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    (满分:150分 时间:120分钟)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What shuld the man d t save his plant?
    A. Give it mre fd. B. Give it less sunlight. C. Give it less water.
    2. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She is shrt with dark hair.
    B. She dreamed f making hair changes.
    C. She has a cusin with glden hair.
    3. What des the man ffer t d fr the wman?
    A. Add her t the list.
    B. Bk a ticket fr her.
    C. Give her a phne number.
    4. What are the speakers prbably ding right nw?
    A. Attending a party.
    B. Ging fd shpping.
    C. Searching fr a parking space.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Their plans fr the future.
    B A friend f theirs.
    C. A mvie character.
    6. Why can’t the man use his wn phne?
    A. It has run ut f battery.
    B. He has lst it smewhere.
    C. There’s a prblem with the screen.
    7. Hw des the app help the wman sleep?
    A. It plays relaxing music.
    B. It blcks ut the blue screen light.
    C. It prevents Internet use in the evening.
    8. What is the man’s prblem?
    A. He has a temperature.
    B. He is struggling t save energy.
    C. He is t cld t d his wrk.
    9. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In an ffice. B. In the wman’s huse. C. In a schl.
    10. What des the wman suggest?
    A. Starting wrking frm hme.
    B. Taking better care f their health.
    C. Discussing the issue with the leader.
    11. Hw d the speakers feel nw?
    A. Bred. B. Disappinted. C. Excited.
    12. What is prbably the wman’s main interest?
    A. Gardening. B. Ty huses. C. Mdel trains.
    13. What will the man prbably d first?
    A. G t the bathrm. B. Get smething t eat. C. Buy the tickets.
    14. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Mther and sn. B. Strangers. C. Teacher and student.
    15. What mnth is it nw?
    A. September. B. Octber. C. Nvember.
    16. What sprt was the man invlved in?
    A. Ftball. B. Swimming. C. Basketball.
    17. What des the man prbably want t be in the future?
    A. An artist. B. An athlete. C. A dctr.
    18. Wh did the speaker g t the AI Canteen with?
    A. A family member. B. A lcal friend. C. A business partner.
    19. What is ne disadvantage f the canteen accrding t the speaker?
    A. It lacked human emtins.
    B. There wasn’t much chice.
    C. The fd didn’t taste very nice.
    20. Hw many peple can the AI system serve in a day?
    A. 100. B. 200. C. 300.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    Yu might knw what t d if a human needs first aid, but what if yur dg gets a bite r yur cat eats smething pisnus? Dr. Liam Dnaldsn, clinical directr at Greencrss Vet (兽医) Hspital at the University f Melburne, says it’s imprtant that pet wners understand basic first aid. Here, he shares his tips fr dealing with cmmn accidents and injuries.
    Cuts & wunds
    Yu dn’t need t wrry abut disinfecting the injury site, but yu d need t stp the bleeding, says Dr. Dnaldsn. “If there’s uncntrllable bleeding, apply pressure — even if it’s just using a T-shirt. Once yu have applied pressure t reduce bleeding, take yur pet immediately t a vet fr assessment.” he advises.
    Snake bites
    Snakes have very small teeth, s their bite marks can be difficult t spt — and yu might nt see the bite happen. But if yur pet shws signs f snake bite pisning — sudden weakness and cllapse, dilated pupils, vmiting, paralysis and shaking r twitching f muscles — get them t a vet withut delay.
    Tick bites
    It’s a gd idea t have a pair f tick-remval tweezers (镊子) n hand in case yu need t remve a tick frm yur pet. “There’s ften a lt f cncern abut whether yu have t get all f the tick r nt, but as lng as yu get the bdy f the tick ff, generally the head will just remve itself ver time,” says Dr. Dnaldsn. He recmmends keeping the tick s that if yur pet becmes ill, yur vet can identify whether they were bitten by a paralysis tick (the type that can be deadly).
    Cats eating ivy and dgs eating sag palm r macadamia nuts are sme f the mst cmmn pisnings Dr. Dnaldsn sees. “If it’s a macadamia nut, I wuld just keep a very clse eye n them. If they start t shw any gastrintestinal signs — if they g ff their fd, if they becme sre in any f their legs — get them checked ver by a vet,” he says. “If it was lilies r sag palm, I wuld recmmend getting them t a vet, even if they’re nt shwing signs f illness, just because that can typically be life-threatening.”
    1. If yur pet dg gets seriusly injured, what is the best slutin?
    A. T seek medical assistance.B. T disinfect the injury site.​
    C. T apply pressure t reduce bleeding.​D. T use a T-shirt t stp bleeding.
    2. A cat r dg shuld be sent t hspital immediately it eats _________.
    A. Ivy.B. Sag palm.​
    C. A macadamia nut.D. A cmmn pisning.
    3. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A medical jurnal. ​B. A bilgy textbk.​
    C. A hspital advertisement.D. An animal care guide.​
    At 1,345 meters abve sea level, Ben Nevis is definitely nt the wrld’s mst difficult muntain t climb. But things get cnsiderably tricky if instead f hiking shes yu put n a pair f 5-inch high heels, especially if yu’re a guy. One English teenager recently prved that it was nt impssible.
    Ben Cnway a 19-year-ld art student frm Lndn, recently tk up the challenge as a way t stand ut in an applicatin fr a schlarship fr the Schl f Cmmunicatin Arts in Brixtn. He started his unusual high-heel climb at 8 a.m., n June 27, and was jined by Callum MacKenzie Allen, a friend frm his art fundatin year, wh videtaped the whle thing fr a tw-minute vide that served as his applicatin prject. The whle climb tk five hurs and wasn’t the smthest experience.
    Halfway up Ben Navis, ne f his shes brke, s he had t tape the shes t his feet t make sure they stayed n. The weather didn’t make it easy fr him either, as he claimed that it rained pretty much the whle time, and he had t g against 40 t 50 miles an hur winds. Due t these difficult cnditins, Ben and his friend had t turn back after reaching 900 meters up the muntain.
    Apart frm prviding a unique art schl applicatin prject, the high-heel climb als allwed the 19-year-ld t raise sme mney fr wrthy causes, like Sal’s Shes, which prvides ftwear fr bareft children arund the wrld.
    “Raising mney fr charity brings happiness t peple’s lives and if I can d smething ridiculus and bring smene happiness, then that’s what it’s all abut”, Ben said.
    4. What can replace the underlined wrd “tricky” in Paragraph 1?
    A. Pleasant.B. Bring.C. Tugh.D. Smth.
    5. Why did Allen videtape the high-heel climb fr Ben?
    A. T prve nthing is impssible.B. T recrd a special experience.
    C. T prmte their friendship.D. T assist in Ben’s applicatin.
    6. What des Paragraph 3 fcus n?
    A. The difficulties in the climb.B. The climbing rute.
    C. The terrible weather.D. The unexpected incident.
    7. What can best describe Ben’s stry?
    A. Puzzling.B. Inspiring.C. Exciting.D. Frightening.
    An elderly black man sits n a drum with his legs n tw sides. Using his fingers and the edge f his hand, he taps repeatedly at the drumhead, prducing strng drumbeat. A secnd drummer jins in playing with the same rhythm. A third black man plays a stringed instrument, the bdy f which is rughly fashined frm a calabash (葫芦). Anther calabash has been made int a drum, and a wman beats at it with tw shrt sticks. One vice, then ther vices jin in. A dance accmpanies this musical give-and-take, a mving picture that appears, n the ne hand, infrmal and spntaneus yet, n clser inspectin, ritualized (程式化的) and precise. It is a dance f massive size. A dense crwd f dark bdies frms int circular grups—perhaps five r six hundred individuals mving in time t the beat f the music, sme swaying gently, thers aggressively stmping their feet. A number f wmen in the grup begin chanting.
