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    第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
    1. Where is prbably Mrs. Brwn?
    A. At hme B. In a shp C. At the ffice
    2. When will the wman g t Lndn?
    A. On June 27B. On June 28C. On June 29
    3. Hw can the man rder fd?
    A. By phne B. By QQ C. By WeChat
    4. What size des the wman want?
    A. Size SB. Size MC. Size L
    5. Hw much des a new cmputer cst?
    A. $3000B. $2000C. $1000
    第二节 听下面几段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. When will the man have the party?
    A. This Saturday evening B. Next Friday evening C. This Sunday evening
    7. What des the man want the wman t bring fr the party?
    A. A present B. Nthing C. Her friend
    8. Hw des Jenny feel if it's windy?
    A. Upset B. Nervus C. Excited
    9. Why desn't Bbby like purple?
    A. Because it makes him lnely. B. Because it makes him sad. C. Because it makes him mad.
    10. Where did Mike g last summer?
    A. T France B. T AmericaC. T England
    11. Why did the wner f the shp have t learn English?
    A. Because his wife asked him t d s. B. Because he wanted t g t the USA.
    C. Because he had many American custmers.
    12. Hw lng did Mike give lessns t the shp wner?
    A. Three hurs B. One mnth C. Tw mnths
    13. Where is Mr. Green ging?
    A. T g t the gym B. T g t the shpping mallC. T g t the hspital
    14. Why will Miss Black buy a dress?
    A. Because these dresses are beautiful. B. Because she will take part in a party.
    C. Because the clthes are n sale.
    15. Where are they talking?
    A. At the gate f the gym B. At the gate f Mr. Green's huse C. At the gate f Miss Black's huse
    第三节 听下面一段短文,按照所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
    A B C D E
    16. ________ 17. ________ 18. ________ 19. ________ 20. ________
    21. If yu want t have a three-day hliday during the fd festival, when can yu g there?
    A. Sep. 19th B. Sep. 25th. C. Oct. 3rd D. Oct. 8th
    22. Where can yu drink German beer?
    A. At Munich Restaurant B. At Hell Cffee
    C. At Yang's Sushi D. At Lily Bake
    23. Mr. Lee gt a bag f ckies fr free frm the fd festival, which picture shws him?
    A. B. C. D.
    24. Which f the fllwing is TRUE?
    A. We can nly eat delicius fd during the Mdern Twn Fd Festival.
    B. We can see beautiful lanterns and wnderful flwers.
    C. We can enjy cffee and fish at Yang's Sushi.
    D. Hell Cffee can serve us cffee and tea.
    25. in which part f a newspaper can yu read the text?
    A. SprtsB. TravelC. Health D. Medicine
    On a cld winter afternn, Susan was walking hme frm a supermarket. She was feeling a little tired, as she was carrying her shpping bags. They were s heavy that she decided t have a rest in the park. She walked twards the gate f the park. She nticed a pr man walking ut f a restaurant in frnt f her. The man was hlding a paper bag. He walked t a dustbin and started lking thrugh it.
    Susan suddenly felt sad. She knew this man wuld take all that he culd get s she went up t him and gave him sme fruit. The man lked up in surprise and tk what she gave him.
    A big smile appeared n his face and she felt very happy. Then he said. “Ww! First smene gave me this sandwich, then the range juice, and nw sme delicius fruit. This is my daughter's lucky day. Thank yu, girl.” Then he went away, singing a sng.
    Just then, Susan understd what the saying “Giving is getting” really meant. Everyne in the wrld needs help; Everyne can ffer help and everyne will be helped by shwing kindness.
    Giving smetimes desn't cst much, but it means a lt t the peple wh yu help. The man's happiness at that mment cmes int Susan's mind every time she has the chance t help thers.
