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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    1.What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A.Lck the drs.B.G t the seaside.C.Lk after her hme.
    2.When did the wman g t the dctr?
    A.Last week.B.One mnth ag.C.Six mnths ag.
    3.What did the man buy yesterday?
    A.Jeans.B.Shes.C.A shirt.
    4.Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A.In a shp.B.In a hspital.C.In a library.
    5.What des the wman think f the man?
    A.He is OK.B.He is happy.C.He seems sick.
    6.What’s the relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Mther and sn.B.Husband and wife.C.Teacher and student.
    7.What will the wman d?
    A.G t Russia.B.Stay at hme.C.Visit her sister and brther.
    8.What happened t the man’s mther?
    A.She fell ill.B.She brke her wrd.C.She had an accident.
    9.Why des the man say srry t the wman?
    A.He made her angry.B.He missed the date.C.He frgt her birthday.
    10.Hw many peple spend their hliday at hme nw?
    11.Where d peple like t spend their hliday?
    A.In big cities.B.On the beach.C.In a freign cuntry.
    12.What d the speakers mainly talk abut?
    A.Great pleasure f travel.
    B.Changes in spending vacatin.
    C.Csts f different travels.
    13.Why des the wman want t wrk?
    A.T gain experience.B.T make friends.C.T earn mney.
    14.What des the man think is the mst imprtant t the wman?
    A.Her study.B.Her interest.C.Her happiness.
    15.What will the wman d?
    A.Clean tilets.B.D husewrk.C.Wrk in a shp.
    16.What des the man d?
    A.He’s a shp wner.B.He’s a wrker.C.He’s a teacher.
    17.Wh d the prducts benefit?
    18.What infrmatin can yu get frm Lively?
    A.Everyday needs.B.Unusual situatins.C.Relatives’ greetings.
    19.Which statement matches the Jitterbug Plus?
    A.It gets pwer frm light.B.It runs withut pwer.C.It wrks a lng time.
    20.What can the third device d?
    A.Keep yur hme safe.
    B.Get energy by itself.
    C.Help yur phne wrk better.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    D yu knw the fllwing fun hlidays?
    Yellw Pig Day
    The unfficial hliday that falls n July 17 was created in the early 1960s by Princetn mathematics students, David Kelly and Michael Spivak, while they were wrking n the special prperties(属性)f the number 17, which is a prime number(质数)that has significance in mathematics.
    Mle Day
    It’s celebrated every year with a theme by scientists and chemistry students thrughut the United States and arund the wrld between 6:02 am and 6:02 pm(18:02)n Octber 23 because when written in the mnth-date frmat(格式), the date and time 6.02, 10/23 include the digits(数字)in Avgadr’s number(6。02×1023)in hnr f the mle, a measuring unit in chemistry.
    Tau Day
    This has much t d with Pi Day(圆周率日). It has been held every year since 2010 n June 28.The day began as a way t recgnize tau. Tau is equal t 2π r 6.283.In recent years, sme mathematicians and physicists have argued fr the replacement f pi(π)by tau, but it is nt yet widely accepted within the scientific cmmunity.
    Palindrme Day
    Palindrme(回文)is a wrd r phrase that reads the same backwards as frwards, fr example madam. Palindrme Day happens when the day’s date can be read the same way backward and frward. Because date frmats vary frm cuntry t cuntry, nt all dates that are palindrmic in ne kind f date frmat are Palindrme Days in anther. Fr instance, April 21, 2024 r 4-21-24 is a palindrmic date in the m-dd-yy frmat, but it isn’t if yu write the date as dd-m-yy yy(21-4-2024)r dd-mm-yyyy(21-04-2024).
    21.What is special abut Mle Day?
    A.It has a different theme every year.B.It was created by a scientist.
    C.It’s the ldest f the fur hlidays.D.It’s celebrated nly in America.
    22.Which is clsely related t Pi Day?
    A.Palindrme Day.B.Mle Day.C.Yellw Pig Day.D.Tau Day.
    23.What d the hlidays have in cmmn?
