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    命题人:尹华 刘佩仪 审题人:符海红
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
    第一节 听力理解(两段共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    1. What are the speakers ging t d tnight?
    A. Eat ut. B. G shpping. C. D sprts.
    2. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Bss and secretary. B. Husband and wife. C. Hstess and guest.
    3. What did Peter learn frm his grandfather?
    A. Hw t appreciate art wrks.
    B. Hw t deal with artists.
    C. Hw t run a museum.
    4. What did Peter d in Chicag?
    A. He served in the army.
    B. He studied at a cllege.
    C. He wrked in a gallery.
    5. Whse wrks did Peter like best?
    A. Rembrandt’s. B. Btticelli’s. C. Rubens’.
    第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分37.5分)
    2024 Tur Details
    7-Day Tur frm Lndn t Edinburgh
    A Lndn Guide will shw yu the city’s famus landmarks like Buckingham Palace, Dwning Street and Westminster Abbey. Then, in Edinburgh, yu’ll tur the castle and see Sctland’s Crwn Jewels. Frm the histrical sights t the beautiful scenery, this guided tur f England and Sctland is a great way t experience everything Britain has t ffer.
    Starting at: $849
    9-Day Tur frm Dublin t Lndn
    Yur guided tur f Ireland and Britain begins in the capital city f Dublin. Enjy seeing the “Fair City”, including the statue-lined O’Cnnell Street, Trinity Cllege, and St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Yur lcal guide will shw yu the famus sights, including the Huses f Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace. This guided tur f Ireland and Britain is a welcme escape with fewer crwds and lwer csts than high-seasn turs.
    Starting at: $ 1069
    7-Day Tur frm Lndn t Paris
    Yur guided vacatin in Lndn begins with a welcme dinner and a cruise n the Thames River t admire the Twer Bridge and the Huses f Parliament, Yu’ll spend three nights in Lndn t see the sites f this histric city—frm Big Ben t Buckingham Palace, and als St. Paul’s Cathedral. Then yu’ll enjy a 3-night stay in Paris. This includes sightseeing at the Arc de Trimphe, Cncrde Square, Champs-Elysees, and a Seine cruise. This guided tur f Lndn and Paris is certain t be enjyable with fewer crwds in the ff-seasn!
    Starting at: $ 1149
    11. Hw much wuld the 7-day tur frm Lndn t Edinburgh cst a cuple at least?
    A. $ 849.B. $ 1149.C. $ 1698.D. $ 2138.
    12. Which place can yu visit if yu take the 9-day tur frm Dublin t Lndn?
    A. Dwning Street.B. Trinity Cllege.
    C. The Thames River.D. Cncrde Square.
    13. What d the three turs have in cmmn?
    A. They cver the same number f sights.
    B. They all begin in the capital city f Lndn.
    C. They take peple the same amunt f time.
    D. They all include a visit t Buckingham Palace.
    Humans are brn t cmpete with ne anther. Peple cmpare hw many “likes” they have n scial media. Billinaires envy multibillinaires. The legendary NASCAR champin Dale Earnhardt nce stated, “Secnd place is just the first lser.”
    Althugh the cmpetitive spirit may be as natural as breathing air, it des nt always lead t human prsperity (繁荣,成功). On the cntrary, left unmanaged, it can create misery fr urselves and thers. Frtunately, there is a frmula t slve this prblem withut unrealistically suggesting that we entirely dispense with ur cmpetitive urge: Instead f always ging fr gld, sht fr the brnze.
    T expand n the wisdm f Earnhardt, althugh secnd place may be the first lser, third place can be the real winner —— at least when it cmes t happiness and lngevity (长寿). Recent research suggested that the brnze winners appeared cnsistently happier n average than the silver medalists. Regarding the life span f all three medalist categries, it was fund that the athlete whse best perfrmance was silver lived t 72. Gld medalists beat this by a slid fur years, living t 76. But first prize in lngevity went t the brnze medalists, wh lived t 78.
