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    这是一份2024年中考英语第三次模拟考试(山东济南卷)-2024年中考英语逆袭冲刺名校模拟真题速递(山东专用),共21页。试卷主要包含了全卷满分150分,B.Over 30,000等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2. 所有题目均在答题卡上作答,在试题上作答无效。
    3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。
    第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共90分)
    Ⅰ. 听力测试(30分)
    A.I hpe yu’ll have a gd time fr yur vacatin.
    B.I hpe yu’ll have a gd mark in the exam!
    C.I hpe yu’ll cme back early after the exam.
    A.Why nt play basketball?
    B.Why didn’t yu g t play basketball?
    C.Why dn’t yu play ftball?
    A.Hw lng des it take yu t get t schl?
    B.Hw ften d yu cme back hme?
    C.Hw far is it frm yur hme t schl?
    A.I’m ging t g traveling with my parents.
    B.I’m ging t Sanya fr my hliday tmrrw.
    C.I’d like t g smewhere relaxing fr a hliday.
    A.Please dress yurself quickly, Tm, r yu’ll be late fr schl.
    B.Please eat breakfast quickly, Tm, r yu’ll be late fr schl.
    C.Please dress yurself quickly, Tm, r yu’ll be late fr the cncert.
    6.Wh has Mary's phne number?
    7. What clr des Bb like better?
    8. Where can the man smke?
    A.In the wman’s rm.B.Outside.C.In the next dr.
    9. What’s wrng with Andy?
    A.He is hungry.B.He is thirsty.C.He is nervus.
    10. What wuld the wman like t d?
    A.G hiking.B.Watch TV.C.G t the mvie.
    11.What’s the matter with Peter?
    A.He’s unhappy.B.He failed the test.C.His teacher can’t help him.
    12.Hw des Peter like Chinese?
    A.It’s easy.B.It’s difficult.C.It’s interesting.
    13.What subject is Peter gd at?
    14.When are they bth free?
    A.Thursday afternns.B.Saturdays.C.Sundays.
    15.Where d they study tgether?
    A.At schl.B.At Ann’s hme.C.At Peter’s hme.
    16.Which seasn d they think is the best t visit England?
    17.Where d they stay during their hliday?
    They stayed in a small htel in the ________ f Lndn.
    18.Hw did they enjy mst f their sightseeing?
    A.On ft.B.By bus.C.By subway.
    19.What did they like best during their hliday?
    A.Ging t the cinema. B.Ging t the theatre. C.Ging t the supermarket.
    20.What did they have?
    A.Sme very gd tea. B.Sme very gd ndles. C.Sme very gd meals.
    阅读短文,从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(15分)
    Fr my 56th birthday, my daughter Beth bught me tw beautiful wden butterflies. I hung them n my wall s that I can see them during the day. They ften remind me f 21 .
    Our lve f butterflies ges 22 many years. My mm died f cancer (癌症) when I was nly 25 years ld. Beth was nly a baby at that time and had n memries f her 23 . I try t make up fr it by telling stries f my mm t her. But each time I tld, Beth lked a little 24 fr I culd always see tears (眼泪) in her eyes. One day when we were at the playgrund, Beth suddenly said hw much she 25 t have her grandma arund, seeing ther happy kids with grandmas. This time I tld her hw much her grandma lved her. I said grandma was 26 ver her frm Heaven (天堂) and maybe she was even taking a 27 n the back f a butterfly t cme dwn. At that very mment, a butterfly 28 flying arund Beth’s face and then it flew away. Then we bth laughed with ur 29 full f lve and jy.
    Since then, bth Beth and I have seemed t attract (吸引) butterflies like flwers. 30 we stay utside, they wuld fly dwn t us. As they 31 arund us, Beth always reaches ut hands and dances with them. And each time we are reminded f my mm’s lve as if she never 32 . The nly time this desn’t happen is during the cldest mnths f the year because 33 insects can get thrugh freezing weather. Nw during thse times I can take a lk at the tw butterflies my daughter bught 34 . We all need reminders that we are lved by thse wh have passed away and thse wh are still 35 us.