    The scene culd be Africa. In fact, it is nineteenth-century New Orleans. Scattered firsthand accunts prvide us with fascinating details f the slave dances that tk place in the pen area then knwn as Cng Square and there are perhaps n mre fascinating dcuments in the histry f African American music. Benjamin Latrbe, the nted architect, witnessed ne f these cllective dances n February 21,1819, and nt nly left us a vivid written accunt f the event but made several sketches f the instruments used. These drawings cnfirm that the musicians f Cng square, abut 1891, were playing percussin (打击乐器) and stringed instruments almst identical t thse characteristic f real African music.
    Later dcuments add t ur knwledge f the public slave dances in New Orleans but still leave us with many pen questins — sme f which, in time, histrical research may be able t explain, while thers might never be answered. One thing, hwever, is clear. Althugh these days we tend t view the intersectin f black and white musical currents as a theretical, almst symblic issue, these stried accunts f the Cng Square dances prvide us with a real time and place, an actual transfer f ttally African ritual t the native sil f the New Wrld.
    8. Which f the fllwing best describes the musical scene in the beginning?
    A. It’s slw and relaxing.B. It’s lvely and childlike.
    C. It’s strng and rganized.D. It’s delightful and encuraging.
    9. What’s the purpse f paragraph 2?
    A. T help its readers t read a music histry bk.
    B. T shw the value f the accunts in music histry.
    C. T familiarize its readers with a type f ancient music.
    D. T praise an architect wh was a dedicated music lver.
    10. What’s the new understanding f the music?
    A. It’s mre f a musical thery.B. It’s mre f a vivid life.
    C. It’s mre f a religius ceremny.D. It’s mre f a cultural symbl.
    11. What can we learn abut Cng Square?
    A. A place where freigners held musical festivals.
    B. A place where music histrians wrte their bks.
    C. A place where slaves culd have a break frm hard labur.
    D. A place where African music fund its vice n the new land.
    Children f all ages gathered in New Yrk City recently fr the Internatinal Ty Fair. Hidden amng already ppular tys were new, high-tech educatinal prducts. Tymakers are wrking t create these prducts fr imprving a child’s emtinal intelligence.
    Cmpanies shwed ff their prducts last week at New Yrk’s Jacb Javitz Cnventin Center.
    PleIQ is a set f plastic ty blcks. It uses visual reality technlgy t teach wrds, numbers and ther things. Edisn Duran directs the cmpany that makes PleIQ. She shwed peple at the ty fair hw virtual images appear n the blcks when they are held in frnt f a tablet camera. PleIQ has children act as teacher r guide t a cmpanin character.
    On the ther side f the cnventin center, Karen Hu frm anther cmpany demnstrated an educatinal rbt called Wb. The rbt cmes prgrammed with educatinal games and activities. Children use its tuch-screen face t get them started. Hu described hw the rbt can help a child wh has autism (自闭症). “The child can cmmunicate with Wb and fllw sme f the instructins Wb is giving because he thinks f this as a cmpanin instead f a parent r smene else telling him abut certain things.”
    At the EQtainment stand, sales directr Jnathan Ericksn explained the cmpany’s tys. “The purpse f all f ur prducts is t develp emtinal and scial intelligence.” he said. Ericksn shwed ff a bard game called “Q’s Race t the Tp”. He said the game gt his 4-year-ld daughter t pen up. “The biggest thing is her talking. And that’s the key f all this—getting her feelings expressed ut. Like, ‘Hey, what des it feel like t be sad? Or hw des it feel like t be happy?’”
    It remains t be seen whether a game r ty can imprve emtinal intelligence. But tymakers are ding what they can t help parents in their effrts t raise well-runded children.
    12. Hw des PleIQ instruct children t learn?
    A. By playing the rle f a cmpanin.B. By giving direct guidance.
    C. By taking phts with a camera.D. By presenting visual images.
    13. What can be inferred abut Wb frm Paragraph 4?
    A. It is prgrammed t replace teachers.B. It may be gd cmpany fr kids.
    C. It can get started autmatically.D. It is intended t design games.
    14. What des Jnathan Ericksn think f his tys?
    A. They are quite easy t perate.B. They can teach children numbers.
    C. They help kids express themselves well.D. They can shw their emtins clearly.
    15. What is the main idea f the text?
    A. Tys are made t help t build emtinal intelligence.
    B. Educatinal tys sell well at the Internatinal Ty Fair.
    C. Tymakers are making prfits in educatin.
    D. Children celebrate the Internatinal Ty Fair.
    In rder t better survive in the wrld filled with challenges, we urselves need t be wise. ____16____ Let me tell yu this. Wisdm prvides us with perspectives and calms us dwn in terrible situatins. Here are sme effective strategies that we can use t get wiser.
    ____17____ This will pen up new pathways fr us. Never base yur perspective n the mst ppular pinin r which is the mst cmfrtable fr yu. Instead, train yur mind t be a judgment-free space fr ideas. If yu are humble enugh, yu will always get t experience smething new.
    Meanwhile, yu’re suppsed t be the kind f persn wh learns smething new every day. Take new classes, read bks and the list ges n and n. ____18____ All f these activities will help yu t tackle prblems frm different angles, making everything easier.
    What if yu lack self-discipline r need timely guidance? Maybe the best way is t have wise peple as yur mentrs (导师), like teachers, clleagues and even special friends. Prir t making them a mentr, find ut what makes them wiser, and then engage in useful dialgue with them. ____19____
    If yu have accumulated a lt f knwledge, then why nt share it with thers t? ____20____ In tday’s wrld, it is very easy t becme wise but it isn’t easy t help thers. S keep things balanced and never let g f yur passins and values. This will pave the path t success.
    A. Why is wisdm crucial in this mdern wrld?
    B. Change yur rutine and see where life takes yu.
    C. Therefre, yu can ask them t supervise yu r imitate their mindset.
    D. Try surfing the Internet and clear ut yur prblems that cnfuse yu.
    E. Smetimes we can benefit a lt frm being pen t diverse perspectives.
    F. By spending mre time with them, there will be mre transfer f knwledge t yu.
    G. Cmmunicating with thers and helping them ut will als increase yur wisdm.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    I wke up with nly ne thing n my mind: what t wear. A billin thughts ____21____ thrugh my brain as wden hangers (衣架) mved back and frth. It was my first day f high schl in a new state; first ____22____ are everything, and it was necessary t impress the peple wh I’d spend the next fur years with.
    It wasn’t insecurity that drve me t madness but the fact that this was my third time being the new kid. ____23____ mving des smething t a child’s develpment — I ____24____ t make reliable friends. But this time dad’s cmpany ____25____ my starting and finishing high schl in the same place, which meant n instant d-vers when I pack up and leave again. Thus, this time mattered, which made me nervus.
    I emerged prudly in a perfect patterned ____26____ after raiding (扫荡) my clset. I felt rather ____27____ as I stepped ff the bus. But my jaw drpped t the flr when I fund Mrs. Hutfilz, my English teacher, wearing the exact same dress as I did. I kept my head dwn and ____28____ t my seat, but the first day meant ____29____ in frnt f the class, and sn enugh it was my turn. I made it thrugh my minute speech, until Hutfilz std up, ____30____ adding she liked my style. Althugh this was the mment I had been dreading frm the mment I walked in, all the ____31____ that had accumulated thrughut the mrning surprisingly ____32____. The students raised their heads as I shared my stry. My smile ____33____ as I giggled with my peers. After class, I stayed behind, sharing with Mrs. Hutfilz my previus wrries abut cming int a new schl and state. I was relieved t make a humrus and genuine ____34____ with my first teacher, which wuld last fr the cming years.
    This incident ____35____ me that high schl is the time t have fun, wrk hard, and create ____36____, nt wrry abut the ____37____ details. Lking back, the ten minutes I spent ____38____ my speech were really nt wrth it. ____39____ my first perid f high schl may nt have gne exactly the way I thught it wuld, Mrs. Hutfilz’s great sense f ____40____ certainly made the day unfrgettable in the best way.