    The study had a handy explanatin fr this distinctin: “Dissatisfactry cmpetitin utcmes may badly affect health.” In ther wrds, silver medalists see themselves as the first lser because they nly lk up t the tp step, whereas the brnze winners cmpare themselves favrably with all the thers wh never made it nt the pdium (领奖台) at all.
    One f the prblems with mst cmpetitins against thers is that it tends t lwer ne’s inner mtivatin, and thus enjyment. Decades ag, researchers shwed this by asking peple t slve puzzles and then measuring the interest they reprted. They fund the puzzles less rewarding when cmpeting against thers rather than against the clck. Simply having a time limit means cmpeting against themselves-which is ften mre fun. The principle at wrk here is that trying t imprve yur wn past perfrmance prvides a sense nt f “winning” but f prgress. And the nly persn t whm yu will have t cmpare yurself is yu.
    14. What des the underlined wrds “dispense with” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Stick t.B. Depend n.C. Get rid f.D. Take charge f.
    15. In which situatin will peple be mst likely t feel gd abut themselves?
    A. Treat cmpetitins as all r nthing.
    B. Aim t utperfrm thers in cmpetitins.
    C. Check ut thers’ victries n scial media.
    D. Cmpare themselves with thse less frtunate.
    16. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Always Ging fr Gld B. The Victry f Cming in Third
    C. Finding Satisfactin in CmparisnD. Secnd Place is Just the First Lser
    A pair f researchers with Leibniz University f Hannver has demnstrated (展示) the means by which rbts might be prgrammed t experience smething similar t pain in animals. As part f their demnstratin at last week’s IEEE Internatinal Cnference n Rbtics and Autmatin held in Stckhlm, Jhannes Kuehn and Sami Haddaddin shwed hw pain might be used in rbts, by interacting with a BiTac fingertip sensr n the end f a Kuka rbtic arm that had been prgrammed t react differently t differing amunts f pain.
    The idea f develping an artificial rbt nervus system may seem cntrary t all expectatins, but Kuehn says ding s is imprtant in the same way that it is gd fr humans t feel pain. “Pain is a system that prtects us,” says Kuchn. “When we avid the surce f pain, it helps us nt get hurt.” S when rbts can feel and react t pain, they will becme smart enugh t avid it. The mre dangerus the rbt registers the threat t be, the faster it will withdraw and avid the surce f danger. Additinally, Kuehn and Haddadin say humans wrking alngside rbts that feel pain, especially thse in heavy machinery, will be prtected arund them.
    They have tested ut sme f their ideas using a rbtic arm with a fingertip sensr that can detect pressure and temperature. It uses a rbt-tissue patch (小片) mdeled n human skin t decide hw much pain shuld be felt and thus what actin t take. Fr example, if the arm feels light pain, it slwly withdraws until the pain stps, and then returns t its riginal task; severe pain, meanwhile, causes the arm t g int a kind f lckdwn mde until it can get help frm a human peratr.
    Such rbts are likely t raise a hst f questins, f curse, if they becme mre cmmn. If a rbt acts the same way a human des when tuching a ht plate, are we t believe it is truly experiencing pain? Only time will tell f curse, but ne thing that is evident, Kuehn and Haddadin’s wrk culd lead t rbts that are mre human-like than ever.
    What d we learn abut the rbts in the demnstratin?
    A. They have the ability t feel pain.
    B. They can learn skills like animals.
    C. They can cmmunicate with peple.
    D. They respnd differently t requests.
    18. What is paragraph 2 f the text mainly abut ?
    A. The principle f rbts’ avidance f injuries.
    B. The significance f teaching rbts t feel pain.
    C. The analysis f the artificial rbt nervus system.
    D. The value f prtecting human wrkers frm injury.
    19. What can we learn frm the example given in paragraph 3?
    A. The rbt is smart enugh t carry ut different tasks.
    B. The rbt can hardly wrk as well as a human peratr.
    C. The rbt can react differently based n degrees f pain.
    D. The rbt is tlerant f changes f pressure and temperature.
    20. What is the authr’s attitude tward Kuehn and Haddadin’s study?
    A. Optimistic. B. Dubtful. C. Unclear. D. Dismissive.
    Hw t Exercise in a New Way
    What shuld peple d when they can’t find the time r desire t d a lng wrkut? 21
    That means getting healthy with these bite-sized amunts f exercises.
