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    这是一份陕西省咸阳市2024届高三下学期高考模拟(三)英语试卷(音频暂未更新),共12页。试卷主要包含了第一节 听下面5段对话,第二节 听下面5段对话或独白,第二部分,第二节,第三部分,第四部分,第二节 书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第Ⅰ卷 客观题
    一、第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。(共5题)
    1. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    2. What are the speakers talking abut?
    3. When will the man meet the wman?
    4. What des the man mean?
    5. What is the wman tired f?
    第Ⅱ卷 主观题
    二、第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共15题)
    6. What will the man prbably d n Thursday? A . Cnduct an experiment. B . Cmplete an assignment. C . Have chemistry classes.
    7. Which subject may this wman be gd at? A . Bilgy. B . Psychlgy. C . Chemistry.
    8. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers? A . Husband and wife. B . Clerk and custmer. C . Driver and passenger.
    9. What will the man prbably d next? A . Pickup the brchures. B . Hurry t run utside. C . Check the passprt date.
    10. What did the wman want t d? A . T rent a rm. B . T assess the apartment. C . T find a rmmate.
    11. Hw much will the wman prbably pay a mnth? A . $325. B . $425. C . $525.
    12. Hw des the man feel abut the nise f the surrundings? A . Disturbing. B . Acceptable. C . Uncmfrtable.
    13. What des the wman's sister prbably enjy? A . Mending the chair. B . Taking care f the grass. C . Washing the dishes.
    14. What des the wman think f the man? A . He is adred by his tw sisters. B . He is verprtected by his family. C . He is treated cruelly by his brther.
    15. Hw des the wman cnsider her husewrk? A . Disgusting. B . Satisfying. C . Indifferent.
    16. What did the man just d? A . He just cmpleted his hmewrk. B . He just finished cleaning his rm. C . He just went abrad after graduatin.
    17. What is imprtant t knw first? A . The prcess f memry. B . The functin f memry. C . The cncept f memry.
    18. Hw can we remember unfamiliar cncepts? A . By speaking ut f the dg's names. B . By preparing fr the scientific exams. C . By cnnecting with things in daily life.
    19. Wh is the speaker talking t? A . Peple wh want t raise a pet dg. B . Peple wh want t have better recall. C . Peple wh want t learn definitins.
    20. What is the speaker mainly talking abut? A . The way t memrize better in life. B . The way t wrk better fr urselves. C . The way t imprve grades in exams.
    三、第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)(共15题)
    阅读下列短文. 从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中. 选出最佳选项。
    Painting is an ancient medium and even with the intrductin f phtgraphy, film and digital technlgy, it still has remained a persistent mde f expressin. S many paintings have cme int being ver the years but nly a small percentage f them culd be described as "timeless classics". The fllwing are sme f the mst famus paintings f all time.
    Lenard Da Vinci, Mna Lisa, 1503—1519
    Painted between 1503 and 1519, Lenard da Vinci's attractive prtrait has been a subject f cntrversy since the day it was made, due t tw questins: Wh's the subject and why is she smiling? A number f theries fr the frmer have been prvided ver the years: That she's the wife f the Flrentine merchant Francesc di Bartlme del Gicnd and that she's Lenard's mther, Caterina. As fr that famus smile, its quality has driven peple crazy fr hundreds f years.
    James Abbtt McNeill Whistler. Arrangement in Grey and Black N. 1. 1871
    Whistler's Mther, r Arrangement in Grey and Black N. 1, as it's actually titled, speaks t the artist's ambitin t pursue art fr art's sake. James Abbtt McNeill Whistler painted the wrk in his Lndn studi in 1871. Whistler's mther Anna is pictured as ne f several elements lcked int an arrangement f right angles. Her severe expressin fits in with the rigidity f the cmpsitin, and it's smewhat irnic t nte that despite Whistler's frmalist intentins, the painting became a symbl f mtherhd.
    Jan van Eyck, The Arnlfini Prtrait, 1434
    As ne f the mst significant wrks prduced during the Nrthern Renaissance, this cmpsitin is believed t be ne f the first paintings finished in ils. It prtrays an Italian merchant and a wman wh may r may nt be his bride. In 1934. the celebrated art histrian Erwin Panfsky prpsed that the painting is actually a wedding cntract. What can be reliably said is that the piece used rthgnal perspective t create a sense f space. It feels like a painting yu culd step int.