    21 A. racedB. brkeC. frcedD. wandered
    22. A. experiencesB. impressinsC. cmmentsD. expectatins
    23. A. RandmB. PermanentC. RegularD. Frequent
    24. A. managedB. struggledC. refusedD. agreed
    25. A. ensuredB. admittedC. rejectedD. questined
    26. A. shirtB. unifrmC. dressD. skirt
    27. A. nervusB. dubtfulC. cmpetentD. cnfident
    28. A. crawledB. draggedC. elbwedD. tipted
    29. A. intrductinsB. perfrmancesC. lecturesD. debates
    30. A. hesitantlyB. carefullyC. hnestlyD. jkingly
    31. A. sympathyB. thrillC. anxietyD. jealusy
    32. A. tk ffB. melted awayC. passed dwnD. carried n
    33. A. frzeB. fadedC. grewD. generated
    34. A. cnnectinB. adjustmentC. agreementD. negtiatin
    35. A. advisedB. remindedC. infrmedD. revealed
    36. A. imagesB. sensesC. memriesD. chices
    37. A. unimprtantB. cmplexC. accurateD. vital
    38. A. dubtingB. cnsideringC. fearingD. regretting
    39. A. UntilB. SinceC. WhileD. If
    40. A. mralityB. hnrC. prideD. style
    On Sept. 7 famus Chinese archaelgist Fan Jinshi, 85, _____41_____ (award) by UNESCO fr her cntributin t the prtectin f the Mga Caves in Dunhuang.
    _____42_____ (call) the “daughter f Dunhuang”, she started her stry with the cave 60 years ag. In 1963, Fan, then a 25-year-ld Peking University graduate, had the chance t wrk at the Mga Caves, a place _____43_____ had lng been n her list f sites t explre. Back in thse days, the Mga Caves were almst _____44_____ (cmplete) cut ff frm the wrld. Fan and her cwrkers stayed inside the caves t d research, cpy murals (壁画), and d _____45_____ they culd t prtect and restre them. As time passed, Fan fund a serius prblem. _____46_____ number f turists visiting Dunhuang was increasing, which might harm the caves, _____47_____ (cause) the murals inside t fade. In the late 1980s, Fan learnt abut cmputer technlgy _____48_____ chance. She realized that this might preserve the Mga Caves frever.
    After ver 30 years f _____49_____ (explre), the Dunhuang Academy built a digital database t prtect cultural relics there, allwing Dunhuang’s art t live frever_____50_____t step ut f the caves t meet the wrld.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    Of all the instructive prverb, the ne I like best is “Where there is a will, there is a way”, what has a special meaning fr me. When I was a freshman in high schl, I had great difficulty adapt t the teaching methds f my new teachers. During the very first term, I was such pr in my study that it seemed unlikely fr me t catch n with my classmates. Luckily, every time I lst my heart, my English teacher wuld encurage me, always saying, “A little mre effrt, r yu will make it.”
    Thanks t his supprtive wrds, I adjust my attitude and devted much effrt t study. A year later, I became a tp student in my class. Since then, I have learned that nthing is impssible t willing heart. As lng as we keep trying, we’ll definite succeed.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 假定你是李华,上周五你校组织了一场为山区留守儿童募捐的义卖活动。请你以“An act f lve”为题写一篇短文,介绍这次活动。内容包括:
    1. 活动简介;
    2. 你的感受。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    参考词汇:charity sale义卖 stay-at-hme children留守儿童
    1-5 CBACC 6-10ABCAC 11-15CBABA 16-20BCBAB
    (满分:150分 时间:120分钟)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What shuld the man d t save his plant?
    A. Give it mre fd. B. Give it less sunlight. C. Give it less water.
    2. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She is shrt with dark hair.
    B. She dreamed f making hair changes.
    C. She has a cusin with glden hair.
    3. What des the man ffer t d fr the wman?
    A. Add her t the list.
    B. Bk a ticket fr her.
    C. Give her a phne number.
    4. What are the speakers prbably ding right nw?
    A. Attending a party.
    B. Ging fd shpping.
    C. Searching fr a parking space.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Their plans fr the future.
    B. A friend f theirs.
    C. A mvie character.
    6. Why can’t the man use his wn phne?
    A. It has run ut f battery.
    B. He has lst it smewhere.
    C. There’s a prblem with the screen.
    7. Hw des the app help the wman sleep?
    A. It plays relaxing music.
    B. It blcks ut the blue screen light.
    C. It prevents Internet use in the evening.
    8. What is the man’s prblem?
    A. He has a temperature.
    B. He is struggling t save energy.
    C. He is t cld t d his wrk.
    9. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In an ffice. B. In the wman’s huse. C. In a schl.
    10. What des the wman suggest?
    A. Starting wrking frm hme.
    B. Taking better care f their health.
    C. Discussing the issue with the leader.
    11. Hw d the speakers feel nw?
    A. Bred. B. Disappinted. C. Excited.
    12. What is prbably the wman’s main interest?
    A. Gardening. B. Ty huses. C. Mdel trains.
    13. What will the man prbably d first?
    A. G t the bathrm. B. Get smething t eat. C. Buy the tickets.
    14. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Mther and sn. B. Strangers. C. Teacher and student.
    15. What mnth is it nw?
    A. September. B. Octber. C. Nvember.
    16. What sprt was the man invlved in?
    A. Ftball. B. Swimming. C. Basketball.
    17. What des the man prbably want t be in the future?
    A. An artist. B. An athlete. C. A dctr.
    18. Wh did the speaker g t the AI Canteen with?
    A. A family member. B. A lcal friend. C. A business partner.
    19. What is ne disadvantage f the canteen accrding t the speaker?
    A. It lacked human emtins.
    B. There wasn’t much chice.
    C. The fd didn’t taste very nice.
    20. Hw many peple can the AI system serve in a day?
    A. 100. B. 200. C. 300.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    Yu might knw what t d if a human needs first aid, but what if yur dg gets a bite r yur cat eats smething pisnus? Dr. Liam Dnaldsn, clinical directr at Greencrss Vet (兽医) Hspital at the University f Melburne, says it’s imprtant that pet wners understand basic first aid. Here, he shares his tips fr dealing with cmmn accidents and injuries.
    Cuts & wunds
    Yu dn’t need t wrry abut disinfecting the injury site, but yu d need t stp the bleeding, says Dr. Dnaldsn. “If there’s uncntrllable bleeding, apply pressure — even if it’s just using a T-shirt. Once yu have applied pressure t reduce bleeding, take yur pet immediately t a vet fr assessment.” he advises.
    Snake bites
    Snakes have very small teeth, s their bite marks can be difficult t spt — and yu might nt see the bite happen. But if yur pet shws signs f snake bite pisning — sudden weakness and cllapse, dilated pupils, vmiting, paralysis and shaking r twitching f muscles — get them t a vet withut delay.
    Tick bites
    It’s a gd idea t have a pair f tick-remval tweezers (镊子) n hand in case yu need t remve a tick frm yur pet. “There’s ften a lt f cncern abut whether yu have t get all f the tick r nt, but as lng as yu get the bdy f the tick ff, generally the head will just remve itself ver time,” says Dr. Dnaldsn. He recmmends keeping the tick s that if yur pet becmes ill, yur vet can identify whether they were bitten by a paralysis tick (the type that can be deadly).
    Cats eating ivy and dgs eating sag palm r macadamia nuts are sme f the mst cmmn pisnings Dr. Dnaldsn sees. “If it’s a macadamia nut, I wuld just keep a very clse eye n them. If they start t shw any gastrintestinal signs — if they g ff their fd, if they becme sre in any f their legs — get them checked ver by a vet,” he says. “If it was lilies r sag palm, I wuld recmmend getting them t a vet, even if they’re nt shwing signs f illness, just because that can typically be life-threatening.”
