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    这是一份2024届云南省西双版纳傣族自治州勐海县中学高三下学期高考适应性考试英语试题,共13页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37, an 【解析】考查冠词等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    The aim f establishing schl rules and regulatins is t encurage gd behavir, teach students self discipline (自律), and maintain a harmnius learning envirnment t match the image and reputatin f ur schl, Schl rules and regulatins are applicable t all students.
    Rle f the parents
    The primary duty and respnsibility f the parents is t educate their children by example t respect the dignity f thers, They are als very influential in develping amng their children the virtues f lve, justice genersity, industry and hnesty which are imprtant t their lives.
    Attendance and punctuality
    Schl schedule: Students shuld be in their classrms prepared t wrk by 7:30 am.Regular attendance and punctuality are imprtant fr the academic prgress f the students. Students must be regular in their attendance and have at least 80% attendance in rder t sit fr tests and examinatins.Absence lasting fr mre than three days has t be accmpanied by a medical certificate.
    English is the nly language t be `used by students in schl (except during the ther language lessns).
    One f the mst imprtant aspects f educatin is discipline, which is the training that develps self-cntrl, rderliness, efficiency, and character. The basis f all discipline is the principle f respect— respect fr ne's self,fr thers, and fr all children.
    In rder t frm prper habits and attitudes, the fllwing rules fr gd cnduct are expected t be fllwed by every student:
    •Respect fr all schl prperty(所有物) and the schl unifrm;
    •Observe silence in specific areas;
    •During schl hurs, students are required t be in their respective(各自的)classrms;
    •Pssessin and use f cell phnes are strictly prhibited in the schl.
    1. What will happen if a student misses mre than 20% f the lessn?
    A. He wn't take part in the exams.
    B. He wn't take this class anymre.
    C. He will have t receive extra classes.
    D. He will receive physical punishment.
    2. Which f the fllwing is frbidden in the schl?
    A. Staying in areas fr silence.
    B. Thrwing unifrms casually.
    Speaking English in math classes.
    Entering the classrm in free time.
    Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A test guide. B. An academic newspaper.
    C. A schl website. D.An educatinal magazine.
    Brn in 1990, a wheelchair has been part f Zha Hngcheng’s life since she was ne year ld due t plimyelitis (小儿麻痹症) . And nw, as a vide cntent creatr wh has ver 84, 000 fllwers n the vide-sharing platfrm Bilibili, Zha wants t be a bridge between the disabled and the rest f sciety.
    “I made my first vide in 2019,” Zha says. “My riginal purpse was t find a way t reduce my emtinal stress. I always met incnvenience caused by my wheelchair when ging ut, which made me feel sad. I barely had any disabled friends, s I had n ne t talk t. I felt quite lnely,” Zha explains.
    Her first vlg was abut a trip t Guangzhu with friends. The vide was viewed mre than 2, 000 times n the first day. “This made me feel that there were many things wrth sharing in my life,” she explains. Since then, that first vide has been viewed ver 48, 000 times. Her furth vide, displaying hw she gt t wrk in a wheelchair, made her even mre ppular. The vide has received mre than 300, 000 views n Bilibili.
    “One f the great things abut being a cntent creatr is that I feel like I have the pprtunity f talking abut the real difficulties and pains that a disabled persn faces,” Zha says.
    4.What’s the purpse f Zha’s first vide?
    A.T make a living. B.T reduce her emtinal stress.
    C.T be ppular. D.T practice film skills.
    5.What is Paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A.The prblems the disabled face.B.The difficulties f making a vide.
    C.The ppularity f Zha’s vides.D.The fur vides Zha made.
    6.What is the meaning f being a cntent creatr fr Zha?
    A.Receiving mre views. B.Being successful n Bilibili.
    C.Sharing stries frm the disabled. D.Encuraging the disabled t be cntent creatrs.
    7.Which can be the best title fr the passage?