    21. What aspect f the Mna Lisa has attracted peple fr centuries? A . The research methds. B . The mysterius smile. C . The attractive clthing. D . The matching f clrs.
    22. Why did Whistler paint her mther? A . T shw lve fr his mther. B . T be a symbl f mtherhd. C . T express his artistic intentin. D . T decrate his studi in Lndn.
    23. Wh used rthgnal perspective t create a sense f space? A . Lenard da Vinci. B . James Abbtt McNeill Whistler. C . Jan van Eyck. D . Erwin Panfsky.
    阅读下列短文. 从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中. 选出最佳选项。
    Bill Sumiel was having a tugh Friday. It was Octber 2020, and the 71-year-ld, wh was dealing with kidney(肾)failure and had been n dialysis( 透 析 )fr a few years, fund himself away frm hme.
    He'd been diagnsed with diabetes(糖尿病) ver 20 years befre, which led t his kidney prblems. He was n the transplant list, but n matches had yet appeared. S he cntinued with his treatments peridically. Withut a ride lined up fr Friday's d-ver, Sumiel tk Ubers t and frm his appintment.
    Timthy Letts, 31, was driving t visit a friend when his phne received the request fr Sumiel's ride hme. When Sumiel gt int his car, Letts culd see that the lder man was unenergetic but in gd spirits. And as they set ut t Sumiel's hme, the pair gt t chatting. During cnversatin, Sumiel revealed that he was searching fr a kidney dnr. Letts jked that he'd be a gd dnr candidate, given that he didn't drink r smke.
    Sumiel agreed, thugh he didn't think much f it. Letts, hwever, culdn't stp thinking abut it and it was always n his mind. S, Letts said:"I'd like t see if I culd be a match t give yu a kidney. "
    "I was shcked, "Sumiel recalls. He was shaking s hard that he culd barely write his name when they exchanged cntact infrmatin. After the initial excitement, Sumiel started feeling less ptimistic. He was tuched by Letts's ffer, but he wndered if it had just been an emtinal mment. Wuld he hear frm him? And what was the likelihd f a match?
    But Letts was true t his wrd. He gt in tuch with Sumiel just a few hurs later, and by the next week, Letts had cntacted the kidney transplant prgram. After a series f testing, the results were in: Letts was an ideal dnr, and he and Sumiel were a perfect match.
    In December 2021, 14 mnths after their chance encunter, Sumiel and Letts had their surgeries. It was a success. Tday they live respectively and healthily and anticipate the day they can reunite.
    24. What can be inferred frm the first fur paragraphs? A . Sumiel's prblem was caused by his wrng treatments. B . Sumiel must take Ubers t receive treatment peridically. C . Letts tk the matter f dnating his kidney seriusly. D . Letts' energetic friend requested him t dnate his kidney.
    25. Why did Sumiel start feeling less ptimistic after excitement? A . He questined the sincerity f Letts' ffer. B . He wrried abut the risks f the surgery. C . He believed Letts wuld frget his ffer. D . He dubted if Letts was fit fr dnatin.
    26. What kind f persn is Letts based n this text? A . Sympathetic and wise. B . Reliable and helpful. C . Respnsible and Sensitive. D . Trustwrthy and humble.
    27. What is the best title fr the text? A . A Frtunate Driver. B . A Kidney Transplant. C . A Successful Surgery. D . A Ride fr a Lifetime.
    阅读下列短文. 从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中. 选出最佳选项。
    Researchers believe they have fund evidence fr a hidden cean n Mimas, ne f Saturn's majr mns. This makes Mimas a target fr learning mre abut the rigins f life in ur slar system.
    Saturn has 146 mns rbiting it. The biggest is larger than the planet Mercury; the smallest is rughly the size f a sprts field n the Earth. Mimas, which was first discvered in 1789, is ne f the majr mns and is abut 250 miles wide.
    Experts used t think Mimas was mstly made ut f slid ice and rck. In 2014, astrnmers nticed its rbit arund Saturn was mving unsteadily. A shaky rbit can be caused either by a cre shaped like a rugby ball r a huge liquid cean beneath the surface. At first, lts f astrnmers argued against the suggestin that Mimas had an cean because there is n sign f it n the surface.