    1. If yur pet dg gets seriusly injured, what is the best slutin?
    A. T seek medical assistance.B. T disinfect the injury site.​
    C. T apply pressure t reduce bleeding.​D. T use a T-shirt t stp bleeding.
    2. A cat r dg shuld be sent t hspital immediately it eats _________.
    A. Ivy.B. Sag palm.​
    C. A macadamia nut.D. A cmmn pisning.
    3 Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A medical jurnal. ​B. A bilgy textbk.​
    C. A hspital advertisement.D. An animal care guide.​
    【答案】1. A 2. B 3. D
    细节理解题。根据Cuts & wunds下的“Yu dn’t need t wrry abut disinfecting the injury site, but yu d need t stp the bleeding, says Dr. Dnaldsn. “If there’s uncntrllable bleeding, apply pressure — even if it’s just using a T-shirt. Once yu have applied pressure t reduce bleeding, take yur pet immediately t a vet fr assessment.” he advises. (唐纳森 (Dnaldsn) 医生说:“你不需要担心伤口的消毒,但你需要止血。如果流血不止,要施压——即使只是用一件 T 恤也可以。一旦施压以减少出血,请立即带你的宠物去看兽医进行评估。”)”可知,在受重伤的时候,最佳方案仍是寻求兽医帮助,故选A。
    细节理解题。根据Pisning下的“If it was lilies r sag palm, I wuld recmmend getting them t a vet, even if they’re nt shwing signs f illness, just because that can typically be life-threatening. (如果是lilies或sag palm,我建议带它们去看兽医,即使它们没有表现出疾病的迹象,因为这通常会危及生命。)”可知,只要食入sag palm不论有无症状,都应该及时送医,故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Yu might knw what t d if a human needs first aid, but what if yur dg gets a bite r yur cat eats smething pisnus? Dr. Liam Dnaldsn, clinical directr at Greencrss Vet (兽医) Hspital at the University f Melburne, says it’s imprtant that pet wners understand basic first aid. Here, he shares his tips fr dealing with cmmn accidents and injuries. (如果有人需要急救,你可能知道该怎么做,但是如果你的狗被咬了或者你的猫吃了有毒的东西怎么办?墨尔本大学格林克罗斯兽医医院的临床主任利亚姆·唐纳森博士说,宠物主人了解基本的急救知识很重要。在这里,他分享了处理常见事故和伤害的技巧。)”可知,全文是介绍宠物受伤或中毒后如何急救,据此推测该文应该是来源于动物关爱指南,故选D。
    At 1,345 meters abve sea level, Ben Nevis is definitely nt the wrld’s mst difficult muntain t climb. But things get cnsiderably tricky if instead f hiking shes yu put n a pair f 5-inch high heels, especially if yu’re a guy. One English teenager recently prved that it was nt impssible.
    Ben Cnway, a 19-year-ld art student frm Lndn, recently tk up the challenge as a way t stand ut in an applicatin fr a schlarship fr the Schl f Cmmunicatin Arts in Brixtn. He started his unusual high-heel climb at 8 a.m., n June 27, and was jined by Callum MacKenzie Allen, a friend frm his art fundatin year, wh videtaped the whle thing fr a tw-minute vide that served as his applicatin prject. The whle climb tk five hurs and wasn’t the smthest experience.
    Halfway up Ben Navis, ne f his shes brke, s he had t tape the shes t his feet t make sure they stayed n. The weather didn’t make it easy fr him either, as he claimed that it rained pretty much the whle time, and he had t g against 40 t 50 miles an hur winds. Due t these difficult cnditins, Ben and his friend had t turn back after reaching 900 meters up the muntain.
    Apart frm prviding a unique art schl applicatin prject, the high-heel climb als allwed the 19-year-ld t raise sme mney fr wrthy causes, like Sal’s Shes, which prvides ftwear fr bareft children arund the wrld.
    “Raising mney fr charity brings happiness t peple’s lives and if I can d smething ridiculus and bring smene happiness, then that’s what it’s all abut”, Ben said.
    4. What can replace the underlined wrd “tricky” in Paragraph 1?
    A. Pleasant.B. Bring.C. Tugh.D. Smth.
    5. Why did Allen videtape the high-heel climb fr Ben?
    A. T prve nthing is impssible.B. T recrd a special experience.
    C. T prmte their friendship.D. T assist in Ben’s applicatin.
    6. What des Paragraph 3 fcus n?
    A. The difficulties in the climb.B. The climbing rute.
    C. The terrible weather.D. The unexpected incident.
    7. What can best describe Ben’s stry?
    A. Puzzling.B. Inspiring.C. Exciting.D. Frightening.
    【答案】4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了Ben Cnway为了申请奖学金,作为一名男生穿着5英寸的高跟鞋攀爬1345米高的山峰的故事。
    词句猜测题。根据第一段“But things get cnsiderably tricky if instead f hiking shes yu put n a pair f 5-inch high heels, especially if yu’re a guy.(但如果你不穿登山鞋,而是穿一双5英寸的高跟鞋,事情就会变得相当tricky,尤其是如果你是个男人的话)”可知,作为男人穿着高跟鞋去爬山是非常困难的,推测划线单词表示“棘手的,困难的”,与tugh同义。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“He started his unusual high-heel climb at 8 a.m., n June 27, and was jined by Callum MacKenzie Allen, a friend frm his art fundatin year, wh videtaped the whle thing fr a tw-minute vide that served as his applicatin prject.(6月27日上午8点,他开始了不同寻常的高跟鞋攀爬,他的艺术预科的朋友Callum MacKenzie Allen也加入了他的行列,他将整个过程录制了两分钟的视频,这会作为Ben的申请项目)”可知,Allen把Ben的高跟鞋攀爬录下来是为了协助Ben申请奖学金。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段“Halfway up Ben Navis, ne f his shes brke, s he had t tape the shes t his feet t make sure they stayed n. The weather didn’t make it easy fr him either, as he claimed that it rained pretty much the whle time, and he had t g against 40 t 50 miles an hur winds.( 爬到半山腰时,他的一只鞋坏了,所以他不得不用胶带把鞋粘在脚上,以确保鞋子能穿上。天气对他来说也不容易,因为他声称几乎整个时间都在下雨,他不得不顶着每小时40到50英里的风速前行)”可知,本段主要在讲述爬山过程中所遇到的困难。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Apart frm prviding a unique art schl applicatin prject, the high-heel climb als allwed the 19-year-ld t raise sme mney fr wrthy causes, like Sal’s Shes, which prvides ftwear fr bareft children arund the wrld.(除了提供一个独特的艺术学校申请项目外,这次高跟鞋攀登还让这位19岁的年轻人为一些有意义的事业筹集了资金,比如为世界各地的赤足儿童提供鞋子的Sal’s Shes)”可知,Ben爬山的经历不仅为申请奖学金准备了材料,还为全世界的赤足儿童提供鞋子筹集资金,由此可知,Ben的故事是激励人心的。故选B项。
    An elderly black man sits n a drum with his legs n tw sides. Using his fingers and the edge f his hand, he taps repeatedly at the drumhead, prducing strng drumbeat. A secnd drummer jins in playing with the same rhythm. A third black man plays a stringed instrument, the bdy f which is rughly fashined frm a calabash (葫芦). Anther calabash has been made int a drum, and a wman beats at it with tw shrt sticks. One vice, then ther vices jin in. A dance accmpanies this musical give-and-take, a mving picture that appears, n the ne hand, infrmal and spntaneus yet, n clser inspectin, ritualized (程式化的) and precise. It is a dance f massive size. A dense crwd f dark bdies frms int circular grups—perhaps five r six hundred individuals mving in time t the beat f the music, sme swaying gently, thers aggressively stmping their feet. A number f wmen in the grup begin chanting.
