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    这是一份山东省潍坊市2024届高三下学期三模英语试卷(Word版附答案),共9页。试卷主要包含了 What des Dr, Hw des Dr等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英 语
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    第一部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Natinal Gegraphic Film Cncert: Secrets f the Whales
    This mnth, the Jack Singer Cncert Hall will invite audiences int the underwater wrld f legendary phtgrapher Brian Skerry and prducer James Camern in Natinal Gegraphic Film Cncert: Secrets f the Whales n May 26-28. With nne ther than Jann Arden, celebrated musician, actr and authr, as a guest cmmentatr guiding audiences int the cmplex and fascinating families, culture, and play that reveal the secret lives f whales, the whle experience is brught t life by a full rchestra(管弦乐队)and wrld-class cnductr Anthny Parnther.
    Called "visually appealing" by The New Yrk Times, this cncert presentatin brings the mst pwerful mments f the Emmy-winning Disney+ series tgether, transprting audiences int the lives f five different whale families as they adapt t eclgical changes t their habitats.
    "Secrets f the Whales was the mst ambitius prject f my career as a phtgrapher. If we culd see the cean and ur planet thrugh the lens(镜头)f the culture f anther species, that culd change ur view f the natural wrld and ur relatin t it," says Skerry. "Thse cnnectins, the cmmunities and the cultures the whales share all mirrr human culture, but smetimes we frget abut that."
    Brian Skerry has spent nearly fur decades explring and dcumenting the wrld's ceans. He spent mre than three years in 24 lcatins shting ftage fr the fur-part series Secrets f the Whales. Nw, with the mst pwerful mments selected, the dcumentary has been edited fr this live, tw-hur cncert perfrmance. Prjected n a high-definitin screen, the rich filmgraphy and sweeping scre is brught t life by a 40-piece rchestra. Jin Arts Cmmns Presents fr this wrldwide event, in the Jack Singer Cncert Hall al Arts Cmmns. Get yur tickets tday at artscmmns.ca/whales.
    1. What will Jann Arden act as in the film cncert?
    A. Explainer. B. Musician. C. Cnductr. D. Directr.
    2. What is the prject aimed at?
    A. Advertising the cncert. B. Researching human culture.
    C. Prtecting animals' habitats. D. Understanding nature better.
    3. Hw lng did Skerry spend filming the dcumentary?
    A. Tw hurs. B. Fur days.
    C. Over three years. D. Abut fur decades.
    Cllege prfessrs these days face an ever-higher bar t grab the attentin f their students, frced t cmpete with the appeal f smartphnes and laptps in large lecture halls. But when yur prfessr is a scial media star, it's a little bit easier.
    Tatiana Erukhimva, wh leaches physics at Texas A&M University, has managed t get her students, as well as future generatins, excited abut the science. Knwn as "Dr. Tatiana" t her students and nline fan base, the prfessr perfrms physics tricks with bundless energy and enthusiasm. Vides f her theatrical demnstratins have gt hundreds f millins f views acrss TikTk and ther scial media platfrms. Her department's YuTube page has abut 2.5 millin subscribers, an ineredible fllwing even vershadwing the well-knwn Aggie athletics prgram. She credits the university marketing team's vides f her lessns fr her scial media success.
    In the kid-friendly vides, Erukhimva uses a range f everyday bjects in her experiments, frm tilet paper t sweets, bicycle wheels and hair dryers. The sner kids are taught physics and taught it well, the better, she suggests. It's clear that she knws what it takes t get yung peple excited abut a hard science. The key, she explains, has been t make herself apprachable and her instructin persnal.
    She's earned mre than just recgnitin n scial media. In February, she was hnred with a natinal award fr science utreach "fr leadership in bringing the excitement f physics thrugh innvative educatin prgrams, "including the well-attended annual TAMU Physics and Engineering Festival and the highly ppular physics vides n scial media.
