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    专题10 生活遇险-2024新高考英语读后续写话题分类汇编01
    专题10 生活遇险-2024新高考英语读后续写话题分类汇编02
    专题10 生活遇险-2024新高考英语读后续写话题分类汇编03
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    专题10 生活遇险-2024新高考英语读后续写话题分类汇编

    这是一份专题10 生活遇险-2024新高考英语读后续写话题分类汇编,共20页。

    On a bright, warm July afternn, Mac Hllan, a primary schl teacher, was cycling frm his hme t Alaska with his friends. One f his friends had stpped t make a bicycle repair, but they had encuraged Mac t carry n, and they wuld catch up with him sn. As Mac pedaled(骑行) alng alne, he thught fndly f his wife and tw yung daughters at hme. He hped t shw them this beautiful place smeday.
    Then Mac heard quick and lud breathing behind him. “Man, that's a big dg!” he thught. But when he lked t the side, he saw instantly that it wasn't a dg at all, but a wlf, quickly catching up with him.
    Mac's heart jumped. He fund ut his can f bear spray. With ne hand n the bars, he fired the spray at the wlf. A bright red clud envelped the animal, and t Mac's relief, it fell back, shaking its head. But a minute later, it was by his side again. Then it attacked the back f Mac's bike, tearing pen his tent bag. He fired at the wlf a secnd time, and again, it fell back nly t quickly restart the chase(追赶)。
    Mac was pedaling hard nw. He waved and yelled at passing cars but was careful nt t shw dwn. He saw a steep uphill climb befre him. He knew that nce he hit the hill, he'd be easy caught up and the wlf's teeth wuld be tearing int his flesh.
    At this mment, Pauland Beeky were driving their car n their way t Alaska. They didn't think much f it when they saw tw cyclists repairing their bike n the side f the rad. A bit later, they sptted what they, t, assumed was a dg running alngside a man n a bike. As they gt clser, they realized that the dg was a wlf. Mac heard a large vehicle behind him. He pulled in frnt f it as the wlf was catching up fast, just a dzen yards away nw.
    1. 所续写的短文词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已经为你写好;
    Paragragh 1:
    The car abruptly stpped in frnt f him.
    Paragragh 2:
    A few minutes later, the ther tw cyclists arrived.
    Paragraph 1:
    The car abruptly stpped in frnt f him. Mac jumped ff his bicycle and rushed t the dr f the car. But befre Mac culd pen the dr, the wlf had caught up and jumped t attack. Luckily, the magic spray saved Mac a third time. Seeing the wlf back ff, Paul quickly unlcked the dr, and the frightened man climbed int the car in n time, shutting the dr behind him heavily. Bechy lked ut f the back windw and saw the wlf standing ver Mac’s bicycle as if it were a kill. Sn after, the animal ran ff.
    Paragraph 1:
    A few minutes later, the ther tw cyclists arrived. They were shcked at what they saw and jined Paul. One f Macs friends picked ut sme raw meat and threw it t the wlf. Satisfied with what he gt, the wlf ran int the wds. Mac thanked Paul and Becky, “Hw grateful I am that yu stpped t save me and I we it t yu that I’m still alive.” As Mac gt injured, the three men had t give up the rest f their jurney and returned hme.(170 wrds)
    Passage 2 救了我一命的箭
    It was a beautiful Octber evening, a cl gentle breeze was blwing as the mn rse high in the sky, and I had gtten hme frm wrk abut an hur earlier. As I ften did after a lng day, I went straight t my backyard and did sme wrk in my flwer garden befre deciding t light the grill t make dinner fr my husband and myself. I had nly just walked a few steps when I suddenly felt a hrrible blw t the right side f my neck. It felt as thugh smene had hit me with a baseball bat(棒球棒). I knew that n ne was in the yard with me, s n ne culd have hit me. Ttally cnfused, I reached up and, t my shck and hrrr, realized that I had been sht- with an arrw.
    I grabbed the arrw tightly where it had gne thrugh my neck and ran inside, screaming my husband's name. Ed was in the back f the huse talking t ur daughter, Keila, n the phne. He drpped the phne and ran t me. Ed grabbed me by the shulders t stp me frm running and tld me t lie dwn n the cuch. Then he went t call 911. I lay there and prayed. I didn't knw if there was any way that I culd survive.