    A.They’re celebrated several times a year.B.They each represent a scientific idea.
    C.They are enjyed mainly by students.D.They are accepted by gvernments.
    Grace Chi, whse nickname is Sunny, is a gymnast in America. “I remember her ding cartwheels (翻跟头)when she was a kid,” her brther Jin says.
    One night at cllege, Chi saw members f a breaking(霹雳舞)club dancing by accident. She was immediately attracted t the dance and came t a class. Chi’s gymnastics skills gave her an advantage. After graduating frm business schl, she began wrking in the csmetics(化妆品)industry. But n the side, she kept breaking.
    Breaking was added t the Paris Olympics prgram in 2020.In late 2021, Chi attended a camp. It was fr the tp U. S. breakers. A cach there asked thse wh wanted t becme Olympians t raise their hands. Everyne’s hand went up except Chi’s. Wrking full-time while training t make the Olympic team seemed impssible.
    But after finishing secnd at the Wrld Games in July 2022, Chi left the csmetics industry. In 2023, she was chsen fr the 2024 Paris Olympics by winning the Pan American Games.“I’m s much happier,” she says. “I feel lighter. I have mre energy fr the things I want t d.”
    Thirty-tw breakers will g t Paris. “Chi has pwer mves,” says Mary Fgarty, a prfessr f dance at Yrk University, in Trnt, Canada. “Chi is smene wh has enugh material t g all the way thrugh.” Chi struggles with self-dubt. She’ll wrk n her mindset. She’ll lift weights with a strength cach. And she’ll eat a healthy diet.
    Chi is cnfident abut ne thing: If yu give breaking a chance, yu wn’t be disappinted. “Yu feel the energy,” she says. “Yu feel the excitement. Yu feel the happiness r the anger r whatever emtin that the dancer is expressing in that mment. What’s s cl abut breaking is that yu get t be really yu.”
    24.What intrduced Chi t break dancing?
    A.An accidental chance.B.Her gymnastics skills.
    C.Her brther’s encuragement.D.The camp fr the tp breakers.
    25.What did Chi give up in rder t attend the Olympics?
    A.Her jb.B.Her health.
    C.Her cllege educatin.D.Her chance f prmtin.
    26.Hw des Fgarty feel abut Chi attending the 2024 Paris Olympics?
    27.What can we learn frm Chi’s stry?
    A.A yuth is t be regarded with respect.B.The yung thirst fr being famus.
    C.Where there’s interest, there’s success.D.Curius minds never feel cntented.
    In June 1938, writer Jerry Siegel and illustratr Je Shuster intrduced Superman t readers. Since then, the Superman has becme a cultural symbl, appearing in films, nvels, TV series and mre.
    On April 4, 2024, a cpy f that riginal 1938 Superman cmic(漫画)bk—called Actin Cmics N. 1—sld fr $6 millin during a Heritage Auctins sale. It’s nw the mst valuable cmic bk in the wrld.
    “Thursday was a histric day fr a histric cmic bk, and we expected n less,” says Barry Sandval, vice president at Heritage Auctins.
    The cmic has been given a “very fine” grade f 8.5ut f 10 by CGC, a third-party grading service fr pp culture cllectibles. It’s ne f just 78 cpies CGC has graded, thugh the cmpany thinks arund 100 still exist. Just 200,000 cpies f Actin Cmics N. I were published in 1938.The price beats ut the previus recrd-hlder, a 1939 issue f Superman N. I that sld privately fr $5.3 millin in 2022.Until then, the recrd had belnged t a cpy f Amazing Fantasy N. 15—which intrduced readers t Spider-Man in 1962—that sld fr $3.6 millin in 2021.
    Actin Cmics N. 1 tells the stry f a baby by wh was brn n a dying faraway planet. His father places him in a space capsule(太空舱)and sends him away just befre his hme planet gets destryed. Finally, the capsule lands n Earth, where a passing driver discvers the sleeping baby and saves him. The child—Clark Kent—grws up and realizes he has superhuman strengths and abilities.