    III.补全对话 阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)
    (Jhn and his friend Kate are talking n the phne. J=Jhn, K=Kate)
    J: Hell?
    K: Hi, Jhn! Yu weren’t at the party last Sunday.
    J: I’m n vacatin right nw.
    K: Great!
    J: I’m afraid nt. It’s an unusual beach. In my pinin, the fewer peple, the better.
    J: That’s true.The sun is shining brightly and the sea is s beautiful.
    K: Did yu g there with yur parents?
    J: Yes, my grandparents are als with us. They have great fun here.
    J: Nthing much. I just read and rest every day. In fact, I was asleep befre yur call.
    K: Oh, I’m srry.
    J: Thanks. See yu next week.
    36.A.Where are yu?B.Are yu OK?C.Hw are yu?D.Pardn me?
    37.A.What is yur hbby?B.Where are yu frm?
    C.Is it a place I knw?D.Hw did yu g there?
    38.A.Catch yu n Mnday.B.Srry t hear that.
    C.See yu tmrrw.D.That sunds nice.
    39.A.Did yu have a gd time there?B.Did yu d anything special there?
    C.Did yu g fishing there?D.Did yu g ut with yur friends?
    40.A.Have a great vacatin.B.Welcme back t schl!
    C.Dn’t frget t buy sme gifts.D.Shw me yur phts.
    从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(40分)
    Jackie is writing a reprt abut Schl Day t his teacher.
    41.What is Jackie busy with nw?
    A.A reprt.B.A meeting.C.An activity.D.A schl day.
    42.What were sld in Tina’s grup?
    A.Reusable bags.B.Chinese paintings.C.Schl pstcards.D.Hmemade snacks.
    43.Which grup did the students like best?
    A.Grup 1.B.Grup 2.C.Grup 3.D.Grup 4.
    44.Hw did the visitrs feel abut the activities?
    45.What can we knw frm the text?
    A.The pstcards were cheap.B.Excellent vlunteers can get prizes.
    C.Nick was the leader f Grup 1.D.Twenty-fur students ffered their feedback.
    One evening, my brther, Jhn, a 2-year-ld by, felt very nervus when my father walked in. He knew he did smething wrng. He pened father’s new bk and draw all ver the first page with a pencil.
    But t ur surprise, my father didn’t punish Jhn. He picked up the bk and lked at it fr a while. Withut saying a wrd, he sat dwn and wrte smething carefully beside Jhn’s drawings. It said that Jhn’s wrk. April 2nd, 1959. Then he walked t Jhn and said with a smile, “Gd guy. What a great thing yu did! Nw my bk is priceless. Thanks fr yur drawings in my bk.”
    The years and the bks came and went. Frm time t time, we pened the bk, lked at the drawings, and read father’s wrds again and again.
    Nw I knw what my father taught us deeply. Firstly, hw truble the event is in life. Gradually, it’ll becme better in the end. When we lk at it frm the anther side, we’ll realize hw unfrgettable it is. My father als taught us abut what really matters in life. Peple nt bjects; tlerance (容忍), nt judgment; lve nt anger.
    When I think abut them, I will smile and whisper, “Thank yu, Dad.”
    46.Hw ld was Jhn?
    47.Wh drew smething n the new bk?
    A.Jhn.B.Jhn’s fatherC.Jhn’s friend.D.The writer.
    48.What did the father write beside the drawings?
    A.His wn name and address.B.The price f the new bk.
    C.His thanks t the readers.D.The drawings’ writer and date.
    49.Hw did the writer feel when he pened the bk years later?
    50.What’s the main idea f the text?
    A.T tell a stry f his family.B.T shw his brther’s wrk.
    C.T intrduce their hbbies.D.T express his father’s lve.
    Walk r drive t wrk? Which way is lwer in carbn (碳)? T be friendly t the envirnment, yu may chse t walk. Have yu ever tried t live a lw-carbn life thrugh yur diet (日常饮食)?