    The scene culd be Africa. In fact, it is nineteenth-century New Orleans. Scattered firsthand accunts prvide us with fascinating details f the slave dances that tk place in the pen area then knwn as Cng Square and there are perhaps n mre fascinating dcuments in the histry f African American music. Benjamin Latrbe, the nted architect, witnessed ne f these cllective dances n February 21,1819, and nt nly left us a vivid written accunt f the event but made several sketches f the instruments used. These drawings cnfirm that the musicians f Cng square, abut 1891, were playing percussin (打击乐器) and stringed instruments almst identical t thse characteristic f real African music.
    Later dcuments add t ur knwledge f the public slave dances in New Orleans but still leave us with many pen questins — sme f which, in time, histrical research may be able t explain, while thers might never be answered. One thing, hwever, is clear. Althugh these days we tend t view the intersectin f black and white musical currents as a theretical, almst symblic issue, these stried accunts f the Cng Square dances prvide us with a real time and place, an actual transfer f ttally African ritual t the native sil f the New Wrld.
    8. Which f the fllwing best describes the musical scene in the beginning?
    A. It’s slw and relaxing.B. It’s lvely and childlike.
    C. It’s strng and rganized.D. It’s delightful and encuraging.
    9. What’s the purpse f paragraph 2?
    A. T help its readers t read a music histry bk.
    B. T shw the value f the accunts in music histry.
    C. T familiarize its readers with a type f ancient music.
    D. T praise an architect wh was a dedicated music lver.
    10. What’s the new understanding f the music?
    A. It’s mre f a musical thery.B. It’s mre f a vivid life.
    C. It’s mre f a religius ceremny.D. It’s mre f a cultural symbl.
    11. What can we learn abut Cng Square?
    A. A place where freigners held musical festivals.
    B. A place where music histrians wrte their bks.
    C. A place where slaves culd have a break frm hard labur.
    D. A place where African music fund its vice n the new land.
    【答案】8. C 9. B 10. B 11. D
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段“An elderly black man sits n a drum with his legs n tw sides. Using his fingers and the edge f his hand, he taps repeatedly at the drumhead, prducing strng drumbeat. A secnd drummer jins in playing with the same rhythm. A third black man plays a stringed instrument, the bdy f which is rughly fashined frm a calabash (葫芦). Anther calabash has been made int a drum, and a wman beats at it with tw shrt sticks. One vice, then ther vices jin in. A dance accmpanies this musical give-and-take, a mving picture that appears, n the ne hand, infrmal and spntaneus yet, n clser inspectin, ritualized (程式化的) and precise.(一位黑人老人双腿叉开坐在鼓上。他用手指和手的边缘反复敲击鼓面,产生强烈的鼓声。另一个鼓手以同样的节奏加入演奏。第三个黑人演奏一种弦乐器,乐器的琴身大致是用葫芦做成的。另一个葫芦被做成了鼓,一个女人用两根短棍敲着鼓。一个声音,然后其他的声音加入进来。一段舞蹈伴随着这段音乐性的交换,一幅动人的画面,一方面显得非正式和自发,但仔细一看,却显得仪式化和精确)”可知,文章一开始描述的音乐场景是强有力的并且组织良好的。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Scattered firsthand accunts prvide us with fascinating details f the slave dances that tk place in the pen area then knwn as Cng Square and there are perhaps n mre fascinating dcuments in the histry f African American music.( 零散的第一手资料为我们提供了在当时被称为刚果广场的开放地区举行的奴隶舞蹈的迷人细节,在非裔美国人音乐史上可能没有比这更迷人的文件了)”和“These drawings cnfirm that the musicians f Cng square, abut 1891, were playing percussin and stringed instruments almst identical t thse characteristic f real African music.(这些图画证实,大约在1891年,刚果广场的音乐家们正在演奏打击乐器和弦乐器,与真正的非洲音乐的特征几乎完全相同)”可推知,第二段的主要目的是为了显示这些叙述在音乐史上的价值。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Scattered firsthand accunts prvide us with fascinating details f the slave dances that tk place in the pen area then knwn as Cng Square and there are perhaps n mre fascinating dcuments in the histry f African American music. Benjamin Latrbe, the nted architect, witnessed ne f these cllective dances n February 21,1819, and nt nly left us a vivid written accunt f the event but made several sketches f the instruments used.(零散的第一手资料为我们提供了在当时被称为刚果广场的开放地区举行的奴隶舞蹈的迷人细节,在非裔美国人音乐史上可能没有比这更迷人的文件了。著名建筑师Benjamin Latrbe在1819年2月21日目睹了其中一次集体舞蹈,他不仅给我们留下了生动的书面记录,而且还为所使用的乐器画了几幅草图)”可推知,对这种音乐的新的理解是它更像是一种生动的生活。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Althugh these days we tend t view the intersectin f black and white musical currents as a theretical, almst symblic issue, these stried accunts f the Cng Square dances prvide us with a real time and place, an actual transfer f ttally African ritual t the native sil f the New Wrld.(虽然现在我们倾向于把黑人和白人音乐潮流的交集看作是一个理论的,几乎是象征性的问题,但这些关于刚果广场舞的故事为我们提供了一个真实的时间和地点,一个完全非洲仪式到新大陆本土的实际转移)”可推知,刚果广场是非洲音乐在这块新土地上找到了自己的声音地方。故选D。
    Children f all ages gathered in New Yrk City recently fr the Internatinal Ty Fair. Hidden amng already ppular tys were new, high-tech educatinal prducts. Tymakers are wrking t create these prducts fr imprving a child’s emtinal intelligence.
    Cmpanies shwed ff their prducts last week at New Yrk’s Jacb Javitz Cnventin Center.
    PleIQ is a set f plastic ty blcks. It uses visual reality technlgy t teach wrds, numbers and ther things. Edisn Duran directs the cmpany that makes PleIQ. She shwed peple at the ty fair hw virtual images appear n the blcks when they are held in frnt f a tablet camera. PleIQ has children act as teacher r guide t a cmpanin character.
    On the ther side f the cnventin center, Karen Hu frm anther cmpany demnstrated an educatinal rbt called Wb. The rbt cmes prgrammed with educatinal games and activities. Children use its tuch-screen face t get them started. Hu described hw the rbt can help a child wh has autism (自闭症). “The child can cmmunicate with Wb and fllw sme f the instructins Wb is giving because he thinks f this as a cmpanin instead f a parent r smene else telling him abut certain things.”
    At the EQtainment stand, sales directr Jnathan Ericksn explained the cmpany’s tys. “The purpse f all f ur prducts is t develp emtinal and scial intelligence.” he said. Ericksn shwed ff a bard game called “Q’s Race t the Tp”. He said the game gt his 4-year-ld daughter t pen up. “The biggest thing is her talking. And that’s the key f all this—getting her feelings expressed ut. Like, ‘Hey, what des it feel like t be sad? Or hw des it feel like t be happy?’”
    It remains t be seen whether a game r ty can imprve emtinal intelligence. But tymakers are ding what they can t help parents in their effrts t raise well-runded children.