    Exercise snacks (“零食式”运动) are a ppular and inventive new way fr peple t stay fit. Instead f requiring hurs at the gym, this cncept instructs yu t keep it shrt. 22 Then yu can take a break that lasts 30 minutes t fur hurs befre anther snack. It has been reprted that exercise snacks can be as effective as traditinal exercise methds.
    Of curse, the mre f these brief exercises yu cmplete in a day, the better. Just three exercise snacks a day that gets yur heart pumping can be gd fr yur health. 23 Yur cncentratin and creativity imprve, and yu can becme mre prductive. Als, “snacking” thrughut the day prevents yu frm sitting t lng—smething that’s always psitive.
    Anther great thing abut exercise snacks is that there are s many t chse frm. Acceptable activities range frm sit-ups t jumping rpe t running up and dwn sme stairs. 24
    Exercises that are strength-based such as lifting weights will fit the bill. Since mst peple dn’t keep weights at their ffice, lift full water bttles.
    Squats(深蹲)invlve mving yur hips as if t sit dwn while keeping yur back straight. This exercise helps strengthen yur lwer bdy and imprve yur mvement. Five t ten f these shuld make a gd snack.
    Fr thse wh dn’t like traditinal exercises, simply turn up the music. Pick a lively sng and start dancing; it’ll make fr a fun wrkut.
    A. It desn’t take up t much yur time.
    B. They shuld break that “large meal” int exercise “snacks.”
    C. And there are plenty f ther benefits beynd imprved fitness.
    D. These exercises can last anywhere frm 20 secnds t tw minutes.
    E. Cnsider giving exercise snacks a try, and see if they are t yur taste.
    F. They shuld cnstantly remind themselves f the imprtance f exercises.
    G. But fr thse wh dn’t knw where t start, here are sme helpful exercise ptins.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分37.5分)
    It was a Sunday mrning n a subway in New Yrk. Peple were sitting 26 , creating a calm, peaceful scene. Then 27 , a man and his children entered the subway car. The children were s 28 and active that the whle 29 f the car instantly changed.
    The man sat dwn next t me and clsed his eyes, bviusly 30 f the situatin. The children were yelling and thrwing things, and yet, the man sitting next t me did nthing.
    It was difficult nt t feel 31 . I culdn’t believe that he was 32 his children t run wild like that, and was taking n 33 at all. It was easy t see that everyne else n the subway felt annyed.
    S finally, I turned t him and said, “Sir, yur children are really 34 a lt f peple. Culd yu cntrl them a little mre? ”
    The man lifted his gaze (凝视) and said sftly, “ Oh, yu’re right; I guess I shuld d smething abut it. We just came frm the hspital where their mther 35 abut an hur ag. I dn’t knw what t think, and I guess they dn’t knw hw t 36 it either.”
    Can yu 37 what I felt at that mment? Suddenly, I saw things differently; my anger was gne. My heart was filled with the man’s 38 . Nw, instead f frustratin(沮丧), feelings f 39 filled my heart. “ Yur wife just died? Oh, I’m s srry. What can I d t help? ”
    Everything 40 in an instant.
    36.A.understand B.describeC.denyD.handle
    When a rbt’s behavir cnflicts ____________ the rders given by human beings, it will pse a threat t human existence.
    Despite facing thse experienced ____________ (ppnent), Alex’s passin fr the game helped him advance thrugh the ranks.
    List the prs and cns, __________ yu’ll make a better decisin.
    With several ideas ____________ (bunce) arund in his mind, he culdn’t wait t share them with us.
    T ur surprise, ____________ was nce a small fishing village has turned int a mdern city.
