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    Prfile pictures
    A prfile picture is the image that represents a scial media accunt in all its interactins n a platfrm. Prfile pictures are displayed next t the accunt names n psts, cmments and mentins, depending n the platfrm.
    Prfile pictures make a visual impact n scial media users and ptential custmers, making it imprtant fr businesses t select the right images. Fr a cmpany, a prfile picture shuld be the best part f that brand’s image, usually cmbining its lg.
    Hw t select a prfile picture
    Prfile pictures shuld be easily recgnizable as belnging t yur business. While using an independent lg is the mst cmmn strategy, sme brands use a lifestyle image that includes that lg.
    Other brands rely mre n a persn — a recgnizable “face f the brand”. If this is yur marketing strategy, yur prfile image shuld be creative and attractive:
    ●Use prfessinal phtgraphy and design.
    ●Clrful images are better at catching peple’s eyes.
    ●Phts shuld be taken in bright light.
    ●Shw a smiling face.
    If yu have multiple scial media utlets, use the same prfile picture n every platfrm t create a cnsistent brand image.
    Abve all, use high-quality images. Keep in mind a few basic rules:
    ●Images shuld be clear.
    ●Make images simple and visually striking.
    ●Always meet requirements f the platfrm’s image size.
    If the platfrm allws, add a descriptin t yur prfile picture that includes links t yur website.
    1.Why is it vital fr a business t chse a prper prfile picture?
    A. A prfile picture is equal t a business.
    B. A prfile picture has a visual influence n ptential custmers.
    C. A prfile picture is usually displayed next t the accunt names.
    D. A prfile picture is ften the best part f a cmpany’s brand image.
    2.Which principle shuld be fllwed when chsing a prfile picture?
    A. Avid phts taken in bright light.
    B. Always use a lifestyle image with the lg.
    C. Make images simple as well as visually appealing.
    D. Adpt varius prfile pictures fr different scial media utlets.
    3.Where is the text likely t be fund?
    A. On a business website.B. On a business frum.
    C. In an academic reprt.D. In a schl brchure.
    The Chinese fashin icn, qipa, was brn a century ag in Shanghai. Hwever, the dress made its way thrugh histry frm the hands f ld craftsmen and is deep-rted in Chinese culture.
    “Qipa used t be s ppular,” Leung Lng-kng, 89, a well-knwn qipa craftsman, says, adding that the dress was an everyday utfit amng wmen, frm the less well-ff t wmen at the highest levels f sciety. “Nw, nbdy is wearing them except n grand and happy ccasins.”
    T carry n the traditin, fashin designer Mary Yu, 41, wh has been attending classes teaching knt buttn-making techniques, is trying t renew the design f qipa by taking symbls frm Chinese histry and literature.
    “I feel I shuld lk int Chinese culture and learn mre abut the past. Peple shuld have an in-depth understanding f their culture in rder t mve n. Fashin design requires a prfund knwledge f ne’s culture befre visualizing it. After a perid f wearing freign brands all the time, there will be a day when ne lks back t traditinal Chinese culture. It is abut finding the stuff that exists in yur genes and suits yu best,” Yu says.
    Yu set up her wn qipa brand in 2016. Mst f the clthes were made by tailrs based in Shenzhen and Hangzhu, fr their lwer cst and mre traditinal wrk.
    In the cnstantly evlving fashin industry, qipa is catching up with the times. Zippers, digital print patterns and new materials such as lace and denim have been intrduced t a new generatin. Mre daring ideas like 3D printed qipa have als becme a reality. Yu believed that with the help f these new technlgies, qipa will find its way back t the daily life f Chinese peple in the near future.
    4.Hw ppular was qipa in the past?
    A. Every Shanghai wman wre qipa.
    B. Varius wmen wre qipa as an everyday utfit.
    C. Only wmen f the highest rank wre qipa every day.
    D. Every wman wre qipa n grand and happy ccasins.
    5.Hw is Mary Yu trying t give new life t qipa?