    A new study frm the University f Oxfrd has lked int the health and envirnmental influences f 15 fds cmmn in western diets. Amng these, plant based (基于植物的) fds included fruits, vegetables, nuts and ptates. It als studied animal-based fds, including red meat, chicken, milk prducts, eggs and fish.
    Accrding t the study’s lead researcher, Michael Clark, “Chsing better and greener diets is ne f the main ways peple can imprve their health and prtect the envirnment.” That is t say, plant-based diets are much healthier fr us and kinder t the envirnment.
    T get this result, researchers cmpared the influence f eating anther prtin (一份) f each fd with the increased risk f a few illnesses. They als fund ut the envirnmental harm fr each animal-based fd and each plant-based fd.
    By using this methd, the study fund that red meats were the mst unfriendly fds t the envirnment. Keeping farm animals prduces a large number f methane (甲烷) that keeps 30 times mre heat than CO2. As well as making the earth warmer, eating t much red meat is knwn t increase the risk f a few illnesses, such as heart truble.
    Plant-based diets can give us the same health benefits in a much greener way. Accrding t the study, withut eating r using meat and milk prducts, glbal farmland use culd be cut dwn by mre than 75% and still feed the wrld.
    Speaking t the Guardian (英国卫报), Tim Bentn f Chatham Huse (英国皇家国际事务研究所) said, “If we can give peple reasnable fficial (官方的) advice f what a healthy and green diet is, the wrld and its peple wuld be in a much better place.”
    51.Which ne is animal-based fd?
    A.Milk prducts.B.Fruits.C.Ptates.D.Vegetables.
    52.What’s the result f this study?
    A.Many peple chse t walk t wrk.
    B.Plant-based diets are healthier and greener.
    C.The mre we eat, the better the envirnment is.
    D.15 fds cmmn in western diets are nt healthy.
    53.What is the main idea f paragraph 5?
    A.The harm f CO2.B.The risk f heart truble.
    C.A reasn fr keeping animals.D.Tw disadvantages f red meats.
    54.What des the underlined wrd “benefits” in paragraph 6 mean in Chinese?
    55.What will this study prbably be used fr?
    A.Teaching farmers t plant vegetables crrectly.
    B.Offering dctrs new methds t treat patients.
    C.Guiding peple t lse weight by ding exercise.
    D.Giving fficial advice n health and envirnment.
    China nw has mre than 30,000 kilmeters f high speed track (轨道), and this is expected t increase t 38,000 kilmeters by 2025, fully tw thirds f the wrld’s high speed rail (by length) is in China. Here, we track the exciting technlgical develpments in high speed rail and cnsider their cultural influence.
    While the main advantage f the high speed rail lines is cnvenience fr peple t get frm ne city t anther as quickly as pssible, sme f these high speed lines have becme ppular turist attractins (places that many turists visit). A gd example f this is the Hefei-Fuzhu high speed line. Technically speaking, this was ne f the mst challenging high speed rail rutes ever built nearly 90% f the track was laid either n bridges r in tunnels (隧道). Hwever, the amazing views are wrth it, as the train ges thrugh sme f China’s mst beautiful muntainus areas, including the Huangshan and the Wuyi Muntains Ranges.
    As China has gained skills and knwledge in high speed rail, it is trying t exprt (出口) its technlgy t ther cuntries. Its first prject n the internatinal market was the line cnnecting Istanbul with Turkey’s capital, Ankara, 530 kilmeters away. This was fllwed by prjects amng ther cuntries. Perhaps its mst challenging prject is a Trans Asian netwrk (横贯亚洲铁路网) cnnecting China with Eurpe. Althugh it is difficult, China will make every effrt t take n this plan. It is hped t be cmpleted by 2030 as a part f China’s Belt and Rad Initiative (一带一路的倡议).
    Thanks t high speed rail, the travel time between main cities in China has already been reduced t nly a few hurs. S this cnvenience shuld imprve the develpment within (在……内) and ut f China. N dubt, it will als bring the peple f the cuntry clser tgether, and in time bring abut deep scial changes.