    T investigate mre thrughly, researchers lked at images taken by Cassini, a NASA spacecraft sent t study Satun. The images shwed that the mn's rbit arund Saturn drifted by abut six miles ver 13 years. The team's calculatins fund that the nly way Mimas culd mve in this way is if it had a hidden cean under the surface. They think the cean frmed when the mn's cre warmed up and melted sme f the ice.
    Mimas is just ne f many mns that scientists think culd have ceans belw the surface Ganymede, which rbits Jupiter and is the largest mn in the slar system, has mre water in its cean than all f the ceans n the Earth. Titan, anther f Saturn's mns, is believed t have a salty cean beneath the surface.
    Space agencies want t study these ceans because they might be hme t living rganisms. Hwever, the cean n Mimas might nt be ld enugh fr life t have emerged there yet. It tk hundreds f millins f years fr life t develp n the Earth and the cean n Mimas is relatively yung;it is less than 25 millin years ld.
    28. What is the explratin f Mimas aimed at in Paragraph 1? A . Prviding evidence fr a hidden cean. B . Explring the beginning f life in uter space. C . Prmting research fr space explratin. D . Ensuring harmny between man and nature.
    29. What is the main idea f paragragh2? A . The discvery f Saturn's mns. B . T he number and variety f mns rbiting Saturn. C . The size and characteristics f Mimas. D . The cmparisn between Satum and Mercury.
    30. What did astrnmers initially think f the existence f ceans n Mimas? A . Cnfident. B . Indifferent C . Optimistic D . Dubtful
    31. Why did the researchers use Casini's images t investigate Mimas? A . T analyze its rbit. B . T measure its size. C . T bserve its surface D . T find landing sites.
    阅读下列短文. 从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中. 选出最佳选项。
    Spending all day glued t yur smartphne prbably isn't ding yu any favrs. T much phne use has been linked with a range f cncems, including sleep issues, jint pain and even relatinship prblems. But if it's radiatin yu're wrried abut, experts say yu dn't have t ditch yur phne.
    "There's n risk f anything hazardus r dangerus with radiatin frm cellphnes, "said Gayle Wlschak, an assciate dean and prfessr f radilgy at the Nrthwesterm Univerity Feinberg Schl f Medicine. As with all cellphnes, alng with Wi-Fi netwrks, radi statins, remte cntrls and GPS, smartphnes d send ut radiatin, said Emily Caffrey, an assistant prfessr f health physics at the University f Alabama at Birningham. They use invisible energy waves t transmit vices, texts, phts and emails t nearby cell twers, which can carry them t almst anywhere in the wrld. But nearly three decades f scientific research has nt linked such expsures t medical issues like cancer, health authrities including the Fd and Drug Administratin say. Here's what we knw.
    "Radiatin"describes many types f energy, sme f which d carry risks, explained Dr. Hward Fine, directr f the Brain Tumr Center at NewYrk —Presbyterian Weill Crnell Medical Center in New Yrk City, "It is ften sent ut frm radiactive substances", Atmic bmbs, r, t a far lesser degree, X-ray machines, send ut energy called inizing radiatin that in high enugh r frequent enugh amunt can damage DNA and cause cancer, Dr. Fine said.
    But smartphne energy falls int a categry called nn-inizing radiatin, Dr. Caffrey said, which isn't pwerful enugh t cause this damage. "A lt f peple think‘radiatin is radiatin, 'but it's nt all the same, "Dr. Wlschak said. "There's n DNA damage seen frm cellphne use. "
    Mst experts and health authrities like the F. D. A. and Wrld Health Organizatin agree that there's n evidence that smartphne radiatin causes health prblems. Still, several studies ver the years have made headlines fr suggesting their links t brain diseases. Many f these studies have since been prved t be false, Dr. Fine said, including thse fcused n fifth-generatin.
    32. What des the underlined wrd"ditch"in Paragraph 1 mean? A . Make use f B . Keep track f. C . Get hld f D . Get rid f.
    33. Which statement best reflects the attitude f health authrities twards cellphne radiatin? A . They cnsider it secure based n current research. B . They are indifferent due t lack f sufficient data C . They express cncern and require strict regulatins. D . They are dubtful and appeal fr immediate actin.
    34. What des this text mainly tell us? A . Frming a healthy lifestyle is vital. B . Smartphnes need radiatin limits. C . Radiatin cncerns are unfunded. D . Technlgy reduces radiatin risks.
    35. Where wuld this text mst likely appear? A . In a science magazine. B . In a cllectin f shrt stries. C . In a schl newsletter. D . In a phne advertising brchure.