    The next hur r s was a crazy, disrderly mix f events. The arrw had cme frm a yung hunter practicing with a cmpund bw, used fr hunting, in his backyard. Luckily, he was using a practice arrw, which is smth and runded; a bradhead arrw fr hunting wuld have killed me. He lived acrss the back street and was shting t the nrth. The arrw had bunced and turned back t the suth. It went ver tw, pssibly three, fences, thrugh the bushes and an ak tree, between tw large hanging baskets, and int my neck as I walked t the grill. A sht frm a cmpund bw can travel up t 200 miles per hur, r 300 feet per secnd.
    1. 所续写的短文词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已经为你写好;
    Paragraph 1:
    Sn, I was sent t the hspital.
    Paragraph 2:
    The bw hunter paid a visit t me the next day.
    Paragraph 1.
    Sn, I was sent t the hspital. But again panic started t bil up inside me. At this pint, my neck seemed t explde in pain, and even wrse, I culd hardly breathe. I was clse t tears at the thught that I was ging t die. Hw I wished that the hrrible nightmare culd end sn! Frtunately, after ding a CT scan n my neck, the dctrs immediately perfrmed an peratin n me. The mment I wke up, ne dctr shwed me the arrw that might kill me, saying that if it had nt been fr my husband’s quick actin and knwledge f first aid, I wuld nt have survived. Hearing this, I smiled at my husband and then sighed with relief.
    Paragraph 2.
    The bw hunter paid a visit t me the next day. In frnt f the hspital bed std the yung hunter, wh bwed his head in shame and prayed fr frgiveness. I sat up slwly, with n idea what t say. There was a mment f silence befre Ed pushed pen the dr. When he realized wh the yung man was, an angry lk crssed his face, but he managed t cntain his anger. “It was an accident, but yu mustn’t practise shting in the street,” my husband said sternly, patting him n the shulder. Sn the yung man’s eyes gleamed with relief and jy, and he prmised that he wuldn’t d that again. With a few mre wrds, he bwed t us bth, thanked us again and left.
    Passage 3 遇到摩托车抢劫
    I was ding a big clean-up recently and my kids were helping when my sn, Fredd, came acrss a kntted handkerchief with an ld dark brwn cin inside. “Mum, can I have this? Can I play with this cin?” he asked. I tk ne lk and was immediately transprted t anther time.
    In 1991, here was a time when my friend and I wrked in a backward African cuntry, Niger, hit by sandstrms and burning heat. There were many things I fund difficult abut this place—the climate and beggars were my biggest headaches. S after finishing five mnths f nursing wrk there, we mved n t wrk at a health clinic in the neighbring cuntry, Burkina Fas. “It's much greener in Burkina. Even the Cke tastes better,” the lcals assured us.
    Yet the fact was quite the ppsite. Arriving by taxi at ur destinatin in Burkina, we began t unlad. I was reaching fr my larger piece f luggage when, ut f the darkness, a mtrbike with tw men apprached slwly. Withut warning, ne f the men grabbed my daypack as the mtrbike swept clse by. Within secnds, the pair were ut f sight, swallwed up by the night.
    With my passprt, mney, traveler’s cheques all in the bag, I was in deep truble. Hw frustrating!
    All I wanted was t leave this hellhle! Then, walking thrugh Burkina's streets ne day, I was stpped by an ld wman wh thrust her hand in my face. “Cadeau (‘gift’ in French)! Cadeau!” she cried. I'd had enugh! I was extremely tired f the cuntry: its pverty, its thieves, the heat, the dust ! I tld her angrily and firmly in French, “I have n ‘cadeau’. I have n mney. A thief stle all my mney tw weeks ag and nw I can't get ut f yur cuntry. I cannt give yu anything. NOTHING!” The beggar wman listened attentively. T my great surprise, after hearing my wrds, she gave me a brad smile.
    1. 所续写的短文词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已经为你写好;
    Paragraph 1:
    She reached int the pcket f her dress.
    Paragraph 2:
    There was a slight tuch n my hand; lking dwn, I saw my sn lking at me, curius.