    All Erukhimva says she can hpe fr is making physics less discuraging, and mre exciting. "What will they remember 10, 15 years, 20 years later?" she wnders. "If they remember my class, I culd nt ask fr a better reward."
    4. What can we learn frm the first paragraph?
    A. Students perfrm wrse than expected. B. Clleges need mre prfessinal teachers.
    C. Digital devices shuld be banned n campus. D. Internet celebrity prfessrs are mre favred.
    5. What des Dr. Tatiana we her nline success t?
    A. Her lve fr teaching. B. Her schl's prmtin.
    C. Her fllwers' supprt. D. Her talent fr perfrming.
    6. Hw des Dr. Tatiana make physics interesting fr yung minds?
    A. By encuraging hands-n experiments. B. By adpting a dwn-t-earth teaching style.
    C. By mtivating yung learners' curisity. D. By pssessing prfessinal physics knwledge.
    7. Which f the fllwing can best describe Dr. Tatiana?
    A. Brave and resurceful. B. Optimistic and devted.
    C. Sciable and humrus. D. Passinate and creative.
    The clr blue is very rare in nature, with fewer than ne in 10 plants sprting the cmmn human favrite. T present this clr, they have t perfrm tricks t make themselves blue t the human eyes. In sme lwers like bluebells, it primarily ccurs when naturally ccurring pigments(色素)are mixed the way yu can mix different paints t change the clr.
    Fr blueberries, the blue cmes n the naturally prduced thin layer f wax(蜡)n their skin, which ften serves as a self-cleaning cating r fr added prtectin in the plant kingdm. "The blue f mst fruits is in their pigmented juices. That isn't the case with blueberries," says Rx Middletn, c-authr f a study published in Science Advances.
    In the study, Middletn and his team examined the wax f a blueberry using an electrn micrscpe. They fund that the layer f wax is cmpsed f tiny structures that wrk by scattering(散射)blue and UV light frm the sun, while absrbing mst f ther clrs f light. The arrangement makes the berries appear blue t humans and blue/UV t birds and ther species that can see UV light, despite nt having blue pigments in the waxy skin itself.
    T lk clser, they remved the uter wax and reshaped it n a black card. They created a new blue-UV cating and remved a very thin substance that creates clr called a clrant frm the skin. "The clrants scatter blue and UV, letting the ther clrs pass thrugh withut absrptin," says Middletn. "That's why it's s imprtant that there are dark pigments underneath t 'mp up' the rest f the light. If there was a bright pigment r white scattering material underneath, that light wuld cme thrugh, and the clr wuld lk mixed r washed ut."
    The study des shw that nature has develped a "really neat trick" in the frm f a very thin layer fr an imprtant clrant. Reprducing this clrant in the lab culd make a way fr new methds f creating pigments.
    8. Hw d bluebells present blue t humans?
    A. By blcking natural light. B. By cmbining the pigments.
    C. By changing the uter clur. D. By prducing varius paints.
    9. What did Middletn's team discver abut the wax layer n blueberries?
    A. Its clrful pigments. B. Its internal mechanism.
    C. Its chemical changes. D. Its unique cmpnents.
    10. Which f the fllwing can replace the underlined phrase "mp up" in paragraph 4?
    A. Mix. B. Reflect. C. Recgnize. D. Absrb.
    11. What is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Science Behind Plant Clrs B. The Invisible Pigments Of Blueberries
    C. Technically, Blueberries Aren't Blue D. Indeed, Clr Blue Is Human Favrite
    In recent years, much f my life as a cnsumer has shifted t what I like t call backgrund spending as I`ve subscribed t mre apps and streaming platfrms.
    While this explsin f subscriptins was sld t me n the idea that it wuld make my life mre cnvenient, there was a certain sticker shck I felt upn discvering hw much I was spending withut realizing each mnth—after I'd already spent it, f curse. Yu see, the thing abut backgrund spending is that it tends t happen, well, in the backgrund withut yur full attentin. And there lies the pint.