    A. She is teaching knt buttn-making techniques.
    B. She is seeking ways t cut dwn the cst f making qipa.
    C. She is taking inspiratin frm Chinese histry and literature.
    D. She is attempting t break away frm the influence f freign brands.
    6.Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Mary Yu?
    A. Cautius and persistent.B. Patritic and cnservative.
    C. Innvative and passinate.D. Cnsiderate and ambitius.
    7.What can be the best title f the text?
    A. Qipa: Where t G?B. Qipa: a Treasure Lst
    C. Qipa: When t Wear?D. Qipa: a Symbl f Wealth
    D yu smetimes ignre yur mm while chatting with friends? If yu’re a teen, that’s fairly cmmn. And a new study may explain why s many adlescents tune ut their mms’ vices.
    Science has shwn that yung children’s brains are well adapted t their mthers’ vices. But as children grw int teenagers, everything is changing. The latest research shws that teenagers’ brains are nw mre adapted t the vices f strangers than their wn mthers. This is what Daniel Abrams explains, wh is a neurscientist at Stanfrd University Schl f Medicine in Califrnia.
    Abrams and his clleagues already knew that yunger kids’ brains respnd mre strngly t their mms’ vices than t a stranger’s. “In adlescence, we shw the exact ppsite f that,” Abrams says. Fr teens, these brain regins respnd mre t unfamiliar vices than t their mms’. This shift in what vice aruses interest mst seems t happen between ages 13 and 14. That’s when teenagers are in the midst f puberty (青春期), a rughly decade-lng transitin t adulthd.
    These areas in the adlescents’ brains dn’t stp respnding t their mms, Abrams says. It’s just that unfamiliar vices becme mre rewarding and wrthy f attentin. Here’s why: As kids grw up, they expand their scial cnnectins way beynd their family. S their brains need t begin paying mre attentin t that brader wrld.
    “As we mature, ur survival depends less and less n maternal (母亲的) supprt,” says Leslie Seltzer, a bilgical anthrplgist at the University f Wiscnsin-Madisn. She was part f the team that carried ut that 2011 study. Instead, she says, “We rely mre and mre n ur peers — friends and thers clser t ur wn age.”
    Abrams said that althugh teenagers and their parents smetimes feel frustrated with missing infrmatin, it desn’t matter. “This is the way the brain cnnects, and there is gd reasn.”
    8.What d the underlined wrds “tune ut” in Paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Shw respect t.B. Cperate with.C. Pay little attentin t.D. Sing in tune with.
    9.Hw d teenagers behave differently frm their childhd?
    A. They are familiar t their mthers’ vices.
    B. They are mre excited hearing their mthers’ vices.
    C. They respnd mre strngly t strangers’ vices than t their mthers’.
    D. They deliberately ignre their mthers ut f a desire t be independent.
    10.Why is there a change in teenagers’ respnse t their mms’ vices?
    A. Their brains just stp respnding t their mms.
    B. Their mms’ vices bring them a strng sense f frustratin.
    C. Their mms’ vices are n lnger rewarding and wrthy f attentin.
    D. Their brains need t pay mre attentin t scial cnnectins utside their family.
    11.What des Abrams think f the change in family relatins?
    A. Disturbing.B. Inspiring.C. Insignificant.D. Disappinting.
    Arund half the peple we cnsider ur friends dn’t cnsider us theirs in return, as recent research indicates. As with the famus finding that almst everyne thinks they’re in the tp 50% f safe drivers, we can’t all be the nes with the right sense f wh really likes us.
    And if we’re struggling thrugh life with such a wrng understanding f ur scial circles, what abut all the ther received wisdm abut friendship’s imprtance?
    It has been fund that friends keep us physically healthy, alive fr lnger, less pssibility f depressin and mre financially successful — but hw much f that, especially when the research is based n self-reprts, cmes frm thse actually having friends, instead f thse believing that they d?
    Perhaps it shuldn’t be surprising t learn that, when it cmes t friendship, we’re in the cntrl f an eg-bsting miscnceptin (自我膨胀的错误想法): that’s true in many sides f life. Peple with healthy self-esteem usually verestimate bth their interpersnal skills and their cntrl ver events. Sme psychlgists find that mildly depressed peple have an exacter grasp f their abilities than the nn-depressed.