    26. Why did Susan feel a little tired?
    A. Because she walked s fast. B. Because she lked thrugh a dustbin.
    C. Because she felt cld. D. Because she carried heavy shpping bags.
    27. The pr man felt ________ when Susan gave him sme fruit.
    A. sad B. surprised C. interested D. kind
    28. The pr man's daughter culdn't get ________ that day.
    A. range juice B. sme fruitC. a new cat D. a sandwich
    29. Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A. The pr man had n mney t buy fd fr his daughter.
    B. It was the pr man's daughter's birthday.
    C. The pr man asked Susan fr sme fruit.
    D. The pr man's daughter was ill.
    30. What des the passage tell abut?
    A. Giving means taking B. Giving is getting
    C. We shuldn't lk thrugh dustbins D. We shuld give thers fruit
    Tina is my gd friend. She tld me that she wuld cme t Japan fr vacatin in July. But she was very anxius. She said she didn't knw what t d in Japanese restaurants. I had t ask her t understand these table manners and tell her what t d in the restaurant.
    Sme restaurants in Japan have tatami(榻榻米)flr. When yu step in a restaurant, yu must take ff yur shes. When yu sit at the table, yu will receive a small wet clth(湿巾)at mst Japanese restaurants. Use this t wash yur hands befre eating, then carefully fld(折叠) it and put it aside n the table. Dn't use it as a napkin, r t tuch any part f yur face.
    Befre and after a meal, it is imprtant t say traditinal thank-yu wrds. Yu can make a little nise when yu eat. Fr example, it is cmmn t make sme slurping nises while eating ndles. Japanese can say it tastes better if yu slurp. Fr sushi, yu shuld eat up. It is plite t lift small bwls f rice r sup when yu eat. After yu finish yur meal, it is gd manners t restre(恢复) all yur dishes t the way they were at the beginning f the meal. Fr example, yu can put chpsticks back n the chpsticks shelf. I think these manners are helpful t her.
    31. Why is Tina anxius?
    A. Because she desn't understand Japanese table manners.
    B. Because the ticket price is t expensive.
    C. Because she desn't understand Japanese.
    D. Because she desn't have a passprt.
    32. What must Tina take ff when she steps n tatami flr?
    A. Her scks B. Her cat C. Her shes D. Her cap
    33. What des the underlined wrd “it” in Paragraph 2 refer t(指代)?
    A. The restaurant B. The wet clth C. The pair f shes D. The bwl
    34. Which f the fllwing are gd table manners in Japan?
    ①say traditinal phrases f thanks befre eating②make nises all the time
    ③lift small bwls f rice n the table④eat the whle sushi
    ⑤put the chpsticks n the bwl after dinner
    A. ①②③B. ①③④C. ②③④D. ③④⑤
    35. In Paragraph 3, we can learn ________.
    A. hw t rder in a restaurant B. hw t pay in a restaurant
    C. the fd in the restaurant isn't delicius D. table manners when eating in a Japanese restaurant
    I am walking thrugh the park, and there are many peple in it. Trees are green and flwers are clrful. 36 Nw, 100 meters away is a grup f wmen. In the mrning, they are mving their arms and legs t music. They are, f curse, the dancing aunties.
    It seems that if yu g t any public space arund China, yu're likely t see these dancing aunties. When I first came t China, it surprised me. 37 Yu wn't see any age grup. Usually, they just take a walk fr exercise.
    Nw, these dancing aunties are becming mre and mre ppular. Sme peple find them annying(令人火的). 38 Mst f them are middle-aged. They finally have sme free time t d whatever they like. There is n mre wrk. 39 They makes us understand that it is imprtant fr us t exercise as we get lder. 40 Nw it is their time t have fun and enjy sme peace.
    In rder t imprve students' labr skills, there are many activities in ur schl. Leaming t ck is ne f these 41 . It is 42 ppular activity amng students. They plan t be a ck r ck delicius dishes fr their families they grw up. Sme f them learn t make pizzas and sme learn t make dumplings. I learn t ck steaks. 44 the help f my teacher, I learned it quickly. I'm very 45 . On Mther's Day, I decided t ck fr my family t 46 my lve fr my mther. I chse t make steaks. Steak is 47 fr ur health. In rder t ck 48 , I used the best cking ways.