    四、第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)(共1题)
    根据短文内容. 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    S, yu want t learn hw t get the mst ut f yur reading experience. Reading effectively is a piece f cake whether yu're reading fr schl r fun. The fllwing tricks will nt nly help yu cmprehend the infrmatin yu're learning, but make the reading experience much mre enjyable.
    Skim thrugh the text.
    Get a preview f what's t cme by flipping thrugh the pages. Once yu have the basic idea f what yu're reading, scan thrugh the table f cntents and headers r flick thrugh the pages. Glance ver any images, graphs, r illustratins. 36 Take ntes while yu read.
    Practice active reading by taking ntes. Befre grabbing yur ntebk, wait until yu've finished reading r skimming thrugh a cmplete sectin r idea. 37 . Be sure t include the page number and surce yu're summarizing in yur ntes s that yu can refer t the text later.
    Think abut what yu've read.
    38 . Once yu reach the end f a main idea, sectin, r chapter, take a few mments t let everything sak in befre yu get back t reading. 39 Identify the authr's bias, assess the evidence, and bserve yur immediate reactins. Ask yurself whether yu agree with the psitin that's being presented r the directin f the plt.
    40 .
    Link what yu read t yur existing knwledge r past experiences. Instead f treating the text as an islated piece f writing, link it t previus readings. If a plt pint reminded yu f smething frm yur wn life, make a mental nte f it. If yu can cnnect the examples in the jurnal article with smething yu learned in class, jt dwn thse similarities.
    A. Make persnal cnnectins t the material
    B. Set aside a few minutes t keep everything in mind
    C. Pause between main ideas t prcess the reading material
    D. Dn't be afraid t questin the text and make yur wn assumptins
    E. Remember: trying t be as fast as pssible is the first thing yu shuld cnsider
    F. Summarize the main idea in yur head, and then write the main pints and cncepts
    G. Take a few secnds t read the text quickly, including the ntes, t spt eye-catching key wrds.
    五、第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)(共1题)
    The snw arrived earlier than predicted as I 41 grcery bags int the Chevy's trunk and shut the hatch. Several feet f snw already cvered ur cmmunity, and this new 42 was, f curse, anther cruel 43 . "It'll prbably be the disaster f this century, "I cmplained, thinking abut the past few difficult years. Id 44 the illness and the financial lss, but smething else was 45 me —the hpelessness that results frm 46 gals,
    Usually a psitive persn f 47 , I had always viewed life as a series f prblems t 48 .
    Thugh I thught I'd handled the dilemmas well, I hadn't 49 that the real me, the ne whse passin fr life had 50 thers, had burned ut. In the past year, I had been faced with 51 chices, and I'd made critical 52 . Nw I was afraid t trust my judgment and my future.
    When nighttime arrived, I decided t take a walk. Outside, my feet seemed t be 53 in the endless white as I walked alng snwy fields tward the frest. Smewhere alng my jurney, I realized I'd been crying. Pausing t catch my breath, I felt a mment's 54 I'd traveled ff the recgnizable path frm my hme. Tired and defeated, I fell and 55 against a very strng trunk, 56 my head n my drawn-up knees 57 . A deer std nly a few inches away, lcking her stare n mine. A few minutes passed, she stepped clser and lwered her head t 58 my pcket as if t be in search f fd. I felt my pcket and ffered an apple t her gently.
    "Mistakes can bring psitive utcmes, after all. " Excited by my new 59 , I mved ahead, grwing tired but pressing nward. It's the 60 and willingness t learn frm the past and then press nward that can lead t a jyful future.
    Fcused n guaranteeing the five majr areas f rganizing, participating, watching, 61 (safe)and demnstratin f the Winter Olympics, a key specialized prject called "high-tech Winter Games" 62 (lead) by the Ministry f Science and Technlgy back in 2017 was established.
    Amng 80 special research prjects attached t the key prject, 212 technlgies were 63 (eventual) applied, 64 (prvide)strng supprt fr the"simple, safe and wnderful" 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
    The visual technlgies such as 8K stere bradcasting system prvide gd visual experience fr 65 (that)watching the cmpetitins n the screen. "Green"is als ne f the themes fr the "high-tech Winter Games": the trch is made f carbn-fiber materials 66 is light and resistant t high temperatures, and 67 (fuel) by hydrgen; the ec-friendly ice rinks use the wrld's 68 (large)trans-critical CO2 direct cling system which imprves the energy efficiency 69 mre than 20 percent.