    12. Hw des PleIQ instruct children t learn?
    A. By playing the rle f a cmpanin.B. By giving direct guidance.
    C. By taking phts with a camera.D. By presenting visual images.
    13. What can be inferred abut Wb frm Paragraph 4?
    A. It is prgrammed t replace teachers.B. It may be gd cmpany fr kids.
    C. It can get started autmatically.D. It is intended t design games.
    14. What des Jnathan Ericksn think f his tys?
    A. They are quite easy t perate.B. They can teach children numbers.
    C. They help kids express themselves well.D. They can shw their emtins clearly.
    15 What is the main idea f the text?
    A. Tys are made t help t build emtinal intelligence.
    B. Educatinal tys sell well at the Internatinal Ty Fair.
    C. Tymakers are making prfits in educatin.
    D. Children celebrate the Internatinal Ty Fair.
    【答案】12. D 13. B 14. C 15. A
    细节理解题。根据第三段中PleIQ is a set f plastic ty blcks. It uses visual reality technlgy t teach wrds, numbers and ther things.可知,PleIQ是一套塑料玩具积木。它利用视觉现实技术来教授单词、数字和其他东西。由此可知,PleIQ通过呈现视觉图像来指导孩子学习。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中The child can cmmunicate with Wb and fllw sme f the instructins Wb is giving because he thinks f this as a cmpanin instead f a parent r smene else telling him t certain things.可知,孩子可以和Wb交流,并遵循Wb给出的一些指令,因为他认为这是一个伙伴,而不是父母或其他人告诉他某些事情。由此可推知,Wb可能是孩子们的好伙伴。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中The biggest thing is her talking. And that’s the key f all this-getting her feelings expressed ut.可知,最重要的是她能说话。而这就是关键——让她表达出自己的感受。由此可推知,Jnathan Ericksn觉得他的玩具能帮助孩子们很好地表达自己。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段中Tymakers are wrking t create these prducts fr imprving a child’s emtinal intelligence.可知,玩具制造商正致力于开发这些产品,以提高儿童的情商。结合本文介绍的是玩具制造商正在为提高孩子的情绪智力努力创造一些玩具,这些玩具可以寓教于乐,让孩子们在玩耍中学到知识,并可以提高孩子的情感表达能力。故A选项“玩具有助于建立情商”符合文章标题。故选A。
    概括主旨的方法是:先看首尾或各段开头再看全文找主题句,若无明显主题句,就通过关键词句来概括(如议论文中寻找表达作者观点态度的词句,记叙文寻找概括情节和中心的动词或反映人物特点的形容词)。文中出现两种或两种以上的不同观点时,务必牢记作者的观点才是体现全文中心的。如第四小题,根据第一段中Tymakers are wrking t create these prducts fr imprving a child’s emtinal intelligence.可知玩具制造商正致力于开发这些产品,以提高儿童的情商。结合本文介绍的是玩具制造商正在为提高孩子的情绪智力努力创造一些玩具,这些玩具可以寓教于乐,让孩子们在玩耍中学到知识,并可以提高孩子的情感表达能力。故A选项“玩具有助于建立情商”符合文章标题。故选A。
    In rder t better survive in the wrld filled with challenges, we urselves need t be wise. ____16____ Let me tell yu this. Wisdm prvides us with perspectives and calms us dwn in terrible situatins. Here are sme effective strategies that we can use t get wiser.
    ____17____ This will pen up new pathways fr us. Never base yur perspective n the mst ppular pinin r which is the mst cmfrtable fr yu. Instead, train yur mind t be a judgment-free space fr ideas. If yu are humble enugh, yu will always get t experience smething new.
    Meanwhile, yu’re suppsed t be the kind f persn wh learns smething new every day. Take new classes, read bks and the list ges n and n. ____18____ All f these activities will help yu t tackle prblems frm different angles, making everything easier.
    What if yu lack self-discipline r need timely guidance? Maybe the best way is t have wise peple as yur mentrs (导师), like teachers, clleagues and even special friends. Prir t making them a mentr, find ut what makes them wiser, and then engage in useful dialgue with them. ____19____
    If yu have accumulated a lt f knwledge, then why nt share it with thers t? ____20____ In tday’s wrld, it is very easy t becme wise but it isn’t easy t help thers. S keep things balanced and never let g f yur passins and values. This will pave the path t success.
    A. Why is wisdm crucial in this mdern wrld?
    B. Change yur rutine and see where life takes yu.
    C. Therefre, yu can ask them t supervise yu r imitate their mindset.
    D. Try surfing the Internet and clear ut yur prblems that cnfuse yu.
    E. Smetimes we can benefit a lt frm being pen t diverse perspectives.
    F. By spending mre time with them, there will be mre transfer f knwledge t yu.
    G. Cmmunicating with thers and helping them ut will als increase yur wisdm.
    【答案】16. A 17. E 18. D 19. F 20. G
    下文“Let me tell yu this. Wisdm prvides us with perspectives and calms us dwn in terrible situatins. (让我告诉你。智慧为我们提供视角,让我们在糟糕的情况下冷静下来。)”回答了智慧为什么如此重要的问题,选项A“为什么智慧在现代社会如此重要?”引出下文。故选A项。
    下文“Never base yur perspective n the mst ppular pinin r which is the mst cmfrtable fr yu. Instead, train yur mind t be a judgment-free space fr ideas. If yu are humble enugh, yu will always get t experience smething new. (永远不要把你的观点建立在最流行的观点或对你来说最舒服的观点上。相反,训练你的大脑成为一个不受评判的思想空间。如果你足够谦虚,你总能体验到新的东西。)”说明本段主要建议要虚心接受别人的观点,选项E“有时候,我们可以从接纳不同的观点中获益良多。”引领下文,是本段主旨句,建议接纳不同观点。故选E项。
    上文“Take new classes, read bks and the list ges n and n. (参加新的课程,阅读书籍,这样的例子不胜枚举。)” 列举学习新事物的一些具体方式,选项D“试着上网,理清那些让你困惑的问题。”承接上文,继续列举学习的新方式,引出下文“All f these activities will help yu t tackle prblems frm different angles, making everything easier.(所有这些活动将帮助你从不同的角度解决问题,使一切变得更容易。)”和上文存在因果关系。故选D项。
    上文“Maybe the best way is t have wise peple as yur mentrs(导师), like teachers, clleagues and even special friends. Prir t making them a mentr, find ut what makes them wiser, and then engage in useful dialgue with them. (也许最好的方法是找一些有智慧的人做你的导师,比如老师、同事,甚至是特别的朋友。在成为他们的导师之前,找出是什么让他们变得更聪明,然后与他们进行有益的对话。)”建议寻找良师益友,向他们学习,选项F“花更多的时间和他们在一起,你会学到更多的知识。”承接上文,和上文存在因果关系,有了良师益友,多和他们在一起,就会增长知识。故选F项。
    上文“If yu have accumulated a lt f knwledge, then why nt share it with thers t? (如果你积累了很多知识,那么为什么不与他人分享呢?)”建议和他人分享所学知识,选项G“与他人交流并帮助他们也会增加你的智慧。”承接上文,说明在分享的过程中自己也会增加智慧。故选G项。
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    I wke up with nly ne thing n my mind: what t wear. A billin thughts ____21____ thrugh my brain as wden hangers (衣架) mved back and frth. It was my first day f high schl in a new state; first ____22____ are everything, and it was necessary t impress the peple wh I’d spend the next fur years with.
    It wasn’t insecurity that drve me t madness but the fact that this was my third time being the new kid. ____23____ mving des smething t a child’s develpment — I ____24____ t make reliable friends. But this time dad’s cmpany ____25____ my starting and finishing high schl in the same place, which meant n instant d-vers when I pack up and leave again. Thus, this time mattered, which made me nervus.
    I emerged prudly in a perfect patterned ____26____ after raiding (扫荡) my clset. I felt rather ____27____ as I stepped ff the bus. But my jaw drpped t the flr when I fund Mrs. Hutfilz, my English teacher, wearing the exact same dress as I did. I kept my head dwn and ____28____ t my seat, but the first day meant ____29____ in frnt f the class, and sn enugh it was my turn. I made it thrugh my minute speech, until Hutfilz std up, ____30____ adding she liked my style. Althugh this was the mment I had been dreading frm the mment I walked in, all the ____31____ that had accumulated thrughut the mrning surprisingly ____32____. The students raised their heads as I shared my stry. My smile ____33____ as I giggled with my peers. After class, I stayed behind, sharing with Mrs. Hutfilz my previus wrries abut cming int a new schl and state. I was relieved t make a humrus and genuine ____34____ with my first teacher, which wuld last fr the cming years.