    Superman’s ppularity skyrcketed in the fllwing decades, and Actin Cmics cntinues t this day. “Withut Superman and Actin Cmics N. 1, wh knws whether there ever wuld have been a Glden Age f cmics—r if the medium wuld have becme what it is tday?” says Sandval.
    28.What d we knw abut Actin Cmics N.1?
    A.It is based n the writer’s true stry.B.It cntains the character f Spider-Man.
    C.It has a histry f mre than 80 years.D.It is the wrld’s mst expensive nvel.
    29.Why des the authr mentin Superman N. 1 and Amazing Fantasy N.15?
    A.T present a tpic.B.T explain a phenmenn.
    C.T raise a questin.D.T make a cmparisn.
    30.Which is right abut Clark Kent?
    A.He destrys his hme planet.B.He inspires Siege l t write.
    C.He is the Superman.D.He is the passing driver.
    31.What is the authr’s purpse f writing the text?
    A.T remember a writer.B.T intrduce a bk.
    C.T prmte values f cmics.D.T encurage studies n culture.
    On the surface, Western Australia’s Great Sandy Desert might appear calm. But deep undergrund, blind mles(鼹鼠), als called kakarratul, cvered in silky yellw fur are “swimming” thrugh the sand. These creatures that are cnsidered elusive spend s much f their lives belw the surface that they remain largely unknwn t wildlife bilgists.
    Nw. Abriginal rangers(护林员)have made a sight f ne f the kakarratul s by the Martu, the lcal peple f central Western Australia. This marks the secnd kakarratul sight in just six mnths. Histrically, peple nly see the species five t ten times every decade.
    Kakarratuls are very small and can’t see very clearly. Their bdies are cvered in sft fur, and they primarily eat wrms(蠕虫). They’re als perfectly adapted fr life in the tugh Australian land. Rather than living in the ht sun, they live almst entirely undergrund—digging hles as far as 8.2 feet belw the surface—where they mve thrugh the sand in a unique way. The kakarratul is an amazing cr eature that “swims” thrugh the sand f Australia’s western deserts. They carve a path and fill it in as they g frward thrugh the sand.
    “The creatures can survive by just breathing the air that mves between sand,” wrte Je Benshemesh, a bilgist with the Natinal Malleefwl Recvery Grup, fr Australian Gegraphic. “They save energy and resurces by allwing their bdy temperature t reflect that f the surrunding sand,” he added.
    The mles peridically cme t the surface, especially during perids f cl, rainy weather. But they dn’t appear ften, s wildlife scientists dn’t knw their ppulatin size. They are regarded as a species f “least cncern”. “Lcal ranger s try their best t take gd care f kakarratuls, but they aren’t easy t find,” said Lynette Wildridge, a senir Nyangumarta ranger.
    32.What des the underlined wrd “elusive” in paragraph I mean?
    A.Dangerus t apprach.B.Difficult t find.
    C.Expensive t buy.D.Easy t feed.
    33.Which wrd best describes the secnd kakarratul sight in six mnths?
    34.What can we learn abut the mles?
    A.They may appear in rainy days.
    B.They are well taken care f by the rangers.
    C.They can find fd mre easily undergrund.
    D.They di g hles t get away frm the extreme weather.
    35.What’s the best title fr the text?
    A.Kakarratuls: Swimmers Thrugh Desert Sand
    B.Kakarratuls: Unique Animals t Australia
    C.Lcal Rangers Lk After Kakarratuls Well
    D.Australia Is Trying Hard t Save Kakarratuls
    The saying ges that a dg is man’s best friend, but this cmpaninship isn’t unique t dgs. Even thugh rabbits are smaller and quieter than dgs, they are als intelligent, utging, active, and scial and they make great pets. Here are five reasns fr adpting(养)a rabbit.
    Rabbits are budget-friendly.
    Rabbit care is much less expensive than the budget(预算)required fr taking care f a dg r cat. 36 And they als require less pet dctr checkups than larger animals.
    It’s easy t fit a rabbit int the schedule.