    "Hand ver yur credit card details and let us take care f the rest," these cmpanies prmise us. But by agreeing t this trade, we've becme passive cnsumers wh are allwing the balance f capital t tilt(倾斜)away frm us. It's understandable why this mdel f subscriptin service is s inviting fr businesses. Subscriptins ffer the prmise f "selling nce and earning frever." And while subscriptin services have been arund fr decades, mre custmers have been willing t sign up thanks t the ppularizatin f smartphnes. But while these subscriptins prmise ease and happiness, nt all f us are satisfied.
    Last year, C+R Research asked 1,000 peple t estimate hw much they pay fr their subscriptins befre having them figure ut this spending. They fund the average mnthly spend was mre than 2.5 times f that peple guessed.
    If we're ging t rebalance the wheels f capital just a little, we culd supprt a recently prpsed rule frm the Federal Trade Cmmissin(FTC). In March, the agency suggested a "click t cancel" item that wuld require cmpanies t make it just as easy t end a subscriptin as t sign up fr ne. Additinally, businesses wuld need t remind subscribers annually abut their membership befre these are autmatically renewed.
    If all that desn't wrk, I have anther idea: an app designed t keep track f yur varius subscriptins and backgrund spending. Oh wait, thse already exist— fr a reccurring fee, f curse.
    12. What des subscribing t mre apps bring abut t the authr?
    A. Data leak. B. Overladed phnes.
    C. Cst increase. D. Unwilling purchases.
    13. What can we learn abut the subscriptin service frm paragraph 3?
    A. It is business friendly. B. It guarantees custmer satisfactin.
    C. It is specially custmized. D. It encurages reasnable cnsumptin.
    14. What des FTC advise businesses t d?
    A. Text sign-up reminders. B. Lwer subscriptin spending.
    C. Set autmatic renewal mde. D. Simplify canceling prcedures.
    15. Hw des the authr feel abut backgrund spending?
    A. Pwerless. B. Dismissive.
    C. Appreciative. D. Tlerant.
    In tday's fast-paced wrld, where screen time is a fact f life, the thught f taking yur kids t an art gallery—and them actually enjying the experience—might seem a thankless and impssible challenge. 16 Surely a child wn't have the patience t stare at smething utside the screen.
    In fact, art galleries serve as invaluable educatinal and instructinal resurces. They invite yung viewers t interpret and cnnect with the artwrk n a persnal level. This expsure nt nly bradens their artistic hrizns but als encurages them t appreciate different ways f seeing the wrld. S art galleries are packed with nutritin fr mind, heart, and sul. But many kids are picky eaters, and take galleries as appetising as yesterday's prridge(粥). 17
    Allw yur children t fit in n their wn terms. Wh said that walking arund a gallery bad t be slw and methdical, stpping t lk at every picture? 18 If they want t head straight fr a certain display, it's n big deal. If smething catches their eye n the ther side f the rm, far away frm the Picass r Cnstable in the sptlight, that's abslutely fine.
    While it might sund like I'm nt being an art enthusiast, the particular wrk f art is simply nt imprtant. What really matters is that children build a cnnectin with art. 19 Invlve lder children, either with r withut a reward, in simple quizzes such as, "Wh can guess the artist?” r, "Wh can identify the perid it was made?”
    20 Ask questins such as, "What exhibit did yu find mst exciting r bring?" r, "Hw did that painting make yu feel?" and discuss yur different impressins f the same wrks. As an added bnus, it will deepen the cnnectin between yu and yur children. By taking this apprach, art is n lnger dull but smething alive and relevant t yung peple, and even a rewarding and fascinating pursuit that will last a lifetime.