    This incident ____35____ me that high schl is the time t have fun, wrk hard, and create ____36____, nt wrry abut the ____37____ details. Lking back, the ten minutes I spent ____38____ my speech were really nt wrth it. ____39____ my first perid f high schl may nt have gne exactly the way I thught it wuld, Mrs. Hutfilz’s great sense f ____40____ certainly made the day unfrgettable in the best way.
    21. A. racedB. brkeC. frcedD. wandered
    22. A. experiencesB. impressinsC. cmmentsD. expectatins
    23. A. RandmB. PermanentC. RegularD. Frequent
    24. A. managedB. struggledC. refusedD. agreed
    25. A. ensuredB. admittedC. rejectedD. questined
    26. A. shirtB. unifrmC. dressD. skirt
    27. A. nervusB. dubtfulC. cmpetentD. cnfident
    28. A. crawledB. draggedC. elbwedD. tipted
    29. A. intrductinsB. perfrmancesC. lecturesD. debates
    30. A. hesitantlyB. carefullyC. hnestlyD. jkingly
    31. A. sympathyB. thrillC. anxietyD. jealusy
    32. A. tk ffB. melted awayC. passed dwnD. carried n
    33. A. frzeB. fadedC. grewD. generated
    34. A. cnnectinB. adjustmentC. agreementD. negtiatin
    35. A. advisedB. remindedC. infrmedD. revealed
    36. A. imagesB. sensesC. memriesD. chices
    37. A. unimprtantB. cmplexC. accurateD. vital
    38. A. dubtingB. cnsideringC. fearingD. regretting
    39. A. UntilB. SinceC. WhileD. If
    40. A. mralityB. hnrC. prideD. style
    【答案】21. A 22. B 23. D 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. D 28. D 29. A 30. D 31. C 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. A 38. C 39. C 40. D
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当木制衣架前后移动时,无数的想法掠过我的脑海。A. raced运转过快(穿梭);B. brke打破;C. frced强迫;D. wandered徘徊。根据后文“thrugh my brain as wden hangers mved back and frth”可知,这里指无数想法在作者脑海里穿梭。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是我在一个新州上高中的第一天;第一印象决定一切,我有必要给那些和我一起度过接下来四年的人留下深刻印象。A. experiences经历;B. impressins印象;C. cmments评论;D. expectatins期待。根据后文“it was necessary t impress the peple wh I’d spend the next fur years with”可知,作者认为第一“印象”很重要。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:频繁的搬家对孩子的成长是有影响的——我努力寻找可靠的朋友。A. Randm随意的;B. Permanent永久的;C. Regular有规律的;D. Frequent频繁的。根据前文“this was my third time being the new kid”可推知,作者“频繁”搬家。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:频繁的搬家对孩子的成长是有影响的——我努力寻找可靠的朋友。A.managed设法做到;B. struggled努力;C. refused拒绝;D. agreed同意。根据前文“this was my third time being the new kid”可知,作者经常搬家,所以没有长期的朋友,所以作者又开始“努力”寻找可靠的朋友。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但这一次,爸爸的公司确保了我在同一个地方开始和完成高中学业,这意味着当我收拾行李再次离开时,不会立即改头换面。A. ensured确保;B. admitted承认;C.rejected拒绝;D. questined质疑。根据前文分析、“But”的转折和后文“my starting and finishing high schl in the same place”可知,这里指作者爸爸的公司“确保了”作者在同一个地方完成高中学业。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在翻遍了我的衣橱后,我自豪地穿着一件图案完美的连衣裙出现了。A. shirt衬衣;B. unifrm制服;C. dress连衣裙;D. skirt短裙。根据后文“wearing the exact same dress as I did”可知,这里指作者挑了一件“连衣裙”。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我下了公共汽车时,我感到和以前一样自信。A. nervus紧张的;B. dubtful怀疑的;C. cmpetent有竞争性的;D. cnfident自信的。根据前文“I emerged prudly in a patterned 6 after raiding(扫荡)my clset.”可知,这里指作者很“自信”。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我低着头,蹑手蹑脚地走到座位上,但第一天的课程意味着要在全班同学面前做自我介绍,很快就轮到我了。A. crawled爬; B. dragged拖;C. elbwed用肘推;D. tipted蹑手蹑脚地走。根据上文“wearing the exact same dress as I did”可知,作者和老师撞衫,所以很尴尬,“蹑手蹑脚地走”到座位。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我低着头,蹑手蹑脚地走到座位上,但第一天的课程意味着要在全班同学面前做自我介绍,很快就轮到我了。A. intrductins介绍;B. perfrmances表现;C. lectures课程;D. debates争论。根据常识和前文“the first day”及后文“in frnt f the class”可知,在新学校第一堂课,作者要进行自我“介绍”。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我做了几分钟的演讲,直到Hutfilz站起来,开玩笑地说她喜欢我的风格。A. hesitantly犹豫地;B. carefully仔细地;C. hnestly诚实地;D. jkingly开玩笑地。根据后文“I was relieved t make a humrus and genuine 14 with my first teacher in the cming days.”可知,这里指老师“开玩笑地”说。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管这是我从走进来的那一刻起就一直害怕的时刻,但整个上午积累的所有焦虑都令人惊讶地消失了。A. sympathy同情;B. thrill激动;C. anxiety紧张,焦虑;D. jealusy嫉妒。根据前文“Hutfilz std up, 10 adding she liked my style. ”可知,在老师的玩笑中,作者的“焦虑”消失了。故选C项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:尽管这是我从走进来的那一刻起就一直害怕的时刻,但整个上午积累的所有焦虑都令人惊讶地消失了。A. tk ff脱下;B. melted away融化,消失;C. passed dwn传下去;D. carried n继续。根据前文“Hutfilz std up, 10 adding she liked my style. ”可知,在老师的玩笑中,作者的焦虑“消失”了。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我和同伴们一起咯咯地笑时,我的笑容越来越灿烂。A. frze冻;B. faded退化;C. grew增长;D. generated产生。根据前文“all the 11 that had accumulated thrughut the mrning surprisingly 12 .”和后文“as I giggled with my peers”可知,作者不再紧张了,笑容也“增长”变多了。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的几天里,我和我的第一位老师建立了一种幽默而真诚的联系,这让我松了一口气。A. cnnectin联系;B. adjustment调整;C. agreement协定;D. negtiatin协商。根据前文“wearing the exact same dress as I did”和“I was relieved”可知,这里指作者和老师建立了一种幽默而真诚的“联系”。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这件事提醒我,高中是享受乐趣、努力学习、创造记忆的时候,而不是担心那些无关紧要的细节。A. advised建议;B. reminded提醒;C.infrmed通知;D. revealed揭示。根据后文“high schl is the time t have fun, wrk hard, and create 16 , nt wrry abut the 17 details”以及语境可知,这件事“提醒”作者很多时候不需要做到尽善尽美。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意这件事提醒我,高中是享受乐趣、努力学习、创造记忆的时候,而不是担心那些无关紧要的细节。A. images图像;B. senses感觉; C. memries 记忆;D. chices选择。根据后文“Lking back, the ten minutes I spent 18 my speech were really nt wrth it”以及语境可知,这里指高中是创造“回忆”的时候。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这件事提醒我,高中是享受乐趣、努力学习、创造记忆的时候,而不是担心那些无关紧要的细节。A. unimprtant不重要的;B. cmplex复杂的;C. accurate精确的;D. vital重要的。根据前文分析可知,老师的幽默不仅化解了作者的尴尬,也让作者认识到很多时候不重要的小事并不需要完美,再根据前文“high schl is the time t have fun, wrk hard, and create 16 ”可知,作者意识到要把穿着看作是“不重要的”细节。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:回想起来,我花在担心演讲上的十分钟真的不值得。A. dubting怀疑;B. cnsidering考虑;C. fearing害怕、担心;D. regretting后悔。根据前文分析可知,老师的幽默化解了作者的尴尬,根据后文“nt wrth it”可知,这里指作者认为自己的“担心”是不值得的。故选C项。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然我的第一段高中生活可能并不完全像我想象的那样,但Hutfilz女士很棒的风格确实以最好的方式让那一天很难忘。A. Until直到;B. Since自从;C. While虽然;D. If如果。根据后文“my first perid f high schl may nt have gne exactly the way I thught it wuld,”和“Mrs. Hutfilz’s great sense f 20 certainly made the day unfrgettable in the best way”之间是让步转折关系。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然我的第一段高中生活可能并不完全像我想象的那样,但Hutfilz夫人很棒的风格确实以最好的方式让那一天很难忘。A. mrality道德;B. hnr荣誉;C. pride骄傲;D. style风格。根据上一段中“ 10 adding she liked my style”以及“I was relieved t make a humrus and genuine 14 with my first teacher in the cming days.”可知,是老师的幽默的“风格”让这一天变得令人难忘。故选D项。
    On Sept. 7, famus Chinese archaelgist Fan Jinshi, 85, _____41_____ (award) by UNESCO fr her cntributin t the prtectin f the Mga Caves in Dunhuang.