    Yu needn’t react strngly t the thught that yur “friends” might secretly nt like yu since this particular study fcused n university students. It’s well-knwn that ur scial circles becme smaller as we grw up, t ften, especially in a friend-starved ld age. But isn’t it pssible that this decrease is better thught f as winnwing (筛选) the list f true friends, as we fcus n thse friendships that are actually reciprcated (回报), while we quit thse wh dn’t treat us in the same way as we treat them?
    There are certainly reasns t wrry abut a lneliness crisis amng the elderly, but having nly a few friends may nt be gd evidence fr it. If I make it t my final years with nly a handful f friendships, it’s nt a sad state, because life has decreased them dwn t the nes that really cunt. I’d call it an efficient use f my remaining time.
    12.Why des the authr mentin the famus finding in Paragraph 1?
    A. T state that nt all peple judge their driving ability apprpriately.
    B. T illustrate that humans can’t assess their friends prperly.
    C. T argue that we dn’t understand scial circles.
    D. T emphasize the imprtance f friendship.
    13.What des Paragraph 3 mainly talk abut?
    A. Friendship is f great significance fr ur life.
    B. Friendship may nt be s easy t develp as it appears.
    C. Previus research findings abut friendship may be wrng.
    D. Previus research n friendship is largely based n self-reprts.
    14.Accrding t sme psychlgists, wh have the best understanding f their wn abilities?
    A. Thse with high self-esteem.B. Thse with severe depressin.
    C. Thse with slight depressin.D. Thse with healthy self-esteem.
    15.What’s the authr’s suggestin fr the senirs in terms f friends?
    A. It’s sad t have nly a few friends.
    B. It’s better t have a great many friends.
    C. It’s essential t quit friends f less imprtance.
    D. It’s ttally acceptable t have just a few true friends.
    16.I believe almst everyne wuld like tw things frm their jbs and careers: success and happiness. They want t d relatively well financially, receive fair recgnitin fr their accmplishments, enjy their wrk as much as ne can, and becme happier as a persn as a result. S many peple, especially ambitius, hard-wrking peple, simplify them in a lgical way: They first seek success and then assume that success will lead t happiness. ____16____. Chasing success has csts that can end up lwering happiness.
    This is nt t say that yu have t chse between success and happiness. ____17____. But yu have t reverse (颠倒) the rder f peratins: Instead f trying first t get success and hping it leads t happiness, start by wrking n yur happiness, which will enhance yur success.
    Whether yu are an emplyee r emplyer, it is a better investment t increase happiness at wrk and in life, rather than simply trying t increase measures f success.
    ____18____. N matter hw much yu enjy yur wrk, verwrk will becme an bstructin (阻碍) t well-being.
    Once wrk quantity is under cntrl, happiness at wrk requires a sense f meaning and purpse. ____19____. Earned success implies a sense f accmplishment and recgnitin fr a jb well dne, while service t thers requires knwledge f the real peple wh benefit frm yur wrk.
    Ultimately, althugh success and happiness are linked, the magic mstly wrks ne-way — and nt in the way that mst peple think. ____20____, and may lead yu t unhappiness. But wrking n yur happiness. gives yu the best chance at getting bth.
    A. Yu can btain bth
    B. But this reasning is faulty
    C. It’s fairly reasnable t think this way, thugh
    D. Wrking n yur success t get happier is inefficient at best (充其量)
    E. The first thing t remember is that happiness requires balance
    F. It’s dangerus t pursue success instead f happiness
    G. The tw key aspects f meaningful wrk are earned success and service t thers
    Yu never really knw hw yu’ll react t an emergency situatin until it happens t yu. Many peple ____1____ when things g wrng, but thers instinctively knw hw t take charge. Thankfully fr a grup f students in Tpsham, Maine, brthers Cnnr and Seamus fell int the ____2____ categry. Cnnr and Seamus were riding the bus t schl ne mrning when Cnnr saw the ____3____ Arthur suffer a medical emergency and fall nt the flr heavily. The bus went ____4____, heading t the ditch(渠) n the right. Cnnr wh learnt hw t drive knew ____5____ what he had t d.