    A. A Psitive Disabled Influencer B. A lnely Day f the Disabled
    C. A Ppular Cntent Creatr D. A Caring Cmmunity fr the Disabled
    Thai wildlife fficials have laid ut a plan t bring peace t a central Thai city after at least a decade f human-mnkey cnflict(冲突).The mnkeys that hang arund Lpburi are a majr turist draw. But after years f cnflicts with residents and visitrs, and several failed attempts t bring peace with ppulatin cntrls, lcal peple and businesses have had enugh.
    The mnkeys ften try t take fd frm humans, smetimes leaving peple with injuries. In March a wman gt her knee hurt after a mnkey pulled her ff her heel, and anther man was kncked ff a mtrcycle by a hungry mnkey.
    The authrities hpe t catch sme 2,500 mnkeys and place them in massive wildlife preserves, said Athapl Charenshunsa, the directr-general f the Department f Natinal parks, Wildlife and plant Cnservatin. They’ll wrk with wildlife experts t find a way fr a limited number f mnkeys t stay freely in the city, he added.
    “I dn’t want humans t have t hurt mnkeys, and I dn’t want mnkeys t have t hurt humans,” he tld reprters during a news cnference in Bangkk. “I expect the first perid f the peratin t start within weeks, and I believe the wildlife preserve will be able t cntain (容纳) thusands f them and will slve the prblem very quickly.”
    Athapl said they are als wrking in ther areas f Thailand that are facing prblems with mnkeys. He said 52 f the cuntry’s 77 prvinces ften reprt mnkey prblems.
    The mnkeys are said t be a symbl f the prvince, abut 140 kilmeters nrth f Bangkk, where the ancient Three Pagdas temple celebrates a yearly “Mnkey Buffet” festival. Hwever, sme have cmplained abut the city’s mnkey trubles n turists and residents feeding the animals, which they say drew mnkeys int the city, helped with their numbers, and gt them used t getting fd frm humans.
    8.What des the underlined phrase “have had enugh” mean in Paragraph 2?
    A.They are fnd f thse mneys. B.They hpe t feed mre mnkeys.
    C.They are trubled by thse mnkeys. D.They want t prtect thse mnkeys.
    9.Hw will the authrities deal with thse mnkeys?
    A.Cut ff the mnkey’s fd supply. B.Catch them fr use as research subjects.
    C.Enclse them in a z t entertain turists.D.Cut dwn the numbers f them in the twn.
    10.What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A.The significance f thse mnkeys.
    B.Peple’s different pinins n thse mnkeys.
    C.The envirnmental prblems caused by thse mnkeys.
    D.Reasns why mnkeys becme a symbl f the prvince.
    11.Which is the fllwing describes the event?
    A.Thailand Residents Suffered frm T Many Turists.
    B.Thailand Decides t Limit Mnkeys in Turist Twn.
    C.Mnkeys Serve Special Meaning in the Thailand Twn.
    D.Peple in Thailand Try t Imprve the Life f Mnkeys.
    In respnse t the rumr that "80% f Tsinghua graduates g abrad", Tsinghua University clearly stated: "NO!"
    Data shw that the prprtin f 2023 graduates f Tsinghua University ging abrad fr further study is 8.0%. Amng them, the prprtin f undergraduate students(本科生) studying abrad is 15.6%, and the prprtin f undergraduate students studying in China is 65.2%. The prprtin f master students(研究生)ging abrad fr further study is 5.9%. The prprtin f dmestic advanced educatin was 6.9%. In additin, accrding t the "Tsinghua Peple" mini-prgram registratin infrmatin f Tsinghua Alumni Assciatin, mst f the alumni(校友) wh have studied abrad in the past 20 years have returned t wrk after cmpleting their studies and play a backbne in all walks f life.
    What industries d Tsinghua graduates g int? Accrding t the statistics f Tsinghua University, 83.0% f the graduates f 2023 are emplyed in key units in imprtant fields related t the natinal ecnmy and peple's livelihd, cvering many imprtant industries such as natinal defense science and technlgy, manufacturing and energy industries, infrmatin cmmunicatin and Internet, public administratin and service institutins f higher learning and research institutes.