    Paragraph 1:
    She reached int the pcket f her dress. “Then I will give yu a cadeau,” she annunced. Kindly, she placed an ld dark brwn cin in my hand. In surprise, I lked at the cin, and then at the wman. At that mment, I felt rather ashamed, ashamed f my terrible attitude twards the ld wman. In spite f her pverty, she was able t give me smething priceless. I had taken it fr granted that beggars wuld nly receive smething frm thers, yet the cin frm the beggar wman in Burkina truly changed my view twards them, and her smile hit the deepest f my heart.
    Paragraph 1:
    There was a slight tuch n my hand; lking dwn, I saw my sn lking at me, curius. “Mum, can I have this? Can I play with this cin?” he repeated. “Yu can't play with it, hney,” I tuched my sn n the head and said slwly, “This ne is special. It is an unfrgettable precius memry t me. Cme and let me tell yu a stry.”
    Passage 4 滑冰事故
    When I was eleven years ld, I had a big accident. I get scared even nw when I think abut that time. I went skating near my huse. There were many peple, and I saw sme f them falling n the ice.
    It was my first time t g ice skating, s I was nervus. I was wndering hw t skate.
    I went with a friend wh was very skillful. He spent sme time teaching me hw t skate,but I didn’t learn much. He left me and skated all arund. As sn as he left, I fell dwn. I envied the ther peple because they culd skate well.
    I was bred because I kept falling s I tk ff my skates and just walked arund n the ice in my shes. It was cld and my hands were frzen.
    Suddenly, I stepped n smething that was nt hard. What was it? It was a weak place in the ice. When I stepped there, I sank under the ice. I thught that I was ging t die, but I did my best t grab smething t get ut frm under the ice. I tried t grab the edge f the ice, but it was very difficult fr an eleven-year-ld.
    It seemed like a very lng time, like a year. Then, frtunately, smene helped me. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up. S, I lived and I’m still alive tday.
    I thanked him. At that time, my friend came back. I was annyed at him because he was suppsed t take care f me, but he didn’t. He was embarrassed. When I tk a taxi hme, the taxi driver was surprised and asked what had happened. I didn’t want t say anything because I was tired and scared. Even nw, whenever I think abut that time, I feel uncmfrtable. I dn’t want t g skating again even nw.
    1. 所续写的短文词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已经为你写好;
    Paragraph 1:
    It was lng befre I went skating nce again, accmpanied by ne f my friends.
    Paragraph 2:
    Hwever, ever since then I haven’t fund any time t g skating, nt because I d nt like skating, but because I am t busy wrking.
    Paragraph 1:
    It was lng befre I went skating nce again, accmpanied by ne f my friends. This time I was careful and cautius, and my friend tk special care f me. I was s frtunate this time that I managed nt t fall dwn. Gradually I learned t skate well and became skillful. I felt very cnfident and n lnger scared.
    Paragraph 2:
    Hwever, ever since then I haven’t fund any time t g skating, nt because I d nt like skating, but because I am t busy wrking. I’ve learned a lt frm these tw skating experiences. We all have mments f desperatin. But if we can face them bravely, that’s when we find ut hw strng we really are. Whatever yu d, yu must have the patience t d it as well as the skill. Remember: never get t much pride because f victry r lse heart in case f failure.
    Passage 5 开窗事故
    Alex Dryuba, 31, wh runs his wn IT firm, recently mved t New Yrk with his family due t wrk. Fr nearly three weeks, Alex and his wife, Kelly, were busy cleaning and decrating the new hme t make it czy fr the kids. They have three cute children: tw-year-ld Anne, six-year-ld Vicky, and Isabelle, 11. Anne ften sits n the windwsill (窗台) f her sixth flr bedrm, where she likes t play with her tys. There is a variety f tys and dlls fr the little girl. The windw, verlking Mshlu Avenue in Riverdale, was never pen and her mm Kelly thught that Anne was t small t wrk the latch (插销). Hwever, Alex insisted that when things settled dwn, they shuld ntify the hmewner that they needed windw guards and safety bars t prtect Anne and Vicky.
