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    第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
    1.What is the weather like nw?
    A. Rainy. B. Windy. C. Sunny.
    2.Where are the tw speakers?
    A. In a bank. B. In a restaurant. C. In a hspital.
    3.Hw des Mike feel tday?
    A. Prud. B. Hungry. C. Unhappy.
    4.What's wrng with the man?
    A. He has a headache.
    B. He has a tthache.
    C. He has a stmachache.
    5. Hw many peple will g t the cinema with the wman tnight?
    B. Fur. A. Three. C. Five.
    第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    5. When des this cnversatin take place?
    A. In the mrning. B. In the afternn C. In the evening.
    6. What service des the wman need?
    A. Rm cleaning. B. Fd serving. C. Clthes drying.
    8. Where was this pht taken?
    A. In Bstn. B. In New Yrk. C. In Chicag.
    9. Hw ld is the speaker's grandfather?
    A. 55 years ld. B. 65 years ld. C. 70 years ld.
    10. Wh is the ne with the pen jacket?
    A. William. B. Charles. C. Vilet.
    11. Hw lng will it take the wman t get t the museum?
    A. Abut 10 minutes. B. Abut 15 minutes. C. Abut 20 minutes.
    12. Hw will the wman g t the Mexican restaurant prbably?
    A. By bus. B. By subway. C. By taxi.
    13. What is the relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Guide and turist. B. Driver and passenger. C. Waiter and custmer.
    14. What's the speaker talking abut?
    A. A bring jb. B. A wnderful trip. C. An unlucky day.
    15. Hw did the speaker feel abut what happened?
    A. Bad. B. Happy. C. Excited.
    第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。

    A B C D E
    16. _____ 17. _____ 18. _____ 19. _____ 20. _____
    Experience a Day n the Farm
    Relax, breathe in the fresh air and enjy the great utdrs at Old McMicky’s Farm. We ffer guided farm turs fr children f all ages.
    What yu will experience here!
    *Feeding rabbits, pnies(马驹), baby pigs, and s n
    *Pny rides at lakeside
    *Milking a cw
    *A visit t animal barns(牲畜棚)
    *A picnic under a big ak tree. Pizza, snacks, and drink fr free.
    We ask that all visitrs wear cvered-ted(脚趾) shes n the tur and eat nly in the picnic area.
    Tur length:
    1.5-2 hurs ¦ First tur starts at 9: 00 am. ¦ Last tur leaves exactly at 1:00 pm.
    Turs leave every 15 minutes between the hurs f 9:00 am and 1:00 pm.
    ● Open Tuesday thrugh Sunday
    ● Open year rund
    ● Old McMicky's may be clsed because f bad weather
    Please call t make sure f the hurs.
    Tickets and price:
    ● $ 20 fr each child and $ 15 fr each adult
    ● 1 adult fr free every 10 children
    Fr mre infrmatin, call (813) 920 1948!
    21. Jack can take part in the fllwing activities EXCEPT ________.
    A. feeding animals B. pny rides C. a visit t the barn D. planting flwers
    22. If Mary misses the tur at 10: 00, then the next tur she can jin is at ______.
    A.10:15 B.11:30 C.12:00 D.13:00
    23. What will yu say t visitrs as a wrker in the farm?
    A. The farm is pen 6 days a week.
    B. The farm will be pen n windy days.
    C. Yu can just cme and visit all year rund.
    D. Yu must send an e-mail befre yur visit.
    24.If Mrs. Jnes and anther teacher want t take 20 kids t the farm, hw much
    shuld they pay? A.385 dllars. B.400 dllars. C.415 dllars. D.430 dllars.
    25. Wh is the text written fr?
    A. Children. B. Parents. C. Farmers. D. Visitrs.
    My teenager sn Karl became unscial after his father died, always staying alne and being silent all day. As a single parent, I tried t d my best t talk t him. But the mre I tried, the mre he pulled away. When his reprt card arrived, it said that he had been absent 95 times frm classes and had six failing grades fr the year. If he kept n like this, he wuld never graduate. I sent him t the schl adviser, and I even begged him. Nthing wrked.