    “I rse and pressed n the brake and tld my yunger brther t call 911,” he said, recalling his thughts in the mment. “I need t ____6____ this bus befre it ges int the ditch.”
    The teenager held the ____7____ while jamming his ft nt the brake. Meanwhile, Seamus dialed 911 immediately and then began t direct the ther ____8____ t get ff the bus quickly. All the while, he kept ____9____ and even paused t give a crying student a(n) ____10____.
    While Seamus handled the ther kids, Cnnr and anther student had just started giving Arthur CPR when the plice arrived n the scene. Using a defibrillatr(除颤器), they ____11____ t get the victim’s heart beating again.
    The brthers are being ____12____ fr their actin. The plice say they kept the situatin under cntrl and prevented anyne else getting____13____. “But fr them, maybe we wuld have ____14____ the best chance,” said Gmez, a pliceman. “Thank them fr ____15____ and being heres.”
    17.A. cmplainB. panicC. acceptD. escape
    18.A. latterB. laterC. frmerD. first
    19.A. teacherB. driverC. cachD. passenger
    20.A. ut f cntrlB. in flamesC. ut f waterD. int pieces
    21.A. directlyB. cnstantlyC. naturallyD. instantly
    22.A. identifyB. driveC. recrdD. stp
    23.A. seatB. ringC. wheelD. dr
    24.A. crewB. studentsC. custmersD. plice
    25.A. stillB. calmC. silentD. awake
    26.A. hugB. ndC. applauseD. laugh
    27.A. happenedB. determinedC. managedD. attempted
    28.A. praisedB. rewardedC. criticizedD. prmted
    29.A. anxiusB. lstC. upsetD. hurt
    30.A. frgtB. ignredC. missedD. skipped
    31.A. shwing upB. hanging utC. sticking arundD. stepping up
    32.Bird-watching has been included in a public benefit prgram “Park Classes” in Wuhan schls. ____36____(bury) in bks and having little access t the utside wrld, many students dn’t have the ____37____(little) idea f what nature really is.
    This prgram is designed ____38____(raise) the awareness f envirnmental prtectin amng schl kids, ____39____ ften feel greatly refreshed by appreciating the grace f the adrable creatures thrugh cameras.
    Amng the selective curses ____40____(be) the restratin f small and micr wetlands. As fr this curse, what ____41____(need) is a lt f hands-n practice. Under the ____42____(guide) f their teachers, students are required t cnduct research n a 500-square-meter wetland in the city parks. Fcusing their attentin ____43____ the wetland’s physical cnditin, they have recrded the number f plant and animal species t create a restratin plan. Thanks t their effrts, the bidiversity f the wetland has been ____44____(significant) imprved.
    “It’s very meaningful,” said Li Chenliang, _____45_____ eighth grader frm this prject. “I have gained a lt f knwledge that cannt be directly gt frm bks. I shuld make full use f the city’s eclgical advantages and get mre chances t get clser t nature.”
    1. 列举那些难忘的时刻;
    2. 你的感悟与态度。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。
    34.What It Means t Serve
    I didn’t cntinue cllege after graduatin. I mved ut f my family. With little wrk experience, I served as a waitress. But during the five years’ labr, I fund myself burning calries running abut nly fr a tip.
    I had had enugh s I mved t a smaller twn hping t pursue a cllege degree. I prmised I wuld never serve peple again - at least nt in such way. It was time t serve myself. Luckily, I received a psitin as an afterschl prgram tutr at a lcal middle schl, with the added benefit f cmpleting English educatin degree. I had the pprtunity t g big! The kid wuld need me - a rle mdel and a trustwrthy friend, I believed.