    Rabbits are awake in the early mrning and early evening, and spend mst daytime and nighttime sleeping. 37 The rabbit is ready fr playtime in the mrning befre wrk and after getting hme frm wrk, and the wner desn’t need t feel guilty(内疚的)abut leaving the rabbit hme during the daytime, because it spends thse hurs sleeping. 38 There’s n need t take it fr daily walks, s it’s a great chice fr a busy pet-lver.
    Rabbits are clean, quiet, and cntained.
    Rabbits are clean animals that generally dn’t make large messages. Rabbits dn’t require as large living spaces as a dg r cat des, s they are apartment-friendly. 39 S they wn’t bther the wner r the neighbrs.
    Rabbits are intelligent and lvely.
    40 They are als friendly. Rabbits quickly cme t recgnize their wners. They will fllw them arund the huse and shw them all srts f lve. They lve t be petted and are eager fr attentin althugh they dn’t like being picked up.
    A.Rabbits dn’t make lud nises.
    B.And a rabbit requires less care time.
    C.They can always be a gd part f the cmmunity.
    D.It csts abut $50 mnthly t feed and care fr a rabbit.
    E.This wrks well fr smene with a typical day jb schedule.
    F.Rabbits, like dgs, are smart enugh t be trained t d all srts f tricks.
    G.Peple shuld make sure they are ready fr the respnsibility befre adpting.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Charles Ptter lst his ability t walk in 2006 and had t use a wheelchair after being hit by a drunk driver. He said that after the 41 , he wke up, unable t mve anything belw his head. 42 , his injuries weren’t wrse.
    Once Ptter started t 43 , he had t relearn basic things like eating. His recvery was s 44 , but he didn’t give up. “I always 45 a psitive attitude. I believe I can lk after myself sn,” he said.
    Years later, Ptter and Rhnda gt married. They 46 their daughter, Charlize ne year later. “She just knws I’m in a wheelchair and 47 t ding certain things,” he said.
    Charlize has always been int dance. At schl, she tk such a 48 . One particular class had daddy-daughter dances, and she invited her dad t 49 . Ptter agreed. The tw 50 learning the rutines(舞步)and came up with creative wrkarunds(变通办法). They gt the mves tgether nly within a few weeks and 51 them during a recital(演奏会). Several vides f their dances were 52 nline and they became Internet star s sn.
    S many peple were 53 t see a father in a wheelchair dancing. The prud father is happy t spread a message f 54 . and he hpes it makes thers realize that n matter what their 55 they can live meaningful lives.
    50.A.gt t wrkB.tk a restC.shwed upD.calmed dwn
    Nt far away frm 56 Tang Yin was brn, a special exhibitin(展览)featuring the riginal paintings and calligraphy f the famus master frm the Ming Dynasty(1368—1644)was held in Suzhu, Jiangsu Prvince in April, 2024.
    In the exhibitin shwing the wrks f Tang, ne particular painting std ut as the centerpiece— “tw sparrws(麻雀)n a tree”. The masterpiece(杰作)shws the 57 (peace)beauty f spring.
    58 (remember)the 500th anniversary(周年纪念)f Tang’s passing, the Suzhu Bay Museum specially held this exhibitin, marking the masterpiece’s 59 (ne)public exhibitin since 2010.
    “It’s cnsidered 60 treasure f ur museum, and rightly s. Fewer than 200 61 (piece)by Tang Yin are knwn t exist. Amng these, the wrks describing flwers and birds are especially valuable, with nly tw such paintings cnfirmed t be in 62 (exist)tday,” said Ru Yuelai, directr f the Suzhu Bay Museum. Accrding t the museum, this masterpiece 63 (find)in the late 1970s nce again. It reflects the skills f Sng Dynasty(960—1279)artists.
    Tang, better knwn by his name Bhu, was famus 64 his great talents in painting, calligraphy. and petry. His wrks 65 (main)reflect the beauty f “Jiangnan”, the attractive regin suth f the Yangtze River where he was living.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,你的笔友 Jack 暑假想来中国旅游,但是担心不会用微信支付(WeChat Pay)。请你给他写一封信,内容包括:
    A tracking camera set up by a team f dg tracking experts in Clrad has caught the incredible jurney f a missing dg named Ullr. He managed t survive 11 mnths al ne in the wilderness, fllwing a snw crash that separated him frm his wner.