    One night I was at wrk when I gt a phne call. A man intrduced himself as the headmaster. "I want t talk t yu abut Karl's absences." Befre he culd say anther wrd, I chked up(哽咽)and said sadly, "I lve my sn. I've tried everything t get Karl back t schl it's ut f my hands." Fr a mment there was silence n the ther end f the line. The headmaster seriusly said, "Thank yu fr yur time.", and hung up.
    Karl's next reprt card shwed a marked imprvement in his grades. He was even n the list f the mst understanding students at schl. In his furth year, I went t a parent-teacher meeting. I nticed that his class teacher was surprised at the way he had turned himself arund. On ur way hme, he said," Mm, remember that call frm the headmaster last year?" I said yes." That was me. I thught I'd play a jke but when I heard what yu said, it really hit me hw much I was hurting yu. That's when I knew I had t make yu prud."
    26.What is the right rder fr the fllwing items?
    ①Mm cried ver the phne. ②Karl’s father died.
    ③Mm was tld wh actually was the caller. ④Karl did badly at schl.
    A.①②③④ B.④②①③ C.②④①③ D.③④②①
    27.What did the mm mean by saying “it's ut f my hands.” in Para 2?
    A. She had n idea hw t help the by.
    B. She didn’t care abut her sn any lnger.
    C. She culdn’t affrd his schl any mre.
    D. She gt her hand hurt during the fight with the by.
    28. Hw was the by feeling abut his mm’s wrds ver the phne?
    A. Angry. B. Srry. C. Indifferent. D. Prud.
    29.Wh actually helped Karl t be a gd student?
    A. The headmaster. B. His class teacher. C. Himself. D. His father.
    30.Which f the fllwing can be learned frm the text?
    A. A mm’s lve has great influence n kids.B. Kids shuld always fllw their mms.
    C. Sme mistakes can never be fixed up.D. Phne talks can make a family clser.
    Gardening is ppular in many parts f the wrld. This utdr activity gives us beautiful plants, like pleasant-smelling flwers, fresh fruits and vegetables. Here are sme ther main benefits(益处)as fllws:
    When yu are gardening, yu are utdrs. S it is a perfect time t scialize(社交) with yur neighbrs. Mst peple lve t talk abut their hbbies, and gardeners are nt different. They usually enjy shwing peple what they are grwing, and mst enjy sharing advice r stries abut their gardens.
    Gardening can greatly widen a persn's cmmunity. Sme peple may nt have their wn gardens. S, many cities and twns have cmmunity gardens. It is a public land fr anyne in the neighbrhd t grw what they want fr free, nly if they fllw sme basic rules.
    Gardening is a great activity t d with children. It gets children utdrs and ff cmputers, televisins and ther electrnics. Gardening can be a great teacher. Children can learn abut nature and wildlife. Gardening can teach a child abut where fd cmes frm and healthy eating.
    Gardening can bring yu gd health. Why? When yu are in yur garden, yu might feel the sunshine n yur skin. This means yu are getting Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps keep bnes strng and help us fight diseases. Als, when yu garden yu must mve arund. All the different mvements needed fr gardening wrk help yu easily get a gd wrkut, like digging hles r pulling weeds(野草).
    31. What is the secnd paragraph abut?
    A. Gardening makes peple clser.B. Peple’s different utdr hbbies.
    D. What plants are usually shared.C. Why peple like utdr activities.
    32. What can yu d if yu have n garden f yur wn?
    A. Yu can ask yur neighbr t share ne.B. Yu can wrk in the cmmunity garden.
    C. Yu can buy a cmmunity garden.D. Yu can d nthing by the rules.
    33. Why is gardening a great teacher fr children?
    A. Because it helps children t learn abut nature.
    B. Because it keeps children away frm lneliness.
    C. Because it gets children utdrs and ff cmputers.
    D. Because it is very gd exercise fr children.
    34.Hw many ther main benefits are talked abut in the text besides beautiful plants?
    A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.