    Befre cking, I prepared all the things well. They were fresh steaks, butter, and a pan. Befre cking, I cut an nin int 49 , and put them aside(一旁).
    First, I heated the pan, and put sme butter in it. The butter culd prvide the steak a sense f fragrance(香气). 50 , I put the steak in and fried ne side lightly. After sme minutes I turned the steak ver t 51 the ther side. Then I 52 sme nin pieces. When the steak was cked well, I put it nt the plate. With a
    bunch f flwers beside, I thught my mther culd feel my lve 53 she wuldn't mind whether the dish was delicius r nt.
    When my mther sat at the table, I gave her a set f knives and 54 t thank he fr taking gd care f me. She was s mved and 55 all the dish.
    My mther said she wuld remember this Mther's Day all her life. That was the mst delicius fd.
    41. A. plans B. activities C. prgramsD. students
    42. A. mre B. the mre C. mst D. the mst
    43. A. when B. if C. befre D. because
    44. A. At B. On C. With D. In
    45. A. excited B. exciting C. interested D. interesting
    46. A. set B. shwC. pick D. tie
    47. A. simple B. similar C. casual D. helpful
    48. A. regularly B. quietly C. successfully D. finally
    49. A. pieces B. milesC. pairsD. kils
    50. A. First B. Secnd C. Third D. Last
    51. A. set B. pick C. clean D. fry
    52. A. added B. filled C. tied D. listed
    53. A. and B. s C. but D. r
    54. A. bwls B. frks C. cups D. dishes
    55. A. gt up B. cut upC. put upD. ate up
    D yu like traveling? If yu dn't knw where t g n vacatin, here are sme great places fr yu t 56 frm.
    Wuzhen, China
    Wuzhen has a 57 f ver 1, 300 years. If yu travel t Wuzhen fr the 58 time, yu may get lst because there are lts f rivers and bridges in the water twn.
    Alng the river banks, yu can find ld huses 59 white walls and gray rfs(屋顶). If yu are a theater fan, yu can g t the Wuzhen Theater Festival in late Octber.
    Yu will meet many gd perfrmers at the festival.
    Reine, Nrway
    Reine is ne f the mst beautiful 60 in Nrway. There are nly 300 peple in the village and peple there live a cmfrtable and 61 life. Reine is a wnderful place fr a 62 hliday. It is a fishing village, s visitrs can taste fresh fish and enjy 63 there.
    Kntr, Mntenegr
    Kntr is a small twn surrunded(围绕) by walls. The twn is 64 f cafes s it is a great place fr cffee lvers. Yu can see muntains everywhere arund the twn. One f the mst special things yu can d is t climb t the tp 65 sunrise and wait fr the sun t cme up.
    It was raining heavily as I was walking up the hill twards the statin at six 'clck n Saturday mrning. In this early mrning, there wasn't much traffic and there weren't many peple. Just as I was crssing the rad near the tp f the hill, a car came arund the crner. It 66 traveling very fast. Suddenly, it hit a lamp pst(路灯柱)and turned ver.
    I ran t the car t help the driver at nce. He was badly hurt and there was a lt f bld n his face. 67 yung wman hurried int the statin and phned fr an ambulance(救护车)as I was taking care f the driver. Many peple came t see 68 had happened. A pliceman arrived a few minutes later and asked me many questins 69 the accident. After a while, the ambulance arrived and the driver was sent t the hspital.
    On Mnday mrning, I went t the hspital 70 see the man. The dctr tld me that he was much better, and he wuld leave the hspital after a few days' rest.
    A: Gd mrning, sir! 71. ________________?
    B: I'd like a suit fr the meeting.
    A: Great, we have gt sme new suits yesterday. 72. ________________?