    The ppulatin in Califrnia ____________ (explde) ver the past few years and the state is faced with great challenges.
    Dangerus cnditins and damaged rads will make ____________ quite difficult t deliver fd and supplies.
    A series f hands-n classes are designed fr students ____________ (acquire) the necessary life skills.
    Mre data shuld be analyzed befre yu can cme t ____________ cnclusin.
    In the study, participants will be ____________ (randm) assigned t tw grups.
    第四部分 写作 (共三节,满分55分)
    第一节 句子考查(第51-55小题每空0.5分,第56~58小题每题3分,满分15分)
    It is a tugh jb t learn the pian, __________ __________ __________ (更不用说) the daily rutine f practice.
    Gerge desn’t appreciate what he has and __________ it __________ __________(认为理所当然).
    The exhibitin spnsred by the lcal gvernment __________ __________ (结果是) t be a great success.
    The traffic issue nt nly affects ur daily life, but it als puts peple’s lives at risk. (用倒装句改写)
    Nt nly _________ the traffic issue _________ ur daily life, but it als puts peple’s lives at risk.
    Dngguan is lcated in the Pearl River Delta. It cvers an area f abut 2,465 square kilmeters. (用分词合并句子)
    ___________ in the Pearl River Delta, Dngguan __________ an area f abut 2,465 square kilmeters.
    We are making great effrts t call n peple t make cntributins t rural educatin. (改为被动语态)
    He made anther wnderful discvery. I think this discvery is f great imprtance t science.(用非限制性定语从句合并)
    第二节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear William,

    Li Hua
    第三节 读后续写(满分25分)
    “This is the ne ’clck news. A wlf escaped frm the Drfrd Z this mrning and is believed t be still at large (未被抓捕的) in the Drfrd area. If hungry, the wlf might be dangerus. If anyne sees this animal, please infrm the nearest plice-statin.”
    Mrs. Clarke switched the radi ff: she wanted t make her middy lunch befre her baby wke up. She pushed the pram (婴儿车) int the garden, left it under a tree ut f the sun and went int the kitchen.
    Then minutes later she came t the back dr t see if everything was all right. A big dg was standing by the pram lking at the baby. “That’s the Jhnsn’s dg. I’ve tld them they ught t keep that great animal in their wn garden. Thse dgs are a bit t much like wlves.” Then Mrs. Clarke went cld. “Wlves. What have I heard abut wlves?” She was sure she had heard smething abut an escaped wlf n the radi. She lked hard at the creature by the pram—and the mre she lked the mre certain she became. It wasn’t the dg frm next dr. Like it, but different. It was as big as the dg, but the clr was grayer and it lked thinner.
    At this mment, the creature put its frnt legs n the side f the pram and lked at the sleeping baby, licking its face. The baby wke up and began t cry quietly.
    Mrs. Clarke wanted t scream, but she knew it wuld be wrng t d that. What shuld she d? “Infrm the plice,” the radi had said. But that meant leaving the garden and ging t the telephne near the frnt dr. She was sure that smehw she must get the wlf away frm the pram. Then she remembered the piece f meat she had bught. It was n the kitchen table.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Very quietly she slipped int the kitchen and came back with the meat.
    Hlding the baby in her arms in the kitchen, she telephned the plice.
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
    第一节 听力理解(共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)
    第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分 )
    6. Nvember/Nv. 7. 153 8. language teaching 9. farming 10. sick animals
    第6题没有大写扣1分;第8、10小题每词1分, 若8,9小题形式错扣0.5分, 10小题单复数错误扣0.5分。
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分37.5分)
    11-13: CBD 14-16: CDB 17-20: ABCA
    21-25: BDCGE
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分37.5分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    26-30: BACAD 31-35: CBDCC 36-40: DBADB
    41. with42. ppnents43. and44. buncing45. what
    46. has explded47. it48. t acquire49. a50. randmly
    第四部分 写作 (共三节,满分55分)
    第一节 句子考查(第51-55小题每空0.5分,第56~58小题每题3分,满分15分)
    51. nt t mentin 52. takes; fr granted 53. turned ut
    54. des; affect55. Lcated; cvers
    56. Great effrts are being made by us t call n peple t make cntributins t rural educatin.
    写出 are being made 结构给 2 分,时态错误扣 1 分,单复数错误扣 0.5 分;其他情况酌情给分。
    He made anther wnderful discvery, which I think is f great imprtance t science.