    35. What's the best title fr the text?
    A. Different ways f killing timeB. An utdr activity fr children
    C. Gd things gardening brings usD. Getting clser t yur neighbrs
    Are yu shy? If yu are, yu are nt alne. In fact, clse t 50 percent f peple are shy. Almst 80 percent f peple feel shy at sme pint in their lives. These days, shyness is becming mre and mre cmmn. Nw, scientists are trying t understand shyness. ____36____
    Is it pssible t be brn shy? Many scientists say yes. They say 15 t 20 percent f babies behave shyly. These babies are a little quieter and mre watchful than ther babies. Interestingly, these shy babies usually have shy parents. ____37_____
    ___38____ Scientists at Harvard University studied shy children. They fund that 66 percent f them had lder brthers and sisters. As a result, they became shy. At the same time, children with n brthers r sisters may be shy as well. Grwing up alne, they ften play by themselves. They are nt able t learn the same scial skills as children frm big families.
    Yu may als be shy because f where yu were brn. When scientists studied shyness in different cuntries, they fund surprising differences. In Japan, mst peple said they were shy. But in Israel, nly ne f three peple said s. What explains the difference? One scientist says the Japanese and Israelis have different pinins f failure. In Japan, when peple d nt succeed, they feel bad abut themselves. ___39____ In Israel, the ppsite is true. Israelis ften blame failure n utside reasns, such as family, teachers, friends, r bad luck.
    Fr shy peple, it can be difficult t make friends, speak in class, and even get a gd jb. ___40_____ They suggest trying new things and practicing cnversatin. And dn't frget — if yu are shy, yu are nt the nly ne.
    A. As a result, scientists think that sme shyness is genetic(遗传的).
    B. But scientists say yu can get ver yur shyness.
    C. They blame(责怪)themselves fr their failure.
    D. They have sme interesting ideas abut why peple are shy.
    E. Family size might cause peple t be shy as well.
    Every day Farid went ut t dive(潜水)fr ysters(牡蛎) with his friends. Zaki, his 12-year-ld brther, asked t g alng, but Farid __41__ refused because he thught Zaik was t small t be with them yung men.
    S Zaki __42__ diving hard until ne day he felt as much cmfrtable as he did ut f it. One __43__ he just came ver straight t his brther wh was __44__ the beach, enjying the sunshine with his large circle friends.
    “Farid!” called Zaki, “If I can hld my breath under the water lnger than yu, __45__ me t dive with yu.” The grup f men arund Farid grew __46__ as Zaki spke. Farid lked amused(被逗乐). “What happens if yu __47__?”
    “N way!” Zaki gt angry at his wrds. There was n any ther __48__ fr Farid but t agree. S they walked ut int the sea until it was __49__ enugh and dived int it.
    In the water, Zaki pened his eyes and fund Farid was smiling. He knew Farid wasn't expecting any serius __50__. Slwly Zaki fund the smile n Farid’s face went away and turned int a wrried lk. As mre secnds passed, huge __51__ was shwing n Farid's face. Zaki knew he was abut t beat his brther. But __52__ lking int Farid's eyes, Zaki suddenly understd what lsing meant t his brther. He wuld be laughed at fr lsing t a child. Withut thinking, Zaki kicked his feet and __53__ t the surface f the water. And sn Farid's head als appeared beside him. __54__ f the men n the beach cheered fr Farid.
    Farid, hwever, fr Zaki's ears alne, he said, “Welcme t jin us, my man!” Zaki knew they bth learned it takes mre than being physically strng t make a __55__.
    41. A. smetimes B. never C. always D. hardly
    42. A. practiced B. watched C. read D. dreamed
    43. A. year B. mnth C. week D. day
    44. A. n B. under C. ver D. acrss
    45. A. push B. allw C. want D. wish
    46. A. tall B. quiet C. ld D. angry
    47. A. win B. die C. drink D. lse
    48. A. friend B. beach C. day D. chice
    49. A. deep B. wide C. lng D. ld
    50. A. illness B. result C. cmpetitin D. hurt
    51. A. laugh B. pain C. cry D. smile
    52. A. unless B. if C. befre D. when
    53. A. danced B. ran C. rlled D. rse
    54. A. All B. Bth C. Nne D. Neither
    55. A. friend B. man C. family D. brther
    第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。(10小题,共10分)
    Where are yu frm? Were yu brn where yu live r did yu mve there?
    Peple have always mved frm cuntry t cuntry. But as the wrld's ppulatin grws, ___56___ des the number f immigrants(移民). There are nw abut 244 millin peple living utside their hme cuntries. Peple leave ff ___57____ hme cuntries fr many reasns. Sme are running ___58___ danger and ___59___ are lking fr wrk r better lives.