    B: I need a large ne.
    A: 73. ________________?
    B: Black. 74. ________________?
    A: It is made f cttn. Yu will feel very cmfrtable in it.
    B: Oh, it als lks quite suitable. 75. ________________?
    A: 268 yuan.
    B: OK, I'll take it.
    同学们即将进入九年级,面对许多未知的挑战,很多人感到了压力(under t much stress)。为帮助大家缓解压力,学校拟举办以“Less Stress, Better Life”为主题的演讲比赛,呼吁同学们积极应对。请你用英语写一篇100词左右的演讲稿,谈谈压力的产生原因、表现和应对措施。
    要求:1. 参考所提示要点,可适当发挥;2. 文中不能出现学生姓名和学校名称。开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Less Stress, Better Life
    Hell, my dear friends. Tday I am ging t give a speech abut hw t deal with stress.
    That's all. Thank yu.
    1-5 BCCBA 6-10 ABABA 11-15 CCABC 16-20 DCAEB
    二、阅读理解 (20个小题,每小题2分,共40分)
    21-25 CADBB 26-30 DBCAB 31-35 ACBBD 36-40 EBACD
    41-45 BDACA 46-50 BDCAB 51-56 DAABD
    56-60 chse, histry, first, with, villages
    61-65 quiet, relaxing, themselves, full, befre
    66-70 was, A, what, abut/n, t
    71. May I help yu/ Can I help yu/What can I d fr yu?
    72. What size d yu need?
    73. What clr d yu want/wuld yu like? /…
    74. What is it made f?
    75. Hw much is it?
    Hell, my dear friends. Tday I am ging t give a speech abut hw t deal with stress.
    Stress is a cmmn but serius prblem in ur life. Many students in ur class are under t much stress. Sme students can’t get n well with their friends r parents. Others may be wrried abut their exams. I’m ne f them. Smetimes I feel s wrried that I can’t sleep well befre exams. Last Sunday evening my parents had a talk with me. They tld me I tried my best and there was n need t wrry. I culd listen t music and d sme sprts t relax. I felt gd.
    I think it is necessary fr us t have a talk with parents r teachers. If we slve the prblem, we’ll have a better life.
    That’s all, Thank yu.
    Jin Us and Enjy Our
    Mdern Twn Fd Festival
    Sep. 30th-Oct. 7th
    Fr eight days, lking fr delicius fd,
    beautiful lanterns, wnderful flwers,
    crazy dances and cmfrtable rms.
    Welcme visitrs
    Munich Restaurant
    Here yu can taste delicius German sausage and beer. Why nt have a try?
    Hell Cffee
    Welcme t spend a relaxing time and enjy the best cffee.
    Yang's Sushi
    Cme and eat special sushi, such as clrful sushi, Sakura Sushi, Temari Sushi and s n.
    Lily Bake(烘焙)
    D yu enjy ckies? Yu can experience ckie DIY in ur bakery n Oct. 2nd.
    Price: 50 yuan per persn(Scientists and firefighters are free. )
    And yu can phne Mrs. Lee at 099-8996666.
    Our public number in WeChat: Beautiful Mdern Twn
    A. But thers respect their right t dance in public.
    B. That's because in Britain dancing in public is nt a cultural habit.
    C. In my pinin, I like seeing these wmen enjying themselves.
    D. What's mre, mst f them raised the whle families.
    E. As I keep walking, a nise in the backgrund is becming luder and clearer.
    ne, they, befre, quiet, full, with, histry, village, relax, chse
    why(study, parents… )
    what(healthy prblems, … )
    hw(talk, relax… )

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    河南省南阳市南召县2022-2023学年八年级上学期期中练习英语试题: 这是一份河南省南阳市南召县2022-2023学年八年级上学期期中练习英语试题,共8页。试卷主要包含了听力理解,阅读理解,完形填空,语篇填空,补全对话,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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