrk in the evenings”可知,此处指的是在下班回家的路上,n the way hme表示“在回家的路上”。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个人正在看报纸,但几秒钟后,他看起来像想把报纸吃掉。A. acts行动;B. shws展示;C. seems看起来像;D. sunds听起来。根据日常生活和语境以及下文中的“as if he is trying t ____3____ it.”可知,人们在看报纸时睡着了,就会低着头接近报纸,由此可知,此处表示他“看起来像……”符合语境。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个人正在看报纸,但几秒钟后,他似乎想把报纸吃掉。A. pen打开;B. eat吃;C. find发现;D. finish完成。根据生活常识和上文中的“A man will be reading the newspaper, and secnds later”可知,这个看报纸的人是睡着了,睡着后的动作是低着头接近报纸,看起来似乎是要“吃”报纸,符合语境。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:或者他会靠着坐在他旁边的陌生人的肩膀睡着。A. lying躺;B. waiting等待;C. talking谈话;D. sitting坐。根据生活常识和上文中的“A man will be reading the newspaper, and secnds later it ____2____ as if he is trying t ____3____ it.”可知,这个看报纸的人睡着了,看起来像要吃掉报纸一样,由此可知,这个人应该是坐在座位上,由此可知,此处指的是他也可能会靠着“坐”在他旁边的陌生人的肩膀上睡着。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:另一个发生意外短睡的地方是在讲堂里,学生会开始打鼾,声音如此之大,以至于教授不得不让另一个学生把睡觉的人摇醒。A. happens发生;B. ends结束;C. lasts持续;D. returns归还。根据语境和上文中的“Anther place where unplanned shrt sleep”以及下文中的“is in the lecture hall”可知,此处讲述的是睡觉可能发生的不同地方,由此可知,此处指的是“发生”在讲堂里,符合语境。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:另一个发生意外短睡的地方是在讲堂里,学生会开始打鼾,声音如此之大,以至于教授不得不让另一个学生把睡觉的人摇醒。A. bravely勇敢地;B. happily高兴地;C. ludly大声地;D. carelessly粗心。根据上文中的“where a student will start snring (打鼾)”可知,在讲堂睡着的学生开始打鼾,由此可知,此处应为“大声地”符合语境。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:另一个发生意外短睡的地方是在讲堂里,学生会开始打鼾,声音如此之大,以至于教授不得不让另一个学生把睡觉的人摇醒。A. leave离开;B. shake揺晃;C. keep保持;D. watch观看。根据上文中的“Anther place where unplanned shrt sleep ____5____ is in the lecture hall where a student will start snring (打鼾) s ____6____ that the prfessr has t ask anther student”可知,因为学生打鼾声太大了,所以教授不得不要求另一个学生把睡觉的同学“摇”醒。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:更尴尬的情况是,当学生开始入睡时,头部的重量将手臂推离桌子,身体的其他部分也随之移动。A. cushin垫子;B. desk桌子;C. shulder肩膀;D. bk书籍。根据语境和上文中的“A mre embarrassing situatin ccurs when a student starts falling int sleep”可知,此处讲述的是学生上课睡觉,应该是趴在桌子上,所以,此处指的是将手臂推离“桌子”符合语境。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:更尴尬的情况是,当学生开始入睡时,头部的重量将手臂推离桌子,身体的其他部分也随之移动。A. actin行动;B. psitin位置;C. rest其他(部分),休息;D. side侧面。结合生活常识,由于睡着的学生头部趴在桌子上,学生睡着后头部的重量将手臂推离桌子,而运动会携带身体的“其他部分”。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:睡着最糟糕的时间是在开车时。A. thinking思考;B. wrking工作;C. walking散步;D. driving开车,驾驶。根据下文中的“Plice reprts are full f ____11____ that ccur when peple fall int sleep and g ff the rad.”可知,此处讲述的是警察报告中提到的司机睡着了而开车偏离道路,由此可知,此处表示最糟糕的入睡时间是“开车”时。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:警方的报告中充满了人们在睡梦中离开道路时发生的事故。A. changes改变;B. events重大事件;C. ideas想法;D. accidents事故。根据下文中的“when peple fall int sleep and g ff the rad.”可知,人们开车睡着后会离开道路,就会发生交通“事故”符合语境。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果司机幸运的话,他们不会受重伤。A. lucky幸运的;B. awake清醒的;C. calm冷静的;D. strng强壮的。根据下文中的“they will nt be seriusly hurt”可知,发生交通事故而没有收到严重伤害,说明司机“幸运的”。故选A项。