    One rainy evening, Anne accmpanied by Isabelle was playing with her tys in her bedrm as usual, while their mther busied herself with ding the husewrk. Anne and Isabelle shared the small bedrm, where Anne’s name is painted in rainbw clrs n the wall. After a while, Isabelle wanted t listen t the rain — s she pened the windw. Minutes later, Isabelle felt a bit hungry and left the rm fr a mment t get a slice f pizza frm the dining table, leaving Anne alne. Instantly, she heard a thundering sund and the cries f her yunger sister cming frm five flrs belw.
    Isabelle turned pale and realized smething went wrng. She rushed int the bedrm, lked ut f the windw and saw Anne was n the awning (雨篷) ver the entrance t the building. Her heart sank and she felt s scared that she screamed. Hearing her daughter’s screams frm a rm away, Kelly ran int Anne’s rm and was t shcked t speak. “It’s all my fault, Mm. I shuldn’t have pened that windw,” Isabelle cried hard. It felt like a nightmare but Kelly managed t keep calm. “We need t g dwnstairs t get Anne dwn frm the awning, the sner the better!”
    1. 所续写的短文词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已经为你写好;
    Paragraph 1:
    Kelly rushed dwn t the sidewalk but culdn’t reach her crying daughter.
    Paragraph 2:
    “She’s the luckiest kid in the wrld,” said the neighbr.
    Paragraph 1:
    Kelly rushed dwn t the sidewalk but culdn’t reach her crying daughter. Then an idea struck her. She hurried upstairs and kncked n the dr f the neighbr n the secnd flr, with Isabelle fllwing clsely behind. Hearing what had happened, the neighbr let them in and jined the rescue. Frm the windw pened next t the awning they were able t reach ut and carefully pull the crying girl inside. Kelly held Anne in her arms tightly and examined if she was hurt. She was pretty shcked t find that Anne nly had a bruise n her right arm.
    Paragraph 2:
    “She’s the luckiest kid in the wrld,” said the neighbr. She had miraculusly survived a five-stry fall and landed n an awning utside the building. N brken bnes, n ther serius injuries. Kelly and Isabelle were bth glad that the little girl was alive and alright. They extended sincere gratitude t the neighbr and hurriedly sent Anne t hspital fr a further examinatin. After that, Kelly called the landlrd fr safety bars t prevent the tragedy frm ccurring again.
    Passage 6 不同寻常的一天
    An Unusual Day
    “Usual bring day!” This wuld be the answer frm Rman if smebdy asks him hw his day was. These days he fund everything bring and nthing excited him.
    When he went int the living rm,it was dark. His yung brther was playing with his friend. They were rlling n the flr. He was lking fr a TV remte,but culdn’t find it. He lked at his brther wh was still lying n the flr playing.
    He asked him,“Where is the remte?”
    “Under the sfa,” his brther yelled.
    He tried t lk thrugh,but it was dark as well as narrw. He put his hand under the sfa,he tuched smething,and grabbed it and tk his hand ut. OMG!It was a snake in his hand!
    After seeing that his brther started t yell,“Snake,snake!”His friend als accmpanied him n shuting. Mm came as sn as she heard their shuting. She was t hrrified t see a snake. She was s scared that she even culdn’t speak a wrd.
    She was trying t say smething,but was nly able t make a sigh. Tw kids were trying t hide int each ther’s back. “What an ld trick!” Rman thught and grabbed the snake and threw it ver the kids.
    As the snake landed n the flr near the kids,they yelled even mre. Nw the snake started mving frm left side t the right. Only then did Rman realize that the snake was real,nt a fake ne. He threw the snake ver the kids because he thught it was a fake snake and the kids were playing sme tricks.
    This time mm almst gt heart attack. Then he realized what a big mistake he had cmmitted. Nw he was scared t. The kids were abut t faint with fear, while mm was paralyzed with hrrr. The snake was nly 10 meters away frm the kids and it was gazing at them. They even culdn’t call a rescue team. There was nt much time t think.
    1. 所续写的短文词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已经为你写好;
    Paragraph 1:
    As Rman was in farther frm the snake,he jumped t the windw.
    Paragraph 2:
    Later,he called the rescue team frm his cell phne.