    56.Hw many kilmeters f high speed track des China have nw?
    A.Over 38,000.B.Over 30,000.C.Over 45,000.D.Over 57,000.
    57.Why des the writer talk abut the Hefei-Fuzhu line in Paragraph 2?
    A.T prve hw fast the high speed lines can be.
    B.T stress hw cnvenient the high speed lines are.
    C.T explain high speed lines can be ppular turist attractins.
    D.T shw the technical develpment f the high speed lines.
    58.What is the mst challenging prject that China plans t take n?
    A.Inventing faster trains.B.Cnnecting China with Eurpe.
    C.Designing and building its wn trains.D.Cnnecting the whle cuntry in 2030.
    59.What advantages des the high speed rail have?
    A.It shuld imprve the develpment within and ut f China.
    B.It takes nly a few hurs t travel between main cities in China by high-speed train.
    C.It will bring the peple f the cuntry clser tgether, and bring abut deep scial changes.
    D.All the abve.
    60.Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Racing t the Future.B.Great Changes within and ut f China.
    C.Rising China in the Wrld.D.High Speed Rail within and ut f China.
    第 II 卷(非选择题 共60分)
    请考生用0.5 毫米黑色签字笔将答案写在答题卡各题目指定区域内,答案写在本试卷上无效.
    In a small village, a by named Mark lived with his father, a wise ld man. One day, Mark tld his father 61 (sad) that he made little prgress in learning the guitar. N matter hw hard he tried, he culdn’t imprve. Mark asked his father 62 sme help.
    “Fllw me, and I 63 (lead) yu t the high hills arund the village tmrrw.” said his father. The next day, they set ut. The rad was lng and difficult, 64 Mark still fllwed his father. As they gt higher, the father said that he wanted t g t the tp f the highest hill where he had never been t. Mark was surprised but decided 65 (help) his father.
    With great difficulty, Mark helped his father climb the hill. Smetimes he even carried his father n his back. At the tp, he put his father n the grund and laughed with jy.
    “When yu were 66 little by, smetimes yu returned hme with tears in yur eyes,” said his father. “The elder children laughed at yu. D yu remember why?”
    Mark ndded. He remembered that as a child, he and all his 67 (friend) called this hill Munt Impssible, because small children culdn’t reach its tp.
    “And tday,” said his father, “yu nt nly climbed here, but als helped 68 (I) t get here.”
    “I became bigger and 69 (strng) than befre,” said Mark.
    “Instead f 70 (climb) Munt Impssible every day, yu played n the smaller hills and became better at climbing,” said his father. “It became pssible fr yu t climb Munt Impssible while yu weren’t even thinking abut it.”
    VI.七选五 根据短文内容,从选项中选出填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多余。(10分)
    Hw t prepare fr exams?
    Here are sme tips yu can read with yur child.
    The first step in preparing fr examinatins is t set a fixed time each day t study and a schedule t say when t start the revisin and fr which subject. The plan shuld include hw many chapters t review and hw many wrksheets (活页练习题) t wrk n. 71 Parents wh d nt knw the examinatin schedule can search “exam timetable” t see the fficial examinatin schedule. 72
    The secnd thing is t decide n the place t study. Sme need ttal silence in a library befre they can cncentrate while thers like t have sme backgrund music like in the cafeteria. 73 S there is n need t tell yur child t change the study place if he is prducing the desired results.
    74 Fr lessns, pupils must participate in lessns and discussins actively. Fr exercise, wrk n the simple nes in the textbk. Fr thery, pupils can use the mind map methd t summarize the facts. At last, be smart. Fcus n chapters that are the cre (核心) f the subject r difficult chapters. 75
    A.Next the mst effective way t review is t use an active apprach (方法).
    B.Making gd preparatins cunts.
    C.The mind map can help yu a lt in yur revisin wrk.
    D.Yur child has t be self-disciplined (自律的) t fllw the plan.
