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    1. What will the speakers d next?
    A . Call a taxi. B . Get n a bus. C . Cancel an appintment.
    2. What des the man ask the wman t help?
    A . Fetch a suit. B . Pick him up. C . Repair his car.
    3. Which kind f shes will the wman prbably buy?
    A . Dress shes. B . Tennis shes. C . Sccer shes.
    4. Why des the man invite the wman t dinner?
    A . T celebrate his mve. B . T shw his gratitude t her. C . T aplgize fr causing her truble.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A . The weather. B . Their friend. C . A gift.
    第Ⅱ卷 主观题
    6. What des the wman dislike abut the film?
    A . The actr. B . The directr. C . The plt.
    7. What is the wman's pinin abut the film?
    A . It's wrth watching. B . It's ttally a let-dwn. C . It's the best film at present.
    8. Why des the man cme back late?
    A . He lst his way. B . He had an accident. C . He met an ld friend.
    9. Hw lng was the man stuck in the traffic jam?
    A . Abut ne hur. B . Abut tw hurs. C . Abut fur hurs.
    10. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A . Clleagues. B . Clerk and client. C . Dctr and patient.
    11. When will Mr. Sharpe's daughter have an peratin?
    A . This afternn. B . Tmrrw mrning. C . Tmrrw afternn.
    12. What d we knw abut the man?
    A . He will ask Mr. Sharpe if he needs any help. B . He will finish the meeting with Mr. Sharpe earlier. C . He will visit Mr. Sharpe's daughter in the hspital.
    13. Why des the wman lk unhappy?
    A . She culdn't get a plane ticket. B . She has been studying t much. C . She desn't have a car.
    14. What d the numbers n the bxes represent?
    A . Types f cars. B . Amunts f mney. C . Districts f the United States.
    15. What clur card des the wman need?
    A . White. B . Red. C . Blue.
    16. Where is the ride bard?
    A . In frnt f the cllege cinema. B . In the Student Unin building. C . In a travel agent's ffice.
    17. Wh is the speaker?
    A . A hst. B . A teacher. C . A guide.
    18. What are the listeners expected t d after meals?
    A . Wash up. B . Return the dishes. C . Clean the tables.
    19. What activity is ffered n Sunday mrning?
    A . Field walking. B . Hrse riding. C . Sailing.
    20. What change is made t tmrrw evening's arrangement?
    A . The music will be different. B . The dancing will be canceled. C . The special dinner will cme last.
    The UK's greatest ftball grunds
    The British ftball grunds featured in this guide are sme f the best in the whle wrld. Sme stadiums have celebrated mre success than thers, but each grund has its wn rich heritage and unique atmsphere.
    Craven Cttage, Lndn
    Craven Cttage was designed by the Glaswegian architect Archibald Leitch, wh built20 majr ftball stadiums in the UK, including Chelsea's Stamfrd Bridge. The"cttage"itself, lying n ne crner f the pitch(球场), was added by Leitch because he'd frgtten t have changing rms in the riginal design.
    Capacity: 25,700.
    Tickets: Adult(18+)£19.99 Children under 18 £9.99
    Family bnus: 2 adults+1 child £39.97
    Visiting time: Mn-Sat, 8:30-20:30
    Anfield, Liverpl
    Anfield saw the fulfilment f many dreams. Lcated in the slidly wrking-class area f nrth Liverpl, it's anther grund built by Archibald Leitch.
    It was trn dwn in 1994 with the cming f all-seated stadiums, but plans are nw underway fr a £260m upgrade including a htel and a "fd hub".
    Capacity: 45,500.
    Tickets: Adult (18+) £15.99 Children under 18£8.99
    Visiting time: Mn-Fri, 9:00-20:00
    Old Traffrd, Manchester
    Yu'd be hard pushed t find any ftball fan wh hasn't heard f Old Traffrd. The stadium, yet anther grund designed by Leitch, has been Manchester United's hme since1910. Hwever, n games were played between 1941 and 1949.
    In 2008, t celebrate the 40th anniversary f Manchester United's first Eurpean Cup win, a stat ue f Gerge Best, Denis Law and Bbby Charltn was displayed.
    Capacity: 75,800.
    Tickets: Adult (18+) £16.99 Children under 18 £8.99
    Visiting time: Tue-Sat, 9:00-21:00
    21. Hw much will a cuple with 3 children pay fr entering Craven Cttage?
    A . £68.95. B . £58.95. C . £59.95. D . £60.95.
    22. Which stadium was nce destryed accrding t the passage?
    A . Anfield. B . Craven Cttage. C . Stamfrd Bridge. D . Old Traffrd.
    23. What d the three stadiums have in cmmn?
    A . They were built at the same time. B . They are all pen n weekdays. C . They are the best stadiums in Lndn. D . They were designed by the same architect.