    没写逗号扣 1 分,写对 which 给 1 分;其他情况酌情给分。
    What makes us prud is that China has made great achievements in space explratin.
    或 That China has made great achievements in space explratin makes us prud.
    或 It makes us prud that China has made great achievements in space explratin.
    写出What makes us prud is that或 us prud或It makes us prud that得2分;其他情况酌情给分。
    第二节 应用文写作(满分 15 分)
    A pssible Versin:
    Learning that yu are interested in the study tur but at a lss abut which city t visit, I’d like t recmmend Guangzhu t yu.
    Guangzhu, the capital city f Guangdng, is a perfect cmbinatin f ld and new. Fr ne thing, it is an ancient city with rich histrical sites, such as Chen Clan Academy, Xiguan and Shameen, where yu can immerse yurself in its prfund histry and splendid Lingnan culture. Fr anther, Guangzhu enjys a high reputatin fr mdern cmplexes, amng which the icnic Cantn Twer is what yu can’t miss. Equally impressive is the Cantnese cuisine, which will give yu a feast fr yur appetite.
    I’m sure that yu will find Guangzhu a wrthwhile city t explre. Wish yu a meaningful and unfrgettable study tur!
    第三节 读后续写(满分 25 分)
    A pssible Versin:
    Very quietly she slipped int the kitchen and came back with the meat. The wlf was still standing ver the pram licking the baby’s face. She threw the meat int a crner under a tree well away frm the pram. As the meat hit the grund, the wlf lked rund. It hesitated fr a mment, then left fr the meat and began t eat it. Mrs. Clarke stle t the pram and immediately picked up the baby and ran int the kitchen as fast as pssible. She sank dwn int a chair, crying with relief.
    Hlding the baby in her arms in the kitchen, she telephned the plice. When the plice arrived, she tld them what had happened, and tk them t the kitchen windw. The wlf was lying n the grass, still eating the meat. The plice said they had sent fr a man frm the z and wuld arrive in a minute. Five minutes later, tw men frm the Drfrd Z came with a net and a small cage. Befre lng the wlf was safely in the cage and taken away, the rest f the meat still in its muth.
    A 篇: 11.C 12.B 13.D
    11.细节理解题。由第一个小标题的内容“Starting at: $849(起价:849 美元)”可知,一个人849,夫妻两人1698。故选C项。
    12.细节理解题。由第二个小标题的内容“Yur guided tur f Ireland and Britain begins in the capital city f Dublin. Enjy seeing the “ Fair City” including the statue-lined h O'Cnnell Street, Trinity Cllege and St. Patrick's Cathedral. (您的爱尔兰和英国导览游从首都都柏林开始。欣赏“美丽的城市”,包括雕像林立的奥康奈尔街、三一学院和圣帕特里克大教堂)”可知,这个旅游路线可以参观Trinity Cllege。故选B项。