    考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:例如,一名妇女的车掉进了河里。A. in time及时;B. at first首先;C. as usual像往常一样;D. fr example例如。根据语境和上文中的“If the drivers are ____12____ , they will nt be seriusly hurt.”可知,上文提到了驾驶员发生交通事故而没有受伤的事情,结合“One wman’s car”可知,此处是“举例”说明开车时睡着的危害。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她在四英尺深的水中醒来,以为在下雨。A. dust尘土;B. water水;C. grass草;D. bush灌木。根据上文中的“One wman’s car, ____13____ , went int the river.”可知,一位女士开车掉进河里,结合下文中的“and thught it was raining.”可知,认为正在下雨,由此可推断,此处指的是在“水”中醒来,符合语境。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当人们真的累了,没有什么能阻止他们入睡——不管他们在哪里。A. tired累的,疲惫的;B. drunk醉的;C. lnely孤独的;D. lazy懒惰的。根据上文中的“There are times when peple are s tired that they fall asleep almst anywhere.”可知,人们在很累的时候,在哪里都可以睡着,所以,此处指的是“累的,疲惫的”符合语境。故选A项。
    Tday, I arrived back in San Francisc and it feels____56____(definite)gd t be back in the city again.The city succeeded in ____57____(rebuild) itself after the earthquake that ____58____(ccur) in 1906, and I stayed in the Missin District, enjying sme delicius ndles____59____ (mix)with cultures.
    In the afternn, I headed t a lcal museum that shwed the ____60____(histry) changes in Califrnia. I learnt that America gt Califrnia frm Mexic in 1848. In the same year, gld was discvered near San Francisc. Over 300, 000 peple came frm all ver the wrld t seek ____61____(they) frtune. T earn ____62____living, many Chinese arrived here and pened up shps and restaurants in Chinatwn. Many thers wrked n farms, ____63____ (jin) the gld rush, r went t build the railway that cnnected Califrnia t the east. The museum shwed us hw America was built by ____64____(immigrate) frm different cuntries and cultures.
    In the evening, I went t Chinatwn, and ate in a Cantnese restaurant _____65_____served fd n beautiful china plates. Tmrrw evening, I'm ging t a jazz bar in the Richmnd District.
    【答案】56. definitely
    57. rebuilding
    58. ccurred
    59. mixed 60. histrical
    61. their 62. a
    63. jined 64. immigrants
    65. that##which
    考查非谓语动词。句意:这座城市在1906年的地震后成功地自我重建,我待在教会区,享受着一些混合着文化的美味面条。根据空格前的介词 in可知,空格处应填动名词作宾语。故填rebuilding。
    考查动词时态。句意:这座城市在1906年的地震后成功地自我重建,我待在教会区,享受着一些混合着文化的美味面条。空格处在定语从句中作宾语,根据时间状语 in 1906可知,应用一般过去时。故填ccurred。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:这座城市在1906年的地震后成功地自我重建,我待在教会区,享受着一些混合着文化的美味面条。be mixed with混合,本句为过去分词作后置定语。故填mixed。
    考查冠词。句意:许多中国人来到这里,一些人在唐人街开了商店和餐馆谋生。固定短语earn a living,意为“谋生”。故填a。
    考查定语从句。句意:晚上,我去了唐人街,在一家广东餐馆吃饭,那里的食物用漂亮的瓷盘盛着。先行词为a Cantnese restaurant,作定语从句的主语,关系代词为that或者which。故填that/which。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    66. 书面表达
    最近你校就“狼来了”这则寓言故事及其寓意展开讨论,大家踊跃发表各自的看法。请你根据下面所给的要点,给《21世纪高中生版》的 “Yur Wrds” 栏目写一篇英文稿件。要点如下:
    3、你的看法 (诚信的重要性)
    注意:1、词数 100 左右;
    Almst all f us heard the stry “Here Cmes the Wlf” when we were little kids.
    【答案】One pssible versin
    Almst all f us heard the stry “Here Cmes the Wlf” when we were little kids. What we can learn frm the stry is that we must be hnest and telling a lie is terrible.
    As students, hnesty is especially imprtant. By giving hnest answers t questins in the exam, nt nly can we learn abut ur wn strengths and weaknesses in ur study, but we can help ur teachers evaluate ur study as well. Therefre, we can make great prgress in ur study. Besides, we shuld finish ur hmewrk independently and return bks when it is due. If we prmise t d smething, we shuld keep ur wrd and try ur best t d it well.