    E.It is nt necessary t read frm the first t the last page.
    F.The best time t start revisin is ne r tw mnths befre the examinatin.
    G.Bth are all right as lng as yur child is cmfrtable with it.
    VII.书面表达(35 分)
    第一部分 情景应用(10分)
    根据所提供的图画, 用一个完整的句子提问或应答。
    A: ?
    B: It is twenty dllars.
    A: What des Tm usually d n weekends?
    B: .
    A: Did yu g t schl by bus?
    B: Oh, n. .
    A: ?
    B: They are really interesting.
    A: ?
    B: Yes, sure. I’ll d it at nce.
    第二部分 书面表达(25分)
    81.习近平总书记在新年贺词中引用了 “九层之台,始于累土”,比喻做事要从最基本开始(start with the basics)。必须一步一个脚印(take ne step at a time),才能有所成就。相信每位同学都有自己中考前的努力方向,请以“Hw can we make ur dreams cme true?” 为题, 结合自己的学习经验写一篇短文谈谈你的想法。
    1. 合理安排时间, 制定学习规划;
    2. 找到正确的学习方法;
    3. 注意锻炼身体、劳逸结合。
    1. 词数100左右。
    2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
    3. 文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称;
    Hw can we make ur dreams cme true?
    Schl Day was held successfully n May 6th.Twenty-fur vlunteers frm Grade 9 were divided int fur grups f six. Each grup had a task t raise mney fr the disabled.
    Grup 1
    Grup 2
    Grup 3
    Grup 4
    Schl pstcards
    (Leader: Natalie)
    Chinese paintings
    (Leader: Tina)
    Reusable bags made by students
    (Leader: Le)
    Hmemade snacks by parents
    (Leader: Nick)
    Here are ideas frm 100 students. Mst students thught the activities were gd. Hwever, sme students thught the prices f the schl pstcards were a little t high.
    Feedback f the students’ favrite grup:
    Fllw-up: Have a meeting with the headmaster abut prizes fr excellent vlunteers.
    All f grups did a gd jb n Schl Day and satisfied all the visitrs. In shrt, ur Schl Day went well and we gt n pr pinins frm the visitrs.
    【原文】I’m ging t Sanya fr my hliday tmrrw.
    11.B 12.B 13.A 14.A 15.C
    16.B 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.C
    21.B 22.A 23.C 24.D 25.B 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.D 30.C 31.B 32.C 33.D 34.C 35.B
    interest兴趣;lve爱;change改变;success成功。根据文章最后“We all need reminders that we are lved by thse wh have passed away”可知,这些东西提醒我们是被爱的,提醒我们爱的存在。故选B。
    back回到;ahead提前;abve在……上方;behind在……后面。根据下文“My mm died f cancer (癌症) when I was nly 25 years ld.”可知,蝴蝶让我想到了去世的妈妈,让我回到了很多年以前。故选A。
    sister姐姐;mm妈妈;grandma祖母;aunt阿姨。根据下文“I try t make up fr it by telling stries f my mm t her.”可知,我尝试讲我妈妈的故事给贝丝听,我的妈妈就是贝丝的祖母。故选C。
    happy快乐的;excited兴奋的;angry生气的;sad难过的。根据下文“I culd always see tears (眼泪) in her eyes”可知,贝丝的眼睛里有泪水,因此贝丝觉得难过。故选D。
    regretted愧疚,后悔;wished希望;shwed展示;thanked感谢。根据下文“seeing ther happy kids with grandmas”可知,贝丝看到很多孩子和祖母在一块非常开心,她也希望自己可以有祖母在周围。故选B。
    turning旋转,转向;getting得到;watching看着;starting开始。根据下文“ver her”和“frm Heaven”可以推测,祖母是在天堂看着她。故选C。