    Where d Tsinghua graduates g? Accrding t statistics prvided by Tsinghua University, 53.8 percent f its 2023 graduates are emplyed utside Beijing. In the past 10 years, mst graduates f Tsinghua University have gne t wrk utside Beijing, and the number f emplyment in the natinal defense and military industry and the western regin has cntinued t rise.
    The university als annunced the mst emplyable emplyers fr the class f 2023. Amng them, the tp tw state-wned enterprises are China Aerspace Science and Technlgy Crpratin and State Grid Crpratin, and the tp tw private enterprises are Huawei and BYD.
    12.What percentage f Tsinghua undergraduate students studying abrad in 2023?
    8.0% B. 65.2% C. 5.9% D. 15.6%
    13.What is the “Tsinghua Peple”which was referred t in Paragraph 2?
    An internatinal schl B. An applicatin
    C. A charity rganizatin D. A private enterprises
    14.What fields are mst graduates f Tsinghua emplyed in accrding t the text?
    A. Internet and energy industries
    B. Tea trade and public administratin
    C. Gardening technlgy and natinal defense
    D. Pet rescuing and infrmatin cmmunicatin
    15.Hw des the authr prve that “80% f Tsinghua graduates g abrad” is n true?
    A.List data B.Give examples C.make cmparisns D.classify facts
    Mst f us get distracted with push ntificatins (通知), text messages and phne calls.With s much ging n, it can be very difficult t stay fcused, but it's nt impssible.
    Turn Off Alerts (提醒)
    Cnstant ntificatins and text messages are every cllege student's enemy. 6 Clse unnecessary tabs n yur cmputer.Yu can fight nline distractins by blcking r hiding time-wasting websites and apps.
    Break Dwn Yur Wrk int Smaller Tasks
    If yu're having a difficult time studying r getting wrk dne, break up yur time effectively. 17 Studies shw that taking breaks can help yu retain infrmatin and increase prductivity.
    Find the Right Place t D Wrk
    Sme students wrk best with a little backgrund nise, while thers need cmplete quiet. 18 Are yu the kind f persn wh wrks better in silence at the library? Or d yu prefer the campus cffee shp with nise? Try a few different spaces and see hw each study sessin wrks ut.
    Clear Yur Desk
    Is yur desk cvered with stacks f papers? Is yur cmputer mnitr framed with layers f sticky ntes? 19 A messy wrkspace can keep yu frm getting yur wrk dne.G thrugh yur desk and keep nly the essentials.A clean wrkspace can help reduce anxiety and make rm fr mtivatin.
    Reward Yurself
    20 Setting up a reward system is a gd way t encurage yurself t d smething.Fr example, if yu finish an essay withut any distractins, give yurself a reward like watching a TV shw r taking a nap.
    A.Everyne likes t be quiet.
    B.If s, it's time t get rganised.
    C.A little mtivatin can g a lng way.
    D.Never put ff what yu can d tday until tmrrw.
    E.Put yur phne n silent r in “D Nt Disturb” mde.
    F.Get t knw yur wrk style and the type f atmsphere yu prefer.
    G.Try giving yurself a 10-minute break fr every 45-50 minutes f wrk yu d.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    It's amazing hw friendships can blssm in such a shrt time.I met Julia in December, but we have been 21 since.Being in lckdwn (封闭) is really 22 and I ever said t her that we shuld bth g shpping in the same supermarket.That way we culd see each ther at a 23 f six feet away.
    This mrning when she 24 me, asking if I was ging t the stre, I tld her I was feeling really lw and just didn't have the 25 t even g t the stre.Actually, the 26 f being inside has set in.It's been getting 27 and tday was ne f thse days.We have had puring rain these days s even ging fr a walk hasn't been a(n) 28 .
    A shrt time later, she came t my 29 with a bag f shpping and frm six feet away, she 30 a bag f stuff fr dinner, my favurite chclates, a face mask, and hair prducts! Frm six feet away, I felt like crying 31 tears.I was s mved, althugh nt being able t 32 her.