    Paragraph 1:
    As Rman was in farther frm the snake,he jumped t the windw. At the same time Rman grabbed the curtain and s hard did he pull it that the curtain ended up landing in his hand. Then withut waiting a secnd,he threw the curtain ver the snake. When the snake came under the curtain,he grabbed the tw kids by their hands and brught them ut f the rm. The kids ran fr their life and reached at the frnt yard within a secnd. He again went inside taking his mm t the frnt yard. Mm was shaking like a leaf and the kids were sweating hard.
    Paragraph 2:
    Later,he called the rescue team frm his cell phne. As sn as the rescue team arrived,they caught the snake and tk it alng with them,s they culd handver the snake t the cncerned rganizatin. Mm gt t nrmal nce the snake was caught,but the kids were still scared. Rman was feeling bad and was angry with himself. His heart beat fast at the thught what wrse wuld have happened if he culdn’t d anything. “Frtunately,everything ges well,” he said t himself,“What an unusual day!”
    Passage 7 洪水后帮忙
    With his wife expecting their first child in tw weeks,unemplyed Dan Kenny was in great need f a jb s he culd prvide fr his new family. But when fld shit his lcal cmmunity, he put the jb hunt n hld and vlunteered t help wrking rund the clck t save hmewners and their prperty.
    Residents(居民) in Prestlee,near Bltn,were impressed and wrd f his selfless herism gt arund and led t the 25-year-ld being prvided with jb ffers. Nw Mr Kenny has started a new jb in accmpany after his tireless wrk and gd citizenship during the flds paid ff.
    Mr Kenny said,“I was very happy t be ffered jbs and really pleased t accept the rle. When I read abut hw bad the flding was, I didn’t feel that I culd just sit back and nt d anything—I thught there must be smething I culd d t help. I just did what I think a lt f peple wuld d and started clearing up. I am a big guy s I did quite a lt f carrying fr peple. The residents were great. They were really grateful t everyne wh went t help ut—there were a lt f peple vlunteering.”
    His rute back int emplyment began when the River Irwell burst its banks in the village f Prestlee. Althugh he lives a few miles frm the affected village he decided t help and immediately cntacted the cmmunity Facebk page t vlunteer his services.
    Rlling up his sleeves,man muntain Mr Kenny,wh stands 6ft 1in and weighs 21stne,gt t wrk helping residents whse prperties had been damaged. His wrk included clearing furniture,deep cleaning hmes,carrying gds and helping cleaning fld water and ruins left behind. He wrked tirelessly all week and was described as a twer f strength prviding muscle and safety t thse affected residents. “It’s great,” Dan Kenny said.,“I am ding what I shuld d during the flds and I enjy helping the peple in need.”
    1. 所续写的短文词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已经为你写好;
    Paragraph 1:
    Offers f wrk sn began puring in and Marie Waters,wh rganises the Facebk page,______________________________________________________________________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    Her husband spke t the directr f Heightvale,Dlres Hawrth.
    Paragraph 1:
    Offers f wrk sn began puring in and Marie Waters,wh rganises the Facebk page,was s impressed and grateful that she spke t her husband,Tny,wh wrks fr a cmpany. Mrs Water said,“He turned up with sme friends and just wrked like a hrse all week—he gt wet and dirty but just kept helping as a vlunteer.”
    Paragraph 1:
    Her husband spke t the directr f Heightvale,Dlres Hawrth. Sn she ffered him a jb wrking fr the cmpany. She said,“He just had a brilliant wrking attitude and is definitely the type f emplyee we are lking fr. I was tld,‘If he des this fr free,imagine his jbs if he was being paid.’ I met him and he was a lvely and plite yung man and he has already started wrking fr us.”
    Passage 8 参观动物园
    It was a warm and sunny mrning at the Central Park Z. Abigail and her classmates were abuzz with excitement as their schl bus entered the z park lt. Tday, Abigail’s class was ging n a field trip t the z t learn mre abut the animals and their natural habitats.
    “Befre yu leave the bus, please make sure yu have yur buddy!” Mrs. Brwn annunced. T make sure n ne gt lst in the z, each student had a buddy (cmpanin/friend). Abigail’s buddy was named Derrick. Derrick lves animals and was als excited t g t the z. But smetimes, Derrick des nt fllw the rules and gets in truble. Abigail hped that tday, Derrick wuld fllw the rules s they wuld nt get in truble.