    The United Kingdm has immigrants frm the mst different cuntries. But peple frm France have mved t the mst different places. India has the ___60___ number f peple wh mved away. Mre than 14 millin Indians have ___61___ abrad.
    Sme cuntries have mre immigrants than lcals(当地人). Eighty-fur percent f peple in the United Arab Emirates are ___62___ t be immigrants.
    Usually immigrants have great ___63___ t their new cuntries. Many cuntries need immigrants t help them t grw. In sme cuntries, lcal peple are nt having enugh babies. Other cuntries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand are lking fr ___64___ with special skills. Immigrants help these cuntries ___65___ having children, wrking and paying taxes.
    第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。(共5分)
    There are a lt f interesting things in the wrld. If smene tells yu __66__ they can fish in the desert, yu must think they are jking. But this is true. In sme places f Africa, peple can fish in the desert. It must be very interesting __67__ get sme fish frm the sand. And in the wds f Asia __68__ is a kind f bird. T ur surprise, this kind f bird desn’t eat anything but irn. I think the bird must have harder bdy parts than the irn. We all knw that snakes can eat mice, __69__ in a place in Africa, a kind f big muse can eat snakes. Isn’t it interesting? Have yu ever heard f “brush trees”? They are different __70__ the trees we knw. Peple can use their branches(树枝) t brush teeth. Can yu believe it?
    In fact, there are a lt f interesting things in ur wrld. If yu are careful enugh, yu can find them easily arund yu.
    66.__________ 67. ___________ 68.___________ 69.____________ 70._____________
    A: Yu lk wrried, Carl. 71._________________?
    B: I think I am ging t fail a math test.
    A: Hw cme? 72._____________________.
    B: Yeah. I knw I culd pass the test. But I am nt allwed t take the test.
    A: Why was that?
    B: 73._____________________. Yu knw, it's against the schl rule.
    A: Well, the schl has t have rules.
    B: I
    A: Maybe yu culd talk t the teacher and explain.
    B: 75._____________.I will talk t the teacher after schl and the teacher may understand and let me take the test later.
    A: Wish yu gd luck!
    六、书面表达(20 分)
    做家务活不仅是爱父母长辈的表现,而且有助于养成自助、自立的品质。请以“My first time t ________”为题,根据以下要点和要求,写一篇英语稿件,给学校英语报纸投稿。
    南召县初中模拟考试试卷 英语
    听力 1-5ABCCA 6-10ABCBC11-15CBBCA 16-20 CAEBD
    阅读 21-25 DAABD 26-30 CABCA 31-35 ABACC 36-40 DAECB
    完形 41-45 CADAB 46-50 BDDAC 51-55BDDAB
    语篇第一节 56.s 57.their 58.ff 59.thers 60.highest 61.mved 62. reprted 63.imprtance 64. wrkers 65.by
    语篇第二节 66.that 67.t 68.there 69.but 70.frm
    对话 71. What’s wrng/What happened/What’s the prblem...
    72.I think yu are gd at math/...
    73.Because I was late fr the exam/ But I happened t bring the textbk t the test rm...
    74.What can I d/What shuld I d...
    75.Sunds like a gd idea...
    写作: My first time t ck
    It never ccurred that I culd ck all by myself, which brught me a great sense f achievement.
    Last year, my parents had t wrk vertime in the hspital and I had t feed myself. I was disturbed at first but sn I put myself tgether. First I had a quick check nline abut the recipe and steps f making egg ndles. Then I fllwed the instructins step by step. 20 minutes later, a bwl f delicius ndles was finished. Tasting the yummy ndles, I suddenly felt like a grwn-up!
    Thanks t the experience, I have gained much cnfidence abut myself and am keen t be a better me.
    第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
    1.M: I’d like t g t the bkstre, but it’s raining s hard utside!
    W: Yu can g there tmrrw. The reprt says it will be sunny tmrrw.
    2. W: Next, please! wuld yu like, sir?
    M: Can I have a hamburger, please? Um..., and a cke, t.
    3.W: What’s wrng? Mike has such a lng face tday.