    Jacb Dalbey, Ullr’s wner, received the lng-awaited cnfirmatin f his belved dg’s survival thrugh phts taken by the tracking experts he had emplyed. Dalbey expressed his great jy and gratitude n a GFundMe page, launched by his friend, Debrah Wieker. “After 341 days, 11 mnths t the day f setting up tracking cameras and fd and mving them arund in the hpe f attracting Ullr int ne t finally get cnfirmatin f what I have knwn all alng, it happened,” Dalbey shared.“T all f yu. friends and supprters f Ullr and me, I want t thank yu s much. Knwing yu believe in us really means a lt, even when I dn’t say it. It has been extremely difficult t say the least. Yur supprt has made it pssible t keep searching fr Ullr ver the last 11 mnths,” he added.
    The separatin between Dalbey and Ullr ccurred n March 17, 2023, when they were caught in a snw crash near Chair Muntain while backcuntry skiing with friends. Despite being seriusly injured and hspitalized, Dalbey displayed incredible resilience(韧性), recalling, “I was fully buried with my right arm sticking ut f the snw. I was able t clear my airway immediately and then dug myself ut ver three hurs with a brken hand and frzen fingers.”
    Debrah Wieker explained that Dalbey, unable t wrk due t injuries during the snw crash, faced a significant financial burden with unplanned medical bills. At the same time, he needed t cver the expense f the tracker that played an imprtant rle in Ullr’s discvery.
    The stry f Jacb Dalbey and his dg mved peple nline. ______________________________________
    Jacb Dalbey finally recvered, leaving the hspital t pick up his dg. _______________________________
    Text 1
    W: Oh, we are ging away t the seaside fr a few days. Can yu keep an eye n my hme while I’m away?
    M: Certainly. Make sure yu lck the drs and shut all the windws.
    Text 2
    M: Hey, Rita, when was the last time yu went t the dctr? Yu knw, yu shuld g every six mnths t keep yur teeth healthy.
    W: I went last week. But they want t see me again in ne mnth. I need sme mre wrk dne.
    Text 3
    W: Hi, Jhn. Yu lk gd tday. New shirt?
    M: N, I’ve had this shirt fr tw years, but I bught these shes yesterday. D yu like them?
    W: Yes, very nice! They lk gd with yur jeans.
    Text 4
    W: Lk at the sfa and the table. I’d like t have them in ur living rm.
    M: Perhaps yu culd als buy the dressing table. I think it wuld lk gd in yur bedrm.
    Text 5
    W: Jack, yu dn’t lk quite well. Yu’d better g and see a dctr. Dn’t wrry abut the lessns.
    M: Thank yu, Mrs. Black. But I’m OK.
    Text 6
    M: Hasn’t it been hard fr yu withut yur sister and brther, Mm?
    W: Yes, Sam, f curse. We haven’t seen each ther fr a lng time.
    M: Mm, I have a surprise fr yu! I’ll g n a business trip t Russia. I want yu t cme with me. Yu can meet them finally.
    W: N, Sam. It’s very thughtful f yu, but I’m t ld and sick t travel s far.
    Text 7
    M: Helen, I want t have a wrd with yu.
    W: Is it abut the date yesterday evening? Frget it! It desn’t really matter.
    M: But I must say srry t yu. I didn’t mean t break my wrd. I was abut t leave hme when my mther suddenly passed ut. I tk her t the hspital and lked after her all night. It was nt until this mrning that I remembered my date with yu.
    W: Oh, I’m srry t hear that. Is she OK nw?
    M: She’s all right. But I’m terribly srry t have kept yu waiting last night!
    W: I quite understand. It’s nt yur mistake, but dn’t frget t call me up next time if yu can’t cme.