    _____42_____ (call) the “daughter f Dunhuang”, she started her stry with the cave 60 years ag. In 1963, Fan, then a 25-year-ld Peking University graduate, had the chance t wrk at the Mga Caves, a place _____43_____ had lng been n her list f sites t explre. Back in thse days, the Mga Caves were almst _____44_____ (cmplete) cut ff frm the wrld. Fan and her cwrkers stayed inside the caves t d research, cpy murals (壁画), and d _____45_____ they culd t prtect and restre them. As time passed, Fan fund a serius prblem. _____46_____ number f turists visiting Dunhuang was increasing, which might harm the caves, _____47_____ (cause) the murals inside t fade. In the late 1980s, Fan learnt abut cmputer technlgy _____48_____ chance. She realized that this might preserve the Mga Caves frever.
    After ver 30 years f _____49_____ (explre), the Dunhuang Academy built a digital database t prtect cultural relics there, allwing Dunhuang’s art t live frever_____50_____t step ut f the caves t meet the wrld.
    【答案】41. was awarded
    42. Called 43. t wrk
    44. that/which
    45. cmpletely
    46. what/whatever
    47. The 48. causing
    49. by 50. explratin
    考查谓语动词的时态、语态。句意:9月7日,联合国教科文组织授予85岁的中国著名考古学家樊进石荣誉称号,以表彰她为保护敦煌莫高窟所做的贡献。award作动词意为“颁发、授予”,樊锦诗在九月七日被授予表彰,九月七日为具体过去时间,故使用一般过去时的被动语态。主语“樊锦诗”为单数,故填was rewarded。
    考查定语从句。句意:1963年,25岁的北京大学毕业生樊有机会在莫高窟工作,这个地方一直是她想去探索的地方。定语从句修饰的是先行词a place。从句中缺主语,因此用that/which指代先行词充当从句主语成分。故填that/which。
    考查副词。句意:那时候,莫高窟几乎与外界完全隔绝。修饰动词短语were cut ff应用副词cmpletely。故填cmpletely。
    考查宾语从句。句意:樊和她的同事呆在洞穴里做研究,复制壁画,尽他们所能保护和修复它们。主句主语为Fan and her cwrkers,谓语动词为stayed和d,从句作d的宾语。从句they culd(d)为避免重复省略了d,因此从句缺少宾语。该句意为“做她们能做的事”或“做她们能做的任何事”,因此用what/whatever来充当从句宾语成分。故填what/whatever。
    考查冠词。句意:参观敦煌的游客越来越多,这可能会损害洞穴,导致里面的壁画褪色。the number f表示“……的数量”,首字母大写。故填The。
    考查介词。句意:在20世纪80年代末,樊偶然了解了计算机技术。by chance意为“偶然地”。故填by。
    考查连词。句意:经过30多年的探索,敦煌研究院建立了一个数字数据库来保护那里的文物,让敦煌的艺术永世长存,走出洞穴,与世界相遇。结合前后文语境可知为并列关系,应用连词and。故填and 。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    Of all the instructive prverb, the ne I like best is “Where there is a will, there is a way”, what has a special meaning fr me. When I was a freshman in high schl, I had great difficulty adapt t the teaching methds f my new teachers. During the very first term, I was such pr in my study that it seemed unlikely fr me t catch n with my classmates. Luckily, every time I lst my heart, my English teacher wuld encurage me, always saying, “A little mre effrt, r yu will make it.”
    Thanks t his supprtive wrds, I adjust my attitude and devted much effrt t study. A year later, I became a tp student in my class. Since then, I have learned that nthing is impssible t willing heart. As lng as we keep trying, we’ll definite succeed.
    【答案】1. prverb→prverbs;2. wh→which;3. adapt→adapting;4. such→s;5.n→up;6.删除my;7. r→and;8. adjust→adjusted;9.在t后加a;10. definite→definitely。
    3.考查固定短语。句意:当我在高中一年级的时候,我很难适应我的新老师的教学方法。固定句型:have difficulty (in) ding sth“做……有困难”,故将adapt改为adapting。
    5.考查固定短语。句意:在第一个学期,我的学习成绩太差,以至于似乎不太可能赶上我的同学。固定短语:catch up with sb“赶上某人”,故将n 改为up。
    6.考查固定短语。句意:幸运的是,每次我灰心的时候,我的英语老师都会鼓励我,总是说:“再努力一点,你就会成功的。”固定短语:lst heart“灰心”,所以此处代词my多余,故将my删除。
    7.考查并列连词。句意:幸运的是,每次我灰心的时候,我的英语老师都会鼓励我,总是说:“再努力一点,你就会成功的。” “A little mre effrt”相当于祈使句的用法,这样做了,就会有“你就会成功的”结果,即“祈使句+and+简单句”,故将r改为and。
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 假定你是李华,上周五你校组织了一场为山区留守儿童募捐的义卖活动。请你以“An act f lve”为题写一篇短文,介绍这次活动。内容包括:
    1. 活动简介;
    2. 你的感受。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    参考词汇:charity sale义卖 stay-at-hme children留守儿童
    【答案】An act f lve
    Last Friday, ur schl hsted a charity sale, which was aimed at raising mney fr the stay-at-hme children in remte muntainus areas.
    As arranged, the charity sale started at 12:30 n the playgrund and lasted fr nearly fur hurs, drawing a great number f teachers and students t participate. They were willing t cntribute t the activity by either dnating their persnal stuff r buying smething frm the sale, a secnd-hand bk, a newly-bught item r even a DIY prduct.
    In my pinin, this charity sale was a great success. Fr ne thing, with ur jint effrts, we managed t raise a great amunt f mney t help thse needy kids. Fr anther, the enthusiasm and selflessness displayed by ur fellw classmates will inspire mre peple t care and cntinue this act f lve.
    What a wnderful experience! Mre activities like this are expected.
    【导语】本篇书面表达是一篇应用文。要求考生以“An act f lve”为题写一篇短文,介绍学校组织的为山区留守儿童募捐的义卖活动。
    愿意做某事:be willing t d sth.→be dispsed t d sth.
    成功做某事:manage t d sth.→be succeeded in ding sth.
    原句:In my pinin, this charity sale was a great success.
    拓展句:In my pinin, this charity sale was a great success, frm which we benefited a lt.
    [高分句型1]Last Friday, ur schl hsted a charity sale, which was aimed at raising mney fr the stay-at-hme children in remte muntainus areas.(运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2]Fr ne thing, with ur jint effrts, we managed t raise a great amunt f mney t help thse needy kids.(运用了动词不定式t raise作宾语,动词不定式t help作目的状语)
    1-5 CBACC 6-10ABCAC 11-15CBABA 16-20BCBAB

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