    "Mm, culd yu read t me?" My sn, wh was suffering frm a virus, was lying n the flr f ur living rm, where he usually went when he was sick. Furteen years ld might seem ld fr being read t, but appearing grwn-up wasn't his pririty at this pint. He was lking fr cmfrt, distractin and wanted t feel cared fr.
    I'd actually kept reading t him thrugh his childhd and called it quits when we gt int the preteen authrity fight. When I read t him, I chse bks that I lved, ften bks that he wuldn't have gtten thrugh n his wn. Saying that he didn't like the fantasy stries I'd adred myself at his age, he expressed an interest in nnfictin. Therefre, I put my wn past preferences aside and lked fr true stries that wuld grab his attentin, and that he culd read n his wn. His shifting adlescent interest meant that the bk I'd rdered fr him yesterday was smetimes dismissed when it arrived, but I just put it aside fr later. Its time might cme arund again.
    Nw, thugh, he was asking me again, and I was glad t d anything that might give him relief. The purpse was neither knwledge learning nr a display f authrity. He was seeking rest fr his unsettled mind and bdy, and by reading t him, I culd see that it supprted his healing, as surely as the ht lemn and ginger tea and getting plenty f sleep did.
    I am sure that reading t my sn has enhanced his schl learning — his teacher has been amazed by his writing abilities —but mre imprtantly, it has helped t make ur bnd strnger, giving us smething in cmmn t enjy tgether. When the arguments and disagreements erupt, we can always cme back t this simple activity f reading and listening, a unin f suls that leaves us bth cmpletely free.
    24. What may the authr d when her sn asked her t read t him?
    A . She read t him. B . She ignred him. C . She tld him t read by himself. D . She suggested they read tgether.
    25. What is the authr's attitude twards her sn's changeable reading interest?
    A . Oppsed. B . Wrried. C . Uncncerned. D . Acceptable.
    26. What des the authr think is the mst imprtant benefit f reading t her sn?
    A . Giving him cmfrt. B . Strengthening their ties. C . Helping him grw mre rapidly. D . Prmting his schl learning.
    27. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the passage?
    A . The Imprtance f Bnd B . The Benefits f Reading C . Reading and Bnding D . Caring fr Yur Sick Child
    In the ever-evlving wrld f rbtics, researchers are cnstantly seeking innvative ways t enhance the capabilities f these machines. One that has captured the attentin f scientists is the ptential f using legs instead f arms fr certain tasks. Fur-legged rbts nrmally need an arm attached t their bdy t pen drs r pick up bjects, but this can add additinal weight and make it harder fr the rbt t squeeze thrugh narrw spaces.
    Philip Smith in Switzerland and his clleagues used a machine-learning mdel t teach a ready-made rbtic dg t use ne f its legs t perfrm tasks while standing still r mving with the ther three legs. The rbt dg can use a leg t pen drs, press buttns and pick up backpacks while balancing n its ther three legs.
    "We cannt d everything with the legs that we culd d with an arm — right nw, a hand is far mre skillful. But the pint is really t make this wrk fr applicatins where we maybe have mass limits, r we dn't want t have that additinal cmplexity, like fr space explratin where every kilgram f such a rbt cunts," says Smith.
    T train the rbt dg, Smith and his team gave the machine-learning mdel the bjective f finding a specific pint in space with ne f the rbt's legs. The mdel then wrked ut by itself hw t cntrl the remaining three legs and balance the rbt while standing r walking. Smith and his team culd then cntrl the rbt remtely t carry ut mvements like picking up a backpack and putting it in a bx, r cllecting rcks. While the rbt can currently nly d these tasks while perated by a persn, Smith hpes that future imprvements will allw the dg t autnmusly handle bjects with its leg.
    28. What is a drawback f fur-legged rbts with arms?
    A . Difficulty in cntrl. B . Lack f flexibility. C . Cmplexity in design. D . Absence f innvatin.
    29. Why des Smith mentin "space explratin" in paragraph 3?
    A . T cmpare the rbt dg with humans. B . T prve the cmplexity f the rbt dg. C . T explain the limitatin f the rbt dg. D . T shw the ptential uses f the rbt dg.
    30. Hw was the rbt dg trained?
    A . By balancing n its ther three legs. B . By using a machine-learning mdel. C . By having an arm attached t its bdy. D . By expsing it t diverse envirnments.
    31. What des Smith hpe fr the future f the rbt dg?
    A . Its leg will be mre skillful than its arms. B . It can be perated mre easily by a persn. C . It can handle bjects with its leg n its wn. D . It can carry ut machine-learning autnmusly.