    13.细节理解题。由第一个小标题的内容“A Lndn Guide will shw yu the city's famus landmarks like Bucking ham Palace, Dwning Street and Westminster Abbey. (伦敦指南将向您展示这座城市的著名地标,如白金汉宫、唐宁街和威斯敏斯特教堂)”和第二个小标题的内容“Yur lcal guide will shw yu the famus sights, including the Huses f Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and Bucking ham Palace. (您当地的导游会带您参观著名的景点,包括国会大厦、大本钟、威斯敏斯特教堂和白金汉宫)”和第三个小标题的内容“Yu'll spend three nights in Lndn t see the sits f this histric city—frm Big Ben t Bucking ham Palace, and als St. Pail's Cathedral. (您将在伦敦度过三个晚上,参观这座历史悠久的城市——从大本钟到白金火腿宫,以及圣帕伊尔大教堂)”可知,这三个旅游规划都能参观Bucking ham Palace。故选D项。
    B篇: 14.C 15.D 16.B
    14.词句猜测题。根据第二段前两句“Althugh the cmpetitive spirit may be as natural as breathing air, it des nt always lead t human prsperity. On the cntrary, left unmanaged, it can create misery fr urselves and thers.(虽然竞争精神可能像呼吸空气一样自然,但它并不总是给人类带来繁荣。相反,如果不加以管理,它会给我们自己和他人带来痛苦。)”和第三句中的“there is a frmula t slve this prblem withut unrealistically suggesting that(有一个公式可以解决这个问题,而不是不切实际地建议)”可知,此处是指不是不切实际地建议我们完全去除自己的竞争冲动,所以dispense with意为“去除”。故选C。
    15.推理判断题。根据第一段前两句“Humans are brn and wired t cmpete with ne anther. Peple cmpare hw many “likes” they have n scial media.(人类生来就注定要相互竞争。人们比较自己在社交媒体上有多少个“赞”。)”可知,把自己和那些不那么幸运的人比较时人们最有可能自我感觉良好。故选D。
    16.主旨大意题。根据第二段最后一句“Frtunately, there is a frmula t slve this prblem withut unrealistically suggesting that we entirely dispense with ur cmpetitive urge: Instead f always ging fr gld, sht fr the brnze.(幸运的是,有一个公式可以解决这个问题,而不会不切实际地建议我们完全放弃竞争冲动:不要总是追求金牌,而是要争取铜牌。)”可知,文章主要是讲争取铜牌、与自己竞争达到个人最佳水平的胜利。故选B。
    C篇:17.A 18.B 19.C 20.A
    17.细节理解题。根据第一段“As part f their demnstratin at last week’s IEEE Internatinal Cnference n Rbtics and Autmatin held in Stckhlm, Jhannes Kuehn and Sami Haddaddin shwed hw pain might be used in rbts, by interacting with a BiTac fingertip sensr n the end f a Kuka rbtic arm that had been prgrammed t react differently t differing amunts f pain.(上周在斯德哥尔摩举行的IEEE机器人与自动化国际会议上,Jhannes Kuehn和Sami Haddaddin展示了疼痛如何应用于机器人,通过与Kuka机械臂末端的BiTac指尖传感器进行交互,该传感器已被编程为对不同程度的疼痛做出不同的反应)”可知,演示中的机器人有感觉疼痛的能力。故选A。
    18.主旨大意题。根据第二段“The idea f develping an artificial rbt nervus system may seem cntrary t all expectatins, but Kuehn says ding s is imprtant in the same way that it is gd fr humans t feel pain. “Pain is a system that prtects us,” says Kuchn. “When we avid the surce f pain, it helps us nt get hurt.” S when rbts can feel and react t pain, they will becme smart enugh t avid it. The mre dangerus the rbt registers the threat t be, the faster it will withdraw and avid the surce f danger. Additinally, Kuehn and Haddadin say humans wrking alngside rbts that feel pain, especially thse in heavy machinery, will be prtected arund them.(开发人工机器人神经系统的想法似乎与所有人的期望相反,但库恩说,这样做很重要,就像人类感觉疼痛一样。“疼痛是一种保护我们的系统,”库恩说。“当我们避开痛苦的根源时,它就能帮助我们不受伤。”因此,当机器人能够感受到疼痛并做出反应时,它们将变得足够聪明,能够避免疼痛。机器人发现的威胁越危险,它就会越快地撤离并避开危险源。此外,Kuehn和hadadin说,人类和机器人一起工作,尤其是那些在重型机械上工作的机器人,将会受到保护)”可知,第二段主要讲的是教会机器人感知疼痛的意义。故选B。