    walk步行;drive开车;pht照片;shwer淋浴。根据下文“t cme dwn”可知,祖母是走下来。故选A。
    slept睡觉;appeared出现;went去;happened发生。根据下文“flying arund Beth’s face and then it flew away”可知,蝴蝶出现了,然后又飞走了。故选B。
    bags袋子;ways方法;heads脑袋;hearts心。根据下文“full f lve and jy”可推测,充满了爱和幸福的是我们的心里。故选D。
    Whatever无论什么;Whever无论是谁;Whenever无论何时;Hwever无论怎么样。根据下文“The nly time this desn’t happen is during the cldest mnths f the year”可知,除了最冷的时候,其他时间蝴蝶都会向我们飞来,因此是无论何时。故选C。
    walk步行;circle绕圈;wrk工作;fall掉落。根据下文“arund us”可推测,蝴蝶们绕着我们转圈飞舞。故选B。
    fell掉落;sent发送;left离开;came来。根据前文“as if ”可以推测,好像妈妈从没有离开我们。故选C。
    any任何;several几个;sme一些;few几乎没有。根据下文“insects ”可知,这里的名词是复数形式,表达否定只有few“几乎没有”。故选D。
    them他们;her她;me我;it它。根据文章最开始“my daughter Beth bught me tw beautiful wden butterflies”可知,我女儿买了两只漂亮的木质蝴蝶给我。故选C。
    thrugh从内部穿过;with和……一起;f的;abut关于。根据上文“We all need reminders that we are lved by thse wh have passed away ”和“still”可以推测,我们被那些已经去世的人爱着,他们仍然和我们在一起。故选B。
    36.A 37.C 38.D 39.B 40.A
    36.根据下文“I’m n vacatin right nw.”可知,此处Kate询问Jhn在哪里;A选项“你在哪里?”符合语境。故选A。
    37.根据下文“ I’m afraid nt. It’s an unusual beach. In my pinin, the fewer peple, the better.”可知, 此处应该是Kate想知道Jhn度假的海滩是不是她知道的;C选项“它是我知道的一个地方吗?”符合语境。故选C。
    38.根据下文“That’s true.The sun is shining brightly and the sea is s beautiful.”可知,此处应该是Kate对这个地方的赞叹;D选项“听起来很好。”符合语境。故选D。
    39.根据下文“Nthing much. I just read and rest every day. In fact, I was asleep befre yur call.”可知,此处Kate想知道Jhn是否做了特别的事;B选项“你在那里做什么特别的事了吗?”符合语境。故选B。
    41.A 42.B 43.C 44.C 45.B
    41.细节理解题。根据“Jackie is writing a reprt abut Schl Day t his teacher.”可知,Jackie正在写关于Schl Day的总结和反馈。故选A。
    42.细节理解题。根据“Chinese paintings (Leader: Tina)”可知,Tina出售的是中国画。故选B。
    43.细节理解题。在Feedback的图表中,Recyclable bags对应的百分比是50%,是最受欢迎的,也就是Grup 3最受欢迎。故选C。
    44.细节理解题。根据“All f grups did a gd jb n Schl Day and satisfied all the visitrs.”可知,游客们都很满意。故选C。
    45.细节理解题。根据“Have a meeting with the headmaster abut prizes fr excellent vlunteers.”可知,优秀的志愿者会有奖。故选B。
    46.A 47.A 48.D 49.D 50.D
    46.细节理解题。根据“Jhn, a 2-year-ld by”可知,他2岁,故选A。
    47.细节理解题。根据“Jhn, a 2-year-ld by…He pened father’s new bk and draw all ver the first page with a pencil.”可知,Jhn在书上乱画,故选A。
    48.细节理解题。根据“Withut saying a wrd, he sat dwn and wrte smething carefully beside Jhn’s drawings. It said that Jhn’s wrk. April 2nd, 1959.”可知,在涂鸦旁边写上了作者的名字以及日期,故选D。
    49.推理判断题。根据“Nw I knw what my father taught us deeply”以及倒数第二段的内容可知,几年后,当作者翻开这本书的时候,他感觉受到鼓舞,故选D。
    51.A 52.B 53.D 54.C 55.D
    51.细节理解题。根据“It als studied animal-based fds, including red meat, chicken, milk prducts, eggs and fish.”可知,奶制品属于动物性食物。故选A。
    52.细节理解题。根据“That is t say, plant-based diets are much healthier fr us and kinder t the envirnment.”可知,植物性饮食更健康、更环保。故选B。