    That's what best friends are! They dn't 33 hw much mney yu make and what yu d fr a living.If yu've hit rck bttm, they just 34 yu back.And that's what she prved: 35 aren't necessarily abut peple wh yu've knwn the lngest, but thse wh cme int yur life and say, “I'm here fr yu.”
    21.A.unstable B.Independent C.inseparable D.unfriendly
    22.A.awkward B.necessary C.cnvenient D.dangerus
    23.A.glance B.distance C.length D.interval
    24.A.rang B.met C.accmpanied D.missed
    25.A.mney B.energy C.ability D.curage
    26.A.satisfactin B.insecurity C.excitement D.depressin
    27.A.wealthier B.easier C.wrse D.stranger
    28.A.slutin B.cnditin C.pinin D.ptin
    29.A.grcery B.huse C.ffice D.schl
    30.A.bught B.rdered C.placed D.fixed
    31.A.shy B.sympathetic C.happy D.regretful
    32.A.cmfrt B.hug C.see D.praise
    33.A.put up with B.run ut f C.depend n D.care abut
    34.A.bring B.Win C.pay D.send
    35.A.Citizenships B.Schlarships C.Relatinships D.Friendships
    In the rich and diverse Chinese traditinal culture,hairpins(发簪),r “fazan” in Mandarin, stand ut as elegant 36 (symbl)f heritage and beauty. Once playing 37 essential rle in the daily clthing f ancient Chinese,they are nw making a remarkable cmeback amng mdern yuth, 38 reflects a renewed passin fr traditinal culture.
    Hairpins in ancient China were nt 39 (mere) tls fr hlding hair in place;they were actually artwrks,representing the wearers'scial status and persnal taste. 40 (make)frm a variety f materials and ften decrated with 41 (detail) designs f flwers,birds,r dragns, these hair accessries(配饰)carried prfund cultural meanings and aesthetic(美学的)values.
    In the past several years,amidst the fast-paced life f technlgy and glbalizatin,a grwing number f yung Chinese 42 (rediscver)the fascinatin f the hairpin and ffered it new meaning.This time it is nt just abut fashin; it's an pprtunity fr them 43 (preserve) their cultural identity.
    Mdern designers are als breathing new life int the traditinal hairpin, mixing ancient designs with cntemprary aesthetics t appeal 44 the yunger generatin.These hairpins are nt nly wrn with traditinal hanfu dresses but have als fund their way int everyday mdern wardrbes, 45 (serve)as a unique bridge between the past and the present.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    When I was in middle schl, my family mved t Seattle, where my parents started their new business — a small grcery stre dwnstairs my huse. As a girl f shy and reserved nature, I had t take a fresh start t fit int the sphisticated city life.
    One sunny day, my schl annunced an exciting event, a talent shw fr the lcal fd bank. Students were encuraged t shwcase their unique talents in frnt f the public in the city hall n Natinal Day. A buzz f excitement fed the schl as everyne began preparing fr the big day. Deep dwn, I felt a spark f curisity and a desire t participate. Hwever, my self-dubt held me back, “I dn’t have any special skills t share.”
    Days turned int weeks, and the talent shw drew clser. I culdn’t shake the upsetting feeling until ne day, Emma, ne f the mst ppular girls in my class, came t me while I was helping in the grcery stre after class. “Hw abut singing tgether in the talent shw?” She grinned, “I heard yu singing a tune, alng the way back hme. I can’t help fllwing yu here.” Gsh, I culdn’t believe my ears. Emma, with persnality and ppularity, acknwledged my little talent. Since Emma had the wrld’s prettiest vice, I felt like being favured by frtune.
    “Yu tw? The talent shw fr the fd bank?” My mum bent twards us and her face lit up. “A big ccasin.” Then a light bulb seemed t g in her head. “Why nt practise right nw upstairs? I bet yu’ll be a perfect match.” Winking at us, she seemed t knw we were thinking alike.