    In late summer, Death Valley Natinal Park earns its name. The heat in this regin f Califrnia and Nevada is unbearable. Despite the heat, there was a slw but steady drp f water int the cllectin bttle f Omar Yaghi's device, a grup f cmpnents resembling a telescpe. By the end f the day, this system had cllected nly a few millilitres f water —barely enugh fr a refreshing sip. But these results, published in July, represent a landmark in the field f Atmspheric Water Harvesting (AWH).
    The key ingredient in this device —a water-absrbing chemical called MOF-303—has the ptential t deliver life-sustaining vlumes f clean water t regins that currently struggle t access it. "The visin there is t have smething like a village-scale device," says Yaghi, a chemist at the University f Califrnia. "If yu've gt a tnne f MOF-303, yu culd deliver abut 500 litres f water a day."
    By current estimates, rughly tw billin peple lack access t clean drinking water. Desalinated seawater can meet sme f this need, but the technlgy required remains cstly and is limited t castal regins. This accunts fr the grwing enthusiasm fr alternative slutins that extract clean water frm the air.
    "It is estimated that Earth's atmsphere cntains nearly 13,000 cubic kilmetres f water— ver six times the vlume f the wrld's rivers. We cannt exhaust it —it's always refilled in the prcess f natural water cycle," says Tian Li, a materials scientist at Purdue University. And althugh many f the mst prmising AWH technlgies are still at the stage f lab demnstratins, the field is quickly develping twards real-wrld systems that prduce plentiful amunts f water at lw cst.
    32. What can we learn abut Omar Yaghi's device frm the text?
    A . It uses MOF-303 fr water absrptin. B . It requires substantial investment in use. C . It perates like a telescpe fr water cllectin. D . It cllects enugh water fr a day's use.
    33. What des the underlined phrase "accunt fr" in paragraph 3 mean?
    A . Cnfirm. B . Emphasize. C . Explain. D . Cntradict.
    34. Why are Tian Li's wrds quted in paragraph 4?
    A . T reveal the severeness f water shrtage. B . T aruse peple's awareness f water cnservatin. C . T prve the nn-renewable nature f atmspheric water. D . T demnstrate a favrable cnditin fr AWH technlgies.
    35. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A . A travel guidebk. B . A science magazine. C . A psychlgical nvel. D . An intrductin t a bk.
    Maybe smene yu've been friends with fr years is kicking up sme cnflict. Or, a persn yu've really trusted seems a little disappinting. Hwever, we need t give peple space t change, grw and readjust their wn thinking. Learning t get the "gd" ut f peple usually wrks. 36
    Peple unavidably have sme types f flaws (缺陷). Fr instance, peple may keep imprtant truths, but the real truth might be that they have truble trusting thers. 37 They are cnstantly rcking yur bat and ccupying yur persnal time.
    Sam, an emplyee assistance prgram cunselr says, "Peple we care abut can drive us mad." He insists that it's easier t manage a relatinship by setting bundaries and learning t draw the gd ut f peple. "Deal with their flaws and accept them if pssible" he advises.
    38 Sam emphasizes, "Usually, we can change smething abut ur wn methds f dealing with a persn. It desn't have t end." Remember, t, that if smene hides imprtant infrmatin r tells straight lies, this is nt acceptable. 39
    T handle the flaws, always fcus n the strengths f peple in yur circle. One friend might be a great babysitter fr yur kids while anther helps yu find gd vacatin deals. While yu dn't want t "use" anyne, yu d want t cunt n him fr yur wn needs. 40 We all need a variety f peple. Besides, life is much mre interesting if we have a little bit f drama ging n.

    A. N ne can functin all by himself.
    B. Ending a relatinship is seldm a gd idea.
    C. Frgiving thers is always a gd quality t maintain friendship.
    D. Als, sme peple may ask t much f yu.
    E. But yu can distance yurself and wait t see if smene changes.
    F. Smetimes flaws may becme advantages under certain circumstances.
    G. T d this, fcus n their strengths and hw thse benefit yur wn life.
    I came t the sprt f triathlns late in life. I spent years accmpanying my super-fit brther t triathlns and waiting fr him n the ht sidelines while he swam, biked and ran fr hurs. Then a light bulb turned n in my brain. I culd 41 , t, instead f suffering intense 42 .
    Starting with what I knew best, I began swimming. I swam up and dwn, 43 my54-year-ld bdy that my skills haven't 44 . Thankfully, muscle memry was 45 , leaving me cnfident fr the first sessin. Fr the bike part, cycling wasn't as enjyable as I remembered, but I didn't 46 . Tugh as it was, all I cared abut was finishing the ride. T exercise fr the run, I jined a running grup. In the beginning, I culd merely run 3 miles, but I kept mving frward. I culd 47 achieve the gal in a cuple f mnths. Still, I remained rather 48 . Hw wuld I swim 1.2miles, bike 56 miles and then run 13.1 miles in ne day?