    While the rest f the students gt ff the bus, Abigail and Derrick quickly ran ff t explre. They fund the exhibits fr many different kinds f animals and learned a lt abut their natural habitats. They saw the elephants playing and they saw giraffes eating. They saw the plar bears sleeping and the mnkeys leaping. Abigail asked Derrick:
    “Derrick, what is yur favrite animal?”
    “I think I like chimpanzees best. They have a lt f energy, just like me! What animal d yu like, Abigail?”
    “I lve plar bears! I think their lifestyle in the Arctic is very interesting.”
    A few hurs later, Abigail and Derrick started t feel hungry. They made their way back t the z entrance t eat lunch at the Rainfrest Cafe. The Rainfrest Cafe is bth Abigail and Derrick’s favrite restaurant because there is an aquarium inside. The restaurant is als famus fr its chclate cake, which Abigail rdered fr dessert after they had finished their lunch.
    As Abigail was finishing her cake, Derrick excused himself t g t the restrm. Abut ten minutes later, a sudden alarm began t g ff and a vice came ver the ludspeaker.
    “Attentin! Smene has pened the chimpanzee exhibit! Sme chimpanzees have escaped!”
    Peple were screaming and starting t run. Abigail lked fr Derrick, but he was nwhere t be fund.
    1. 所续写的短文词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已经为你写好;
    Paragraph 1:
    As mre and mre peple ran ut f the z, Abigail began t think
    Paragraph 2:
    As Abigail raced up the path t the animal exhibits, she was stpped
    Paragraph 1:
    As mre and mre peple ran ut f the z, Abigail began t think where her buddy, Derrick culd be. She gt up frm the table quickly and circled back t the restrms, calling Derrick’s name. There was n answer, s Abigail left the restaurant. As she lked arund the z grunds, she remembered that Derrick had a lt f energy and had tld her that chimpanzees were his favrite animals. Derrick wuldn’t have left the restaurant t release the chimpanzees,wuld he? Oh n! Abigail was sure she knew where Derrick had gne.
    Paragraph 2:
    As Abigail raced up the path t the animal exhibits, she was stpped in her tracks by nne ther than Derrick himself, with tw chimpanzees cradled in his arms. He ffered a small, guilty smile. “I didn’t mean t let them escape,” he began. “I just wanted t take them ut t play fr a little while! I tk the key frm a zkeeper wh wasn’t lking. But then, the lck brke and...” Behind Abigail, Mrs. Brwn had begun t walk up the path and saw Derrick hlding the animals with excitement. It was clear frm her stern expressin that he was in big truble because he didn’t fllw the rules.
    Passage 9 相信奇迹
    Believe in Miracles
    My friend Annette and I had decided t g t a writer’s cnference ver Valentine’s Day weekend in Livermre, Califrnia. We were taking a mini vacatin tgether and culdn’t have been mre excited. We wanted t get there the day befre the cnference and settle int ur htel rm.
    The weather frecast was predicting high winds and rain, s we decided t take an early mrning train and then cnnect with a city bus t ur htel. We arrived early enugh t enjy breakfast in the htel. We even had the gd frtune t be able t get ur rm. All was ging well. We were ff t a perfect start.
    Once in ur rm, the terrible strm hit the earth! The wind and rain made staying in the nly sensible ptin. As lunchtime apprached, we decided t try a phne app that wuld bring almst any restaurant’s fd t us. We decided n hamburgers frm a well-knwn chain.
    The fd-delivery app prmised a 45-minute wait time. Frty-five minutes came and went, then an hur, and then an hur and a half. After tw hurs, I called the restaurant.
    They explained that ur hamburgers were under a heat lamp the entire time, just waiting fr the driver. We canceled the rder and decided t g ut in an Uber car t cntinue ur quest fr hamburgers.
    The frnt-desk manager suggested a restaurant that had great hamburgers. S we tk the Uber car and set ff. But when we arrived at the restaurant, we fund it was clsed due t the bad weather. And ur car had already left. We std utside the building n that miserably cld and wet day, trying t decide what t d next. Of curse, the slutin was easy: Just rder anther Uber car.