    Emma and I embarked n rehearsing almst every single day after schl. We brainstrmed, exchanged ideas and rehearsed the scene. As the days rlled by, I was feeling pretty gd abut ur act. But the day befre the perfrmance, Emma called that she had an acute stmachache and was nt in any shape t perfrm.
    勐海中学2024届高考适应性考试 英语答案
    A 2.B 3. C 4.B 5. C 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.B 12.D 13 . B 14. A 15. A 16.E 17.G 18.F 19.B 20.C
    4.细节理解题。根据文章第二段“My riginal purpse was t find a way t reduce my emtinal stress. (我最初的目的是找到一种方法来减少我的情绪压力。)”可知,Zha的第一个视频的目的是为了减少她的情绪压力。故选B。
    5.主旨大意题。根据文章第三段“The vide was viewed mre than 2, 000 times n the first day. (该视频在第一天就被观看了2000多次。)”及“ Since then, that first vide has been viewed ver 48, 000 times. Her furth vide, displaying hw she gt t wrk in a wheelchair, made her even mre ppular. The vide has received mre than 300, 000 views n Bilibili. (从那时起,第一个视频已经被观看了超过48000次。她的第四个视频展示了她如何坐在轮椅上上班,这让她更受欢迎。该视频在哔哩哔哩上的点击量已超过30万。)”可知,这一段通过列举数字表示了Zha的视频的受欢迎程度。故选C。
    6.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段““One f the great things abut being a cntent creatr is that I feel like I have the pprtunity f talking abut the real difficulties and pains that a disabled persn faces,” Zha says. (“作为一名内容创作者,我觉得自己有机会谈论残疾人面临的真实困难和痛苦,这是一件很棒的事情,”赵说。)”可知,作为一名内容创作者,Zha可以分享残障人士的故事,这是发布视频的意义。故选C。
    7.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Brn in 1990, a wheelchair has been part f Zha Hngcheng’s life since she was ne year ld due t plimyelitis (小儿麻痹症) . And nw, as a vide cntent creatr wh has ver 84, 000 fllwers n the vide-sharing platfrm Bilibili, Zha wants t be a bridge between the disabled and the rest f sciety. (出生于1990年的赵红程,由于患了小儿麻痹症,从她一岁起,轮椅就成了她生活的一部分。现在,作为一名在视频分享平台哔哩哔哩上拥有84000多名粉丝的视频内容创作者,赵想成为残疾人和社会其他人之间的桥梁)。”及全文内容可知,本文介绍了残疾人赵红程在Bilibili上分享关于日常生活的视频让更多人了解残疾人的生活和需求,传递正能量的事迹。A选项“积极的残疾人影响者”为最佳标题。故选A。
    8.词句猜测题。根据文章第二段“The mnkeys that hang arund Lpburi are a majr turist draw. But after years f cnflicts with residents and visitrs, and several failed attempts t bring peace with ppulatin cntrls…”(在华富里闲逛的猴子是吸引游客的主要景点。经过多年与居民和游客的冲突,以及多次试图通过数量控制来实现和平的失败尝试……)可推知,他们被那些猴子所困扰。“have had enugh”表示当地人和商家已经对这些猴子的骚扰感到困扰,故选C。
    9.细节理解题。根据文章第四段”The authrities hpe t catch sme 2,500 mnkeys and place them in massive wildlife preserves, said Athapl Charenshunsa, the directr-general f the Department f Natinal parks, Wildlife and plant Cnservatin. ”(当局希望捕捉大约2500只猴子,并将它们放置在大型的野生动物保护区中,国家公园、野生动物和植物保护部主任阿塔波尔·查罗恩顺萨说。)可推知,当局将通过捕捉猴子并将它们放置在野生动物保护区中来减少城市中的猴子数量,故选D。