    A. Yu can make it int a game.
    B. Hw can they find enjyment?
    C. It always enhances their interest.
    D. Instead, let them cntrl the pace.
    E. Talk t children in the language f emtins as this als wrks.
    F. Limiting yur visit t 45 minutes is perfect fr stpping bredm.
    G. After all, galleries are fr quiet reflectin and bservatin, right?
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节(共15小题: 每小题1分、满分15分)
    When 1 was 8, my family mved int ur brand-new hme. My parents had 21 it t ur wn particular needs and interests, including built-in bkshelves t huse their hundreds f bks and a large, bright sunrm t 22 all the plants my garden-lving father planned t grw. Unfrtunately, a few mnths later, a heart attack 23 his life.
    My mther, wh never had green fingers, Gilled ur sunrm with lw-light plants like ferns(蕨类植物), which cnsistently 24 . Instead f giving up, she experimented ver years and eventually gt better thrugh 25 and errr.
    She never 26 said she wanted t becme a better 27 as a way t keep my dad's memry alive, but I knew the sight f the plants culd call t mind their happy time. It was a 28 t her that at least part f the rm always had plants grwing in it.
    Then, last year, Mm experienced a series f falls that 29 her in hspital. As I was thrughly 30 with tending her while raising kids and wrking, I felt exhausted t the pint f 31 . Magically, I always gt recharged when 32 her plants, especially her enrmus ferns—nw at hme in a mre apprpriate 33 spt.
    Mm may nt be with us much lnger, fr her health has 34 significantly. It's my 35 t develp a green thumb—nursing her plants is a future surce f cmfrt that we culd be always tgether.
    21. A. repaired B. maintained C. tailred D. built
    22. A. hide B. shelter C. rescue D. prduce
    23. A. claimed B. affected C. threatened D. wasted
    24. A. grew B. burned C. flwered D. disappeared
    25. A. wisdm B. cntrl C. knwledge D. trial
    26. A. calmly B. cheerfully C. accurately D. specifically
    27. A. nurse B. gardener C. ck D. dctr
    28. A. reward B. prmise C. cmfrt D. habit
    29. A. landed B. attacked C. enabled D. invlved
    30. A. disappinted B. assciated C. bred D. cnsumed
    31. A. cllapse B. emptiness C. panic D. lneliness
    32. A. shuting al B. caring fr C. cleaning away D. cutting dwn
    33. A. warm B. sunny C. shady D. cld
    34. A. advanced B. stabilized C. changed D. declined
    35. A. privilege B. decisin C. turn D. future
    阅读下而短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Anyne visiting Tibet and explring its culture wuld visit the temples t view the clrful and educatinal Tibetan Thangka(唐卡)paintings. They are traditinally painted n either cttn r silk, with 36 (lse)wven cttn being the mst cmmn. The paintings usually shw religius scenes, as indicated by their name, Thangka, 37 (mean)"recrded message" in Tibetan.
    The Tibetan Thangka is 38 art frm that riginated in Nepal and was brught t Tibet later. The Thangka paintings were develped ver the centuries frm the early murals(壁画)that can be seen in 39 is titled "Library Caves", such as the Ajanta Caves in India and the Mga Caves in China.
    The Mga Caves were previusly a strage place f many Tibetan paintings n clth, including the earliest surviving Thangka dated t be frm arund 780-848 AD 40 the regin was under Tibetan rule. Histrians nte that between the 14th and 15th century, Tibetan paintings 41 (integrate)many elements frm the Chinese murals.
    The Thangka painting is nt a flat creatin but cnsists f a painted picture panel, ver which a fabric is munted, and then ver which 42 (lay)a cver, usually silk. It is the nature f 43 (delicate)that makes Thangkas prefer dry places 44 (prevent)the quality f the silk frm being affected by wetness. When they are nt in use, they remain rlled up, with cverings n the back and frnt t prtect the painting. 45 (keep)in this way helps Thangkas last fr a very lng time.