    I began digging in my purse fr my phne, but it wasn’t there!
    1. 所续写的短文词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已经为你写好;
    Paragraph 1:
    I realized I had left it in the Uber car.
    Paragraph 2:
    As we pulled int the packing lt, I suddenly saw ur first Uber car.
    Paragraph 1:
    I realized I had left it in the Uber car. The car was lng gne, and s was my phne. Wrried and anxius, I std there with a glum lk n the face. Annette tried t cmfrt me as she tk ut her phne and rdered anther Uber car. While waiting. I felt my mind was all cnfused. “What if my phne was taken by ther passengers?” I muttered, sinking int depressin. At that mment, the car arrived and drve us back t the htel.
    Paragraph 2:
    As we pulled int the packing lt, I suddenly saw ur first Uber car. “Annette, that’s the car.” I yelled excitedly and run t it. The driver seemingly recgnized me. “I sptted a phne n the back seat just nw and was wndering hw t get yu. It is really a miracle.” He smiled brightly when he handed the phne t me. Hlding the phne, I thanked him millins f times. Then he tk us t anther restaurant and we finally had hamburgers. Never had I ever eaten such tasty hamburgers.
    Passage 10受伤之后
    Have yu ever had t vercme an extreme challenge in yur life?
    My teenage years had been insane. Frm schlwrk t athletics, I had always been running arund. Everything was s difficult.
    Thrughut my hectic teenage years, I have been faced with many extreme challenges that have required extreme fcus and hard wrk t vercme. If it hadn’t been fr hard wrk, nne f these challenges that I faced wuld have been cnquered.
    Tw years ag, when I was a freshman in high schl, I dealt with an extremely significant injury. This tk place in my tennis turnament in January. In the climax f my match, I jlted my back t the left and sn after felt a sharp, painful shck run thrugh my spine. I knew at that difficult mment I seriusly injured my back. I was rushed ff the curt and my parents made an appintment with an rthpedist (矫形外科医生) fr the next mrning.
    I walked int the ffice extremely nervus and suffering frm excruciating pain. My tennis seasn fr schl started in three mnths and I abslutely needed t build up the strength.
    After abut twenty minutes f waiting in the ffice, which felt like an eternity, the dctr walked in t examine my X-rays. With a srrwful face, the dctr lked int mine and my mther's eyes and said, “There is a 50/50 chance that Lucas will be able t participate in this yearns tennis seasn. Lucas brke his L5 vertebrae in his lwer back.” My heart drpped and I felt a sadness cme ver me. The dctr said that I wuld be sitting ut f physical activity fr tw and a half t three mnths.
    Thse three mnths were the lngest three mnths f my life. I was s eager t get back t practices fr the seasn. Every day, I wuld think abut hw it was ging t be when I was fully healthy. I asked myself, "Am I ging t be ut f shape? Shuld I even play this year? I prbably wn't have a successful seasn. "
    Frm that dreadful day n, I decided that I was ging t put in the wrk t be back in tp frm and have a successful seasn.
    1. 所续写的短文词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已经为你写好;
    Paragraph 1:
    After I gt the "all clear" frm my rthpedist l was ging t get t wrk.
    Paragraph 2:
    My hard wrk prved t be very effective.
    Paragraph 1:
    After I gt the "all clear'' frm my rthpedist I was ging t get t wrk. Practices were ging t start in tw weeks and I was determined t get back n the curt. My hunger fr success made me play and wrk ut fr tw hurs even day befre the seasn. Thrugh practices, I wuld hit the gym and try t build up the strength that I had befre the injury.
    Paragraph 2:
    My hard wrk prved t be very effective. I had the mst successful seasn f my career. I made it t the finals. Althugh I truly wanted t win, I knew that it was a great accmplishment fr me t be in that psitin even nt in the first place. The injury was almst a gd thing because I prved t myself that I am capable f achieving gals that I strive fr, thrugh hard wrk f curse. That seasn was by far the mst rewarding seasn f my career. I felt s accmplished at the end f the seasn. Hard wrk always pays ff.

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