    When I carefully 49 my crazy idea t my brther, he jumped n bard immediately. The final 50 was painful and the big day eventually arrived this summer. At first, I finished swimming a few minutes ahead f my brther. Hwever, I 51 during the bike ride. After abut 22 miles, I stpped, gt ff my bike and 52 , "I think I'm ging t quit."
    "Yu knw yu wn't let yurself d that", he replied. 53 , I gt back and slwly pedaled (蹬车) t the end. The run was mre like a walk. My brther chse t stay with me. The sun burning, we talked, laughed and waved t the 54 . We crssed the finish line tgether, and a great cheer went up frm the crwd. It was a (n) 55 experience fr me.
    A . participate B . innvate C . experiment D . rganize
    A . cnfusin B . srrw C . bredm D . awkwardness
    A . examining B . maintaining C . explaining D . cnvincing
    A . imprved B . disappeared C . existed D . arrived
    A . ignred B . regained C . discvered D . repeated
    A . drp ut B . turn arund C . get thrugh D . break up
    A . narrwly B . extremely C . severely D . hardly
    A . puzzled B . embarrassed C . stressed D . terrified
    A . brught B . cmmunicated C . cntributed D . assigned
    A . result B . injury C . treatment D . preparatin
    A . quitted B . explred C . struggled D . fled
    A . reminded B . whispered C . cmfrted D . persuaded
    A . Upset B . Astnished C . Relieved D . Determined
    A . judges B . audience C . staff D . lsers
    A . bittersweet B . heartbreaking C . nging D . lifelike
    Di Di is a Chinese directr and prducer. Thrugh the media cmpany he 56 (fund) a few years ag, the 29-year-ld makes advertising and prmtinal 57 (vide),including thse fr Tsinghua University.
    With ten years f directing experience under his belt, yu might think he 58 (happy) lives in the ivry twer f directing, 59 in fact, he has a very dwn-t-earth philsphy. "In tday's vide-cntent-centered wrld, everyne has the ability t be a directr and share peple's stries," he said.
    Di's wn smewhat accidental path t becming a directr serves as a perfect example. Majring in jurnalism at Tsinghua, he gt int 60 (make) films fr a student assciatin and then the university as a whle.
    Fr the university's 2020 prmtinal vide, Di created a stry f a grup f students 61 aimed t launch their wn satellite after facing a sudden setback befre the launch date. "We have spent mre than tw years 62 this. Nw with ne mnth 63 (leave), n ne knws hw it will turn ut. But befre the dust settles, I want t g all ut this time," said the leader f the student team in the 8-minute-lng vide.
    And in this attempt, Di als fund 64 (inspire)."This vide made me rethink my wn career: Whether t cntinue wrking hard in the crprate wrld r stay true t 65 (me) and create mre stries abut Chinese yung peple," he said.
    66. 假定你是李华,你校将举办校园文化艺术节,请你给外教Henry写封邮件邀请他参加,内容包括:
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It was nearly midnight by the time 18-year-ld Amy Waldrp returned t her grandmther's tiny huse, and she was exhausted. After a full day's wrk at a flwer shp, she had put in anther six hurs waiting tables befre heading hme. This was her typical weekends.
    Pushing the key int the lck, she quietly pened the dr s as nt t wake her yunger siblings. She stepped int the frnt rm, and frze. The huse was a mess: plates f half-eaten fd were scattered in frnt f the TV; clthes, shes and exercise bks were everywhere.
    Amy's eyes welled with tears. "This is just way t much fr me." she thught. Her wrst fears began t race thrugh her mind. Tw years befre, her parents lst their lives in an accident, leaving Amy and her siblings fr their grandma—Helen wh had spent half f her life in a wheelchair. The life burden fell n Amy's shulders, which was t much fr a girl.
    One day, walking acrss the schl grunds, Amy fund a table littered with university brchures. She brwsed thrugh pictures f spacius campuses and happy kids —all f it lking unachievable fr her, given the current situatin and financial cnditins. But her teacher gave her unexpected hpe, saying "Yu culd attend university fr free. It wuld take a schlarship, thugh, and fr that yu'd need much better grades."
    During her final year f high schl, Amy diligently attended classes, then went t wrk after schl, returned t her grandmther's huse, cared fr her sisters and brthers and went thrugh hmewrk till the early hurs f the mrning, struggling fr her dream university.
    One afternn, she walked hme frm schl, hlding a sheet f paper tightly. It was a letter frm the University f Califrnia, infrming her that she wuld be ffered a schlarship and was admitted t the university. It was what she'd lnged fr, a place where she culd study t becme smene special —a nurse, perhaps, r maybe even a lawyer.
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    Li Hua
    Yet the letter nly made Amy struggle inside.
    The next afternn, Amy sptted the wrinkled letter n the table when arriving hme.

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