    But my first day was welcmed by the students’ indifference (冷漠). The desks were messy and the whle rm smelled f dirty gym scks. My excitement began t die dwn. I dubted whether the new jb was a mistake. The playgrund activity was deafening while hmewrk time was nt much better. After my repeated persistence, they finally turned ff the playgrund mde. But just a few minutes passed when I nticed tw kids quarreling in the crner.
    I suppsed it was anther little incident but ne kid named Jeremy bthered me. He shuted at me fr cming at him. And when I asked them t return t their seats, he slammed (用力摔) his backpack and grew mad as I tried t urge him t take the right attitude. “I dn’t like yu, hmewrk and this afterschl prgram! All yu guys d is yell at me. I’m never cming back.” he walked ut f the classrm, slamming the dr.
    Naturally, I was s frustrated (挫败的). I wndered why I am here. Mst kids disrespected me! I paused t take a deep breath. Then suddenly I thught t myself, “Yu said yu wuld never serve peple again, but yu dn’t understand what these kids really need.” At that mment, I remembered my middle-schl life. I always had a pr attitude, never did my schlwrk, repeatedly gt int fights, and disrespected my elders.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Realizing I was nt different, I walked ut int the hall and caught up with Jeremy.
    At that mment, my heart brke fr this by and his family life.
    解析:推理判断题。根据Definitin中第二段的Prfilepicturesmake a visualimpactnscialmediausersandptentialcustmers,makingitimprtantfrbusinessestselecttherightimages.(头像对社交媒体用户和潜在客户产生视觉影响,因此企业选择合适的图片非常重要。)可知,对于企业来说,选择合适的头像的重要性在于头像对潜在客户具有视觉影响。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Hwtselect aprfilepcture中Makeimagessimpeandvisualystriking(使图像简单,视觉上引人注目。)可知,选择头像时应该遵循的准则是让图像既简单又具有视觉吸引力。故选C项。
    解析:文章出处题。通读全文可知,文章的读者对象是企业公司,为其介绍了社交媒体上使用的头像的定义、重要性以及选择头像方法策略。因此,文章应该可以在商业网站上找到。A.0nabusiness website.在商业网站上;B.0n a business frum.在一个商业论坛上;C.In an academic reprt.在一份学术报告中: D. I naschlbrchure.在学校的宣传册上。故选A项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的“adding that the dress was an everyday utfit amng wmen, frm the less well-ff t wmen at the highest levels f sciety (她补充说,从不太富裕的女性到社会最高阶层的女性,这种裙子都是女性的日常着装)”可知,在过去,旗袍是社会各阶层女性的日常着装。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“T carry n the traditin, fashin designer MarYu, 4l, wh has been attending classes teaching knt buttn-making techniques, is trying t renew the design f qipa by taking symbls frm Chinese histry and literature(为了延续这一传统,41岁的时装设计师玛丽·余一直在上打结纽扣制作技术的课程,她试图通过从中国历史和文学中汲取符号来更新旗袍的设计。)”可知,玛丽·余尝试通过从中国历史和文学中汲取灵感来赋予旗袍新
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“T carry n the traditin, fashin designer MaryYu, 41, wh has been attending classes teaching knt buttn-making techniques, is trying t renew the design f qipa by taking symbls frm Chinese histry and literature. (为了延续这一传统,41岁的时装设计师玛丽·余一直在上打结纽扣制作技术的课程,她试图通过从中国历史和文学中汲取符号来更新旗袍的设计。)”可知,玛丽·余富有创新精神和激情。故选C。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第一段“The Chinese fashin icn, qipa, was brn a century ag in Shanghai. Hwever, the dress made its way thrugh histry frm the hands ld craftsmen and is deep-rted in Chinese culture.(中国的时尚标志旗袍诞生于一个世纪前的上海。然而,这种连衣裙从古老的工匠手中走过了历史,并深深植根于中国文化。)”和第二段最后一句“Nw,nbdy iswearing them except n grand and happyccasins.(现在,除了在盛大和快乐的场合,没有人穿它们。)”可知,文章主要是讲41岁的时装设计师玛丽·余尝试赋予旗袍这一遗失的宝藏新的生命力。故选B。