    M: I dn’t have any idea. Maybe he had a fight with his friend.
    4. W: What's ging n? Yu dn't lk s gd!
    M: I think I gt sme bad fd at lunch tday and my stmach hurts.
    5.M: Hi, Cindy. Wuld yu like t cme with us t the cinema tnight?
    W: I'd like t. Wh's "us"?
    M: Linda, Selina and me.
    W: OK, see yu tnight.
    第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    M: Hell, rm service.
    W: This is Rm 113. I’d like sme breakfast, please.
    M: Right. Excuse me, Mrs. Jnes?
    W: That's right.
    M: What can I d fr yu?
    W: I'd like sme range juice, sme bread, tw eggs and a cup f black cffee, please.
    Hw lng will it take?
    M: Abut 20 minutes, madam.
    W: Great. Thank yu.
    W: Lk at this, Jack. It must be an ld pht. It lks very yellw.
    M: Yes, it was taken 50 years ag and ... it was taken in Chicag.
    W: Wh is the man at the back? I mean the first ne n the left. It's handsme!
    M: It's my grandfather. He was abut 15 when this pht was taken.
    W: And the tw beside him?
    M: They are his tw brthers, Charles and William.
    W: What abut the lady with an pen jacket?
    M: She is my grandfather’s sister, Vilet. Five years after this pht, my grandfather mved t Bstn. There he gt married and then my father was brn.
    M: Get in, please. Where d yu want t g, lady?
    W: Can yu take me t the Natinal Museum f Art?
    M: Sure.
    W: Hw lng will it take?
    M: Abut twenty minutes.
    W: Oh, befre I frget, d yu knw any gd restaurants dwntwn?
    M: Well, the Mexican restaurant is fantastic. And it's nt expensive.
    W: Sunds great! Hw d I get there frm the museum?
    M: Well, yu can catch the subway right utside the museum.
    W: Okay. Thanks.
    Yesterday, I had a very bad day. I gt up early t g shpping, but as sn as I came ut, it began t rain, s I had t g back t get my umbrella. The lift didn’t wrk, and I had t climb t the 10th flr t get t my place. When I gt t the supermarket, I realized I had frgtten my shpping list, s I culdn’t remember everything I wanted t buy. I bught nly a few things. If that wasn't bad enugh, I had a terrible time n the bus ride hme. First, the bus driver shuted at me because I tk t much time t get n. Then, there were n seats. I just std n the bus all the way.
    Li Fang is a cllege student and he lves traveling very much. He has visited lts f places. Last summer, he flew t Guilin with her friends. He said the rice ndles there were s delicius. They lived in a farmer’s huse, which was clse t a river. They went bating r fishing every afternn. They thught they were excellent ways t relax. Fr his winter hliday, he went t Beijing. He felt excited because the Winter Olympics were being held in Beijing. He watched the Winter Olympic games n TV. He even tried skiing fr the first time there. The mst exciting thing was that he managed t get a Bing Dwen Dwen. It was s cute. Last week, he went t Shanghai. There was a rbt cmpetitin. He went there and bught a small rbt fr himself. He likes this trip very much. And next year, he will take part in the cmpetitin t.
    21-25 DAABD
    21 题 从原文
    What yu will experience here!