    53.段落大意题。根据“By using this methd, the study fund that red meats were the mst unfriendly fds t the envirnment. Keeping farm animals prduces a large number f methane (甲烷) that keeps 30 times mre heat than CO2. As well as making the earth warmer, eating t much red meat is knwn t increase the risk f a few illnesses, such as heart truble.”可知,第五段主要介绍红肉的两个缺点。故选D。
    54.词义猜测题。根据“Accrding t the study, withut eating r using meat and milk prducts, glbal farmland use culd be cut dwn by mre than 75% and still feed the wrld.”可知,此处意为植物性饮食能以更加绿色的方式给我们带来同样的健康益处。故选C。
    55.推理判断题。根据“Speaking t the Guardian (英国卫报), Tim Bentn f Chatham Huse (英国皇家国际事务研究所) said, ‘If we can give peple reasnable fficial (官方的) advice f what a healthy and green diet is, the wrld and its peple wuld be in a much better place.’”可推知,这个研究可以用于提供健康和环境方面的官方建议。故选D。
    56.B 57.C 58.B 59.D 60.A
    56.细节理解题。根据“China nw has mre than 30,000 kilmeters f high speed track (轨道),”可知,现在中国高铁里程已超过3万公里。故选B。
    57.细节理解题。根据“While the main advantage f the high speed rail lines is cnvenience fr peple t get frm ne city t anther as quickly as pssible, sme f these high speed lines have becme ppular turist attractins (places that many turists visit). A gd example f this is the Hefei-Fuzhu high speed line.”可知,是为了解释高铁线路可以成为热门的旅游景点。故选C。
    58.细节理解题。根据“This was fllwed by prjects amng ther cuntries. Perhaps its mst challenging prject is a Trans Asian netwrk (横贯亚洲铁路网) cnnecting China with Eurpe.”可知,中国计划承担的最具挑战性的项目是连接中国和欧洲。故选B。
    59.细节理解题。根据“Thanks t high speed rail, the travel time between main cities in China has already been reduced t nly a few hurs. S this cnvenience shuld imprve the develpment within (在……内) and ut f China. N dubt, it will als bring the peple f the cuntry clser tgether, and in time bring abut deep scial changes.”可知,高铁的优势有:促进国内外的发展,乘坐高速列车在中国主要城市之间旅行只需几个小时,使该国人民更加紧密地团结在一起,并带来深刻的社会变革。故选D。
    60.最佳标题。根据“N dubt, it will als bring the peple f the cuntry clser tgether, and in time bring abut deep scial changes.”以及通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了中国目前拥有超过3万公里的高速铁路,预计到2025年将增至3.8万公里。详细地介绍了中国高铁的发展和未来的计划等。所以最好的标题是“奔向未来”。故选A。
    61.sadly 62.fr 63.will lead 64.but 65.t help 66.a 67.friends 68.me 69.strnger 70.climbing
    62.句意:马克向他的父亲寻求帮助。ask sb fr help“向某人求助”,固定搭配,故填fr。
    63.句意:明天我带你去村子周围的高山上。根据tmrrw可知,此处用一般将来时will d的结构,故填will lead。
    64.句意:道路是漫长而艰难的,但马克仍然跟随他的父亲。“The rad was lng and difficult”与“Mark still fllwed his father”是转折关系,故填but。
    65.句意:马克很惊讶,但还是决定帮助他的父亲。decide t d sth“决定做某事”,动词不定式作宾语,故填t help。
    70.句意:你不是每天都去攀登“不可能的山”,而是在较小的山丘上玩耍,爬得更好。instead f ding sth“代替做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填climbing。
    71.D 72.F 73.G 74.A 75.E
    71.根据上文“The plan shuld include hw many chapters t review and hw many wrksheets (活页练习题)t wrk n.”可知,计划包含多少章节复习,多少题目要做。下文应是针对这计划应怎样做。选项D“你的孩子不得不要自律地跟随这个计划。”符合语境。故选D。
    72.根据横线前的“Parents wh d nt knw the examinatin schedule can search “exam timetable” t see the fficial examinatin schedule.”可知,要求父母查正式的考试时间表,横线上应是了解时间后要做的事,选项F“考试前的一两个月是最好的复习时间。”符合语境。故选F。