    解析:考查词义猜测。根据第一段中的“D yu smetimesignre yur mm while chatting with friends?”可知,青少年在跟朋友聊天时会忽略母亲的声音。因此可以推断出,画线短语的含义与 ignre“忽略”相近。C项 pay little attentint 表示“不太注意”。故选C。
    解析:考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Fr teens,thesebrain regins respnd mre tunfamiliar vices thanttheir mms’.”可知,与母亲的声音相比,青少年对陌生人的声音反应更强烈。故选C。
    解析:考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“Here's why:As kidsgrw up,they expand their scial cnnectins way beyndtheir family.”可知,青少年的大脑需要更多地关注家庭以外的社会关系,所以在对母亲的声音的反应上会产生变化。故选 D。
    解析:考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“Abrams said thatalthugh teenagers and their parents smetimes feel frustratedwith missing infrmatin,it desn't matter."可知,Abrams i为这一变化对家庭关系的影响是不重要的,即微不足道的。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的Aswiththefamusfindingthatalmsteverynethinkstheyreinthetp 50% fsafedrivers, wecan'tallbetheneswiththerightsensefwhreallyikesus(正如个著名的发现表明,几乎每个人都认为自己是前50%的安全驾驶员,我们不可能都对谁真正喜欢我们有正确的认识),可知作者提到这个发现是为了说明实际上我们不能正确地评估朋友。故选B。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第三段的lt has been fund that friends keep us physically healthy, alive fr lnger, less pssibility f depressin and mre successful - but hw much f that,especially when the research is based n selfreprts, cmes frm thse actually having friends, instead f thse believing that they d(研究发现,朋友能让我们保持身体健康,活得更长,患抑郁症的可能性更小,更成功---但其中有多少,尤其是当研究基于自我报告时,来自那些真正有朋友的人,而不是那些相信他们有朋友的人),可知本段主要讲述的是之前有关友谊的研究得出的结论实际上可能是错误的。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的Sme psychlgists find that slightly depressed peple have an exacter grasp f their abilities than the nn-depressed(一些心理学家发现,轻度抑郁的人比非抑郁的人更准确地掌握自己的能力),可知有些心理学家认为轻度抑郁的人最了解自己的能力。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的lflmake itt my final years with nly a handful f friendships, it's nt a sad state, because life has decreased them dwn t the nes that really cunt.l'd call it a better use f my remaining time(如果我能在只有几个朋友的情况下度过最后几年,这并不是一种悲伤的状态,因为生活已经把它们减少到了真正重要的程度。我认为这是对我剩余时间的更好利用),可知作者认为老年人只有几个真正的朋友是可以的。故选D。
    解析:①B上文“They first seek success and then assumethat success will lead t happiness."(他们首先追求成功,然后便认为成功将会带来快乐。)说明了一些人的逻辑,与下文“Chasing successhas csts that can end up lwering happiness”(追求成功的代价可能是最终降低幸福感。)是对立的关系,说明上文的逻辑是错误的。B项“But this reasning is faulty”(但是这种逻辑是错误的)承上启下,符合题意。故选B项。
    ②A上文“This is nt t say that yu have t chse between success and happiness."(这并不是说你不得不在成功与快乐之间做出选择。)说明成功和快乐并不是矛盾的,是可以兼得的。故A项“Yu can btain bth”(你可以二者兼得。)
    ③E下文“N matter hw much yu enjy yur wrk,verwrk will becme an bstructin(阻碍) t well-being.”(无论你多么喜欢你的工作,超时工作都会变成快乐生活的阻碍。)说明快乐来自于喜欢,但要懂得适度和平衡,否则再喜欢的工作也会变成阻碍。与E项“The first thing t remember is that happiness requires balance”(要记住的第一件事就是快乐需要平衡)句意契合。故选E项。