    10.主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段“The mnkeys are said t be a symbl f the prvince, abut 140 kilmeters nrth f Bangkk, where the ancient Three Pagdas temple celebrates a yearly “Mnkey Buffet” festival. Hwever, sme have cmplained abut the city’s mnkey trubles n turists and residents feeding the animals, which they say drew mnkeys int the city, helped with their numbers, and gt them used t getting fd frm humans”(据说这些猴子是该省的象征,位于曼谷以北约140公里处,那里古老的三塔寺每年都会庆祝“猴子自助餐”节。然而,一些人抱怨说,游客和居民喂养猴子给城市带来了麻烦,他们说,这吸引了猴子进入城市,帮助增加了它们的数量,并使它们习惯了从人类那里获取食物。)可知,本段主要讲述了人们对猴子的不同观点。故选B。
    主题:清华大学毕业生都去了哪里? 文体:说明文
    数据显示,消华大学2023届毕业生出国(境)深造比例为8.0%。其中,本科生出国(境)深造比侧为 15.6%,境内深造比例为65.2%;硕士生出国(境)深造比例为5.9%。境内深造比例为6.9%。此外,根据清华校友总会“清华人”小程序注册信息,近20年出国留学的校友完成学业后,大部分已归国工作,在各行各业发挥中坚力量。
    16.E 本段主要告诉我们如何排除来自手机和电脑的干扰,因此E项符合语境。
    17.G 空后一句说明了工作或学习期间短暂休息的好处,因此“建议我们休息”的G项符合语境。
    18.F 上下文说明人们对于工作地点及环境的选择各有偏好,因此F项符合语境。
    19.B 上文说明办公桌和电脑桌面的凌乱状态,如果是这样,作者认为我们“应该整理一下”了。因此B项符合语境。
    20.C 本段建议我们对自己进行适当的奖励,奖励的目的自然是为了激励,因此C项符合语境。
    21.C 22.A 23.B 24.A 25.B 26.D 27.C 28.D 29.B 30.A 31.C 32.B 33.D 34.A 35.D
    21.解析:C 根据上文hw friendships can blssm in such a shrt time可知,作者与Julia的友谊发展迅速,很快密不可分(inseparable)。
    22.解析:A 根据生活常识可知,由于封闭在家,人们生活很不方便。人们不能近距离接触,只能站在6英尺外的地方看着对方。
    23.解析:B six feet为距离单位,此处应使用表示距离的名词distance。
    24.解析:A 根据生活常识可知,Julia应该是给作者打电话(rang),但是作者因为情绪问题,不想出去。
    25.解析:B have energy t d sth为固定搭配,意为“有精力做某事”。
    26.解析:D 根据上文中的feeling really lw可知,作者内心有些郁闷 (depressin)。
    27.解析:C 根据上下文语境可知,作者的心情应该是越来越糟糕(wrse)了,导致连出门也不想了。
    28.解析:D 因为连续下雨,外出散步也不能成为作者的一种选择(ptin)。
    29.解析:B 根据上下文可知,作者没有去商店,待在了家里。
    30.解析:A 根据生活常识可知,Julia去商店,应该是买(bught)回来一些东西。
    31.解析:C 根据下文的I was s mved可知,作者流出了幸福的(happy)泪水。
    32.解析:B 由于社会距离的限制,此刻作者虽然很激动,但是却不能拥抱(hug)对方。
    33.解析:D 真正的朋友,不会在乎(care abut)你挣多少钱。
    34.解析:A bring sb back为固定搭配,意为“带某人回来,使某人回归正常”。
    35.解析:D 根据文章第一句可知,本文在讨论友谊(friendship)。
    36. symbls 【解析】考查名词复数。symbl“象征”是可数名词,其前无限定词修饰,应用复数形式,故填symbls。
    37. an 【解析】考查冠词。play a(n) … rle in…表示“在……方面扮演……角色”,是固定搭配,且 essential 的发音以元音音素开头,故填不定冠词 an。
    38. which 【解析】考查定语从句。此处考查非限制性定语从句,先行词为逗号前面的一句话,关系词在从句中作主语,故填 which。
    39. merely 【解析】考查副词。此处表示它们不仅仅是固定头发的工具,应用副词 merely“仅仅,只不过”。
    40. Made 【解析】考查非谓语动词。空处作非谓语。make 与逻辑主语“these hair accessries (配饰)”之间是动宾关系,因此用 make 的过去分词形式;空处位于句首,首字母应大写,故填 Made。
    41. detailed 【解析】考查形容词。此处修饰名词 designs,应用形容词 detailed“细致的,精细的”。
    42. have rediscvered 【解析】考查动词的时态和主谓一致。结合语境及本句中的时间状语 In the past several years 可知,此处应用现在完成时;“a grwing number f…”表示“越来越多的……”,其修饰可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词应用复数形式,故填 have rediscvered。
    43. t preserve 【解析】考查非谓语动词。pprtunity 后面通常用不定式作后置定语,此处 fr 引出了不定式的逻辑主语 them。故填 t preserve。
    44. t 【解析】考查介词。appeal t 表示“吸引”,是固定搭配。
    45. serving 【解析】考查非谓语动词。空处作非谓语,serve 与逻辑主语 These hairpins 之间是主谓关系,应用其现在分词形式作状语,故填 serving。
    (满分 15 分)(Pssible versin)
    Dear Stephen,