    Text 8
    W: It’s reprted that the way peple spent their vacatin has changed a great deal in the past ten years.
    M: Yes, 90% f peple spent their vacatin at hme ten years ag, but the number has drpped t 40% nw.
    W: It seems that peple are becming mre and mre mbile, and they want t find entertainment in the utside wrld.
    M: But d yu knw where peple like t spend their vacatin?
    W: Of curse, the seaside.
    M: Yu are right. The seaside is still attractive t peple, but the number has drpped dwn.
    W: It’s als reprted that the number f camping is rising.
    M: The reasn may be that the real beauty f nature is being discvered again, and peple are getting mre eager t get clse t nature.
    Text 9
    W: Dad, I want t get a jb.
    M: A jb? Why?
    W: I need mre mney. When I g ut with my friends r g shpping, I never have enugh mney.
    M: Jane, yu knw mst families here are richer than we are.
    W: That’s why I want t wrk. Then I wn’t have t ask yu fr mney.
    M: Yu have a lt f hmewrk t d every day. Can yu wrk and study at the same time?
    W: Yes, I can.
    M: Jane, yur schlwrk is the mst imprtant thing. But I have an idea. Once a week, yu can cme t my shp and help ut a bit. Yu can clean the flrs and the windws—that srt f things. I’ll pay yu fr each hur yu wrk. Hw des that sund?
    W: Gd idea, but I dn’t want t clean any tilets.
    Text 10
    M: Tday I will intrduce three new types f devices that can help yu knw yur parents are fine while giving them the freedm that they have always had.
    Lively is an activity tracking system. Yu attach Lively t things that yur parents use every day. Then yu cnnect Lively t yur cmputer r smartphne. If smething is wrng, Lively will send yu messages s yu can check in t make certain everything is OK. Lively uses a special netwrk, s n Wi-Fi is required.
    The Jitterbug Plus is a phne that has simple, user-friendly buttns and very basic instructins. What’s mre, if they frget t cnnect pwer supply t the Jitterbug Plus, it will last fr 25 days. The phne will place yu at the tuch f yur aging parents’ fingers.
    The Mneual Rydis H68 Hybrid Rbtic Vacuum is a rbt keeping the huse clean. It cleans bth ftclths and hard flrs by itself. When the pwer is running lw, it can even cnnect pwer supply itself.
    1—5CABAC 6—10 ABABA 11—15BBCAC
    16—20 AABCB 21—25ADBAA 26—30 BCCDC
    31—35BBDAA 36—40 DEBAF 41—45DBCDA
    46—50 BCBDA 51—55CDBCA
    56.where 57.peaceful 58.T remember 59.first
    60.a 61.pieces 62.existence 63.was fund 64.fr 65.mainly
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Jack,
    Hearing that yu are wrried that yu dn’t knw hw t use WeChat Pay during yur visit t China, I’m writing t share my pinins with yu. Nwadays, just with the WeChat app, we can cmplete all kinds f payment, such as paying bills, bking tickets and s n. This brings great cnvenience t ur daily life.
    In fact, yu dn’t need t wrry abut the payment issues, because I can teach yu hw t use WeChat Pay. I believe yu must be a fast learner. Of curse, I will accmpany yu and pay fr everything with my mbile phne if yu are really in truble.
    Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    The stry f Jacb Dalbey and his dg mved peple nline. They cntacted the dg wner, asking abut the treatment f his injuries, and they were mre cncerned abut the lst dg. Learning that the wner was expected t recver and g t get the dg hme, peple dnated a large sum f mney fr the dg and its wner, enugh t cver the cst f his treatment and the travelling expense.
    Jacb Dalbey finally recvered, leaving the hspital t pick up his dg. He went t the place where the camera had sptted the dg with sme friends. They lked arund carefully, but they culdn’t find it. S they set up their tent, deciding they wuldn’t leave until they fund the dg. One night, they heard a dg barking utside. When they pened the tent, a dg rushed in. He ran straight int Jacb Dalbey’s arms. There was n dubt that the dg was fund, and the crwd cheered.

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