    ④G下文“Earned success implies a sense f accmplishment and recgnitin fr a jb well dre, while service t thers requires knwledgef the real peple wh benefit frm yur wl
    可,而服务他人意味着需要了解那些从你的工作中受益的人。)说明了“Earnedsuccess"和“sevice t thers”两方面的内容,与G项“The tw key aspects f meaningfu wrk are earned sucess and service t thers”(有意义的工作的两个关键就是获得的成功和对他人的服务。)中两个关键就是获得的成功和对他人的服务。)中两个关键一致。故选G项。
    ⑤D下文“and may lead yu t unhappiness”(可能会导致你不快乐)说明前面的事情是消极不好的做法。结合下句“But wrking n yur happiness. gives yu the best chance at getting bth.”(但是致力于快乐,你会有机会二者兼得。)可知,前面的做法是与其相反的。故D项“Wrking n yur success t get happier is inefficientat best”(致力于成功而得到的快乐是远远不够的。)符合题意。故选D项。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.crew全体船员;B.students学生;C.custmers顾客;D.plice警察。根据下文"evenpausedtgive acryingstudent"可知,车上是上学的学生,故选B项。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.stil静止的;Bcalm镇静的;C.silent沉默的;D.awake醒着的。根据前文"Theteenagerheldthe whileiamminghisftntthebrake."以及他所做的其它的事情可知,面对危险,他非常镇静。故选B项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.hug拥抱;B.nd点头;C.applause鼓掌;D.laugh笑。根据上文"evenpausedtgive acryingstudent"可知,Seamus非常镇静地处理一切,甚至停下来去拥抱哭着的学生,安慰他们。故选A。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.praised表扬;Brewarded奖励;奖赏;C.criticized批评;D.prmted促进。根据下文"Thankthemfr andbeingheres"可知,这对兄弟受到表扬。故选A项。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.frgt忘记;B.gnred忽视;C.missed错过;D.skipped跳过根据下文"Butfrthem"和下文"Thankthemfr andbeingheres.和两兄弟的指挥和救治很及时可知,如果不是他们及时地联系警察,警察的救援错过最后控制局面的机会。故选C项。
    解析:考查动词短语及语境理解。A.shwingup出现;B.hangingut闲逛;C.stickingarund徘徊;D.steppingup走向前去。根据前文"Cnnl whathwhearnthwtdriyeknew警察表ehadtd."可知,兄弟俩挺身而出救人,扬他们是英雄,故选D。
    32.答案:① Buried② least③ t raise④ wh⑤ is⑥ is needed⑦ guidance⑧ n⑨ significantly⑩ an
    解析:① Buried考查非谓语动词。句意:许多西方人喜爱的赏鸟爱好已被列入武汉学校的公益项目“公园课堂”分析句式结构可知,此处用非谓语做后置定语因为favr和hbby之间是被动关系,所以此处用非谓语动词中的过去分词。
    ② least考查非谓语动词。句意:在过去的6年里,该项目在武汉30个城市公园开展了3000多场活动,覆盖了全市所有小学,受到了100多万名学生的欢迎。分析句式结构可知,此处用非谓语动词做后置定语,又因为cver和park之间是主动关系,所以此处用非谓语动词中的现在分词
    ③ t raise考查固定搭配。句意:许多学生埋头读书,很少接触外界,根本一点不知道什么是真正的自然。根据idea和提示词可知,此处用least构成固定搭配 dn't have the least idea表示“一点儿也不知道”
    ④ wh考查定语从句。句意:该节目旨在提高学生的环保意识,他们经常通过镜头欣赏可爱生物的优雅而感到极大的振奋。分析句式结构可知,此处是定语从句,先行词kid指人,且从句中缺少主语所以应该用关系代词wh来引导。
    ⑤ is考查倒装句式。句意:其中一门选修课是小微地的恢复。分析句式结构可知,此处是倒装句式,主语the restratin是第三人称单数,且时态为一般现在时,所以be动词用is。
    ⑥ is needed考查名词。句意:在老师的指导下,学生们需要在城市公园500平方米的湿地上进行研究。分析句意再根据空格前的under可知,此处用名词gudance构成固定短语under the quidance表示“在.…的指导下”符合语境。
    ⑦ guidance考查介词。句意:他们把注意力集中在湿地的物理状况上,记录了植物和动物物种的数量,并制定了恢复计划。分析句意再根据上文的Fcusing可知,此处用介词n构成固定短语表示“聚焦于..…”。
    ⑧ n考查物主代词。句意:在他们的努力下,湿地的生物多样性得到了显著改善。根据空格后的名词effrts可知,此处用提示词的形容词性物主代词。
    ⑨ significantly考查冠词。句意:“这很有意义,"来自这个项目的八年级学生李晨亮说。分析句意可知,此处用不定冠词泛指“一个”八年级学生,又因为eighth是辅音因素开头,所以用an。
    ⑩ an考查副词。句意:我学到了很多书本上无法直接获得的知识。分析句式结构可知,修饰动词gt应该用副词。
    One pssible versin:
    Hell, everyne. It is my great hnr t make a speech here. The tpic f my speech is “Memrable Mments”. Like a musical symphny, life is cmpsed f high and lw mments, which are really memrable. As fr my unfrgettable mments, they are mstly abut schl life, such as becming a barder fr the first time, being beset by failure in the exam r cultivating a priceless friendship.