    I’m Li Hua, a student frm Class 1. I’m writing t recmmend a tpic fr the upcming English Speaking Cmpetitin. Cnsidering the current glbal situatin, I suggest that we discuss "The Imprtance f Glbal Citizenship in the Mdern Wrld."
    Glbal citizenship means that all peple have civic respnsibilities fr the wrld as a whle, rather than just their lcal cmmunities r cuntries.The tpic is bund t raise ur awareness f glbal issues and encurage us t make jint effrts t build a shared future fr all mankind. The cmpetitin wuld prvide a platfrm fr students t share their perspectives n hw t be active and respnsible glbal citizens. I believe this tpic will resnate with students.
    I wuld appreciate it if yu culd take my tpic int accunt.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【详解】1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:手足无措——妈妈安慰并打气——决定独立上台——克服紧张,表演完成——升华
    3. 词汇激活
    ① 表演:perfrm/make a perfrmance/shw ne’s talents
    ② 做准备:prepare fr/make preparatins fr
    ③ 参加:participate in/jin in/take part in/be invlved in
    ④ 笑:grin/smile/laugh/giggle/chuckle
    ① 害羞内向的:shy/reserved/intrverted
    ② 好奇的:curius/be full f curisity
    ③ 开心的:delighted/verjyed/cntent
    ④ 担忧的:cncerned/wrried/butterflies in ne’s stmach
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Having prepared fr such a lng time, I didn’t think f that cming up.(运用了现在分词作时间状语)
    [高分句型2] Emtins filled in my sng, I perfrmed as naturally as I spke every day.(运用了独立主格结构)
    [高分句型3] I saw my mum, wh was lking at me with reassurance and care.(运用了wh引导的定语从句)
    【答案】I was cmpletely kncked ut by the news. What shuld I d? Having prepared fr such a lng time, I didn’t think f that cming up. Feeling at a lss, I was brainstrming as hard as I culd t think f a slutin, when a gentle tuch n my back brught me back t reality. It was my mum, wh lked at me with care and cncern. “Yu have prepared fr it enugh. Yu can d it by yurself.” She said after my stumbled explanatin. I lked back at her eyes, and a sense f cnfidence and warmness swelled up in my heart. Yes, I culd d it myself.
    Finally came the big mment. Lking arund the audience, I stepped nt the stage, with butterflies in my stmach. My vice trembled at first, but with the meldies flew arund, the nervusness was gne with the wind. Emtins filled in my sng, I perfrmed as naturally as I spke every day. I saw my mum, wh was lking at me with reassurance and care. It turned ut t be a gd perfrmance, which helped me cnquer my fears and turned me int a new persn.
    Dear Stephen,
    I'm Li Hua, a student frm Class 1.
    Li Hua
    I was cmpletely kncked ut by the news.
    Finally came the big mment.

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