    19.细节理解题。根据第三段“Fr example, if the arm feels light pain, it slwly withdraws until the pain stps, and then returns t its riginal task; severe pain, meanwhile, causes the arm t g int a kind f lckdwn mde until it can get help frm a human peratr.(例如,如果手臂感到轻微疼痛,它就会慢慢退缩,直到疼痛停止,然后再回到原来的工作中;与此同时,剧烈的疼痛会导致手臂进入一种锁定模式,直到它能得到人类操作员的帮助)”可知,机器人可以根据疼痛程度做出不同的反应。故选C。
    20.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Only time will tell f curse, but ne thing that is evident, Kuehn and Haddadin’s wrk culd lead t rbts that are mre human-like than ever. (当然,只有时间才能告诉我们答案,但有一件事是显而易见的,库恩和哈达丁的工作可能会让机器人变得比以往任何时候都更像人类)”可推知,作者对库恩和哈达丁的研究持乐观态度。故选A。
    七选五:21.B 22.D 23.C 24.G 25.E
    21.上文“What shuld peple d when they can’t find the time r desire t d a lng wrkut?(当人们找不到时间或不想进行长时间锻炼时应该怎么办?)”提出问题——当人们找不到时间或不想进行长时间锻炼时应该怎么办?空处应该对此回答,结合下文“Exercise snacks (“零食式”运动) are a ppular and inventive new way fr peple t stay fit. (零食式”运动是人们保持健康的一种流行且富有创意的新方式)”介绍了“零食式”运动可知,空处应与“零食式”运动有关,B项“他们应该把“大餐”分成运动“零食”。”符合语境,故选B。
    22.上文“Exercise snacks (“零食式”运动) are a ppular and inventive new way fr peple t stay fit. Instead f requiring hurs at the gym, this cncept instructs yu t keep it shrt.(“零食式”运动是人们保持健康的一种流行且富有创意的新方式。这个概念指导你保持短时间的锻炼,而不是要求你在健身房待上几个小时)”指出“零食式”运动使你进行短时间锻炼,D项“这些锻炼可以持续20秒到两分钟。”符合语境,承接上文,具体介绍了进行短时间锻炼所持续的时间,故选D。
    23.上文“ Just three exercise snacks a day that gets yur heart pumping can be gd fr yur health.(每天只需三顿运动零食即可让你的心脏跳动,对你的健康有益)”指出每天只需三顿运动零食,对你的健康有益,下文“Yur cncentratin and creativity imprve, and yu can becme mre prductive. Als, “snacking” thrughut the day prevents yu frm sitting t lng - smething that’s always psitive.(你的注意力和创造力都会提高,并且你的工作效率也会提高。此外,全天吃零食可以防止你坐得太久——这总是积极的)”介绍了其他方面的好处,由此可知,空处引起下文,指出除了改善体质之外,还有很多其他好处。C项“除了改善体质之外,还有很多其他好处。”符合语境,承上启下,故选C。
    24.上文“Acceptable activities range frm sit ups t jumping rpe t running up and dwn sme stairs.(可接受的活动包括仰卧起坐、跳绳、上下楼梯等)”指出“零食式”运动有很多种形式,下文“Exercises that are strength-based such as lifting weights will fit the bill.(基于力量的锻炼(例如举重)就符合要求)”,“Squats invlve mving yur hips as if t sit dwn while keeping yur back straight. (深蹲涉及移动臀部,就像坐下一样,同时保持背部挺直)”和“Fr thse wh dn’t like traditinal exercises, simply turn up the music.(对于那些不喜欢传统练习的人,只需打开音乐即可)”就“零食式”运动提供了几个有用的锻炼选择。由此可知,空处引起下文,G项“但对于那些不知道从哪里开始锻炼的人来说,这里有一些有用的锻炼选择。”符合语境,故选G。
    完形填空:26-30. BACAD 31-35. CBDCC 36-40. DBADB
    26.考查副词词义辨析。句意:人们安静地坐着——有的在看报纸,有的在沉思,有的闭着眼睛休息。A. nervusly紧张地;B. quietly安静地;C. seriusly严肃地;D. patiently耐心地。根据后文“sme reading newspapers, sme lst in thught, sme resting with their eyes clsed”可知人们安静地坐着,做自己的事情,故选B。