    *Feeding rabbits, pnies(马驹), baby pigs, and s n
    *Pny rides at lakeside
    *Milking a cw
    *A visit t animal barns(牲畜棚)
    可以得知没有 D 选项的活动
    22 题 从原文 Turs leave every 15 minutes 可得答案 A
    23 题 从原文 Open Tuesday thrugh Sunday 可知答案 A
    24 题 从原文 Tickets and price:
    ● $ 20 fr each child and $ 15 fr each adult
    ● 1 adult fr free every 10 children 可得到 B
    25 题 通读全文,尤其是 We ask that all visitrs wear cvered-ted(脚趾) shes 可得到 D
    26-30 CABCA
    26 题 从原文 “My teenager sn Karl became unscial after his father die” “When his reprt card arrived, it said that he had been absent 95 times frm classes and had six failing grades fr the year.” “One night I was at wrk when I gt a phne call.” “That was me. I thught I'd play a jke but when I heard what yu said...”可得答案 C
    27 题 从原文“I lve my sn. I've tried every-thing t get Karl back t ”可得答案 A
    28 题 从原文“I thught I'd play a jke but when I heard what yu said, it really hit me hw much I was hurting yu.”可得答案 B
    29 题 从原文“ That was me. I thught I'd play a jke but when I heard what yu said, it really hit me hw much I was hurting yu. That's when I knew I had t make yu prud.”可得答案 C
    30 通读全文,尤其是最后一段,可知是母亲的爱触动了孩子,引起改变。可得答案 A
    31-35 ABACC
    31 题 从原文“When yu are gardening, yu are utdrs. S it is a perfect time t scialize(社交)with yur neighbrs.”可得答案 A
    32 题 从原文“Sme peple may nt have their wn gardens. S, many cities and twns have cmmunity gardens. It is a public land fr anyne in the neighbrhd t grw what they want fr free, nly if they fllw sme basic rules. ”可得答案 B
    33 题 从原文“Gardening can be a great teacher. Children can learn abut nature and wildlife. Gardening can teach a child abut where fd cmes frm and healthy eating.”可得答案 A
    34 题 从原文可以得到后四段都在谈好处,可得到答案 C
    35 题 从原文第一段,尤其最后一句“Here are sme ther main benefits(益处) as fllws:”可以得到答案 C
    36-40 DAECB
    36题 从原文Nw, scientists are trying t understand shyness.可得到答案D。考查段内因果逻辑关系。
    37 题 从原文“Many scientists say yes. They say 15 t 20 percent f babies behave shyly. These babies are a little quieter and mre watchful than ther babies. Interestingly, these shy babies usually have shy parents.”考查总结段意
    38 题 从原文整个第三段可得答案 E。考查总结段意
    39 题 从原文“In Japan, when peple d nt succeed, they feel bad abut themselves. ”得到答案 C。考查段内递进、补充说明的逻辑关系。
    40 题 They suggest trying new things and practicing cnversatin. And dn't frget— if yu are shy, yu are nt the nly ne.可以得到答案 B。考查段内转折逻辑关系。
    41-45 CADAB
    41 题 从原文“because he thught Zaik was t small t be with them yung men.”可得答案
    42 题 原文“until ne day he felt as much cmfrtable as he did ut f it.”可得答案
    43 题 题意应为“有一天”(发生如下事情……)
    44 题 题意为“在沙滩上”
    45 题 题意为“请允许我加入你们”
    46-50 BDDAC
    46 题 原文为“大家都安静了下来”
    47 题 题意为“如果你输掉怎么办”
    48 题 题意为“他别无选择,只能应允”
    49 题 题意为“他们走到水足够深的地方”
    50 题 题意为“他知道 Farid 没有打算认真比赛下”
    51-55 BDDAB
    51 题 题意为“几秒后,Farid 的脸开始变得痛苦”
    52 题 题意为“当看到哥哥的眼睛,Zaki 意识到输对于哥哥来说意味着什么”
    53 题 题意为“升了上去,达到了水面”
    54 题 题意为“所有人都为哥哥欢呼”
    56 题 题意为“他意识到不是体能强壮才是男人”
    56.s 57.their 58.ff 59.thers 60. highest
    56 题 题意为“移民的数量也是(同样情况)”
    57 题 题意为“人们远离他们的家园是因为各种原因”
    58 题 题意为“逃离危险”
    59 题 题意为“一些……另外一些”
    60 题 题意为“印度的外迁移民人数最大”
    61. mved 62. reprted 63.imprtance 64. wrkers 65.by
    61 题 题意为“1400 万人外迁出国”
    62 题 题意为“据报道,阿联酋 84%的人数是外来移民”
    63 题 题意为“通常,移民对他们的新国家很重要”
    64 题 题意为“寻找工人(劳力)”
    65 题 题意为“通过生育孩子、工作和交税,移民可以帮助到新国家”
    66. that 67.t 68.there 69.but 70.frm
    66 题 本题考查宾语从句连接词 that
    67 题 本题考查不定式
    68 题 本题考查 there be 句型
    69 题 本题考查连词
    70 题 本题考查介词 frm,词组 be different frmff they thers imprtant by high mve reprt

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