    As far as I’m cncerned, hnesty is a gd virtue. Peple wh are hnest can always gain thers' respect. A liar is always lked dwn upn and nce yu lie, peple will never believe yu even if yu speak the truth. Only in an hnest way are we able t make mre friends and gain their cperatin t achieve ur gals.
    3、你的看法 (诚信的重要性)
    第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)
    learn frm; tell a lie; nt nly…but als…; ne’s wn; as well; make prgress; keep ne’s wrd; try ne’s best t d sth; as far as sb. be cncerned; lk dwn upn; be able t d; make friends
    1. What we can learn frm the stry is that we must be hnest and telling a lie is terrible.
    2. As students, hnesty is especially imprtant.
    3. By giving hnest answers t questins in the exam, nt nly can we learn abut ur wn strengths and weaknesses in ur study, but we can help ur teachers evaluate ur study as well.
    4.Therefre, we can make great prgress in ur study.
    5.Besides, we shuld finish ur hmewrk independently and return bks when it is due.
    6.If we prmise t d smething, we shuld keep ur wrd and try ur best t d it well.
    7.As far as I’m cncerned, hnesty is a gd virtue.
    8.Peple wh are hnest can always gain thers' respect.
    9.A liar is always lked dwn upn and nce yu lie, peple will never believe yu even if yu speak the truth.
    10.Only in an hnest way are we able t make mre friends and gain their cperatin t achieve ur gals. .
    1.表并列补充关系:Besides, nt nly…but (als)
    【点睛】[高分句型1] What we can learn frm the stry is that we must be hnest and telling a lie is terrible. what引导主语从句,that引导表语从句。
    [高分句型2] Only in an hnest way are we able t make mre friends and gain their cperatin t achieve ur gals. 句中使用了部分倒装。
    [高分句型3] A liar is always lked dwn upn and nce yu lie, peple will never believe yu even if yu speak the truth. even if引导让步状语从句。
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    67. 读后续写
    I always wndered hw peple wuld react if I tried t apprach a stranger fr help in a busy place like a street crner r in a bustling mall. I persnally have hurried past a stranger wh tried t catch my attentin in a busy place.
    Yesterday I had a taste f being stuck in such a desperate situatin where yur nly hpe f help wuld have t cme frm a ttal stranger.
    I was in a busy shpping mall buying a large piece f luggage. After the purchase in ne f the large and expensive shps, I picked up my phne frm my pcket t call my driver waiting in the parking lt and my phne was dead.
    I then requested the shp assistant selling me the luggage, which was nt cheap at all, if she culd ring the number f my driver fr me. She replied, still all smiles, “I’m srry Sir, but it is the shp plicy that we cannt use mbile phnes while wrking in the shp.”
    As I was wndering what kind f plicy that was, I saw a nice-lking teenage by cming tward me. Remember my wife’s interesting thery that beautiful peple are mre likely t give yu a hand when yu’re in truble, I thught I might have a chance. But befre I culd say a wrd, he walked past me. It turned ut he simply didn’t see me.
    I waited in the mall but it seemed nbdy bthered t lk at me. Disappinted and tired, I gt ut f the shp n t the busy street in frnt. I std there with peple rushing by, lking at their faces t see if they will shw kindness t me. I began wndering hw many times I had reacted t strangers like the shp girl and the teenager.
    注意:1. 续写的短文词数应为100左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    That was when I saw a yung mther with her tw kids.
    Finally a man wearing a cheap T-shirt and dirty jeans seemed t ntice me.
    That was when I saw a yung mther with her tw kids. She was talking n the phne, and her vice tld me she was a gentle and patient lady. The tw kids were neatly dressed and waited quietly beside her. This must be a nice family, I thught t myself. Therefre, I apprached t make a request. But as sn as I said, “Excuse me madam,” she grabbed bth her kids and went away. Did I lk like smene trying t hurt peple? I felt my heart sinking hrribly.
    Finally a man wearing a cheap T-shirt and dirty jeans seemed t ntice me. I didn’t knw why but I just stpped him and made my request. I was expecting him t rush past but he immediately called the number f my driver and waited till my car came t be sure I was picked up, turned arund befre I culd thank him adequately and was gne. Surprised by his kindness, I prmised I wuld d likewise t strangers wh sught my help.
    走近:apprach/cme near
    走开:g away/walk away
    提出请求:make a request /ask fr a favr
    感谢:thank /express gratitude t
    惊讶:surprised /astnished
    【点睛】[高分句型1] But as sn as I said, “Excuse me madam,” she grabbed bth her kids and went away. (运用了as sn as引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] Surprised by his kindness, I prmised I wuld d likewise t strangers wh sught my help. (运用了wh引导定语从句)

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