    27.考查副词词义辨析。句意:突然,一个男人和他的孩子们进了地铁。A. suddenly突然;B. finally最后;C. carefully仔细地;D. immediately立即。根据后文“a man and his children entered the subway car”指突然一名男子和孩子进了地铁。故选A。
    28.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:孩子们又吵又闹,车子里的气氛一下子就变了。A. happy快乐的;B. cute可爱的;C. lud大声的;D. funny有趣的。根据后文“The children were yelling”可知孩子们很吵闹。故选C。
    29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:孩子们又吵又闹,车子里的气氛一下子就变了。A. md气氛;B. view观点;C. cnditin条件;D. psitin位置。根据后文“f the car instantly changed”可知孩子们的吵闹改变了地铁里的气氛。故选A。
    30.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那个人坐在我旁边,闭上眼睛,显然没有意识到这种情况。A. afraid害怕的;B. tired疲惫的;C. prud自豪的;D. unaware没意识到的。根据上文“The man sat dwn next t me and clsed his eyes, bviusly”可知,男子闭着眼坐着,没有意识到这种情况。故选D。
    31.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:很难不感到恼火。A. wrried担心的;B. discuraged沮丧的;C. annyed生气的;D. ashamed羞愧的。呼应后文“else n the subway felt annyed”指对孩子们的吵闹感到恼火。故选C。
    32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不能相信他会让他的孩子们那样放肆,而且一点责任都没有。A. expecting期待;B. allwing允许;C. warning警告;D. guiding指导。根据后文“his children t run wild like that”指男子允许自己的孩子在地铁里胡闹。故选B。
    33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我不能相信他会让他的孩子们那样放肆,而且一点责任都没有。A. risks风险;B. ntes笔记;C. effect影响;D. respnsibility责任。结合上文可知男子对孩子们的做法不管不顾,一点都负责。故选D。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:先生,您的孩子真的打扰了很多人。A. supprting支持;B. embarrassing尴尬;C. disturbing打扰;D. attracting吸引。上文提到孩子们在地铁里打闹,即打扰了很多人。故选C。
    35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们刚从他们母亲一小时前去世的医院回来。A. returned返回;B. wrked工作;C. died死亡;D. stayed停留。呼应后文“Yur wife just died?”可知男子的妻子去世了。故选C。
    36.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不知道该怎么想,我猜他们也不知道如何应对。A. understand理解;B. describe描述;C. deny否认;D. handle处理,应对。根据上文“I guess they dn’t knw hw t”指不知如何应对母亲去世的事情。故选D。
    37.考查动词词义辨析。句意:你能想象我当时的感受吗?A. express表达;B. imagine想象;C. predict预测;D. remember记得。根据后文“what I felt at that mment?”指想象当时的感受,应用imagine。故选B。
    38.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我不用担心控制自己的态度或行为;我的心里充满了那个男人的痛苦。A. pain痛苦;B. jy快乐;C. curage勇气;D. faith信念。上文提到男子的妻子刚刚去世了,所以充满了痛苦。故选A。
    39.考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在,我的心里充满了同情,而不是沮丧。A. relief安慰;B. trust信任;C. freedm自由;D. sympathy同情。根据后文“Oh, I’m s srry. Can yu tell me abut it? What can I d t help?( 哦,我很抱歉。你能给我讲讲吗?我能帮上什么忙?)”指作者心里充满了同情。故选D。
    40.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一切都在一瞬间改变了。A. restred修复;B. changed改变;C. settled解决;D. ended结束。根据上文内容可知,作者从一开始对男子纵容孩子的愤怒,到后来充满了同情,一切都在瞬间改变了。故选B。

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