    The hydrgen-pwered buses emplyed in Yanqing and Zhangjiaku, and the bidegradable tableware being used at the Games als use the high technlgy.
    Behind all the high technlgy in this Winter Olympics is a display f Beijing's scientific and technlgical innvatin. Chinese peple nt nly celebrate the athletes, 70 celebrate the advances in technlgy that cnnect us and make ur lives better.
    71. 第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 (A),并在其下面写出该加的词。
    1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    Last mnth, my twn hit by an unexpected fld. It rained heavily, turning streets int rivers r hmes int islands in a flash. As the water risen alarmingly. panic set in between the residents. Unfrtunately, because f ur self-prtectin awareness and jint effrts frm all sides, the fld didn't cause seriusly damage. Shrtly after that, the lcal gvernment recmmended tip n surviving in flds. It advised ur t quickly mve t a higher grund t avid being drwned and t avid cntact with plluted water t reduce the risk f infectin. Stay away frm pwer surces t prevent electric shck was als n the list.
    八、第二节 书面表达(满分25分)(共1题)
    72. 假定你是李华,请你写一封邮件给你的英国朋友Jim, 分享你近期参加的一项学校体育比赛活动。内容包括:
    1. 比赛过程;
    2. 赛后感受。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 短文的开头和结尾已为你写好。
    Dear Jim,
    Hw is everything ging? I am writing t eagerly share my recent experience participating in a schl sprts event
    Li Hua阅卷人
    A . At the drugstre.
    B . At the clinic.
    C . At the grcery.
    A . Studying at night.
    B . Preparing fr finals.
    C . Skipping mre tests.
    A . On Thursday.
    B . On Friday.
    C . On Saturday.
    A . He ften sleeps late at night
    B . He is sensitive t the nise.
    C . He usually has a gd sleep.
    A . Admiring the paintings.
    B . Taking the pht.
    C . Using the flash.
    A . placed
    B . pured
    C . hid
    D . hanged
    A . jam
    B . kit
    C . strm
    D . suit
    A . cntest
    B . situatin
    C . shrtage
    D . strike
    A . lived up t
    B . put dwn
    C . wrked thrugh
    D . lked ut fr
    A . attracting
    B . disturbing
    C . delighting
    D . amazing
    A . undecided
    B . unpublished
    C . unplanned
    D . unattained
    A . freedm
    B . curisity
    C . faith
    D . flexibility
    A . slve
    B . seek
    C . avid
    D . evaluate
    A . acknwledged
    B . realized
    C . guaranteed
    D . prved
    A . admired
    B . reminded
    C . warned
    D . inspired
    A . unexpected
    B . unreliable
    C . untrue
    D . unrealistic.
    A . mistakes
    B . cmments
    C . wrds
    D . judgments
    A . ut f rder
    B . ut f shape
    C . ut f danger
    D . ut f sight
    A . relief
    B . panic
    C . satisfactin
    D . dizziness
    A . defended
    B . prtested
    C . fught
    D . leant
    A . resting
    B . seeing
    C . prtecting
    D . tidying
    A . secretly
    B . sensitively
    C . silently
    D . randmly
    A . crash
    B . explre
    C . catch
    D . tear
    A . decisin
    B . departure
    C . thught
    D . ambitin
    A . prmise
    B . wisdm
    C . stimulatin
    D . shame

    山西省怀仁市第一中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期3月第二次月考英语试题(音频暂未更新): 这是一份山西省怀仁市第一中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期3月第二次月考英语试题(音频暂未更新),共8页。试卷主要包含了第一部分 听力听下面5段对话,第二节 听下面5 段对话或独白,第二部分 阅读,第二节,第三部分 语言运用,第四部分 写作等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    河南省南阳市六校2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷(音频暂未更新): 这是一份河南省南阳市六校2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷(音频暂未更新),共8页。试卷主要包含了听力听下面5段对话,第二节听下面5段对话或独白,第二节,语言知识运用,写作等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    河南省百师联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(音频暂未更新): 这是一份河南省百师联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题(音频暂未更新),共8页。试卷主要包含了第二部分,阅读理解,第二节,第三部分,语言知识运用,第一节,第三部分,语言知识运用,第二节,第四部分,写作等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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