    Whatever the mments are, they are the inevitable grwing pains and gains, reminding me f the meaningful schl life. Therefre, I shuld cherish and embrace thse mments actively. After all, each step I take is ne mre step frward t a strnger and better me.
    That is all. Thank yu!
    发表演讲:makeaspeech→>deliveraspeech由...构成:be cmpsed f→>be made up f
    无论什么:whatever->n matter what
    肉此:therefre→>as aresult
    原句:As fr my unfrgettable mments, theyare mstly abut schl life, such as becmirg a barder fr the first time, being beset by failure in the exam r cultivating a priceless friendship.
    拓展句:As fr my unfrgettable mments, they are mstly abut schllife, which includebecming a barder fr the first time, being beset by failure in the exam r cultivating a priceess friendship.
    【高分句型1】Like a musical symphny, life iscmpsed f high and lw mments, which are really memrable.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Whatever the mments are, theyare the inevitable grwing pains and gains, reminding me f the meaningfu schllife.(运用了whatever引导的让步状语从句)
    Realizing I was nt different, I walked ut int the hall and caught up with Jeremy. “I’m srry, Jeremy. Culd I have a talk with yu?” I said, trying t be calm and sincere. He turned arund, lked at me fr a mment and ndded, “OK”. “Jeremy, culd yu tell me what have happened t yu?” I asked. Hesitantly, Jeremy began t share with me abut his stry. Frm what he said, I knew his mther was killed in a car accident three mnths befre. Wrse still, his father, wh was in deep srrw, lst his jb at the same time. After that, his father became bad-tempered and ften shuted at him, ignring all his requests. As he tld me what was happening, he began t cry.
    At that mment, my heart brke fr this by and his family life. I gently hugged him and patted him n the back. Then I walked him hme and encuraged him t face life in a psitive way. After that, I ften chatted with Jeremy and helped him deal with his trubles. I even paid a visit t his father several times. As time went by, Jeremy behaved better and better and smiles ften appeared n his face. At the end f the prgram, Jeremy hugged me tightly and thanked me again and again. At that mment, I suddenly realized what it meant t serve --- Get t knw a persn frm the bttm f yur heart and give what he needs.
    ①谈话:talk with sb./chat with sb. /have a cnversatin
    ①感谢:shwing his appreciatin/shw his gr
    atitude/be grateful
    ②积极:psitive attitude/act psitively
    ①I said, trying t be calm and sincere.(动词的-ing形式作状语)
    ②Wrse stil, his father, wh was in deep srw,lst his ib at the sam(非限制性定语从句)
    ③At that mment, suddenly realized what itmeant t serve-Get t knw a persn frm the bttm f yur heart and give what he need(what引导的宾语从句)

    山西省吕梁市孝义市2022-2023学年高二下学期5月月考英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份山西省吕梁市孝义市2022-2023学年高二下学期5月月考英语试卷(含答案),共22页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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