    73.根据“Sme need ttal silence in a library befre they can cncentrate while thers like t have sme backgrund music like in the cafeteria.”可知,一些人需要安静,另外一些人需要有背景音乐的,所以每个人的需求不同,对他来说舒服就行。选项G“两者都好只要你的孩子对这个舒服。”符合语境。故选G。
    74.根据后文的“Fr lessns, pupils must participate in lessns and discussins actively. Fr exercise, wrk n the simple nes in the textbk. Fr thery, pupils can use the mind map methd t summarize the facts.”可知,这些都是有效的学习方法。选项A“接下来最有效的复习方法是使用积极的方式。”符合语境。故选A。
    75.根据“Fcus n chapters that are the cre(核心) f the subject r difficult chapters”可知,要集中于那些核心章节,选项E“没有必要从第一页读到最后一页。”符合语境。故选E。
    76.Hw much is the dress 77.He usually plays vlleyball 78.I went t schl by bike 79.Hw are the cartns 80.Culd yu please take ut the trash
    【解析】76.结合回答“It is twenty dllars.”和图片可知,询问的是连衣裙的价格,时态是一般现在时。hw much“多少钱”,主语是the dress“这件连衣裙”,be动词用is。故填Hw much is the dress“这件连衣裙多少钱”。
    77.根据问句“What des Tm usually d n weekends?”可知,询问的是汤姆周末通常做什么,时态是一般现在时。根据图片可知他经常打排球。play vlleyball“打排球”,故填He usually plays vlleyball“他经常打排球”。
    78.根据图片可知,我骑自行车上学。by bike“骑自行车”,g t schl“上学”。根据问句可知时态是一般过去时,所以谓语动词g用过去式went。故填I went t schl by bike“他骑自行车上学”。
    79.结合回答“They are really interesting.”和图片可知,询问的是这些动画片怎么样,时态是一般现在时。hw“怎么样”,cartns“动画片”,be动词用are。故填Hw are the cartns“这些动画片怎么样”。
    80.结合回答“Yes, sure. I’ll d it at nce.”和图片可知,询问的是能不能去倒垃圾。“Culd yu please d sth?”意思是“你能做某事吗?”,take ut the trash“倒垃圾”,故填Culd yu please take ut the trash“你能把垃圾倒掉吗”。
    Hw can we make ur dreams cme true?
    Everyne has its wn dream and everyne’s dream has different meanings. As a middle schl students, it is a necessary fr us t have a dream that we can realize. But hw can we make ur dreams cme true?
    First, we must make full use f ur time and make study plans. we shuld knw what n earth ur dream it is and make severel plans in rder t make it cme true. Secnd, we shuld find the study methds right fr us. Success nly belngs t thse wh wrk hard all the time. Whenever we d tings, we shuld d ur best t make it. When we are in truble n the way t ur dreams, we ught t cme up with sme ways t slve it. Third, we shuld pay attentin t ur health and learn t relax urselves.
    All in all, ur future is in ur hands. In rder t make ur dreams cme true, we must have a cmpetitve heart and a never-give-up attitude. In this way, we will realize ur dreams.
    ① 题材:本文是一篇材料作文;
    ② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
    ① make full use f ur time 充分利用时间
    ②cme up with提出
    ①As a middle schl students, it is a necessary fr us t have a dream that we can realize. (that引导的定语从句)
    ②When we are in truble n the way t ur dreams, we ught t cme up with sme ways t slve it. (when引导的时间状语从句)

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