    第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    你校英文报正在为即将到来的体育节征集体育项目, 请你推荐一项有益的球类运动。内容包括:
    1. 阐述该项目的优点;
    2. 说明开展的可行性。
    1. 写作词数应为 80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    "This is enugh! I cannt stand it anymre!" My wner's mther shuted at the tp f her lungs. "Wlfie has t g! Have a dg that's s big and eats s much! I cannt stand him urinating(小便)all ver the huse instead f in the small basin at his kennel(狗窝)!"
    "But…" My wner cried.
    "N buts, Bb!" His mther shuted. Her cld tne indicated she meant business.
    Nw think back n yur mst depressing mment. Then multiply that feeling f depressin by a hundred. That was hw I felt at that time. I wuld be separated frm my belved wner, Bb. This was the end and I had n ne t blame but myself.
    Lwering his head in sadness, Bb dragged himself twards his rm and slwly clsed the dr. With a click, he lcked it. I went back t my kennel and lay inside. I sighed deeply, tears welling up in my eyes. Sn, I wuld have n wner and I wuld have t find shelter, fd and water by myself. Pr me.
    After a while, I heard ftsteps that were becming luder by the secnd. I raised my head and saw Bb walking twards me with a leash(皮带)in his left hand.
    "We are ging t the market," Bb tld me as he tied ne end f the leash arund my neck.
    A walk wuld make me feel better. I fllwed Bb and his mther t the market. Sn, we reached the lng rad that we had t crss t get t the market. After waiting fr ages, the traffic light finally turned green. While crssing the rad, Bb walked slwly as he seemed abut leaving me. We were sn falling behind his mther.
    Frm the cmer f my eye, I saw smething mving clser and clser at great speed. It was a red car speeding twards Bb's mther! Bb als saw it but his mther was unaware f the danger appraching her! I caught a glance f the lk f hrrr n Bb's face. He had turned white in hrrr.
    1. 续写词数应该为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    1-3ADC 4-7 DBBD 8-11 BBDC 12-15 CADA
    16-20 GBDAE
    21-25 CBABD 26-30 DBCAD 31-35 ABCDC
    36. lsely 37. meaning 38. an 39. what 40. when 41. integrated
    42. is laid 43. delicacy 44. t prevent 45. Being kept
    One pssible versin:
    Ball Game Fun: Try It!
    Fr the upcming schl sprts festival, I highly recmmend including table tennis as ne f the activities. It pssesses numerus remarkable advantages. Nt nly des it significantly enhance ur hand-eye crdinatin, reactin speed, and cncentratin, but it als serves as an excellent means fr us t engage in physical activity and maintain gd health.
    It is quite wrkable fr the schl sprts festival, cnsidering that there are many ping-png tables available n campus. Mrever, table tennis is suitable fr players f all skill levels and many students shw great interest in it. Hence, rganizing cmpetitins r recreatinal play sessins wuld be relatively effrtless.
    I firmly believe that table tennis wuld be an excellent ptin, bringing substantial benefits t the students.
    One pssible versin:
    I needed t d smething! Then, an idea struck me. Withut hesitatin, I let ut a lud bark and brke away frm Bb. I raced twards Bb's mther. With an extra burst f energy, I caught up t her, leapt and pushed her aside. She staggered frward but sn balanced herself. The car sped past, barely missing me by an inch. Lucky me! Bb rushed twards his mther and me. We gt t the safety f the pavement. "I…I cannt believe this. Wl…Wlfie saved my life," Bb's mther cried, still in shck frm her near-death experience.
    She lked dwn at me, feeling tuched. I respnded with a bark. Her eyes sftened and she gave me a hug. "Let's cntinue t keep him," she said. I culd nt believe my ears. I barked and wagged my tail excitedly while Bb's eyes widened in delight. He was jumping fr jy. Nw, I have turned ver a new leaf. I make sure that I urinate in the small basin in my kennel and the whle family nw treats me like a her, but I feel that what I did was just smething anyne wuld have dne in my psitin. Ball Game Fun: Try It!
    I needed t d smething!
    She lked dwn at me, feeling tuched.

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